Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Grapes of Wrath Convention

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

At least chuckling.


On Jul 23, 2007, at 10:20 PM, muckblit wrote:

> --- In, "Vigilius Haufniensis"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> when are you gonna start writing books, bob?
> When the line is longer than one. One is not a line; it's a point. You
> aren't ready for Alice unless you know the diff there. Of course a
> moving point does make trails down in the hole, but that's just the
> beginning. Ya gotta know something for sure when Condy spreads her
> legs, dates, or it's all up to you.
> Complete archives at
> Please let us stay on topic and be civil.
> OM
> Yahoo! Groups Links

[cia-drugs] Fwd: "What are we waiting for? Let's take these two guys out!" (Guillotines, Anyone?)

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 22, 2007 9:03:23 PM PDT
Subject: "What are we waiting for? Let's take these two guys  
out!" (Guillotines, Anyone?)

Impeachment -- and an ominous Executive Order

Sunday, July 22, 2007

This post expands upon the previous one, which discusses John  
Conyers statement that he'll begin impeachment proceedings against  
Cheney after three more Representatives sign on to Dennis  
Kucinich's call for impeachment. In the post below this one, I give  
the names of those congressfolk most likely to join with the  
fourteen who have already signed up for impeachment.

Now we learn this:
"What are we waiting for? Let's take these two guys out," Conyers  
reportedly told the enthusiastic crowd at a Progressive Democrats  
of America event in San Diego. He later repeated the same line  
according to the caller, "KPete," who wrote more about the event at  
Democratic Underground yesterday. She reported that the comment was  
met by "huge cheers."

A similar account of Conyers's statement was offered by progressive  
talk show host Bree Walker who also attended the same event.

Conyers reportedly urged patience in the process, and asked for  
everyone's support as things moved forward first with Cheney, and  
then with Bush.

By the way, some people have said that the Judiciary Committee  
cannot look into impeachment without a directive to do so by the  
House Leadership. Not true. The Constitution does not so mandate,  
and the 1998 precedent should not apply to the current situation.  
1998 did not involve the Vice President or the line of succession,  
and thus could not be construed as a coup by the Speaker.

Russ Feingold has renewed his call for censure in the Senate. A  
terrific idea, that: A censure motion will give us an idea as to  
whether any Republicans in the Senate can be turned against Bush  
and Cheney. Impeachment is one thing; removal another. You cannot  
ask Bush to go back to Texas without cooperation from at least some  
senatorial Republicans.

Unfortunately -- and I know that this viewpoint conflicts with  
common wisdom -- there is far more disunity among Democrats than  
among Republicans right now. Note, for example, the hate vibes some  
Dem rank-and-filers have directed at Feingold for his censure  
suggestion, because it does not go "far enough." (Yes, I know that  
he said he does not support impeachment at this time. He's a  
Senator, not a House member. If he had said "Impeach now!" his  
censure call would be even less palatable to Republicans. These  
things must be handled with some delicacy.)

Wonkette has published an incredibly daring column which asks: How  
to stage a revolt?'-of-revolution-for-dummies/what- 

The piece discusses all options from military coup to attacks on  
the home offices of congress members.

Needless to say, I do not condone violence or illegal activity. But  
can you believe that we are actually discussing such matters?

Dark response: If Bush feels power slipping away, how will HE  
react? We see increasing signs that he is considering the "false  
flag" terror option, under which he will assume dictatorial powers.

Consider this executive order, which allows the President to take  
away the property of any United States "persons" who "threaten  
stabilization in Iraq."

Please note that this order is not directed against insurgents in  
Iraq -- we are already firing bullets at those fellows, as you may  
have noticed. No, this EO is directed at unnamed people in the  
United States... determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in  
consultation with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense,

(i) to have committed, or to pose a significant risk of committing,  
an act or acts of violence that have the purpose or effect of:

(A) threatening the peace or stability of Iraq or the Government of  
Iraq; or

(B) undermining efforts to promote economic reconstruction and  
political reform in Iraq or to provide humanitarian assistance to  
the Iraqi people;

(ii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial,  
material, logistical, or technical support for, or goods or  
services in support of, such an act or acts of violence or any  
person whose property and interests in property are blocked  
pursuant to this order...

I need not point out how vaguely worded this is. We know how  
aggressive the President's lawyers are, and we know that they are  
quite capable of of construing any anti-war protester (or blogger)  
as a threat to the stability of Iraq.

Most people reading these words could be considered broadly guilty  
of undermining Bush's efforts. Conservative zealots will argue  
(have argued) that anyone who writes a web ar

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Old-School Republican Warns: Unless We Impeach NOW, a Police State Is INEVITABLE

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 21, 2007 8:02:51 PM PDT
Subject: Old-School Republican Warns: Unless We Impeach NOW, a  
Police State Is INEVITABLE

Old-line Republican warns

'something's in the works'

to trigger a police state

Muriel Kane
Published: Thursday July 19, 2007 

Thom Hartmann began his program on Thursday by reading from a new  
Executive Order which allows the government to seize the assets of  
anyone who interferes with its Iraq policies.

He then introduced old-line conservative Paul Craig Roberts -- a  
former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan who has  
recently become known for his strong opposition to the Bush  
administration and the Iraq War -- by quoting the "strong words"  
which open Roberts' latest column: "Unless Congress immediately  
impeaches Bush and Cheney, a year from now the US could be a  
dictatorial police state at war with Iran."

"I don't actually think they're very strong," said Roberts of his  
words. "I get a lot of flak that this understated and the situation  
is worse than I say. ... When Bush exercises this authority [under  
the new Executive Order] ... there's no check to it. It doesn't  
have to be ratified by Congress. The people who bear the brunt of  
these dictatorial police state actions have no recourse to the  
judiciary. So it really is a form of total, absolute, one-man  
rule. ... The American people don't really understand the danger  
that they face."

Roberts said that because of Bush's unpopularity, the Republicans  
face a total wipeout in 2008, and this may be why "the Democrats  
have not brought a halt to Bush's follies or the war, because they  
expect his unpopular policies to provide them with a landslide  
victory in next year's election."

However, Roberts emphasized, "the problem with this reasoning is  
that it assumes that Cheney and Rove and the Republicans are  
ignorant of these facts, or it assumes that they are content for  
the Republican Party to be destroyed after Bush has his fling."  
Roberts believes instead that Cheney and Rove intend to use a  
renewal of the War on Terror to rally the American people around  
the Republican Party.

"Something's in the works," he said, adding that the Executive  
Orders need to create a police state are already in place.

"The administration figures themselves and prominent Republican  
propagandists ... are preparing us for another 9/11 event or series  
of events," Roberts continued. "Chertoff has predicted them. ...  
The National Intelligence Estimate is saying that al Qaeda has  
regrouped. ... You have to count on the fact that if al Qaeda's not  
going to do it, it's going to be orchestrated. ... The Republicans  
are praying for another 9/11."

Hartmann asked what we as the people can do if impeachment isn't  
about to happen. "If enough people were suspicious and alert, it  
would be harder for the administration to get away with it,"  
Roberts replied. However, he added, "I don't think these wake-up  
calls are likely to be effective," pointing out the dominance of  
the mainstream media.

"Americans think their danger is terrorists," said Roberts. "They  
don't understand the terrorists cannot take away habeas corpus, the  
Bill of Rights, the Constitution. ... The terrorists are not  
anything like the threat that we face to the Bill of Rights and the  
Constitution from our own government in the name of fighting  
terrorism. Americans just aren't able to perceive that."

Roberts pointed out that it's old-line Republicans like himself,  
former Reagan associate deputy attorney general Bruce Fein, and Pat  
Buchanan who are the diehards in warning of the danger. "It's so  
obvious to people like us who have long been associated in the  
corridors of power," he said. "There's no belief in the people or  
anything like that. They have agendas. The people are in the way.  
The Constitution is in the way. ... Americans need to comprehend  
and look at how ruthless Cheney is. ... A person like that would do  

Roberts final suggestion was that, in the absence of a massive  
popular outcry, "the only constraints on what's going to happen  
will come from the federal bureaucracy and perhaps the military.  
They may have had enough. They may not go along with it."

The full audio of Thom Hartmann's interview with Paul Craig Roberts  
can be found here.

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Congressional Democrat w/ CLEARANCE Can't Read Bush C.O.G. Plan: "TOO SECRET"!

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 21, 2007 1:34:59 AM PDT
Subject: Congressional Democrat w/ CLEARANCE Can't Read Bush C.O.G.  

"Maybe the people who think it's a conspiracy are right."

DeFazio asks, but he's denied access

Classified info - The congressman wanted to see government plans  
for after a terror attack

Friday, July 20, 2007
The Oregonian 
WASHINGTON -- Oregonians called Peter DeFazio's office, worried  
there was a conspiracy buried in the classified portion of a White  
House plan for operating the government after a terrorist attack.

As a member of the U.S. House on the Homeland Security Committee,  
DeFazio, D-Ore., is permitted to enter a secure "bubbleroom" in the  
Capitol and examine classified material. So he asked the White  
House to see the secret documents.

On Wednesday, DeFazio got his answer: DENIED.

"I just can't believe they're going to deny a member of Congress  
the right of reviewing how they plan to conduct the government of  
the United States after a significant terrorist attack," DeFazio says.

Homeland Security Committee staffers told his office that the White  
House initially approved his request, but it was later quashed.  
DeFazio doesn't know who did it or why.

"We're talking about the continuity of the government of the United  
States of America," DeFazio says. "I would think that would be  
relevant to any member of Congress, let alone a member of the  
Homeland Security Committee."

Bush administration spokesman Trey Bohn declined to say why DeFazio  
was denied access: "We do not comment through the press on the  
process that this access entails. It is important to keep in mind  
that much of the information related to the continuity of  
government is highly sensitive."

Norm Ornstein, a legal scholar who studies government continuity at  
the conservative American Enterprise Institute, said he "cannot  
think of one good reason" to deny access to a member of Congress  
who serves on the Homeland Security Committee.

"I find it inexplicable and probably reflective of the usual, knee- 
jerk overextension of executive power that we see from this White  
House," Ornstein said.

This is the first time DeFazio has been denied access to documents.  
DeFazio has asked Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie  
Thompson, D-Miss., to help him access the documents.

"Maybe the people who think there's a conspiracy out there are  
right," DeFazio said.

Jeff Kosseff: 202-383-7814 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Cheney-ite Warhawk Eric Edelman PERSONALLY Involved w/ Libby in PLAME Leak

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 19, 2007 8:16:35 PM PDT
Subject: Cheney-ite Warhawk Eric Edelman PERSONALLY Involved w/  
Libby in PLAME Leak

"There’s an organization called the American Turkish Council (ATC)  
which is the prime body that has been investigated by the FBI and  
the CIA for years, going back to 1996.  In the Vanity Fair article  
about Sibel [Edmond]'s case, she says that the ATC is a front for  
criminal activity -- the ATC is the main one, but Sibel’s case also  
touches very heavily on AIPAC, the Israeli lobby.  Sibel intimates  
that AIPAC and the ATC are both essentially front groups for a  
larger [neocon/Israeli] network that [profits from] the black- 
market nuclear arms trade, illegal arm exports, and heroin- 
trafficking. "

eric edelman bio. part one 
OK -- I've been promising my piece on Eric Edelman for a week -  
I've somewhat failed again.

My primary interest is understanding whether Eric Edelman is  
involved in:

a) the outing of Valerie Plame and Brewster Jennings

b) any of the conspiracies suggested by Sibel Edmonds,

c) whether a) and b) are related

I've largely finished the first installment on his background - so  
i'll post this now even though it's long, and a bit messy, and  
somewhat incomplete - but at least i'll be able to say that i've at  
least partially met my promise.

First, lets take a look at his background - from RightWeb we learn  
the following:

"During his government career, Edelman has shuttled back and forth  
between the State Department and DOD. His latest assignment was as  
ambassador to Turkey, where he gained a reputation as a meddlesome  
critic of the Turkish government at a time when anti-Americanism  
began flaring up throughout the country.

President Bush named Edelman ambassador to Turkey a few months  
after the U.S. invasion of Iraq in March 2003...

Serving at the time as Vice President Cheney's national security  
adviser, Edelman assumed the ambassadorship in Ankara in July  
2003. ...

Like many other top officials of the Bush administration's foreign  
policy team, Edelman began his government career in the Reagan  
administration. While completing his doctorate in history at Yale  
University, Edelman joined the U.S. Middle East Delegation to the  
West Bank/Gaza Autonomy Talks. He then became a special assistant  
to Secretary of State George Shultz. In 1990 Edelman moved from the  
State Department to the Pentagon, where he officially served as  
assistant deputy undersecretary of defense for Soviet and East  
European affairs.

Edelman served under Cheney during the administration of Bush pere.  
At that time he worked as part of a team headed by Paul Wolfowitz  
that was charged with formulating a Defense Policy Guidance that  
would serve as the post-Cold War framework for U.S. military  
strategy. Others working on the draft grand strategy were Zalmay  
Khalilzad and I. Lewis Libby, Cheney's chief of staff.

During the Clinton administration, Edelman moved back to the State  
Department. As ambassador-at-large and special adviser to the  
secretary of state on the Newly Independent States, Edelman oversaw  
defense, security, and space issues.

Vice President Cheney brought Edelman back under his wing as  
principal deputy assistant for national security affairs. As an  
assistant to Cheney, he was part of the foreign policy network that  
hurriedly established the "intelligence" rationales for the U.S.  
invasion of Iraq. Edelman, who is close to such leading neocons as  
Michael Ledeen and Richard Perle, worked closely in the vice  
president's office with Scooter Libby in establishing a policy  
network of hawks and neocons that was based at the Pentagon and  
Cheney's office but extended through key figures into State, the  
various intelligence agencies, and the National Security Council."

Edelman's full bio can be seen here

I'll discuss Edelman's more recent history in a moment, but first  
let me demonstrate the extent of his 'entanglement' with the neocon  
neocrazies who currently run the planet.

Here's one from the NewYorker in 2002:
"After the fall of the Berlin Wall, Dick Cheney, then the Secretary  
of Defense, set up a "shop," as they say, to think about American  
foreign policy after the Cold War, at the grand strategic level.  
The project, whose existence was kept quiet, included people who  
are now back in the game, at a higher level: among them, Paul  
Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defense; Lewis Libby, Cheney's  
chief of staff; and Eric Edelman, a senior foreign-policy adviser  
to Cheney"
or there's this article describing the incoming Bush administration  
in 2001:
"Wolfowitz reportedly brings with him, and has sprinkled th

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Richard Nixon and the Man Who Silenced Lee Harvey Oswald

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 21, 2007 12:14:38 AM PDT
Subject: Richard Nixon and the Man Who Silenced Lee Harvey Oswald,1014.htm

A 1947 memo, found in 1975 by a scholar going through a pile of  
recently released FBI documents, supports Giancana's contention. In  
the memo, addressed to a congressional committee investigating  
organized crime, an FBI assistant states: "It is my sworn testimony  
that one Jack Rubenstein of Chicago ... is performing information  
functions for the staff of Congressman Richard Nixon, Republican of  
California. It is requested Rubenstein not be called for open  
testimony in the aforementioned hearings." (Later in 1947,  
Rubenstein moved to Dallas and shortened his last name [to JACK  
RUBY].) The FBI subsequently called the memo a fake, but the  
reference service Facts on File considers it authentic.

Undercover work for the young Congressman Nixon would have been in  
keeping with Ruby's history as a police tipster and government  
informant. In 1950, Ruby gave closed-door testimony to Estes  
Kefauver's special Senate committee investigating organized crime.   
Committee staffer Luis Kutner later described Ruby as "a syndicate  
lieutenant who had been sent to Dallas to serve as a liaison for  
Chicago mobsters."  In exchange for Ruby's testimony, the FBI is  
said to have eased up on its probe of organized crime in Dallas.   
In 1959, Ruby became an informant for the FBI.


Seared into the memories of all Americans who lived through the  
assassination of President John F. Kennedy is exactly where they  
were on November 22, 1963. Yet private citizen Richard Nixon, who —  
believe it or not — was in Dallas, could not recall this fact in a  
post-assassination interview with the FBI.

The interview dealt with an apparently false claim by Marina Oswald  
that her husband —alleged Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald — had  
targeted Nixon for death during an earlier trip to Dallas. A Feb.  
28, 1964 FBI report on the interview said Nixon "advised that the  
only time he was in Dallas, Texas, during 1963 was two days prior  
to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy."

While Nixon eventually came clean regarding his whereabouts on that  
fateful day, he seemed touchy whenever the matter was raised. For  
example, in a 1992 interview with CNN's Larry King, Nixon  
interjected he was in Dallas "In the morning!" when King cited the  
presumed geographical coincidence. Nixon left Dallas on a flight to  
New York several hours before Kennedy's noontime arrival at Love  

Not only did Nixon misremember where he was on November 22nd, he  
made at least two conflicting statements about how he first learned  
his arch-rival had been shot. In a 1964 Reader's Digest article, he  
recalled hailing a cab after his Dallas-New York flight: "We were  
waiting for a light to change when a man ran over from the street  
corner and said that the President had just been shot in Dallas."  
In November of 1973, however, Nixon said in Esquire that his cabbie  
"missed a turn somewhere and we were off the highway...a woman came  
out of her house screaming and crying. I rolled down the cab window  
to ask what the matter was and when she saw my face she turned even  
paler. She told me that John Kennedy had just been shot in Dallas."

In yet another curious twist, a November 22nd wire service photo of  
Nixon indicates he might even have learned of the shooting before  
his cab ride. In the photo, a glum-looking Nixon, hat in lap, is  
sitting in what appears to be an airline terminal. The caption on  
the United Press International photo reads: "Shocked Richard Nixon,  
the former vice president who lost the presidential election to  
President Kennedy in 1960, is shown Friday after he arrived at  
Idlewild Airport in New York following a flight from Dallas, Tex.,  
where he had been on a business trip."

In the 1992 King interview, Nixon maintained he'd never had any  
interest in digging into the JFK assassination: "I don't see a  
useful purpose in getting into that and I don't think it's frankly  
useful for the Kennedy family to constantly raise that up again."

Nixon's professed disinterest doesn't ring true, however, for it  
came from one of our snoopiest chief executives — a politician who  
just relished investigations, spying, secrets, and conspiracies. As  
Nixon aide John Ehrlichman once observed: "He was a conspiracy  
buff. He liked intrigue, and he liked secret maneuverings of the  
FBI, and he liked to hear about what the CIA did, and so on. He  
just couldn't leave that stuff alone."

As for Nixon's stated compassion for the Kennedys, let's not forget  
that he deeply despised them. So much so that, as president, he  
ordered chief White House spy E. Howard Hunt to forge diplomatic 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: No-Bid Government Contractors' Fringe Benefits

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 19, 2007 5:27:03 PM PDT
Subject: No-Bid Government Contractors' Fringe Benefits

Bechtel Jacobs contractor accused of stealing nuclear secrets
National lab worker allegedly stole classified information, tried  
to sell it

19 Jul 2007

Federal prosecutors on Thursday accused a low-level Bechtel  
contract worker at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory — birthplace  
of the nuclear bomb — with stealing highly classified information  
about how to make enriched uranium, a key ingredient in nuclear  
weapons.  The suspect was allegedly caught trying to sell it to  
someone he thought was representing another country, who turned out  
to be an undercover FBI agent.


No one claims $500,000 stash in truck

By Cindi Lash

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 20, 2006

When security guards at the Beaver Valley Power Station discovered  
a bag containing thousands of dollars in a tractor-trailer cab, one  
of the vehicle's occupants told them his boss planned to use the  
cash to buy a truck.

It must have been some truck.

State police said the bag, which guards spotted on Tuesday while  
conducting a routine search of the tractor-trailer at the entrance  
to the nuclear power plant, contained 10 plastic-wrapped bundles of  
cash totaling $504,230.

Police later seized the money and bag after a dog trained to detect  
drugs sniffed and reacted to the bag, indicating contact with  
controlled substances.

The truck driver and passenger, whose names were withheld but who  
are from Texas, were released without charges because no apparent  
crime had been committed.

State police were investigating to determine who owns the money and  
how it got into the tractor-trailer. If no one comes forward to  
claim legitimate ownership of the money, police said, they will  
begin proceedings for forfeit of the cash to the government.

"I wanted to know, why is somebody running around with that amount  
of money when they're not in a Brink's truck?" said Shippingport  
police Sgt. R.N. Davis Jr., who pulled the truck over after it left  
the power plant in Beaver County.

Investigators also notified the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force,  
but said they do not believe the money or truckers are linked to  
workers or activities at the plant.

"Most likely, they were just between runs," said Trooper Jonathan  
Bayer. "The investigation is continuing, but there is no indication  
that there is any connection to the power plant."

The truckers worked for a company hired by San Francisco-based  
Bechtel Corp., which is performing construction work and replacing  
equipment at the plant, said Richard Wilkins, spokesman for plant  
owner First Energy Nuclear Operating Co.

The name of the company was not released, but police said the  
truckers had come from Chicago and were making a scheduled stop to  
pick up and transport containers of tools to Youngstown, Ohio.

The white semi-truck and empty flatbed trailer pulled up to the  
plant entrance about 4:15 p.m. Plant security officers told them  
every vehicle entering the plant must be searched and obtained  
permission to do so, police said.

In the search, the officers found a green, blue and black duffel  
bag with a padlock in the sleeper berth of the cab, Trooper Bayer  
said. The truckers didn't have a key for the lock, so guards cut it  
off and spotted cash inside, he said.

The truckers said the money wasn't theirs and they didn't know how  
it got there, Trooper Bayer said. In court papers filed to obtain a  
search warrant, state police said one of the truckers told security  
officers that "it was their [boss's] money and he was going to buy  
a truck with it."

But when the security workers called the truckers' boss in Houston,  
he also said he knew nothing about the money. The security officers  
called police, but the truckers backed out of the plant and drove off.

"There's nothing [in the law] that says you can't carry a lot of  
cash around with you. It's just a little unusual," Mr. Wilkins  
said. "Any kind of unusual or suspicious activity, or even a person  
who's acting a little suspiciously, whether they've broken a law or  
tried to do something that was against the regulations on site,  
would be reported."

Police broadcast a description of the truck and Sgt. Davis pulled  
it over after spotting it on Route 168 south, near the Shippingport  
Bridge. He said the truckers were polite, but the passenger had no  
identification and said it had been stolen from the truck the night  

"Your ID is stolen but not that bag of cash? Red flags were popping  
up all over," Sgt. Davis said.

State police also arrived and obtained a warrant to search the  
truck. They said the cash was packed in bundles of $50,000, each  
containing 10 packets

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Natl Defense U./War College Ex-Official: "Bush Might 'Postpone' 2008 Elections"

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 18, 2007 5:18:09 PM PDT
Subject: Natl Defense U./War College Ex-Official: "Bush Might  
'Postpone' 2008 Elections" 

US Ambassador "concerned" that

2008 election will be postponed

Submitted by lambert on Wed, 2007-07-18 11:55.
Republicans vs. the Constitution
So we're not the only ones to think this way.

Former US Ambassador** Dan Simpson writes for the Toledo Blade: 

I thought that by now the White House would have decided that the  
strains of the job on his health were too much for Mr. Cheney to  
continue as vice president, that he would then have stepped down  
for valid health reasons, and the Republicans would have plugged  
into the position a viable 2008 presidential candidate.

I can think of several reasons why they didn’t do that (I will give  
them credit for enough intelligence to at least realize they had a  
problem).  First, Mr. Bush felt he couldn’t live without Mr. Cheney  
around.  Second -- and I suspect this is probably the truth of the  
matter -- Mr. Cheney didn’t want to step down, and Mr. Bush decided  
he didn’t care what happened to the Republican Party after he was  
out of the White House.

There is also the late-at-night, eerie concern that Mr. Bush has in  
his head some sort of scenario where, for reasons of national  
security -- real or drummed-up -- the 2008 elections will have to  
be postponed and he will get to stay on.

My suspicions [are based on] the feeling I have that, given their  
operating style NOW, this bunch will NOT leave the White House  
EASILY in 2009.

Nice to see this mainstreamed at last.

Because when the going gets tough, the tough get foily.

Because, really, when do monarchs ever voluntarily surrender power?


Simpson is "a career diplomat who worked for every American  
administration from Lyndon Johnson through George W. Bush.  He has  
served as U.S. Ambassador to several African nations including the  
Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, and  

"[He] has also served as vice president of the National Defense  
University in Washington, DC, and as the Deputy Commandant for  
International Affairs of the U.S. Army War College."

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: CIA Mutiny Against Bush?

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 18, 2007 4:33:55 PM PDT
Subject: CIA Mutiny Against Bush?

Fox News claims CIA 'sabotaging War on Terror'

When you've lost a war, start a witch-hunt for "the enemy within" 
Fox News on Tuesday interviewed veteran Pentagon reporter Rowan  
Scarborough about his "startling allegation" that "elements within  
the CIA are sabotaging our own War on Terror." Scarborough, a  
former columnist for the Reverend Sun Myung Moon-owned Washington  
Times, is the author of Sabotage: America's Enemies Within the CIA,  
which claims that "CIA bureaucrats are undermining President Bush  
and the War on Terror through disinformation, incompetence, and  
outright sabotage."

Angry CIA Operatives Torpedoed Rumsfeld

Dissident U.S. intelligence officers angry at former Defense  
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld helped a European probe uncover details  
of secret CIA prisons in Europe, the top investigator said on Tuesday.
"The Americans themselves admitted there were secret prisons, that  
they abducted people from the streets, that people were handed over  
to countries like Syria, Yemen, Egypt where they were tortured," he  

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Impeachment: The Time Has Finally Come

2007-07-16 Thread RoadsEnd

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Date: July 16, 2007 7:05:18 PM PDT
Subject: Impeachment: The Time Has Finally Come 

Op Ed News, July 16, 2007

Andrew Bard Schmookler


The Time Has Come!

From other people on the anti-Bushite blogosphere, hearing the idea  
that it's time to impeach Bush and Cheney would hardly be  
noteworthy.  A great many commentators have been saying that for  
some time.

I think they've been mistaken -- UNTIL NOW.

While I've agreed that Bush and Cheney deserve impeachment --have  
said, indeed, that no one in American history has deserved it  
more-- I've never considered that to be a sufficient basis for  
making such a judgment about what should be done. My approach has  
always been more strategic than that. I'm concerned not only with  
the rightness of an action, but with its impact. And a premature  
effort to move toward impeachment, I thought, might actually have  
strengthened the Bushites by weaking their opponents.

When many were condemning Nancy Pelosi for declaring impeachment to  
be "off the table," I did not join in the criticism. I thought it a  
politically prudent statement to make, given the apparent  
skittishness of the American electorate at that time about  
impeachment and, more generally, about so-called "partisanship."  
For that time, it was probably reassuring to many in the public and  
it in no way impaired the ability to put impeachment back onto the  
table when circumstances changed.

Well, now they've changed. And now it is time to begin the drumbeat  
and the march toward impeachment. (Pelosi's situation does remain  
delicate, however: if Bush and Cheney are both impeached, guess who  
is next in the line of succession.)

There have been three important changes since last November's  

First, in the first half year of this Congress, after years of  
virtually no congressional oversight, the investigative hearings  
conducted by the Democratic Congress have brought a whole stream of  
administration wrong-doing to the attention of the American people.

Second, and likely at least partially as a result of the first, the  
proportion of the American public now favoring movement toward  
impeachment has reached a stunning level. Almost half of the public  
(46%) favors the impeachment of the president, and more than half  
(54%) favors the impeachment of the vice president. These are  
already numbers that greatly limit the political risk to the  
Democrats in pressing forward with impeachment. And it can be  
assumed that the actual impeachment process --if it is conducted  
with reasonable political and prosecutorial skill- would raise  
those numbers considerably. It looks as though about 30% of the  
public will support Bush regardless of any facts presented about  
any high crimes he has committed, but there remains an additional  
quarter of the public whose support might still be won over to  
supporting impeachment.

Then there's the third important change --and in some respects it  
might be the most important one. And that is that the Bushites --by  
their arrogance, their stonewalling, their imperial usurpations--  
have quite blatantly and publicly blocked every other recourse.

Just in the past month:

**Their indefensible assertions of "executive privilege" are  
thwarting the other, lesser forms of congressional investigation  
into the wrongdoings of the Bush presidency. Battling these issues  
out in the courts would drag on for so long as to give this lawless  
regime a victory by default.

**Meanwhile the vice president's machinations have compounded the  
message of contempt for the public's right to oversee what is being  
done by their elected leaders with the power entrusted to them.

**The president's commutation of Scooter Libby's sentence has made  
a mockery of the ability of the justice system to deal with  
criminal activity on the part of this cabal and, moreover, has  
blocked the ability of prosecutors to get to the root of the crimes  

With all these maneuvers, the Bush administration has laid down the  
gauntlet. It has precipitated the ultimate in constitutional crises  
--will America be ruled by an all-powerful president, accountable  
neither to Congress, nor to the courts, nor to the American public?

The answer to that question must be "No!"

For the sake of future generations, American cannot afford to allow  
this profound constitutional challenge to go unmet.

And it is the Bushite regime, by blocking every other recourse -- 
for oversight, for accountability, for checks and balances-- that  
has finally made impeachment

the sole remaining way to defend the integrity
of America's constitutional system and
the rule of law.

So, the impeachment solution is now necessary

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Bush Has Already Lost Interest in Iraq; Now He's Obsessed with War on IRAN

2007-07-16 Thread RoadsEnd

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Date: July 16, 2007 12:41:41 AM PDT
Subject: Bush Has Already Lost Interest in Iraq; Now He's Obsessed  
with War on IRAN

Cheney pushes Bush to act on Iran

· Military solution back in favour as Rice loses out
· President 'not prepared to leave conflict unresolved'

Ewen MacAskill in Washington and Julian Borger
The Guardian, July 16, 2007,,2127343,00.html

While Dick Cheney, left, favours military threats,
Condoleezza Rice, centre, prefers diplomacy.
George Bush, right, has sided with Cheney.
Photograph: Evan Vucci/AP

The balance in the internal White House debate over Iran has  
shifted back in favour of military action before President George  
Bush leaves office in 18 months, the Guardian has learned.
The shift follows an internal review involving the White House, the  
Pentagon and the state department over the last month. Although the  
Bush administration is in deep trouble over Iraq, it remains  
focused on Iran. A well-placed source in Washington said: "Bush is  
not going to leave office with Iran still in limbo."

The White House claims that Iran, whose influence in the Middle  
East has increased significantly over the last six years, is intent  
on building a nuclear weapon and is arming insurgents in Iraq and  
The vice-president, Dick Cheney, has long favoured upping the  
threat of military action against Iran. He is being resisted by the  
secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, and the defence secretary,  
Robert Gates.

Last year Mr Bush came down in favour of Ms Rice, who along with  
Britain, France and Germany has been putting a diplomatic squeeze  
on Iran. But at a meeting of the White House, Pentagon and state  
department last month, Mr Cheney expressed frustration at the lack  
of progress and Mr Bush sided with him.

"The balance has tilted. There is cause for concern," the source  
said this week.

Nick Burns, the undersecretary of state responsible for Iran and a  
career diplomat who is one of the main advocates of negotiation,  
told the meeting it was likely that diplomatic manoeuvring would  
still be continuing in January 2009. That assessment went down  
badly with Mr Cheney and Mr Bush.

"Cheney has limited capital left, but if he wanted to use all his  
capital on this one issue, he could still have an impact," said  
Patrick Cronin, the director of studies at the International  
Institute for Strategic Studies.

The Washington source said Mr Bush and Mr Cheney did not trust any  
potential successors in the White House, Republican or Democratic,  
to deal with Iran decisively. They are also reluctant for Israel to  
carry out any strikes because the US would get the blame in the  
region anyway.

"The red line is not in Iran. The red line is in Israel. If Israel  
is adamant it will attack, the US will have to take decisive  
action," Mr Cronin said. "The choices are: tell Israel no, let  
Israel do the job, or do the job yourself."

Almost half of the US's 277 warships are stationed close to Iran,  
including two aircraft carrier groups. The aircraft carrier USS  
Enterprise left Virginia last week for the Gulf. A Pentagon  
spokesman said it was to replace the USS Nimitz and there would be  
no overlap that would mean three carriers in Gulf at the same time.

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: "We the People," Mad as Hell and *SOON* Not Going to Take It Anymore

2007-07-16 Thread RoadsEnd

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Date: July 16, 2007 5:24:08 PM PDT
Subject: "We the People," Mad as Hell and *SOON* Not Going to Take  
It Anymore

[Written as an exasperated gut-level response to lame-ass posts in  
an "impeachment, pro or con?" forum]

You folks just don't get it, do you?  Conducting a lawyerly  
discussion of impeachment at this point, with the participants  
still dewy-eyed with high school civics naivete, is like trading  
platitudes about the need for an annual medical checkup in the  
coroner's office during an autopsy, the corpse on the table already  
Wake up and smell the formaldehyde: Our system of government,  
defined by these theoretical protocols and legal technicalities, is  
already dead.  The corruption of the Republicans is the simply the  
putrefaction of the body politic.  The inaction of the Democrats is  
predictable under the circumstances -- it's rigor mortis.
The two-party system we invoke in our references to nice-on-paper  
but pragmatically unattainable "checks and balances" lies in  
state.  We are governed by a de facto ONE-party system whose  
infrastructure was already in its final stages of construction long  
before we even began a debate about whether it could be done, and  
if it could, whether it would "really," or just "potentially," pose  
a threat to the democratic process.
And now that we have begun to open our eyes, stil timidly, to  
survey only a fraction of the damage already done, that one-party  
system we seem to have overlooked is racing at breakneck speed to  
consolidate its power as a NO-party system dictated by a "president  
for life" during a national "state of emergency."
So, NOW, you're discussing whether impeachment is PRACTICAL, even  
debating if it's DESIRABLE?

Talk about being "behind the curve"!  Wake up and smell the burning  
flesh, folks -- it's FAR TOO LATE.

There is NO "democratic process" by which, through  
"representatives" whom we have "fairly elected," the American  
people can have ANY IMPACT WHATSOEVER on the nation's "free fall"  
toward totalitarianism.
You're gassing up for nothing if you're hoping to drive your BMW  
across the raging waves of the Atlantic.
There is no Constitution anymore; Bush & Co has shredded it, and  
now they're just burning the shards.
There is no Supreme Court you can appeal to; Bush & Co (through the  
Federalists) has succeeded in "stacking the courts," and the entire  
legal system --the so-called "independent judiciary branch" of our  
"Constitutional" system of government-- is populated by legal nazis  
who seig-heil our glorious Fuehrer.
Congress exists in name only -- it's just "political theatre,"  
ideological bread & circuses for the yokels.
No one you can trust will ever succeed in getting elected -- or if  
they somehow miraculously do, they will not survive in the toxic  
atmosphere of Capitol Hill without being bribed or threatened into  
towing the line.
In our bogus "two-party" system, both parties are self-serving, and  
a "third party" will not be permitted.
(Besides which, our "unitary executive" knows the legislative and  
judiciary branches are superfluous -- he and he alone has the  
authority to decide what legislation will be implemented and what  
laws enforced.)
So, my naive friends, when you don't have a legitimate federal  
government (or a state government, more often than not) to turn to,  
when the Blackstone SS is "securing" Main Street USA, who ya gonna  
You don't like that?  You're scared?  Try "working within the  
system" THEN to IMPEACH Der Fuehrer.

To sum up, impeachment is a joke.  It's no longer a realistic  
option -- it won't happen because it CAN'T, it's impossible in  
practical terms.  The nuts and bolts of WHY it's impossible reveals  
how seriously, irrevocably damaged our system of government is, and  
how few REAL options are left for us in defense of our liberty.
Putting your hopes on a majority Democratic Congress and a  
Democratic president being elected in 2008
is likewise a joke -- one in even worse taste, because that proves  
you're even FURTHER behind the curve.
In the next 18 months, we've been warned, "something" will happen  
that, like 9/11, will "change everything."
It doesn't matter WHAT that event, as portrayed by our mass-media,  
will be.  All that matters is that it will be USED to "justify"  
consolidation of extra-Constitutional executive power in a de facto  
The Constitution, in practice, is already null and void; its  
guardians, by default, have allowed it to lapse.
Habeas Corpus has been suspended, not just in specific instances  
but, as the need arises, generally.
Posse Comitatus is virtually of no effect, likewise by applying  
"the letter of the law" of radical NEW laws which, despite being  
unconstitutional, were allowed to stand, unchallenged, by judicial  

[cia-drugs] Fwd: April 2007: Saudi "Special Forces" ("Al Qaeda"?) Called Up for Active Duty

2007-07-16 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 16, 2007 8:21:12 PM PDT
Subject: April 2007: Saudi "Special Forces" ("Al Qaeda"?) Called Up  
for Active Duty 

In the last two weeks, Washington has marginally trimmed down the  
US buildup opposite Iran’s shores. Shortly before Cheney arrived,  
the Bonhomme Richard Expeditionary Strike group reached the Gulf  
with 6,000 men -- not to augment the US naval presence, but to  
relieve the USS Boxer Strike group which is returning to base.

