[cia-drugs] Help Repeal Unjust Racist Crack Cocaine Sentences [1 Attachment]

2009-12-03 Thread nathaniel x vance
Help Repeal Unjust Racist Crack Cocaine Sentences
One of the most glaring injustices in US drug policy is the infamous 
crack/powder sentencing disparity, in which possession of a mere five grams of 
crack cocaine draws a five-year mandatory minimum sentence under federal law. 
It takes 100 times as much powder cocaine, 500 grams, to get the same sentence. 
The law has been applied in a racially disparate fashion since it was enacted 
23 years ago, but reform efforts have mostly stalled.
 Until this year, that is. Last July the Judiciary Committee of the US House of 
Representatives approved H.R. 3245, the Fairness in Cocaine Sentencing Act of 
2009. In October, a similar bill was introduced in the Senate, S. 1789.
 Please call your US Representative and your two US Senators to urge their 
strongest possible support for the Fairness in Cocaine Sentencing Act. The 
number for the Capitol Switchboard and your legislators is (202) 224-3121, or 
click here to look them up online. Whether you call today or not, please use 
our online form at this web page to email your Rep. and Senators too.
Please all members,  to send an automated letter to your Congresspersons, 
please click the link below. When the page is loaded, 
go to the top or down to the bottom of page and ENTER your Zip code, then click 
GO .
We need everyone to do so, 

The earthly  ENDTIME  of the Wicked - Not the RIGHTEOUS. 
salaam  akwaaba  jambo  ashogee

[cia-drugs] HAARP Creates Bullseye In The Sky

2009-12-03 Thread norgesen
HAARP Creates Bullseye In The Sky

By Britain News.Net , on 10-15-2009

An experiment that fires powerful radio waves into the sky has created a patch 
of 'artificial ionosphere', mimicking the uppermost portion of Earth's 

According to a report in Nature News, the experiment is called the 'High 
Frequency Active Auroral Research Program' (HAARP), near Gakona, Alaska. 

It has spent nearly two decades using radio waves to probe Earth's magnetic 
field and ionosphere. 

One of the most obvious results of the experiments is that they can create 
lights in the sky that are similar to auroras, the glowing curtains of light 
that naturally appear in the polar skies when electrons and other charged 
particles pour down from Earth's protective magnetosphere into the upper 

There, at an altitude of about 250 kilometres, the charged particles collide 
with molecules of oxygen and nitrogen and make them emit light, similar to the 
process inside a fluorescent light bulb.

HAARP's high-frequency radio waves can accelerate electrons in the atmosphere, 
increasing the energy of their collisions and creating a glow. 

The technique has previously triggered speckles of light while running at a 
power of almost 1 megawatt1. 

But since the facility ramped up to 3.6 megawatts - roughly three times more 
than a typical broadcast radio transmitter - it has created full-scale 
artificial auroras that are visible to the naked eye. 

But in February last year, HAARP managed to induce a strange bullseye pattern 
in the night sky. 

Instead of the expected fuzzy, doughnut-shaped blob, surprising irregular 
luminescent bands radiated out from the centre of the bullseye, according to 
Todd Pedersen, a research physicist at the US Air Force Research Laboratory in 
Massachusetts, who leads the team that ran the experiment at HAARP. 

The team modelled how the energy sent skywards from the HAARP antenna array 
would trigger these odd shapes. 

They determined that the areas of the bullseye with strange light patterns were 
in regions of denser, partially ionized gas in the atmosphere, as measured by 
ground-based high-frequency radar used to track the ionosphere. 

The scientists believe that these dense patches of plasma could be gas that was 
ionized by the HAARP emissions. 

This is the really exciting part - we've made a little artificial piece of 
ionosphere, Pedersen said.

The novelty is not seeing the aurora - it's the fact that we can actually 
create enough high-energy electrons to form plasma, said Mike Kosch, chair of 
Experimental Space Science at Lancaster University, UK. 

It shows something completely different and new that we hadn't expected. We 
didn't know we could do that from a radio array on the ground, he added. 



[cia-drugs] Privatizing Biowar

2009-12-03 Thread Bob D
From the Frank Olson book by Albarellie from Trineday(Kris Millegan),
I can see that privatizing biowar was neither just a 1970's CIA Bush
and Shackley privatization or a 1980's 1990's neolib-neocon Milton
Friedman privatization. Privatization of the first kind relates to lack
of Congressional oversight and the second, looting of public
investments. Of course privatization of biowar is both, but the
history of privatizing US biowar research goes all the way back
to the beginning. page 44-45. Merck brought the research back
under the Army due to problems of coordination and security.
At some point the original plan was re-instituted, and universities
and private labs both distributed and privatized the research.

911 anthraxing of opposition party leaders Daschle and Leahy
and a Florida reporter was predicated by anthraxing Arkansas state
police investigator Russell Welch to stop him from exposing Mena
airport CIA drug operations controlled by Oliver North and George
HW Bush. That would have linked up with GHW Bush's trip to
Honduras to coerce cooperation, leading to another assassination
of a spanish-speaking head of state, and that would have made
nice background for Boland prosecutions for illegally arming the
Nicaraguan Contras. Anthrax is a strategic weapon of mass
destruction, the use of which generally has something to do
with the Bush family, as in those two instances.


Re: [cia-drugs] Privatizing Biowar

2009-12-03 Thread Mary Hartman
GHWB was allegedly on the Board for both Merck and Eli Lilly.  Neat how that 
works, how he's always in the right place at the right time so he can maximize 
the destruction he wreaks around the world.  Only a sociopath could commit this 
much wrong and sleep.  


--- On Thu, 12/3/09, Bob D muckb...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: Bob D muckb...@yahoo.com
Subject: [cia-drugs] Privatizing Biowar
To: Mary Hartman hartmanmar...@yahoo.com, CIA Drugs 
Date: Thursday, December 3, 2009, 9:21 PM



  From the Frank Olson book by Albarellie from Trineday(Kris Millegan),
I can see that privatizing biowar was neither just a 1970's CIA Bush
and Shackley privatization or a 1980's 1990's neolib-neocon Milton
Friedman privatization. Privatization of the first kind relates to lack
of Congressional oversight and the second, looting of public
investments. Of course privatization of biowar is both, but the
history of privatizing US biowar research goes all the way back
to the beginning. page 44-45. Merck brought the research back
under the Army due to problems of coordination and security.
At some point the original plan was re-instituted, and universities
and private labs both distributed and privatized the research.

911 anthraxing of opposition party leaders Daschle and
and a Florida reporter was predicated by anthraxing Arkansas state
police investigator Russell Welch to stop him from exposing Mena
airport CIA drug operations controlled by Oliver North and George
HW Bush. That would have linked up with GHW Bush's trip to
Honduras to coerce cooperation, leading to another assassination
of a spanish-speaking head of state, and that would have made
nice background for Boland prosecutions for illegally arming the
Nicaraguan Contras. Anthrax is a strategic weapon of mass
destruction, the use of which generally has something to do
with the Bush family, as in those two instances.






[cia-drugs] Re: Help Repeal Unjust Racist Crack Cocaine Sentences

2009-12-03 Thread muckblit
As I get poorer and poorer myself after 20 years of inner city
I continue to learn about other shunts and ambushes deployed according
profiling of black male Afro-Americans. There is just one impossible
another at the bottom, and familiar ideas are subject to a different

Five Weapons Company Media might let the public hear once a decade that
felons lose their right to vote in some states, but not likely that
enough people
were falsely accused in Florida in 2000 of being felons to throw that
Then the public would never be told of deeper level impossibilities such
how that law is turned into a modern 3/5 Compromise as states put their
prisons in rural counties, essentially bribing voters with jail jobs,
and then
legislative positions in Congress are apportioned according to how many
residents plus convicts are living there, but guards get to vote for
essentially, since prisoners don't vote but guard votes count for extra
congressmen due to prisoner residency. Get it?

That Neo 3/5 Rule is part of modern racism, yet Five Weapons Company
Media would just quote a black source as saying racism has not gone
without delving into specifics like the way the astronomical
rate, crack vs. powder sentencing inequity, moving black male voters
urban voting precincts to rural prisons and giving their votes to jail
bribed by those jobs, all adds up to racism.

Then down at the bottom where I am actually struggling so I find about
dead-ends I had not noticed in 20 years as a volunteer, I notice that in
Virginia medicaid is only for pregnant women, according to the Social
services website. Is that even true? Could someone go to a hospital and
sign up for medicaid anyway?

Another impossible, again more for young black males than anyone else,
is the way housing assistance is not for prison graduates.

Another myth is that of a welfare system. There is no such thing, only
a list of separate government and private entities which can all say no
and usually do! A series of impossibles composing a gauntlet to run and
get whacked in the name of welfare, with a few crumbs thrown in so I
must be wrong about oh so generous liberal white and corporate America.

All the apartment managers work for gangs. That leads to a lot of
They might institute eviction proceedings if one out of three entities
rent times three tries to bow out. If they don't collect 3x, you might
evicted. Drug gangs also evict people who don't like breathing chemical
fumes from labs, or other nuisances.

The real catch-22 is the one about no drug felons can have housing. Is
that not Jim Crow? Back to the slammer for meals and a warm bed in
the winter. There are many impossibles like that. There ought to  be
a map of all the impossibles and possibles. How is that felon supposed
to get a job before housing? OK, so he has to find a woman on welfare
and live with her, but that will get her kicked out so he has to move
from one to the other, back and forth, outlaw on the run, then back
to Jim Nanny Crow's binary work farm. The work farm is binary,
pairing one black male placeholder in the warehouse with one white
taxpayer.  That way Jim Crow does not need to find jobs for the
placeholders, and the white slaves will always vote Republican
because Five Weapons Company Media will only feed them pro
pagan da to foster divisive resentments, not explaining that they
and their black placeholders are both slaves.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, nathaniel x vance broali...@...

Help Repeal Unjust Racist Crack Cocaine Sentences
One of the most glaring injustices in US drug policy is the infamous
crack/powder sentencing disparity, in which possession of a mere five
grams of crack cocaine draws a five-year mandatory minimum sentence
under federal law. It takes 100 times as much powder cocaine, 500 grams,
to get the same sentence. The law has been applied in a racially
disparate fashion since it was enacted 23 years ago, but reform efforts
have mostly stalled.

  Until this year, that is. Last July the Judiciary Committee of the US
House of Representatives approved H.R. 3245
http://capwiz.com/drcnet/issues/bills/?bill=14229151 , the Fairness in
Cocaine Sentencing Act of 2009. In October, a similar bill was
introduced in the Senate, S. 1789
http://capwiz.com/drcnet/issues/bills/?bill=14229206 .

  Please call your US Representative and your two US Senators to urge
their strongest possible support for the Fairness in Cocaine Sentencing
Act. The number for the Capitol Switchboard and your legislators is
(202) 224-3121, or click here
http://capwiz.com/drcnet/officials/congress/  to look them up online.
Whether you call today or not, please use our online form at this web
page to email your Rep. and Senators too.

Please all members,  to send an automated letter to your

[cia-drugs] Re: Privatizing Biowar

2009-12-03 Thread muckblit
Merck controlled US biowar from its beginning. Merck came from
Germany in 1891. Prescott Bush went to Germany and backed Hitler
from the 1920's until halfway through WW2. The Olson book also
mentions a connection back into German corporations tied to Bush
and his Silesian and Dutch nazi fronts.

Mindwar is the bottleneck for all of their scams. According to
the Chinese proverb, same as Milner's quote in Estulin's
Bilderberg book, and same as Fabian motto, they set up a
hierarchicalism and snipe down at credentials and ideas,
then sell whomever and whatever credentialled by hired-
archicalism. Fabians call it permeationg, but students of
pseudo science are calling it hierarchicalism, defining that
by pedantic academic citations of fact as being hired-archicalism.

If I called it priestcraft instead of hired-archicalism, then
we could visit the context where the advent of the printing
press enabled Tyndale to say to the friar,the day is coming
when the plowman in the field will know more about the bible
than you. First desktop publishing which allows on-demand
publishing without huge inventories, and then the internet,
hold promise for some degree of analogy of informing the
common laborer. Those people worked long hours and still
outran the friars in the new game of that day. Jesse Ventura
and Charlie Sheen can act up now(already).

