[cia-drugs] Bison Bill's Weird West

2010-05-31 Thread cccalco
Bison Bill's Weird West 


History tells us that Jesse James died in 1882, shot by a former friend, Bob 
Ford. Yet many believe that James faked his death, and lived for years under 
the name J. Frank Dalton.

Here his story--a true story of the Weird West . . .

Jesse James reportedly belonged to a secret society, The Knights of the Golden 
Circle. Other members included Jefferson Davis, Bedford Forrest, and William 
Quantrill (leader of the Confederate guerilla outfit Quantrill's Raiders, with 
whom James rode). Some believe the society was created by the notorious Albert 
Pike, the subject of many a Masonic conspiracy theory.

According to the book Jesse James Was One of His Names (written by Del 
Schrader, with Jesse James III), the American Civil War did not really end in 
1865, but continued to be fought underground for 19 more years. Its highly 
sophisticated spy network, operated by the Knights of the Golden Circle, 
continued for even longer and was involved in many subversive activities. One 
of these was train robbery, a specialty of the James Gang, the purpose being to 
enrich the coffers of the Confederate underground. As a Confederate agent, 
James was also involved in smuggling guns and ammunition to the Plains Indians, 
as well as providing training in guerilla tactics, for use against their common 
enemy, General George Armstrong Custer and the Union Army.

After General Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomatox, a force of 2,000 Missouri 
cavalry and a full regiment of Confederate-led Red Bone Indians from East 
Texas, led by General J. O. Shelby journeyed to Mexico to join their ally, the 
Emperor Maximilian. When they were later threatened by Mexican patriots under 
the leadership of Benito Juarez, an elite force led by William Quantrill and 
Jesse James was sent to rescue them.

While in Mexico, James was enlisted in an operation to smuggle Maximilian's 
treasure out of Mexico. On their way north, the James force learned that 
Maximilian had apparently been executed by the Mexican patriots. He and 
several others had been shot by firing squad, then loaded into carts and 
carried away for burial. But the gravesite ceremony was infiltrated by Red Bone 
Indians, who noticed signs of life in Maximilian. The Indians talked the 
Mexicans into allowing them to give him a separate burial. Later he was nursed 
back to health and transported to East Texas.

According to Schrader, Maximilian changed his name to John Maxi and began 
living undercover in North America. Jesse James traveled to Europe, found a 
double of Maximilian's wife, Charlotta, then smuggled the real Charlotta back 
to America, where she was reunited with her husband. The man buried in 
Maximilian's grave in Vienna is a German seaman who died in a gunfight in Vera 
Cruz, Mexico. Switching bodies is a subterfuge as old as mankind, writes 
Schrader, and the Golden Circle certainly had no monopoly on this practice.

For their assistance, Maximilian rewarded the Knights of the Golden Circle 
$12.5 million in gold, and Jesse James $5 million.

Jesse James was now a wealthy man, with enough power and influence to fake his 
own death--and, with the law hot on his trail, this was undoubtedly a wise move.

According to Bud Hardcastle (a Jesse James historian), the man who was killed 
and identified as James was Charlie Bigelow. Bigelow was robbing things and 
using Jesse's name, and that's one of the reasons they probably identified him 
as Jesse . . . and Bigelow was buried as Jesse James.

Supposedly, Mrs. Jesse James was in reality Mrs. Bigelow--a prostitute who had 
been bribed to identify the corpse as that of James.

Hardcastle states that others who identified the dead body in 1882 had ulterior 
motives as relatives or members of Quantrill's Raiders. These men had all 
ridden with Jesse and taken an oath to protect each other. By identifying the 
body as Jesse James, they were setting Jesse free.

However, one member of the James gang, an illiterate black man by the name of 
John Trammell, left a coded message revealing the hoax.

Acording to Schrader, Trammell scratched some messages into some wet bricks. 
One brick contained an image of a Spanish dagger, the numerals 777, KGC 
[Knights of the Golden Circle] and JJ [Jesse James]. . . . The bricks, which 
were buried in St. Joseph Missouri, were discovered in 1966.

Jesse James began living under the name J. Frank Dalton. (The name Dalton was 
his mother's maiden name. The initial J stood for Jesse, and Frank was 
his brother's name.) As Chief of the Inner Sanctum of the Knights of the Golden 
Circle, James was one of the most powerful men in America. Schrader writes, 
The Knights had industrial as well as military spies on both sides of the 

Among the activities of James/Dalton was the murder of John Wilkes Booth, 

[cia-drugs] Honoring Ghost Troops on Memorial Day

2010-05-31 Thread Captain May
32 Specific Reasons for Memorial Day Remembrance
(First published May 25, 1998 in the Houston Chronicle)
By Lieutenant Michael E. Thornton, USN SEALs, Ret.
(w/ Captain Eric H. May, Ghost Writer)
* * * * * * * * *

Republished for Memorial Day, May 31, 2010
HERE are 32 specific reasons that Memorial Day makes me remember the patriots 
who fell in our nation's wars. You can find all of them and 60,000 others on 
the Wall of the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C. They are the names of the 
32 comrades I lost in my four tours of duty as a SEAL in Vietnam. Many 
Americans have similar reasons for remembrance, having known someone who died 
so that our freedoms could live.

In many Houston homes a cherished photograph sits in a place of honor, showing 
the ever-young image of a uniformed soldier, sailor or Marine, standing with an 
American flag in the background. Their proud, ambitious expressions show that 
every one of them hoped to live but was willing to die.

In every Houston community neighbors remember a local young man or woman who 
made the ultimate sacrifice. Just the other night, a friend confided to me that 
he still remembered seeing the Medal of Honor, our nations highest military 
decoration, encased in his high school library. It had been received 
posthumously by a classmate who had leapt on a grenade in Vietnam, absorbing 
the shrapnel with his body to save his buddies.

Knowing a person who has died in service reminds us that they were human. They 
were heroes, but they weren't made of marble, didn't eat nails and didn't 
breathe fire. They laughed at jokes, dreamed of the future and enjoyed the 
pleasures of life, just as we do. They were a part of us.

In 1986 I was a pallbearer for the earthly remains of this Vietnam-era soldier, 
known but to God, whom we interred at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in 
Arlington National Cemetery. It seemed to me then that the young man we buried 
had suffered a fate as hard as death itself: anonymity. The belief that we will 
be remembered after death is one of the thoughts that brings us happiness in 

The disinterment just days ago of that unknown soldier was an occasion of 
happiness for me, because it holds forth the possibility of his identification. 
If that happens, people will engrave his name on the Wall, and the press will 
show his photograph and report the details of his life. He will be remembered.

Perhaps the soon-to-be-known soldier is doing one last service for his nation 
by reminding us of something: the better part of our national character. We 
Americans don't leave our dead on the battlefield. We don't shut out the memory 
of their lives or sacrifice. We don’t forget.

These are the thoughts I'll be thinking this Memorial Day as I enjoy family and 
friends, food, drinks, music and the freedom that makes the United States worth 
dying for. And all 32 of my friends on the Wall would approve heartily. They 
hated a bad time, and they loved a good one. They can't make it to my Memorial 
Day party but I'll be sure to remember that they're the ones who paid for it.
* * * * * * * * * 
Epilogue by Major William B. Fox, 
Publisher of America First Books

It is a keen historic irony that Mike Thornton was the only man in U.S. 
military history to receive the Medal of Honor for his heroic action in saving 
the life of another recipient of the Medal of Honor, his SEAL team leader in 
Vietnam. The irony would be complete if Captain May, Lieutenant Thornton's 
friend and collaborator, were to receive the Medal of Honor as well. A growing 
number of military and patriot voices have urged this, such as The Lone Star 
Iconoclast publisher Leon Smith in his 2 Feb 2010 article Captain Eric H. May 
Deserves Congressional Medal of Honor. 

Captain May used Lieutenant Thornton's philosophy in founding Ghost Troop, his 
all-American cyber militia dedicated to honoring the desecrated and ignored 
U.S. Iraq War dead from the Battle of Baghdad, as reflected in Ghost Troop 
Introduction,  http://tinyurl.com/6e76bq.
* * * * * * * * *


[cia-drugs] NEGLIGENT BP OIL SPILL! [1 Attachment]

2010-05-31 Thread nathaniel x vance

Gulf of Mexico oil spill 'will continue to gush until August' (?)
Millions of gallons of oil could be gushing into the Gulf of Mexico at least 
until August, the White House admitted on Sunday, as BP confirmed the failure 
of the top kill attempt staunch the flow.
Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill 'will continue to gush until August' (?)

Stop Inept infamous Lying  Tea Party Misssy Sarah Palin  Drill, Baby, Drill 
comes to Discovery?

Zeta Space people on negligent BP Oil Spill. 

[Questioner]   What are the worldwide implications if a nuclear device winds up 
being the only option left to stop that oil flow?
[Zeta response] The nuclear option will not be used on the BP Gulf Oil spill, 
we predict, because the implications are unknown. The geology of the sea bed, a 
mile down, is not well known. What rock underlies the mucky sea bed, and what 
way will this rock fracture or crumble? Thus, the potential of opening up an 
even wider hole exists, one that could not be plugged. This is of course in the 
hands of man, and thus cannot be predicted accurately, as we so often say. The 
pocket which is spewing oil at present is not infinite, nor is the pressure 
going to be continuous in future. It will ease in time, and this easing will 
allow plugging the hole by the mechanical means already employed to eventually 
be a success.


The wicked ENDTIME - NOT the RIGHTEOUS! http://Zetaheaven.org: