2010-07-15 Thread muckblit
Might be why the stock markets did not go up, tech either, or even
Intel on Intel's great earnings.



2010-07-15 Thread Captain May


+ + + + + +

 Captain Eric H.
Intelligence Editor
The Lone Star Iconoclast

HOUSTON, 7/15/10 -- The
U.S. Government's Homeland Security , FBI and Coast Guard have teamed
up with BP's security police in Texas City, Texas to roust journalists
who ask questions or take pictures (i.e., do journalism). Claiming
Patriot Act powers, they confiscate whatever they want, whenever they
want, wherever they want, and from whomever they want.

Enter the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, editor of
to do battle with Brit Pee, as Texas Citizens are now calling it. He
wrote a 7/7 column, still going viral, in which he considered the
possible reasons for BP's platoons of goons. He close with
thought-provoking ideas about the BP nuclear option to fix the
catastrophe along the Gulf Coast. He wrote:
is a conspiracy under way right now. It's a conspiracy between the U.S.
government and British Petroleum to cover-up all evidence of what's
really happening in the Gulf Coast.See,
rather than tell the truth about what's happening in the Gulf, BP has
resorted to police state tactics to threaten the media and intimidate
journalists, threatening them with arrest, detainment and felony crimes
if they get close enough to snap photos of what's really going on in
the Gulf Coast.Perhaps BP and the federal government are about to
 unleash a
 nuclear explosion to stop the oil outflow, and they don't want anyone knowing 
about it until it's already done.Perhaps
the U.S. government is planning a multi-state roundup and evacuation of
the population to clear out the entire Gulf Coast region in
anticipation of something big and dangerous (such as a nuke, or an
oil-soaked firestorm of a major U.S. city, or a dangerous new chemical
being dumped in the Gulf by BP, etc.)
Gulf Coast
 now a BP police state, Natural News, 7/7/2010

a good job proving that BP,
especially in its Toxic City backyard, is a criminal conspiracy
posing as a cowboy company. I'm a lifelong Houstonian and journalist
whose experience with BP confirms his worst fears -- in every

+ + + + + + +

Iconoclast has been receiving emails and calls from anxious employees
of BP and other Gulf Coast oil companies since we published a report of
bizarre high atmosphere explosions over Texas CIty on the night of July
28, 2005. These occurred only three hours after the third major BP
Texas City refinery explosion in 15 months, and only two days after the
first NASA space shuttle launch since Columbia's destruction 30 months
earlier. NASA was in Clear Lake City, just a quarter hour away, causing
many witnesses to suspect that NASA and BP were up to something

The insider report below reached us
 last year, and it shows exactly what
 Big Oil is trying so hard to silence
 with lawyers, guns and

-- On Thu, 7/30/2009, a BP
 employee wrote:

From: Izzi Ixxi (a pseudonym -- CM)
Subject: BP playing anniversary games
To: The Lone Star Iconoclast
Date: Thursday, July 30, 2009, 12:22 AM

Hello Captain,

I've been watching their moves at work. I have a plant radio
and get to hear everything on the Refinery side and the
Chemical side. In the last two weeks a lot of Refinery units were
evacuated. Everybody had to leave except the skeleton crew. There is
one thing that especially gets my attention, an email sent out to the Chemical 
side. I'm cutting and pasting it for you
to read:

On Thursday July 30 the fiber optic communication line to the TCC
docks will be taken down for mandatory maintenance. This means no
e-mail, internet, fax, or land line based phone service.  Communication
must be done through the docks radio or the cell phone numbers below. 
The work is planned not to exceed 16 hours and the contractors are
dedicated to return service as soon as possible. (BP)

Since the 2005 ordeal with the Shelter In Place
for 16 hours, I just thought this was something that
needed to be brought to your attention. What's the shuttle doing this
week? I tried to look on their website today, and it said landing is
to be determined!!! Are they waiting on us?

I know the guys that are running
this cable tomorrow morning. I
asked the guy who decided what day it would happen. He said, They are
ready for us. That sounds like BP is calling the shots. Is this just
business or are we being set up? Time will tell. I just wanted to keep
you informed. You ARE the expert. I'm just telling you what I'm
hearing. -- Izzi Ixxi

an editor, I keep late hours, so by the time I opened the alarming
email it was high noon, and Ixxi's intelligence was half a day old. I
pondered whether there were anything specific enough to warrant
exposing Ixxi's life or living to a killer company.
We had never met or even spoken, but I had come to trust the BP
Deepthroat who was so aware of the security details in Texas City,
including that, in the aftermath 

[cia-drugs] EXAMINER: Are you on a 2012-13 positive future timeline? Or are you on a 2012-13 catastrophic timeline? Part 2

2010-07-15 Thread EXOPOLITICS.COM
Are you on a 2012-13 positive future timeline? Or are you on a 2012-13
catastrophic timeline? Part 2
July 14, 1:33 AMSeattle Exopolitics
Lambremont Webre

File: U.S. Capitol, target of 2013 Farsight remote viewing probe
Related Articles

   - http://www.examiner.com/linkAre you on a 2012-13 catastrophic
   timeline? Or are you on a 2012-13 positive future timeline? Part
   - http://www.examiner.com/link2012: Cataclysmic breakdown or Y2K
   makeover? ET/UFO contact? DNA/Consciousness
   - http://www.examiner.com/link2012-13: NOAA predicts solar cycle 24
   ”weakest since 1928” with $1 trillion damages in worst
   -  http://www.examiner.com/link
   Will there be 'wild card' extraterrestrial UFO landings worldwide in 2012

  *This article is part of a continuing Examiner.com series on 2012-13 and
its environmental, economic, social, and exopolitical impacts on our human
society.  It is recommended that Parts 1 and 2 of this article be read as a
single whole.*

Click here to read Part

*Will a ‘Planet X, Nibiru or red or sub-brown dwarf’ materialize in our
solar system in 2012-13?*

According to Dr. Courtney Brown's July 7 IIIHS
remote viewing 2012-13 “catastrophic timeline” hinges on the entry of
‘Planet X, Nibiru or red or sub-brown dwarf’ into our solar system, creating
the gigantic solar flares and large meteors that in turn trigger tsunamis,
coastal inundations, and systems collapse on Earth.

As a scientific control we can reasonably ask – Is a ‘Planet X, Nibiru or
red or sub-brown dwarf’ headed toward Earth, to arrive in 2012-13?

One indicator that a ‘Planet X, Nibiru or red or sub-brown dwarf’ may be
headed toward Earth, to arrive in 2012-13 can be inferred from a Project
Camelot document, a 2008 ‘Letter from a Norwegian
stating, in part, that,

*Planet X is coming, and Norway has begun with storage of food and seeds in
the Svalbard area and in the arctic north with the help of the US and EU and
all around in Norway. They will only save those that are in the elite of
power and those that can build up again: doctors, scientists, and so on.*

*As for me, I already know that I am going to leave before 2012 to go the
area of Mosjøen where we have a deep underground military facility. There we
are divided into sectors, red, blue, and green.  The signs of the Norwegian
military are already given to them and the camps have already been built a
long time ago.*

*The people that are going to be left on the surface and die with along the
others will get no help whatsoever. The plan is that 2,000,000 Norwegians
are going to be safe, and the rest will die. That means 2,600,000 will
perish into the night not knowing what to do.*

Project Camelot has also received independent confirmation
http://projectcamelot.org/norway_update.htmlof the existence of the Norway
underground bases, complete with photos and maps.

In his July 7, 2010 Farsight Institute 2012-13 remote viewing
Courtney Brown states that part of the cost of the Norway bases was
covered by U.S. government funding sources.  The Norway 2012-13 underground
bases will accommodate about half of the Norwegian population of elites and
specializes personnel (2.5 million), as well as another 2.5 million U.S.
economic and political elites.

There is, of course, the possibility that the reports of the 2012-13 Norway
underground bases are disinformation themselves.  However, the Project
Camelot evidence and mainstream media coverage of the Svalbard Islands seed
bank http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svalbard(recently inspected by the
United Nations and to be sealed in 2011) tends to confirm their existence.

*Continues at:*

[cia-drugs] Camelot Roundtable III - Secret Space Program, ETs the State of the Planet

2010-07-15 Thread EXOPOLITICS.COM
Camelot Roundtable III - Secret Space Program, ETs  the State of the

* [image: 


*When: *August 11, 2010 @ 5:00 - 7:00 PST
*Where:* (Live stream and call-in number)
Stan Deyo
Laura Eisenhower
Aaron McCollom
Stuart Swerdlow
Marshall Vian Summers
Alfred Lambremont Webre

Kerry Cassidy
Rebecca Jernigan

For information, please go to:



[cia-drugs] Sex Slavery 100,000 children, Church cover-ups, Vatican report and rules

2010-07-15 Thread smartnews

Ritual Abuse Conference - August 2010

Join  the Dissociation  Trauma Clinical Discussions e-mail  list   
To join, write:_disstcd-subscr...@yahoogroups.com_ 
List web page_http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DissTCD_ 

Society  for Treating Abuse Today (STAT)
_http://www.treatingabusetoday.com/_ (http://www.treatingabusetoday.com/)   

STAT Email Discussion Group

Seduction, Slavery and Sex By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF July 14, 2010
“The  Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” series tops the best-seller lists. More 
than 150  years ago, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” helped lay the groundwork for the 
end of slavery.  Let’s hope that these novels help build pressure on 
trafficking as a modern echo  of slaveryBecause trafficking gets ignored, 
rarely is a top priority for  law enforcement officials — so it seems to be 
growing. Various reports and  studies, none of them particularly reliable, 
suggest that between 100,000 and  600,000 children may be involved in 
prostitution in the United States, with the  numbers increasing.  

Predatory Priests, Church Cover-Ups and the Belgian Abberation July 14,  
By Barbara Blaine and Rita Nakashima  Brock
The clergy sex abuse and cover-up crisis continue not only across  Europe 
but also across the globe. Nowhere, however, has the recent crisis been  more 
acute than in Belgium. Over the span of just a few weeks, the New York  
Times reported on Tuesday, July 13, a bishop has resigned, police have 
conducted  an unusual raid on three church facilities to collect evidence, and 
hundreds of  men and women have stepped forward reporting the horrors they say 
they  experienced as children at the hands of Belgian clerics.

A painfully  familiar, almost formulaic pattern of criminal behavior has 
emerged in the many  stories of sexual abuse by priests this past year. It's 
the same appalling  pattern Americans have seen in case after case in the 
U.S. And it suggests that,  whether through quiet Vatican fiat or a stunningly 
homogenous and twisted  clerical culture, Catholic officials over decades 
and across national boundaries  have engaged in the same destructive (and self 
destructive) behaviors when it  comes to predator priests.

UN  panel says Vatican's report on protecting children's rights is almost 
13 years  overdue
FRANK JORDANS AP Press Writer July 15, 2010 GENEVA (AP) — The Vatican  has 
failed to send the United Nations a report on child rights that is now  
almost 13 years overdue, the head of a U.N. panel has told The Associated 
 Like all countries that have signed the 1989 Convention on the Rights of 
the  Child, the Vatican is required to submit regular reports on its efforts 
to  safeguard child rights. But the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the 
Child,  despite sending repeated reminders, has received no explanation from 
Holy  See for why it missed a 1997 deadline, according to the committee's 
chairwoman  Yanghee Lee. In the years since, the Vatican has come under 
intense scrutiny  over its handling of child sex abuse allegations around the 
world and recently  admitted that up to one in 20 priests may be 
implicatedWhile the Vatican  delivered an initial report in 1995, the 
second, third 
and fourth reports are  now overdue, according to Lee. 

Vatican revises its rules on clerical sex abuse, but critics see few  
substantive changes
NICOLE WINFIELD AP Writer July 15, 2010 VATICAN CITY (AP)  — The Vatican 
revised its in-house rules to deal with clerical sex abuse cases  Thursday, 
targeting priests who molest the mentally disabled as well as children  and 
doubling the statute of limitations for such crimes. Abuse victims said the  
rules are little more than administrative housekeeping since they made few  
substantive changes to current practice, and what is needed are bold new 
rules  to punish bishops who shield pedophilesThe new rules extend the 
statute of  limitations for handling of priestly abuse cases from 10 years to 
years after  the victim's 18th birthday, and the statute of limitations can 
be extended  beyond that on a case-by-case basis. Such extensions have been 
routine for years  but now the waivers are