[cia-drugs] FW: ObamaSachs Plans to Reallocate All Your 401(K) Savings to Bail Out Bond Market

2010-03-13 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: dasg...@aol.com dasg...@aol.com
 Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 14:56:02 EST
 To: l...@legitgov.org
 Cc: Robert Millegan ramille...@aol.com, ema...@aol.com, j...@aol.com,
 jim6...@cwnet.com, christian.r...@gmail.com, rd...@daegis.com,
 h...@daegis.com, lar...@rawstory.com
 Subject: ObamaSachs Plans to Reallocate All Your 401(K) Savings to Bail Out
 Bond Market

 Converting 401k and IRA Funds Into Steady Payment Streams
 George Washington http://www.zerohedge.com/users/george-washington
 Last May, I wrote
 a.html  about the rumor that the Obama administration might seize funds from
 American's 401k and IRA accounts.
 Last week, Bloomberg pointed out
 http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20603037sid=aHFCE999fWR0 :
 The Obama administration is weighing how the government can encourage
 workers to turn their savings into guaranteed income streams following a
 collapse in retiree accounts when the stock market plunged.
 The U.S. Treasury and Labor Departments will ask for public comment as soon
 as next week on ways to promote the conversion of 401(k) savings and
 Individual Retirement Accounts into annuities or other steady payment
 streams,  according to Assistant Labor Secretary Phyllis C. Borzi and Deputy
 Assistant  Treasury Secretary Mark Iwry, who are spearheading the effort...
 There is ³a tremendous amount of interest in the White House² in
 retirement-security initiatives, Borzi, who heads the Labor Department¹s
 Employee Benefits Security Administration, said in an interview.
 In addition to annuities, the inquiry will cover other approaches to
 guaranteeing income, including longevity insurance that would provide an
 income stream for retirees living beyond a certain age, she said.
 ³There¹s been a fair amount of discussion in the literature taking the view
 that perhaps there ought to be more lifetime income,² Iwry, a senior adviser
 to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, said in an interview...
 One proposal raised by Iwry as co-author of a paper while at the Retirement
 Security Project, before joining the administration, has reached Congress. A
 bill requiring employers to report 401(k) savings both as an account balance
 and as a stream of income based on an annuity was introduced on Dec. 3 by
 Senators Jeff Bingaman, a New Mexico Democrat, Johnny Isakson, a Georgia
 Republican, and Herb Kohl, a Wisconsin Democrat.
 Sounds innocuous, right?
 But Karl Denninger and Jesse smell a rat.
 Denninger writes 
 l :
 In a short conversation this noontime ... Rick Santelli was talking about a
 potential to effectively force money into the Treasury  market.
 Where would they get this?
 From your 401k and IRA accounts!...
 Let me tell you what this is - it is an attempt to prevent  the collapse of
 the Treasury market!
 Forcing people into Treasuries as an annuity is  exactly what Social
 Security allegedly is. Except that  Treasury stole the money that was
 collected in FICA taxes and spent it!
 Guess what? They'll do that here too - you're going to invest in
 Treasuries which of course are effectively a CALL option on the future taxing
 ability of the government.
 The problem is that with an aging population and the immigrant  problem
 (illegal immigrants that is), along with offshoring, the  aggregate wage base
 will drop and thus this is the most dangerous investment  of all!
 What's even worse is that the government has intentionally  suppressed
 Treasury yields during this crisis (and will keep doing so by  various means,
 including manipulating the CPI - the inflation index - as  they have for
 the last 30 years) so as to guarantee that you lose over  time compared to
 actual purchasing power...
 Choices have a funny way of turning into mandates, and  this looks to me
 like a raw admission that Treasury knows it will not be able  to sell its
 debt in the open market - so they will effectively tax you by  forcing your
 retirement money to buy them!
 This may be the only way for Treasury to hold down interest rates  to
 something reasonable in the intermediate term, but doing so will
 instantaneously remove a major source of funding for the stock market - that
 is, the monthly and quarterly inflows from retirement accounts.
 You can bet this won't be good for you, the ordinary American.
 You can also bet that once such an option is made available there  is a
 very high probability of the government doing things that either promote  or
 simply don't stand in the way of another stock market crash as a means of
 herding your money into Treasuries - so they can blow it - 

[cia-drugs] FW: Riot Police Overrun by 60,000 Protesting Being Forced to Pay for Bankers' Greed

2010-03-13 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: dasg...@aol.com dasg...@aol.com
 Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 15:13:09 EST
 To: Robert Millegan ramille...@aol.com
 Cc: ema...@aol.com, j...@aol.com, jim6...@cwnet.com,
 christian.r...@gmail.com, l...@legitgov.org
 Subject: Riot Police Overrun by 60,000 Protesting Being Forced to Pay for
 Bankers' Greed

 Greece rocked by riots as up to 60,000 people take to streets to protest
 against government
 24-Hour GENERAL STRIKE Turns Ugly
 London Daily Mail, 11 Mar 2010
 Street clashes broke out between rioting youths and police in central Athens
 today as tens of thousands demonstrated during a nationwide strike against the
 cash-strapped government.
 Hundreds of masked and hooded youths punched and kicked motorcycle police,
 knocking several off their bikes, as police responded with volleys of tear gas
 and stun grenades.
  Why aren't these protests taking place in America? 
 A flaming bottle flies towards a has-masked police officer who steps back to
 avoid being hit 
 [The Greek government] has announced a raft of savings through public sector
 salary cuts, hiring and pension freezes and consumer tax hikes to deal with
 its ballooning deficit, but the measures have led to a new wave of labor
 The government says the tough cuts are its only way to dig Greece out of a
 crisis that has hammered the common European currency and alarmed
 international markets -- inflating the loan-dependent country's borrowing
 But unions say ordinary Greeks are being asked to pay a disproportionate price
 for past fiscal mismanagement.
 'They are trying to make workers pay the price for a crisis [management
 caused],' said Yiannis Panagopoulos, leader of Greece's largest union, the
 All news broadcasts were suspended as workers walked off the job for 24 hours
 to protest spending cuts and tax hikes designed to tackle the country's debt
 Strikers and protesters banged drums and chanted slogans such as 'no sacrifice
 for plutocracy,' and 'real jobs, higher pay.'
 Riot police made heavy use of tear gas during the start-and-stop clashes
 throughout the demonstration, including outside Parliament.
 Your Retirement Funds to Bail Out Failed Banks?
 Pension Funds as Corporate Safety Nets
 By Jayne Lyn Stahl
 11 Mar 2010 
 With the recent spotlight on a runaway Prius, few are paying any attention to
 the latest government plan to bail out failing banks with retirement money.
 The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., according to Bloomberg, now thinks it's a
 good idea for public retirement funds over about $2 trillion to buy out all
 or part of failed lenders.
 Last year alone, the FDIC reportedly shut down close to 150 banks, and it
 expects even more banks to fail this year. But, a quick look at how the
 largest companies, like General Motors, are currently investing their
 employees' pension funds is guaranteed to make a shiver up and down the spine
 of every working American. And, two things become clear: 1) your pension funds
 are at risk, and 2) any bank that depends upon your pension fund is also at
 It's not breaking news that the money we depend upon to be there in our
 retirement is invested by those corporations who hold it in trust for us just
 as it's common knowledge that money deposited into bank accounts doesn't sit
 there looking pretty until it's withdrawn.
 But, what has changed is that corporations are now effectively going to Las
 Vegas, as a Dallas investor recently told the New York Times, with our
 pensions. It's no longer about buying stocks, but investing has now expanded
 into junk bonds, commodity futures, and foreign stocks, too.
 More importantly, companies may soon use public pension fund revenue that
 they're exposing to increasing risk to rescue failing banks and with FDIC
 What a monstrous idea that the FDIC should be looking at retirement money as a
 safety net for failed lenders!
 If the idea is to stabilize the lending industry by allowing corporations to
 gamble with their employees' savings and then, in effect, turn the pension
 funds over to a failing bank, who wins? It's simply risk multiplied
 And, ultimately, it's not the banks, or the corporations, who are taking the
 risk, but John Jones because when the FDIC runs out of money, or decides to
 lower the amount it insures as is all but inevitable, it is the worker who
 will lose.
 Somebody seems to have gotten it backwards. The banks are supposed to bail us
 out in an emergency and not the other way around.
 Thomas Jefferson said it best two hundred 

[cia-drugs] FW: Capitalist Medicine Is One Helluva Oxymoron

2010-03-13 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: dasg...@aol.com dasg...@aol.com
 Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 00:38:27 EST
 To: Robert Millegan ramille...@aol.com
 Cc: ema...@aol.com, j...@aol.com, jim6...@cwnet.com,
 christian.r...@gmail.com, lar...@rawstory.com
 Subject: Capitalist Medicine Is One Helluva Oxymoron

 A dumb question that somehow never get raised or addressed in the context of
 the healthcare debate:
 Would medical insurance premiums be so high if the pharmaceutical industry
 weren't charging insurance companies incredibly high mark-up prices for drugs
 never legitimately tested and fraudulently marketed,
 if the Obama Administration, at square one, hadn't cut a deal with Big Pharma
 making them the exclusive source of drugs and medicines for the insured and
 permitting them to keep raising their prices at whim?
 The health, and indeed survival, of working-class American taxpayers is
 something that's negotiated by an unholy trinity of CARTELS -- a corrupt
 insurance industry devoted to fraud, a network of HMOs dedicated to increasing
 profits by cutting costs --by reducing the quality of services  care to
 patients (McDonaldizing  hospitals and clinics)--, and a pharmaceutical
 industry guilty of criminal misconduct on every level.  THAT is
 why Americans pay more than other nations for healthcare, yet derive less
 benefit from it than elsewhere.
 Why try to fix our healthcare system? The SYSTEM ITSELF is the CAUSE of all
 our problems! 

-- End of Forwarded Message

[cia-drugs] FW: What Do You Call a Wall Street CEO in San Quentin? A Good Start.

2010-03-13 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: dasg...@aol.com dasg...@aol.com
 Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 02:58:55 EST
 To: Robert Millegan ramille...@aol.com
 Cc: ema...@aol.com, j...@aol.com, jim6...@cwnet.com,
 Subject: What Do You Call a Wall Street CEO in San Quentin?  A Good Start.

 Findings on Lehman
 Take Even Experts by Surprise
 New York Times: March 12, 2010
 Richard Fuld, former chief executive of Lehman, testifying on Capitol Hill in
 October 2008. 
 For the year that it took the court-appointed examiner to complete his report
 on the demise of Lehman Brothers
 s_inc/index.html?inline=nyt-org , officials from Wall Street to Washington
 were anticipating it as the definitive account of the largest bankruptcy in
 American history.
 In Lehman¹s Demise, Some Shades of  Enron
 White Collar Watch finds Lehman Brothers¹  accounting gimmicks are eerily
 reminiscent of those used by  Enron, and it anticipates that the government
 will pursue civil  charges, at the least, for securities fraud.
 And the report did just that when it was unveiled on Thursday, riveting
 readers with the exhaustive detail contained in its nine volumes and 2,200
 pages. Yet almost immediately, it raised a host of new questions.
 Now government regulators have what some lawyers call a road map for further
 inquiry into former Lehman executives like Richard S. Fuld Jr.
 r/index.html?inline=nyt-per  and the auditing firm Ernst  Young.
 Whether the Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission
 s_and_exchange_commission/index.html?inline=nyt-org  will actually pursue
 their own legal actions is unclear. But legal experts said on Friday that the
 examiner, Anton R. Valukas, had provided plenty of material for civil
 regulatory action at the least with his findings of ³materially misleading²
 accounting and ³actionable balance sheet manipulation.²
 ³It¹s certainly not helpful to any of them,² Michael J. Missal, a partner at
 the law firm KL Gates and the examiner in the bankruptcy case of New Century
 Financial, said of some individuals accused of impropriety in the report. ³It
 certainly assists private litigants and probably increases the pressure on the
 government to take some kind of action here.²
 Representatives for the S.E.C. and the United States attorneys
 attorneys/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier  offices in Manhattan and Brooklyn
 declined to comment.
 While Mr. Fuld and other former top Lehman officials are already defendants in
 a number of civil lawsuits, the new discoveries by Mr. Valukas have taken even
 veteran observers by surprise. Chief among these was the revelation of a
 particularly aggressive accounting practice, known internally as Repo 105,
 that Mr. Valukas said helped the investment bank mask the true depths of its
 financial woes. 
 Examiners in bankruptcy cases are appointed by the Justice Department to
 investigate accusations of wrongdoing or misconduct. Their job is to determine
 whether creditors can recover more money in these cases, and their findings
 often serve as guides for more lawsuits and even regulatory action.  What
 examiners are not asked to do is play judge and jury.
 Though the report contains strong language ‹ Mr. Valukas deems Mr. Fuld ³at
 least grossly negligent² in his role overseeing Lehman ‹ it stops short of
 accusing anyone of criminal conduct or of violating securities law.
 Patricia Hynes, a lawyer for Mr. Fuld, said on Thursday that her client ³did
 not know what those transactions were ‹ he didn¹t structure or negotiate them,
 nor was he aware of their accounting treatment.² She did not return an e-mail
 seeking additional comment on Friday.
 Mr. Valukas¹s findings have stirred loud discussion among legal and accounting
 experts over the ways Lehman sought to improve its quarterly results months
 before it collapsed.


2010-03-13 Thread radar runner

Colorado Department of Corrections


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Last Updated On: 03/12/2010

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Re: [cia-drugs] Re: perhaps a dose of skulduggery'll make you feel better? ;-)

2010-03-13 Thread homepulse
what did ya ebay? ;-) 

- Original Message - 
From: muckblit muckb...@yahoo.com 
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 9:29:56 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: perhaps a dose of skulduggery'll make you feel better? 

I ebayed more means of livelihood for traction in the short term. 

I can send Matt McDaniel a paypal, subscribe to blackcommentor.com in 
name of Trineday(Kris here), and buy some herbs for the 20 year HIV drug 
survivors with damaged digestive tract linings from the drugs. This is 
often aggravated because recovering addicts get into sugar, and of 
that lets candidas albicans establish itself and eat holes like Crohn's, 
the least holes in the mucosa, which lets fifteen pounds of bacteria 
sewage bury the immune system. Add chemo to that attack on the mucosa 
and there's big trouble. Lots of half dead livers, too, due to 
addictions and 
HIV drugs, so we're going through the Hulda Clark liver cleanse(but she 
believed in HIV and we don't so we don't need her full drastic program). 


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, homepu...@... wrote: 

[cia-drugs] We Live in Public [1 Attachment]

2010-03-13 Thread homepulse


more info: 


We Live in Public 
[2009 Sundance Winner - Best Documentary] 
Movies : Documentary : : English 

Grand Jury Prize winner in the documentary category at the Sundance Film 
Festival2009, We Live in Public details the experiences of the greatest 
Internet pioneer you've never heard of, Josh Harris. The dot.com 
millionaire founded Pseudo.com, the first Internet television network during 
the infamous tech boom of the late '90s. After achieving prominence amongst 
the Silicon Valley set, Harris became interested in controversial human 
experiments which tested the effects of media and technology on the 
development of personal identity. Ondi Timoner [award-winning director of 
Dig!] documented the major business-related moments of Harris's life for 
more than a decade, setting the tone for her documentary of the virtual 
world and its supposed control of human lives. 

Size: 697.17 MB 

[cia-drugs] Pope knew priest was paedophile, Child abuse claims sweep Catholic Church

2010-03-13 Thread smartnews

_http://ritualabuse.us_ (http://ritualabuse.us/)  

Pope knew priest  was paedophile but allowed him to continue with ministry 
3/13/10 Richard Owen,  Rome 

The Pope was drawn directly into the Roman Catholic sex abuse  scandal last 
night as news emerged of his part in a decision to send a  paedophile 
priest for therapy. The cleric went on to reoffend and was convicted  of child 
abuse but continues to work as a priest in Upper Bavaria. The priest  was sent 
from Essen to Munich for therapy in 1980 when he was accused of forcing  an 
11-year-old boy to perform oral sex. The archdiocese confirmed that the 
Pope,  who was then a cardinal, had approved a decision to accommodate the 
priest in a  rectory while the therapy took place.

The priest, identified only as H,  was subsequently convicted of sexually 
abusing minors after he was moved to  pastoral work in nearby Grafing. In 
1986 he was given an 18-month suspended jail  sentence and fined DM 4,000 
(£1,800 today). There have been no formal charges  against him since. The 
has been accused of a cover-up after at least 170  allegations of child 
abuse by German Catholic priests. 

Vatican  to Drop Statute of Limitations for Pedophile Priests March 13, 
2010 By Flavia  Krause-Jackson (Bloomberg) - The Vatican's chief prosecutor 
will remove the  statute of limitations for priests accused of child 
molestation and said today  it was false and calumnious to accuse Pope 
Benedict XVI 
of a  cover-upBenedict has struggled to contain damage to the Church's 
reputation  by allegations of sexual abuse by priests. 

Bringing the scandal a step  closer to the papacy, a German Church report 
said yesterday that when he was  archbishop of Munich he took part in the 
1980 decision to move a priest accused  of molestation to his diocese to 
undergo therapyAsked whether the Church has  been too lenient, Scicluna 
it may be that in the past, perhaps also out of  a misdirected desire to 
protect the good name of the institution, some bishops  were, in practice, too 
indulgent towards this sad phenomenon.

Child  abuse claims sweep Catholic Church in Europe By SHAWN POGATCHNIK 
(AP) - 3/13/10  DUBLIN - It often starts as a voice in the wilderness, but can 
swell into an  entire nation's demand for truth. From Ireland to Germany, 
Europe's many victims  of child abuse in the Roman Catholic church are finally 
breaking social taboos  and confronting the clergyFloodgates opened for 
Irish complaints that have  topped 15,000 in this country of 4 million. 
Three government-ordered  investigations have shocked and disgusted the nation, 
which has footed most of  the bill to settle legal claims topping euro1 
billion (nearly $1.5  billion)

In January, an elite Jesuit school in Berlin declared it was  aware of 
seven child-abuse cases in its past and appointed an outside  investigator, 
Ursula Raue, to seek testimony. Within weeks, she had gathered  stories of 
long-suppressed woe from more than 100 ex-students abused by their  Jesuit 
masters, and from 60 molested by parish priests.

Pope  will struggle to survive abuse scandal By John Cooney 3/13/10
A depressing  week for Pope Benedict  dramatically escalated last night 
into an  unprecedented papal crisis when he was directly implicated in a 
cover-up of a  German paedophile priest when he was Cardinal Archbishop of 
30 years ago.  The latest revelations are so potentially damaging to the 
reputation of  then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger that speculation was mounting 
last night that  they could severely, perhaps even irreparably, damage his 
moral authority as  Pope Benedict XVI. It was being speculated that the German 
Pope could  conceivably have to recognise that his position as supreme 
pontiff could become  untenable -- and do what was until now considered 
impossible, resign from the  Petrine throne

The Dutch church has climbed to 350 complaints just a  week after the 
Salesians first admitted they were investigating claims that  three pupils in a 
school were abused in the 1960s. In Austria, the Benedictine  arch-abbot of 
St Peter's in Salzburg has resigned after admitting he abused a  12-year-old 
boy 40 years ago. 


[cia-drugs] Re: A Terrible Mistake?

2010-03-13 Thread muckblit
France had their war crimes in Algeria, but they also had their truth

Nixon's whole Bay of Pigs thing out? Still waiting.

The US has not admitted anything since the 1970's Church Committee
and Rockefeller Commission, and since the 1980's Iran-Contra
investigation stopped short of asking what did former CIA director
George HW Bush know, not Reagan, about Ollie North's cocaine
smuggling with George Morales, Danilo Blandon, Frigerificos,
Felix Rodriguea, Luis Posada Carriles, Ylopango, Freeway Ricky
Ross, Chico Brown, Rayful Edmonds, $1 mil CIA sniper bounty on
cops in Valley Green, copkiller safehouse, Muellers, Mena, and
how well did Bush know Clinton before we all learned more about
Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky than what DID GHWB
know about Mena and Barry Seal and Ollie's diary coke and when
did he know it?

France would like to know about a US war crime. Timely! Open
the floodgates.

CIA assassin as bellhop where Olson died. CIA assassinations
chief as doorman where John Lennon died. Green berets on the
firehouse roof where MLK died, plus Sam Donaldson found Merrill
McCullough working at CIA decades later. Not enough bullets in
Sirhan's or Bremer's(Gov. Wallace) guns. Who was that masked
man? Was he really as nice as Kiefer?

How did ST313 get from Walter Reed to Africa? The trineday.com
Olson book asks and then partially answers a lot of questions. If
we covet our innocence, it has ceased to be an asset. It is no longer
an asset to be the know-nothings who will believe anything and
do anything they are told. The history we will not learn will not
continue to repeat the financial history of denialism in the service
of crime. The ships that brought us plastic toys and went away
empty are right now starting to anchor off the shores of Asia, to
demand to be paid twice if they go home from the US empty, and
we gave up ships a long time ago. We deny not because we are
brave, but because we are afraid. Will our greatest fear today be
our greatest fear tomorrow? The sleeper gambles too long there.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Kris Millegan roads...@... wrote:


A Terrible Mistake?

Today in the French News, was the startling announcement that the French
Government is demanding explanations from the United States for a 
mysterious outbreak of mass insanity in the South Eastern Village of 
Pont-Saint-Esprit that occurred almost 60 years ago. 500 hundred people 
were affected and there were 5 deaths. The implications could have long 
range effects on Franco-American relations.

The incident occurred in 1951 and started with the hospitals being 
flooded with people in various stages of outward insanity. Children 
tried to murder their parents, victims screamed that red flowers were 
growing from their heads, that their heads ahad turned to molten lead, 
their stomachs were filled with snakes. Others were enthralled and 
claimed they saw heavenly visons, heard cosmic music and were filled 
with the holy spirit.
At the time, scientists came up with various explanations ranging from 
mercury tainted wheat to a recurrence of ergotism, or St. Anthony's 
Fire, alegendary afflicion that vanished with the Middle Ages and was 
caused by rye grains infected with the ergot fungus, which among other 
substances, produced lysergic acid which is the active ingredient of 

Mercury tainted wheat sold illegally by an Italian firm in the this 
decade in Iraq was responsible for an outbreak of seeming insanity in an
Iraqi village, but the symptoms also were lethal in many cases, from 
the mercury.

The Pont-Saint-Esprit mystery was speculated about for years. Indeed a 
tantalizing clue was given by Albert Hoffman, the Swiss scientist who 
worked for Sandoz Laboratories who developed LSD and documented its 
effects. He wrote in his work, LSD, My Problem Child, about the 
connection with Sandoz and the American CIA and how Sandoz was able to 
interest the Americans in the possible use of an aerosol delivered LSD 
for military use.

Recently after the allegations of American involvement began to 
resurface in 2009 and were never successfully quashed, the Author, H.P. 
Albarelli Jr. just released a book in the USA called A Terrible 
Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War 

He documents through the revelations of Ex CIA personel that the 
outbreak in 1951 in Pont-St-Esprit was the direct result of a covert CIA
experiment with an aerosol LSD which was carried out by the Special 
Operations Division of Fort Detrick, MD.

He documents that the scientists who produced the explanations were 
experts working for Sandoz which was supplying the US Army and the CIA 
with LSD for experimental use.
He goes on to say, that at one point and this has been documented in 
many places, the CIA entertained the idea of using  LSD in a 

[cia-drugs] Re: A Terrible Mistake?

2010-03-13 Thread muckblit
mid/late 90s the head medical doctor of Finland,  (position of US
Surgeon General) said that mind-control ops/drugs the biggest  threat
to democracy

Before 1984, an important date in mind control, I heard Jimmy Carter
on the radio. He said the word communism would fall into disuse, but
the Reagan administration was nearly totalitarian. Joseph Goebbels
had said that the nazis would take over by imitating American
advertising. Advertising instills fear of non-conformity. American
know-nothingism has thrived economically, Blackwater-like, on
fear of non-conformity as delineated by hired-archicalism. We do
not look directly at anything, but rather first consult the mirror for
a look at ourselves in that. If the funhouse mirror says we look or
smell different in that, we keep on shopping, move along, nothing
to buy there today, only increasingly we are on the other side--is
anyone buying our MK schtick anymore when they try ours on in
front of their hired-archicalist shopping mirror? They already
have blue jeans, thank you, but not from San Francisco ever

My fellow Americans, one day we will not even be able to find the
mirror anymore. What will we sell in that day? Without tools or
ships, or a wheelbarrow for reichsmarks, we will be modelling
last century's know-nothing do-anything in a market for none.

A market for none will not be a democracy any more than it was.

A mirror, a little gunpowder thrown in the campfire, wampum
notes and securities representing what was yours and now it is
theirs, and the primitives worshipped the foreigners. We thought
they were like us. We thought it a nice game at the campfire.
They took a market for none, seriously. It was a parlor game,
like Chinese finger torture. What could a market for none mean
in the real world? Batteries. Now you always need batteries.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:
Seems that by the mid eighties there were in place some
agreements concerning use of mind control drugs. This is why TASS made
such a stink about

There the NYTimes is trying to spin out of responsibility. The Times
story of TASS raising hell that came out one month prior has been wiped
from Internet. That story was buried in the back of the least read day,
Saturday, about a month prior
I was searching and what came up was a prior CIA drugs post:


It is good that this is starting in the past as digging up old
could be counter-productive at this point.
Sometime in the mid/late 90s the head medical doctor of Finland, 
of US Surgeon General) said that mind-control ops/drugs the biggest 
to democracy.

Perhaps France in this is good as there started the basic for all our
international agreements: UN, Geneva Convention,
Switzerland-agreed-bankers-bank,… da da da… it all goes back to
Westphalia. The year was 1648. Not even four centuries ago:



So there seems some deliberate breaking of that agreement, using the 
in the form of some other negotiation or statement-making.

France also came out and agreed that China has no choice but to invade
Tibet. CIA ops in Tibet were threatening China's water-shed. Why
Of the Island Nations France got the worst deals post Bonapart
in both
the colonialism and neo colonialism game. France shit when Dullas tried
to get it to use 2 A-bombs in the mid fiftes.

(Life imitating art: Hello Nellie Forbush.)
As for Tibet: Obama had to try compromise and made real point of seeing
that Deli Lama guy in the White House maproom, not Oval Office.

No bad news is bad news.



 A Terrible Mistake?

 Today in the French News, was the startling announcement that the 
 Government is demanding explanations from the United States for a
 outbreak of mass insanity in the South Eastern Village of
 that occurred almost 60 years ago. 500 hundred people were affected 
 there were 5 deaths. The implications could have long range effects 
 Franco-American relations.

 The incident occurred in 1951 and started with the hospitals being 
 with people in various stages of outward insanity. Children tried  to
 their parents, victims screamed that red flowers were growing from 
 heads, that their heads ahad turned to molten lead, their stomachs 
 filled with snakes. Others were enthralled and 

[cia-drugs] Re: Brasscheck TV: A hole in the fascist armor

2010-03-13 Thread muckblit
My family built the Vermont state capitol and named the town
Barre. I say,Pull It! We built this city!.

I built this house, and now I'm getting evicted, a penniless
pauper. Pull It. I just don't like the feeling of resistance to
the truth that comes with the package of Big Lies. You know,
the feeling, the Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh INSANITY,
the national insanity and denial and fear of inconformity.
I hate that anti-truth feeling that comes with the Big Lies.
Let's start over with peace and truth. Can we just do that?


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, homepu...@... wrote:

 Real Americans on 9/11

 The truth matters

 9/11 truthers find home in New Hampshire


 This must really piss off the dirt bag criminals who run the
government and
 the news media whores who cover for them.

 I wonder how they'll attempt to smear these people?

 Major structural problem for the new generation of US fascists: There
 still a lot of decent people left in America who aren't buying the

 Twelve New England towns demand 9/11 reinvestigation

 From: Brasscheck TV
 Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010
 Subject: Brasscheck TV: A hole in the fascist armor

 Several billion dollars worth of US news media BS
 can't obscure fundamental reality.

 Too bad for the new generation of fascists.


 - Brasscheck

[cia-drugs] Re: Biggest general strike yet paralyses Greece

2010-03-13 Thread muckblit
Wait a minute, do you mean that something happening outside the US
has been reported in the US news for more than one day?!

That is like a Richter 9.0. Police, firemen, and coast guard are
striking, too.

http://www.youtube.com/v/NaaHx2doD94  police-firemen-coastguard are
striking too!
leader vows protests will continue through policy vote next month which
will prevent
the austerity policy from going into effect

March 13, 2010, 2:41 AM EST By Sarah Jones  March 13 (Bloomberg)
concern eased that Greece will fail to contain the region's biggest 
budget deficit
Treasury  Two-Year Notes Fall as Greece's Deficit Crisis Eases

*   Trichet  Says Rating Firms Will Respect
`Courageous' Greece Plan
* France's  Lagarde Doubts Any Decision Next Week on Aid to
The Associated Press -  Erin  Conroy
%22Erin+Conroy%22scoring=n  - ‎Mar 11, 2010‎NEW YORK
— The dollar eased
against the euro and the pound Thursday as Greece announced  additional
cuts and tax hikes to deal with its ballooning

ATHENS—Flights were grounded and trains suspended  amid a nationwide
general strike Thursday, as Greek police fought  running street battles
with anarchist youths in fresh and violent signs  of anger at the
government's austerity plans.

Unions called a strike to protest wage and benefit cuts being put in 
place to trim Greece's swollen budget deficit as the country draws 
closer to a financial reckoning. An estimated 50,000 people took to the 

Greece must refinance a chunk of its giant debt next month, and Greek 
leaders are leaning hard on counterparts in richer European states to 
provide some measure of support that could ease those debt sales. Eyes 
are on European Union finance ministers' meetings early next week.

In the capital city Thursday, masked and hooded youths went well  beyond
protest—throwing rocks and bottles, smashing shop windows,  setting
alight trash cans and burning at least one private car. Police  fired
tear gas and detained more than a dozen people.

There were also separate clashes outside the Greek parliament, Agence 
France-Presse reported. Greece has a history of sometimes-violent 
anarchist protesters, though they are well outside the mainstream.

Greece's two umbrella unions, for private- and public-sector workers, 
called the strike to protest the €4.8 billion ($6.55 billion)
package  of spending cuts and tax increases that the government
announced March  3, which was voted into law days later. The
communist-backed PAME union  held a separate protest that drew an
estimated 15,000 people.

There is a big turnout today and that shows people are concerned, 
said Dimitris Papageorgiou, a 49-year-old worker at the Bank of Greece. 
Today's protest is because of the austerity measures. Why do the people
always have to pay? Who is at fault? It's the foreign speculators and 
the useless policies of previous governments.

Recent polls show that the Greek public is divided over the austerity 
plan. While the public opposes some measures, such as an increase in 
Greece's fuel and value-added taxes, analysts say there is a broad 
acceptance that something must be done.

No one really expects the measures to be withdrawn. They were  adopted
by the government to avoid even worse consequences, said  Lefteris
Eleftheriadis, 48, a biologist who works in Greece's  agriculture
ministry and participated in Thursday's protest.

The strike affected public transport, government ministries and 
state-owned companies. All flights into and out of the country were 
grounded and all ferry and rail services suspended.

On the streets of Athens Thursday, normal workday activity was muted. 
Street lights and road signs were festooned with strike posters.

Usual morning news shows on local television were 

[cia-drugs] Re: perhaps a dose of skulduggery'll make you feel better? ;-)

2010-03-13 Thread muckblit
A tool that melts iron like butter but not like this:


...here is video of a stream of molten iron pouring out of
WTC the World Trade Center 911 9/11/2001 as explained
by BYU physicist Professor Steven Jones.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, homepu...@... wrote:

 what did ya ebay? ;-)

 - Original Message -
 From: muckblit muckb...@...
 To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 9:29:56 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
 Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: perhaps a dose of skulduggery'll make you
feel better? ;-)

 I ebayed more means of livelihood for traction in the short term.

 I can send Matt McDaniel a paypal, subscribe to blackcommentor.com in
 name of Trineday(Kris here), and buy some herbs for the 20 year HIV
 survivors with damaged digestive tract linings from the drugs. This is
 often aggravated because recovering addicts get into sugar, and of
 that lets candidas albicans establish itself and eat holes like
 the least holes in the mucosa, which lets fifteen pounds of bacteria
 sewage bury the immune system. Add chemo to that attack on the mucosa
 and there's big trouble. Lots of half dead livers, too, due to
 addictions and
 HIV drugs, so we're going through the Hulda Clark liver cleanse(but
 believed in HIV and we don't so we don't need her full drastic


 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, homepulse@ wrote:


2010-03-13 Thread muckblit
If he had those documents he should have published them instead
of blowing air, unless he liked muddy water then AND does so now
and pretty much for the duration of his life on earth and for the lives
of any descendants he may have.

I thought only normal heterosexuals wore leather jackets and
impressed Mike Ruppert as being macho but I could be wrong.
However, if I was a journalist I would have required the docs
before engaging in fellatio on the record at the house of the
rising son, known for being the ruin of many a poor boy.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, radar runner macdill1...@... wrote: