[cia-drugs] Estulin: After G20, Oligarchs Moving on African Union, Population Reduction

2009-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan

Estulin: After G20, Oligarchs Moving on African Union, Population Reduction

James Corbett
The Corbett Report
11 November, 2009

In an exclusive interview with The Corbett Report earlier today, Daniel
Estulin revealed the behind-the-scenes details of last week's G20 Finance
Minister's meeting in St. Andrews, Scotland. Many of these details come from
actual G20 documents that his sources were able to sneak out of the meetings
in spite of security measures which, Estulin notes, were unprecedented even
by Bilderberg standards. These documents, which contain valuable
information about the conference, are available at BilderbergBook.com and
have been mirrored on The Corbett Report homepage. They were smuggled out at
great personal risk and need to be disseminated widely.

The key issue discussed at the meeting, according to Estulin, was the next
step in globalization, which is the creation of the African Union. This is
part of an unfolding agenda of the ceding of national sovereignty to
unnacountable regional governments which can more easily administer and
implement the aims of the financial oligarchs. One of these aims is the
elite's exhaustively documented penchant for population reduction, including
tying development aid to population control problems. The creation of the
borderless African continent will be spearheaded by the IMF.

One of the smuggled documents shows that an attendee had the IMF articles of
agreement at the meeting and highlighted the fact that funds were made
available under adequate safeguards to member nations. This is code speak
for imposing draconian measures designed to plunge countries into virtual
servitude, with the result that in Africa, countries spend five times more
revenue on servicing their IMF debts than they do on health care for their
own citizens.

Watch an excerpt of the interview in the video below:

The meeting's attendees, also identified in the smuggled documents, reads
like a who's who of the financial oligarchical elite, including leading
Bilderbergers such as U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Federal
Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, World Bank President Bob Zoellick, Turkish
Finance Minister Ali Babacan and British Finance Minister Alistair Darling
and many others. The Trilateral Commission was also represented at the
conference by Japanese members Yoshihiko Noda and Masaaki Shirakawa.

In the interview, Estulin discusses the G20's debate on dumping the U.S.
dollar which he first revealed would be on the meeting's agenda in a press
release last week. He indicates that the matter, although discussed, was
rejected . The American and the British delegations tried to persuade the
Russian and the Chinese delegates to devalue the dollar and create a basket
of currencies or another world currency to take the place of the dollar, he
said. Luckily, both the Russians and the Chinese told the Americans and the
British to go pound sand. They were not willing to do this.

The idea that the Western financial oligarchs are aiming to dump the U.S.
dollar is in line with recent reports that Goldman Sachs (whose members are
suspiciously well connected to the upper echelons of the U.S. Treasury)
actually took up positions to short the housing market right before the
crash. Although a pre-meditated attempt to bring about a financial collapse
would appear not to be in the financial oligarch's self-interest, it makes
perfect sense when one considers this as a problem-reaction-solution
operation of creating a problem in order to get the public to support a
pre-determined solution. In this case, the endgame has always been to use a
financial collapse to usher in a New World Order. Now, exactly as precicted,
everyone from Kissinger to Soros is using the economic collapse to call for
a new financial order of greater international (read: unelected,
undemocratic and unaccountable) control over world financial markets.
Indeed, just as the G20 was wrapping up, talking heads like Damon Vickers
were starting to insert talking points about a new global currency and a
New World Order onto CNBC. Although it is good news that the dumping of
the dollar failed to gain traction at this meeting, it by no means insures
that this disastrous move will not continue to be pursued by the influential
globalist financiers.

On a positive note, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty made a show of
standing up for the people of the planet by noting that the recent public
policy of privatizing profits and socializing losses is unacceptable to
taxpayers, to which someone responded Do you think they have noticed? The
response provoked laughter from the assembled oligarchs. Mr. Estulin has a
message for the G20 oligarchs: Gentlemen of the G20, in case you're
wondering: Yes, we the great unwashed have definitely noticed.

Listen to the full interview by clicking here or listen in the player below:

Re: [cia-drugs] FW: Soros Calls for World Currency and New World Architecture

2009-11-11 Thread Bruce Majors
Today is the official release date for *Who Killed the Constitution? The
Fate of American Liberty from World War I to George W.
House/Crown Forum), the book I wrote with Kevin Gutzman, the *New York Times
* bestselling author of *The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution

a sense, our book states the obvious: the United States government today is
restrained not by the Constitution but simply by a sense of what it can get
away with.

But ours is not the standard right-wing lament about the emasculation of the
Constitution at the hands of liberal judges, though such judges receive in
our pages none of the superstitious reverence Americans are taught to have
for the judiciary. (Mencken once described a judge as merely a law student
who graded his own examination papers.) To the contrary, we suggest that all
three branches of the federal government, either separately or in collusion,
have been responsible for turning the Constitution into just a museum piece,
and that conservatives and liberals alike have much to answer for as well.

To hear the Left tell it, the Bush administration is a strange aberration in
our history. But bad as the Bush administration is, it is not an aberration,
and most of its deformations of the Constitution enjoy bipartisan support.
The Democrats have made and will doubtless continue to make equally bold
claims for presidential war powers, and Bill Clinton sought measures similar
to the Patriot Act in the 1990s.

As I wrote in last year’s *33 Questions About American History You’re Not
Supposed to 
The philosophy of an activist, vigorous executive possessing inherent
powers that override congressional prerogative is not a recent development
at all, but has been an integral part of the thinking of most of the
presidents our historians teach us to admire. Demonizing only one president,
as the left is by and large still doing in 2008, is far too timid. So many
others merit the same treatment.

We show that Harry Truman’s seizure of the steel mills in 1952, for which
the Supreme Court rebuked him (though not as sweepingly as the standard
account suggests), was based on the same philosophy of the presidency that
nearly all twentieth-century presidents held, and was likewise no aberration
at all.

Woodrow Wilson is another good example, for more reasons than we can
chronicle in this book. As Bill Kauffman puts it, Wilson makes George W.
Bush look like a pro bono lawyer for the ACLU. In tandem with draconian
penalties for the most harmless statements about the Great War, voluntary
enforcement agencies with names like the Sedition Slammers, the Terrible
Threateners, and the Boy Spies of America sprang up across the country.
Eugene V. Debs made the best of his situation, collecting a million votes
for president in the 1920 election while in prison for giving a speech. (A
popular campaign button read, For President: Convict No. 9653.) All three
branches of government heartily approved.

Now people who draw the conclusions that our book does in the cases relating
to race can be assured of smears and character assassination. The intentions
of anyone advancing them are assumed to be bad, so their reasoning is
ignored. That’s how our society works, and media and education
establishments populated by cowards and ignoramuses keep it that way.
Likewise, writers critical of President Bush and the constitutional theories
of those under him will be accused of aiding the terrorists. Rational
discussion of what the Constitution actually says, regardless of whom it
offends, almost never occurs in such an environment. Every significant
appeal to the Constitution, supposedly the fundamental law of the land, is a
thought crime of one kind or another. That seems to be just the way the
political and media establishments like it.

We also cover the issue of presidential signing statements, by which
President Bush has pledged to interpret various laws in ways that are at
odds with congressional intent, or not to enforce them at all. Such
statements often go overlooked, buried in collections of official documents.
But Bush has used the signing statement to challenge twice as many
legislative provisions as all previous presidents combined. (And no, he’s
not challenging them because they’re unconstitutional and he’s such a
constitutional stickler.)

We show the alleged constitutional power to draft people into the armed
forces to be without foundation; one of the arguments the Court used to
uphold it was that all the cool countries were doing it – Russian, Austrian,
German, Japanese, and Chinese emperors 

[cia-drugs] FW: Invention Secrecy Statistics [1 Attachment]

2009-11-11 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: Sardar sar...@spiritone.com
 Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 19:43:02 -0800
 To: Sardar recon1968br...@yahoo.com
 Subject: Invention Secrecy Statistics
 PDF Version, FY 88 - FY 09
   Invention Secrecy Activity
   (as reported by the Patent  Trademark Office)
 Total Secrecy Orders in Effect  4915494250025023
 (at end of period)
 New Secrecy Orders Imposed  106 108 128 68  103
 Secrecy Orders Rescinded76  81  68  47  45
 Sponsoring Agencies for
 New Secrecy Orders
 Foreign Origin  23  3   10  10  23
 ARMY14  2   22  8   9
 NAVY8   36  28  8   39
 AF  46  40  45  20  21
 DOE 6   7   0   2   0
 NSA 9   20  21  20  12
 DTSA2   0   0
 NIH 0   0   0   0   0
 New DoD Secrecy Order Types
 Type 1 (export control) 11  19  15  21  41
 Type 2 (classified) 42  52  68  25  24
 Type 2 (foreign PSA)24  3   11  10  23
 Type 3  23  27  34  10  15
 New Non-DoD Secrecy Orders  6   7   0   2   0
 John Doe Secrecy Orders
 (imposed on private inventors)  32  29  53  22  21
 maintained by Steven Aftergood

-- End of Forwarded Message

[cia-drugs] Massive blackout leaves Brazil in Darkness [1 Attachment]

2009-11-11 Thread nathaniel x vance
Massive blackout leaves Brazil on edge
SAO PAULO, Brazil (AFP) – A massive blackout plunged tens of millions in 
Brazil's largest cities into darkness, sparking major disruptions, fears of 
crime and energy supply concerns Wednesday for the newly named Olympic 
hosts.The outage across much of southern Brazil started at 10:15 pm Tuesday 
(0015 GMT) and lasted some four hours. Neighboring Paraguay also suffered a 
30-minute nationwide blackout.
 video of Brazil blackout  Nov. 10, 2009

The earthly  ENDTIME  of the Wicked - Not the RIGHTEOUS. 
salaam  akwaaba  jambo  ashogee

[cia-drugs] Re: Another Murdoch/Beck Lie: Obama is NOT Racist!

2009-11-11 Thread muckblit
Rupert Murdoch rose on a tide of CIA money and control:

Rightwing psyopers call this weaponized speech. If you have ever faced
a person using weaponized speech, they are not thinking when they do it.
They cannot engage in discussion. They are throwing brickbats and those
who make the munitions know they are taking a leap over the top, but
true believers justify their hasty, lazy, cheap pragmatism and prejudice
as a witch-hunt. They believe that witch-hunts are good. They are
neo-puritans and that is why Americans make the best psychopathic
lackeys of British dope-guns-oil imperialism distracting us from the
printing of money by the Venetian vandals.

For one thing, this is an example and a specimen of role reversal
guilt projection. Racists turn the tables. Rightwing propaganda has been
using this ploy a lot, on behalf of racist genocidal police-military
keynesianism. They also try to turn the tables and make Bush's bailout
over into Obama's bailout. Obama had to sign off on the bailout before
inauguration or be assassinated. That's when we started to hear that
victims of racism are racist, and victims of haters are haters if they
express anger and remember the history of abuse. The rightwing
thus demonstrates the psychopathology of abuse, when the as the
historical abusers seem to view their longterm victims as abusers.
Abusers then beat their victims again, in the belief that they are
defending and vindicating themselves as victims. For racists to
accuse their perennial victims of racism demonstrates the
quintessential criminal mind. She wanted it, neo-puritan
American psychopaths rationalize.

The Irish never bothered the English. Palestinians and Jews got along
under the Ottoman Empire. Four hundred years of English genocide
against the Irish is superceded in US history textbooks and news
media, and propaganda tells us instead about Irish reaction and
self defense and Palestinian reaction and self defense. In both cases
the British empire stole land by genocide.

The British empire committed atrocities against the Kenyan Mao
Mao in the 1950's, just as British SAS soldiers were caught in Iraq
a few years ago, dressed up as Sunnis, carrying explosives, at a
Shiite mosque. British informers in the IRA and Northern Irish
groups committed most of the atrocities. CIA did 911. The 911
Commission's report conceals that Khalid Sheikh Mohamed and
Amed Omar Saeed Sheikh were Pakistanis working for the chief
of Pak intel, who had breakfast with future CIA director Porter
Goss across the river from the Pentagon the morning of 9/11/2001.
As soon as the report came out Goss was named CIA director.

Just as President Kennedy's first assassination was the character
assassination by suicide consisting of the Bay of Pigs invasion,
a rightwing op like Bill Clinton's Waco carried out by Florida
Bush machine flunky Janet Reno, Obama is experiencing his
rightwing Bay of Pigs and Vietnam in Pakistan. To assign
responsibility for Bay of Pigs on JFK, Waco on Clinton, bailout
and wars on Obama, is a degree of false flag assisting role
reversal by guilt projection. Of course the Democrats ought
to have been smarter but Osama does not mind. They play
their role as placeholders and foils for rightwing madness
in the service of plunder.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, nathaniel x vance broali...@...

Another Murdoch/Beck Lie: Obama is NOT Racist!
Dear Group,
Last week, when asked about Glenn Beck calling President Obama racist,
Rupert Murdoch, chairman of Fox News Channel's parent company (News
Corp) said if you actually assess what he was talking about, [Beck] was
On Tuesday, after his endorsement of Beck's race-baiting started to draw
attention, Murdoch claimed, through a spokesperson, that he didn't mean
he agrees with Beck.2 It's ridiculous -- what else could he have
possibly meant?

Murdoch calls the shots at Fox News, and he's just made it clear that
Fox's problem with race starts in his office. Now that he's been caught,
he's trying to play dumb -- he doesn't want to be held accountable for
Beck's rhetoric, but he won't denounce or stop it either.

Please sign a letter to Mr. Monopolistic Murdoch at ColorOfChange.org

The earthly  ENDTIME  of the Wicked - Not the RIGHTEOUS.
salaam  akwaaba  jambo  ashogee
1 of 1 Photo(s)

[cia-drugs] Distracted

2009-11-11 Thread ruxpert


Maggie Jackson talked about her book Distracted: The Erosion of Attention 
and the Coming of the Dark Age (Prometheus Books; June 4, 2008). About the 
Program A Boston Globe columnist examines the phenomenon of attention - or 
lack thereof - in a culture she says is becoming more fragmented, despite 
the growing sources for social networking. The author was the keynote 
speaker to kick off Education Week. About the Authors Maggie Jackson Ms. 
Jackson writes the Balancing Act column for the Boston Globe. Her work has 
also appeared in the New York Times. She's author of What's Happening to 
Home? Balancing Work, Life and Refuge in the Information Age. 



[cia-drugs] 5 men charged with sex crimes against children

2009-11-11 Thread smartnews
5 men charged with sex crimes against  children 

describes crimes
AP By Associated Press Writer Bill Draper And Heather  Hollingsworth, 
Associated Press Writer 11/11/09  LEXINGTON, Mo. 
Authorities on Wednesday were searching a rural property in western  
Missouri for bodies and buried glass jars containing notes written more than 15 
years ago by children who may have documented sexual abuse by five members of 
 their own family. Lafayette County Sheriff Kerrick Alumbaugh pleaded for 
the  public's help, saying investigators believe that there are other 
victims out  there, and we believe people in the public can give us more 
information.  Alumbaugh said authorities believe there may be bodies buried on 
property  outside Bates City, which is about 30 miles east of Kansas City. He 
refused to  say to whom any of the bodies would have belonged. The property 
and a nearby  home is owned by a man unrelated to the case who is 
cooperating with  authorities
The five men were arrested Tuesday and are charged with several felonies,  
including forcible sodomy, rape with a child younger than 12 and use of a 
child  in a sexual performance. The allegations, which include bestiality and 
forcing  an 11-year-old to have an abortion, date from 1988 to 1995Three 
of the five  men are lay ministers in the Community of Christ church whose 
licenses have been  suspended, church spokeswoman Linda L. Booth saidThe 
woman who came forward  claimed some of the men sexually abused her and her 
siblings, forced her to have  sex with a dog, forced the siblings into fake 
marriages with relatives and  forced her to watch as her brother was 
The church takes seriously the allegations that have been made and  
suspended the priesthood licenses of three lay ministers: Burrell Mohler Sr.,  
David Mohler and Jared Mohler, the church said in a statement. Booth said one  
of the men, whom she refused to identify, had been registered to work with  
children but that license has been terminated. The Community of Christ,  
headquartered in Independence, split from The Church of Jesus Christ of  
Latter-day Saints in 1860 and was known as the Reorganized Church of Jesus  
Christ of Latter Day Saints until 2001. It has about 250,000 members worldwide. 