While no Bush administration official has publicly admitted to a  
timeline for the US pull-out from Iraq - and has in fact fought one  
tooth and nail through Congress - DEBKAfile’s sources in  
Washington, the Gulf and Baghdad report that Cheney is bringing the  
news to the Middle East rulers that Washington will make its  
decision in the second half of August and an evacuation will begin  
shortly thereafter.


Tens of thousands of U.S. troops, finally leaving Iraq, with  
nowhere else to go ...


On April 1, the Saudi monarch met Adm. William J. Fallon, US  
Central Command chief. April 16, he received defense secretary  
Gates and, two days later, on April 18, he held a long conversation  
with the US state department Iraq coordinator, David Satterfield.

These talks led to a decision to make the Saudi air force the  
biggest in the Middle East, on a par with Israel’s air might, by an  
infusion of sophisticated aircraft equipped with the most advanced  
avionics, electronic warfare instruments and missiles.

In a war contingency, the boosted Saudi air force will undertake  
the key function of immobilizing the antiquated Iranian air force,  
preventing it from posing a threat to the Gulf or providing air  
cover for sabotage squads or marines seeking to attack oil  
installations, disrupt oil tanker passage through the Gulf or seize  
territory in Gulf emirates.

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: First It's "Eco-Terrorists," Then Anti-War "Terrorists" ... and Now, POTHEADS?

2007-07-16 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 16, 2007 12:53:36 AM PDT
Subject: First It's "Eco-Terrorists," Then Anti-War  
"Terrorists" ... and Now, POTHEADS?

Drug czar gives warning

Federal official calls marijuana growers dangerous terrorists

By Dylan Darling

Friday, July 13, 2007

The nation's top anti-drug official said people need to overcome  
their "reefer blindness" and see that illicit marijuana gardens are  
a terrorist threat to the public's health and safety, as well as to  
the environment.

John P. Walters, President Bush's drug czar, said the people who  
plant and tend the gardens are terrorists who wouldn't hesitate to  
help other terrorists get into the country with the aim of causing  
mass casualties.  Walters made the comments at a Thursday press  
conference that provided an update on the "Operation Alesia"  
marijuana-eradication effort.

"Don't buy drugs. They fund violence and terror," he said.

After touring gardens raided this week in Shasta County, Walters  
said the officers who are destroying the gardens are performing  
hard, dangerous work in rough terrain. He said growers have been  
known to have weapons, including assault rifles.

"These people are armed; they're dangerous," he said. He called  
them "violent criminal terrorists."

Walters, whose official title is director of the White House Office  
of National Drug Control Policy, said too many people write off  
marijuana as harmless. "We have kind of a reefer blindness,' " he  

No arrests have been made so far in the four days of raids, the  
opening leg of what Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosenko has promised  
will be at least two straight weeks of daily raids.

He said suspects have been hard to find because their familiarity  
with their terrain makes it easy for them to flee quickly.

Although crews doing the raids are using Black Hawk and other  
helicopters to drop in on some of the gardens, Bosenko said they  
don't want to give the growers any warning of a raid.

"We try to move in under stealth," he said.

As of Thursday morning, Operation Alesia raids had resulted in the  
yanking of 68,237 young marijuana plants from public lands in  
Shasta County. Raids already have been conducted in Whiskeytown  
National Recreation Area, as well as on land managed by the U.S.  
Forest Service north of Lake Shasta and other public land near Manton.

The operation is being led by the sheriff's office and has involved  
17 agencies, including the California National Guard and the U.S.  
Drug Enforcement Administration. It's believed to be the largest  
campaign of its kind in the state, Bosenko said.

The operation is named after the last major battle between the  
Roman Empire and the Gauls in 52 B.C. That battle was won by the  

With the blitz of marijuana gardens around Shasta County, Bosenko  
said officials hope to not only get rid of the pot, but also win  
back the land for the public that owns it.

"These organizations are destroying our lands and wildlife," he said.

Bernie Weingardt, regional forester for the Forest Service's  
Pacific Southwest Region, said the 28,000 acres believed to house  
illegal marijuana grows on national forest land throughout the  
state would cost more than $300 million to revive.

"These lands must be cleaned and restored," he said.

His estimate is based on a National Park Service study that found  
it costs $11,000 per acre to pull the plants, clear irrigation  
systems, reshape any terracing and replant native vegetation, said  
Mike Odle, Forest Service spokesman.

While Walters didn't give specific goals for Operation Alesia, he  
said anti-drug agencies aim to cripple the organized crime groups  
that he said are behind the marijuana cultivation.

"This business we intend to put into recession, depression and put  
its leaders into jail," Walters said.

Shasta-Trinity National Forest Service

Shasta-Trinity National Forest Service

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Gambit Weekly : Missing Links : July 17, 2007

2007-07-16 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 16, 2007 3:23:20 PM PDT
Subject: Gambit Weekly : Missing Links : July 17, 2007

You can see this page at: 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: National News Conference: New Orleans, Friday, July 20

2007-07-16 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Kris Millegan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 16, 2007 9:00:17 AM PDT
Subject: National News Conference: New Orleans,  Friday, July 20

Release Date 7/16/07

National News Conference: New Orleans
Dr. Mary's Monkey
by Edward T. Haslam

• The public was never told the truth about the Dr. Mary Sherman  
• J. Edgar Hoover ordered the FBI to conduct “no active  
investigation” into the murder.
• The Warren Commission was in New Orleans interviewing people of  
interest the day the doctor's burned and stabbed body was found.
• Eyewitness confirms New Orleans DA Jim Garrison's critical  
assertion of a Clay Shaw and Lee Harvey Oswald acquaintance.
• DA Garrison did not comprehend the implications of the  
underground medical laboratory that he had uncovered.

Friday, July 20, 2007
11:00 -11:45 a.m.
The Whitney Hotel
Commerce Room
610 Poydras St
504 581-4222

Kris Millegan < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
1 800 556 2012 for interviews & additional info
July 17-21 — Hotel Whitney 504 581 4222


The sensational unsolved murder of a prominent New Orleans doctor,  
cancer-causing monkey viruses, governmental secrecy and cover-ups,  
along with intrigues swirling around the assassination of President  
Kennedy, are some of the elements of a controversial new book from  
TrineDay, Dr. Mary’s Monkey by Edward Haslam.

TrineDay is presenting the author to the national press in New  
Orleans on the 43rd anniversary of the death of Dr. Mary Sherman,  
because Mr. Haslam’s personal investigation of that horrific cold- 
case murder in that city has led him to information that should be  
known by all Americans — especially those of the boomer generation.

Her grisly killing was front-page news in the two city dailies for  
over a week, and then the coverage suddenly stopped. The hidden  
backdrop of the murder was Dr. Sherman’s involvement in top-secret  
government research, and, as is now becoming more widely known, the  
fact that the polio vaccine inoculated into millions of  
schoolchildren between 1954 and 1963 had been unwittingly  
contaminated with dangerous monkey viruses. At the time, some brave  
souls in the medical research community (who soon lost their jobs)  
predicted this would give rise to soft-tissue cancer rates far  
exceeding those of previous generations … a prediction that has  
sadly come true. Dr. Sherman had been enlisted in a secret effort  
attempting to develop new vaccines, using radiation from a linear  
particle accelerator, hopefully heading off that impending  
epidemic. By the time of her death at the height of the Cold War,  
these efforts had also been directed toward biological weapons  

When Haslam first explored these subjects in his 1998 book, Mary,  
Ferrie and the Monkey Virus, many questioned his speculations. Now,  
Dr. Mary’s Monkey includes further revelations showing him to have  
been, tragically, correct. Most crucially, an actual participant in  
the research has stepped forward.

As Dr. Sherman’s lab assistant in the summer of 1963, a young woman  
from Florida was drawn into a network linking prominent New Orleans  
physician Alton Ochsner with figures who have been the focus of  
investigations into the JFK assassination, including David Ferrie  
and Lee Harvey Oswald. She has now come forward, to corroborate—and  
illuminate—Haslam’s account. Documentation of her narrative, and of  
other historical “anomalies,” will be provided at the press  

1. That the public was never told the truth about the Mary Sherman  
murder. Concealed was the fact that Dr. Sherman’s right arm and the  
right side of her rib cage were completely “missing” with nothing  
left but a “charred fragment.” This was revealed in a carefully  
guarded Orleans Parish autopsy report. Nothing in her apartment,  
the alleged crime scene, could have caused such damage, which is a  
key forensic fact that has never been publicly investigated.

2. The Warren Commission did interview witnesses in New Orleans to  
gather information about the JFK assassination on July 21, 1964,  
the day Dr. Mary Sherman’s burned and stabbed body was found in her  
apartment. Was Mary Sherman’s murder somehow connected to the  
Warren Commission investigation?

3. That J. Edgar Hoover himself ordered the FBI to conduct “no  
active investigation” of the “murder of Dr. Mary Stutlz Sherman.”  
The justification was essentially jurisdiction, though other issues  
were mentioned. Haslam questions the very jurisdiction of the case.

4. That Orleans Parish District Attorney Jim Garrison’s association  
of Clay Shaw with Lee Harvey Oswald was, in fact, accurate, as  
supported by testimony to the U.S. Congress, which was then  
withheld from public knowledge for 16 years, and also, more  
directly, by th

Re: [cia-drugs] kesey, wolfe

2007-07-15 Thread RoadsEnd
No, Kesey wasn't at SRI. He went to Stanford Univ. on a writer's  
program. I have spoken to Kesey directly about this. His words were  

Kesey was no agent. He was uncontrollable. After Woodstock, the bands  
wanted to do a train tour, the "labels" were fine with that until the  
bands wanted Kesey as conductor. No money if kesey was aboard, they  
labels wanted Wavy Gravy.

Kesey signed up for drug trials. from his wrestling training he could  
tell how long a minute was by counting his pulse. He performed after  
given psychedelics, this feat impressed the doctors so they gave him  
more and more and more. So he had a pretty good idea of the  
experience. He felt that it shouldn't be locked up in a hospital and  
hijacked it for his friends. One thing led to another.

The hippies weren't social engineered, they are more of a reaction ...

Kris Millegan
On Jul 15, 2007, at 1:11 PM, Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:

were kesey and thomas wolfe cointelpro type "social engineers?"   
teammates with timothy leary?
kesey was at STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE, was he not?  and thomas  
wolfe came out of... YALE.

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Scroll & Key membership list -- 1842-1980 PDF - 5.6MB

2007-07-15 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 15, 2007 11:47:49 AM PDT
Subject: Scroll & Key membership list -- 1842-1980 PDF - 5.6MB

Scroll & Key 1842-1980
PDF - 5.6MB

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] A scathing critique of the Central Ineptitude Agency

2007-07-15 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 15, 2007 6:46:32 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] A scathing critique of the Central Ineptitude  


A scathing critique of the Central Ineptitude Agency
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Special to The Oregonian

"H ow do you run a secret intelligence service in an open  
democracy? How do you serve the truth by lying? How do you spread  
democracy by deceit?"

These questions, posed by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Tim  
Weiner in "Legacy of Ashes," his absorbing, voluminous and scathing  
history of the Central Intelligence Agency, remain unanswered. As  
Weiner, a reporter for The New York Times who has covered U.S.  
intelligence agencies for 20 years, amply illustrates in his  
troubling book, this dilemma has plagued the CIA since its inception.

Filled with fascinating and appalling details -- all on the record  
and compiled from primary sources -- Weiner's book describes "how  
the most powerful country in the history of Western civilization  
has failed to create a first-rate spy service." This account of the  
Central Intelligence Agency's 60-year history should be read by  
anyone wishing to understand the trajectory of U.S. foreign policy  
from the end of World War II through the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Created in the wake of the Office of Strategic Services, the  
wartime intelligence agency established by President Franklin D.  
Roosevelt, the CIA was troubled from the start. Throughout its  
history, the agency has been strained by a tug of war between the  
FBI, the Pentagon and the State Department. From the Cold War,  
through Korea and Vietnam and into the war on terror, the CIA has  
struggled to achieve its mission: to gather credible and credibly  
used intelligence. Repeatedly, it has failed miserably.

Established without a clear chain of command, the CIA was initially  
without official authority, inadequately funded and staffed by men  
known for excessive alcohol consumption. It would grow to be  
unwieldy and out of control. Richard Helms described his early days  
overseeing CIA espionage in Eastern Europe as like being "an  
apprentice juggler trying to keep an inflated beach ball, an open  
milk bottle and a loaded machine gun in the air." This metaphor of  
inept high jinks aptly characterizes the mismanagement of  
information and human resources that resulted in thousands of lives  
lost and billions of dollars squandered.

Adopting a policy that Weiner calls "deliberate amnesia," those at  
the helm of the CIA routinely buried any records of its spectacular  
failures and equally routinely fabricated a gloss of success for  
one botched covert operation after another. Among the accounts  
buried for decades -- many only recently released -- were those of  
fictional intelligence reports, hundreds of operatives captured and  
killed, and experiments with heroin and LSD to extract confessions.

In this history lie sparks of the wars in which we are now  
embroiled. The CIA-created precursors of the shocking practices  
used by the Bush administration in Afghanistan and Iraq include  
extraordinary rendition, secret overseas prisons and the brutal  
interrogation techniques of Guantanamo. Here, too, are the  
alliances pursued in the Middle East that have led to the war now  
in progress and, decades later, the policy that armed Afghan rebels  
who, with Saudis, formed a force that came to be called al-Qaida.

Weiner chronicles the CIA's willful ignorance, arrogance and so- 
called intelligence measured in quantity rather than quality, and  
poor judgment with anecdotes that often sound like plots invented  
by an evilly comic John le Carre. Even the footnotes make for good  

While unsparing in his criticism of the CIA, Weiner also believes  
firmly in the United States' need for an intelligence agency. "For  
the war in which we are now engaged," he concludes soberly, will be  
won or lost "by virtue of our intelligence." The solutions remain  
elusive but acknowledging past mistakes seems a place to start.

Elizabeth Grossman's most recent book is "High Tech Trash: Digital  
Devices, Hidden Toxics, and Human Health."

-__ ___ _ ___ __ ___ _ _ _ __

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[cia-drugs] CIA Helped Bush Senior In Oil Venture

2007-07-14 Thread RoadsEnd

A Real News Exclusive
CIA Helped Bush Senior In Oil Venture

By Russ Baker and Jonathan Z. Larsen | The Real News Project

January 8, 2007

NEW YORK--Newly released internal CIA documents assert that former  
president George Herbert Walker Bush's oil company emerged from a  
1950's collaboration with a covert CIA officer.

Bush has long denied allegations that he had connections to the  
intelligence community prior to 1976, when he became Central  
Intelligence Agency director under President Gerald Ford. At the  
time, he described his appointment as a 'real shocker.'

But the freshly uncovered memos contend that Bush maintained a close  
personal and business relationship for decades with a CIA staff  
employee who, according to those CIA documents, was instrumental in  
the establishment of Bush's oil venture, Zapata, in the early 1950s,  
and who would later accompany Bush to Vietnam as a "cleared and  
witting commercial asset" of the agency.

According to a CIA internal memo dated November 29, 1975, Bush's  
original oil company, Zapata Petroleum, began in 1953 through joint  
efforts with Thomas J. Devine, a CIA staffer who had resigned his  
agency position that same year to go into private business. The '75  
memo describes Devine as an "oil wild-catting associate of Mr. Bush."  
The memo is attached to an earlier memo written in 1968, which lays  
out how Devine resumed work for the secret agency under commercial  
cover beginning in 1963.

"Their joint activities culminated in the establishment of Zapata  
Oil," the memo reads. In fact, early Zapata corporate filings do not  
seem to reflect Devine's role in the company, suggesting that it may  
have been covert. Yet other documents do show Thomas Devine on the  
board of an affiliated Bush company, Zapata Offshore, in January,  
1965, more than a year after he had resumed work for the spy agency.

It was while Devine was in his new CIA capacity as a commercial cover  
officer that he accompanied Bush to Vietnam the day after Christmas  
in 1967, remaining in the country with the newly elected congressman  
from Texas until January 11, 1968. Whatever information the duo was  
seeking, they left just in the nick of time. Only three weeks after  
the two men departed Saigon, the North Vietnamese and their Communist  
allies launched the Tet offensive with seventy thousand troops pre- 
positioned in more than 100 cities and towns.

While the elder Bush was in Vietnam with Devine, George W. Bush was  
making contact with representatives of the Texas Air National Guard,  
using his father's connections to join up with an elite, Houston- 
based Guard unit - thus avoiding overseas combat service in a war  
that the Bushes strongly supported.

The new revelation about George H.W. Bush's CIA friend and fellow  
Zapata Offshore board member will surely fuel further speculation  
that Bush himself had his own associations with the agency.

Indeed, Zapata's annual reports portray a bewildering range of global  
activities, in the Mideast, Asia and the Caribbean (including off  
Cuba) that seem outsized for the company's modest bottom line. In his  
autobiography, Bush declares that "I'd come to the CIA with some  
general knowledge of how it operated' and that his 'overseas contacts  
as a businessman' justified President Nixon's appointing him as UN  
ambassador, a decision that at the time was highly controversial.

Previously disclosed FBI files include a memo from bureau director J.  
Edgar Hoover, noting that his organization had given a briefing to  
two men in the intelligence community on November 23, 1963, the day  
after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The memo refers to one as  
"Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency" and the other as  
"Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency."

When Nation magazine contributor Joseph McBride first uncovered this  
document in 1988, George Herbert Walker Bush, then vice president and  
seeking the presidency, insisted through a spokesman that he was not  
the man mentioned in the memo: "I was in Houston, Texas, at the time  
and involved in the independent oil drilling business. And I was  
running for the Senate in late '63. I don't have any idea of what  
he's talking about." The spokesman added, "Must be another George Bush."

When McBride approached the CIA at that time, it initially invoked a  
policy of neither confirming nor denying anyone's involvement with  
the agency. But it soon took the unusual step of asserting that the  
correct individual was a George William Bush, a one-time Virginia  
staffer whom the agency claimed it could no longer locate. But that  
George Bush, discovered in his office in the Social Security  
Administration by McBride, noted that he was a low-ranked coast and  
landing-beach analyst and that he most certainly never received such  
an FBI briefing.

It was perhaps to help lay to rest the 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Mexico Declares War on American Journalists Reporting on War with Mexico

2007-07-14 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 14, 2007 4:55:09 PM PDT
Subject: Mexico Declares War on American Journalists Reporting on  
War with Mexico

Mexican Drug Traffickers Threaten U.S. Journalists

By VOA News
14 July 2007   

A Texas newspaper has pulled a reporter out of the border city of  
Laredo following reports that Mexican drug traffickers are planning  
to kill foreign journalists along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The San Antonio Express-News said Friday it did not know if the  
threat is true, but that it will err on the side of caution.

Laredo is across the border from the crime-ridden Mexican city of  
Nuevo Laredo, which has seen numerous killings and shootouts  
between drug smuggling gangs.  Journalists covering the drug- 
related violence are constantly threatened and attacked.

U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Tony Garza said in a statement Friday  
that U.S and Mexican authorities will do everything possible to  
ensure the safety of American reporters working on both sides of  
the border.

Garza said threats against journalists must be condemned by all who  
understand the importance of a free press in a democratic society.

Separately, Reporters Without Borders urged Mexico's government to  
stop the violations of press freedom it says are coming from local  
politicians and criminal gangs.

The press freedom group said recent threats and advertising  
boycotts against journalists and media have taken place in the  
states of Puebla, Guanajuato and Yucatan.

The rights group said the violations are typical of the kind of  
pressure to which Mexican media are constantly subjected.

Reporters Without Borders said it considers Mexico one of the  
world's most dangerous places for the press, with two journalists  
killed and two missing since January.

Get a sneak peak of the all-new

[cia-drugs] Fwd: More US Government 'Psychic Warfare'

2007-07-14 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: July 13, 2007 7:42:04 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: More US Government 'Psychic Warfare' More US Government'Psychic Warfare'By Michael Goodspeed[EMAIL PROTECTED]7-13-7       Everyone knows that our government has long been interested in obtaining a better understanding of the human mind's psychic potentials. The most famous of their endeavors has been "remote viewing," or the attempt to gather strategically significant data through controlled psychic clairvoyance. More recently, it was widely reported that an Air Force report called for $7.5 million to conduct psychic teleportation experiments. The study's author stated that teleportation "is quite real and can be controlled."       But mainstream news media in this country are zealotous pseudoskeptics of the paranormal. A USA Today story on the above report begins with a cynical attempt at wit: "Star Trek fans may be happy to hear that the Air Force has paid to study psychic teleportation." And like virtually all mainstream media reports on paranormal phenomena, the "journalist" defers to the judgment of an orthodox scientist, who sneers at paranormal claims and hurls perjoratives: "'It is in large part crackpot physics,' says physicist Lawrence Krauss of Case Western Reserve University.       This latest revelation of tax-payer funded research into the paranormal incited some curiosity in me. I decided to do some simple word searches of the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)'s Scientific & Technical Information Network (STINET), a branch of the DOD, utilizing terms such as "psychic," "electromagnetic," and "psychological warfare." I found some intriguing documents that to my knowledge have not previously been broadly distributed.       A particularly telling excerpt can be found in a report by author Col. Dolan M. McKelvy, USAF, entitled "Psychic Warfare: Exploring the Mind Frontier," 1988. McKelvy warns of the inherent dangers of a cynical, pseudoskeptical attitude toward psychic phenomena: "Man's greatest potential remains a prisoner of man. Vast untapped mental capabilities create an entirely new battlefield dimension which, if ignored, pose a threat to self and country more serious than nuclear weapons. This threat starts from within. Our fears and cynical attitudes towards psychic capabilities make us our own worst enemies..."       Below are a handful of documents from DTIC's Public STINET, at       From &verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=ADA202099       Defense Technical Information Center       Accession Number : ADA202099       Title : Psychic Warfare: Exploring the Mind Frontier.       Descriptive Note : Research rept.,       Corporate Author : AIR WAR COLL MAXWELL AFB AL       Personal Author(s) : McKelvy, Dolan M.       Report Date : MAY 1988       Pagination or Media Count : 59       Abstract : Man's greatest potential remains a prisoner of man. Vast untapped mental capabilities create an entirely new battlefield dimension which, if ignored, pose a threat to self and country more serious than nuclear weapons. This threat starts from within. Our fears and cynical attitudes towards psychic capabilities make us our own worst enemies. The Soviets, on the other hand, take psychic research very seriously at all levels, particularly for its military application. Exploring the mind frontier is essential and the key to successful exploration is a greater psychic awareness. The mind is rich in unfathomed resources ripe for exploration, a limitless source of treasures for advancing all mankind, and a serious threat to those who ignore its potential. We must overcome our psychic inhibitions, stop denying the existence of paranormal events, and start trying instead to understand the nature of these phenomena. We must shed the super secret cloaks and educate our leaders at all levels on the real psi military potentials and threats so we can adequately focus and prioritize national resources. (sdw)       Descriptors : *STRESS(PSYCHOLOGY), *PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE, AWARENESS, BATTLEFIELDS, HUMANS, LEADERSHIP, MENTAL ABILITY, MILITARY APPLICATIONS, NUCLEAR WEAPONS, PRISONERS, RESOURCES, MENTAL DISORDERS.       Subject Categories : PSYCHOLOGY       MILITARY OPERATIONS, STRATEGY AND TACTICS       Distribution Statement : APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE       >From &verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=AD0422218       Defense Technical Information Center       Accession Number : AD0422218       Title : ELECTROMAGNETIC PHENOMENA WHICH RADIATE FROM THE HUMAN BRAIN DURING INTENSE PSYCHOSENSORIAL ACTIVITY FROM DREAMY, HALLUCINATORY AND TELEPSYCHIC STATES,       Corporate Author : ARMY ENGINEER RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT LABS FORT BELVOIR VA       Personal Author(s) : Cazzamalli, Ferdinando       Report Date : 1943       Pagination or Media Count : 42       Abstract : The experi

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [PEPIS] PEPIS#90 Explosive - The Bilderberg/Al Qaeda Connection

2007-07-13 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tony Gosling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 13, 2007 4:19:43 AM PDT
Subject: [PEPIS] PEPIS#90 Explosive - The Bilderberg/Al Qaeda  

What a lie-cracking weblog. Why not make it your homepage?

Bilderberg - Al-Qaeda Connection
4 06 2007
JonesReport | June 2, 2007 | Aaron Dykes

See here for original article with lots of pix

As we reported yesterday , an FBI investigation led to charges for two
high level Pakistani financiers on multiple counts of conspiracy and
fraud. The FBI has announced it is now investigating further links to
Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz , as well as Salman Shah , the
Prime Minister's financial advisor, Ali Raza , the president of the
National Bank of Pakistan and a significant list of other Pakistani
financial heads.

The Times of India reported that FBI investigators believe the
criminal operation may also be tied to allegations of money-laundering
operations for Al Qaeda.

The alleged insider trading took place on knowledge of the TxU
buyout , a largest-ever $45 billion leverage deal brokered by
Kohlberg, Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR) and Goldman Sachs, two key firms
inside the Bilderberg group, who dominate the investment banking
world, and are shown to be very closely linked .

Credit Suisse First Boston, who served as advisors on the TxU buyout
and are also represented annually at Bilderberg, are named in the FBI
insider trading case that has so far charged Hafiz Naseem, a Credit
Suisse FB investment banker , with criminal counts of conspiracy and

Is there a link between elite Pakistani bankers who brokered the TxU
leveraged buyout with Bilderberg firms KKR, Goldman Sachs and Credit
Suisse and the alleged Pakistani role in a laundering scheme for Al-

Civil charges have been filed against Ajaz Rahim , the head of
investment banking at Faysal Bank in Pakistan, on conspiracy and 25
counts of securities fraud.

The high levels of investigation are interesting- given the close
relationship with Western banking, as well as the pivotal role
Pakistan plays in the intelligence community and the so-called War on
Terror . Pakistan is well known for harboring Al Qaeda, though the
government does not officially support the terrorist group.

It was from Pakistan that former ISI chief General Mahmud Ahmad wired
$100,000 to supposed lead-hijacker Mohammad Atta , a known CIA-asset,
to fund the 9/11 attacks. Of course, the ISI is largely an extension
of the CIA and other western intelligence agencies, and works as base
of operations for intelligence in the Middle East.

Just north of Pakistan, Zbigniew Brzezinski funded, armed and created
the Taliban- headed by bin Laden- to offset expected aggression by
Soviet forces into Afghanistan in 1979 while Brzezinski was National
Security Adviser to President Carter- proving directly the U.S. link
to bin Laden.

"I told the President, about six months before the Soviets entered
Afghanistan, that in my judgment I thought they would be going into
Afghanistan. And I decided then, and I recommended to the President,
that we shouldn't be passive...We weren't passive," Brzezinski told  

during a 1997 interview.

Brzezinski, of course, helped David Rockefeller found the Trilateral
Commission, and is also involved in the Council on Foreign Relations,
both of which bleed over into the Bilderberg group, all of which serve
an agenda working towards world government.

When Osama bin Laden and his Taliban became a red herring in the War
on Terror, they simply moved south to Pakistan, leaving American
forces to seize control of Afghanistan (as well as its land, oil,
Caspian trade route, and opium crop) while fighting a non-existent
enemy. Despite the fact that the phony War on Terror is supposedly
fought globally, neither American, Pakistani or U.N. troops have gone
after the Taliban forces residing in Pakistan. The reason for this is
not Pakistan's duplicity, but that the terrorist group was simply a
pretense to control Afghanistan, as its governing forces were perhaps
not as accessible as Rick Perry has been in selling out Texas.

Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz has also been accessible to the
globalists- he is basically a controlled asset, after all. While he is
currently under investigation in the related cases of insider trading
over Texas asset deals and Al Qaeda money laundering operations, he
was Citigroup's Chairman- a New York-based investment group operating
in the top echelon of the financial world. Aziz spent approximately 30
years with the company.

Citigroup, obviously well established in the banking web, has several
Bilderberg ties, including notorious former chair Walter Bigelow
Wriston (who transformed Citigroup into one of the biggest

[cia-drugs] "Loyal Bushie" US Judge who jailed former Alabama Democratic Gov. involved in drug running w/ Karl Rove

2007-07-13 Thread RoadsEnd

July 12, 2007 -- "Loyal Bushie" US Judge who jailed former Alabama  
Democratic Gov. involved in drug running
publication date: Jul 12, 2007
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July 12, 2007 -- "Loyal Bushie" US Judge who jailed former Alabama  
Democratic Gov. involved in drug smuggling.


The former Democratic Governor of Alabama, Don Siegelman, convicted  
last year on federal corruption charges and ordered directly to  
prison for over seven years by U.S. Judge Mark Fuller, was the target  
of a Bush Justice Department intent on taking Siegelman out of  
circulation because of his knowledge of the involvement of Fuller and  
former President George H. W. Bush in running cocaine and heroin  
through Alabama during the Iran-contra years. Yesterday, Siegelman  
was moved from the federal prison in Atlanta to a federal prison in  
Texas, where his activities will be strictly controlled by the Bush  
crime family and its friends. The prison is reportedly in Texarkana,  
Texas, not far from the Mena Airfield in Arkansas, a major hub of  
drug smuggling activity during the 1980s.

An Alabama attorney, Jill Simpson, has sworn out an affidavit  
claiming that Siegelman was set up in a coordinated conspiracy by  
leading GOP politicians and prosecutors in Alabama who were working  
closely with White House adviser Karl Rove and the Justice Department  
to "take care" of Siegelman. In her affidavit, Simpson said the  
conspiracy to imprison Siegelman involved Gov. Bob Riley, Riley's son  
Rob Riley, Terry Butts, GOP operative Bill Canary, his wife U.S.  
Attorney Leura Canary, U.S. Attorney Alice H. Martin, U.S. Acting  
Attorney, Louis Franklin, U.S. Attorney Stephen P. Feaga, former Bob  
Riley chief of staff Toby Roth, and Karl Rove.

Simpson recounted a conversation in which Bill Canary stated that his  
"girls" would "take care" of Siegelman. Simpson identified the  
"girls" as his wife, Leura Canary, a U.S. Attorney, and her colleague  
Alice Martin.

House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers holding hearings on the  
prosecutorial, as well as White House and federal judicial misconduct  
and criminal conspiracy in the case of Siegelman.

WMR has obtained records from our colleague John Caylor in Alabama  
that show Judge Mark E. Fuller, a longtime GOP operative and friend  
of Rove, was deeply involved in the transport of cocaine and other  
contraband during the Iran-contra days of the 1980s.

Fuller's name shows up as a corporate officer of Doss Aviation of  
Colorado Springs, Colorado, a company that has been linked by Caylor,  
a one time Drug Enforcement Administration investigator, to drug  
smuggling by top GOP official in Alabama and Florida.

1990 Annual Report


   Address...:   DOSS AVIATION INC

 116 S MAIN ST STE 205A

 PO BOX 838


Agent As

   Reported..:   BARR, BERT


 115 S MAIN ST



   Of Corp...:   FULLER, MARK E




   Of Corp...:   BARR, HERBERT A




   Business..:   GOVT CONTRACTING

 116 S MAIN ST STE 205A



   Business..:   GOVT CONTRACTING

 PO BOX 1393 HWY 59 N

 SHEPHERD, TX  77371


   Number:   205-347-2626


   By Revenue:   03-29-1990

Siegelman served as Alabama's Secretary of State from 1979 to 1987  
and as Attorney General from 1987 to 1991. In his roles of  
registering corporations in Alabama and overseeing criminal  
investigations by the state, Siegelman had obtained evidence linking  
Fuller, Bush, and other top Alabama and Florida Republicans to drug  
trafficking and the beginning of election manipulation in Alabama  
favoring the GOP. Caylor claims that Mark E. Fuller, listed as Doss  
official in Montgomery, is the same person as Mark J. Fuller of  
Enterprise. Judge Mark Fuller's Enterprise residence was 10 Indigo  

Bert Barr, listed as Doss' registered agent, was Fuller's law firm  
partner in Enterprise. Fuller also inherited Cargo International,  
another drug running firm, from Wentworth.

Siegelman ran for Governor to go after the GOP mobsters who had  
bought their way into practically every state office, including the  
commissions that oversee and regulate dog and horse tracks, real  
estate, trucking, and business practices.

What we have discovered is that Judge Fuller inherited an extensive  
aircraft and money laundering network from one Clifford Wentworth who  
was busted for drug trafficking in the Drug Enforcement  
Administration's 1981-1984 Operation Sunburn in 1984. In a deal  
worked out between then-Vice President 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Guards steal $282 million from a bank in Baghdad

2007-07-12 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Alamaine, IVe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 12, 2007 2:37:17 AM PDT
Subject: [ctrl] Guards steal $282 million from a bank in Baghdad

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought
without accepting it." Aristotle
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Guards steal $282 million from a bank in Baghdad
By Alissa J. Rubin
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

BAGHDAD: In an astonishing heist, guards at a bank here made off with
more than a quarter-billion dollars on Wednesday, according to an
official at the Interior Ministry.

The robbery, of $282 million from the Dar Es Salaam bank, a private
financial institution, raised more questions than it answered, and
officials were tight-lipped about the crime. The local police said two
guards engineered the robbery, but an official at the Interior  

said three guards were involved.

Both confirmed that the stolen money was in American dollars, not  

dinars. It was unclear why the bank had that much money on hand in
dollars, or how the robbers managed to move such a large amount  

being detected.

Several officials speculated that the robbers had connections to the
militias, because it would be difficult for them to move without being
searched through many checkpoints in Baghdad.

Otherwise on Wednesday, there was only scattered violence in the city,
although 18 bodies were found by the police in different  

signaling that sectarian killing had not ebbed.

In a village just north of Falluja, however, extremists in two  

possibly in an act of revenge, forced the residents of a house inside,
locked the doors and blew up the building. Eleven people died,  
to a report by United States marines who operate in the area. The  
is owned by a member of the local provincial security forces, which  
fighting Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, a homegrown Sunni Arab insurgent  

that includes some foreigners.

In Mosul, an American helicopter returned fire after being shot at,  

hit civilians, according to Brigadier General Abd al-Kareem Khalaf
Juboori of the Mosul police. Two people were killed and 14 wounded,
including two children.

The killing continued in Diyala Province, where American operations  

under way to try to reduce the influence of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia.
Three bodies were found with signs of torture near the town of  
Khalis; an

army checkpoint was attacked with mortars; a local police station was
attacked; and a roadside bomb killed an Iraqi Army soldier and wounded
four others in Khan Beni Sa'ad, about 50 miles from Baghdad.

Iraqi solders at a checkpoint near the Syrian border seized a truck
carrying 200 suicide vests. While the vests had not yet been loaded  

explosives, a car filled with explosives was found nearby. The police
suspect that the two were traveling together, said Major General Abdul
Kareem Khalaf, an official at the checkpoint.

The government announced several measures to help repair the damage  

the enormous truck bomb earlier this week in Amirli in northern Diyala
Province. Families who lost one or more relatives will receive a  
of $2,400, and families that had a relative wounded will be awarded  
said Abbas al-Bayati, a member of Parliament designated by Prime  

Nuri Kamal al-Maliki to oversee the area's reconstruction. Maliki also
allocated $10 million to rebuild the remote village.

The Ministry of Trade announced it had begun a coordinated effort with
the Defense and Interior Ministries to ship food to areas that  
had cut off, and was making Amirli a special priority, along with  

in western Iraq and Tal Afar in the north near Mosul.

The German Foreign Ministry announced the release of Hannelore Krause,
who had been held hostage for 155 days by Iraqi insurgents calling
themselves the Arrows of Righteousness. But her son, who is 20, was  

being held, and in an interview on the Arabiya satellite television
network she asked the German government to comply with the kidnappers'
demands that her country withdraw their troops from Afghanistan.

"If they do not withdraw, they will slaughter my son," she said.

Meanwhile, the United States Committee for Refugees and Immigrants  
Wednesday that the number of refugees worldwide increased by almost  

million in 2006, pushing the total to nearly 14 million, the highest
level since 2001, The Associated Press reported. Iraqis accounted for
more than a third of the increase.

The committee, a nongovernmental group in Washington, said that of the
790,000 people who left Iraq last year, 449,000 went to Syria and  

to Jordan. About 80,000 went to Egypt and 202 to the United States.

Cleric Flees After Death Threats

BAGHDAD, July 11 (AP) - An Anglican vicar who may have received a  

warning about the recent failed ca

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Buns Include Cardboard

2007-07-12 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Alamaine, IVe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 12, 2007 2:37:17 AM PDT
Subject: [ctrl] Buns Include Cardboard

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought
without accepting it." Aristotle
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Beijing Steam Buns Include Cardboard,,-6774425,00.html

Thursday July 12, 2007 10:01 AM

BEIJING (AP) - Chopped cardboard, softened with an industrial chemical
and made tasty with pork flavoring, is a main ingredient in batches of
steamed buns sold in one Beijing neighborhood, state television said.

The report, aired late Wednesday on China Central Television,  

the country's problems with food safety despite government efforts to
improve the situation.

Countless small, often illegally run operations exist across China and
make money cutting corners by using inexpensive ingredients or  

substitutes. They are almost impossible to regulate.

China Central Television's undercover investigation features the
shirtless, shorts-clad maker of the buns, called baozi, explaining the
contents of the product sold in Beijing's sprawling Chaoyang district.

The hidden camera follows the man, whose face is not shown, into a
ramshackle building where steamers are filled with the fluffy white  

traditionally stuffed with minced pork.

The surroundings are filthy, with water puddles and piles of old
furniture and cardboard on the ground.

``What's in the recipe?'' the reporter asks. ``Six to four,'' the man

``You mean 60 percent cardboard? What is the other 40 percent?''  
asks the

reporter. ``Fatty meat,'' the man replies.

The bun maker and his assistants then give a demonstration on how the
product is made.

Squares of cardboard picked from the ground are first soaked to a  
pulp in

a plastic basin of caustic soda - a chemical base commonly used in
manufacturing paper and soap - then chopped into tiny morsels with a
cleaver. Fatty pork and powdered seasoning are stirred in.

Soon, steaming servings of the buns appear on-screen. The reporter  

a bite.

``This baozi filling is kind of tough. Not much taste,'' he says.  

other people taste the difference?''

``Most people can't. It fools the average person,'' the maker says.  

don't eat them myself.''

The police eventually show up and shut down the operation.

Alamaine, IVe
Grand Forks, ND, US of A
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a
philosopher." - Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving the included information for research and
educational purposes.

[cia-drugs] Fwd: National News Conference: New Orleans, Friday, July 20

2007-07-12 Thread RoadsEnd

Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 4:33 AM

Subject: National News Conference: New Orleans, Friday, July 20

Release Date 7/11/07

National News Conference: New Orleans
Dr. Mary's Monkey
by Edward T. Haslam

• The public was never told the truth about the Dr. Mary Sherman  
• J. Edgar Hoover ordered the FBI to conduct “no active  
investigation”  into the murder.
• The Warren Commission was in New Orleans interviewing people of  
interest the day the doctor's burned and stabbed body was found.
• Eyewitness confirms New Orleans DA Jim Garrison's critical  
assertion of a Clay Shaw and Lee Harvey Oswald acquaintance.
• DA Garrison did not comprehend the implications of the  
underground medical laboratory that he had uncovered.

Friday, July 20, 2007
11:00 -11:45 a.m.
The Whitney Hotel
Commerce Room
610 Poydras St
504 581-4222

Kris Millegan < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
1 800 556 2012 for interviews & additional info
July 17-21 — Hotel Whitney 504 581 4222 /


The sensational unsolved murder of a prominent New Orleans doctor,  
cancer-causing monkey viruses, governmental secrecy and cover-ups,  
along with intrigues swirling around the assassination of  
President Kennedy, are some of the elements of a controversial new  
book from TrineDay, Dr. Mary’s Monkey by Edward Haslam.

TrineDay is presenting the author to the national press in New  
Orleans on the 43rd anniversary of the death of Dr. Mary Sherman,  
because Mr. Haslam’s personal investigation of that horrific cold- 
case murder in that city has led him to information that should be  
known by all Americans — especially those of the boomer generation.

Her grisly killing was front-page news in the two city dailies for  
over a week, and then the coverage suddenly stopped. The hidden  
backdrop of the murder was Dr. Sherman’s involvement in top-secret  
government research, and, as is now becoming more widely known,  
the fact that the polio vaccine inoculated into millions of  
schoolchildren between 1954 and 1963 had been unwittingly  
contaminated with dangerous monkey viruses. At the time, some  
brave souls in the medical research community (who soon lost their  
jobs) predicted this would give rise to soft-tissue cancer rates  
far exceeding those of previous generations … a prediction that  
has sadly come true. Dr. Sherman had been enlisted in a secret  
effort attempting to develop new vaccines, using radiation from a  
linear particle accelerator, hopefully heading off that impending  
epidemic. By the time of her death at the height of the Cold War,  
these efforts had also been directed toward biological weapons  

When Haslam first explored these subjects in his 1998 book, Mary,  
Ferrie and the Monkey Virus, many questioned his speculations.  
Now, Dr. Mary’s Monkey includes further revelations showing him to  
have been, tragically, correct. Most crucially, an actual  
participant in the research has stepped forward.

As Dr. Sherman’s lab assistant in the summer of 1963, a young  
woman from Florida was drawn into a network linking prominent New  
Orleans physician Alton Ochsner with figures who have been the  
focus of investigations into the JFK assassination, including  
David Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald. She has now come forward, to  
corroborate—and illuminate—Haslam’s account. Documentation of her  
narrative, and of other historical “anomalies,” will be provided  
at the press conference:

1. That the public was never told the truth about the Mary Sherman  
murder. Concealed was the fact that Dr. Sherman’s right arm and  
the right side of her rib cage were completely “missing” with  
nothing left but a “charred fragment.” This was revealed in a  
carefully guarded Orleans Parish autopsy report. Nothing in her  
apartment, the alleged crime scene, could have caused such damage,  
which is a key forensic fact that has never been publicly  

2. The Warren Commission did interview witnesses in New Orleans to  
gather information about the JFK assassination on July 21, 1964,  
the day Dr. Mary Sherman’s burned and stabbed body was found in  
her apartment. Was Mary Sherman’s murder somehow connected to the  
Warren Commission investigation?

3. That J. Edgar Hoover himself ordered the FBI to conduct “no  
active investigation” of the “murder of Dr. Mary Stutlz Sherman.”  
The justification was essentially jurisdiction, though other  
issues were mentioned. Haslam questions the very jurisdiction of  
the case.

4. That Orleans Parish District Attorney Jim Garrison’s  
association of Clay Shaw with Lee Harvey Oswald was, in fact,  
accurate, as supported by testimony to the U.S. Congress, which  
was then withheld from public knowledge for 16 years, and also,  
more directly, by the new witness that Haslam presents.

5. That Jim Garrison did not understand the 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Stink-Finger-Pointing

2007-07-10 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 9, 2007 8:27:27 AM PDT
Subject: Stink-Finger-Pointing

If we really MEANT it when we vowed to stop at nothing to punish  
the people behind Al-Qaeda, George Bush (father & son), Dick  
Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld would all be wearing hoods and sporting  
electrodes on their testicles in a secret CIA torture chamber in  
Eastern Europe ...

Al Qaeda in Iraq: Bush's Creation

by Bill Gallagher
Global Research, July 7, 2007

President George W. Bush's political capital is about as low as it  
can go, with only dead-end Bushists clinging to his failed regime.  
The erosion of support, however, can actually make the madman even  
more isolated from reality, arrogant and impetuous.

The final 18 months of his presidency will be an increasingly  
dangerous time for the world. Bush is wrapping himself in his  
messianic blanket, still bound to convince the infidels at home and  
abroad that he is a gifted visionary who can reshape the Middle East.

Vice President Dick Cheney makes Dr. Strangelove seem like Gandhi.  
Cheney operates above the Congress, the Constitution, the law and  
human decency -- at times, above the presidency. He does as he  
pleases and is answerable to no one.

Bush is not nearly clever enough to sort through or keep up with  
Cheney's Machiavellian machinations. The president is so lazy and  
incurious, he's more than willing to let Cheney do his dirty work.  
Whether it is approving torture, illegal wiretapping, concentration  
camps and kidnappings, or coddling corporate polluters, Cheney is  
ready to nod OK.

The poll numbers are encouraging, as Americans see through the lies  
and conclude -- tragically, too late -- what a mess we are in. The  
percentage of Americans who believe the war in Iraq was a mistake  
is at an all-time high, as is the percentage of those who say  
continued U.S. military action there is not morally justified.

A CBS/New York Times poll shows 23 percent of Americans believe the  
war is going well, 76 percent say the war is going "badly." The  
critical question politicians carefully watch: "Do you believe the  
country is heading in the right direction?" The nation is on the  
wrong track, according to 72 percent of respondents. That's the  
highest number since the poll started asking that question in 1983.

The numbers show people are generally gaining a better  
understanding of the disastrous course our nation is on and the  
serial failures of the Bush administration. There are exceptions,  
which seem baffling at first but find explanation in the  
administration's talking points -- invariably lies and distortions  
-- dutifully echoed in the mainstream media.

A "Newsweek" magazine poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research  
Associates International posed the question, "Do you think Saddam  
Hussein's regime in Iraq was directly involved in planning,  
financing, or carrying out the terrorist attacks of September 11,  

A staggering 41 percent answered yes. That's actually a 5  
percentage point increase over the same question asked in 2004.  
It's hard to image that 4 out of 10 Americans could be that  
uninformed or flat-out stupid. Another poll shows 3 out of 10  
Americans still approve of Bush's job performance and his handling  
of the war in Iraq.

The growth in the number of sorry souls buying the Saddam-Sept. 11  
lie may be the result of the word games the White House and  
Pentagon use to sell the failed surge and the futile occupation of  

When people hear "al-Qaeda," it's natural that they think of Osama  
bin Laden and the Sept. 11 attacks. The insurgency, sectarian  
violence and opposition to the U.S. occupation in Iraq are not  
about fighting al-Qaeda, but that's how Bush's fiasco there is  
being branded.

McClatchy Newspapers' Baghdad correspondent Mike Drummond exposed  
the sinister rhetorical shift, noting in a recent report, "U.S.  
forces continue to battle Shiite militia in the south, as well as  
Shiite militia and Sunni insurgents in Baghdad. Yet America's most  
wanted enemy at the moment is Sunni al-Qaeda in Iraq. The Bush  
administration's recent shift toward calling the enemy in Iraq 'al- 
Qaeda' rather than an insurgency may reflect the difficulty in  
maintaining support for the war at home more than it does the  
nature of the enemy in Iraq."

In a major speech at the National War College last week, Bush  
mentioned al-Qaeda 27 times. McClatchy's Jonathan Landley reports,  
"Bush called al-Qaeda in Iraq the perpetrator of the worst violence  
racking that country and said it was the same group that carried  
out the 9/11 attacks."

Pure crap. Al-Qaeda has become a generic name, in many cases a self- 
proclaimed label for foes of the U.S. invasion. Since some of 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: No Use Crying Over Spilled Blood

2007-07-09 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 9, 2007 8:00:03 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: No Use Crying Over Spilled BloodBush considers gradual Iraq withdrawalBy Alex Spillius, Washington Correspondent  Last Updated: 12:45pm BST 09/07/2007   George W Bush is considering a gradual withdrawal of troops from Iraq in order to prevent further desertions by members of the Republican party, it has been reported.      George W Bush sheds a tear during a ceremony in honour of a dead US soldierGeorge HW Bush crying over Dubya's legacy,      which deprived Jeb ("the SMART one") of       any chance of becoming President Bush III.   "Thanks to him, my own son," he sobbed, "we'll never work in this town again." Officials and advisors to the US president are alarmed that political support for his war strategy among senators belonging to Mr Bush’s party is "collapsing around them", according to the New York Times. The president and his aides had thought they could wait to begin discussions about any change in strategy until after Sept 15, when the US commander in Iraq, Gen David Petraeus, and US ambassador to Iraq, Ryan Crocker, are due to present a highly anticipated report on Iraq's security and political progress. But Mr Bush's aides have acknowledged he may well be forced to present a compromise plan before the report is issued. The Senate will this week begin what promises to be a contentious debate on the war's future, while the administration will deliver an interim report on Iraq to Congress by July 15. Over the past few day four Republican senators have called for a rethink on the war. Though not advocating a complete withdrawal, most contend that Mr Bush's 'surge' strategy that has sent 38,000 reinforcements has not worked. They favour a gradual pull-out that would leave troops to perform anti-terror and consultative roles.   That strategy was proposed by the bi-partisan Iraq Study Group late last year, but the president rejected it. The New York Times said Robert Gates, the defence secretary, has been quietly pressing for halving the number of brigades patrolling the most violent sections of Baghdad and surrounding provinces by early next year. Officials describe Stephen Hadley, the national security advisor, and Mr Bush's longtime strategist Karl Rove as concerned the loss of Republicans could accelerate this week. That would boost the Democrats, who control Congress and have been pushing the president to set a deadline for withdrawal. --  Iraqis warn of consequences of U.S. troop drawdown By Waleed Ibrahim ReutersBAGHDAD  After the New York Times said debate was growing inside the White House over a gradual drawdown, Iraqi officials warned that an early withdrawal of U.S. troops could tip the country into all-out civil war . The comments followed a wave of bombings and shootings across Iraq over the weekend that killed 250 people. The carnage prompted Sunni Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi to say Iraqis had the right to take up arms to defend themselves.Citing administration officials and consultants, the New York Times said these officials feared the last pillars of political support among Senate Republicans for U.S. President George W. Bush's Iraq strategy were "collapsing around them."It said debate was intensifying over whether Bush should try to prevent more Republican defections by announcing intentions for a gradual withdrawal of troops from high-casualty areas.More than 330 American soldiers were killed in Iraq during the April-June quarter, making it the deadliest three months for U.S. troops since the March 2003 U.S.-led invasion. Overall, 3,606 U.S. soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqis have died.Iraqi officials warned of a security vacuum if some of the 157,000 American troops in Iraq withdrew prematurely, saying the country's own security forces were not ready."We in Iraq believe, not just the government, but all political parties, that the presence of these forces is necessary to prevent increasing violence and to stop the country sliding into civil war," Sadiq al-Rikabi, a senior adviser to Shi'ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, told Reuters.Adnan al-Dulaimi, head of a Sunni Arab party, said those pushing for a pullout did not understand how fragile Iraq was."Any withdrawal of American forces, whether it's partial or total, would lead to major chaos," Dulaimi said.Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zebari told Reuters a week ago that Iraq would disintegrate if U.S. troops left too soon.The mounting pressure on Bush from within his Republican Party comes only weeks after the last of the 28,000 troop reinforcements he sent to Iraq for a major security crackdown arrived in the country.The push, launched in February, 

Re: [cia-drugs] On Radio w/ Cele Castillo now ...

2007-07-08 Thread RoadsEnd

On Jul 8, 2007, at 8:19 PM, Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:

> he's on weekly.  archived too.
> - Original Message -
> From: "RoadsEnd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Cia-drugs Cia-drugs" 
> Cc: "RoadsEnd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2007 10:12 PM
> Subject: [cia-drugs] On Radio w/ Cele Castillo now ...
>> Sorry, thought was next week.
>> No matte.
>> Cele's got a show
>> google
>> Peace,
>> K
>> Complete archives at
>> Please let us stay on topic and be civil.
>> OM
>> Yahoo! Groups Links
>> --  
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>> 7/7/2007
>> 3:26 PM
> Complete archives at
> Please let us stay on topic and be civil.
> OM
> Yahoo! Groups Links

[cia-drugs] On Radio w/ Cele Castillo now ...

2007-07-08 Thread RoadsEnd
Sorry, thought was next week.

No matte.

Cele's got a show



[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Who Runs the CIA? Outsiders for Hire

2007-07-08 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 7, 2007 11:38:08 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Who Runs the CIA? Outsiders for Hire

Who Runs the CIA? Outsiders for Hire.
By R.J. Hillhouse
Sunday, July 8, 2007; B05

Red alert: Our national security is being outsourced.

The most intriguing secrets of the "war on terror" have nothing to do
with al-Qaeda and its fellow travelers. They're about the mammoth
private spying industry that all but runs U.S. intelligence operations

Surprised? No wonder. In April, Director of National Intelligence Mike
McConnell was poised to publicize a year-long examination of
outsourcing by U.S. intelligence agencies. But the report was
inexplicably delayed -- and suddenly classified a national secret.
What McConnell doesn't want you to know is that the private spy
industry has succeeded where no foreign government has: It has
penetrated the CIA and is running the show.

Over the past five years (some say almost a decade), there has been a
revolution in the intelligence community toward wide-scale
outsourcing. Private companies now perform key intelligence-agency
functions, to the tune, I'm told, of more than $42 billion a year.
Intelligence professionals tell me that more than 50 percent of the
National Clandestine Service (NCS) -- the heart, brains and soul of
the CIA -- has been outsourced to private firms such as Abraxas, Booz
Allen Hamilton, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon.

These firms recruit spies, create non-official cover identities and
control the movements of CIA case officers. They also provide case
officers and watch officers at crisis centers and regional desk
officers who control clandestine operations worldwide. As the Los
Angeles Times first reported last October, more than half the
workforce in two key CIA stations in the fight against terrorism --
Baghdad and Islamabad, Pakistan -- is made up of industrial
contractors, or "green badgers," in CIA parlance.

Intelligence insiders say that entire branches of the NCS have been
outsourced to private industry. These branches are still managed by
U.S. government employees ("blue badgers") who are accountable to the
agency's chain of command. But beneath them, insiders say, is a
supervisory structure that's controlled entirely by contractors; in
some cases, green badgers are managing green badgers from other

Sensing problems -- and possibly fearing congressional action -- the
CIA recently conducted a hasty review of all of its job
classifications to determine which perform "essential government
functions" that should not be outsourced. But it's highly doubtful
that such a short-term exercise can comprehensively identify the
proper "blue/green" mix, especially because contractors' work
statements have long been carefully formulated to blur the distinction
between approvable and debatable functions.

Although the contracting system is Byzantine, there's no question that
the private sector delivers high-quality professional intelligence
services. Outsourcing has provided solutions to personnel-management
problems that have always plagued the CIA's operations side. Rather
than tying agents up in the kind of office politics that government
employees have to engage in to advance their careers, outsourcing
permits them to focus on what they do best, which boosts morale and
performance. Privatization also immediately increased the number of
trained, experienced agents in the field after the terrorist attacks
of Sept. 11, 2001.

Even though wide-scale outsourcing may not immediately endanger
national security, it's worrisome. The contractors in charge of
espionage are still chiefly CIA alumni who have absorbed its public
service values. But as the center of gravity shifts from the public
sector to the private, more than one independent intelligence firm has
developed plans to "raise" succeeding generations of officers within
its own training systems. These corporate-grown agents will be
inculcated with corporate values and ethics, not those of public  

And the current piecemeal system has introduced some vulnerabilities.
Historically, the system offered members of the intelligence community
the kind of stability that ensured that they would keep its secrets.
That dynamic is now being eroded. Contracts come and go. So do
workforces. The spies of the past came of age professionally in a
strong extended family, but the spies of the future will be more like
children raised in multiple foster homes -- at risk.

Today, when Booz Allen Hamilton loses a contract to SAIC, people rush
from one to the other in a game of musical chairs, with not enough
chairs for all the workers who possess both the highest security
clearances and expertise in the art of espionage. Some inevitably lose
out. Any good counterintelligence 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Pentagon Understates War Casualties, Says Veterans Group -- by quite a lot

2007-07-08 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: Ronni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: July 7, 2007 10:45:09 PM PDTTo: Friends in Service to Truth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: FW: Pentagon Understates War Casualties, Says Veterans Group -- by quite a lot  This is about how the Bush regime counts votes... RB  God's Spirit is moving across America looking for Faith ... Pentagon Understates War Casualties, Says Veterans Group By Joel Wendland here for related stories: Democracy matters 7-05-07, 10:43 amThe Pentagon is intentionally underreporting US casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a recent report by veterans' advocacy group Veterans for Common Sense.   The Pentagon's most recent public reports, which can be found in the media, say that 3,587 US troops have been killed and 26,350 have been wounded in Iraq.   In Afghanistan, says the Pentagon, 403 US troops have been killed since 2001, and 1,342 have been wounded.   Thus, the Pentagon's public accounting gives the impression that there have been less than 32,000 casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan.   But documents obtained by Veterans for Common Sense through Freedom of Information Act requests reveal the number of casualties to be much higher.   According to these documents, as of June 30, 2007, US casualties in Afghanistan totaled closer to 7,500 (killed, wounded, injured, and medically evacuated). In Iraq, the total is almost 58,000.   Altogether, the report shows that US casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq, between 2001 and June 30, 2007, total 65,278. There is a difference between the Pentagon's publicized casualty reports and reality of almost 34,000.   In the month of June alone, despite a surge ordered by President Bush last January to crack down on the civil war in Iraq, total US casualties mounted to over 1,660 killed, wounded, and medically evacuated.   Veterans for Common Sense attributes the discrepancy to the Pentagon's refusal to include medically evacuated troops for injuries and illnesses in its "wounded" reports.   The purpose of this new distinction is to lower the numbers in Pentagon casualties reports in order to give the impression that "progress" in the war is being made and that harm to US forces inflicted in the war zone is far lower than reality, states Veterans for Common Sense.   These revelations come on the heels of another recent Veterans for Common Sense report indicating that about 180,000 war veterans have filed disability claims with the Department of Veterans' Affairs since 2001.   --Joel Wendland can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]   =

[cia-drugs] Fwd: (2) Don't Point Fingers, You Might Poke [Israel's] Eye Out

2007-07-07 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 7, 2007 1:29:29 PM PDT
Subject: (2) Don't Point Fingers, You Might Poke [Israel's] Eye Out

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Getting Rich

Eleanor Clift (accessed by way of Josh Marshall) has offered the  
wisest "take" on Libby. Remember when we all expected Scooter to  
sing a song implicating Cheney and/or Rove? Instead, his lawyers  
barely put up a defense. Libby must have known all along that he  
would never do one day behind bars.

The President's commutation of Scooter Libby's sentence has caused  
W's defenders to dredge up Bill Clinton's pardon of fugitive  
financier Marc Rich. We have already taken one retrospective look  
at the Rich affair (scroll down or go here), and we have noted a  
delicious irony: Clinton's thinking was swayed, in part, by Rich's  
lawyer -- Scooter Libby.

Sofla, one of our readers, offered a comment that deserves wider  
attention, hence this post. She places the Rich affair in context  
-- and that context has a name: Rudolph Giuliani.
Two other companies, large oil concerns with names you know, were  
charged with doing the same thing as Marc Rich's company did. Their  
offenses were treated as technical tax code violations, and  
therefore civil matters, not crimes at all; they paid the back  
taxes and some fines, and that was it.

In the case of Marc Rich, however, a politically ambitious NY/ 
southern district US Attorney decided he would invent a novel  
application of the RICO laws in a civil matter as had never been  
done before, and which results devolved into such a travesty of  
justice that now DOJ guidelines for prosecutors forbid them from  
similarly pursuing civil RICO charges against anybody. (That US  
Attorney? One Rudy Giuliani, and this provides an excellent window  
into his bullying character and why he should never be allowed near  
the Oval Office).

Rich did not 'flee' the country as a fugitive from indictment-- he  
maintained a residence and business HQ in Switzerland at all times,  
and left the country to return there as per his normal travel  
patterns before any indictments were returned. (Note, this was a  
civil matter involving no criminal indictments at all for the other  
two companies). Rich wasn't additionally charged with being a  
fugitive, because the terms of that charge didn't apply to his  
situation because it was as described above, despite how these  
terms are loosely thrown around to describe what he did.

The Marc Rich case went through all the normal procedural hurdles  
for presidential pardons, including review by the special DOJ  
pardon section, seeking the comments pro or con of the original  
prosecutor, and etc. The complete 'regular order' of things was  
honored, including, most importantly perhaps, that the aggrieved  
party actually submit a pardon request, but all the rest of it as  
well. Additionally, Marc Rich's company PAID IN FULL ALL THE TAXES  
OWED, AND THE FINES, amounting to several hundred million dollars.

(To be sure, normally, such a petitioner could not remain 'at  
large,' sought by authorities, and must instead have surrendered  
himself to the authorities. And normally, the president would  
require a positive recommendation from the DOJ pardon officer and  
whatever other panels he consulted, and in Rich's case, those  
parties recommended no pardon. But the situation was unique,  
unprecedented, and the DOJ and the prosecutor were loathe to admit  
they'd badly abused their authority in the first place to get these  
indictments, although that was exactly what they had done.)

But the Libby case featured no such formalities whatsoever. Libby  
didn't apply for any presidential relief. He hadn't begun serving  
his time, nor cease pursuing his appeals. He didn't repent or  
express remorse. He didn't pledge on-going cooperation with the  
prosecutor, still less deliver on such a proffer. And Bush didn't  
go through ANY DOJ process, ask ANY official opinion of anyone --  
he simply trashed the system for this, and rashly substituted his  
opinion for any due process as it exists in DOJ guidelines.

In assuring that Libby served less time than the original time  
Paris Hilton did before she was prematurely released, Bush appears  
to be saying that ANY JAIL TIME more than ZERO was excessive, and  
his slap-dash lightening quick 'review' of this matter has more the  
appearance of a heavy-handed obstruction of justice, accessory  
after the fact kind of thing, rather than a righting of any injustice.

I would add this.

It is well known that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak begged Bill  
Clinton to pardon Rich. It is also well-known that Rich forged ties  
with Iran's leader, the Ayatollah Khomeini, at a time when Khomeini  
was considered by America to be public enemy number one. Ri

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Rewritiing History with "Merchandizing" -- Putting a Happy Face on Pure Evil

2007-07-07 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 6, 2007 4:51:23 PM PDT
Subject: Rewritiing History with "Merchandizing" -- Putting a Happy  
Face on Pure Evil

"Political theatre," you gotta love it ... Good ol' "super-patriot"  
Charlie Wilson (played by lovable Tom Hanks) -- in reality a  
defender of the brutal Somoza regime in Nicaragua and doubtless a  
sub-rosa moneybags in the Iran-Contra scandal -- and his seductive  
partner in "freedom-fighting," Joanne Herring (the winsome Julia  
Roberts) -- in actuality a multiply-facelifted "steel magnolia" and  
serial widow of Big Oilmen, whose "toga parties" for ultra-rich  
rightwing Texans toasted the likes of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos,  
the Shah of Iran, and corrupt Middle Eastern dictators ...
Conspicuously absent from the cast lined up by Hollywood's  
revisionist propaganda mill, are the real players like Herring-pal  
James Baker (global fixer for Big Oil), Dick Cheney, George HW Bush  
(CIA head when Wilson arrived), Bill Casey, Ollie North, Mossad  
spies, and the entire Iran-Contra crew.

Keep in mind the fact that "Charlie Wilson's War" (in which Charlie  
himself made millions that got stuffed into Swiss banks) was just  
ONE battle in a larger war that generated "black budget" profits  
from drug- and arms-smuggling between Israel and Iran, Israel and  
Central America, Israel (via the Russian-Jewish Mafia) and the  
collapsing Soviet Union, and even between South America and Europe  
(P-2 Lodge, Vatican Bank) -- profits that bankrolled neocon  
Fascism's "strategy of terror" worldwide.  The proceeds were  
laundered by the BCCI, a "trust fund" originally used to finance  
"Al Qaeda" but also the preferred bank of Bush's "rogue CIA" cum  
global crime org, the "Octopus."

The Largest Covert Operation in CIA History

  By Chalmers Johnson
  The History News Network

09 June 2003
  The Central Intelligence Agency has an almost unblemished record  
of screwing up every "secret" armed intervention it ever undertook.  
From the overthrow of the Iranian government in 1953 through the  
Bay of Pigs, the failed attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro of  
Cuba and Patrice Lumumba of the Republic of Congo, the Phoenix  
Program in Vietnam, the "secret war" in Laos, aid to the Greek  
colonels who seized power in 1967, the 1973 killing of Salvador  
Allende in Chile and Ronald Reagan's Iran-contra war against  
Nicaragua, there is not a single instance in which the agency's  
activities did not prove acutely embarrassing to the United States.  
The CIA continues to get away with this primarily because its  
budget and operations have always been secret and Congress is  
normally too indifferent to its constitutional functions to rein in  
a rogue bureaucracy. Therefore the tale of a purported CIA success  
story should be of some interest.

  According to the author of the newly released Charlie Wilson's  
War, the exception to CIA incompetence was the arming between 1979  
and 1988 of thousands of Afghan moujahedeen ("freedom fighters").  
The agency flooded Afghanistan with an astonishing array of  
extremely dangerous weapons and "unapologetically mov[ed] to equip  
and train cadres of high tech holy warriors in the art of waging a  
war of urban terror against a modern superpower," in this case, the  

  The author of this glowing account, George Crile, is a veteran  
producer for the CBS television news show "60 Minutes" and an  
exuberant Tom Clancy-type enthusiast for the Afghan caper. He  
argues that the U.S. clandestine involvement in Afghanistan was  
"the largest and most successful CIA operation in history" and "the  
one morally unambiguous crusade of our time." He adds that "there  
was nothing so romantic and exciting as this war against the Evil  
Empire." Crile's sole measure of success is the number of Soviet  
soldiers killed (about 15,000), which undermined Soviet morale and  
contributed to the disintegration of the Soviet Union in the period  
from 1989 to 1991. That's the successful part.

  However, he never mentions that the "tens of thousands of  
fanatical Muslim fundamentalists" the CIA armed are some of the  
same people who in 1996 killed 19 American airmen at Dhahran, Saudi  
Arabia; bombed our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998; blew a  
hole in the side of the U.S. destroyer Cole in Aden harbor in 2000;  
and on Sept. 11, 2001, flew hijacked airliners into New York's  
World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Today, the world awaits what  
is almost certain to happen soon at some airport -- a terrorist  
firing a U.S. Stinger low-level surface-to-air missile  
(manufactured at one time by General Dynamics in Rancho Cucamonga)  
into an American jumbo jet. The CIA supplied thousands of them to  
the moujahedeen and trained them to be experts in their

[cia-drugs] Fwd: As Halliburton Goes, So Goes the World -- Goodbye USA, Hello Persian Gulf

2007-07-07 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 6, 2007 3:11:57 PM PDT
Subject: As Halliburton Goes, So Goes the World -- Goodbye USA,  
Hello Persian Gulf

Emirates aims to redraw world aviation map

by Leslie Wayne
Published: July 5, 2007 

PARIS: The chairman of Emirates Airlines -- Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed  
Al-Maktoum of the ruling family of Dubai -- has grand ambitions,  
and a bankroll to match.

He has a huge pot of money to spend, $82 billion from his  
government, the airline and other financiers. He loves large planes  
and has ordered 55 super-jumbo A380s to create the biggest fleet of  
these double-decker planes in the world.  And he wants to make  
Dubai, a sheikhdom by the sea, the busiest airport in the world,  
overtaking London, New York, and Singapore.

Some may consider Maktoum's goals overreaching, but he has  
delivered so far on all his promises. He built Emirates Airlines  
from a two-plane operation, started with $10 million in 1985, into  
one of the world's largest international carriers, with 105 planes.  
Emirates is the world's fastest-growing airline -- it will take  
delivery of one new Boeing or Airbus plane a month for the next  
five years -- and Maktoum said he would like to see it become, some  
day, the world's biggest.

"We've never seen anything like it before," said Robert Cullemore,  
a consultant at Aviation Economics, a London-based aerospace  
advisory firm. "We've never seen growth at this rate."

Of course, success for Maktoum is not just a simple matter of  
buying airplanes. He must still compete with well-established  
carriers plying many of the same routes as Emirates, attract enough  
passengers to fill his vast fleet profitably and hope that the  
economies of the Middle East, including Dubai, and emerging markets  
in Asia and the Indian subcontinent, continue to expand to justify  
the Emirates' massive investment.

But at the recent Paris Air Show, Maktoum seemed unfazed by those  
concerns. He met with the Louis Gallois, the Airbus chief  
executive, to sign a deal that added eight more A380s, with a list  
price of $2.6 billion, to his fleet.

He held a news conference to tout Dubai's plan to spend $82 billion  
over the next decade on aviation, including building a new $33  
billion Dubai World Central International Airport, which is to have  
six runways and to become the world's largest airport.

"What we are witnessing today," Maktoum said at the time, "is the  
rewriting of the world's aviation history and the beginning of a  
new era of global aviation."

Being oil-rich helps. Emirates Airlines, said Howard Rubel, an  
aerospace analyst with Jefferies and Company, "has got cash, clout  
and cache."

"What's surprising is the rapid emergence of the Emirates as a  
player," Rubel added. "The economies of the Middle East are the  
fastest growing in the world. So what do they do? They buy planes.  
But five years ago it was like, 'Who are these guys?' "

Aviation has helped transform Dubai, which was a desert trading  
post with hardly a paved road just 50 years ago, from being fly- 
over country to a place where people are flying in. About 25.6  
million passengers landed there last year.

The plan to develop Dubai was created by Maktoum's late older  
brother and is now overseen by the current ruler, Maktoum's nephew,  
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum.

Once a pearl-diving outpost that grew rich with oil revenues in the  
1970s and 1980s, modern Dubai seems built on hyperbole.

Oil revenues have been declining as a percentage of Dubai's economy  
prepares for the day that its reserves dwindle. Today, oil  
represents only 5 percent of Dubai's economy, which increasingly  
relies on revenue from superluxurious hotels, a growing financial  
center and on serving as the regional headquarters for global brands.

For instance, Halliburton, the oil services company, is moving its  
headquarters from Houston to Dubai, and such American companies as  
Universal Studios, Nickelodeon, Microsoft and Cisco are also  
setting up offices.

Dubai is on a $365 billion building spree, and more development  
means more flights for the carrier. Construction projects include  
the Burj Dubai, the world's tallest building, and the Mall of  
Arabia, the world's largest shopping mall.

The 1,500-square-mile, or almost 4000-square-kilometer, emirate is  
also building "Dubailand" - a leisure park bigger than Monaco - and  
the Dubai Waterfront, a development of condos and stores that will  
be the size of Barbados.

At the center of this development spree is the Maktoum family and  
Maktoum, 49, who exudes a quiet confidence. In an interview at the  
luxurious Bristol Hotel here, where he was about to host a  
reception, Maktoum said that "when we started talking about  
expanding our 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Signs of the Times

2007-07-06 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 6, 2007 7:06:16 AM PDT
Subject: Signs of the Times

>>Much of corporate media, including "alternative" corporate media,  
became co-conspirators after the fact simply by habit, because they  
inhabit and thrive within that outer circle. To acknowledge the  
possibility of a high crime of the magnitude of Kennedy's  
assassination or 9/11 would be an invitation, not to gentle reform,  
but to revolution. And institutional power sends out such  
invitations only when it sees how it can come out on top again.<<

Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Signs of the Times

Semiotics is concerned with everything that can be taken as a sign.  
A sign is everything which can be taken as significantly  
substituting for something else...thus semiotics is in principle  
the discipline studying everything which can be used in order to  
lie. If something cannot be used to tell a lie, conversely it  
cannot be used to tell the truth: it cannot in fact be used "to  
tell" at all. - Umberto Eco, Theory of Semiotics

I think the only people entitled to be shocked by the commuting of  
Scooter Libby's sentence are those who were shocked that Libby was  
sentenced in the first place. Or rather, that it was a second-tier  
player like Libby and not Rove or Cheney who appeared trussed and  
basted as the suckling pig of Democrats' scandalously disappointing  
Fitzmas. It's those constantly incredulous types who deserve the  
saucepan eyes at Libby's predictable catch and release.

Even so, the Internet reaction is as rich as it is predictable, and  
ineffectual. Instead of America's streets, America's chatrooms are  
filled, because its citizens have been given them for the  
appearance of a commons, and clatter with indignant typing. But 10  
million people posting We're not gonna take it anymore! isn't a  
revolution. It isn't even a Twisted Sister song.

That's the bad news. The good news is it's a Leonard Cohen song.

What hath Bush wrought? If nothing else, he's made semiotics  
everybody's business, whether everybody realizes it or not. Under  
the Bush years, the signs by which Americans and much of the  
Western world have lived have become so evidently estranged from  
what they allegedly signify that they now suggest little more than  
the lies told by Power to maintain itself. "Freedom," "democracy,"  
"justice": Everybody knows. Among other things, Bush is the  
Deconstruction President.

In The Trickster and the Paranormal, George Hansen has this to say:

It is commonly assumed that there is a simple, objective  
correspondence between the signifier and the signified even thought  
they are separate entities. It is assumed that language is only a  
set of names for things, events, and concepts. These assumptions  
are incorrect, but few recognize the extent of the implications.  
This lies at the heart of deconstructionism, and magic.

There is power in the act of naming, because it imbues meaning to a  
thing - or to an event or a concept - that has no necessary  
correspondence to the thing itself. This was evident even on the  
morning of September 11, when the event of the attacks receded  
behind their purported meaning even as they were still under way.  
And then soon after, the breathless reporting of Bush's  
confirmation that this means war, albeit against an abstract noun  
which would nevertheless cost at least hundreds of thousands of  
actual lives.

[Carrying On, Tues PM:]

From the start there was an institutional incuriousness about the  
attacks, as there so often is when the institutions themselves  
benefit by them ("Blair rejects 7/7 inquiry calls"; "Putin rejects  
public Beslan inquiry"). Naturally any circle of high conspirators  
would be reluctant to have any light shed on the criminal events  
they enabled, but there's a far broader circle of reluctance, that  
partakes of the Power that is enabled by the meaning of the crime.  
That is, those who stood to benefit by 9/11 were not limited to the  
relatively small number of perpetrators within the institutions of  
public life, because the perpetrators themselves partook of the  
larger circle of institutional power. Much of corporate media,  
including "alternative" corporate media, became co-conspirators  
after the fact simply by habit, because they inhabit and thrive  
within that outer circle. To acknowledge the possibility of a high  
crime of the magnitude of Kennedy's assassination or 9/11 would be  
an invitation, not to gentle reform, but to revolution. And  
institutional power sends out such invitations only when it sees  
how it can come out on top a

[cia-drugs] Fwd: "Big Con"-servatives and "Al CIAda" Terrorists

2007-07-06 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 6, 2007 2:11:05 PM PDT
Subject: "Big Con"-servatives and "Al CIAda" Terrorists

Thursday, July 05, 2007 --

Is Fred Thompson on the Downlow?

Lots and lots of rumors. I’ve heard them myself -- I’ve even talked  
to someone who has witnessed some interesting behavior. I noticed  
when the Washington Post recently profiled him, several of the  
local commenters reacted along the lines of “I thought he was gay?”
Let me put it this way: I heard about this after [Fred Thompson]  
was out of the Senate, and LONG before anyone even dreamed he’d run  
for President.

Update from Down with Tyranny:

I asked a friend of mine who knows all the Republican closet cases  
in DC --and who is never wrong-- and his comment: "I've heard that  
for a while."

The Andrew Sullivan comment that started it all:

"Outside the extremist, activist base, regular GOP voters turn out  
to be relatively tolerant when it comes to sexual minorities and  
private sex lives. They're not well represented by their party  
leaders, as far as policy is concerned. This is good news for Fred  
Thompson. The man has had a colorful and wide-ranging sex life, as  
I'm sure we will soon find out."

Was Fred Thompson a White House Mole During Watergate?

Thompson tipped off the White House that the committee knew about  
the taping system and would be making the information public. In  
his all-but-forgotten Watergate memoir, "At That Point in Time,"  
Thompson said he acted with "no authority" in divulging the  
committee's knowledge of the tapes, which provided the evidence  
that led to Nixon's resignation. It was one of many Thompson leaks  
to the Nixon team, according to a former investigator for Democrats  
on the committee, Scott Armstrong , who remains upset at Thompson's  

"Thompson was a mole for the White House," Armstrong said in an  
interview. "Fred was working hammer and tong to defeat the  
investigation of finding out what happened to authorize Watergate  
and find out what the role of the president was."

Update: he's also gay.

Lisa Pease on Osama bin Laden

We had pinpointed OBL's location by radio. We could absolutely have  
picked him up. Several friends of mine in the black ops world have  
told me repeatedly that we've known where OBL was at all times.

A man in Hollywood was approached by a CIA operative to do a  
documentary on the secret tailing of OBL. So it's not like we can't  
find him.

And if we weren't picking him up, why? Could it be because ties  
between his actions and those of our intelligence community might  
raise disturbing questions about 9/11?

An intelligence asset told me of a friend of his that had just come  
back from handing OBL a wad of cash.

"For attacking us, or so he wouldn't attack us again," I asked but  
(predictably) got no response.

See what's free at

[cia-drugs] Fwd: (2) Backstory: Why Pakistan Is A US "Ally" in "War Against Terror"

2007-07-06 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 5, 2007 5:36:42 PM PDT
Subject: (2) Backstory: Why Pakistan Is A US "Ally" in "War Against  

Profile: Gulbuddin Hekmatyar 

1973-1979: The US Starts to Provide Support to Islamists Opposing  
the Soviets in Afghanistan

In 1973 Afghan Prince Muhammad Daoud ousts the king with help from  
the Soviet Union, and establishes an Afghan republic. The CIA in  
turn begins funding Islamist extremists, including Gulbuddin  
Hekmatyar, as a resistance movement opposing the Soviets. US  
allies, the Shah of Iran’s intelligence agency, SAVAK, and  
Pakistan’s Interservices Intelligence Directorate (ISI) play an  
important role in funneling weapons and other forms of assistance  
to the Afghan Islamist militants. After the pro-Soviet coup in  
April 1978, the Islamic militants with the support of the ISI carry  
out a massive campaign of terrorism, assassinating hundreds of  
teachers and civil servants. [Dreyfuss, 2005, pp. 260 - 263]

1982-1991: Afghan Opium Production Skyrockets

Afghan opium production rises from 250 tons in 1982 to 2,000 tons  
in 1991, coinciding with CIA support and funding of the mujaheddin.  
Alfred McCoy, a professor of Southeast Asian history at the  
University of Wisconsin, says US and Pakistani intelligence  
officials sanctioned the rebels’ drug trafficking because of their  
fierce opposition to the Soviets: “If their local allies were  
involved in narcotics trafficking, it didn’t trouble [the] CIA.  
They were willing to keep working with people who were heavily  
involved in narcotics.” For instance, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, a rebel  
leader who received about half of all the CIA’s covert weapons, was  
known to be a major heroin trafficker. Charles Cogan, who directs  
the CIA’s operation in Afghanistan, later claims he was unaware of  
the drug trade: “We found out about it later on.” [Atlantic  
Monthly, 5/1996; Star-Tribune (Minneapolis), 9/30/2001]

1983: Gulbuddin Hekmatyar Emerges as Most Powerful ISI Client

A young Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. [Source: Public domain]


Afghan warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar emerges as the most powerful of  
ISI’s mujaheddin clients, just as Rep. Charlie Wilson (D) and CIA  
Director William Casey, along with Saudi Intelligence Minister  
Prince Turki al-Faisal, are pouring “hundreds of millions of  
dollars’ worth of new and more lethal supplies into ISI  
warehouses.” Hekmatyar is among the most ruthless and extreme of  
the Afghan Islamic warlords. [Coll, 2004, pp. 119] He receives  
about half of all the CIA’s covert weapons directed at Afghanistan  
despite being a known major drug trafficker (see 1982-1991). He  
develops close ties with bin Laden by 1984 while continuing to  
recieve large amounts of assistance from the CIA and ISI (see 1984).

1984: Bin Laden Develops Ties with Pakistani ISI and Afghan Warlord

Bin Laden moves to Peshawar, a Pakistani town bordering  
Afghanistan, and helps run a front organization for the mujaheddin  
known as Maktab al-Khidamar (MAK), which funnels money, arms, and  
fighters from the outside world into the Afghan war. [New Yorker,  
1/24/2000] “MAK [is] nurtured by Pakistan’s state security  
services, the Inter-Services Intelligence agency, or ISI, the CIA’s  
primary conduit for conducting the covert war against Moscow’s  
occupation.” [MSNBC, 8/24/1998] Bin Laden becomes closely tied to  
the warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, and greatly strengthens  
Hekmatyar’s opium smuggling operations. [Le Monde (Paris),  
9/14/2001] Hekmatyar, who also has ties with bin Laden, the CIA,  
and drug running, has been called “an ISI stooge and  
creation.” [Asia Times, 11/15/2001]

February 1992: Soviet Puppet Government Ousted in Afghanistan

Afghan President Mohammad Najibullah, a Soviet puppet in power  
since 1988, is finally ousted by Ahmed Shah Massoud in February  
1992. US aid to the mujaheddin continues during this period, but at  
a lower level. There are disagreements about which leaders should  
be receiving support. The CIA favors Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, an  
extreme Islamist closely associated with bin Laden (see 1983),  
while the State Department favors the much more Westernized and  
well educated Massoud. [Coll, 2004, pp. 205-207, 225]

January 24, 1994: CIA Concludes It Is

‘Partly Culpable’ for WTC Bombing

The Boston Herald reports that an internal CIA report has concluded  
that the agency is “partially culpable” for the 1993 World Trade  
Center bombing (see February 26, 1993) because it helped train and  
support some of the bombers. One source with knowledge of the  
report says, “It was determined that a significant amount of  
blowback appeared to have occurred.” 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: John Perkins: Jerk, Con-man, Shill

2007-07-06 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 5, 2007 9:56:17 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: John Perkins: Jerk, Con-man, Shill

In "Secret History," Perkins, from the inside, gives the details of  
the weird moral emptiness and pitilessness of men who waylay the  
riches of the planet from the people to whom it rightly belongs.

In New England, the pain imposed by the clients of the economic hit  
men were financial; but, as Perkins wants us never to forget, in  
much of the planet, the slick sales pitch of the economic hit man  
is enforced by squads of hit men with less subtle weaponry.   
Perkins writes:

"Three men toting AK-47s stood at attention outside.  They saluted  
as we drove past.  One of the three opened the front door opposite  
the driver.  Leather Jacket and I climbed in.  He spoke into a  
walkie talkie.  Tinted windows made it impossible to see inside."

See what's free at

From: Greg Palast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 5, 2007 4:13:15 PM PDT
Subject: John Perkins: Jerk, Con-man, Shill

John Perkins:  Jerk, Con-man, Shill

by Greg Palast
5 July 2007

I remember John Perkins.  He was a real jerk.  A gold-plated, super- 
slick lying little butthole shill for corporate gangsters; a snake- 
oil salesman with a movie-star grin, shiny loafers, a crooked  
calculator and a tooled leather briefcase full of high-blown bullshit.

This was two decades ago.  The early 1980s. I wore sandals,  
uncombed hair down to my cheap collar and carried a busted ring- 
binder filled with honest calculations and sincere analysis.  It  
was Economic Hit Man Perkins vs. Economic Long-Hair Palast.  I  
didn't stand a chance.  The EHM was about to put a political bullet  
hole through me wider than a silver dollar.

Hit Men have "clients."  Perkins' was a giant power company, Public  
Service of New Hampshire.  PSNH was trying to sell New England  
lobstermen and potato farmers on the idea that they desperately  
needed a multi-billion dollar nuclear plant.  The fact that this  
bloated atomic water kettle, called "Seabrook," would produce  
enough electricity for everyone in the Granite State to smelt iron  
didn't matter.  That the beast could add a surcharge to electric  
bills equal to home mortgages was simply smiled over by Perkins and  
his team of economic con artists.

To steal millions, you need a top team of armed robbers.  But to  
steal billions, you need PhD's with color charts and economic  
projections made of fairy dust and eye of newt.  Perkins had it all  
- including a magical thing called a computer-generated spreadsheet  
(this was well before Excel).

I was an expert witness for some consumer groups, trying to explain  
to state officials that Perkins' numbers were bogus as a bubble-gum  
bagel and his financial projections were from some New Hampshire on  
another planet.

But this was the key point:  Perkins slept in a suite at the Omni.   
I had truck-rumble insomnia at the motel off exit 68.  He glared  
and grinned and glad-handed.  I tried to keep my eyes open.

Here's how it ended.  The local Joe's jumped head-first into the  
Perkins fantasy and bought his client's power plant boondoggle.   
Within a couple years, the local electric companies had all gone  
bankrupt, the state treasury was drained, electric bills went from  
lowest to highest in the nation causing factories to close and  
dump, I figure, about 11,000 jobs.

Perkins' clients walked away with barrelfuls of billions.

And Dr. Perkins pocketed plenty for his mortal soul.

But, as in every moral tale, Perkins, the modern Dr. Faust, found  
redemption in confession.

And we're lucky he did.  Because, in Perkins', "Confessions of an  
Economic Hit Man," and his latest, the just-released "Secret  
History of the American Empire," we find out what makes these guys  
tick.  By "these guys" I mean the vultures who suck up development  
aide, the sharks who use the World Bank as their enforcers, the  
corporate marauders, power pirates and hedge fund hogs with their  
snouts in the economic trough.

In "Secret History," Perkins, from the inside, gives the details of  
the weird moral emptiness and pitilessness of men who waylay the  
riches of the planet from the people to whom it rightly belongs.

In New England, the pain imposed by the clients of the economic hit  
men were financial; but, as Perkins wants us never to forget, in  
much of the planet, the slick sales pitch of the economic hit man  
is enforced by squads of hit men with less subtle weaponry.   
Perkins writes:

"Three men toting AK-47s stood at attention outside.  They saluted  
as we drove past.  One of the three opened the front door opposite  
the driver.  Leather Jacket and I climbed in.  He spoke into a  
walkie talkie.  Tinted windows made it impossible to see inside."

In lines heavy with

[cia-drugs] Fwd: "The CIA Created Bin Laden": The Middle Ground

2007-07-06 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 5, 2007 5:21:15 PM PDT
Subject: "The CIA Created Bin Laden": The Middle Ground

No Regrets for the CIA? 

David Corn is the Washington editor of the Nation. His first novel,  
Deep Background, a political thriller, was published recently by  
St. Martin's Press.

As I write, I am trying to hold my breath. My office is across the  
street from the Senate Hart Office Building. Through yellowing  
leaves, I can see the corner of the building that was closed after  
an letter containing anthrax spores was opened by a staffer for  
Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle. From the roof of Hart, bright  
white puffs of steam pop out of vents, and in a reverie of paranoia  
I envision hardy anthrax bacteria lofting over Capitol Hill and  
bouncing against my window.

A former director of the Soviet bioweapons program told the  
Financial Times that he invented a variation of anthrax that could  
travel several miles. Yet experts quoted in The New York Times say  
that if the spores were expelled by the building’s exhaust system,  
the concentration of the bacteria would be too low to cause  
infection. Which Times should I heed? Lets go with New York. But  
who wants to work a football field away from anthrax? And why has  
the index finger of my left hand been itching since yesterday? At  
this point, law enforcement authorities cannot say whether the  
anthrax attacks are the work of the September 11 plotters. Perhaps  
the mayhem of that day inspired and unleashed others. I find it  
convenient to believe it is Osama bin Laden or his associates who  
are going postal, for of late I've been wondering how the  
politicians, policy advocates, and intelligence personnel who  
championed and supported the fundamentalist-dominated Afghanistan  
resistance in the 1980s are reacting to the recent turmoil and  
horror. Do they have reason to experience dark, nagging stabs of  

As many of us know by now, bin Laden received his start in the  
destroy-a-superpower game by raising funds and recruiting  
volunteers for the mujaheddin, the faction-ridden force that waged  
a guerilla war in Afghanistan against Soviet invaders. The CIA  
poured hundreds of millions of dollars into this effort, as did  
Saudi Arabia, and the Pakistani intelligence service disseminated  
the weapons and money supplied by Uncle Sam. So do the American  
godmothers of the mujaheddin now lose sleep over having bolstered  
the resistance in which bin Laden first developed a following and  
in which some of his present crew learned their chops?

A few weeks back, I was at a conference on terrorism, and in the  
hallway I spotted Charles Cogan, a former senior CIA official who  
oversaw the Afghanistan project. What do you say, I asked him, to  
the criticism that the CIA helped create the bin Laden monster?  
Very curtly, he replied, "We had nothing to do with him, we never  
had any direct contact with him. It's a canard." Before I could  
query him further, Cogan uneasily shuffled away.

That is the CIA line these days. Osama bin Laden? He was never one  
of ours. In a recent Foreign Affairs article, Milton Bearden, CIA  
station chief in Pakistan in the 1980s, says the same: "Despite  
what has been often written, the CIA never recruited, trained or  
otherwise used the Arab volunteers who arrived in Pakistan As  
fundraisers, however, Arabs from the Persian Gulf played a  
positive, often critical role in the background of the war  
Among the more prominent of these Arab fundraisers was one Osama  
bin Laden." (Bearden acknowledged that in 1987 bin Laden did  
participate in key battles and "the military legend of Osama bin  
Laden was born.")

There is no evidence that the CIA
actually shook hands with bin Laden.
But the story's not that simple.

Michael Pillsbury, a congressional aide in the 1980s, was one of  
the fiercest champions of the mujaheddin. Largely because of his  
efforts, the Reagan administration decided to send Stinger surface- 
to-air missiles to the resistance. He now says, "I think it is  
factually false that the U.S. in any way backed Osama and his group  
of Arabs. I was there. I know who we backed. No reliable official  
source has ever confirmed that the U.S. program included Osama and  
his Arabs. They were quite distinct, and at a separate location  
from the Afghan fundamentalists It has been sad for me to see  
this falsehood spread on several TV magazine shows."

There is no evidence that contradicts these assertions, no proof  
the CIA actually shook hands with bin Laden. But the story's not  
that simple. The CIA supported the mujaheddin with money and guns.  
So did bin Laden -- with no objection from the CIA. Did some of 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Red-Scare Herring (Cropped from the Photo: James Baker, OIL, CIA/Mossad)

2007-07-06 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 5, 2007 9:51:10 PM PDT
Subject: Red-Scare Herring (Cropped from the Photo: James Baker,  
OIL, CIA/Mossad)


The belle, the politician and the CIA
Joanne Herring played a pivotal role in ending the Cold War

Joanne Herring has been compared to Scarlett O'Hara, Marilyn Monroe  
and Dolly Parton. She is all of them and more as she waits for a  
photographer in her River Oaks condominium. The place is great - an  
elevator delivers guests right into the French-style living room -  
but it's a step down from the mansions she's shared in the past.

In midafternoon Herring wears a foamy white evening gown, form- 
fitting and strapless, with her faithful poodle, Chulo, by her  
side. She has an hourglass figure, taut skin - she cheerfully  
admits she's had some surgical help - and blond hair. When she  
entered middle age, she says, she dyed her hair a color she  
actually likes.

Herring is funny and charming and smart. And she hopes actress  
Julia Roberts portrays her just that way in the movie Charlie  
Wilson's War, which opens in theaters across the country on  
Christmas Day.

The movie is about two civilians and a CIA agent who helped fuel a  
semisecret war in Afghanistan in the '80s.  The unlikely trio,  
Herring, former U.S. Rep. Charlie Wilson and Gust Avrakotos, may  
have changed the course of history by helping bring down the Soviet  
Union and end the Cold War.

Herring is flattered that the lovely and talented Roberts is  
playing her character, and she's happy to be back in the spotlight.  
At least she was happy until she read the script and nearly passed  

In the old days, Herring played to the Southern belle stereotype.  
In fact, she used it to her advantage. These days, she finds it  
less amusing.

"In one scene I'd seem really intelligent," she says, "and in the  
next I was a hypocritical, bipolar tart."

Herring, ultraconservative and a born-again Christian, found the  
tart parts so insulting she hired attorney Dick DeGuerin. Perhaps,  
she thought, DeGuerin could persuade veteran Hollywood director  
Mike Nichols to clean up her character in the script.

Nichols doesn't scare, but he did cut the bad language from  
Roberts' lines because Herring really doesn't curse. At least not  
often and not much. Meanwhile, Houston-Hollywood relations have  
thawed a bit.

Herring was invited to the movie set, where she met Nichols,  
Roberts, and Tom Hanks, who plays Wilson.

Hanks, Herring says, "is the nicest man. He came up to me and said,  
`I've been in love with you for six months. Let me kiss you.' "

That day it was nice to be a Southern belle.

"It was very muddy," Herring remembers, "and he said, `Oh, the  
queen can't get her feet wet,' and he scooped me up and carried me  
to the car."

The early years

Herring wants to know: Is the reporter who is drinking her hot  
cocoa and petting her dog a liberal?

She hates labels and likes liberals, she says. It's just that  
sometimes they see her more as a caricature than a real flesh-and- 
blood person. With brains. And feelings.

Joanne's maiden name is Johnson. She was born July 3, 1929 ("my  
mother and I couldn't wait") into a family that valued beauty,  
charm, good works and good manners.

They also valued intelligence but worried about Joanne. Clearly she  
was bright, but she couldn't do math.

"I have dyslexia," Herring says. "But back then, they thought I was  
not only unattractive but dumb."

"How," she wonders to this day, "can you add numbers that seem to  
be jumping around on the page?"

Herring, an only child, grew up in elite, clubby River Oaks. If she  
ever was an ugly duckling, she morphed into a swan in junior high.

That's what James A. Baker III, the former secretary of state,  
remembers, as does his cousin Annie Baker Horton.

"Dances were always held in the school gymnasiums," Horton says.  
"There'd be girls on one side and boys on the other. All the girls  
would watch their dates line up to dance with Joanne. She was so  
much prettier than we were, we couldn't possibly be jealous."

Horton can tick off countless favors that Herring has done for her  
over the years -- from bringing her vegetable soup when she was  
feeling poorly to lending her French designer fashions.

"I have so many nice things to say about her," Horton says. "She's  
just so darn good-looking people have the wrong impression."

Herring says her parents were very comfortable, but not like some  
of their neighbors, who were very rich. And while the Johnsons  
spoiled their only child, there was a dab of tough love mixed in.

She was 11 or 12, for example, when she looked down and

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Zeitgeist... What is the Spirit of this Age?

2007-07-03 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: galen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: July 3, 2007 2:13:36 PM PDTTo: 9-11 Truth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 9-11 NeXuS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Cc: galen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Zeitgeist... What is the Spirit of this Age?   Friends of Truth, i just finished watching a movie called “Zeitgeist”, a feature-length film you can view in three parts at: .  The home page of the movie is: .     Regardless of your socio-political, spiritual persuasion, i think you will find Zeitgeist educational and provocative.  For Truth -- galen  -=-=-=-=-=-  From emails I receive it’s clear we all know diehard skeptics out there who’ll continue to deny 9/11 was an inside job no matter what. May I suggest you forward the following article to these individuals, wish them well, and move on...   9/11 Wasn't that Hard.   The 9/11 attack has been getting a lot of windshield time lately in my day to day. I’m not thinking about it any more than usual, it just seems to come up. One of the objections I hear a lot from people who haven’t done any research, or are prone to ‘not want to know’, is that the ‘inside job’ perspective of the attack and ensuing cover-up would be impossible without thousands of people being aware of it. I’d like to address that feature today and provide some links that will clarify so many other questions that may be out there.  First some links. Here is a movie called “Zeitgeist”. It is a feature length film and at this site you can view it in 3 parts or any sequence you like. If you still aren’t clear whether 9/11 was an inside Job after you see this film then, you really don’t want to know or lack the capacity to. Here is the home page of the movie, and here is a little something from England that dovetails into the mix   Now to my point.  First off, in order for the attacks to have been carried out with a minimum of notice all that had to be accomplished was controlling the access points into the planes; that’s all. It should be noted here that the same security firm was in charge at all of the 9/11 airports, The London Tube and Madrid train station on the days of the attacks. That’s one hell of a coincidence isn’t it? That security firm is ICTS. You can do the background check on them. It’s more effective for you that way. Just stick ‘ICTS’ and ‘911’ into Google and see what you come up with.  Once whomever is on those planes is on those planes then it doesn’t matter any more because no one is getting off any of those planes to do any interviews and no one who isn’t on those planes has any idea who is on those planes, especially when all the communications from those planes are under control. Most of us now know that at least 7 of the hijackers purported to be on those planes were discovered later, by ABC News, among others, to be alive and well in their home countries. You can check this out as well if you are of a mind to. Concerning the actual attacks and who was involved, all that has to be done is to control the access points to the planes. That’s it…. because there was no remaining evidence (that wasn’t planted) and that brings me to the cover-up.  Everything, at all the sites where an attack occurred, or a plane hit a government building, or crashed into a field, was carted away and kept away from the curious. There are some site photos, here and there and before and after and they tell us a great deal but all that evidence, black boxes, melted steel, surgically cut girders, parts of planes, bodies, etc. they’re gone. All the evidence is gone. Whenever a crime is committed in America there is a very heavy emphasis upon physical evidence and the chain of evidence. This time… nada. That alone should tell you a lot. Also what should tell you a lot is what evidence was found; the absurd presence of Mohammed Atta’s undamaged passport on a New York Street, Koran’s and flight simulation training DVD’s in a car at Logan airport, certain eyewitness reports and alleged cell-phone conversations… a casual watcher of network TV dramas should be savvy enough to see through that BS. Then comes the media. Let’s talk about the media a little.  A majority of the American people believe that either 9/11 was an Inside Job or that the government knew it was coming and stood back and let it happen. To what degree do you see this vast public perception addressed on TV? When you do see it addressed it is done in a dismissive manner or involves a media attack dog going after some occasional expert trotted out for humiliation. That’s rare enough but it does happen. The media has shut down on the matter and focuses instead on the constant occurrence of terrorist activity that is the constant focus of the leaders who have brought you all of the repressive i

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Founding Fathers Discussed How to Handle a President Like Bush

2007-07-03 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 3, 2007 3:35:25 PM PDT
Subject: Founding Fathers Discussed How to Handle a President Like  

Obstruction of Justice, Continued

By Dan Froomkin
Washington Post, July 3, 2007; 3:22 PM 

During the course of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby's trial for  
obstruction of justice and perjury, we learned a lot about his bosses.

Incremental discoveries that didn't garner major headlines  
nevertheless added to what we know -- and can reasonably surmise --  
about Vice President Cheney and President Bush's role in the leak  
of CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity, which was revealed during  
the course of the administration's defense of its decision to go to  
war in Iraq.

We know, for instance, that Cheney was the first person to tell  
Libby about Plame's identity. We know that Cheney told Libby to  
leak Plame's identity to the New York Times in an attempt to  
discredit her husband, who had accused the administration of  
manipulating prewar intelligence. We know that Cheney wrote talking  
points that may have encouraged Libby and others to mention Plame  
to reporters. We know that Cheney once talked to Bush about Libby's  
assignment, and got permission from the president for Libby to leak  
hitherto classified information to the Times.

We don't know why Libby decided to lie to federal investigators  
about his role in the leak.  But it's reasonable to conclude -- or  
at least strongly suspect -- that he was doing it to protect  
Cheney, and maybe even Bush himself.

... Bush's decision yesterday to commute Libby's prison sentence  
isn't just a matter of unequal justice.  It is also a potentially  
self-serving and corrupt act.
Was there a quid pro quo at work? Was Libby being repaid for  
falling on his sword and protecting his bosses from further  
scrutiny? Alternately, was he being repaid for his defense team's  
abrupt decision in mid-trial not to drag Cheney into court, where  
he would have faced cross-examination by Fitzgerald?

Bush and Press Secretary Tony Snow this morning continued to  
stonewall when it comes to any of the important questions about  
this case, Cheney and Bush's involvement, and the commutation  
itself.  Bush said he wouldn't rule out a future pardon for Libby  
-- but didn't have much else new to say.  Snow was simply ducking  
questions while asserting repeatedly that the president is entitled  
to exercise his clemency power however he sees fit.

It's true that the Constitution grants the president unlimited  
clemency and pardon power. But presidents have generally used that  
power to show mercy or, in rare cases, make political amends -- not  
to protect themselves from exposure.

The Framers, ever sensitive to the need for checks and balances,  
recognized the potential for abuse of the pardon power.

According to a Judiciary Committee report drafted in the aftermath  
of the Watergate crisis:

"In the [Constitutional] convention George Mason argued that the  
President might use his pardoning power to 'pardon crimes which  
were advised by himself' or, before indictment or conviction, 'to  
stop inquiry and prevent detection.'

"James Madison responded: 'If the President be connected, in ANY  
SUSPICIOUS MANNER, with any person, and there be grounds [to]  
believe he will shelter him, the House of Representatives can  
IMPEACH him; they can remove him if found guilty.'

"Madison went on to [say] that the President could be suspended  
[from office] WHEN[EVER] SUSPECTED, and his powers would devolve on  
the Vice President, who could likewise be suspended [from office]  
until impeached and convicted, IF HE WERE ALSO SUSPECTED."

See what's free at

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [eugenecannabistv] ACTION ALERT!

2007-07-03 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Perry Stripling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 3, 2007 7:08:50 AM PDT
To: "eugenecannabistv" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [eugenecannabistv] ACTION ALERT!


Prohibitionists have filed an initiative that would repeal the OMMA  
here in Oregon and replace it with an synthetic-marijuana system.

This terrible initiative has national implications because if the  
right-wing Republicans, insurance companies, and Big Pharma manage  
to dismantle the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program, they will be  
emboldened to kill the programs of all of the other medical  
marijuana states. This is an important time for our movement and  
all of us, especially sick patients, need us to move forward, not  
back to a time where grandmothers stricken with glaucoma and cancer  
are treated as drug dealers. The details can be read at:

It has a preliminary ballot title that fails to mention the repeal  
of the OMMA.

With an I-104 Comment Deadline of July 9, every OMMA supporter  
should write or fax comments to the Secretary of State's office  
challenging the Ballot Measure title and description.

The Secretary of State Elections Division won't take e-mail  
comments but said fax is OK: (Salem) 503-373-7414 is their fax  
number. (Salem) 503-986-1518 is voice and a human will answer. The  
snail mail taken from the SOS stationery is: Office of the  
Secretary of State, Elections Division 141 State Capitol Salem, OR  

Would those of you who already sent comments please share them with  
us so we may learn from you?

Visit -

- and Print off a Flyer & Spread it About!  And let everybody know  
if you or your group has any Web pages, Links, Flyers, Blogs or any  
Tip, Tool or Item of Interest related to this Alert.  We will make  
our web page a dedicated node in a web-ring to combat this attack  
and all like it on OMMA.

Many Thanx to AE, Lee, Dr. Rick and the other activists and  
citizens who contributed to our web page content.  Everybody, PLS  
Spread the Word!

Write On!


[cia-drugs] Fwd: Unimpeachably Impeachable

2007-07-02 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 2, 2007 6:40:16 AM PDT
Subject: Unimpeachably Impeachable

The evidence has now grown beyond a reasonable doubt: George W.  
Bush and Dick Cheney have committed impeachable offenses.

In this guest essay, former CIA officer Ray McGovern writes that  
any lingering doubts in his mind were dispelled by a series in The  
Washington Post detailing Vice President Cheney's disdain for the  
law and the Constitution, with the buck also stopping on President  
Bush's desk.

For the full story on why Bush and Cheney deserve removal from  
office, go to at

We are less than one-third of the way toward our mid-year  
fundraising goal of $25,000, far short of what's needed to keep  
this 11-year-old investigative Web site alive. To help, please  
consider making a tax-deductible donation by credit card at the Web  
site or by sending a check to Consortium for Independent Journalism  
(CIJ), Suite 102-231, 2200 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201.

To remove yourself from this list, click here: http:// 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Cheney Described by Old (Ex-)Friend as a "Paranoid Megalomaniac"

2007-07-02 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 1, 2007 11:19:36 PM PDT
Subject: Cheney Described by Old (Ex-)Friend as a "Paranoid  

A longtime confidant of the Bush and Cheney families describes the  
dangerous influence of the vice president

By Eleanor Clift
Newsweek, June 29, 2007 

... I had lunch with Vic Gold, an old friend of the Cheney’s, on  
the third day of the Post series. I asked him how he felt reading  
about Dick’s dark adventures. “A tremendous feeling of validation,”  
he said. In a recent book, Gold described Cheney as a  
“megalomaniacal paranoid” whose secret empire within the government  
had captured the Bush presidency and helped bring the Republican  
Party to the brink of ruin. Gold’s book, published in April, is  
titled: “Invasion of the Party Snatchers: How the Holy-Rollers and  
the Neo-Cons Destroyed the GOP.” (It was originally titled “How the  
Neo-Cons Took Over the GOP,” but midway through the process, Gold  
got so angry he changed the verb to “Destroyed.” )
This is a huge turnabout for Gold, 78, a veteran Republican  
operative. Close to the Bushes and the Cheneys, he once shared  
office space with Lynne Cheney and in 1996 was prepared to support  
Dick Cheney for president. When he decided not to run, Cheney told  
Gold, “I don’t want to spend three quarters of my time running  
around raising money.” That sounded rational to Gold, who’d been  
kicking around politics for a long time, having worked for a string  
of Republicans from Barry Goldwater, his hero, to the disgraced  
Spiro Agnew and finally “the old man,” George H.W. Bush. Unlike  
others who’ve known Cheney for 30 years, Gold doesn’t think his  
erstwhile friend has changed. “Men do not change, they unmask  
themselves,” he says, quoting a Swiss writer.

What happened to Cheney is “opportunity,” says Gold.  Pushed  
forward by George and Barbara Bush, who had no confidence in their  
eldest son, Cheney was supposed to serve as the ghost of Bush  
Senior hovering around the White House.   Cheney took on the job  
and with, George W.’s acquiescence, made himself the locus of  
power. What nobody anticipated is the extent to which the quiet man  
with the lopsided mouth would insinuate himself into everything --  
and the devastating consequences of his influence, particularly the  
Iraq War.

Gold, a slight man with wispy white hair and a hair-trigger  
temperament calls Bush “President Dodo.”  He’s known Bush since the  
’80 campaign, and while he doesn’t really think he’s dumb, he knows  
he can be manipulated.

“He’s playing the role of president, strutting around,” says Gold.  
“He’s the weakest president in my memory.”

The Bushes prize loyalty, but Gold reached a point where his  
respect for the elder Bush, whose autobiography he had helped  
write, was not enough for him to keep quiet. The administration in  
his view had become a danger to the Constitution and what America  
stands for in the world.

He wrote to tell 41 about the book he was writing, and he got a  
letter back saying, “We’ve been friends a long time and we’ll  
continue to be friends. I am sure I will not like what you say  
about our son.” And then in a grace note typical of the old man,  
“but I don’t think too much of the neocons myself.”

Cheney’s great selling point was that he did not plan to run for  
president, setting him apart from most vice presidents who harbor  
personal ambition. He didn’t have to worry about being popular. But  
the idea was flawed. In the end, Cheney’s lack of viability as a  
political figure became his license to do whatever he wants, an  
outcome nobody foresaw, least of all his unsuspecting patron,  
George H.W. Bush.

See what's free at

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Rabbi Lieberman, Big Brother's Little Brother

2007-07-02 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 1, 2007 11:03:15 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Rabbi Lieberman, Big Brother's Little Brother   Lieberman Uses  Foiled British Terror Plot  To Push For  Greater U.S. Domestic Spying on ABC’s This Week, Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) used the foiled terror attempts in London to call for greater domestic spying here in the United States. Lieberman said, “I hope these terrorist attacks in London wake us up here in America to stop the petty partisan fighting going on about…electronic surveillance,” in apparent reference to the Senate Judiciary Committee’s subpoenas for documents related to Bush’s NSA warrantless wiretapping program.Lieberman claimed, “We’re at a partisan gridlock over the question of whether the American government can listen into conversations or follow email trails of non-American citizens.” This is false; the NSA spying program covered the surveillance of American citizens. The “gridlock” exists over whether the administration will cooperate with Congress by explaining why it feels current law is inadequate and why President Bush decided to ignore the law in authorizing a spying program that almost led to mass resignations at the Department of Justice.Liebermen went further in his calls for greater domestic spying. “The Brits have got something smart going. … They have have cameras all over London. … I think it’s just common sense to do that here much more widely.” Watch it:In the same interview, Lieberman said of the situation in Iraq, “The surge is working.” He refused to say whether he would back a withdrawal if Gen. Petraeus reports in September that progress is not being made.Also, Lieberman reaffirmed his previous statements that Democratic candidates do not have “strong and muscular” approaches to foreign policy. Today, he said, “I would say that Democratic candidates, in the larger questions of American security, have been disappointing.”UPDATE: In Aug. 2006, Lieberman seized on a terror plot in Britain to criticize Ned Lamont’s opposition to the war in Iraq.See what's free at =

[cia-drugs] Fwd: No Surprises: We WILL Have Another 9-11, and Then War with Iran, in WEEKS

2007-07-02 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 1, 2007 10:45:35 PM PDT
Subject: No Surprises: We WILL Have Another 9-11, and Then War with  
Iran, in WEEKS

Secret Document: U.S. Fears Terror 'Spectacular' Planned

Official Cites Resemblance to Warnings and Intelligence Before 9/11

July 1, 2007 —

A secret U.S. law enforcement report, prepared for the Department  
of Homeland Security, warns that al Qaeda is planning a terror  
"spectacular" this summer, according to a senior official with  
access to the document.

"This is reminiscent of the warnings and intelligence we were  
getting in the summer of 2001," the official told

U.S. officials have kept the information secret, and Homeland  
Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said today on ABC News' "This  
Week with George Stephanopoulos" that the United States did not  
have "have any specific credible evidence that there's an attack  
focused on the United States at this point."

As reported, U.S. law enforcement officials received  
intelligence reports two weeks ago warning of terror attacks in  
Glasgow and Prague, the Czech Republic, against "airport  
infrastructure and aircraft."

The warnings apparently never reached officials in Scotland, who  
said this weekend they had received "no advance intelligence" that  
Glasgow might be a target.

Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff declined to comment  
specifically on on the report today, but said "everything that we  
get is shared virtually instantaneously with our counterparts in  
Britain and vice versa."

Unlike the United States, officials in Germany have publicly warned  
that the country could face a major attack this summer, also  
comparing the situation to the pre-9/11 summer of 2001.

Copyright © 2007 ABC News Internet Ventures

See what's free at

[cia-drugs] Fwd: King George (Bush) Will Not Tolerate Freedom of Speech or Freedom of the Press

2007-06-30 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 30, 2007 5:17:51 PM PDT
Subject: King George (Bush) Will Not Tolerate Freedom of Speech or  
Freedom of the Press

Friday, June 29, 2007

Reporter sanctioned for approaching Bush,guid, 

We already know that the Bush White House is the most secretive  
administration since that of President Nixon. But here's some news  
for those chatting on talk-radio yesterday about President Bush's  
sincerity or how he's "keeping us safe" -- a viewpoint at odds with  
that of our own federal government:

In the run-up to the Fourth of July, you can't ask the leader of  
the free world even an innocuous question without having your press  
credential quickly taken away.

As Katie Mulvaney reports in today's ProJo: 

WPRI-TV, Channel 12 reporter Jarrod Holbrook had his White House  
press pass snatched after he shouted “Mr. President!” twice as  
President Bush greeted Air and Army National Guardsmen gathered on  
the tarmac at the Air National Guard base in Quonset.

A member of the president’s entourage pointed at Holbrook after he  
first tried to get Mr. Bush’s attention. The man then ripped the  
pass from Holbrook’s belt after he shouted again to the president,  
who was about 10 feet away.

Holbrook said afterward that he just wanted to ask Mr. Bush how he  
enjoyed his visit to Rhode Island. Members of the media were not  
told they could not ask the president questions.

See what's free at

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [PEPIS] PEPIS#89 - Al-Qaeda car bomb false flag MI6 garbage

2007-06-30 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tony Gosling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 30, 2007 4:14:57 AM PDT
Subject: [PEPIS] PEPIS#89 - Al-Qaeda car bomb false flag MI6 garbage

Al-Qaeda car bomb false flag MI6 garbage
dh | 29.06.2007 23:21
More propaganda bullshit from the propaganda mill. Operation Gladio
writ large once again over the streets of the capital.
A compilation of views from the far seers
Its amazing how Gordon Brown comes into power and all of sudden
there's a terror threat, coincidence??
Wonder what policies Gordon wants to introduce??
I'm just glad he had the brains not to explode the device and save
innocent lives for a change.
Maybe I'm completely off the mark too early to say have to wait and
see the aftermath and investigation.
But false flag terror is the sea on which the Brown ship sails. The PM
has very little say any more.
One of the NWO's weakest arguments is that Al-CIAda's political aims
can be furthered by killing innocent civilians. Of course that has the
opposite effect. As any real freedom fighter knows well.
So here we have another attempt by nasty Asian types to get white
Londoners to hate them even more. It's the weakest and most farcical
aspect to apparent 'meme' incidents like this.
What a surreal, nightmare these little Hitlers are ushering in. Could
it be the Brown leadership will be characterised by even more fear-
mongering mind control than before? If so we have to highlight the
fundamental illogic in killing those who are their potential anti-NWO
These racist anti-terror police have elbowed their way in to a
monopoly on public fear incidents. They are trusted absolutely by the
press but never accountable for even one of the lies that they tell.
If anyone hasn't already seen it get hold of a DVD of Troy Kennedy-
Martin's BBC drama "The Edge of Darkness" which goes about as far as
anyone has into this subject.
Maybe we should have a report by the Health and Safety Executive into
how many medals those who defuse pretend bombs should be awarded? All
I can find myself thinking this morning is "double the MI5 budget!"
they are our saviours!! Who can stand up to these creatures?
A real terrorist would hit the centres of corrupt power and/or the
pockets of the city slickers and merchant bankers, such as the
Bishopsgate, Stock Exchange and Canary Wharf bombs in the 1990s.
Perhaps the unseen forces are testing their new underling, maybe they
have sent a little shot across his bows and keep him on his toes. Come
on PM sort out this awful mess before we are overrun with terrorists.
Chop Chop.
Any bets, there will be no chain of custody for this car, no
insurance, no road tax, and it will have been brought with cash from a
second hand car dealer months ago, possibly being resold privately in
a newspaper by an Asian who is arrested and then released after months
of interrogation.
MI5 can congratulate themselves because they have found their own
bomb, just remember the bearded SAS soldiers arrested in Iraq, driving
around in a car full of explosives dressed as Arabs. Say no more
except there is nothing like a FALSE FLAG or the threat of a FALSE
FLAG to launch the new prime minister into power. These people are
sick and evil.
What a shame, with all those hundreds of thousands of CCTV cameras in
London, we don't seem to have captured any decent image of the Gladio
operatives, er.. I mean Islamic maniacs who are doing it because they
hate my freedom.
What happened to those high tech CCTV cams, linked to those 'secret'
underground bunkers that beep beep when a dodgy car enters its zone of
stalking? does that mean the car was legitimate, papers tax etc? or if
it wasn't legitimate where were those stealth keystones cops?
When you have these cameras primed and some thug waiting to pounce and
follow your every move for miles for dropping a cigarette end or
MacDonald's carton, surely, surely this incident in the heart of
London aroused a teeny weenie bit of suspicion?
Will we have another De Menezes bout of lies about a, dark skinned man
seen hurdling obstacles in a thick coat fleeing the scene, with a box
of wires protruding as he disappeared into the night, and this is a
clear indication that one of the 200 al qaedaers cells are now busily
reverting to plan B.
All that's missing is the boot was filled with jerry cans full of
kerosene that would have melted surrounding buildings causing instant
''building falling into its own footprints''.
Still this is an ideal team for my new protector and man of truth and
honour Brown, to show us all what a great shepherd he is.
2 gas bottles and 6oz of roundhead nails, al qaedas are certainly not
the outfit they used to be, from single handedly standing the whole
USA air force to stand down, and bypassing the pentagons anti missile
defence from a cave, and being the most sophisticated ter

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Lockerbie Ruling Revisited

2007-06-29 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 29, 2007 8:06:59 AM PDT
Subject: Lockerbie Ruling Revisited

A Scottish judicial review panel says the guilty verdict against a  
former Libyan intelligence officer for the 1988 mid-air bombing of  
Pan Am 103 may have been "a miscarriage of justice" based on flimsy  

A critique published at just after the  
conviction in 2001 made the same point, even as the U.S. government  
and the major news media hailed the politically popular verdict.

To read the full story of what should have been obvious six years  
ago, go to at

We are just over one-fifth of the way toward our mid-year  
fundraising goal of $25,000, far short of what's needed to keep  
this 11-year-old investigative Web site alive. To help, please  
consider making a tax-deductible donation by credit card at the Web  
site or by sending a check to Consortium for Independent Journalism  
(CIJ), Suite 102-231, 2200 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201.

To remove yourself from this list, click here: http:// 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Late Cuban activist linked to plot to kill Castro

2007-06-28 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 28, 2007 7:42:13 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Late Cuban activist linked to plot to kill Castro
Late Cuban activist linked to plot to kill Castro
A Cuban activist offered to help in a 1960 operation to kill Cuban  
leader Fidel Castro with poison pills, according to Central  
Intelligence Agency documents.

El Nuevo Herald

Tony de Varona, the late and legendary Cuban activist in Miami,  
offered to cooperate with the Central Intelligence Agency in an  
operation intended to kill Fidel Castro with poison pills,  
according to documents declassified Tuesday by the CIA.

''I can't picture Manuel Antonio de Varona in that plan, because he  
was an honorable and brave man who sought political or military  
solutions that were head-on, not tortuous,'' said Cuban historian  
Enrique Ros when he heard of the account.

De Varona died in 1992.

A summary of the failed operation, where De Varona is identified as  
''Dr. Anthony Verona, one of the principal officers in the Cuban  
Exile Junta,'' is part of a voluminous package of much-censored  
information the agency released in an unusual gesture of openness.

Known as ''The Family Jewels,'' the collection is composed of  
replies given by high-ranking U.S. officials to a 1973 request from  
the agency's director, James Schlesinger, asking that any illegal  
activities by the agency be reported.

A second collection, also declassified Tuesday, contains 147  
documents and about 11,000 pages of analysis on the ruling  
hierarchies in the Soviet Union and China, from 1957 to 1973.

The content of the first package, which totals 693 pages, reflects  
the nervous obsession of the intelligence services to confront  
communism at all levels, from domestic details to international  

Journalists like Jack Anderson, student movements at Columbia  
University, and artists such as Jane Fonda and John Lennon were the  
constant targets of surveillance, according to these Cold War  

''This is the first voluntary CIA declassification of controversial  
material since George Tenet in 1998 reneged on the 1990s promises  
of greater openness at the agency,'' commented Thomas Blanton,  
director of the National Security Archive, a private foundation  
that advocates the opening of official archives. Tenet was director  
of the Central Intelligence Agency from 1997 to 2004.

Much of the package is devoted to CIA activities during the  
Watergate scandal that led to the resignation of President Richard  
M. Nixon in 1974.

However, this first box of ''jewels'' contains information about  
other topics that, in their time, raised all kinds of suspicion.

Among them:

• The CIA's defense to media reports in June 1973 that the agency  
may have been involved in a plan to assassinate Panamanian leader  
Omar Torrijos before the United States could turn over control of  
the Panama Canal to the Republic of Panama.

• The agency's reaction to complaints of its alleged implication in  
a break-in at the Chilean Embassy in Washington in 1972, during the  
administration of leftist President Salvador Allende. Two radios  
and an electric shaver were stolen from the Embassy during the  

• The wiretapping of telephone communications between Miami and  
South America, under the excuse of detecting conversations  
regarding drug trafficking.

As to the attempt against Castro -- one of many previously reported  
-- the documents casts light on the CIA's permeability when any  
sector opposed to the Cuban leader proposed eliminating him.

In this case, the document says, the operation was planned  
beginning in August 1960, with the cooperation of Mafia personnel.

Robert A. Maheu, a well-known CIA collaborator, offered to speak  
with Johnny Roselli, a Mafia leader with whom he had had previous  
contact in Las Vegas, to propose an elimination plan.

Maheu introduced himself to Roselli as the envoy of a group of  
international investors in Cuba who were furious because of the  
economic losses they had suffered as a result of Castro's takeover.

''They were convinced that Castro's removal was the answer to their  
problem and were willing to pay a price of $150,000 for its  
successful accomplishment,'' Maheu told Roselli during a meeting on  
Sept. 14, 1960, at the Hilton Plaza Hotel in New York City.

Present at the meeting was James O'Connell, chief of the CIA's  
Office of Security, who was introduced to Roselli as ``an employee  
of Maheu.''

Roselli declined to participate but put Maheu in touch with two  
men, ''Sam'' and ''Joe,'' who described themselves as ''couriers''  
operating between Miami and Havana.

The men looked familiar to Maheu but he couldn't place them. Weeks  
later, when he saw their pictures in a magazine, he reali

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Unveiling US Intel Spending And Contractors

2007-06-28 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 28, 2007 7:40:48 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Unveiling US Intel Spending And Contractors

Unveiling US Intel Spending And Contractors
by Shaun Waterman
UPI Homeland and National Security Editor
Washington (UPI) June 27, 2007

A series of recent presentations by senior procurement officials in  
U.S. intelligence agencies shows that the proportion of their  
secret budget spent in the private sector has ballooned after Sept.  
11, 2001 -- and could rise as high as 70 percent. One presentation  
was made by Terri Everett, the senior procurement executive for the  
director of national intelligence, at a Defense Intelligence Agency  
conference in May and later posted on the agency's Web site.

A slide in the presentation included a pie chart showing that 70  
percent of the budget for the U.S. intelligence community -- as  
insiders call the sprawling collection of 16 U.S. federal agencies  
managed by the Director of National Intelligence -- was currently  
spent on contract awards.

However, that number was contested by two people with knowledge of  
the classified intelligence budget, neither of whom would agree to  
be identified discussing it.

"It is wrong," one of them said.

DNI spokesman Stephen Shaw told United Press International that the  
70 percent figure provided "only a very rough order of magnitude."  
It was an estimate, he said, "designed to be illustrative of  
general trends in contracting" by U.S. intelligence agencies.

He said that the figure indicated the universe of potential  
spending on private sector contracts. "Basically is it everything  
except U.S. government personnel costs," he said.

That definition would make 70 percent the size of what federal  
market analysts call the "addressable market" -- the part of the  
budget potentially available for private sector contracts, rather  
than that actually spent on them. But it is still shockingly high,  
according to Steven Aftergood of the Federation of American  
Scientists, who monitors U.S. intelligence agencies.

"It's a very high number," he told UPI, especially given that it  
was an average across the 16 agencies and that for some of them,  
like the National Reconnaissance Office, which buys the nation's  
spy satellites, it is likely to be much higher.

"It indicates that contractors are not only significant in (the)  
intelligence activities (of the U.S. government), but that they are  
dominant." he said. "It is shocking."

Other recent presentations by senior procurement officials give  
weight to the notion that there has been a huge growth in  
intelligence community spending in the private sector.

Deborah Walker, head of outreach for the senior acquisition  
executive of the National Security Agency, gave a talk last month  
at the same contractor conference at which Everett spoke.

Walker said the number of contractors who had registered as  
interested in doing business with the agency rose eight-fold  
between October 2001 and October 2002, from 144 to 1,165.

Between October 2002 and October 2006 the number rose more than  
four-fold again, from 1,165 to 5,425.

Of course, not all of these companies actually get to do business  
with the NSA, which as the agency responsible for U.S.  
eavesdropping and electronic surveillance operations worldwide is  
one of the largest government buyers of high technology.

But Walker also reported that the number of contractor facilities  
cleared by the NSA -- meaning that classified work can go on there  
-- has grown 30-fold from 41 in 2002 to 1,265 in 2006.

While any business can apply to go on the register of those  
interested in working with the NSA, intelligence professionals tell  
UPI that other agencies generally do not go to the trouble and  
expense of getting a clearance for a contractor facility unless  
classified government work will actually be taking place there.

Moreover, most analysts looking at the marketplace for government  
contractors see intelligence agencies as one of the few areas where  
spending will continue to grow robustly.

INPUT, a research group that analyzes government contract markets,  
said last week in its annual forecast of federal information- 
technology spending that the addressable market from U.S.  
intelligence agencies purchasing in the field will increase from  
$9.4 billion in 2007 to $14 billion by 2012 -- a compound annual  
growth rate of 8.4 percent.

Their forecast covered the three intelligence agencies with the  
biggest spending on information technology: the CIA, the NSA and  
the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, which produces maps  
and analyzes satellite imagery.

John Slye, INPUT's top federal analyst, told UPI he based his  
estimates on unclassified procurement do

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Warnings in Egyptian Press: The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt Is Going the Way of Hamas

2007-06-28 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 28, 2007 8:15:08 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Warnings in Egyptian Press: The Muslim  
Brotherhood in Egypt Is  Going the Way of Hamas

Special Dispatch-Egypt/Palestinian Authority/Jihad & Terrorism Studies
June 28, 2007
No. 1638

Warnings in the Egyptian Press: The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt Is  

the Way of Hamas in Gaza

In the wake of Hamas' takeover of Gaza, some in the Egyptian press  
expressed fears that the Muslim Brotherhood may seize power in  
Egypt. They

expressed concern at the similarities between Hamas and the Muslim
Brotherhood, and said that lessons should be learned from the  

experience in Gaza.

The following are excerpts of articles from the Egyptian press:

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is Trying to Reproduce Hamas'  
Experience in


Tariq Hasan, a columnist for the Egyptian government daily Al- 
Ahram, wrote:
"In Egypt there are those who are trying to reproduce what Hamas  
did in
Gaza... For anyone who has the slightest doubt about this and wants  
it is sufficient to consider statements by Brotherhood  
representatives in

parliament... They said that Egypt waved the Zionist flag, despite the
people's opposition to this. This means that Egypt, like the  

Authority, deserves that a revolution should take place in it.

"The Brotherhood, like Hamas, does not recognize the legitimacy of the
parliament that ratified the peace treaty with Israel, nor the  
of the state that ratified these agreements, since [in its view] it  
is a

traitorous state that works for foreign interests and that does not
represent its people. From these statements we understand that the  
problem is not [limited to] just Gaza, but it is also in Egypt, and  

the Brotherhood holds the same positions and uses the same ideas and
statements with which Hamas conducted a putsch against the  
government, and through which it declared Gaza a rebel region under  


"Here in Egypt the Brotherhood brought out the masked militias in  
University, and there in Gaza Hamas put them to use. Here they  
changed the
Egyptian flag and removed the eagle of the Republic from it, and  
there they
took down the Palestinian flag and waved the green flag of Hamas.  
What can

we expect?...

"In light of this severe threat, it is not enough for us to say to  

'look at what Hamas did in Gaza' in order to warn them about the
Brotherhood in Egypt. We must learn the lessons without delay.

"Hamas won the game it was playing, and the Brotherhood is doing  
the [same]

thing. There, there was a government that allowed them to take part in
elections without their recognizing the legitimacy of that  
Authority [i.e.
the PA] and without their being made to accept the state's  
constitution and
its laws. Hamas used the elections and democracy as an instrument  
[in order
to take power], and then they turned the matter over to the armed  

in order to conduct a putsch against everyone.

"Here, there are [Muslim] Brothers who do not recognize the  
legitimacy of
the state and oppose the constitution and the law, and despite  
this, we
find people who say that [the Brotherhood] represents them and  
speaks in
their name in parliament... Whoever ignores this [matter] will  
bring us

into the gates of hell that we saw in Gaza..."(1)

The Egyptian People Feel There is a Danger From Within

Chairman of the executive council of the Egyptian weekly Roz Al- 
Karam Gabar, wrote in his column: "Hamas is the Brotherhood of  
Palestine –
the Palestine branch [of the Brotherhood]. They hold a place at the  
top of
the list of members of the international organization of the banned  
[i.e. the Muslim Brotherhood]. This means that this is a worldwide  
that does not recognize national identity, the flag, or the anthem.  
They do
not recognize a homeland that must be defended and for which one  
must give
one's life. The homeland for them includes any plot of land on  
Earth on
which the flag of the Brotherhood may be flown... Hamas is the same  
Whoever does not share their faith is [considered] outside of  
Islam, and he

is treated like one of the infidels...

"For Hamas and the Brotherhood, democracy is just dancing with  
Satan. The
people who harbor the most enmity for democracy are those same  
groups who
think that they have a divine mandate to rule and to implement the  
they see fit, and not Allah's shari'a. Democracy for them is just a  
to take power; afterwards, they whip democracy with lashes and  
behead it
with the sword... No one can raise their head and speak up without  

an infidel who must be punished. Their democracy is worse than

"In the history of Hamas 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] The CIA releases censored internal misconduct reports that set off a domestic spying scandal

2007-06-28 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 28, 2007 8:12:35 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] The CIA releases censored internal misconduct  
reports that set off  a domestic spying scandal

The CIA releases censored internal misconduct reports that set off  
a domestic spying scandal

MICHAEL J. SNIFFEN - Associated Press Writer
Wednesday June 27th, 2007
Comment on this Story | Read Comments

WASHINGTON (AP) - The CIA released hundreds of heavily censored  
documents Tuesday about its spying on Americans, foreign  
assassination plots and other misdeeds that triggered a scandal in  
the mid-1970s.

Known inside the CIA as the "family jewels," the documents were  
released with vast sections blocked out by agency censors. As a  
result, they were far less revealing than the reports issued in the  
mid-1970s by the three investigations which obtained unedited  
versions of these internal CIA documents a generation ago.

The ensuing scandal sullied the reputation of the intelligence  
community and led to new rules for the CIA, FBI and other spy  
agencies and new permanent committees in Congress to oversee them.

The 693 pages, mostly drawn from the memories of active CIA  
officers in 1973, were turned over at that time to three different  
investigative panels, President Ford's Rockefeller Commission, the  
Senate's Church committee and the House's Pike committee.

The panels spent years investigating and amplifying on these  
documents. And their public reports in the mid-1970s filled tens of  
thousands of pages.

In early 1975, CIA Director William Colby told the Justice  
Department that these documents detailed assassination plots  
against foreign leaders such as Fidel Castro, the testing of  
behavior-altering drugs on unwitting citizens, wiretapping of U.S.  
journalists, spying on civil rights and anti-Vietnam war  
protesters, opening of mail between the United States and the  
Soviet Union and China and break-ins at the homes of ex-CIA  
employees and others.

But as censored by the CIA, many of the most sensational events  
were mentioned in little more than one, sketchy paragraph apiece.

The new documents devoted two paragraphs to the programs that  
opened mail between U.S. citizens and the Soviet Union and China.

One paragraph said "Project WESTPOINTER," from the fall of 1969  
through October 1971, was based in the San Francisco area and the  
"target was mail to the United States from Mainland China."

The other paragraph said a program, begun in 1953 but dormant by  
1973, intercepted incoming and outgoing Russian mail, and  
occasionally other types of mail, at New York's Kennedy Airport.

By contrast, the Senate committee headed by Frank Church, D-Idaho,  
which spent two years investigating these documents, produced a  
book-length study of 12 CIA and FBI mail opening programs from 1940  
to 1973. It found that the CIA alone had opened and photographed  
almost 250,000 first class letters in the United States and  
produced a computerized CIA index of nearly 1.5 million names.

The agency's new documents contained an unsigned three-page memo  
that described CIA's program code named Operation CHAOS as a  
worldwide effort to collect information "on foreign efforts to  
manipulate U.S. extremism." It said some American extremists had  
been recruited by the CIA and sent abroad as contract agents, but  
asserts that CHAOS "has not and is not conducting efforts  
domestically for internal domestic collection purposes."

Another 1973 memo to Colby from the CIA inspector general expressed  
concern over CHAOS "because of the high degree of resentment we  
found among many agency employees at their being expected to  
participate in it."

But the Church committee reported in 1976 that CHAOS compiled a  
computerized index of 300,000 individuals, including 7,200  
Americans and more than 100 domestic groups between 1967-1973 as it  
examined civil rights and anti-Vietnam war protesters.

One of the most detailed descriptions in the newly released  
documents concerned one of the plots to kill the Cuban dictator  

A memo by CIA security chief Howard Osborn said in August 1960 the  
CIA recruited ex-FBI agent Robert Maheu, who was a top aide to  
Howard Hughes in Las Vegas, to approach mobster Johnny Roselli and  
pass himself off as the representative of international  
corporations who wanted Castro killed.

Roselli introduced Maheu to "Sam Gold" and "Joe," who were actually  
10-most wanted mobsters Sam "Momo" Giancana, Al Capone's successor  
in Chicago, and Santos Trafficante. The mobsters worked for free,  
turning down a $150,000 offer. The CIA gave them six poison pills,  
and they tried unsuccessfully for several months to have several  
people put them in the Cuban leader's food.

This particular plot was dropped after the failed CIA

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] PACE endorses Marty Report on secret CIA detentions in Europe

2007-06-28 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 28, 2007 7:56:43 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] PACE endorses Marty Report on secret CIA  
detentions in Europe


PACE endorses Marty Report on secret CIA detentions in Europe

The Romanian amendments were turned down. PACE also said European  
governments should look into the need for democratic oversight of  
military intelligence services and foreign intelligence services  
operating on their territory.

published in issue 3963 page 3 at 2007-06-28
The “Marty Report” was endorsed by the Parliamentary Assembly of  
the Council of Europe (PACE) on 124 votes in favour, 37 against and  
eight abstentions. The same number of votes was cast on the draft  
Resolution, too. The document notes, with respect to Romania, that  
while its parliamentary delegation proved its firm will to  
cooperate with PACE, governmental authorities were rather reluctant  
to shedding full light on the CIA operations in Romania.

“Most European governments did not prove transparency on the  
illegal detentions and illegal transfers of detainees involving  
Council of Europe member states,” Dick Marty (Switzerland)  
mentioned on the third day of the PACE summer session works.  
Senator Marty also pointed out, in his address, that a condemnation  
of Romania and Poland was out of the question, given that their  
political communities as a whole had not been aware of the  
respective practices, except for a “number of leaders.” According  
to the Rapporteur, the role of his endeavour is to establish the  
right of the public opinion in all countries to learn the truth,  
but also to try to eliminate the resort to State secret in such  
cases, which infringe upon human rights. Dick Marty emphasised that  
he had been authorised by the Committee for legal affairs of the  
Council of Europe to guarantee complete confidentiality on the  
sources used in drawing up the report, a strategy which “has  
yielded fruit.” Representatives of Romania emphasised the absence  
of concrete evidence and reiterated that Romanian authorities in  
their turn carried out investigations which failed to prove that  
the events referred to by the document in question, namely the fact  
that CIA detainees were held in Romania, are real. Radu Berceanu  
emphasised that the Marty Report seems to deliberately violate the  
presumption of innocence, given that the Swiss MP had turned down  
the invitation of Romanian authorities to come to Romania and  
investigate allegations, and the data made available by Romanian  
institutions were not taken into account.

Most MPs having taken the floor during the debate focused on the  
importance of the Marty Report in relation to the need to respect  
democratic principles and human rights in the war against terrorism.

All amendments submitted by the Romanian delegation were turned  
down in the PACE plenary meeting, but another eight out of the  
total 19 amendments were accepted.

Towards the end of the debates, the author of the report combated  
allegations that his paper was ‘a spy novel’, stating that all the  
evidence presented was sustainable given the fact that ‘anonymous  
testimonies are also accepted in court’. He further said that he  
had not traveled to Poland or Romania because he wouldn’t have got  
the expected answer from the authorities of those states anyway.  
According to Dick Marty, ‘there are people in some countries who  
try to stop the truth from being found’ but did not say who those  
people were.

The resolution calls the members of Parliament and the member  
states of the Council of Europe ‘to shed light by lowering to a  
reasonable minimum level all barriers against transparency founded  
on concepts such as state secret and nationals security, on the  
abuse of the intelligence services in their territory or in the  
area of secret detention or illegal transfer of prisoners’. The  
resolution also requires that the victims of such illegal practices  
should be rehabilitated and restored dignity. The European mass- 
media are, in turn, called ‘to play their plenary role’ of  
defenders of transparency, of searchers of the truth, of tolerance  
in keeping with human rights and dignity.

by Vasile Nicola

-__ ___ _ ___ __ ___ _ _ _ __

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Flash: CIA Family Jewel # 1 missing

2007-06-28 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 28, 2007 8:02:24 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Flash: CIA Family Jewel # 1 missing
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED];article=111676
Ed Haslam
Flash: CIA Family Jewel # 1 missing.
Wed Jun 27, 2007 13:34

Flash: CIA Family Jewel # 1 missing.

View all web results for CIA Family Jewel

On Tuesday, June 26, 2007 the CIA released a memo from the CIA  
Director of Security to the CIA Management Committee ( CIA  
Director, Deputy Director, etc.) The memo lists “illegal  
operations” conducted by the CIA from March 1959 to June 1964.  
These projects are what the CIA considers the “skeletons” in the  
CIA closet. The memo entitled the list “FAMILY JEWELS.” JEWEL # 1  
is presumably the most important and egregious on the list. Yet, it  
is still completely censored 35+ years after the memo was written.  
Given the other items on the list include CIA-Mafia plots against  
Fidel Castro and the role of Attorney General Robert Kennedy is  
planning assassinations, why is JEWEL #1 still censored? To see  
this page, click JEWEL # 1. Following the summary list are  
explanations of each item. Every single word of the 3 page  
description of JEWEL # 1 is completely censored. Every single word.  
What are they hiding 35 years later? To see the whole document,  
click FAMILY JEWELS. My thanks to the National Security Archives  
for helping to make these documents available to the public. Is  
FAMILY JEWEL # 1 the bio-weapon discussed in Dr. Mary’s Monkey? If  
they will disclose it, I will stop speculating. In the meantime, I  
think it is a fair question. >>> Ed Haslam

Thom Hartmann - author,
Air America progressive liberal talk radio ...
The Thom Hartmann author and progressive liberal talk radio program  
home page - progressive and liberal talk show and writings and  
books by author Tom ... Dr. Mary's Monkey: How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor ... Dr. Mary's Monkey: How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor,  
a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey  
Viruses are Linked to Lee ... 

View all web results for CIA Family Jewel

Cong. Dr. Ron Paul, America's only hope!

Posted 06/26/2007 @ 5:25pm
Where's the CIA's Missing Jewel

What's the missing jewel?

Today, the CIA released its infamous "Family Jewels" file. This is  
a set of internal memos compiled in the mid-1970s after press  
reports revealed numerous CIA dirty tricks. In 1973, CIA director  
James Schlessinger, having learned that Watergate burglars E.  
Howard Hunt and James McCord (each a CIA veteran) had been in  
contact with the Agency while carrying out illegal activities for  
President Richard Nixon's reelection campaign, ordered divisions  
within the CIA to report any activities they had engaged in since  
1959 that might be outside the CIA's authority. Deputy Director  
William Colby then assembled a loose-leaf notebook of the memos  
that poured in. The whole package totaled 700 pages. And though its  
existence has been known for years--congressional investigators of  
the 1970s had access to these documents--this secret file has never  
before been made public. It was considered to hold the agency's  
darkest secrets.

Many of these secrets did emerge during the congressional  
investigations of the 1970s: the joint CIA-Mafia attempt to  
assassinate Fidel Castro; CIA surveillance of American reporters  
and political dissidents; the CIA's secret jailing for three years  
of a suspected Soviet agent (who was not a Soviet agent). The newly- 
released documents are full of fresh details about some of these  
notorious episodes. But at least one of the "Family Jewels" seems  
to be missing.

The first document in the packet is a 1973 memo from Howard Osborn,  
then the CIA's director of security, to the CIA top management, and  
it summarizes the "jewels" compiled by his office. It lists eight  
problems--including the recruitment of mobster Johnny Roselli for  
the Castro hit. But blacked out from this document is the first  
item on Osborn's list. And a two-and-a-half page description of  
this operation is also redacted from the "Family Jewels" file.

In a recent speech, General Michael Hayden, the CIA's director,  
hailed the declassification of the "Family Jewels." He remarked,  
"The documents provide a glimpse of a very different time and very  
different Agency." Yet the very first secret in these papers has  
been deleted.

"The No. 1 jewel of the CIA's Office of Security is probably a  
pretty good one--especially since the second jewel in this 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Sheiks on a Plane: FBI Docs Expose Anatomy of a Cover-Up

2007-06-28 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: Madcow News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 27, 2007 9:21:15 PM PDT
Subject: Sheiks on a Plane: FBI Docs Expose Anatomy of a Cover-Up

Sheiks on a Plane:
FBI Docs Expose Anatomy of a Cover-Up

now up at:

June 28, 2007
by Daniel Hopsicker

The MadCowMorningNews has obtained the first photo ever published  
of the never-before-seen Learjet that flew the so-called Saudi  
"phantom flight" from Tampa Florida... a flight FBI and Bush  
Administration officials for more than three years denied ever took  

Last week's newly-released FBI documents on flights out of the U.S.  
after the 9/11 attack by Saudi Princes and bin Laden family members  
generated headlines about the FBI's admission that Osama bin Laden  
may himself have chartered one of the planes. But the documents  
contain an even-more startling revelation:

The Bush Administration, the FBI, the FAA, and even defense  
contractor Raytheon knowingly lied in repeated denials of newspaper  
and magazine accounts of the "phantom flight."

The documents show that FBI agents and analysts, to buttress what  
was then the official government position, misstated,  
misrepresented, and even intimidated witnesses (an FBI specialty)  
into silence.

They illustrate the inside anatomy of an FBI cover-up, using the  
same tactics which eyewitnesses in Florida reported the FBI used  
after the 9/11 attack.

Reading them, you can watch a cover-up being born.

read the whole story at:
The MadCowMorningNews

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Bush Cabal: Blackstone/ Bear Stearns Conspiracy

2007-06-27 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: June 27, 2007 8:00:53 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Bush Cabal: Blackstone/ Bear Stearns Conspiracy      Bush Cabal: Blackstone/ Bear Stearns Conspiracy         by AL MARTIN     (6-25-07) Is the Blackstone Group IPO, the usual Republican pump and dump stock fraud scheme like they were back in the 1980s?     No. These are slow-burn deals. A company like Blackstone is a quintessential example of a company that is literally the offspring of the great and all-powerful Bush Cabal. There’s no better example than Blackstone -- perhaps Carlisle Group being its twin sibling from the womb of Washington Bilk and Money.     In other words, this is a stock that’s meant to be pumped slowly and dumped more slowly over time.     Some people have read into this deal that sharp players, like Pete Peterson and his pals, who are the majority insider shareholders of Blackstone, would not be selling unless the Private Equity Fund management fervor was close to reaching a climax.     Is it true? I don’t think it’s as close as some people think it is. It’s just a matter of timing then. That’s what they’re saying. I think we’re still a couple of years away from that.     Because, although central banks are now acting to raise interest rates globally and, by extension, to contract liquidity on the yen-carry trade, the planet is still awash in cheap money.     More--     Other Top Stories     Mineta: Cheney Ordered 9/11 NORAD Stand Down by AARON DYKE(JONESREPORT)     Prouty Refutes 'Peak Oil Scam' Conspiracy by L. FLETCHER PROUTY     CIA Conspiracy: Intro to Assassination Business by L. FLETCHER PROUTY     Shorting the Fake Market Rallies by AL MARTIN     Mysteries of the Tarot by E. E. RHEMUS     Barbara Bush: Aleister Crowley'sThe message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:Shortcut to: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments.  Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. =

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: No. 2 Man in Bush's Dept of the Interior Goes to Prison

2007-06-27 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 27, 2007 12:14:24 PM PDT
Subject: No. 2 Man in Bush's Dept of the Interior Goes to Prison

  During Senate confirmation hearings, it emerged that Grilles  
had had some "domestic altercations" which led to the following  
charges: Breaking and Entering (Richmond, VA 9-Jul-1975), charge  
reduced; and Trespassing (Richmond, VA 9-Jul-1975), convicted.
 Divorcing that wife, Grilles shacked up with his boss in the  
Bush Administration, while handing out goodies to lobbyists and  
getting goodies for himself and his gal pal (now his wife).
Ain't life grand for second-tier Cabinet members in the banana  
republic AKA "F*ck-America."

Judge Orders Prison Time for Ex-Interior Deputy
By James V. Grimaldi
Washington Post, June 27, 2007; A02 

A federal judge rejected the tearful pleas of the former second- 
ranking official in the Interior Department yesterday and sentenced  
him to 10 months in prison for a felony conviction of obstructing a  
Senate investigation into corrupt lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

"You are not above the law," U.S. District Judge Ellen S. Huvelle  
told former deputy interior secretary J. Steven Griles as he asked  
for forgiveness.

Griles pleaded guilty in March to lying to the Senate about his  
relationship with Abramoff. In the plea agreement, prosecutors  
recommended a sentence of five months of house arrest and five  
months in prison.

But Huvelle imposed a sterner penalty of 10 months in prison and a  
$30,000 fine. She said she wanted to send a message to deter  
wrongdoing by high-ranking government officials. Defense attorneys  
had asked for three months of home detention, community service and  
a "reasonable fine."

Griles, 59, the highest-ranking federal official convicted in the  
Abramoff scandal, apologized for his actions and cited 24 years of  
public service. "This has been the most difficult time," Griles  
said, pausing to break down in tears, "in my life. My guilty plea  
has brought me great shame and embarrassment. I have lost my  
business, my income and, most importantly, my reputation."

The judge said that years of public service were no cause for  
leniency. "You held a position of trust as number two in the  
Department of Interior, and I will hold you to a higher standard,"  
Huvelle told Griles. "I find that, even now, you continue to  
minimize and try to excuse your conduct and the nature of your  

After the judge left the packed courtroom, Griles sought comfort  
from his wife, Sue Ellen Wooldridge, a former Interior Department  
solicitor and former assistant attorney general.

Griles, who is not cooperating with the federal investigation, was  
introduced to the now-convicted lobbyist by a girlfriend who ran an  
advocacy group co-founded by former interior secretary Gale Norton  
and financed by Abramoff's Indian tribal clients.

The government contended that Abramoff thought that if he and his  
tribal clients contributed money to the group, then he would gain  
special access to Griles through the girlfriend, Italia Federici.

Federici pleaded guilty this month to tax and perjury charges and  
agreed to cooperate with the government. She admitted to acting as  
a go-between, shuttling information and lobbying requests from  
Abramoff to Griles. The government alleged that Abramoff raised  
thousands of dollars for Federici's group -- the Council of  
Republicans for Environmental Advocacy (CREA) -- just before Griles  
became deputy secretary.

The government said that Griles had asked for $100,000 for CREA and  
Abramoff solicited the funds from his tribal clients. Griles said  
that while he helped raise money earlier, he was unaware of those  
2001 contributions to CREA on eve of his joining the Interior  
Department. He said he learned of them later when Federici stopped  
acting as a conduit between the lobbyist and Griles.

With her brow furrowed, Huvelle expressed disbelief several times  
that Griles did not know that Abramoff was funding CREA at a time  
he was romantically involved with Federici.

Griles stood in the front of the courtroom and said Abramoff was no  
different from any lobbyist who came before him as the top deputy  
to then-Secretary Norton. "I had more contact with many, many  
lobbyists -- more than Jack Abramoff," Griles said.

Barry M. Hartman, attorney for Griles, told the court that the  
actions Griles took involved "normal, appropriate contacts with  
lobbyists," and that his only offense was not being truthful to the  
Senate about his relationship with Federici. Griles's attorneys  
disputed as "inaccurate inferences" government assertions that  
Griles pushed Abramoff's lobbying requests as he urged the lobbyist  
to hire

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Borat, Dick Cheney's Bastard Son

2007-06-27 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 27, 2007 12:00:12 PM PDT
Subject: Borat, Dick Cheney's Bastard Son

Ken Silverstein’s article in the current Harper’s, “Their Men in  
Washington” reminds us that the obstacles put in the path of  
influence peddlers representing corrupt and repressive regimes are  
impressive – on paper at least. On August 10, 2006, the White House  
released its “National Strategy to Internationalize Efforts Against  
Kleptocracy.” In doing so, the Bush Administration publicly  
embraced efforts to target corrupt foreign government officials as  
enemies of democracy and progress. The strategy committed the  
United States to take a number of approaches to counter corruption,  
including promises to:

Vigorously Prosecute Foreign Corruption Offenses and Seize  
Illicitly Acquired Assets. In its continuing efforts against  
bribery of foreign officials, the United States Government will  
expand its capacity to investigate and prosecute criminal  
violations associated with high-level foreign official corruption  
and related money laundering, as well as to seize the proceeds of  
such crimes.

Deny Physical Safe Haven. We will work closely with international  
partners to identify kleptocrats and those who corrupt them, and  
deny such persons entry and safe haven.

It follows, then, that the last thing the Bush Administration would  
do following such an announcement is invite a “kleptocratic foreign  
public official” to Washington for a White House visit. Right?

Well, maybe not.

And indeed, on September 29, 2006, President Bush hosted the  
President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, at the White House.  
How did the Kazakhs pull it off? We understand that the State  
Department firmly opposed the visit, as did staffers at the  
National Security Council. But our sources tell us that Kazakhstan  
turned to one of Washington’s most connected lobbying firms,  
Cassidy & Associates, to pave the way for this visit. And that made  
all the difference. Ken Silverstein’s piece makes clear what a  
powerhouse Cassidy & Associates is, and their ties to Kazakhstan  
could hardly come as a surprise.

Moreover, Nazarbayev has a closely guarded relationship with the  
power behind the throne in Washington: Vice President Dick Cheney.  
During the Clinton years, as Cheney was serving as CEO of  
Halliburton, a leading oil and gas industry service provider with  
an enormous position in Kazakhstan, Cheney also served Nazarbayev  
as a member of Kazakhstan’s Oil Advisory Board, and the two are  
said to have formed a lasting rapport. The relationship continued  
when Cheney came to the White House, and Nazarbayev sought Cheney’s  
advice and intervention in connection with a Justice Department  
corruption investigation, according to a New York Times report by  
Pulitzer Prize winning reporter Jeff Gerth.

There has been lingering suspicion in Congress that Cheney  
intervened to slow down the Justice Department’s management of the  
Kazakh corruption investigation. In any event, following the Cheney- 
Nazarbayev contacts, the Justice Department’s actions slowed to a  
glacial pace.

President Bush had only words of praise for his Kazakh guest. He  
spoke glowingly of Nazarbayev’s commitment to democracy in  
Afghanistan. Curiously, Bush remained silent on the status of  
freedom in Kazakhstan itself.

The truth is that Kazakhstan, for all its economic accomplishment,  
is anything but a burgeoning democracy. This past May, Nazarbayev  
secured passage of a bill allowing him to run for as many  
presidential terms as he likes. Yes, that was literally meant. The  
bill gave the right only to Nazarbayev. All other candidates only  
get two presidential terms at most. Nazarbayev’s intelligence  
service frequently finds cause to harass and intimidate the  
opposition. In recent elections, opposition parties have won one  
seat in Parliament. Western observers like the Organization for  
Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) have accused Nazarbayev  
of rigging elections.

Indeed, at a press conference I attended in Almaty, after an  
election in which opponents achieved roughly 20% of the vote,  
Nazarbayev stated: “Well, I suppose you could say we’ve made 20%  
progress towards democracy.” The room erupted into laughter. But  
for many Kazakhs it was no laughing matter.

The recent “Kazakhgate” trial here in the U.S. demonstrates that  
the Justice Department believes there is a pervasive culture of  
corruption within Nazarbayev’s regime. The trial centers on James  
Giffen, an American businessman with ties to the Western oil  
companies, who stands accused of funneling millions of dollars in  
bribes to Kazakh officials. Giffen ran Mercator Corporation, a  
small New York merchant bank. Mercator’s business consisted of  

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Secret State, Bad State

2007-06-27 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 27, 2007 11:49:17 AM PDT
Subject: Secret State, Bad State

Remember Checks And Balances?

Sharon Bradford Franklin

June 25, 2007

Sharon Bradford Franklin serves as senior counsel at the  
Constitution Project, an independent think tank in Washington, D.C. 

Khaled El-Masri, a German car salesman and father, was on vacation  
in Macedonia when he was detained by local authorities. According  
to his sworn declaration, he was later transferred to U.S.  
authorities, and then beaten, sexually assaulted, drugged and  
transported to a CIA-run “black site” in Afghanistan. For almost  
five months, Mr. El-Masri was interrogated and held in a squalid  
cell without charges. Then, he was abandoned, blindfolded and  
alone, on a desolate Albanian hilltop more than a month after the  
CIA realized they had been holding the wrong man.

Although Mr. El-Masri subsequently filed suit seeking to hold U.S.  
officials accountable for their actions, thus far the U.S.  
government has refused either to confirm or deny any of his  
allegations. Rather, his case against the U.S. government was  
dismissed after the government asserted the “state secrets  
privilege,” suppressing any evidence or testimony that might have  
been used to litigate his claim. He is now seeking to appeal his  
case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The executive branch has relied upon the state secrets privilege to  
claim that the disclosure of certain evidence in court would  
jeopardize national security, and therefore cannot be reviewed by  
private parties, the attorneys or even the judge. As one might  
expect, without this evidence cases are usually dismissed.

The Supreme Court first recognized this privilege in 1953 in United  
States v. Reynolds, when it denied the widows of three civilian Air  
Force contractors access to an accident report. The Air Force had  
claimed that the report was confidential, noting that the personnel  
aboard the plane “were engaged in a highly secret mission of the  
Air Force.”

When the report surfaced decades later, it became clear that the  
only sensitive information therein was evidence of negligence by  
the Air Force that may have caused the men’s deaths. The lower  
courts in Reynolds had ordered that the government submit the  
accident report to the trial court, so it could assess whether the  
document in fact contained state secrets that could not be  
disclosed. But the Supreme Court overruled this determination.  
Sadly, this Supreme Court precedent permitting the executive branch  
to assert the state secrets privilege without any independent  
review of the evidence still stands, and judges continue to give  
the Executive an alarming degree of deference when this privilege  
is invoked.

The Constitution Project recently brought together a broad,  
bipartisan coalition of political leaders, policy experts and legal  
scholars in calling for reform of the privilege. Our Report on the  
State Secrets Privilege urges Congress or the Supreme Court to  
clarify the narrow and qualified scope of this privilege so that  
cases like Mr. El-Masri’s can be litigated.

A court’s acceptance of an executive branch claim of privilege  
without question undermines the established practices and role of  
an independent judiciary. Dismissing challenges to executive branch  
policies outright in the name of national security is unnecessary  
and erodes individual rights. Although there is a role for the  
state secrets privilege to prevent disclosure of genuine state  
secrets to private parties, it is critical that our independent  
judiciary review such claims and determine when the privilege  
properly applies. Either the Supreme Court or Congress can cure  
this problem.

Since the state secrets privilege was first recognized in the  
Supreme Court’s decision in Reynolds, the Court could revisit this  
issue to correct and clarify the proper scope of the privilege. As  
of this writing, Khaled El-Masri is seeking review of his case in  
the Supreme Court. Hopefully, the Court will accept review of the  
case, reexamine the scope and meaning of its decision in Reynolds  
and allow Mr. El-Masri’s case to proceed. Alternatively, since  
privileges are often created by statute, Congress can and should  
take steps to make clear that the state secrets privilege is not a  
license for Executive overreaching. Congress should craft  
legislation which clarifies that judges, not the executive branch,  
have the final say as to whether disputed evidence is subject to  
the state secrets privilege.

Further, the Supreme Court or Congress should make it clear that  
instead of accepting executive claims as valid on their face,  
judges can and should privately review evidence allegedly s

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Domestic Special Ops -- Closing the Barn Door

2007-06-27 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 27, 2007 10:33:22 AM PDT
Subject: Domestic Special Ops -- Closing the Barn Door

William M. Arkin on National and Homeland Security

Special Operations Prepared for Domestic Missions 
The U.S. Northern Command, the military command responsible for  
"homeland defense," has asked the Pentagon if it can establish its  
own special operations command for domestic missions. The request,  
reported in the Washington Examiner, would establish a permanent  
sub-command for responses to incidents of domestic terrorism as  
well as other occasions where special operators may be necessary on  
American soil.

The establishment of a domestic special operations mission, and the  
preparation of contingency plans to employ commandos in the United  
States, would upend decades of tradition. Military actions within  
the United States are the responsibility of state militias (the  
National Guard), and federal law enforcement is a function of the FBI.

Employing special operations for domestic missions sounds very  
ominous, and NORTHCOM's request earlier this year should receive  
the closest possible Pentagon and congressional scrutiny.

There's only one problem: NORTHCOM is already doing what it has  
requested permission to do.

When NORTHCOM was established after 9/11 to be the military  
counterpart to the Department of Homeland Security, within its  
headquarters staff it established a Compartmented Planning and  
Operations Cell (CPOC) responsible for planning and directing a set  
of "compartmented" and "sensitive" operations on U.S., Canadian and  
Mexican soil.

In other words, these are the [same, formerly secret] special  
operations that NORTHCOM is now formally asking the Pentagon to  
beef up into a public and acknowledged sub-command.

NORTHCOM's compartmented and sensitive operations fall under the  
Joint Chiefs of Staff "Focal Point" program, a separate  
communications and planning network used to hide special operations  
undertaken by the Joint Special Operations Command, headquartered  
in North Carolina, and by CIA and other domestic compartmented  

Since 2003, the CPOC has had a small core of permanent members  
drawn from the operations, intelligence and planning directorates.  
In an emergency, the staff can be expanded. According to NORTHCOM  
documents, CPOC is involved in planning for a number of domestic  
missions, including:

-- Non-conventional assisted recovery
-- Integrated survey programs
-- Information operations/"special technical operations"
-- "Special activities"

What are all of these programs? CPOC's basic missions include  
responding to incidents of weapons of mass destruction, support for  
Continuity of Government (COG), protection of the President,  
response to domestic terrorism and insurrection and (presumably)  
domestic intelligence collection. ("Special activities" is a  
euphemism for covert operations.)

A number of operations plans have been associated with these  
domestic operations:

-- CONPLAN 0300 is the basic contingency plan for combating  
domestic terrorism (and may have been folded into newer such plans  
now under the control of U.S. Special Operations Command).
-- "Power Geyser" is the contingency plan for incidents of weapons  
of mass destruction in the Washington area. This includes both  
recovery of a stolen nuclear weapon or disabling of an improvised  
weapon or dirty bomb.
-- USNORTHCOM Antiterrorism Operations Order 05-01 deals with  
domestic counterterrorism and domestic intelligence against groups  
intent on attacking military interests.

With all this going on, for NORTHCOM to ask permission now seems  
beside the point. Still, it's always better to ask. Isn't it?

See what's free at


2007-06-26 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: June 25, 2007 8:40:11 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: CIA MIND CONTROL EXPERIMENTS The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:Shortcut to: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments.  Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. =

Description: Binary data

[cia-drugs] Fwd: CIA Contributes To The Creation Of The Crack Epidemic

2007-06-26 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: June 25, 2007 8:52:26 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: CIA Contributes To The Creation Of The Crack Epidemic The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:Shortcut to: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments.  Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. =

Description: Binary data


2007-06-25 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: Madcow News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 25, 2007 6:39:30 AM PDT

Drug Smuggler Caught in O.J. Simpson Sting

Read the whole story at

June 25 2007
by Daniel Hopsicker

The owner of the flight school in Venice FL where the two hijackers  
who crashed airliners into the World Trade Center took flight  
lessons launched a new aviation company with a partner who was  
convicted in a 2002 drug sting in Miami whose target was O.J.  
Simpson, the MadCowMorningNews has learned.

Former owner of Huffman Aviation Wallace J. Hilliard filed articles  
of incorporation for PRESTIGE AIRWAYS,LLC with the State of Florida  
on June 8th, 2006, government records reveal. In a mysterious move,  
six months later he surreptitiously removed his name from company  

He is partners with convicted drug smuggler Philippe Gornail, who  
pled guilty to selling 37,000 'hits' of ecstasy in February 2002 in  
a drug case which involved a highly-publicized raid on O.J.  
Simpson's house in Miami by the combined forces of the FBI, DEA and  
Miami-Dade police.

Between August and December of 2006 Prestige Airways flew an  
enormous number of flights (419!), records at the U.S. Dept of  
Transportation reveal, between Florida and Haiti.

Nor is Philippe Gornail the only current Hilliard partner with a  
highly-checkered past.

Read the whole story at

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Tomgram: Roger Morris, The Gates Inheritance

2007-06-20 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Alamaine, IVe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 20, 2007 12:13:50 AM PDT
Subject: [ctrl] Tomgram: Roger Morris, The Gates Inheritance

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought
without accepting it." Aristotle
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tom Dispatch

posted 2007-06-19 14:25:48
Tomgram: Roger Morris, The Gates Inheritance 

Alamaine, IVe
Grand Forks, ND, US of A
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a
philosopher." - Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving the included information for research and
educational purposes.

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Geronimo's Great-Grandson Wants Bones Returned

2007-06-20 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 19, 2007 4:11:43 PM PDT
Subject: Geronimo's Great-Grandson Wants Bones Returned

"He died as a prisoner of war, and he is still a prisoner of war  
because his remains were not returned to his homeland," Harlyn  
Geronimo said. "Presently, we are looking for a proper consecrated  

Geronimo's great-grandson wants bones returned

June 17, 2007

SANTA FE, N.M. --Legend has it that Yale University's ultrasecret  
Skull and Bones society swiped the remains of American Indian  
leader Geronimo nearly a century ago from an Army outpost in Oklahoma.

Now, Geronimo's great-grandson wants the remains returned.

Harlyn Geronimo, 59, of Mescalero, N.M., wants to prove the skull  
and bones purportedly taken from a burial plot in Fort Sill, Okla.,  
are indeed those of his great-grandfather. They're now said to be  
in a stone tomb that serves as the club's headquarters.

If they are proven to be those of Geronimo, his great-grandson  
wants them buried near the Indian leader's birthplace in southern  
New Mexico's Gila Wilderness.

"He died as a prisoner of war, and he is still a prisoner of war  
because his remains were not returned to his homeland," Harlyn  
Geronimo said. "Presently, we are looking for a proper consecrated  

Harlyn Geronimo grew up hearing stories about his great-grandfather  
and other Apache warriors who fought the Mexican and U.S. armies.

After their families were captured and sent to Florida, Geronimo  
and 35 warriors surrendered to Gen. Nelson A. Miles near the  
Arizona-New Mexico border in 1886. Geronimo was eventually sent to  
Fort Sill, where he died of pneumonia in 1909.

If the bones at Yale aren't those of Geronimo, Harlyn Geronimo  
believes they belonged to one of the Apache prisoners who died at  
Fort Sill. He said they should still be returned.

Harlyn Geronimo wrote last year to President Bush, seeking his help  
in recovering the bones. He thought that since the president's  
grandfather, Prescott Bush, was allegedly one of those who helped  
steal the bones in 1918, the president would want to help return them.

But, Harlyn Geronimo said, "I haven't heard a word."

The White House did not respond to messages seeking comment.

President Bush and his father, former President George H.W. Bush,  
both attended Yale and joined the elite club. Massachusetts Sen.  
John Kerry, the Democratic presidential nominee in 2004, is also a  
Bonesman, as are many other men in powerful government and industry  

Members are sworn to secrecy -- and that's one reason they won't  
say whether the club has Geronimo's bones.

"The reason there's all these conspiracy theories around Skull and  
Bones is because their loyalty to one another goes beyond their  
public differences," said historian and former Yale Alumni Magazine  
editor Marc Wortman.

Skull and Bones is one of a dozen secret Yale societies, according  
to Yale spokeswoman Gila Reinstein.

"If it's true about the bones, that's disrespectful and  
disturbing," she said.

John Fryar, a retired Bureau of Indian Affairs special agent in  
antiquities recovery and a member of Acoma Pueblo, said if the  
secret society does have remains, they should be returned to Fort  

"To ignore a request like this for the return of human remains is  
totally uncalled for. Look at our guys going to Vietnam to recover  
remains. It's the same thing," he said.



[cia-drugs] Fwd: Closing In on Turd-Blossom

2007-06-20 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 19, 2007 11:36:31 AM PDT
Subject: Closing In on Turd-Blossom

Palast Exclusive: The Tears of a Clone
Conyers Closes in on Karl and his Rove-bots...
*** Special to The BRAD BLOG by Greg Palast

Boo-hoo! I made Tim Griffin cry.

He cried. Then he lied.

You remember Tim. Karl Rove's right hand (right claw?) man. The  
GOP's ragin' cagin' man.

Griffin is the Rove-bot exposed by our BBC Newsnight investigations  
team as the man who gathered and sent out the infamous 'caging'  
lists to Republican state chairmen during the 2004 election.

Caging lists, BBC discovered, were used secretly as a basis to  
challenge the right to vote of thousands of citizens - including  
the homeless, students and soldiers sent overseas. The day after  
BBC broadcast that the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, John  
Conyers, sought our evidence on Griffin, Tim resigned his post as  
US Attorney for Arkansas. That job was a little gift from Karl Rove  
who made room for his man Griffin by demanding the firing of US  
prosecutor Bud Cummins.

Last week, our cameras captured Griffin, all teary-eyed, in his  
humiliating kiss-off speech delivered in Little Rock at the  
University of Arkansas where he moaned that, "public service isn't  
worth it."

True. In the old Jim Crow days in Arkansas, you could get yourself  
elected by blocking African-Americans. (The voters his caging game  
targeted are - quelle surprise! - disproportionately Black citizens.)

But today, Griffin can't even get an unemployment check. When he  
resigned two weeks ago following our broadcast, the cover story was  
that the voter persecutor-turned-prosecutor had resigned to work  
for Presidential wannabe Fred Thompson. But when Thompson's staff  
was asked by a reporter why they would hire the 'cagin' man,'  
suddenly, the 'Law and Order' star decided associating with Griffin  
might take the shine off Thompson's badge, even if it is from the  
props department.

Griffin, instead of saying that public service "isn't worth it,"  
should have said, "Crime doesn't pay." Because, according to  
experts such as law professor Robert F. Kennedy Jr., 'caging,' when  
used to target Black voters' rights, is a go-to-prison crime.

By resigning, Tim may not avoid the hard questions about caging -  
or the hard time that might result. When I passed the first set of  
documents to Conyers (a real film noir moment, in a New York hotel  
room near midnight), the soft-spoken Congressman said that,  
resignation or not, "We aren't done with Mr. Griffin yet..."

Tears Not Truth

Back in Little Rock, when asked about caging, Rove's guy linked a  
few fibs to a few whoppers to some malefactious mendacity. That is,  
he lied.

"I didn't cage votes. I didn't cage mail," Griffin asserted.

At the risk of making you cry again, Tim, may I point you to an  
email dated August 26, 2004. It says, "Subject: Re: Caging." And it  
says, "From: Tim Griffin - Research/Communications" with the email  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] RNCHQ is the Republican National Committee  
Headquarters, is it not, Mr. Griffin? Now do you remember caging mail?

If that doesn't ring a bell, please note that at the bottom is  
this: "ATTACHMENT: Caging-1.xls". And that attachment was a list of  

In last week's pathetic farewell, Mr. Griffin averred that the  
accusation he was involved in caging voters, "Goes back to one guy  
- whose name I won't mention." (FYI, Mr. Griffin: My mother calls  
me, "Gregory.")

Yes, I first reported the story for BBC London - back in 2004  
which, as Griffin correctly noted, it was ignored by my US press  
colleagues until, as Tim put it, "I became embroiled in the US  
Attorney thing." By 'the US Attorney thing,' I assume you are  
referring to your involvement in firing and smearing honest  
prosecutors and grabbing one of their salaries for yourself.

You say, Mr. Griffin, that the unmentionable reporter, "Made [it]  
up out of whole cloth." You flatter me, Mr. Griffin. We could not  
possibly be so creative at The Beeb as to construct the thousands  
of names of voters on your caging lists.

And by the way, we don't have just one of your "caging" emails, but  
scores of them.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for sending them to us  
- even if that was not your intent. You copied your caging missives  
to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Mr. Doster was Chairman of the  
Florida Bush campaign - but that address was not his but John  
Wooden's pretending to be the Bush campaigners. Wooden then sent  
your notes to me.

Rove in Range

By the way, Mr. Griffin, if you want an explanation of 'caging  
voters,' just read an email dated February 5, 2007 by...Tim Griffin.

In that email, Griffin references the Bush campaigns mailing out  
thousands of letters. The letters returned ('caged

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] The corporate takeover of US intelligence

2007-06-19 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 19, 2007 2:49:37 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] The corporate takeover of US intelligence

The corporate takeover of US intelligence
The U.S. government now outsources a vast portion of its spying  
operations to private firms -- with zero public accountability.

The Salon / by Tim Shorrock / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[He is writing a book about the privatization of U.S. intelligence,
which will be published in 2008 by Simon & Schuster]
Jun 2 2007

More than five years into the global "war on terror," spying has  
become one of the fastest-growing private industries in the United  
States. The federal government relies more than ever on outsourcing  
for some of its most sensitive work, though it has kept details  
about its use of private contractors a closely guarded secret.  
Intelligence experts, and even the government itself, have warned  
of a critical lack of oversight for the booming intelligence business.
On May 14, at an industry conference in Colorado sponsored by the  
Defense Intelligence Agency, the U.S. government revealed for the  
first time how much of its classified intelligence budget is spent  
on private contracts: a whopping 70 percent. Based on this year’s  
estimated budget of at least $48 billion, that would come to at  
least $34 billion in contracts. The figure was disclosed by Terri  
Everett, a senior procurement executive in the Office of the  
Director of National Intelligence, the agency established by  
Congress in 2004 to oversee the 16 agencies that make up the U.S.  
intelligence infrastructure. A copy of Everett's unclassified  
PowerPoint slide presentation, titled "Procuring the Future" and  
dated May 25, was obtained by Salon. (It has since become available  
on the DIA's Web site.) "We can't spy ... If we can't buy!" one of  
the slides proclaims, underscoring the enormous dependence of U.S.  
intelligence agencies on private sector contracts.
The DNI figures show that the aggregate number of private contracts  
awarded by intelligence agencies rose by about 38 percent from the  
mid-1990s to 2005. But the surge in outsourcing has been far more  
dramatic measured in dollars: Over the same period of time, the  
total value of intelligence contracts more than doubled, from about  
$18 billion in 1995 to about $42 billion in 2005.
"Those numbers are startling," said Steven Aftergood, the director  
of the Project on Government Secrecy at the Federation of American  
Scientists and an expert on the U.S. intelligence budget. "They  
represent a transformation of the Cold War intelligence bureaucracy  
into something new and different that is literally dominated by  
contractor interests."
Because of the cloak of secrecy thrown over the intelligence  
budgets, there is no way for the American public, or even much of  
Congress, to know how those contractors are getting the money, what  
they are doing with it, or how effectively they are using it. The  
explosion in outsourcing has taken place against a backdrop of  
intelligence failures for which the Bush administration has been  
hammered by critics, from Saddam Hussein's fictional weapons of  
mass destruction to abusive interrogations that have involved  
employees of private contractors operating in Iraq, Afghanistan and  
Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Aftergood and other experts also warn that  
the lack of transparency creates conditions ripe for corruption.
Trey Brown, a DNI press officer, told Salon that the 70 percent  
figure disclosed by Everett refers to everything that U.S.  
intelligence agencies buy, from pencils to buildings to "whatever  
devices we use to collect intelligence." Asked how much of the  
money doled out goes toward big-ticket items like military spy  
satellites, he replied, "We can't really talk about those kinds of  
The media has reported on some contracting figures for individual  
agencies, but never before for the entire U.S. intelligence  
enterprise. In 2006, the Washington Post reported that a  
"significant majority" of the employees at two key agencies, the  
National Counterterrrorism Center and the Pentagon's Counter- 
Intelligence Field Activity office, were contractors (at CIFA, the  
number was more than 70 percent). More recently, former officers  
with the Central Intelligence Agency have said the CIA's workforce  
is about 60 percent contractors.
But the statistics alone don't even show the degree to which  
outsourcing has penetrated U.S. intelligence -- many tasks and  
services once reserved exclusively for government employees are  
being handled by civilians. For example, private contractors  
analyze much of the intelligence collected by satellites and low- 
flying unmanned aerial vehicles, and they write reports that are  
passed up to the line to high-ranking gov

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] New agency IARPA develops Spy Tools

2007-06-19 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 19, 2007 2:56:36 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] New agency IARPA develops Spy Tools

AP / by Katherine Shrader

Using a new laptop and a satellite link, FBI agents can find out  
within two minutes whether the fingerprint from a newly captured  
suspect overseas matches a terrorist database in Virginia.
Intelligence officials are running documents in languages such as  
Arabic through a new computer program called "English Now." It  
converts the foreign characters into the Roman alphabet and makes  
words such as Baghdad, President Bush or Osama bin Laden jump out  
to spies who can't read Arabic.
The language software and the fingerprint-recognition system are  
examples of new spy gear that the national intelligence director's  
office bought last year. They may seem like tools that should have  
been available years ago, but the government isn't noted for its  
ability to quickly develop new technology.
A fledging center called IARPA is hoping to change that. The  
Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity will try to  
develop groundbreaking technology for the 16 spy agencies.
One potential tool sounds like it comes from an episode of Star  
Trek: "cloaking" technology that can bend radar around an object to  
make it appear it's not there. Others include power sources shrunk  
using nano-technology and quantum computers that can speed code- 
breaking, says IARPA acting director Steve Nixon. "The world has  
changed in dramatic ways with globalization of technology," Nixon  
said in an interview. "These are the things that might not get done  
But not everyone is convinced this is the right way to make new spy  
tools. The House Intelligence Committee has questions about whether  
the government truly needs it.
"Much of this research is already going on," said Rep. Heather  
Wilson, R-N.M., the top Republican on the House Intelligence  
Committee's panel on technical intelligence. She said IARPA raises  
questions about the role of new National Intelligence Director Mike  
McConnell, who was supposed to coordinate U.S. intelligence  
agencies _ not get into their daily operations. "Is it to fund  
these things and pull them into the DNI's office and give itself  
its own turf and projects and pet rocks?" she asked.
There is even resistance within the CIA itself, according to  
officials who spoke about the concerns privately. The agency gets  
money that is supposed to go for spy tools that can be shared  
across the government. CIA spokesman Paul Gimigliano denied any  
friction, saying the agency welcomes ideas that promote  
collaboration on new technology.
In the last half-century, U.S. spy agencies have made technical  
breakthroughs large and small. In the 1970s, the CIA shared its  
lithium-iodine batteries with the medical field, which now uses  
them in pacemakers. Its scientists developed microdot cameras that  
can produce images so small that they can be hidden in the period  
of this sentence. They also built a life-size robotic dragonfly  
that could have been used for surveillance, if only it could have  
handled crosswinds.
If IARPA can clear some crucial hurdles, including convincing its  
congressional skeptics, the new office will be modeled after a  
similar agency that develops gee-whiz toys for the Pentagon.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency was created after the  
Russians launched Sputnik in 1957, driving home the U.S.  
competitive disadvantage in space. Since then, DARPA researchers  
have brought the United States much-heralded advances including  
stealth technology, global positioning systems and the Internet.
But it also brought controversy. The agency's Total Information  
Awareness data-mining program was launched after the Sept. 11,  
2001, attacks to use technology to find terrorists; critics saw it  
as a step toward Big Brother-style mass government surveillance.  
Congress eliminated the program's funding at DARPA in 2003, but  
portions were moved to secret accounts at other agencies.
The new intelligence organization will be significantly smaller  
than DARPA, which has a $3 billion annual budget. It will be based  
at the University of Maryland and staffed with 56 intelligence  
professionals from the CIA and from McConnell's organization.
Rather than funding IARPA in the House intelligence budget bill  
passed this month, lawmakers directed technology dollars to centers  
developing tools that can be shared across government, including  
offices within the CIA, National Security Agency and National  
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.
The measure included criticism of McConnell's office for failing to  
provide details on how IARPA will work and raised questions about  
whether it would harm existing research for spy tools.
Nixon says IARPA won't have labs and electron mi

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] [B]iggest mob trial since Al Capone

2007-06-19 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Alamaine, IVe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 19, 2007 12:11:27 AM PDT
Subject: [ctrl] [B]iggest mob trial since Al Capone

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought
without accepting it." Aristotle
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,,2106235,00.html

The 78-year-old wiseguy at the centre of biggest mob trial since Al

· Ex-head of Chicago 'Outfit' accused of dozen murders
· Prosecutors hope to lift lid on two decades of crime
Richard Luscombe in Miami
Tuesday June 19, 2007

Frail, wizened, in a wheelchair and with a heart complaint, 78-year- 

Joey Lombardo hardly cuts the figure of a ruthless mafia godfather
allegedly behind more than a dozen Chicago murders in the 1970s and  

But to the authorities in the Windy City, the gangster nicknamed "the
Clown" for his wisecracks and sharp wit is perhaps their biggest catch
since Al Capone almost 80 years ago.

Mr Lombardo and a handful of senior associates will appear in a  
court this morning on conspiracy to murder and racketeering  
charges, at

the start of a four-month trial that promises more intrigue than an
entire series of the recently ended gangland drama The Sopranos.

At its heart is Lombardo, the reputed former head of the powerful  

"Outfit" whose alleged victims include the underworld rival Tony
Spilotro, buried alive in an Indiana cornfield in 1986, and whose  

was later recreated in the film Casino.

Mr Lombardo, who was on the run for almost a year before his  
capture by
FBI agents last January, joked to a judge at his pre-trial hearing  

he had been, "what do they call it, unavailable", when asked if he had
seen a doctor recently.

A colourful supporting cast includes an array of mob squealers, bent
cops, loan sharks, bookies, hit men and pornographers whose testimony,
prosecutors hope, will lift the lid on more than two decades of mafia
violence in one of America's most crime-ridden cities.

"It'll be many years before there's anything to rival this," Lee  
Flosi, a

former member of the FBI's organised crime task force told the Chicago

Mr Lombardo, who joined the Chicago Outfit in the 1950s and served  

years for conspiracy in the late 1980s, revels in his reputation as a
prankster. He enjoys yawning to spoil police mugshot photographs  
and was
once said to have fled a police raid on a gambling den clutching  

and a book of jokes.

One friend said he was "more liked than the priest" in the West Side
neighbourhood where he used to coach baseball to children.

Prosecutors, however, are keen to play up the seriousness of the
allegations against him. Jurors, who have been promised anonymity for
their protection, will hear that Mr Lombardo, and his fellow  
leaders of

the so-called Outfit, James Marcello and Frank Calabrese Sr, were
allegedly responsible for up to 18 unsolved slayings in Chicago, along
with running the usual mob activities of illegal gambling, protection
rackets and prostitution rings.

The defendants were indicted along with 11 others in 2005 after an
intensive FBI operation that investigators code-named "Family  

because it involves a mob captain, Nicholas Calabrese, giving evidence
against his brother about Spilotro's murder.

Yet only five of the ageing defendants remain to stand trial today,
including Mr Marcello and Mr Calabrese, 65 and 71 respectively; the
Outfit's alleged leading loan shark, Paul Schiro, 69, and an ex- 

police officer, Anthony Doyle, 62.

Those to have fallen by the wayside in the two years since the  
include Frank Saladino, who was found dead in a New Hampshire motel  
along with thousands of dollars in cash, and Frank Schweihs, a 77- 

old alleged Outfit enforcer, who has been excused from today's
proceedings because he is undergoing treatment for cancer.

Mr Schweihs is the second alleged geriatric godfather to win  
treatment from US courts this year. Albert Facciano, 97, was  
sentenced to
house arrest at his Florida condominium last month despite  
admitting to

decades of service as a henchman for New York's Genovese crime family.

Some mafia experts believe that a higher success rate in the Lombardo
case might have been achieved if tackling gangland crime had been  
made a

higher priority. "It's taken a long time for law enforcement officials
and federal authorities to do to the mob in Chicago what  
authorities in
New York have been doing for 20 years," said Jerry Capeci, editor  
of the website.

"Back in the 1980s, authorities there were obtaining racketeering
indictments against entire families."

Mr Lombardo's health, meanwhile, is likely to becoming a recurring  
at his trial. While in custody last September, he underwent heart  
after his lawyer repeatedly complained that the authorities wer

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Who is Jon(athon) Moseley?

2007-06-19 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 18, 2007 3:14:58 PM PDT
Subject: Who is Jon(athon) Moseley?

Who is Jonathon Moseley?

by Deborah Stevens

On Wednesday August 16, 2006 a person named Jonathon Moseley posted  
an outrageously false and libelous hit piece against Professor  
Steve Jones, Professor Emeritus Jim Fetzer, and the society  
Scholars For 911 Truth on WorldNetDaily, which was thoroughly  
refuted by Dr. Fetzer on WorldNetDaily on August 18. Moseley bore  
false witness against Professor Jones by alleging that he was  
"calling for the violent overthrow of the government " during the  
televised panel discussion of the L.A. Scholars Symposium which  
aired on CSPAN multiple times. Moseley even had the audacity to  
repeat this deliberate falsehood by adding that "millions of people  
heard him [Jones] say it" during a debate with Dr. Fetzer and Alex  
Jones on the Alex Jones show earlier this week.

Jonathon Moseley stated at the beginning of the interview that he  
is an attorney and that his brother-in-law owns the publishing  
company associated with the Swift Boat book that attacked the war  
record of John Kerry, the Democrat's candidate for President in  
2004. An internet search revealed that Moseley is also the  
Executive Director of the U.S. Seaport Commission, a public policy  
organization that warns against foreign control and ownership of  
the U.S. ports. This organization is also part of another policy- 
forming group, the U.S. Intelligence Council, which disseminates  
publications regarding threats of China and concern of our ports.

It would be interesting to know if these entities are CIA assets.  
Perhaps Moseley would like to tell us.

More searching led to what looks like a press release disguised as  
a news article in July of 2005 which suggests that he had served as  
the Executive Director of yet another entity, the Legal Affairs  
Council, in 2005 and had endorsed and promoted the nomination of  
John Roberts to the Supreme Court. More search shows that The Legal  
Affairs Council is another organization that develops policy whose  
mission statement includes "sharing intelligence about legal and  
government relations issues that impact advertising and marketing."  
Their stated purpose is to "Develop and respond to identified  
Government Issues" and "Educate Government officials about the  
value of interactive advertising." Even though Moseley's hit piece  
against Dr. Jones wasn't endorsed or represented by the LAC, this  
still leaves one wondering if Dr. Jones, Dr. Fetzer, and the  
Scholars For 911 Truth society are considered "identified  
Government issues" that Mr. Moseley needed to "respond" to.

The LAC is but one of an assortment of councils that are all part  
of the larger Interactive Advertising Bureau, where these councils  
of the IAB apparently advise the government on all different  
aspects of advertising & marketing. The LAC appears to be the  
government's legal advice team in this regard. In other words, it  
looks as though the LAC works out the legal details for what may be  
one of the goverment's more substantial propaganda machines, the  
IAB. Thus Moseley was in charge of the LAC last year and heavily  
propagandized the John Roberts nomination.

Moseley's unbelievably juvenile tactics during the debate as well  
as his complete lack of preparation was obvious. But one thing just  
stuck out so much - it was the tone and frequency of his voice that  
led me to question whether the person who was debating with Jones  
and Fetzer could actually even be old enough to be the person in  
the photograph posted on the U.S. Seaport Commission's website.

I discovered the webpage of his private lawfirm which is posted on  
lawguru. I did some simple addition of some numbers provided on his  
own site to determine his approximate age. Moseley stated that he  
had been an attorney for eight years when he started his own firm.  
His earliest message post to this site was around April of 2004. To  
go through the normal process of becoming a lawyer, presumable one  
would need 4 years of college and three years of law school. Once  
you add in the eight years of experience he claims he had under his  
belt as of 2004, his age would have been approximately 33 years old  
at minimum in 2004, which would make him 35 years old this year at  
minimum. A photo of Moseley on his U.S. Seaport Commission site  
confirms this deduction.

The person who debated with Jones and Fetzer sounded and acted like  
a much younger person. I found it difficult to believe that this  
strikingly immature sounding person could be the man in that photo  
at least 35 years of age, an attorney with the presumptive  
maturity, experience, intelligence, and critical thinking skills  
that (one would h

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Osama Bin Laden "Confession Video" A Fraud

2007-06-18 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 18, 2007 7:10:24 AM PDT
Subject: Fwd: Osama Bin Laden "Confession Video" A Fraud

Bin Laden's "confession video" has reached every civilized corner  
of the earth in which a press can be found.  Hundreds of millions  
of people saw, heard, or read about the video.  On December 13,  
2001 the video was publicly released, and considering the sheer  
volume of exposure, there should have been no questions, no room  
for doubt.  Yet, to this day, every iota of documentation related  
to the discovery of the video and the process by which it was  
authenticated as genuine is secret.  The U.S. government claims  
that all information relating to the acquisition of the videotape  
is a matter of national security.  What could possibly justify the  
secrecy surrounding the videotape?

See what's free at

From: "Jim S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 17, 2007 4:49:10 PM PDT
Subject: C.I.A. Letter Supports Assertion That O.B.L. "Confession  
Video" Was A Sting Operation *C.I.A. Letter  
Supports Assertion That O.B.L. "Confession Video" Was A Sting  

By Ed Haas

How many times has the now infamous Osama bin Laden "confession  
video" played in the corporate media after its release on December  
13, 2001? How many newspapers carried the story of Osama bin Laden,  
confessing to his prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks, in their  
December 14, 2001 editions?  How about worldwide?  Combined, how  
many television stations, radio broadcasts, and newspapers do you  
think ran segments and stories about the content of this video?   "OPED NEWS" --  
Considering the number of television and radio news media outlets  
globally, coupled with the fact that many of the television news  
stations in the United States played portions of this video every  
15 minutes for weeks after its release, and it can be safely  
estimated that this "confession video" has played millions of times  
since its release nearly six years ago.  It can also be accepted as  
fact that the story of the "confession tape" was deemed fit for  
print repeatedly in every newspaper and news magazine in the United  
States and nearly every other similar type of publication worldwide.

Without a doubt, exposure to the "confession video" has reached  
every civilized corner of the earth in which a press can be found.   
Millions of times hundreds of millions of people saw, heard, or  
read about the video.  On December 13, 2001 the video was not a  
secret anymore.  With its sheer volume of exposure, there should be  
no secrets about it.  Yet, to this day, documentation related to  
the discovery of the video and its authenticity is being guarded by  
elements of the U.S. government under the veil of in the interest  
of national defense or foreign policy.  The U.S. government claims  
that the documentation surrounding the videotape is a matter of  
national security -- and therefore secret.  What could possibly be  
the secret surrounding the videotape?

Almost unanimously, the western corporate media has accepted the  
"confession video" as the Department of Defense described it in its  
December 13, 2001 press release -- that the videotape of Osama bin  
Laden was obtained by U.S. forces in Jalalabad, Afghanistan in late  
November 2001 -- without question.
How is it that virtually nobody within the corporate media became  
curious about exactly how the video was obtained by U.S. forces?   
Which U.S. forces?  What unit?  The U.S. government claimed that  
the "confession video" was found in a destroyed building once used  
by al-Qaeda fighters.  How?  I'm trying to imagine the scene.  U.S.  
forces are searching abandoned buildings in Jalalabad and  
surrounding areas. They’re trying to smoke out al-Qaeda.  Fire  
teams are entering each building, many in ruins, trying to locate  
al-Qaeda fighters.  There, inside a bombed out building complete  
with the accustomed war torn debris is a videotape…It captures the  
attention of a soldier?  He picks it up…and then what?

What was the name of the soldier[s]?  We know the names of the  
soldiers that found Saddam Hussein hiding in a spider hole.  Why  
not tell us the name of the soldier that discovered this most  
important videotape?  What made him pick up the video?  What made  
the videotape stand out?  Where was it among the rubble?  Was it on  
a shelf, on a table, or in a box? Who did he give the video to  
after he retrieved it?  Where did the video go next?  And who  
watched the video for the first time and why?  What prompted  
somebody to even bother to watch it?  How did it arrive in the  
United States?  From beginning to end, what was the chain of  
custody of the video from the time it wa

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Bush buddy/Skull & Bones member is "boss of the Blackstone private equity."

2007-06-15 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: June 15, 2007 7:24:26 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED], ctrl CTRL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Cc: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Bush buddy/Skull & Bones member is "boss of the Blackstone private equity.",,2104177,00.htmlThe Guardian profile: Stephen SchwarzmanBorn: February 14 1947Family: Married to Christine Hearst, a lawyer. Three children between them from previous marriagesEducation: BA from Yale ; MBA from Harvard business schoolEmployment: Began at Lehman Brothers; managing director by 31. Left 1985 to co-found BlackstoneInterests: Chairman, Kennedy Centre for Performing Arts; board of New York Public Library; member Council on Foreign Relations thinktank Andrew Clark in New YorkFriday June 15, 2007The Guardian After a tough day of deal-making, it is only right that the king of Wall Street should retire home to a palace. Stephen Schwarzman does just that - his Manhattan apartment boasts 35 rooms including a foyer the size of a ballroom, his-and-hers saunas, a pine-panelled library, 11 fi replaces and 13 bathrooms.Works by Claude Monet and the American abstract artist Cy Twombly adorn the walls of the two-floor, 20,000 square foot Park Avenue residence. In pride of place, according to visitors, is a silver-framed photograph of Schwarzman arm in arm with President Bush. Brash, well-connected and fabulously wealthy, Schwarzman, 60, is New York's man of the moment. The Pennsylvania-born boss of the Blackstone private equity empire has been at the forefront of a rush of multibillion-dollar deals to snatch public companies away from the prying eyes of the stock market.Article continuesBlackstone's investments have included $12.7bn (£6.4bn) for the market research firm Nielsen, $3.2bn for United Biscuits, $2.3bn for Orangina and $3.6bn for Merlin Entertainment - the owner of Madame Tussauds, Alton Towers and the London Eye. In November, the firm smashed records by paying $38bn for US property firm Equity Office Properties.The son of a curtain store owner, Schwarzman is not blessed with deep reserves of patience, and to describe him as competitive would be a reckless understatement. "I want war, not a series of skirmishes," he told one interviewer this week. "I always think about what will kill off the other bidder."The business channel CNBC has dubbed him the premier capitalist in America. In a March cover story, Fortune magazine crowned him as Wall Street's monarch.This week, Blackstone was compelled to disclose the extent of his riches in a prospectus for a stock market flotation, and revealed that Schwarzman took home $398m in cash last year. When the firm goes public, he will scoop at least $449m and his ongoing 23% stake in the business will be worth $7.7bn.Blackstone points out that these sums reflect the fact that Schwarzman invested his own money to start the fi rm in 1985. But to some, he has become a poster boy for financial excess.Richard Ferlauto, director of investment policy at the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, says Schwarzman benefits from favourable tax breaks and is setting a benchmark bound to drag up boardroom pay elsewhere: "How much incentive does he need, given his direct ownership of the company, to get him to produce more for his limited partners?"Another union, the SEIU, is more measured. It says private equity has an opportunity to shape companies in a beneficial way for both workers and employers. But spokesman Andy McDonald adds: "Right now, the economy's doing very, very well for a small number of people but there's a much larger group for whom wages are stagnant and healthcare is hard to come by."By definition, private equity is low-profile. Its logic is to take companies with long-term challenges out of the public gaze and to restructure them without day-to-day scrutiny from investors. Blackstone's rivals - KKR, Texas Pacific and Carlyle Group - shun the limelight. Schwarzman, though, is different. Short, grey-haired and softly-spoken, he is renowned for his exotic parties. His Christmas event was themed on 007, with Bond girls sashaying around with trays of nibbles. Then in February, he spent an estimated $3m on a birthday bash featuring private performances by Rod Stewart and Patti LaBelle at a regimental armoury on Manhattan's upper east side. The venue was decorated to look like Schwarzman's own living room, complete with a huge portrait of the host himself. Guests included Colin Powell, Donald Trump and mayor Michael Bloomberg.Typical of Schwarzman's prestige is his choice of living space. He paid $30m in 2000 for his apartment, which was previously the home of the Mayflower descendant George Brewster, John D Rockefeller and computer leasing magnate Saul Steinberg. "Each one of them, in their way, was the ultimate capitalist 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Huck Finn, Meet Buck Foosh

2007-06-14 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 14, 2007 12:22:32 PM PDT
Subject: Huck Finn, Meet Buck Foosh

America’s Nostradamus

06/14/2007 - 04:44.

There’s no doubt that a good argument could be made, and often is,  
that the most famous of American prognosticators is none other than  
the enigmatic Edgar Cayce, and I certainly would never take  
anything away from his extraordinary psychic achievements. But, I  
talk today about another man with the gift of sight, a soothsayer  
wrapped in the illusory façade of a simple humorist whose  
intelligence and foresight was both underestimated and  
underappreciated back in his day. However, today he's proving to be  
the Nostradamus of American life whose forward vision was leaps and  
bounds ahead of his own 19th-Century.
I first read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn when I was eleven- 
years old. At the time, bound by my underdeveloped powers of  
comprehension, the level of Twain’s patriotic capaciousness escaped  
me. But his ability to use humor to reveal the hidden nuances of  
American life did not. His rapier wit and excoriating literary  
style cast a beacon into not only the sentiency of 19th-Century  
adolescence in Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer, but also, in his later  
works, the collective mindset of a country struggling through an  
era of onslaught by corporate elitists and their chickenhawk  
marionettes in Washington – an era much like we find ourselves in  

Twain’s The Mysterious Stranger, first published back in 1916, (six- 
years after his death) is exponentially darker than his prior  
works. And, unlike Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, this magniloquent  
masterpiece disallows the reader the comfort of cloaking his/her  
emotions behind a puerile front. It dares to question the beliefs  
and ideals insidiously instilled deep in the American psyche by our  
perennially propagandist government.

The Mysterious Stranger takes the unwitting reader on a surreal  
journey to mankind’s darker side. It exploits, as only Mark Twain  
can - our irrational fears and propensity for solving all our  
problems with violence – be it burning witches at the stake – or  
waging wars serving only the “… little monarchs and their [petty]  

As we find ourselves a day deeper into the delusional morass of  
blood, guts and ignominy that is Bush’s perpetual war, Twain’s  
words ring even truer than he ever intended:

"The loud little handful will shout for war then the handful will  
shout louder. A few fair men on the other side will argue and  
reason against the war with speech and pen, and at first will have  
hearing and be applauded; but it will not last long; those others  
will out shout them and presently the anti-war audiences will thin  
and lose popularity. Before long, you will see the most curious  
thing: the speakers stoned from the platform, and free speech  
strangled by hordes of furious men. And now the whole nation will  
take up the war cry, shout itself hoarse, and mob any honest man  
who ventures to open his mouth; and presently such mouths will  
cease to open.”

Ahh, but Mr. Twain’s just getting started. He nails it with this  

"Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon  
the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those  
conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them and  
refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and  
by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for  
the better sleep he enjoys after the process of grotesque self- 

Don’t forget, it’s been more than nine-decades since Mr. Twain  
wrote the above missive, and it was published just about the same  
time as the decider guy’s war-profiteering ancestors first started  
making their blood-millions by selling out our country.

Alas, at this dangerous time in history, this once great country is  
left with (incurious) George; the least likely of our presidents to  
read the clarion messages left by our most patriotic predecessors,  
let alone learn by them.

By contrast, this cretinous man remains bunkered down in the now- 
defiled White House, adamant to carry out his costly hegemonic wars  
and whispers of wars - no matter what the people say. Meanwhile,  
every new chasm he creates in this country; every new religious  
contention or political wall; every new subversion of our  
Constitution brings this country closer to a precipice reserved  
only for the fallen, ignominious empires of history. Mr. Twain  
wonders aloud why free men would follow such despots:

"But what does it amount to? Nothing at all. You gain nothing. You  
always come out where you went in. For a million years, the race  
has gone on monotonously propagating itself and monotonously re- 
performing this dull nonse

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [narconews] Giordano Refuses 2007 Project Censored Award

2007-06-14 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "David B. Briones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 14, 2007 12:09:48 AM PDT
Subject: [narconews] Giordano Refuses 2007 Project Censored Award

June 14, 2007
Please distribute widely

Dear Colleague,

Narco News Publisher Al Giordano has been awarded a 2007 "Project  
Censored" Award for his reports, last summer, documenting the  
massive electoral fraud in Mexico's presidential race.

But the award - which we never asked for - came with conditions,  
including that he allow a commercial editorial house of dubious  
repute to republish his work.

Giordano responds to the email from Tricia Boreta of Project  
Censored, informing him of the conditions of his award:

"Dear Ms. Boreta,

"Please don't take this personally - I think that all of you at  
Project Censored are sincere people that believe you are helping me  
and other independent journalists - but I must decline your 2007  

"I must also insist that you not publish my words or reporting, not  
even in 'synopsis' form, in any book by Seven Stories Press and its  
UDBCP ('Unethical Douche Bag of a Capitalist Publisher'), Dan  
Simon. I do not wish to be associated with that editorial house or  
its owner in any way..."

Read the whole sordid tale on Narco News:

From somewhere in a country called América,

David B. Briones
The Narco News Bulletin

Narco News is supported by:

The Fund for Authentic Journalism P.O. Box 241 Natick, MA 01760

The Fund receives online donations at this web page:

Apply for your co-publisher's account, here:

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portugues brasileiro:

Re: [cia-drugs] amended resend - ctrl awol.. / " Dunno. "

2007-06-09 Thread RoadsEnd
Yes, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is down, dunna know why. Have contacted yahoo,  
they say they will get back in 48 hours.  And there is no phone  
number that I have that works until Monday. So we will see.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  is still running.


On Jun 9, 2007, at 8:12 AM, w r wrote:

> bob,
> i just noticed that you linked to the ctrl homepage..
> glad it's there , but from the links i posted , i
> asssumed it was clear that i was asking about the ctrl
> yahoo group.. which i do assume you recognised..
> aren't you a bit  upset ? i am ..  lots of good info
> gone and the
> group itself is a venerable online institution still
> very timely five years past 9 / 11..
> is mr. millegan not owner / mgr of both ( ctrl and
> cia- drugs ) grougs.. ?
> didn't he approve my initial
> question posted to this board about the ctrl  messages
> gone misssing being .?
> if you're reading this , kris , please let us know if
> you killed the archive .. or if yahoo did..  and in
> eithe case , why  by your choice or to your best
> knowledge this happened.. and if t he group archives
> and activity can or will be restored..
> thanks , w r
> ^
> From:  "muckblit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Date: Sat, 09
> Jun 2007 08:13:52 -
> Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: what happened to ctrl ?
> Dunno.
> http://www.ctrl. org/graphicHome/ CTRLhome. html
> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "essentuky_17"
>  wrote:
>> seems all messages are gone.. gone for good ? what
> happened ?
>> http://groups. group/ctrl/
>> http://groups. group/ctrl/ messages
>> Activity within 7 days:
>> (No Activity)
> __ 
> __
> Get the free Yahoo! toolbar and rest assured with the added  
> security of spyware protection.
> Complete archives at
> Please let us stay on topic and be civil.
> OM
> Yahoo! Groups Links

[cia-drugs] Fwd: "I Work for Your Government, So I'm Above the Law and Not Accountable"

2007-06-08 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 8, 2007 5:35:31 PM PDT
Subject: "I Work for Your Government, So I'm Above the Law and Not  

The lawyers representing the families of four American Blackwater  
contractors killed in Fallujah say  the company is counter-suing  
the families to keep them quiet and to avoid any accountability.
Blackwater stonewalled families concerning any information about  
how their menfolk were killed.
For 2 1/2 years, Blackwater has not answered a single question or  
produced a single document.

tags: neocons, war profiteering, no decency

Blackwater Sues Families of Slain Employees
for $10 Million to Try to Suppress Their Story

By Daniel J. Callahan and Marc P. Miles, AlterNet
Posted on June 8, 2007, Printed on June 8, 2007

The following article is by the lawyers representing the families  
of four American contractors who worked for Blackwater and were  
killed in Fallujah. After Blackwater refused to share information  
about why they were killed, the families were told they would have  
to sue Blackwater to find out. Now Blackwater is trying to sue them  
for $10 million to keep them quiet.
Raleigh, NC -- The families of four American security contractors  
who were burned, beaten, dragged through the streets of Fallujah  
and their decapitated bodies hung from a bridge over the Euphrates  
River on March 31, 2004, are reaching out to the American public to  
help protect themselves against the very company their loved ones  
were serving when killed, Blackwater Security Consulting. After  
Blackwater lost a series of appeals all the away to the U.S.  
Supreme Court, Blackwater has now changed its tactics and is suing  
the dead men's estates for $10 million to silence the families and  
keep them out of court.

Following these gruesome deaths which were broadcast on worldwide  
television, the surviving family members looked to Blackwater for  
answers as to how and why their loved ones died. Blackwater not  
only refused to give the grieving families any information, but  
also callously stated that they would need to sue Blackwater to get  
it. Left with no alternative, in January 2005, the families filed  
suit against Blackwater, which is owned by the wealthy and  
politically-connected Erik Prince.

Blackwater quickly adapted its battlefield tactics to the  
courtroom. It initially hired Fred F. Fielding, who is currently  
counsel to the President of the United States. It then hired Joseph  
E. Schmitz as its in-house counsel, who was formerly the Inspector  
General at the Pentagon. More recently, Blackwater employed Kenneth  
Starr, famed prosecutor in the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky  
scandal, to oppose the families. To add additional muscle,  
Blackwater hired Cofer Black, who was the Director of the CIA  
Counter- Terrorist Center.

After filing its suit against the dead men's estates, Blackwater  
demanded that its claim and the families' existing lawsuit be  
handled in a private arbitration. By suing the families in  
arbitration, Blackwater has attempted to move the examination of  
their wrongful conduct outside of the eye of the public and away  
from a jury. This comes at the same time when Congress is  
investigating Blackwater.

Over 300 contractors have been killed in Iraq with very little  
inquiry into their deaths. The families claim that Blackwater is  
attempting to cover up its incompetence, its cutting of corners in  
favor of higher profits, and its over billing to the government.  
Due to lack of accountability and oversight, Blackwater's private  
army has been able to obtain huge profits from the government,  
utilizing contacts established through Erik Prince's relationships  
with high-ranking government officials such as Cofer Black and  
Joseph Schmitz.

In addition to assembling its litigation troops, Blackwater also  
stonewalled the families concerning any information about how the  
men were killed. Over the past two and a half years, Blackwater has  
not responded to a single question or produced a single document.  
When the families' attorneys, Callahan & Blaine, obtained a Court  
Order to take the deposition of a former Blackwater employee with  
critical information about the incident, Blackwater quickly re- 
hired him and sent him out of the country. When the witness  
returned to the United States more than a year later, the families  
obtained another Court Order for his deposition. Blackwater again  
prevented them from taking his deposition by seeking the assistance  
of the U.S. Attorney's Office to block the deposition under the  
guise that he possibly possessed national secrets. Following an  
investigation, the U.S. Army reported that the witness had no  
secret information and that it had no objection to the deposition.

Blackwater has now lifted this

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Leader of "Terrorists" in "JFK Plot" May Have Smuggled Drugs for "CIA Airlines"

2007-06-06 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 6, 2007 2:40:58 PM PDT
Subject: Leader of "Terrorists" in "JFK Plot" May Have Smuggled  
Drugs for "CIA Airlines"

Monday, June 04, 2007 

Terror plot suspect worked for the CIA's airline

The following may be the most important story I have ever written.

It's an incomplete story -- indeed, we have, at present, only about  
50 pieces of a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle. Perhaps some of you can  
help find missing parts of the picture.

In a previous post, I argued that the "terrorist ring" led by  
Russell DeFreitas -- the man who had targeted JFK airport, where he  
once worked -- was actually a drug smuggling ring. Now we have a  
Newsday piece on the bomb plot which functions as a sort of  
palimpsest: The surface text shows hints of a more important tale  
which lies beneath.
Authorities were tipped to the plot by a confidential informant, a  
convicted drug trafficker who has been working with law enforcement  
since 2004, according to the complaint
The author of this piece does not ask the obvious question: Why was  
a drug trafficker tasked to get close to former baggage handler  
DeFreitas? The criminal complaint makes clear that DeFreitas  
vouched for this drug trafficker to his contacts in the Caribbean  
criminal underworld.

The author of the Complaint -- Robert Addonizio, an investigator  
with the New York Joint Terrorism Task Force -- prefaces his  
findings as follows:
Because the purpose of this Complaint is to state only probable  
cause to arrest, I have not described all the relevant facts and  
circumstances of which I am aware.
In other words, he does not feel obligated to discuss any subjects  
other than terrorism. Subjects such as smuggling.

Although some media accounts have correctly identified Jamaat al  
Muslimeen -- a criminal organization based in Trinidad -- as a  
party to the JFK airport plot, none of these stories have seen fit  
to mention that JAM is in the business of illegal drugs and weapons.

The Complaint makes clear that a JAM leader was cognizant of and  
involved with the plot. Although the leader is not named, the  
reference almost certainly goes to head honcho Abu Bakr, one of the  
world's most dangerous men.

(On page 29 of the Complaint, Kadir is quoted as saying that this  
JAM leader -- whose name is redacted -- has strong ties to Libyan  
strongman Mohamar Qadafi. So does Bakr.)

This CBS story claims that JAM did not offer the plotters support.  
That claim is directly contradicted by paragraphs 53-58 of the  
Complaint, which few in the media seem to have read with any care.

So why isn't the Bush administration, which loves a good scare  
story, talking about JAM and its leader, Abu Bakr? Bakr knew about  
this plot. Why is the media focused on four relative small fry? Why  
the odd reticence to mention a Qadafi associate?

I don't have an answer to those questions right now. But I did  
discover a genuinely astounding connection.

The afore-cited Newsday piece gives this account of Russell  
DeFreitas' employment history:
[New York City Police Commissioner Ray] Kelly said Defreitas last  
worked at Kennedy in 1995 as a baggage handler with a subsidiary of  
Evergreen International Airlines Inc., an airline services company  
based in McMinnville, Ore. Kelly said Defreitas was unemployed and  
lived alone.
[Emphasis added.] Oddly enough, the chronology is contradicted by  
another Newsday story -- a profile of DeFreitas -- which reports:
Defreitas was hired by a cargo transportation company at Kennedy  
Airport, Watts said. Documents show he was employed as a "trainee  
supervisor" in 2001 with Evergreen Eagle, a subsidiary of Oregon- 
based Evergreen International Aviation. Officials there declined to  
When in 2001? After September 11? More to the point, was he a  
baggage handler or a supervisor?

All of this is of no small importance, for one simple reason:

Evergreen is CIA.

Of all the airlines used by the CIA -- and they have used many --  
Evergreen has the closest, most longstanding ties to the agency. So  
close are they that we may fairly say that the two entities are  
kept separate only by a polite legal fiction.

This is not a questioned fact. This is not "tin foil hat" speculation.

For example, this San Diego Union Tribune story (on a non-political  
subject) refers to "Evergreen Airlines – the CIA's (contract)  
airline that replaced Air America of the Vietnam era." A number of  
respected books on the Agency refer to Evergreen as the CIA's  
airline. Also see this fascinating affidavit by a pilot who became  
involved with these operations.

Evergreen aircraft have, it seems, been used for "extraordinary  
renditions" (the transport of captured pri

[cia-drugs] Fwd: (2) Leader of "Terrorists" in "JFK Plot" Worked for "CIA Airlines" Smuggling--

2007-06-06 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 6, 2007 2:56:32 PM PDT
Subject: (2) Leader of "Terrorists" in "JFK Plot" Worked for "CIA  
Airlines" Smuggling--

Saturday, June 02, 2007 

More on the JFK airport terror plot (BIG update)

(I've added much to this account, and have taken the research into  
areas visited by few other bloggers. Yes, it's a big, long, weird  
story -- but I beg you to stay with it.)

An FBI informant was involved with the JFK airport terror plotters:
The plan was foiled with the help of an informant who recorded  
conversations with the suspects as recently as last month.
But so far, we have no reason to believe that the informant  
encouraged criminality, as has occurred in previous instances.

An initial report on CNN fleetingly suggested that the plot  
actually concerned drugs in some way. Certain factors make the idea  
intriguing -- after all, the story involves airport personnel who  
have strange connections to the Caribbean. Stranger still, two of  
the four accused, Russell Defreitas and Abdul Kadir, come from the  
South American nation of Guyana.

Accused plotter Abdul Kadir, a former member of parliament in  
Guyana (!), was on his way to an Islamic religious conference in  
Iran. His daughter denies that he has any association with either  
the other accused conspirators or with any anti-American activity.  
Kadir's wife, Isha, said that her husband was nabbed while boarding  
a flight to Venezuela, where he planned to pick up a travel visa to  
attend an Islamic religious conference in Iran. He had flown from  
Guyana to Trinidad on Thursday.
That sort of travel has a cost. This guy is getting money from  
somewhere. According to the Australian,
Authorities said Kadir and Nur were associates of Jamaat Al  
Muslimeen, a Muslim group behind a 1990 coup attempt in Trinidad.
This Sunni group, led by former police officer Yasin Abu Bakr, is a  
nasty bit of business with a long and continuing history of rape,  
kidnapping and murder. So far, I've seen no evidence that Jamaat Al  
Muslimeen is related to Al Qaeda. Keep in mind, as you read the  
following, that Trinidad/Tobago has an ethnically diverse  
population, and that less than ten percent of the citizens of that  
island nation is Muslim.

Regarding that 1990 coup:
A court ruling, questioned by many as patently absurd on the facts,  
upheld an amnesty agreement obtained during the incarceration of  
parliament by the group. This led to the non-prosecution of its  
members for this crime despite the contention that the fact that  
guns and force were used to obtain said amnesty constituted duress.
Obviously, the court was paid off. Think money, think drugs, think  
In many respects, the Jammat al-Muslimeen’s ideology and rhetoric  
mirror that of militant Black ethno-nationalist movements,  
including the most radical fringes of the Nation of Islam. Abu  
Bakr’s supporters see him as a hero fighting for social justice.  
Interestingly, although most Trinidadians did not support his 1990  
coup attempt, many at the time agreed with the issues raised by the  
Jammat during the crisis, especially impoverished Afro- 
Trinidadians. At the same time, the Jammat is seen by many locally  
as a well organized criminal empire involved in everything from  
drug smuggling, money laundering, kidnapping for ransom, and  
extortion, with Abu Bakr running the show.
(Emphasis added.) Interestingly, the arms for the 1990 coup came  
from Florida. Paging Daniel Hopsicker!

Right now, I suspect this matter goes beyond any simplistic  
scenarios of Bushco attempting to gin up a terror threat in order  
to bolster his poll numbers.

I think these guys were involved with smuggling. I think CNN's  
early whispered suggestion of "drugs" was right on the money.  
Indeed, we can hardly come to any other conclusion -- after all,  
we're talking about airport security personnel allying themselves  
to a criminal group in control of a nation's illicit activities.

If my suspicions are correct, the FBI didn't need a terror tale to  
shut down this operation. And that's intriguing.

Update: One of our commenters made a point which should have  
occurred to yours truly. If Kadir belongs to a Sunni sect, why is  
he attending a religious meeting in Iran, a Shi'ite country?

And why go to Iran through Venezuela?

(Second update: A reader says that Kadir was Shi'ite and that  
Venezuela has the only direct flight to Iran; see the fourth  
comment, below.)

We are told that this plot has been in the working for two years,  
but Kadir was a member of the Guyanese parliament as recently as  
last year.

This blogger and I are not sympatico politically (although I too am  
a fan of good ol' Andy Jackson), 


2007-05-30 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 30, 2007 7:02:43 AM PDT

Begin forwarded message:

From: Madcow News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 30, 2007 2:22:23 AM PDT

Pirates of the Caribbean
"Christian Fundementalists" and the CIA

A mysterious missionary support organization flying weekly "relief  
flights” to Haiti from the Airport in Venice, FL. may be providing  
"cover" for CIA covert operations in the Caribbean, the  
MadCowMorningNews has learned..

Run by an ordained Southern Baptist minister, Agape Flights is a  
fundamentalist Christian operation which has been involved in some  
highly un-Christian activities like flying shipments of food and  
“religious supplies”   on a regular basis to a man accused  
of plotting a coup in Haiti when he was caught importing into that  
troubled country an M-16, a Beretta, and a camouflage uniform with  
the words "God's Army" emblazoned across the chest.

The news marks the second time fundamentalist Christian groups  
have surfaced recently in unexplained operations at the Venice  
Airport, and comes on the heels of revelations of a million dollar  
unpaid loan to recently-deceased televangelist Jerry Falwell from  
Wally Hilliard, owner of terror flight school Huffman Aviation.

A web of connections offers clues that the group was serving some  
agenda other than that of the Almight:

The group's links to the controversial Summer Institute of  
Linguistics, accused in the Latin American press of being funded  
by American intelligence to export a virulent brand of Christian  
fundamentalism to undermine the social cohesion of aboriginal  
communities and eliminate obstacles to natural resource exploitation.

Involvement in the aforementioned CIA-backed coup in Haiti,  
explored more fully in our next story.

U.S. Treasury Dept. permission for Agape to fly regularly to Cuba.  
(Michael Moore, take note.)

Mohamed Atta's flight instructor at Huffman Aviation, Mark  
Mikarts, flies for Agape... Interestingly,

Mikarts used to be someone else.
Spies often use aliases, don't they?

Read the whole story at
The MadCowMorningNews

The Secret History of Jerry Falwell

Televangelist Links to Terror Flight School in Florida

Dusty & 'the boys'

The CIA, the Narco-Republicans, & 5.5 tons of cocaine

The Silencing of Carol Lam

Secret 'Hookergate' Indictment Led to Ouster



[cia-drugs] Fwd:

2007-05-28 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 28, 2007 7:40:33 AM PDT

[cia-drugs] A Real News Exclusive CIA Helped Bush Senior In Oil Venture By Russ Baker and Jonathan Z. Lars en | The Real News Project January 8, 2007 NEW YORK--Newly released internal CIA docum

2007-05-27 Thread RoadsEnd

A Real News Exclusive
CIA Helped Bush Senior In Oil Venture

By Russ Baker and Jonathan Z. Larsen | The Real News Project

January 8, 2007

NEW YORK--Newly released internal CIA documents assert that former  
president George Herbert Walker Bush's oil company emerged from a  
1950's collaboration with a covert CIA officer.

Bush has long denied allegations that he had connections to the  
intelligence community prior to 1976, when he became Central  
Intelligence Agency director under President Gerald Ford. At the  
time, he described his appointment as a 'real shocker.'

But the freshly uncovered memos contend that Bush maintained a close  
personal and business relationship for decades with a CIA staff  
employee who, according to those CIA documents, was instrumental in  
the establishment of Bush's oil venture, Zapata, in the early 1950s,  
and who would later accompany Bush to Vietnam as a "cleared and  
witting commercial asset" of the agency.

According to a CIA internal memo dated November 29, 1975, Bush's  
original oil company, Zapata Petroleum, began in 1953 through joint  
efforts with Thomas J. Devine, a CIA staffer who had resigned his  
agency position that same year to go into private business. The '75  
memo describes Devine as an "oil wild-catting associate of Mr. Bush."  
The memo is attached to an earlier memo written in 1968, which lays  
out how Devine resumed work for the secret agency under commercial  
cover beginning in 1963.

"Their joint activities culminated in the establishment of Zapata  
Oil," the memo reads. In fact, early Zapata corporate filings do not  
seem to reflect Devine's role in the company, suggesting that it may  
have been covert. Yet other documents do show Thomas Devine on the  
board of an affiliated Bush company, Zapata Offshore, in January,  
1965, more than a year after he had resumed work for the spy agency.

It was while Devine was in his new CIA capacity as a commercial cover  
officer that he accompanied Bush to Vietnam the day after Christmas  
in 1967, remaining in the country with the newly elected congressman  
from Texas until January 11, 1968. Whatever information the duo was  
seeking, they left just in the nick of time. Only three weeks after  
the two men departed Saigon, the North Vietnamese and their Communist  
allies launched the Tet offensive with seventy thousand troops pre- 
positioned in more than 100 cities and towns.

While the elder Bush was in Vietnam with Devine, George W. Bush was  
making contact with representatives of the Texas Air National Guard,  
using his father's connections to join up with an elite, Houston- 
based Guard unit - thus avoiding overseas combat service in a war  
that the Bushes strongly supported.

The new revelation about George H.W. Bush's CIA friend and fellow  
Zapata Offshore board member will surely fuel further speculation  
that Bush himself had his own associations with the agency.

Indeed, Zapata's annual reports portray a bewildering range of global  
activities, in the Mideast, Asia and the Caribbean (including off  
Cuba) that seem outsized for the company's modest bottom line. In his  
autobiography, Bush declares that "I'd come to the CIA with some  
general knowledge of how it operated' and that his 'overseas contacts  
as a businessman' justified President Nixon's appointing him as UN  
ambassador, a decision that at the time was highly controversial.

Previously disclosed FBI files include a memo from bureau director J.  
Edgar Hoover, noting that his organization had given a briefing to  
two men in the intelligence community on November 23, 1963, the day  
after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The memo refers to one as  
"Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency" and the other as  
"Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency."

When Nation magazine contributor Joseph McBride first uncovered this  
document in 1988, George Herbert Walker Bush, then vice president and  
seeking the presidency, insisted through a spokesman that he was not  
the man mentioned in the memo: "I was in Houston, Texas, at the time  
and involved in the independent oil drilling business. And I was  
running for the Senate in late '63. I don't have any idea of what  
he's talking about." The spokesman added, "Must be another George Bush."

When McBride approached the CIA at that time, it initially invoked a  
policy of neither confirming nor denying anyone's involvement with  
the agency. But it soon took the unusual step of asserting that the  
correct individual was a George William Bush, a one-time Virginia  
staffer whom the agency claimed it could no longer locate. But that  
George Bush, discovered in his office in the Social Security  
Administration by McBride, noted that he was a low-ranked coast and  
landing-beach analyst and that he most certainly never received such  
an FBI briefing.

It was perhaps to help lay to rest the larger matter of the elder  


2007-05-26 Thread RoadsEnd


2007-05-25 Thread RoadsEnd

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Re: Opium: Iraq's deadly new export

2007-05-25 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Alamaine, IVe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 25, 2007 11:48:33 AM PDT
Subject: [ctrl] Re: Opium: Iraq's deadly new export

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought
without accepting it." Aristotle
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The issue becomes even more relevant when considering how much
governmental 'black' money is raised through the growing, harvesting,
sale, and distribution of drugs, reminding one of the Mena projects of
some time ago. We don't fail to recognise that in every case of  

intervention or involvement, there is a corresponding rise in durg
trafficking, white slavery, prostitution, and assorted other 'social
ills.' From the Russian Hebraicist emigrations to the fall of the  
Union; from the bombing of Yugoslavia to the freedom fighters of  
from the wresting of Afghanland from the Taleban to the regime  
change in
Iraq, the NeoCons' liberal decadence has left it footprint like  
Yeti all

over the World.

Drugs, as we know from the Boxer period in China, are quite  
effective in

controlling a population, driving them toward obsessive behaviours
instilled in them by a hypernatural need for their form of stimulus or
paliative. How effective is the control over the labour market by  
the 'druggies' off of the street? How much more does a society  
devote to
medical and psychological study and practice when introducing a  

into society? Why, even a drunken druggie can grow up to be President!
We might look to the Chinese to see how they solved their problems
concerning (at least) drugs. FEMA camps are indicated for their
capabilities and capacities for sequestering and secluding various
segments of the population. Simple usage of a drug, found in the  
fluids, might in the future constitute possession, requiring a  
sentence. Incarceration opens up the job market. Prisons and  

industries thrive as do lawyers on both sides, policing, and
psychological manipulators.

Long ago, I was in favour of taking the drunks and druggies and doing
something similar, putting them in camps where they could fulfill  

destinies through unlimited, unrestricted usage. Or, they could clean
up, given a ONE-time shot (recidivism allowing for destiny  

The advantages to this are the reduction of crime, the availability of
good dope, clean living conditions, and the elimination of various  
real social ills, like diseases and aberrant behaviours (hooking  
and the

like). Very humane, allowing nonusers and users alike to live as they
choose without one interfering with the other. The various highway
departments could utilise the manpower of those choosing the 'high  

their way, not unlike Cool Hand Luke and his fellows. Sunshine,
exercise, various visual diversions, and the like. The drug companies
might even employ the users for the manufacture and testing of the
chemicals (natural drugs would be legalised and therefore not part  
of the

programmes), doing something that they like while guaranteed a ready
supply. (Viagra and like drugs might be a problem but ...)

My thought was to be benevolent with some obviously weak or misguided
people who might not qualify for the military as a 'way out' of their
unfortunate circumstances. Skills training (aside from the shovels and
scythes), education, and other activities might save more than a few.
Chemists and statisticians might be of especial importance and use!
But, this was before the very real prospect of such a situation
spiralling out of control, confining anyone who was considered to  
be weak

or misguided, politically, religiously, socially, or mentally.
'Benemalevolence' entered my vocabulary, for the good of the bad  

loosely translated. Or, 'malebenevolence,' bad for the good people.

Alamaine, IVe
Grand Forks, ND, US of A
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a
philosopher." - Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving the included information for research and
educational purposes.

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence to Be Dual-Hatted as Director of Defense Intelligence

2007-05-25 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 25, 2007 6:07:14 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence to  
Be Dual-Hatted as  Director of Defense Intelligence

Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence to Be Dual-Hatted as  
Director of Defense Intelligence

Thu May 24, 10:30 AM ET

Contact: Office of the Director of National Intelligence,  

WASHINGTON, May 24 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Secretary of Defense  
Robert Gates and Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell  
signed a memorandum of agreement this week that establishes a role  
for the under secretary of defense for intelligence as the director  
of defense intelligence within the Office of the DNI.

In his role as Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, James  
R. Clapper Jr. will continue to report to the secretary and deputy  
secretary of defense. The responsibilities and the authorities  
assigned to this position by the secretary will not change.

As the Director of Defense Intelligence, Clapper will report  
directly to the DNI and serve as his principal advisor regarding  
defense intelligence matters. The director of defense intelligence  
will have responsibilities as determined by the DNI in consultation  
with the Secretary of Defense and promulgated separately.

The secretary and the director made this agreement in recognition  
of the crucial importance of coordinated intelligence efforts to  
the national security of the United States. The defense  
intelligence components provide a full range of intelligence  
products and analysis to a broad spectrum of consumers, from  
military forces in the field to senior policy makers across the  
federal government. These efforts are intertwined with the national  
intelligence efforts overseen by the DNI.

"The creation of the Office of the Director of Defense Intelligence  
is in recognition of the importance of coordinated intelligence  
efforts to the national security of the United States," said  
Clapper. "This office will serve to strengthen the relationship  
between the DNI and the DoD."

At an operational level, there should be no impact on the day-to- 
day operations and management of defense intelligence agencies,  
added Clapper.

"The objective here is to facilitate staff interaction and promote  
synchronization," he said.

The MOA does not alter the statutory responsibilities or  
authorities of either the secretary of defense or the DNI but will  
provide a framework to ensure a seamless integration of critical  
intelligence efforts.

SOURCE Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the  
Department of Defense


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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [CTRL] Fwd: Moon as some kind of James Bond 'SPECTRE' and religion rolled into one:

2007-05-23 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 23, 2007 8:03:48 AM PDT
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Moon as some kind of James Bond 'SPECTRE' and  
religion rolled into one:

Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 23, 2007 8:02:02 AM PDT
To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs 
Subject: Moon as some kind of James Bond 'SPECTRE' and religion  
rolled into one: 

From one of Jeff's links above, Moon as some kind of James Bond  
'SPECTRE' and religion rolled into one:

As part of his business strategy, Moon explained that he would dot  
the continent with small airstrips and construct bases for  
submarines which could evade Coast Guard patrols. His airfield  
project would allow tourists to visit “hidden, untouched, small  
places” throughout South America, he said.

“Therefore, they need small airplanes and small landing strips in  
the remote countryside,” Moon said. “In the near future, we will  
have many small airports throughout the world.” Moon wanted the  
submarines because “there are so many restrictions due to national  
boundaries worldwide. If you have a submarine, you don’t have to  
be bound in that way.”

(As strange as Moon’s submarine project might sound, a cable from  
the U.S. Embassy in Japan, dated Feb. 18, 1994, cited press  
reports that a Moon-connected Japanese company, Toen Shoji, had  
bought 40 Russian submarines. The subs were supposedly bound for  
North Korea where they were to be dismantled and melted down as  

and very SPECTRE like, Moon as Dr. No in Uraguay, that location  
where Bush family wants to escape to as well:

Moon’s relocation to Uruguay didn’t go entirely without a hitch.  
More evidence surfaced about Moon’s alleged South American money  

In 1996, the Uruguayan bank employees union blew the whistle on  
one scheme in which some 4,200 female Japanese followers of Moon  
allegedly walked into the Moon-controlled Banco de Credito in  
Montevideo and deposited as much as $25,000 each.

The money from the women went into the account of an anonymous  
association called Cami II, which was controlled by Moon’s  
Unification Church.

In one day, Cami II received $19 million and, by the time the  
parade of women ended, the total had swelled to about $80 million.

It was not clear where the money originated, nor how many other  
times Moon’s organization has used this tactic – sometimes known  
as “smurfing” – to transfer untraceable cash into Uruguay.

Authorities did not push the money-laundering investigation,  
apparently out of deference to Moon’s political influence and fear  
of disrupting Uruguay’s banking industry.

Still, Opus Dei, a powerful Roman Catholic group, and some  
investigative journalists kept up pressure for a fuller  
examination of financial irregularities at Moon’s bank. Sometimes,  
the critics found their work a risky business.
In January 1997, only two months after the money-laundering flap,  
Pablo Alfano, a reporter for El Observador who had been  
investigating Moon’s operations, was kidnapped by two unidentified  

The men claimed not to belong to Moon’s Unification Church, but  
threatened Alfano at gunpoint unless he revealed his sources on  
Moon’s operations.

One gunman shoved a revolver into Alfano’s mouth and warned “this  
is no joke.” After holding Alfano for 30 minutes, the gunmen  
returned the reporter to his house, with a warning that they knew  
his movements and those of his family.

Despite the threats, the reporter said he refused to disclose his  
sources. But the message was clear: he should drop his  
investigation. [fn, FBIS, Jan. 30, 1997.]

Other critics condemned Moon’s heavy-handed tactics. “The first  
thing we ought to do is clarify to the people [of Uruguay] that  
Moon’s sect is a type of modern pirate that came to the country to  
perform obscure money operations, such as money laundering,” said  
Jorge Zabalza, who was a leader of the Movimiento de Participacion  
Popular, part of Montevideo’s ruling left-of-center political  
coalition. “This sect is a kind of religious mob that is trying to  
get public support to pursue its business.”

Finally, in 1998, Uruguayan Central Bank president Ramon Diaz  
pushed the long-whispered allegations against Moon’s bank into the  
parliamentary record. Diaz accused Banco de Credito of violating  
financial rules, operating at a constant loss, practicing dubious  
credit policies with insolvent customers and holding inadequate  
cash reserves.

Diaz demanded that the bank add $30 million in capital within 48  
hours or face government intervention.

[cia-drugs] Moon as some kind of James Bond 'SPECTRE' and religion rolled into one:

2007-05-23 Thread RoadsEnd 

 From one of Jeff's links above, Moon as some kind of James Bond  
'SPECTRE' and religion rolled into one:

As part of his business strategy, Moon explained that he would dot  
the continent with small airstrips and construct bases for submarines  
which could evade Coast Guard patrols. His airfield project would  
allow tourists to visit “hidden, untouched, small places” throughout  
South America, he said.

“Therefore, they need small airplanes and small landing strips in the  
remote countryside,” Moon said. “In the near future, we will have  
many small airports throughout the world.” Moon wanted the submarines  
because “there are so many restrictions due to national boundaries  
worldwide. If you have a submarine, you don’t have to be bound in  
that way.”

(As strange as Moon’s submarine project might sound, a cable from the  
U.S. Embassy in Japan, dated Feb. 18, 1994, cited press reports that  
a Moon-connected Japanese company, Toen Shoji, had bought 40 Russian  
submarines. The subs were supposedly bound for North Korea where they  
were to be dismantled and melted down as scrap.)"

and very SPECTRE like, Moon as Dr. No in Uraguay, that location where  
Bush family wants to escape to as well:

Moon’s relocation to Uruguay didn’t go entirely without a hitch. More  
evidence surfaced about Moon’s alleged South American money laundry.

In 1996, the Uruguayan bank employees union blew the whistle on one  
scheme in which some 4,200 female Japanese followers of Moon  
allegedly walked into the Moon-controlled Banco de Credito in  
Montevideo and deposited as much as $25,000 each.

The money from the women went into the account of an anonymous  
association called Cami II, which was controlled by Moon’s  
Unification Church.

In one day, Cami II received $19 million and, by the time the parade  
of women ended, the total had swelled to about $80 million.

It was not clear where the money originated, nor how many other times  
Moon’s organization has used this tactic – sometimes known as  
“smurfing” – to transfer untraceable cash into Uruguay.

Authorities did not push the money-laundering investigation,  
apparently out of deference to Moon’s political influence and fear of  
disrupting Uruguay’s banking industry.

Still, Opus Dei, a powerful Roman Catholic group, and some  
investigative journalists kept up pressure for a fuller examination  
of financial irregularities at Moon’s bank. Sometimes, the critics  
found their work a risky business.
In January 1997, only two months after the money-laundering flap,  
Pablo Alfano, a reporter for El Observador who had been investigating  
Moon’s operations, was kidnapped by two unidentified men.

The men claimed not to belong to Moon’s Unification Church, but  
threatened Alfano at gunpoint unless he revealed his sources on  
Moon’s operations.

One gunman shoved a revolver into Alfano’s mouth and warned “this is  
no joke.” After holding Alfano for 30 minutes, the gunmen returned  
the reporter to his house, with a warning that they knew his  
movements and those of his family.

Despite the threats, the reporter said he refused to disclose his  
sources. But the message was clear: he should drop his investigation.  
[fn, FBIS, Jan. 30, 1997.]

Other critics condemned Moon’s heavy-handed tactics. “The first thing  
we ought to do is clarify to the people [of Uruguay] that Moon’s sect  
is a type of modern pirate that came to the country to perform  
obscure money operations, such as money laundering,” said Jorge  
Zabalza, who was a leader of the Movimiento de Participacion Popular,  
part of Montevideo’s ruling left-of-center political coalition. “This  
sect is a kind of religious mob that is trying to get public support  
to pursue its business.”

Finally, in 1998, Uruguayan Central Bank president Ramon Diaz pushed  
the long-whispered allegations against Moon’s bank into the  
parliamentary record. Diaz accused Banco de Credito of violating  
financial rules, operating at a constant loss, practicing dubious  
credit policies with insolvent customers and holding inadequate cash  

Diaz demanded that the bank add $30 million in capital within 48  
hours or face government intervention.

Within hours, panicked customers pulled $10 million in deposits out  
of the bank.

Diaz’s goal of forcing Moon to sell the bank seemed within reach.

One senator claimed that Diaz hoped an Argentine investment group  
would step in and take over the bank.

Moon proved, however, that his seemingly bottomless well of cash  
could fill the bank’s vaults in a crisis. Before the 48-hour  
deadline, Moon transferred $30 million into the ailing bank and  
retained control.

Banco de Credito continued to suffer chronic financial troubles. The  
bank again slipped into a deficit estimated at $120 million.

Same Japanese "smurfin

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Orwell Would Be Proud -- Busheviks Rewrite History of JFK/RFK Assassinations

2007-05-22 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 22, 2007 5:54:30 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: Orwell Would Be Proud -- Busheviks Rewrite History of  
JFK/RFK Assassinations

Begin forwarded message:

Date: May 22, 2007 4:35:26 PM PDT
Subject: Orwell Would Be Proud -- Busheviks Rewrite History of JFK/ 
RFK Assassinations

Kennedy assassin Sirhan Sirhan & 9/11: foreknowledge of an attack?

According to the former prison guard at Corcoran, Sirhan Sihan,  
did something in the months before 9/11 he had not done at any  
other time during his decades of incarceration – he ordered a  
television set for his cell. Interestingly, he showed no interest  
in watching television, only to occasionally check to make sure  
that the TV worked.

Then, on September 10, 2001, Sirhan Sirhan did something else he  
had not done before – he shaved his head. Although he was always a  
“clean cut” inmate according to this prison guard, he had never  
shaved his head. According to the prison guard, inmates in  
California often shave their heads immediately before their gangs  
go to war against other factions to show their solidarity and  

Then, on the morning of 9/11 Sirhan was up early in his cell  
watching his TV for the first time when the news broke about the  
planes hitting the World Trade Center. In some manner, it is  
obvious that Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, 33 years after the  
assassination of Robert F. Kennedy and a guest of the California  
prison system, had advance knowledge of the events of September  
11, 2001.

Supposedly, according to this guard, Sirhan "Sirhan Sirhan  
received a lot of mail from addresses in the Middle East, almost  
all written in Arabic." I guess this is how he was supposed to  
have received advanced knowledge of Sept. 11.

This seems like complete bullshit to me, if not deliberate  
disinformation. The article is published on the website of  
something called the Northeast Intelligence Network, which offers  
"terrorist news information and analysis". The notion that al  
Qaeda would compromise the 9/11 operation by revealing it to  
Sirhan Sirhan is ridiculous.


Kennedy assassin Sirhan Sirhan

and 9/11: foreknowledge of attack?

INVESTIGATIVE REPORT By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director

"According to the former prison guard at Corcoran, Sirhan Sihan,  
did something in the months before 9/11 he had not done at any  
other time during his decades of incarceration – he ordered a  
television set for his cell."

20 May 2007: Sirhan Bishara Sirhan is the convicted assassin of  
U.S. Senator and 1968 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy. He  
is currently serving a life sentence at the state penitentiary in  
Corcoran, California, having escaped a death sentence due to a  
1972 California Supreme Court ruling that invalidated all pending  
death sentences imposed prior to 1972.

Sirhan’s motives for killing Kennedy remain a looming question  
among academics and conspiracy theorists alike. Many believe that  
Sirhan killed Kennedy due to his pro-Israel stance and the support  
he would likely provide Israel as the future president of the  
United States. Most notably, Kennedy was assassinated exactly one  
year after the start of the 1967 Six-Day war, a date considered  
less than coincidental by most. Some consider the assassination as  
one of the first cases of personal jihad in contemporary history.

Whatever the motive, I had the benefit of reviewing the  
assassination case from the perspective of a criminalist while I  
was at the Laboratory of Forensic Science under the instruction of  
Professor Herbert MacDonell. Mr. MacDonell is the Professor of  
Criminalistics and head of the Laboratory of Forensic Science in  
Corning, NY where I attended. Knowing that he extensively reviewed  
evidence first-hand of the Kennedy assassination, I am convinced  
that based on the evidence alone, that there is much more to this  
assassination that will ever be made known. Perhaps then, it was  
more than serendipitous that I received information this week from  
a former guard at the prison in Corcoran, California about the  
curious behavior of Sirhan Bishara Sirhan in the months, weeks and  
days preceding the 9/11 attacks.

Sirhan Bishara Sirhan

Because of the commutation of his death sentence, Sirhan Sirhan  
has had the luxury of observing world events from his prison cell.  
According to one of the former guards at Corcoran, Sirhan not only  
had the ability to communicate with others outside of prison, he  
did so regularly. According to this former guard who watched over  
and spoke 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Breaking News: Bush Secretly DOUBLING Number of Troops Sent to Iraq

2007-05-22 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 22, 2007 5:55:23 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: Breaking News: Bush Secretly DOUBLING Number of  
Troops Sent to Iraq

Begin forwarded message:

Date: May 22, 2007 2:11:14 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: Breaking News: Bush Secretly DOUBLING Number of  
Troops Sent to Iraq

See what's free at

From: "Jim S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 22, 2007 12:21:33 PM PDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: CLG Breaking: Bush Could Double Iraq Troops By  
Christmas~22 May 2007

News Update from Citizens for Legitimate Government
22 May 2007

Bush could double Iraq troops by Christmas -- Little-noticed  
second surge is quietly being executed

22 May 2007
The Bush administration is quietly on track to nearly double the  
number of combat troops in Iraq this year, an analysis of Pentagon  
deployment orders showed Monday. The little-noticed second surge,  
designed to reinforce U.S. troops in Iraq, is being executed by  
sending more combat brigades and extending tours of duty for  
troops already there. The actions could boost the number of combat  
soldiers from 52,500 in early January to as many as 98,000 by the  
end of this year if the Pentagon overlaps arriving and departing  
combat brigades.

Please forward this update to anyone you think might be  
interested. Those who'd like to be added to the Newsletter list  
can sign up:

Please write to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for inquiries.

CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, Manager. Copyright © 2007,  
Citizens For Legitimate Government ® All rights reserved. CLG  
Founder and Chair is Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database:  
269.7.6/815 - Release Date: 5/22/07 3:49 PM


[cia-drugs] Fwd: [CIA-Drugs_TheDarkSide] Fwd: [catapult] * * * Interesting video: Secrets of the CIA * * *

2007-05-22 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "mikal haley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 21, 2007 7:35:10 PM PDT
Subject: [CIA-Drugs_TheDarkSide] Fwd: [catapult] * * * Interesting  
video: Secrets of the CIA * * *


-- Forwarded message --
Date: May 21, 2007 11:11 PM
Subject: [catapult] * * * Interesting video: Secrets of the CIA * * *

It starts off slow but gets very interesting.

Secrets of the CIA
44 min - Jan 1, 2000

People who left the CIA because they could no longer handle being  
part of the criminal, unethical acts tell about their lives with  
the CIA.

See what's free at

fight fascism, racism, sexism and homophobia 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Hookers, spies, cases full of BP spent L45m to win 'Wild East' oil rights

2007-05-21 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 21, 2007 7:59:03 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Hookers, spies, cases full of BP  
spent L45m to win  'Wild East' oil rights


Hookers, spies, cases full of dollars...
how BP spent £45m to win 'Wild East' oil rights
When Lord Browne resigned as BP chief executive earlier this month  
after lying to the courts during a failed attempt to gag The Mail  
on Sunday, his supporters paid tribute to the buccaneering way he  
built the company into a global oil giant.

But now a former BP employee has come forward to give the first  
insider's account of what the deal-making often entailed - sex,  
spying and briefcases full of hard currency...

A former BP worker has told how he threw champagne-fuelled sex  
parties to help secure lucrative international oil contracts.

The company also worked with MI6 agents to help bring about changes  
in foreign governments, according to an astonishing account of life  
inside the oil giant.

Les Abrahams, who was involved with BP's successful bid for a multi- 
million-pound deal with one of the former Soviet republics, today  
claims that he witnessed an "anything goes" drive for business  
which sometimes degenerated into sexual licence, spying and  
financial sweeteners.

Scroll down for more...

High life: Mr Abrahams, left, and other BP executives not linked to  
any impropriety partying in Azerbaijan

He also claims that Home Secretary John Reid was arrested at  
gunpoint on a BP-funded foreign trip for being out on the streets  
after a military curfew had been imposed.

Mr Abrahams said he helped to spend £45million of the company's  
money over the course of just four months of negotiations with  
Azerbaijan's state oil company.

Most of the money was spent on new offices, hiring staff in London  
and the Azerbaijan capital Baku - including paying generous start- 
up bonuses - public-relations work and the chartering of corporate  

But he claims that more than £5million was set aside for  
cultivating key local figures in Baku, with huge sums spent on  
lavish entertainment.

Mr Abrahams says he was armed with a no-limit company credit card,  
allowing him to arrange for supplies of champagne and caviar to be  
flown on company jets to Baku, and then consumed at the "sex parties".

Former BP chief executive Lord Browne

The hospitality continued in London, where he hired prostitutes to  
entertain visiting Azerbaijanis. According to the former oil  
worker, he would fly dignitaries from Baku to London, put them up  
at The Savoy, and take them shopping for anything they desired.

Mr Abrahams, an engineer by training, joined BP in 1991, just as  
the disintegration of the Soviet Union had triggered a "new gold  
rush" by the oil giants to target the 200billion barrels of oil  
reserves beneath the Caspian Sea.

At the same time as he was assisting the company's drive for the  
business, he says he was persuaded to work for MI6 by John Scarlett  
- now head of the intelligence service but then MI6's Head of  
Station in Moscow.

He passed information to Scarlett in faxes and at one-to-one  
meetings in the Russian capital.

He further claims that BP was working closely with MI6 at the  
highest levels to help it to win business in the region and  
influence governments.

Mr Abrahams worked for BP's XFI unit - Exploring Frontiers  
International - which specialises in opening up new markets in  
often unstable parts of the world.

He said Lord Browne, then BP's head of exploration, allocated a  
budget of £45 million to cover the first year's costs of the Baku  

Scroll down for more...

Lavish hospitality: Azerbaijani translators at the dinner to  
celebrate BP's £300 million Shah Deniz deal

"The order came from Browne's aides to 'Get them anything they  
want'. By 'them', they meant local officials in Azerbaijan," he said.

"There were 20 or 30 people working on it at BP head office, and we  
soon had a steady stream of executives coming over as negotiators.

"We got through the money in just four months, after which it was  
simply increased without question."

He describes a Wild West world in which oil executives with  
briefcases full of dollars rubbed shoulders with mafia members,  
prostitutes and fixers and cut their deals in smoke-filled back rooms.

"The BP officials would come out to Baku in groups of five or six,  
every week. Sometimes I would charter an entire Boeing 757 to carry  
as few as seven or eight staff.

"Their main base was the "hard- currency bar" of the old Intourist  
hotel - so named because it only accepted dollars and it was only  
open to foreigners.

"It was full of girls, and

[cia-drugs] Fwd: The Plot to Seize the White House

2007-05-20 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 20, 2007 3:17:46 PM PDT
Subject: The Plot to Seize the White House

[cia-drugs] The Secret History of Jerry Falwell

2007-05-20 Thread RoadsEnd Secret History of Jerry FalwellTelevangelist Links to Terror Flight School in FloridaAt the same time the Rev. Jerry Falwell was accusing pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays, lesbians, the ACLU and People For the American Way of sharing responsibility for the 9/11 attack the televangelist owed over one million dollars in unpaid loans to the owner of the terror flight school in Florida which trained Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi, the MadCowMorningNews has learned.In the days after terrorist hijackers murdered almost 3000 people, almost the entire American nation was numb and speechless with shock and horror.Not Jerry Falwell.The Baptist minister from Lynchburg, VA wasted no time in pointing a finger of blame for the attack. He said, "I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen.' "Falwell made no mention, then or ever, of his curious debt to secretive Green Bay financier Wallace J. Hilliard, whose flight school abetted, if unwittingly, the terrorist presence in the United States.Strangely, this is not Jerry Falwell’s only link to covert activity at the tiny Venice, FL airport.FULL STORY=

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] When an 8-year-old uncovers Iraq secrets

2007-05-20 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Alamaine, IVe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 20, 2007 4:34:13 AM PDT
Subject: [ctrl] When an 8-year-old uncovers Iraq secrets

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought
without accepting it." Aristotle
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
May 19, 2007
When an 8-year-old uncovers Iraq secrets
Posted 12:10 pm | Printer Friendly | Spotlight

Political scientist Pete Moore wrote a fascinating item for Salon  
his endeavor digging through the massive archive of Coalition  
Authority documents. As Moore acknowledged, he didn´t expect to  
find too
many hidden gems - insightful personal letters may occasionally  
fall out
of dusty old volumes in libraries, but the CPA´s archives are  

But I forgot to factor in the ubiquity of human error, and of  
Word. It turns out the IT era really is different, after all. It  
took my
8-year-old son just a few seconds to shake loose some hidden  
history from

within the official transcript of the CPA.

My son made his discovery while impatiently waiting to play a computer
game on my laptop. As part of a research project, I had downloaded 45
documents from a section of the CPA Web site known as Consolidated  
Reports. All but three of the documents were Microsoft Word. I had  
one of
the Word documents up on my screen when my son starting toying with  

computer mouse. Somehow, inadvertently, he managed to pull down the
"View" menu at the top of the screen and select the "Mark up"  
option. If

you are in a Word document where "Track changes" has been turned on,
hitting "Mark up" will reveal all the deletions and insertions ever  
in the document, complete with times, dates and (sometimes) the  

of the editors. When my son did it, all the deleted passages in a
document with the innocuous name "Administrator´s Weekly Economic  
suddenly appeared in blue and purple. It was the electronic  
equivalent of
seeing every draft of an author´s paper manuscript and all the  

changes made by the editors.

I soon figured out that with a few keystrokes I could see the deleted
passages in 20 of the 42 Word documents I´d downloaded.

Let this be a lesson to all of us - keep young children around for
computer-related research projects.

Of course, this isn´t just an amusing story about a fruitful accident;
Moore (with his son´s help) also found some important CPA-related  

in the previously-hidden passages. I don´t want to alarm anyone, but
apparently CPA officials were dangerously clueless about the  

and why it existed.

In fact, about half of the 20 improperly redacted documents I  
including the March 28 report, contain deleted portions that all  
seem to
come from one single, 1,000-word security memo. The editors kept  

text from a document titled "Why Are the Attacks Down in Al-Anbar
Province - Several Theories." (The security memo and the last page  
of the
March 28 report can be seen here, along with several other CPA  

that can be downloaded.)

Microsoft Word´s "Mark up" feature shows the time and date of the
deletion and the identity of the person doing the deleting, but it
doesn´t give the original author of the passage or when it was  
The title and hints in the text point to a memo written by one  
person in
December 2003 or January 2004, when daily attacks on coalition  
forces in
Anbar, the heavily Sunni province west of Baghdad that is the  
of the insurgency, were the lowest in many months. These were the  
salad days. Prior to the al-Sadr uprising and the Abu Ghraib  
scandal and
the failed siege of Fallujah later in 2004, the CPA believed that  
it was
succeeding in reshaping Iraq. In his book "The Assassins´ Gate,"  

Packer depicts late 2003 and early 2004 as the last phase of quiet
isolation for the CPA, before the facts on the ground began to  
impinge on

its Green Zone idyll. "Why Are the Attacks Down" shows the CPA on the
cusp, as the author gives a half-dozen different theories for the  

term decline in violence. [...]

Nowhere in any of these theories, including the "boring" one, does the
author address the dissolution of the Iraqi Army as a major  

to the violence. Nowhere, in fact, does the author seem to know which
"bums" or "losers" are attacking the Americans or why. Indeed, the  

remarkable passage in the entire deletion is a simple statement by an
Iraqi businessman, whom the writer quotes in passing while  
explaining why

American-induced economic prosperity will end the fighting. "It is
nothing personal," the Iraqi says. "I like you and believe you  
could be
bringing us a better future, but I still sympathize with those who  
the coalition because it is not right for Iraq to be occupied by  

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Bush AND Cheney Assert Claim of "ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY" from Prosecution for Crimes

2007-05-20 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: May 19, 2007 8:23:06 PM PDT
Subject: Bush AND Cheney Assert Claim of "ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY" from  
Prosecution for Crimes


The battles really begin now against an entrenched administration  
which argues that not only is it not beholden to the rule of law,  
but exists independent of the law.  Not just a situation to be  
addressed in dusty legal tomes, the cases that will undoubtedly  
unfold over the next two years are of vital importance to whether  
the 200-plus-year-old American system of government (three branches  
in dynamic tension, defined by and in obeisance to the framing  
document of the country) survives in practice by being firmly  
restored in fact or will be relegated to a dusty shelf as a quaint  
historical construct.

The woebegone G. Walker-Bush administration has ceaselessly  
attempted to grasp the naked core of raw power (and thus far has  
been abetted by a blinded, compliant Congress). As with the myth of  
Icarus, its very essence stands eternally ready and now bodes to  
prove their undoing (emphasis added).

“The United States believes that… the individual federal defendants  
have valid claims of immunity,” the document said. “The vice  
president possesses absolute immunity from civil damages claims in  
connection with acts taken within the scope of his office.” http:// 

Hold on for a sec while ye old scribe goes and checks that ol’  

Ah, there it is — right before the section that reserves for the  
Veep all the green M&Ms and right after the one that lays out the  
mandate of heaven and the infallibility of any President.


Quoth Pirate Jenny in Brecht’s A Three-penny Opera: Idiots, all of  

Several (by no means fully comprehensive, though) related items of  
background, including one (a bit further below) filed during the  
time of Nixon-Agnew by that darling of the extremist, strict  
constructionist right, Robert Bork.

…the Court has long recognized the right of limited presidential  
immunity with regard to official acts — actions carried out under  
the auspices of the office of the presidency. This tradition goes  
back to Spalding v. Vilas (1896). There the Court held: “In  
exercising the function of his office, the head of an Executive  
Department, keeping within the limitations of his authority, should  
not be under any apprehension that the motives that control his  
official conduct may at any time become the subject of inquiry in a  
civil suit for damages. It would cripple the proper and effective  
administration of public affairs as entrusted to the Executive  
Branch of the government if he were subject to any such restraint.”

Some commentators took the matter further, pressing the point that  
the successful conduct of the office of the presidency required  
immunity from criminal sanction for official acts.

Justice Storey argued that “The President cannot be liable to  
arrest, imprisonment, or detention while he is in the discharge of  
the duties of his office; and for this purpose his person must be  
deemed in civil cases to posses an official inviolability.”

More recent case law has affirmed this notion of presidential  
immunity for official acts. The Court held in Nixon v. Fitzgerald  
(1982) that such license represented “a functionally mandated  
incident of the President’s unique office, rooted in the  
constitutional tradition of the separation of powers and supported  
by our history.”


The tradition of tension between the Executive and Judicial  
branches of the government is old. President Jefferson, writing to  
U.S. Attorney George Hay in 1807, argued that “The leading  
principle of our Constitution is the independence of the  
Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of each other, and  
none are more jealous of this than the judicial. But would the  
executive be independent of the judiciary if he were subject to the  
command of the latter and to imprisonment for disobedience which  
would withdraw him entirely from his duties?”

Jefferson concluded that “to comply with such calls would leave the  
nation without an Executive Branch, whose agency, nevertheless, is  
understood to be so constantly necessary that it is the sole branch  
which the Constitution requires always to be in function.”

Potential intrusions upon the autonomy of any of the branches of  
government is cause for concern. The fact remains, however, that  
determinations of legal questions, including the question of  
whether the Judicial Branch has the authority to determine the  
scope of its own authority, remain the province of the 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Senators want to make CIA release 9/11 report

2007-05-18 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: May 17, 2007 11:31:17 PM PDT

Subject: Senators want to make CIA release 9/11 report

Senators want to make CIA release 9/11 report
Fri May 18, 2007 01:25 

Senators want to make CIA release 9/11 report
Office has not publicized any of its internal documents on the attack

Updated: 6:25 p.m. MT May 17, 2007

WASHINGTON - A bipartisan group of senators is pushing legislation  
that would force the CIA to release an inspector general’s report  
on the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

The CIA has spent more than 20 months weighing requests under the  
Freedom of Information Act for its internal investigation of the  
attacks but has yet to release any portion of it.

The agency is the only federal office involved in counterterrorism  
operations that has not made at least a version of its internal  
9/11 investigation public.

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and two other intelligence committee  
leaders — chairman Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., and senior Republican  
Kit Bond of Missouri — are pushing legislation that would require  
the agency to declassify the executive summary of the review within  
one month and submit a report to Congress explaining why any  
material was withheld.

The provision has been approved by the Senate twice, but never made  
into law.

In an interview, Wyden said he is also considering whether to link  
the report’s release to his acceptance of President Bush’s  
nominations for national security positions.

“It’s amazing the efforts the administration is going to stonewall  
this,” Wyden said. “The American people have a right to know what  
the Central Intelligence Agency was doing in those critical months  
before 9/11 I am going to bulldog this until the public gets it.”

Completed in June 2005, the inspector general’s report examined the  
personal responsibility of individuals at the CIA before and after  
the attacks. Other agencies’ reviews examined structural problems  
within their organizations.

Wyden, who has read the classified report several times, wouldn’t  
offer any details on its findings or the conversations he has had  
with CIA Director Michael Hayden, former CIA Director Porter Goss  
and former National Intelligence Director John Negroponte.

Political security at stake
But he did say that protecting individuals from embarrassment is  
not a legitimate reason for protecting the report’s contents from  
public review. He also said the decision to classify the report has  
nothing to do with national security, but rather political security.

Hayden declined to be interviewed about the report. In a statement  
Thursday, his spokesman Mark Mansfield said the CIA director wants  
the agency to learn from any past mistakes, but doesn’t want to  
dwell on them.

“Given the formidable national security challenges our nation  
faces, now and down the road, General Hayden believes it is  
essential for the Agency to move forward,” Mansfield said. “That’s  
where our emphasis needs to be.”

The agency’s actions prior to Sept. 11 have gotten renewed  
attention with the release of a memoir by former CIA director  
George Tenet. He has been criticized for not doing more to warn  
Bush about the al-Qaida threat.

In interviews about his memoir, he has said instead he worked the  
bureaucracy beneath the president by asking then-National Security  
Adviser Condoleezza Rice and others for action.

Bond said some intelligence officials have dismissed the inspector  
general’s report as “ancient history,” which he doesn’t accept. He  
said the report has additional information which would be useful to  
the public.

“We have no desire to embarrass or throw cold water on the  
enthusiasm of the great men and women of the CIA, but let’s just  
take a clear and open look at what the IG found and see if we have  
all of those problems corrected,” Bond said.


'Stars who had excelled'
In an October 2005 statement Goss said the officers involved in  
counterterrorism were “stars who had excelled in their areas”  
singled out by the CIA to take on difficult assignments.  
“Unfortunately, time and resources were not on their side, despite  
their best efforts to meet unprecedented challenges,” he said.

Goss rejected a recommendation from CIA Inspector General John  
Helgerson that the agency form accountability review boards to  
examine any personal culpability. Bond said that move was regrettable.

In his statement, Goss also noted that the agency had received a  
Freedom of Information Act request for the report, and that a  
review process was ongoing. But the CIA has not rel

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