Shortly before he died, Frank Olson went to see Martin Luther,
the first version of that movie. He was not impressed. Luther
did something like Tyndale, yet the friars retaliated, and
the Bilderberger CIA has all sorts of mind control at work by
advantage of always being ahead on information and willing to
use brutal methods to prevent information from enabling the
decentralization of energy and other now monopolized resources
such as a cow's milk. There is something wrong about a supply
chain that a cow cannot understand. The product was actually
finished by the cow, without corporate meddling.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Mary Hartman hartmanmar...@... wrote:

 GHWB was allegedly on the Board for both Merck and Eli Lilly.  Neat how that 
 works, how he's always in the right place at the right time so he can 
 maximize the destruction he wreaks around the world.  Only a sociopath could 
 commit this much wrong and sleep.  
 --- On Thu, 12/3/09, Bob D muckb...@... wrote:
 From: Bob D muckb...@...
 Subject: [cia-drugs] Privatizing Biowar
 To: Mary Hartman hartmanmar...@..., CIA Drugs 
 Date: Thursday, December 3, 2009, 9:21 PM
   From the Frank Olson book by Albarellie from Trineday(Kris Millegan),
 I can see that privatizing biowar was neither just a 1970's CIA Bush
 and Shackley privatization or a 1980's 1990's neolib-neocon Milton
 Friedman privatization. Privatization of the first kind relates to lack
 of Congressional oversight and the second, looting of public
 investments. Of course privatization of biowar is both, but the
 history of privatizing US biowar research goes all the way back
 to the beginning. page 44-45. Merck brought the research back
 under the Army due to problems of coordination and security.
 At some point the original plan was re-instituted, and universities
 and private labs both distributed and privatized the research.
 911 anthraxing of opposition party leaders Daschle and
 and a Florida reporter was predicated by anthraxing Arkansas state
 police investigator Russell Welch to stop him from exposing Mena
 airport CIA drug operations controlled by Oliver North and George
 HW Bush. That would have linked up with GHW Bush's trip to
 Honduras to coerce cooperation, leading to another assassination
 of a spanish-speaking head of state, and that would have made
 nice background for Boland prosecutions for illegally arming the
 Nicaraguan Contras. Anthrax is a strategic weapon of mass
 destruction, the use of which generally has something to do
 with the Bush family, as in those two instances.

[cia-drugs] Participate in Identifying Narcotics Terrorist Activity EXPLICITLY Against World

2009-12-03 Thread genocideeuropean
M Remake, Losey (1951) - Obvious Database System

Eine Stadt sucht einen Moerder 

Participate in Identifying Narcotics Terrorist Activity EXPLICITLY Against 
World Peace.

Democracy Work News http://bit.ly/AWE_DW_News

Photos are of Evidence  Narcotics Terrorist Perspective useful in 
International Criminal Court proceedings on Hindi pushing Extinction  
Narcotics Terrorist Extreme Dehumanization.

Bike in Bathtub: Organ Theft, eKidnapping, Human Trafficking, Dirty-Evil Hindi 
Bordellos, High End Escorts of GayEntertainment Community-Hollywood.

Western Planned Mad Men (Gay, Hindi  Pakistani) Casting: Commercialized 
Narcotics Terrorism, 11-9-2001 was screen writen, timed  staged News Reports 
to eKidnap  Terrorize Non RNC  Non Westerners, Incorrputible, Devout, Law 
Abiding Citizens.

Gay  Entertainment Community Evidence of Western Activity preIraq Body of 
Lies, Blood Diamonds= Haitian Bordello eSystem reinforced from Ireland, 
Northern EU, Hindi Pakistani of any Citizenship. Non Logical Domestic Violence 
patterns  routines eProgrammed c1950s-1974. 

Hindi Irish Germanic Oxford University Narcotics Terrorists, Junkies, 
Entertainers  Actors EXPLICITLY against World Peace attacked with 11-9-2001 as 
Extortion in Europe (with those protecting Buildings  Popularity of Businesses 
outside of Western Countries), Economically Terrorized Non Westerners, 
Democracies  Democrats  Bragged about it in Hollywood, Sit Commedies  Sit 
Dramas of the UKGB. 

Information is of Alleged Activity  can be found on the Democracy Work 
website: http://democracywork.net

[cia-drugs] ALERT - Judge DISMISSES Baby DNA lawsuit!

2009-12-03 Thread Mary Hartman

--- On Fri, 12/4/09, Twila Brase CCHC tw...@cchconline.org wrote:

- Baby
DNA Lawsuit Dismissed

Your help needed!

Hennepin County Judge Marilyn Brown Rosenbaum (appointed 1992; elected
1994, 2000, and 2006) has dismissed
the genetic privacy lawsuit filed by nine Minnesota families
against the State of Minnesota and the Minnesota Department of Health
(MDH). These parents argued that the Department's storage, use and
sharing of their newborn's DNA is a violation of the Minnesota Genetic
Privacy Law (13.386) which prohibits the collection, storage, use and
dissemination of genetic information without written informed consent.
The judge's arguments in support of MDH positions and against the nine
families are incredibly weak. 

The attorney for the families is ready to take the case to the MN court
appeals. He has a January deadline.

That's where you come in. 

Please help us raise the $1,500 these families need to keep this case
moving forward. If
everyone who cares about this issue sends a donation for the case, the
cost won't
even be an issue. Please DONATE HERE (designate the lawsuit). 
Check out the cute baby
while you're at the donation site! 

The Minnesota Department of Health, which discontinued research
activities during the lawsuit, has no doubt already resumed
genetic research on newborn babies without the consent or the knowledge
of parents. The DNA of the more than 73,000 babies born each year in
Minnesota is taken, stored and used by the State. The Minnesota
Commissioner of Health is taking the most personal, intimate
information of
newborn citizens and claiming it as state government property. Since we
first discovered these activities in
2003, the
health department has fought to keep parents clueless and children
from government analysis and political agendas.

Please donate today to help us move this case to the appeals court
before the court's January deadline!

Twila Brase


Citizens' Council on Health Care




[cia-drugs] Re: FW: US Army War College Paper: The MIND Has No Firewall

2009-12-03 Thread muckblit
Last week several people around me manifested identical
symptoms of becoming childishly selfish to exclusion of
empathy or mental capacity to understand any but their
own position which became a fixation escalating to a
near violent status. That was interesting. It seemed
xeparating but fell short of xemenating.

It reminded me of an old 1980's model. First an MPD
would talk out of the robotic person's mouth, which
let me understand a process. Maybe that was only an
experimental model escaped from the lab. I could hear
a voice speaking out of the person's mouth to urge
the victim of abuse to go on abusing me verbally,
circumstantially, economically, saying,the reason
you are treating Bob so bad is that I am punishing

After the controllers determined that I had spent
enough time in that oven to be done, they placed
a phone call. In the background was lots of white
noise, sounds of waves crashing and things like
that. The instructions were given in a whisper.
I let twelve-year olds listen with their cultivated
ability to pick out words to popular songs. They
heard the same words I did. The suggestion was
made by the whisperer that the assassin should
kill me before I killed her.

What was supposed to happen was that all the
abuse I was receiving was expected to induce
me to put on an angry mask to represent a real
abuser from the past. I was to make myself a
scapegoat for a victim in order for that victim
to replicate the abuse cycle and to become the
abuser. The victim had already acted as abuser
verbally, circumstantially, economically, and
that was supposed to make me angry so I would
look angry and dangerous.

Since the assassin was apparently only an experimental
model, we could hear the voice ramping up the subject
to a frenzy and we could hear that a knife attack was
imminent. My mother had all the long kitchen knives
stored under her mattress. Just before dawn the
person came after me with an ivory plastic handled
steak knife. I had the door locked for the first
time ever, so I unlocked the door when I heard it
rattle. There was the person with the knife in her
hand. I was not presenting an angry face, though,
and the real person could not compute that and
the program broke down.

The person went and lay down, had a seizure, and
pooped her pants in a grand mal seizure close to
death. That was probably a programmed suicide.
Failed again.

I forgot the national guard sergeant's name who
destroyed records,to protect us(those in the

Eventually the person decided to live her own
emotionally risky passages instead of letting
her protector personality take over. This is
called unifying.

Once we were driving to a funeral that may have
been a case of blood in blood out to supposedly
protect what everybody knows is government drug
dealing and smuggling. A military looking man on
a corner said,Be strong, don't cry. Maybe that
was a trigger to suggest inviting the other
personality to stand in for emotional risk and
suffering. They had already lost their robot
several years before that. Somebody did whack
the other killer that night though. Dominos
want to lie down.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Robert Millegan ramille...@... wrote: