[cia-drugs] Corruption of U.S. Officials By Drug Cartels

2010-04-06 Thread homepulse

Corruption of U.S. Officials By Drug Cartels 
10.03.10 video: 

Senate Committee Homeland Security  Governmental Affairs | State, Local, 
and Private Sector Preparedness and Integration 

Witnesses testified about efforts by Mexican drug cartels to infiltrate and 
corrupt U.S. law enforcement agencies in order to counter stepped-up border 
control measures. 

[cia-drugs] FW: FOIA Ruling Proves That CIA Was Secretly Involved in OKC Bombing Case

2010-04-06 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: dasg...@aol.com dasg...@aol.com
 Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 14:00:24 EDT
 To: Robert Millegan ramille...@aol.com
 Cc: ema...@aol.com, j...@aol.com, jim6...@cwnet.com,
 garyn2...@yahoo.com, l...@legitgov.org
 Subject: FOIA Ruling Proves That CIA Was Secretly Involved in OKC Bombing Case

   CIA Aided DOJ Prosecutors in OKC Bombing  Case and withheld  possibly
 exculpatory documents from  defense
  ŒSecret¹ CIA documents withheld in FOIA suit  raise more questions than they
  by Anthony L.  Kimery
   30 March 2010
  Questions about foreign complicity in the 1995 bombing of  the Alfred P.
 Murrah federal building in downtown Oklahoma City for which  Timothy McVeigh
 and Terry Nichols were convicted, were disclosed Friday in  a ruling
 http://www.hstoday.us/images/stories/1900_001.pdf  by US District court
 judge Clark Waddoups on a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit  against
 the CIA for the CIA's refusal to completely declassify records it  has
 acknowledged it possesses that pertain to the case.  It is the first
 indication that the CIA and the Department  of Justice (DOJ) worked together
 in the bombing investigations and  prosecutions.  The classified materials
 also were never made  available to McVeigh's defense team, led by attorney
 Stephen  Jones, who has publicly expressed his concern that the federal
 government  knows more about the bombing than it has admitted.  The ruling
 Friday in Salt Lake City was in response to the  December 12, 2006 FOIA suit
 brought by Jesse Trentadue, an attorney who  sought numerous documents from
 the CIA, ³including any [related to]  potential involvement of foreign
 nationals in that attack.²  Waddoups ruled that the CIA materials were
 properly  classified by the CIA for the variety of reasons that the Agency had
 claimed, and that they would not be made available to the public. It was  the
 first such national security defense ever used by the government in  denying
 records to Trentadue.  While the exact content of the documents - which were
 not  reviewed by Waddoups in camera - were not revealed, Waddoups in his
 ruling hinted at what they contained based largely on supporting  affidavits
 and other materials that the CIA provided to him.  The judge's ruling
 constituted the first documented  involvement of the CIA in the federal
 government¹s handling and  prosecution of the bombing investigation, either
 before or after the attack that killed 168  persons.  In his ruling, Waddoups
 stated in reference to a ³letter Š  prepared [for the CIA] in response to a
 Department of Justice attorney¹s  request for information related to Mr.
 McVeigh¹s prosecution² that ³it is  clear that the CIA and DOJ were
 cooperating in the prosecution of Mr.  McVeigh.²  The letter ³contains
 information, legal analysis and  opinion prepared by a CIA attorney in
 contemplation of the prosecution of  Mr. McVeigh,² Waddoups wrote.  Another
 ³four-pages of classified handwritten notes  summarizing classified
 information that a DOJ attorney reviewed in  connection with the Oklahoma City
 bombing prosecution² were properly  classified ³secret,² Waddoups ruled,
 adding, ³to the extent it matters  here whether the DOJ attorney who made the
 notes marked classified had  security clearances (and it is not clear that it
 does), that fact can be  inferred from the fact that he or she was allowed
 access to review  classified documents.²  Still another September 6, 1996
 eight-page letter from a  CIA attorney to a DOJ attorney ³respond[ing] to the
 DOJ¹s request for  further information related to the Oklahoma City bombing
 trial² was  properly classified secret in ³its entirety,² Waddoups ruled.  In
 another document, dated September 17, 1996, ³Š the CIA  clarifies prior
 correspondence regarding CIA record searches related to  the prosecution of
 Mr. McVeigh and Terry Nichols, continued Judge  Waddoups.  Also properly
 classified ³secret² in their entirety was a  three-page May 10, 1995 cable
 ³relaying information provided by a foreign  government about the possible
 identification of a suspect in the Oklahoma  City bombing,² and a two-page
 April 19, 1995 cable that ³relays  information provided by a foreign liaison
 contact regarding the Oklahoma  City bombing Š²  Additional ³secret² materials
 properly withheld in their  entirety, Waddoups ruled, was a two-page April 21,
 1995 cable ³relaying  information about the Oklahoma City bombing that was
 provided by a US  Ambassador by a foreign official,² and a one-page April 20,
 1995 cable  ³outlining a federal prosecutor¹s 

[cia-drugs] FW: US and Saudi OILigarchy JOINTLY Test-Fire Nuclear-Warhead-Capable Missile

2010-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: dasg...@aol.com dasg...@aol.com
 Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 15:21:04 EDT
 To: Robert Millegan ramille...@aol.com
 Cc: ema...@aol.com, j...@aol.com, jim6...@cwnet.com, l...@legitgov.org
 Subject: US and Saudi OILigarchy JOINTLY Test-Fire Nuclear-Warhead-Capable

 US test-fires Trident missile in drill with Saudis

 The Associated Press
 Wednesday, March 31, 2010; 12:11 PM
 CAIRO -- The United States test-fired a submarine-launched ballistic missile
 capable of carrying nuclear warheads during a joint military exercise
 Wednesday with Saudi Arabia
 , a Western military official said.
 The Trident missile launch was carried out in the kingdom, the official said,
 but he would not give a precise location. He spoke on condition of anonymity
 because of the sensitivity of the issue.
 The U.S. has been strengthening missile defenses in allied Arab nations in the
 Gulf to help counter any potential missile strike from Iran
 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/world/countries/iran.html?nav=el . Like
 its nuclear work, Iran's missile program is of top concern to Washington and
 Arab nations wary of Tehran's growing influence in the region.
 A defense official in Washington confirmed the missile launch on condition of
 anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on the record. He said,
 however, that it took place late last week and was part of a demonstration.
 The Western military official in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, said U.S. Lt. Gen.
 Patrick O'Reilly, head of the Missile Defense Agency, attended the test
 Earlier this month, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates visited the kingdom to
 tell Saudi officials that the Obama administration's efforts for diplomatic
 engagement with Iran had come to naught, and he asked for the influential
 kingdom's help to win wide backing for biting economic penalties against
 Tehran over its nuclear program.
 Gates also discussed bolstering Saudi air and missile defense capabilities as
 part of the broader U.S. effort to boost security in the Gulf in the face of
 Iran's expanding arsenal of ballistic missiles.
 The United States has promised to speed up weapons sales to Saudi Arabia and
 other Gulf allies, which have bought billions of dollars worth of American
 weapons - including missile defense hardware - in recent years.
 The U.S. military is trying to reassure Gulf allies by buttressing its defense
 systems with upgraded Patriot missiles on land and more U.S. Navy ships in the
 Persian Gulf capable of destroying missiles in flight.
 The Patriot missile systems, which originally were deployed in the region to
 shoot down aircraft, have now been upgraded to hit missiles in flight.
 Saudi Arabia has long warned of the potential for a nuclear arms race in the
 Gulf region if Iran were to gain the bomb. Iran's assurances that its nuclear
 program is only for peaceful purposes such as power generation have failed to
 ease concerns. 
 On Monday Saudi Deputy Defense Minister Prince Khaled bin Sultan said Saudi
 and U.S. warplanes will carry out joint exercises soon.
 Associated Press Writers Pauline Jelinek in Washington and Abdullah al-Shihri
 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, contributed to this report.

-- End of Forwarded Message

[cia-drugs] FW: Things Go Better (for BIG OIL) with Koch: The Global Warming DENIAL Conspiracy

2010-04-06 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: dasg...@aol.com dasg...@aol.com
 Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 15:23:26 EDT
 To: Robert Millegan ramille...@aol.com
 Cc: ema...@aol.com, j...@aol.com, jim6...@cwnet.com,
 christian.r...@gmail.com, h...@daegis.com, rd...@daegis.com
 Subject: Things Go Better (for BIG OIL) with Koch: The Global Warming DENIAL

 Greenpeace outs billionaire brothers as Œkingpins¹ of climate denial
 By Muriel Kane http://rawstory.com/rs/author/murielkane/
 Wednesday, March 31st, 2010 -- 1:33 pm
 F0331%2Fkoch-brothers-slammed-funding-climate-denial%2Ftitle=Greenpeace outs
 billionaire brothers as Œkingpins¹ of climate denial
 The billionaire owners of privately held technology company Koch Industries
 funneled nearly $50 million in donations to climate change denial groups
 between 1997 and 2008, according to a new report from Greenpeace
 This private, out-of-sight corporation is now a partner to ExxonMobil, the
 American Petroleum Institute and other donors that support organizations and
 front-groups opposing progressive clean energy and climate policy, Greenpeace
 es-secretly-fund.pdf .
 In fact, Koch has out-spent ExxonMobil in funding these groups in recent
 years. From 2005 to 2008, ExxonMobil spent $8.9 million while the Koch
 Industries-controlled foundations contributed $24.9 million in funding to
 organizations of the climate denial machine.
 Charles and David [Koch] have a vested interest in preventing climate
 action, the environmental group notes
 http://www.greenpeace.org/international/news/dirty-money-climate-30032010 .
 They've made billions from Koch Industries, an oil and manufacturing giant
 that is the second largest privately-held company in America with tentacles
 extending around the globe. It's time more people were aware of the brothers
 Koch and just what they'e up to.
 In recent months, the Koch brothers have come under fire from a number of
 sources for their funding of a hard-right agenda. Last December, AlterNet
 e_right-wing_hate_machine  that billionaire brothers David and Charles Koch
 are the wealthiest, and perhaps most effective, opponents of President Obama's
 progressive agenda. ... At the dawn of the Obama presidency, Koch groups
 quickly maneuvered to try to stop his first piece of signature legislation:
 the stimulus. ... As their fronts were battling the stimulus, David Koch's
 Americans for Prosperity (AFP) spent the opening months of the Obama
 presidency helping to organize the very first 'tea party' protests.
 Rolling Stone also singled out the Koch brothers in a January article
   titled The Climate Killers, which noted how, in addition to fomenting
 last summer's town-hall brawls over health care reform, AFP sponsored a 'Hot
 Air Tour' on climate change, deploying a manned balloon at 75 events for the
 purpose of 'Exposing the Ballooning Costs of Global Warming Hysteria.' At the
 events, the group's president, Tim Phillips, grossly exaggerated the costs of
 climate legislation, calling it a trillion-dollar tax on American families.
 The newly-issued Greenpeace report, however, goes into unprecedented detail on
 the network of Koch-backed organizations and politicians that make up what it
 describes as a web of dirty money and influence.
 The company's tight knit network of lobbyists, former executives and
 organizations has created a forceful stream of misinformation that Koch-funded
 entities produce and disseminate, the report states. This campaign
 propaganda is then replicated, repackaged and echoed many times throughout the
 Koch-funded web of political front groups and think tanks.
 The report cites ClimateGate as one example of this Koch machine at work,
 noting, At least twenty Koch-funded organizations have repeatedly
 rebroadcast, referenced and appeared as media spokespeople in the story,
 dubbed 'ClimateGate,' of supposed malfeasance by climate scientists gleaned
 from a cache of stolen emails from the University of East Anglia in November
 2009. These organizations claim the emails prove a 'conspiracy' of scientists
 and casts doubt on the scientific consensus regarding climate change.
 Among the top recipients of Koch funding are Americans for Prosperity, the
 Heritage Foundation, and the Cato Institute, which was co-founded
 by Charles Koch in 1977. Lesser amounts have gone to such groups as Grover
 Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform and the Capital Research Center, which has
 been the primary source

[cia-drugs] FW: [2] Things Go Better (for BIG OIL) with Koch: The Global Warming DENIAL Con...

2010-04-06 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: dasg...@aol.com dasg...@aol.com
 Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 16:24:17 EDT
 To: dasg...@aol.com dasg...@aol.com, Robert Millegan ramille...@aol.com
 Cc: ema...@aol.com, j...@aol.com, jim6...@cwnet.com,
 christian.r...@gmail.com, h...@daegis.com, rd...@daegis.com
 Subject: [2] Things Go Better (for BIG OIL) with Koch: The Global Warming
 DENIAL Con...

 But best of all ...
 Dorothy Bush Koch (born August 18, 1959), sometimes called Doro, is the
 younger sister of George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States.
 In 1992 she married Robert Koch, by whom she has two children.   Robert
 Bobby Koch, a Democrat, is a lobbyist for the Wine Institute and a member of
 the family that owns Koch Industries.
 At the same time Enron Chairman Kenneth (Kenny Boy) Lay was involved in Vice
 President Dick Cheney's Energy Task Force secret dealings and when he was
 stuffing hundreds of thousands of dollars into the pockets of George W. Bush
 and Cheney's political campaign, he also managed to illegally stick $206, 757
 into the pockets of Saddam Hussein and his cohorts.
 The Iraqi Oil-for-Food scandal also involves one of the Bush children --
 Dorothy Doro Bush Koch, sister of George W. Bush and married to Bobby Koch,
 a cousin in the oil industry's Koch family, the owner of Koch Industries, one
 of Bush's largest political donors.
 The minority committee report indicates that Koch Industries was also a major
 recipient of illegal Iraqi oil and a huge source of kickbacks to Saddam
 Hussein. The total sum in kickbacks from George W. Bush's cousin-in-laws to
 Saddam's bank accounts: $1,294,620.
 In a message dated 3/31/2010 11:23:29 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,
 dasg...@aol.com writes:
 Funding for the foundations
 http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Foundations_and_Funders   comes
 from the conglomerate Koch  Industries
 http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Koch_Industries , the nation's
 largest  privately held energy company, with  annual revenues of more than
 $25 billion. ... Koch Industries  is now the second largest family-owned
 business in the U.S., with annual sales  of over $20 billion.
 The company is owned by two of the richest men in America, David H.  Koch
 http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=David_H._Koch  and Charles G.
 Koch http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Charles_G._Koch  (described
 as 'reclusive billionaires'), who have a combined personal  fortune estimated
 at more than $3 billion and who have emerged as major  Republican
 contributors in recent years
 David Koch and his brother Charles are among the leading funders of think
 tanks and organizations at the center of the climate denial industry like
 Americans for Prosperity.
 Their role in the propaganda machine is well-summarized by a recent Think
 Progress report entitled, The Billionaires Behind the  Hate
 http://pr.thinkprogress.org/2009/12/pr20091208 :
 Billionaire brothers David and Charles Koch are the wealthiest, and perhaps
 most effective 
 6/in_glitzy_shadows_a_health_reform_foe_lurks/ , opponents of  President
 Obama¹s progressive agenda. They have been looming in the  background of
 every major domestic policy dispute this year. Ranked as the 9th
 richest men 
 in  America, the Koch brothers sit at the helm of Koch  Industries, a
 massive privately owned conglomerate of manufacturing,  oil, gas, and timber
 interests. Over the years, millions of dollars
 able_Foundation/grants  in Koch money has  flowed to right-wing think
 tanks, front groups, and publications.
 Much of the fierce opposition to health reform can be credited to Koch
 organizations. As the health care debate began, AFP created a front group,
 known as Patients  United http://patientsunitednow.com/ , dedicated
 itself to attacking Democratic health care  reform proposals. Patients
 United has blanketed the country with ads distorting various
 http://mediamattersaction.org/factcheck/200905270002  provisions of the
 health reform  legislation, particularly the public option. A speaker with
 the roving  Patients United bus tour repeatedly compared health reform to
 the Holocaust 
 -compares-health-care-reform-to-holocaust.php  while an eight-by-five foot
 banner at an 

[cia-drugs] FW: [2] General Betray-us President -- Vote-Rigging a Bloodless Military Coup?

2010-04-06 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: dasg...@aol.com dasg...@aol.com
 Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 19:48:02 EDT
 To: Robert Millegan ramille...@aol.com
 Cc: ema...@aol.com, j...@aol.com, jim6...@cwnet.com, l...@legitgov.org
 Subject: [2] General Betray-us President -- Vote-Rigging a Bloodless
 Military Coup?

 President Petraeus? Iraqi official recalls the day US general revealed
 By Patrick Cockburn
 13 September 2007
 The US commander in Iraq, General David Petraeus, expressed long-term interest
 in running for the US presidency when he was stationed in Baghdad, according
 to a senior Iraqi official who knew him at that time.
 Sabah Khadim, then a senior adviser at Iraq's Interior Ministry, says General
 Petraeus discussed with him his ambition when the general was head of training
 and recruitment of the Iraqi army in 2004-05.
 I asked him if he was planning to run in 2008 and he said, 'No, that would be
 too soon', Mr Khadim, who now lives in London, said.
 General Petraeus has a reputation in the US Army for being a man of great
 ambition. If he succeeds in reversing America's apparent failure in Iraq, he
 would be a natural candidate for the White House in the presidential election
 in 2012.
 His able defence of the surge in US troop numbers in Iraq as a success
 before Congress this week has made him the best-known soldier in America. An
 articulate, intelligent and energetic man, he has always shown skill in
 managing the media.
 But General Petraeus's open interest in the presidency may lead critics to
 suggest that his own political ambitions have influenced him in putting an
 optimistic gloss on the US military position in Iraq .
 Mr Khadim was a senior adviser in the Iraqi Interior Ministry in 2004-05 when
 Iyad Allawi was prime minister.
 My office was in the Adnan Palace in the Green Zone, which was close to
 General Petraeus's office, Mr Khadim recalls. He had meetings with the
 general because the Interior Ministry was involved in vetting the loyalty of
 Iraqis recruited as army officers. Mr Khadim was critical of the general's
 choice of Iraqis to work with him.
 For a soldier whose military abilities and experience are so lauded by the
 White House, General Petraeus has had a surprisingly controversial career in
 Iraq. His critics hold him at least partly responsible for three debacles: the
 capture of Mosul by the insurgents in 2004; the failure to train an effective
 Iraqi army and the theft of the entire Iraqi arms procurement budget in
 General Petraeus went to Iraq during the invasion of 2003 as commander of the
 101st Airborne Division and had not previously seen combat. He first became
 prominent when the 101st was based in Mosul, in northern Iraq, where he
 pursued a more conciliatory line toward former Baathists and Iraqi army
 officers than the stated US policy.
 His efforts were deemed successful. When the 101st left in February 2004, it
 had lost only 60 troops in combat and accidents. General Petraeus had built up
 the local police by recruiting officers who had previously worked for Saddam
 Hussein's security apparatus.
 Although Mosul remained quiet for some months after, the US suffered one of
 its worse setbacks of the war in November 2004 when insurgents captured most
 of the city. The 7,000 police recruited by General Petraeus either changed
 sides or went home. Thirty police stations were captured, 11,000 assault
 rifles were lost and $41m (£20m) worth of military equipment disappeared.
 Iraqi army units abandoned their bases.
 The general's next job was to oversee the training of a new Iraqi army. As
 head of the Multinational Security Transition Command, General Petraeus
 claimed that his efforts were proving successful. In an article in The
 Washington Post in September 2004, he wrote: Training is on track and
 increasing in capacity. Infrastructure is being repaired. Command and control
 structures and institutions are being re-established. This optimism turned
 out be misleading; three years later the Iraqi army is notoriously ineffective
 and corrupt.
 General Petraeus was in charge of the Security Transition Command at the time
 that the Iraqi procurement budget of $1.2 billion was stolen.
 It is possibly one of the largest thefts in history, Iraq's Finance
 Minister, Ali Allawi, said. Huge amounts of money disappeared. In return we
 got nothing but scraps of metal.
 Mr Khadim is sceptical that the surge is working. Commenting on the US
 military alliance with the Sunni tribes in Anbar province, he said: They will
 take your money, but when the money runs out they will change sides again.

-- End of Forwarded Message

[cia-drugs] FW: General Betray-us President in 2012 -- Vote-Rigging a Bloodless Military Coup?

2010-04-06 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: dasg...@aol.com dasg...@aol.com
 Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 19:34:27 EDT
 To: Robert Millegan ramille...@aol.com
 Cc: ema...@aol.com, j...@aol.com, jim6...@cwnet.com, l...@legitgov.org
 Subject: General Betray-us President in 2012 -- Vote-Rigging a Bloodless
 Military Coup?

   David Petraeus for  President:
  Run General,  Run

 With many voters yearning for an outsider,  and military officers looked up
 to, Gen. David Petraeus could be a  powerful presidential candidate and a
 potentially accomplished  President
   Toby Harnden's American Way
 The  Telegraph (UK), 03 Apr 2010
   Americans have never been so disgusted with their  politicians. More than
 three-quarters of Americans disapprove of Congress.  President Barack Obama's
 favourability ratings have slumped to below 50  per cent and he is no longer
 trusted or believed by many who voted for  him. Republicans are faring little
 better and the  growth of the Tea Party movement reflects the widespread
 disgust with  Washington and the political class. Incumbents across the board
 are vulnerable in November's mid-term elections.
  Many voters yearn for an outsider,  someone with authenticity, integrity and
 proven accomplishment. Someone  who has not spent their life plotting how to
 ascend the greasy pole,  adjusting every utterance for maximum political
 In this toxic climate, perhaps the only  public institution that has increased
 in prestige in recent years is the  American military. Its officers are looked
 upon, as General  George Patton once noted, as the modern representatives of
 the demi-gods  and heroes of antiquity.Where better to look for Obama's
 successor,  therefore, than in the uniformed ranks?
  Not since 1952, when a certain Dwight Eisenhower,  Supreme Commander of
 Allied Forces in Europe during the Second World War,  was elected President,
 have the chances of a military man winning the  White House been more
 propitious.Within those ranks, no one stands out  like General David Petraeus,
 head of United States Central Command, leader  of 230,000 troops and commander
 of United States forces in two wars.  Having masterminded the Iraq surge, the
 stunning military gambit  that seized victory from the jaws of defeat, he is
 now directing an  equally daunting undertaking in Afghanistan.
  Petraeus, 57, has survived the collapse of his  parachute 60 feet above the
 ground. After he was shot in the chest during  a training exercise and endured
 five hours surgery, the then battalion  commander refused to lie in hospital
 recuperating. Demanding that the  tubes be removed from his arm, he declared:
 I am not the norm.A  Princeton PhD, he has revolutionised the way America
 fights its wars,  inculcating the doctrine of counter-insurgency in a new
 generation of  officers who have finally put the ghost of Vietnam to rest. At
 West Point  he qualified for medical school just to prove he could, never
 bothering to  apply.
 The problem is that Petraeus appears to have no  desire to be
 commander-in-chief. His denials of any political ambition  have come close to
 the famous statement by General William Sherman. The  former American Civil
 War commander, rejecting the possibility of running  for president in 1884 by
 stating: I will not accept if nominated and will  not serve if elected.
 Yet speculation about Petraeus in 2012 persists.  The White House is wary of
 him just as President Bill Clinton was wary of  General Colin Powell in 1995.
 Rumours that he wants to run have even  reached Downing Street.At a recent
 appearance in New Hampshire - which  happens to be the state in which the
 first presidential primary will be  held in January 2012 - Petraeus was
 I thought I'd said 'no' about as many ways as I  could. I really do mean no,
 he insisted when asked if he was destined for  politics. I've tried quoting a
 country song 'What part of 'no' don't you  understand?' but I really do mean
 that...I will not ever run for political  office, I can assure you. Almost
 Some note, however, when the future President  Barack Obama was asked in
 February 2007 if he would serve his full  six-year term in the Senate (due to
 expire in 2010), he responded: If you  get asked enough, sooner or later you
 get weary and you start looking for  new ways of saying things. When asked
 directly if he would run for the  White House in 2008, he said flatly: I will
 There's little reason to doubt the sincerity of  Petraeus's denials. He
 recently confided that he has remained so  steadfastly apolitical since he
 became a major-general that he has not  voted. And he has maintained a much
 lower profile since the Bush  administration, when he became closely
 identified with the former  President.

[cia-drugs] POPE RATZINGER AND THE BUSHES [1 Attachment]

2010-04-06 Thread nathaniel x vance
Dear group,
Just as the space Zetas of Zetatalk.com predicted, the worst of Pope Ratzinger 
pedophile cover-ups are still yet to be reveal and we are finally seeing their 
words coming true with each passing day!
If any Muslims, or Amish/Quaker  -  if any other religious group had even a 
spattering of the same child-abuse pedophile charges as those which are now 
plaguing the Catholic church, the furor would be so vituperative against them 
that the whole denomination would be condemned to hellfire! 
How could we as a supposed Christian nation be condoning such dastardly 
 _ _ _ _ _ _ 

Pope Ratzinger and the Bushes: Two Peas In a Pedophile Protection Pod 
By Lori Price, www.legitgov. org 05 April 2010 
A Newsday article from 2005 details the dirtbags, including Neil Bush, who 
served on Pope Ratzinger's 'ecumenical foundation' -- all protected from on 
'High.' Also in 2005, Pope Rat asked US President [sic] George W. Bush to 
'declare the pontiff immune from liability' in a lawsuit that accused him of 
conspiring to cover up the molestation of three boys by a seminarian in Texas. 
In September 2005, the U.S. asserted that the lawsuit should be dismissed, as 
the Pope enjoys immunity as head of state of the Holy See. 
http://www.legitgov .org/price_ pope_bushes_ two_peas_ 050410.html 

Another Catholic Priest accused of US abuse still working in India
ST. PAUL, Minn. – A Roman Catholic priest was in his native India in 2007 when 
he was charged with sexually assaulting a teenage girl at his former post in 
Minnesota. Three years later, he is still serving as a priest in India with the 
blessing of his local bishop.

ZetaTalk:  Pope  Ratzinger  written Apr 22, 2005

The wicked ENDTIME - NOT the RIGHTEOUS! http://Zetaheaven.org:  

[cia-drugs] FW: Pension Fund Meltdown: States' Pension Debt 500% Bigger Than Total State Budget

2010-04-06 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: dasg...@aol.com dasg...@aol.com
 Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 20:40:48 EDT
 To: Robert Millegan ramille...@aol.com
 Cc: ema...@aol.com, j...@aol.com, jim6...@cwnet.com
 Subject: Pension Fund Meltdown: States' Pension Debt 500% Bigger Than Total
 State Budget

 'Something's Got to Give':
 Massive Pension Fund Shortfalls Threaten to Bankrupt States
 Dan Froomkin
 State governments have already been slammed by the recession, but there's an
 even more massive financial threat looming in the form of immense projected
 shortfalls in public-employee pension funds -- in some cases so big there is
 literally no way the states can make them up anytime soon even if they tried.
 Chronic underinvestment (particularly in the bubble years), poor management of
 assets before and during the financial crisis, and, in some cases, unfunded
 benefit increases have put many pension funds wildly out of balance.
 But state taxpayers are contractually obligated to make good on the retiree
 benefits -- even as those promises threaten to crash headfirst into
 obligations to pay for schools, public safety, health care and the like.
 Something has got to give, says Joe Nation, the director of a Stanford
 University graduate program that is reporting today
 ngforBroke_pb.pdf  that the cumulative shortfall from California's three
 giant pension funds alone is somewhere around $500 billion.
 Not only is that considerably more than the state is currently projecting, but
 it's almost six times the state's entire budget. In other words, it would take
 California six years -- with no spending on education, public safety, health
 care or anything else -- to fill the gap.
 What is so alarming is there is no way that the state will be able to meet
 these obligations, Nation tells HuffPost. The odds are so heavily stacked
 against the state on this one. The question is how we dig out of this.
 It's a profoundly grim situation across the nation, for everyone involved --
 with the usual exception. A new analysis
 http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/03/business/03equity.html?ref=us  by the New
 York Times concludes that the nation's 10 largest public pension funds paid
 private equity firms more than $17 billion in fees since 2000, without reaping
 the rewards they were promised.  So that's where some of the money has gone.
 Indeed, pension fund administrators, far from investing with great caution as
 would seem to befit their calling, have instead contributed greatly to the
 explosive growth of private equity firms -- the folks who the Times dubs the
 kings of corporate buyouts.
 And now that times are tough, the pension funds are actually doubling down
 nsion%20fundsst=cse .
 A report titled The Trillion Dollar Gap
 http://www.pewcenteronthestates.org/report_detail.aspx?id=56695  from the
 Pew Center on the States last month called renewed attention to the pension
 shortfalls. The title reflects the gap at the end of fiscal year 2008 between
 the $2.35 trillion states had set aside to pay for employees' retirement
 benefits and the $3.35 trillion price tag of those promises.
 But as NPR http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=124894618
 and others noted, that $1 trillion figure is unrealistically low. Experts like
 Joshua Rauh, an associate professor of finance at the Kellogg School of
 Management at Northwestern University, say pension funds are using exaggerated
 assumptions about investment returns.
 Our calculation is that it's more like $3 trillion underfunded, Rauh told
 The Stanford report, for instance, concludes that the California pension funds
 have been using an inappropriately high discount rate to calculate future
 liabilities, and uses 4 percent instead. (The report also reflects the three
 California funds' $110 billion -- or 24 percent -- loss in portfolio value
 between mid-2008 and mid-2009. But if the portfolios have continued to more or
 less mirror the performance of the Dow, they have likely gained back much of
 that loss by now.)
 The Wall Street Journal
 l  reports that the General Accounting Standards Board, the accounting board
 for governments, is likely to force states to publicly adjust their
 calculations to reflect more realistic expected returns.
 If the modifications are approved, many already cash-strapped states and
 municipalities would likely have to increase the amount they are supposed to
 pay annually to their pension funds to help cover the shortfall, the Journal
 How have the states gotten into this mess? As the Pew report 

[cia-drugs] FW: Zionist Alan Dershowitz Explains Why the Catholic Church Is Blaming the Jews

2010-04-06 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: dasg...@aol.com dasg...@aol.com
 Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 20:23:57 EDT
 To: Robert Millegan ramille...@aol.com
 Cc: ema...@aol.com, j...@aol.com, jim6...@cwnet.com
 Subject: Zionist Alan Dershowitz Explains Why the Catholic Church Is Blaming
 the Jews

 Catholic Church Accused of Covering Up Pedophilia: Blame the Jews
 985.html ! 
 Alan Dershowitz
 Huffington Post, 5 April 2010
 The Catholic church, which does so much good, has declared Antisemitism to be
 a sin, but there are some within the hierarchy who always know the source of
 the Church's problems: It's the Jews. Consider the following report in The
 New York Times of April 3, 2010. Last week, the center-left daily newspaper
 LA Republica wrote, without attribution, that certain Catholic circles
 believed the criticism of the church stemmed from a New York 'Jewish Lobby.'
 Ah, the power of the New York Jewish Lobby, extending to rural Ireland,
 southern Germany, Boulder Junction, Wisconsin and the archbishop of
 Despite the lack of attribution in the newspaper article, the quote has
 credibility because it echoes statements made by a leading member of this
 blame the Jews circle as far back as May of 2002. That man is Cardinal Oscar
 Andres Rodriguez Meridiaga, who is the archbishop of Honduras. Cardinal
 Rodriguez who was in the running for Pope Benedict's job and who remains a
 leading candidate to replace him, is an overt anti-Semite and is not ashamed
 of it.  For years, he has been telling anyone who is willing to listen that
 the Jews are to blame for the scandal surrounding the sexual misconduct of
 priests toward young parishioners!
 But even for this bigot in a red hat, it must have been a stretch to blame the
 Jews for a world-wide problem that has plagued the Vatican for decades. Have
 no fear. Rodriguez has figured out a way to blame the Jews that is about as
 compelling as the Church's historic efforts to blame the Jews for the Black
 Plague, the poisoning of wells and the murder of Christian children to use
 their blood for Passover Matzo.
 Here is his logic. He begins by asserting that the Vatican is anti-Israel
 and pro-Palestinian. It follows, therefore, that the Jews had to get even
 with the Catholic Church, while at the same time deflecting attention away
 from Israeli injustices against the Palestinians.
 The Jews managed to do this by arranging for the media which they, of course,
 control to give disproportionate attention to the Vatican sex scandal. Listen
 to Rodriguez's own words:
 It certainly makes me think that in a moment in which all the attention of
 the mass media was focused on the Middle East, all the many injustices done
 against the Palestinian people, the print media and the TV in the United
 States became obsessed with sexual scandals that happened 40 years ago, 30
 years ago. Why? I think it's also for these motives: What is the church that
 has received Arafat the most times and has most often confirmed the necessity
 of the creation of a Palestinian state? What is the church that does not
 accept that Jerusalem should be the indivisible capital of the State of
 Israel, but that it should be the capital of the three great monotheistic
 Rodriguez then goes on to compare the Jewish-controlled media with Hitler,
 because they are protagonists of what I do not hesitate to define as a
 persecution against the Church.
 When asked whether he wanted to reconsider his attack, Rodriguez replied: I
 don't repent sometimes it is necessary to shake things up.
 The prime media culprit is, according to Rodriguez, The Boston Globe, which
 has won numerous journalistic awards for its exposure of the sex scandal and
 cover-up. The Globe, you see, is owned by The New York Times, which is
 controlled by the Sulzberger, which was once a Jewish family. Hence the Jewish
 conspiracy. Oh, these clever Jews!
 One problem with this cockamamie theory is that the Jewish community of Boston
 was very close to, and admiring of, Cardinal Bernard Law, who presided over
 the archdiocese during the scandal. Law had built bridges between the Catholic
 and Jewish communities of Boston, and when the scandal was exposed by the very
 un-Jewish Boston Globe the Jewish community remained largely supportive of
 None of the leading media critics, lawyers or politicians who railed against
 the church was Jewish. Most were Catholic. But that didn't matter to the
 bigoted cardinal, who along with other classic anti-Semites believes that if
 there is a problem the Jews must be to blame for it.
 As the writer James Carrol, himself a Catholic, has characterized Rodriguez's
 crackpot mindset: When the church 

[cia-drugs] FW: Bollywood Babylon

2010-04-06 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: dasg...@aol.com dasg...@aol.com
 Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 20:59:47 EDT
 To: Robert Millegan ramille...@aol.com
 Cc: ema...@aol.com, j...@aol.com, jim6...@cwnet.com
 Subject: Bollywood Babylon

 Hindu ŒGod-Man¹ in British Airways prostitution scandal
 Neal Ungerleider
 A Hindu clergyman and self-styled ³god-man² with over 100,000 reputed
 followers in India has been caught running a US$10 million high-end
 prostitution racket involving British Airways hostesses.
 Shiv Myra Dwivedi, aka Ichchadhari Sant Swami Bhimanand Ji Maharaj Chitrakoot
 Wale, 39, claims to be a follower of the legendary Sathya Sai Baba. Dwivedi
 was allgedly using his Sai Baba Temple in Khanpur, South Delhi as a front for
 an operation that employed somewhere between 60 and 200 prostitutes across
 India. Also found inside Dwivedi¹s temple were drug and pornography caches on
 an epic scale. Adding to the fun, it appears that phone records found inside
 the temple link the prostitution operation to prominent Delhi cops, Indian
 television stars and politicians.
 The Indian press is already calling Dwivedi the ³pimp guru.²
 The operation of the ³pimp guru² employed mainly students and air hostesses,
 including British Airways and Jagson employees. Dwivedi was arrested over the
 weekend by Delhi police while conducting a deal with another (alleged) pimp
 behind a cinema in the city¹s Saket neighborhood. A police team sent to raid
 Dwivedi¹s temple subsequently found a labyrinth of hidden tunnels and rooms
 that contained personal diaries, cash, financial records for the operation and
 healthy supplies of pornography and undisclosed illegal drugs. According to
 Delhi authorities, the Swami hid the entrance to the secret tunnels in a
 meditation room.
 The ³pimp guru² also runs a 200-bed hospital and has several powerful
 political patrons in the Samajwadi Party and reportedly has several well-known
 politicians among his clients.
 But for all of Dwivedi¹s religious trappings, his pimp skills seem defiantly
 ³He used the guise of spirituality to run an organised prostitution racket
 since 1999 and has made billions of rupees by supplying women to his
 high-profile clients,² said a police officer, refusing to be named.
 ³He would force young women to join the sex racket, offered them money,
 expensive gifts and had even provided them with cars.²
 Apart from the Delhi temple, the prostitution operation also rented out of
 several rented houses in Delhi and in the state of Uttar Pradesh. According to
 Indian sources, his non-Indian prostitutes would dress only in saffron clothes
 in public to avoid suspicion.
 Dwivedi, a native of Uttar Pradesh, worked his way up from a security guard at
 a massage parlor in the 1990s to become a prominent guru. But he had trouble
 along the way: Dwivedi was previously arrested in 2000 for running a
 prostitution ring centered around yoga and meditation workshops.
 Strangest of all, reports indicate that Dwivedi¹s father and brother were
 previously arrested on unrelated murder allegations in his hometown of
 British Airways is investigating the allegations.
 Actress in Delhi godman sex racket
 March 5, 2010,16:24 [IST]
 New Delhi, Mar 5:  Amid the heated controversy over Swami Nithyananda's
 alleged sexcapades with Tamil Actress Ranjitha, suspected involvement of a TV
 actress in the sex racket of another godman Shiv Murat Dwivedi has hit the
 Shiv Murat Dwivedi alias Sant Swami Bhimanand was arrested on Friday, Feb 26
 for allegedly running a sex racket in the capital. A week after the arrest, it
 has emerged that a TV actress and item girl was part of his racket.
 Times of India reports that along with Diwedi, the suspected actress and five
 other women were arrested in 2003 by Noida police.
 We are in the process of obtaining her dossier from the Noida police,'' a
 police officer told the newspaper.
 The godman reportedly has scores of other cases tainting his past. Another
 media report suggests that this is the fifth case against Godman.
 ³He was convicted and a monetary fine was slapped against him. This is the
 fifth case against him. In 1997, Dwivedi was arrested on charges of running a
 prostitution racket in Lajpat Nagar. The next year, he was arrested for
 dacoity in Badarpur. In 2003, he was arrested from Noida Sector-24 under the
 Immoral Trafficking (Prevention) Act and was also charged under the Gangster
 Act,² says a report in The Indian Express.

-- End of Forwarded Message

[cia-drugs] FW: Understanding the Mechanics of the Police State by Michael Hampton [2 Attachments]

2010-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: Sardar sar...@spiritone.com
 Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 19:30:59 -0700
 To: Sardar recon1968br...@yahoo.com
 Subject: Understanding the Mechanics of the Police State by Michael Hampton
 Understanding the Mechanics of the Police State
 by Michael Hampton
 People don't know what fusion centers are, says Catherine
 Bleish, who was the opening speaker at the 2010 New Hampshire Liberty Forum
 on March 19.
 Fusion centers were created after the September 11, 2001,
 terrorist attacks as a way for local and state law enforcement agencies to
 share terrorism related information with the federal government, and vice
 versa. The idea quickly ran into problems, first among them the fact that
 there simply isn't enough terrorist activity to justify the concept. Instead
 of shutting down as pointless, fusion centers gradually began expanding into
 sharing information about all crimes. Fusion center activity over the years
 has also raised concerns about government surveillance of legally protected
 political activity.
 Bleish, who was led into becoming an activist by the 2008 Ron
 Paul presidential campaign, said she was informed of a report published by
 the Missouri Information Analysis Center, leaked in March 2009, which stated
 among other things that people with Gadsden flag and Ron Paul bumper
 stickers could be militia members or potential terrorists. Bleish, who is
 the executive director of the Liberty Restoration Project, spearheaded
 further investigation and activism, eventually leading to MIAC retracting
 the report.
 MIAC is a Department of Homeland Security fusion center, she
 said during her speech. These institutions are doing a lot of damage to the
 relationship between the general public and the law enforcement community.
 Bleish also runs Operation Defuse, a project to inform the
 public about the nature and activities of fusion centers and how those
 activities contribute to the federalization and militarization of law
 Embedding for this video disabled by request. To view this
 video, visit:
 Catherine Bleish: Understanding the Mechanics of the Police
 The New Hampshire Liberty Forum is an annual conference held by
 the Free State Project, a movement to bring 20,000 activists to New
 Hampshire to work toward reducing the size, scope and power of government
 and increasing individual liberty and responsibility. The project has signed
 over 10,000 participants, and over 800 have already moved. The Liberty
 Forum, and the project's summer camping event, PorcFest, allow people
 undecided about the project to see the state firsthand and observe and
 participate in local activism.
 Reprinted from Homeland Stupidity.
 March 27, 2010
  Homeland Stupidity
   Back to LewRockwell.com Home Page

-- End of Forwarded Message

[cia-drugs] FW: ABC, CBS Evening News Continue To Hemorrhage Viewers [5 Attachments]

2010-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: Sardar sar...@spiritone.com
 Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 19:01:23 -0700
 To: Sardar recon1968br...@yahoo.com
 Subject: ABC, CBS Evening News Continue To Hemorrhage Viewers
 ABC, CBS Evening News Continue To Hemorrhage Viewers
 Email Article
 Email Sent!
 You have successfully shared the post.
 A A A
   a.. Buzz
   b.. Share33
   c.. Gillian Reagan | Apr. 2, 2010, 9:58 AM | 1,276 |  21
   DIS Apr 1 2010, 06:40 PM EDT
 35.55 Change % Change
 - 0.00%
   GE Apr 1 2010, 06:40 PM EDT
 18.33 Change % Change
 - 0.00%
   CBS Apr 1 2010, 06:40 PM EDT
 14.17 Change % Change
 - 0.00%
   See Also:
   ABC News Asks 300 Employees To Leave
   After Laying Off Hundreds Of Staffers, ABC News Plans For Paywall By
   Eric Alterman: Pay Anchors Like Journalists Instead Of Hedge Fund
 CNN isn't the only news network struggling to bring in viewers.
 Evening news broadcasts at major networks are suffering, too.
 According to Bill Carter at the New York Times, ABC's World News with Diane
 Sawyer had its worst quarter since 1987. CBS' Evening News with Katie Couric
 hit a new low starting in January.
 But Brian Williams' Nightly News at NBC got a boost with its best first
 quarter in four years (thanks, Olympics).
 Over all, Q1 numbers were:
 NBC (GE): 9.92 million viewers
 ABC (DIS): 8.27 million
 CBS (CBS): 6.45 million
 The number of viewers still watching the three shows together - more than
 24 million in the first quarter - continue to dwarf any news program on
 cable, Carter notes.
 But evening news casts continue to lose their viewers to cable networks and
 Internet news coverage. In an effort to make up the difference in dipping ad
 revenue, broadcasts have been cutting hundreds of newsroom staffers. ABC
 News is also looking at new revenue streams like paywalls for their websites
 and adding video onto ad-supported sites like Hulu.
 Tags: TV, Media, ABC, News
 Read more: 
 Read more: 

-- End of Forwarded Message

[cia-drugs] Is Pope Ratzinger the Last or Next to Last Pope before PoleShift? [1 Attachment]

2010-04-06 Thread nathaniel x vance
Fearful, angry, confused: Catholic pilgrims gather in shadow of pedophile 
papacy's crisis
Crowds flocked to Rome for the annual celebration of the Resurrection, but this 
year divisions over the abuse scandal made the mood far from joyous

From Zeta space angel people on Catholic Papacy: 
“ More is still yet to be revealed!”

The wicked ENDTIME - NOT the RIGHTEOUS! http://Zetaheaven.org:  

[cia-drugs] FW: Grand Old (Tea) Party -- Old, Fat, Stupid, Southern/Christian SORE LOSERS

2010-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: dasg...@aol.com dasg...@aol.com
 Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 18:05:49 EDT
 To: Robert Millegan roads...@aol.com
 Cc: ema...@aol.com, j...@aol.com, jim6...@cwnet.com,
 l...@legitgov.org, christian.r...@gmail.com
 Subject: Grand Old (Tea) Party -- Old, Fat, Stupid, Southern/Christian SORE

 from The Atlantic, March 24, 2010
 Self-identified Tea Partiers are actually just Republicans and
 Republican-leaning independents, Quinnipiac* finds:
 € 74 percent are  Republicans or independent  voters
 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36023637/ns/politics-decision_2010/#  leaning
 € 16 percent are Democrats or independent voters  leaning Democratic;
 € 5 percent are solidly independent;
 € 45 percent are men;
 € 55 percent are women;
 € 88 percent are white;
 € 77 percent voted for  Sen. John McCain in 2008
 *Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, Hamden, Connecticut

  Middle Class Must Suffer to Close Deficit,  Voters Say 8-1 -- but Don't Touch
 Social Security or Medicare
  Although 84%of Americans say the middle class will have  to make [greater]
 financial sacrifices to reduce the federal budget  deficit, more than three
 quarters of them oppose raising income taxes on  the middle class or limiting
 the growth of Social Security and Medicare,  according to a Quinnipiac
 University poll released today.
   Looking at ways to reduce the deficit, 49% of voters  want all budget
 reductions through spending cuts, while 4% want it done  only through tax
  Social Security and Medicare are the two  largest domestic items in the
 federal budget, and between them now make up  more than a third of federal
 spending. Under current law, these programs  will gobble up an even larger
 percentage of the budgets in coming years,  said Peter A. Brown, assistant
 director of the Quinnipiac University  Polling Institute.
  Given those numbers, those who want serious  deficit reduction have their
 work cut out for them in convincing the  public, which seems adamantly opposed
 to cutting the programs costing  us the most.

-- End of Forwarded Message

[cia-drugs] FW: Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan: Part 12 [10 Attachments]

2010-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: Sardar sar...@spiritone.com
 Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 18:18:23 -0700
 To: Sardar recon1968br...@yahoo.com
 Subject: Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan: Part 12
   PART 12
   By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
   April 5, 2010
   [Note: On ABC's Dancing With the Stars (March 29), one of the songs
 played was Fly Me to the Moon written by Bart Howard in 1954. The lyrics
 to the song say, You are all I long for, all I worship and adore. Ask Adam
 what happened to him when he chose the will of Eve rather than the will of
 God, Whom Adam should have worshipped and adored exclusively.]
   In Charles Higham's Trading With the Enemy: An Expose of the
 Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949, one learns that in 1936 the J. Henry
 Schroder Bank of New York had entered into a partnership with the
 Rockefellers. Schroder, Rockefeller and Company, Investment Bankers, was
 formed as part of an overall company that TIME magazine disclosed as being
 'the economic booster of the Rome-Berlin Axis.' The partners in Schroder,
 Rockefeller and Company included Avery Rockefeller, nephew of John D., Baron
 Bruno von Schroder in London, and Kurt von Schroder of the BIS (Bank for
 International Settlements) and Gestapo in Cologne.. Their lawyers were John
 Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles of Sullivan and Cromwell.. The Rockefellers
 owned Standard Oil of New Jersey, the German accounts of which were siphoned
 through their own bank (the Chase) as well as through the independent
 National City Bank of New York.. Two executives of Standard Oil's German
 subsidiary were Karl Lindemann and Emil Helfferich, prominent figures in
 Himmler's Circle of Friends of the Gestapo-its chief financiers-and close
 friends and colleagues of the BIS's Baron von Schroder.
   According to The Hunt Hits Home by Michael Hirsh in Newsweek
 (December 14, 1998), in 1940 John Foster Dulles working for Sullivan and
 Cromwell oversaw the drafting of papers creating a Swedish dummy owner for
 Nazi engine parts producer Bosch's U.S. arm so that the Nazis could retain
 control,. and according to Marc Masurovsky, a former Justice Department
 historian, recently declassified documents show that at least 300 companies
 continued doing business in Germany during the war.
   To understand why the Dulles brothers would help the Nazis, one must
 again be reminded that the Nazis were/are simply one subpart of the larger
 Power Elite (PE) plan for total control via a world government. PE member
 Cecil Rhodes' secret Society of the Elect's scheme to take the government
 of the whole world, in Rhodes' own words, was executed by Lord Alfred
 Milner, whose group virtually ran British foreign affairs before WWII.
 Milner was anti-Zionist, and the head of British intelligence for the
 Transjordan was anti-Zionist Jack Philby, who in 1923 created the Arab
 Legion and afterward became advisor to the House of Saud. Ibn Saud was the
 leader of the Wahhabi Sect of Muslims from which Al Qaeda would arise.
   Harry St. John Bridger Philby (known as Jack) is an example of a PE
 agent at the nexus of Cecil Rhodes' secret plan and its dialectical process,
 the pan-Islamic crescent, and the Nazis. Jack Philby's Arabic name was
 Sheikh Abdullah. He had been a classmate of Jawaharlal Nehru, who would
 later be Prime Minister of India. In his autobiography, he referred to
 himself as the first Socialist to join the Indian Civil Service in 1907.
 In 1908, his work took him to Lahore, which later in the 20th century would
 become a terrorist training ground in Pakistan. In 1915, PE agent British
 High Commissioner Percy Cox (who would in late November 1922 create the
 Iraq-Kuwait border to keep Iraq from having access to the sea and therefore
 remain dependent on Britain) appointed Philby to a finance post in Baghdad.
 As usual, these two PE agents had a mission of subterfuge. In addition to
 protecting the oilfields near Basra, they organized the Arab revolts against
 the Ottoman Turks. Remember in the recent Iraq war how two British agent
 provocateurs dressed as Arabs engaged in terrorist attacks in Basra?
   Relevant to the dialectical process, while Jack Philby was allied with
 the Nazis, his son Kim Philby was a British intelligence officer who became
 a double agent for the Soviets. By 1940, Jack Philby had allied with the
 anti-Zionist Dulles brothers in making deals between the Nazis and the
 Saudis. However, in typical dialectical fashion, like PE agent John J.
 McCloy, Jack Philby early in 1939 had developed a plan for Jewish
 immigration to Palestine, and after WWII there was talk among those around
 King Ibn Saud that Philby was still working for the British Secret Service
 and was perhaps a Zionist spy.
   Prior to WWII, Graeme Howard was General Motors' representative in

Re: please discontinue muckblit misdirection/harassment routine! Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America

2010-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

If you don¹t like what Bob says, you don¹t have to read.

I find your post more harassing than anything Bob has ever posted.


On 4/5/10 8:44 PM, ruxpert homepu...@comcast.net wrote:


 Dear Bob, 
 I asked you to Please stop misdirecting from subject video/speech posted,
 and to instead Please deal with actual specific details expressed in subject
 why try to apply more misdirection  as attempt to cover-up of previous
 misdirection routine, while so to continue misdirection routine?
 (especially when I kindly ask you to stop such misdirection)
 and to make it worse, you attempt such via such blatant nonsense:
 Biographical background is not eligible for your usual ad hominem.
 dear Bob, I am tired of tending to your bullshit misdirection harassment
 Please Stop! 
 Truth Please / rather than more Bullshit
 On Bullshit || Jon Stewart on Crossfire
 why all the muckblit misdirection routines? ;-)
 Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Good-Bye. Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty With It
 - Original Message -
 From: muckblit muckb...@yahoo.com
 To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Monday, April 5, 2010 8:16:04 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
 Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to
 destroy America
 Bio background is customary in many publications. Some still like to
 the source (in this case a 32nd degree mason as well as the rest).
 Doing so is
 not ad hominem, ruxpert. I am not forbidding the question, either,
 but I
 will not review the vid right now, ruxpert, since you play.
 RW a 32nd degree mason, too. Sen. Jesse Helms a mason. Most JBS local
 chapter heads mormons. They used to publish John Rees before NewAm,
 another source of goo d facts here and there. Rees and JBS published lots
 good facts and that was more appreciated before there was an internet,
 as Ben Partin talking about OKCbomb, but read elsewhere or get mugged
 by the mindset(Partin is not a JBS member and just published there
 there was no ubiquitous internet yet).
 Search both of our archives. Bush-Quayle-mob connects ought to be in
 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, muckblit muckb...@... wrote:
  Not needed.
  Biographical background is not eligible for your usual ad hominem.
  --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, homepulse@ wrote:
   ; dear Bob,
   rather than ad-hominem misdirection,
   please instead deal with, comment on, critique,
   actual specific details expressed in subject video/speech,
   Thank you
   - Original Message -
   From: muckblit muckblit@
   To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Sunday, April 4, 2010 11:04:24 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
   Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders
  plans to destroy America
   Unfortunately Robert Welch lived on the same ultra-exclusive
   street with Bush, Quayle, and the mob. Pretty good for a candy
   salesman. JBS did give us a lot of facts in their limted hangout,
   before the internet. We just had to be sure to check on other
   sources or suffer neuro-linguistic circu mscription(lobotomy).
   --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, homepulse@ wrote:
Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958
predicting Insiders plans to destroy America

Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders
   to destroy America
You Tube March 31, 2010
Proof that the NEW WORLD ORDER has been planned by the elite.
Founder of The John Birch Society, predicted today's problems with
accuracy back in 1958 and prescribed solutions in 1974 that are
 ve ry
to Ron Paul's positions today. This is proof that there are plans
by the elite to systemically disassemble US sovereignty. I wonder
elite are.

March 27, 2010
Leaked CIA Report: Public Apathy Enables Leaders To Ignore
   Waging Endless Wars
   Complete archives at http://www.sitbot.net/
   Please let us stay on topic and be civil.
   Yahoo! Groups Links

[cia-drugs] Fraud is the business model / 'Control Fraud'

2010-04-06 Thread homepulse

From: Brasscheck TV 
Sent: Tuesday, April 6, 2010 
Subject: Brasscheck TV: Fraud is the business model 

If you think the economy is recovering, this video will provide you 
with a much needed reality check. 

It will also explain why we're not likely to get back on track without 
a catastrophic financial housecleaning. 

Meanwhile, the foxes remain in firm control of the chicken coop. 


- Brasscheck 

Keiser Report №30: Markets! Finance! Scandal! 


audio - Largest Fraud in History || Treason? 

Control Fraud 


Robert Reich | Fraud on the Street 

The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine - video 


CORNERED / The Quiet Coup / SUPERFUSION - China / U.S. Merger 


Adrian Douglas: LBMA OTC Gold Market Cited as a Ponzi Scheme in CFTC Hearing 

CFTC Gets Facts of Bullion Manipulation 

Andrew Maguire  Adrian Douglas: Discuss What Could Be the Largest Fraud in 
History [audio] 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: CIA on LSD! Hank Albarelli interviewed on Kevin Barrett Show today

2010-04-06 Thread homepulse

- Forwarded Message - 
From: Kevin Barrett kbarr...@merr.com 
To: Kevin Barrett kbarr...@merr.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 6, 2010 7:35:57 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: CIA on LSD! Hank Albarelli interviewed on Kevin Barrett Show today 

Greetings! My wife Fatna and I just got back from a very successful Northern 
California tour premiering the new edition of Questioning the War on Terror: A 
Primer for Obama Voters . The people we met were extraordinary, the books sold 
out early, and the overall experience was so positive that Fatna has become a 
strong 9/11 truth movement supporter! A huge thank-you to event organizers 
Maureen O'Flaherty, Larry White, David Kimball, Tom King, and the others who 
pitched in and made this possible. And another big thank-you to Carol 
Brouillet, Ken Jenkins, and the rest of the Bay Area 9/11 Truth Alliance, where 
we were invited to a very enjoyable potluck and QA session. 
My only regret about this trip is that we weren't able to meet with Janette 
McKinlay, who is suffering severe health problems related to her exposure to 
the very World Trade Center dust she provided to Steven Jones and other 
scientists--with historic results. Janette is a talented artist and 
extraordinary human being. Please join us in praying for her. 
CIA on LSD! Hank Albarelli joins me this Tuesday 

Tuesday, April 6th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on 
http://NoLiesRadio.org , to be archiv ed here a few hours later... 

Hank Albarelli's new book A Terrible Mistake - The Murder of Frank Olson and 
the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments does more than just solving the mystery 
of who killed Frank Olson and why, and exposing the CIA's dosing of a French 
village with LSD. It turns over a huge rock and exposes a whole bevy of 
squirming monstrosities involving Military and CIA Cold War scientific and 
medical experimentation in the fields of Mind Control, Psychological 
Operations, Interrogation, Torture, Psycho-Weaponry, Chemical and Biological 
Assassination . (If you thought Charles Manson did unethical things with LSD, 
get a load of what these CIA psychopaths were up to!) 

Albarelli's book made news in the London Telegraph : French bread spiked with 
LSD in CIA experiment -- A 50-year mystery over the 'cursed bread' of 
Pont-Saint-Esprit, which left residents suffering hallucinations, has been 
solved after a writer discovered the US had spiked the bread with LSD as part 
of an experiment. 11 Mar 2010 In 1951, a quiet, picturesque village in southern 
France was suddenly and mysteriously struck down with mass insanity and 
hallucinations. At least five people died, dozens were interned in asylums and 
hundreds afflicted... An American investigative journalist has uncovered 
evidence suggesting the CIA peppered local food with the hallucinogenic drug 
LSD as part of a mind control experiment. H P Albarelli Jr., an investigative 
journalist, claims the outbreak resulted from a covert experiment directed by 
the CIA and the US Army's top-secret Special Operations Division (SOD) at Fort 
Detrick, Maryland. The scientists who produced both alternative explanations, 
he writes, worked for the Swiss-based Sandoz Pharmaceutical Company, which was 
then secretly supplying both the Army and CIA with LSD. 

Kevin Barrett 
Author, Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters: 

[cia-drugs] Priest worked in school after sex abuse allegations Vatican in new abuse storm

2010-04-06 Thread smartnews
Priest worked in school after sex abuse allegations Vatican in new abuse  
storm   over priest in India by Mira Oberman Apr 5, 2010 CHICAGO (AFP)  

A priest accused of sexually molesting two girls in the United States  
spent years working for Roman Catholic schools in India despite entreaties from 
a US bishop that he answer for his crimes, court documents showedBut 
despite  numerous entreaties, and efforts by a Minnesota prosecutor to have 
him  extradited on charges of child rape, Jeyapaul remained in his position as 
a  secretary of the Diocese of Ootacamund's Education Commission, court 
records  showed. The only ones who knew about him being a rapist, were the 
bishop, the  Vatican and that's it, said Jeff Anderson, a Minnesota lawyer who 
represents  Jeyapaul's victim.

They kept it a secret because they were concerned  about the protection of 
their reputation and not about the children who are at  grave peril, 
Anderson told AFP. And as long as they keep secrets, they are  complicit in 
these crimes.They did in this case what they always do which  is nothing 
but impose secrecy and in this case allowed Jayapaul to not only  continue in 
ministry but to supervise kids, said Anderson, who has filed scores  of 
claims on behalf of victims of child sex abuse by priests. What we hope to  
accomplish is first that any priest and/or bishop that has raped kids or a  
bishop that has been complicit in it be put in jail and defrocked, he  said.

His further aim is to ensure that the Roman Catholic church be  forced to 
publicly release its secret files on internal investigations into  
allegations of sexual abuse so that children can be protected from repeat  