[cia-drugs] False Flag Alert: Portland-Phoenix-Chicago 3/11-3/13/09

2009-03-11 Thread mary whalen

 Let the people do what they want, you get Woodstock. Let the government do what it wants, you get WACO!Mary.

False Flag Alert:Portland-Phoenix- Chicago(3/11-3/13/09)Captain Eric H. MayIntelligence EditorThe Lone Star Iconoclast March 10, 2009

Capt. Eric H. May

Portland, Phoenix and Chicago are in immediate danger of a false flag attack. Although we are still compiling information, the picture that has emerged is compelling. Terror exercises will be ongoing in Portland and Phoenix tomorrow, 3/11/09. Before learning of the exercises we had already issued a US false flag terror advisory, designating 3/11/09 as the beginning date. Students of terror date code will notice that the first three digits of 3119 are 311, while the last three are 119, a reverse code for
 911. Recall that between 9/11 and 3/11 ( Madrid ) there were exactly 911 days. These are not coincidences. We provide a single link for each of the three cities below. There is no way of knowing that a false flag attack has been ordered, but we do know that the Establishment takes inaction as invitation. Kindly forward this red alert to all police and military. 
* * * * * * * * * 
PORTLAND:Portland 3/11/09 exercises preparing for martial law?http://www.godlikep roductions. com/forum1/ message746146/ pg1 
PHOENIX:"Mock terrorism response exercise starts Monday"http://www.eastvall eytribune. com/story/ 136382 SEALS are in Phoenix at ASU, supposedly for competitions. Coyote Crisis Campaign (CCC, which decodes to 333) 
CHICAGO: Monday I published an article dealing with the Chicago peril:"Ghost Troop: USA 666 WMD (3/11/09 - 9/9/09)"http://tinyurl. com/bdupap and also at:http://www.theprice ofliberty. org/09/03/ 09/may.htm 
* * * * * * * * * 
--- On Tue, 3/10/09, Iconoclast  wrote: 
From: Iconoclast  Subject: Fw: March 11 weapons over NWTo: "Captain May" Date: Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 3:17 PM 
Captain May: I just got this. It could be from the lady who called me yesterday, as she identified herself as Edith on the phone. -Leon Smith, Publisher, The Lone Star Iconoclast 
Original Message - From: Edith To: it...@seattlepi. com; n...@lonestaricon. com; y...@yesmagazine. org; lett...@news. oregonian. com; chroniclewatch@ sfchronicle. comSent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 1:14 PM Subject: March 11 weapons over NW 
Here are some articles re the US Navy's plan indicated in their Dec. 2008 Environmental Impact Statement for "testing" weapons over Washington, Idaho, Oregon, California, Nevada, and at least 200 nautical miles west of the coast March 11, 2009, etc., using high-altitude release of explosives with deleted [sic] uranium, phosphorous, etc., radon and microwave, etc., as well as sonar, and underwater explosives. Is this related to the Chinese upset with the US Navy in their waters "testing" weapons? Is it related to the requirement that television, etc. be easily controlled afar digitally to prevent local folks from seeing/hearing what is unwanted or from broadcasting pleas for help or news about false flags or martial law, and the build-up for martial law, the construction and
 guarding/supplying of over 600 concentration camps in the woods, over 20,000 prison box cars with shackles and guillotines in Portland, and more shipped from China, now waiting on the Oregon coast? Or the increase powers of FEMA and the drills of the US Navy, etc. practicing urban warfare in Portland, or the demolition contracts and bridge construction contracts by those involved with the NYC 9-11 building 7, CIA torture facility construction, etc.? Is it related to bragged-about plans to charge alternative news too much on postage, etc. and to take over their editorial decisions until there is no investigative reporting with integrity to expose and stop or heal this? What is happening internationally that might tie into the increase of power from such a show of willingness to kill Americans by its own government, as was the case in other "drills" or "tests" that were live and blamed on terrorists other than themselves with resulting increase in profits
 and power, as it did with 9-11, the London bombings during the G-8 Conference, Madrid bombings, Mumbai bombing in time to stop the autonomy against US drone attacks on India/Pakistan/ Afghanistan, the aborted Portland, OR "dirty bomb" drills that were supposed to be live and blamed on peace activists and environmentalists during the "Three Amigos conference" that resulted in Canada and Mexico allowing more power over them, etc.? Please expose and stop their plans. Please pass the information on to everyone who can pray, spread the news, convince military and FEMA employees to prevent it, convince Congress to enact law that prevents martial law, protect the public, organize survival/rescue/ protection/ care, and hold people accountable. If each individual involved refused to poison and kill and terrorize others, it could be stopped. So how can we each
 reach those individuals 

[cia-drugs] Sinister government spies to scan every call, text and email

2008-10-07 Thread mary whalen
Is it just me? Or do others looking at the State of Affairs we are in,
 like Putin over in Russia arresting powerful business leaders for
things like conspiring to create monopolies with pipelines and refusing to 
share markets on one hand while on the other we see the unprecedented upsurging 
of powers from the citizenry to an unelected and illegal {because of the 
rigging of last two elections}
President and his cabal. That  in provoking Russia by attacking her our so 
called 'media' just lies and lies, distorts and spews propaganda we could very 
well in the very near future be in a new Cold War situation. Only with roles 
reversed? Russia playing the 'Beacon on the Hill' and America the repressive 
communist type Police State? Am I reading the times wrong?..Mary. 

 Let the people do what they want, you get Woodstock. Let the government do 
what it wants, you get WACO!Mary.

--- On Mon, 10/6/08, norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [cia-drugs] Sinister government spies to scan every call, text and 
Received: Monday, October 6, 2008, 2:18 PM

Sinister government spies to scan every call, text and email
October 6, 2008 

Ministers are considering a £12 billion plan to monitor the e-mail, telephone 
and internet browsing records of every person in Britain.
Telegraph | Oct 5, 2008
By Nick Allen
The huge eavesdropping programme would involve the creation of a mammoth 
central computer database to store hundreds of billions of individual pieces of 
communications traffic.
Supporters say it would become one of the security services’ most comprehensive 
tools in the fight against terrorism but critics described it as “sinister”.
MI5 currently has to apply to the Home Secretary for warrants to intercept 
specific email and website traffic but, under the new plan, internet and mobile 
phone networks could be monitored live by GCHQ, the Government listening post.
The Home Office said no decision had been taken but security officials claim 
live monitoring is necessary to pick up terrorist plots.
It would allow them to capture records like chat room discussions on 
password-protected Islamic extremist websites.
The annual number of phone calls and other electronic communications in the UK 
is predicted to nearly double from 230 billion in 2006 to 450 billion by 2016.
Last year 57 billion text messages, or 1,800 a second, were sent. That rose 
from one billion in 1999.
The number of broadband internet connections rose from 330,000 in 2001 to 18 
million last year. Three billion e-mails are sent every day, or 35,000 every 
One of the spurs for a central database is a concern over how that electronic 
communications data is currently stored by hundreds of different internet 
service providers and private telephone companies.
Records may only be held for limited periods of time and are then lost which 
makes it impossible for police and the security services to establishing 
historical links, or so-called “friendship trees”, between terrorists.
If all communications information was centrally stored then links could be made 
between terrorist cells and other sympathisers could be identified.
The telephone and internet companies are currently required to give records of 
calls or internet use to law enforcement agencies if a senior officer 
authorises that it is needed for an inquiry.
Last year there were more than half a million such requests.
The cost of monitoring everything, and keeping it on a central database, has 
been estimated at £12 billion and would dwarf the proposed cost of the identity 
cards programme.
Critics also claim it would be virtually impossible to keep such a vast system 
secure and free from abuse by law enforcement agencies.
Shadow home secretary Dominic Grieve said: “It would mark a substantial shift 
in the powers of the state to obtain information on individuals.
“Given the Government’s poor record on protecting data, and seeing how 
significant an increase in power this would be, we need to have a national 
debate and the Government would have to justify its need.”
The Information Commissioner, Richard Thomas, has already called for a public 
debate about Government proposals for the state to retain people’s internet and 
phone records.
A spokesman for the commissioner said: “He warned that it is likely that such a 
scheme would be a step too far for the British way of life. Proposals that 
threaten such intrusion into people’s lives must be properly debated.”
Richard Clayton, a security expert at Cambridge University, said the proposal 
would mean installing thousands of probes in telephone and computer networks 
which would re-route data to the central database.
Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

Plan for central store of telecoms records 
Critics attack ‘dangerous’ gov’t comms-snooping plan 
Government will spy on every call and e-mail 

[cia-drugs] American Drug War

2008-09-10 Thread mary whalen

 Let the people do what they want, you get Woodstock. Let the government do 
what it wants, you get WACO!Mary.

View Videos:
American Drug War (Part 01 of 12)
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=AMY_8OPDtH4&feature=related

American Drug War (Part 02 of 12)
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=qwL0H9WRMLY&feature=related

American Drug War (Part 03 of 12)
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=yzH7lXa33qA&feature=related

American Drug War (Part 04 of 12)
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=8HaCacMLK1Y&feature=related

American Drug War (Part 05 of 12)
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=mUoJWGi5Oyw&feature=related

American Drug War (Part 06 of 12)
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=3S7exoMjnC4&feature=related

American Drug War (Part 07 of 12)
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=YsIhex0D6uY&feature=email

American Drug War (Part 08 of 12)
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=kNY5r2i3VdE&feature=related

American Drug War (Part 09 of 12)
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=mrP2ZExDQU0&feature=related

American Drug War (Part 10 of 12)
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=nv3SUPmpEj4&feature=related

American Drug War (Part 11 of 12)
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=brT4iLjGMPU&feature=related

American Drug War (Part 12 of 12)
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=Yh9miu_ RoPE&feature=related  

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[cia-drugs] Bolivian assassination plot foiled

2008-06-22 Thread mary whalen

 Let the people do what they want, you get Woodstock. Let the government do 
what it wants, you get WACO!Mary.


(And the would be killers released by the right wing provincial government
of Santa Cruz. SR)

Gunning for Morales, literally

June 21, 2008 ·

If you read the Reuters or even the Al Jazeera account of the arrests of the
would-be assassins of Evo Morales, you'd think, ah, well, someone hauling a
gun around, that probably happens all the time in Bolivia, big deal. Maybe
those Morales people are paranoid.

There's a little more to it than that. And yes, it involves the Nazis from
the Santa Cruz Youth Union. Let's see what Telesur reported.

Bolivian Government Denounces Assassination Attempt Against President Evo

(Two men arrested carrying a rifle with a telescopic sight were later
liberated by authorities in Santa Cruz.)

Translation: Machetera

Those close to the arrest of two members of the ultra-rightwing Santa Cruz
Youth Union (UJC), detained this Thursday in the El Trompillo airport in
Santa Cruz for carrying a firearm, have concluded that they meant to kill
President Evo Morales.

This was the denunciation made on Friday by the Vice Minister of the Office
of Governmental Coordination with Social Movements, Sacha Llorenti, who
explained that those arrested were caught with a rifle with a telescopic
sight and 300 shells, in a place where minutes later the Bolivian president
arrived for an event in the town of Bicito in Santa Cruz.

Llorenti explained that "apparently these people were to go to the "Center"
cinema, which is the highest in the area, with a roof that offers a
panoramic view of the El Trompillo airport."

"What we're talking about is a situation of extreme danger for the President
of the Republic, all of which indicates that this was an assassination
attempt," said Llorenti.

The Vice Minister pointed out that one of the detainees went by the name of
Junior Vaca, and along with his companion, was set free by the Santa Cruz
Public Minister, after special forces had detained them.

"The most striking thing, and one that we still have not received an answer
about, is that they were turned over to the Santa Cruz prosecutor and
immediately set free," he said, with regret.

"We believe that this is a very serious act that must be completely
investigated, " he insisted.

Violence Preceded the Arrests

According to the story of the presidential delegate in Santa Cruz, Gabriela
Montaño, before the two men were arrested, a dozen members of their shock
troops were protesting at El Trompillo against the arrival of the head of

The ultra-rightwing protesters chanted and threw firecrackers. Furthermore,
according to the Bolivian Information Agency (ABI), pictures were taken of
members of the shock troops, carrying weapons.

Destabilization Plan

This Thursday, the government minister Alfredo Rada denounced the existence
of a destabilization plan organized by the departmental authorities of the
"Media Luna," who during recent months have promoted illegal and
unconstitutional autonomy referendums.

Rada said that the opposition is trying to create social conflict and
violence in the country through strikes and mobilizations in certain

As an example, he said that certain groups were trying, in a violent way, to
impede the arrival of President Evo Morales in different parts of the
territory, such as occurred last May when far-right groups attacked
campesinos in Sucre, stripping them, forcing them to their knees, and
shouting slogans against the President.

He said that this Friday the details of this "destabilization plan being put
together by the 'Media Luna,'" specifically by the prefects of Beni (North),
Ernesto Suárez; Pando (North), Leopoldo Fernández; Tarija (South), Mario
Cossío; and Santa Cruz (South), Rubén Costas, along with other opposition
and civic leaders, would be announced.

However, he offered that "it is a plan that begins and escalates through
civic strikes," such as that which took place this Thursday in Cobija
(Pando) where opposition groups mobilized for a demonstration called by the
Civic Committee.

Machetera is a member of Tlaxcala, the network of translators for linguistic
diversity. This translation may be reprinted as long as the content remains
unaltered, and the source, author, and translator are cited.

http://machetera. wordpress. com/2008/ 06/21/gunning- for-morales- literally/ 

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[cia-drugs] The CIA,Narcotics &Underworld:Doug Valentine IV

2008-06-13 Thread mary whalen

The CIA, Narcotics & Underworld: Doug Valentine IV  Sunday, 19 
August 2007, 11:16 am
Article: Suzan Mazur 

  The CIA, Narcotics & Underworld: Doug Valentine Interview   
81 Bedford Street & Richard Helms (from Suzan Mazur's Archives)   
  Richard Helms, chief of the Central Intelligence Agency's Clandestine 
Services, asked the Agency to start funding a biochemical warfare program in 
1953 called MKULTRA, which included the drugging of unwitting suspects in New 
York's Greenwich Village with LSD and other hallucinogens. One of the 
safehouses was at 81 Bedford Street across from Chumley's speakeasy. While many 
of Greenwich Village's buildings today bear historic plaques, the CIA's mind 
control experiments at 81 Bedford Street go unacknowledged.


  Several years ago, when I was trying to make the distinction between Lewis 
Lapham, the Editor of Harper's Ma  gazine -- whose roots are in an old San 
Francisco banking family -- and Lewis Lapham, the Central Intelligence Agency's 
man, I was directed to author Doug Valentine by Lou Wolf of Covert Action 
Quarterly, who described Valentine as one of the most knowledgeable people on 
the CIA. Valentine told me the two Laphams were not the same man. I was 
relieved. But in the next breath he said that Tony Lapham, Harper's Editor 
Lewis Lapham's brother, had been both a covert CIA agent and General Counsel to 
the CIA, appointed in 1976 by then Director of Central Intelligence, George 
H.W. Bush. I was again concerned.  Lewis Lapham has since left Harper's to 
start his own publication.I've kept in touch with Doug, and 
recently asked him if he'd help me to flesh-out the new CIA book, Legacy of 
Ashes by Tim Weiner, the New York Times National Security
 reporter.   Doug Valentine is a poet and also the author of several incredibly 
rich and revealing books on the workings of National Security. Best known of 
these is the Phoenix Program 
about the Vietnam War and Strength of the Wolf: The Secret History of America's 
War on Drugs. 
His new book, Strength of the Pack, volume two about America's war on drugs, 
will be published next year by the University of Kansas Press. 
  Strength of the Wolf documents the history of the Federal Bureau of 
Narcotics. The FBN rubbed up against the CIA and FBI until it was finally 
rubbed out by "the Establishment" in 1968. Valentine attributes the demise of 
the FBN to the bureau's success in penetrating the Mafia and the French 
connection and case-making agents uncovering "the Establishment's ties to 
organized crime".
Click Images For Amazon Purchase PagesUnlike the Weiner book's 
interviews with 10 CIA Directors, Valentine says the CIA did its best to 
prevent Strength of the Wolf from going forward. My interview with Doug 
Valentine follows.   
Author Douglas Valentine - [EMAIL PROTECTED] Suzan Mazur: The New 
York Times National Security reporter, Tim Weiner, is out with a 60-year 
history of the Central Intelligence Agency’s failures called Legacy of Ashes. 
Weiner was recently a guest on the Charlie Rose Show talking about the CIA 
book. I’d like to use that interview as a backdrop for our conversation.
 Over the past 15 years the Charlie Rose Show's host and executive producer, 
the elegant Charlie Rose, has established himself as sort of the US minister of 
propaganda, using PBS as a platform, and funding from major foundations and 
major banks to broadcast his public affairs program from New York Mayor Mike 
Bloomberg's Bloomberg News studios in Manhattan. Sometimes the 
propaganda is a result of Rose not knowing the material, making it a perfect 
showcase for the Kissingers, Holbrookes, etc. to maneuver around in. 
For the record, I appeared on the broadcast in the 1990s when the
 show first went national, to discuss the crisis in Sudan. The Khartoum 
government had been overwhelmingly condemned for human rights violations by the 
UN. It was not letting in Western journalists. Osama bin Laden, Carlos the 
Jackal and Abu Nidal were all based in Khartoum at the time. Is it a 
coincidence that bin Laden was there? Maybe not. Khartoum had been the CIA’s 
most important outpost in Africa and Sudan’s de facto leader, Hassan Turabi, 
had an interesting history with the CIA, most visibly through Operation Moses. 
I managed to get in and do a videotaped interview in Khartoum with Hassan 

Hassan Turabi - Image SourceClick to join catapultthepropaganda
Click to join openmindopencodenews 

It's to Charlie Rose’s credit that he attempted a segment on Sudan when 
nobody else was

[cia-drugs] Philippines, US to Hold Naval Exercises Near Spratlys

2008-05-28 Thread mary whalen

They'll get that Danm Aid in!!!

US and Philippine forces will carry out joint naval exercises off Palawan, the 
closest major Philippine island to the disputed Spratlys chain in the South 
China Sea, a report said Saturday.

The joint exercises will begin Monday, Vice Admiral William Douglas Crowder, 
commander of the US seventh fleet flagship the USS Blue Ridge, told the 
Philippine Star newspaper.

About four US ships will sail to Palawan, southwest of Manila, for the combined 
naval war games involving about a thousand US and Filipino sailors, the 
newspaper said.

The Spratlys, a chain of islands and atolls believed to be rich in oil and gas 
deposits, are claimed in full or in part by Brunei, China, Malaysia, the 
Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam. All but Brunei have troops posted on some of 
the islands.

Naval officials told the paper the exercises would be held within the 
territorial waters of Palawan, away from the Spratlys, which are located off 
the island's western coast.

Military spokesmen in Manila would not confirm the report.



Let the people do what they want, you get Woodstock. Let the government do what 
it wants, you get WACO!Mary.
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[cia-drugs] Welcome To Our ... Database

2008-05-27 Thread mary whalen

"Enhanced driver's licences" are billed as a cheaper, more convenient 
alternative to passports for crossing the border into the United States from 
Canada - but the new ID makes privacy watchdogs more than a little nervous. 
They raise the spectre of multiple databases carrying surprising amounts of 
information on citizens.

Starting in June 2009, all Canadians entering the U.S. will need a valid 
passport or the new alternative - an EDL - as the U.S. extends its "war on 
terrorism" to what was long known as the world's longest undefended border.

The high-tech driver's licence, which will be available in Quebec by the end of 
this year, is embedded with a radio-frequency identification chip and meets 
American documentation requirements. But privacy and human-rights advocates 
warn that the card could become a Trojan Horse, making it easy for authorities 
in both countries to amass data files on law-abiding citizens, and track their 
movements to and from the U.S.

The watchdogs say the EDL is the latest weapon in the growing arsenal of ways 
to gather information on citizens, which has been quietly stockpiled since the 
Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks by Saudi Arabian citizens who entered the U.S. 
on valid student visas.

The critics worry that, beyond tagging potential terrorists and criminals, 
authorities could use the technology to help build profiles of political 
dissidents and people not convicted of any crimes, particularly in Muslim, 
Tamil and other communities. The enhanced driver's licence will be known in 
Quebec as the Permis de conduire plus and will probably add $25 to $30 to the 
cost of a regular licence - less than the cost of a Canadian passport, now $87 
for five years.

The radio-frequency chip has a unique number that a customs officers can use to 
unlock a database with basic identity information on the carrier: name, date of 
birth, sex, citizenship and expiry date of the permit.

The digitized photograph in the database will allow customs officers to compare 
it with the picture on the front of the driver's licence.

The U.S. Homeland Security Department says it will keep the information 
gathered from the cards, as well as from any interviews or background checks 
done at the border, for up to 20 years "or for investigative purposes, a longer 
period of time.

Roch Tassé, co-ordinator of the Ottawa-based International Civil Liberties 
Monitoring Group, calls the EDL a "backdoor" identity card, introduced "without 
parliamentary debate in the United States or in Canada," and containing a 
digital photograph.

The next step Tassé says, will be digitizing biometric indicators; 
fingerprints, retinal patterns, hand geometry, DNA, blood types, odours and 
even your signature gait.

Finance Minister Jim Flaherty included $26 million in his budget to incorporate 
biometric data in the visas of foreign visitors and announced Canadians will 
get 10-year passports with an RFID chip starting in 2011.

On May 1, Manitoba announced it would also issue enhanced identity cards to 
non-drivers, with the same chip used in the EDL.

Quebec has no plans yet to issue enhanced IDs for non-drivers.

In the past, Canada's security apparatus has collected data on former premiers 
and prime ministers. Canadian volunteers in the Spanish Civil War were 
considered potential subversives.
Justice Dennis O'Connor, in his inquiry on the transfer of Canadian citizen 
Maher Arar to his native Syria, where he was tortured, concluded that it was 
very likely U.S. authorities used inaccurate information about Arar provided by 
the RCMP.

Tassé is concerned that "data-mining techniques" will allow Homeland Security 
to use driver's licence information along with police files and other 
information to build profiles.

There is also evidence customs officers on both sides of the border are sharing 
police files and accumulating personal data, on the assumption more information 
about who is crossing the border means fewer risks.

"Citizens have little or no awareness of the amount of data compiled on them," 
says Benoît Gagnon, a security and terrorism expert, who lectures at Université 
de Montréal.
"Services like Air Miles, iTunes, Workopolis, Monster, Facebook and so on, are 
mines of information for data-miners," Gagnon said in an email.

"But this information is freely given by the users of these services," Gagnon 
said. "The problem is that they are perhaps not aware of the value of what they 
are giving in the first place."
Over time, Gagnon said, there a risk of corruption, loss and theft of data. 
"That is the problem with the over-multiplication of databases.

"With more data to manage, the probability of errors, problems or theft 
increases," he added. "It will take more employees to manage this data."

Gagnon chaired a committee of Quebec's Commission de l'éthique de la science et 
de la technologie which wrote In search of balance, a study on the ethics of 
surveillance technologies used for

[cia-drugs] Personal Background:Pentagon War Games & Reality

2008-05-27 Thread mary whalen

elvis oner  wrote: 
Personal Background:Pentagon War Games & Reality 

   (May 24, 2008) CIA Director George Tenet sent me over to the Pentagon in 
August 2001 to pick up the 9-11 planning documents, and move Pentagon 
corruption documents and real secrets out of the way of the anticipated 9-11 

I had been at the Pentagon on and off on assignments since the Vietnam War. I 
had given General Schwarzkopf briefings in Saudi Arabia during the 1991 Iraq 
ground war as a the CIA's coordinator for remote viewing data. 

I had also been training military officers, especially ones from Office of 
Naval Intelligence since about 1970. So, the US military knew who I was just 
fine, but they couldn't figure out how to relate to you unless you had a rank. 

Consequently, I had been given a wide variety of ranks over the years to fit 
into specific assignments. Good intelligence people should be able to play any 
rank, like a good actor should be able to play any part.

Since I had been training naval officers at the Naval Training Center in San 
Diego in advanced espionage skills, before and after the Cold War, they had 
assigned me a rank of Rear Admiral for well over a decade.
  That made sense in terms of getting the naval officers to take what I said 
seriously. They needed to take it seriously to stay alive when they penetrated 
the Russian shipyards at Vladivostok under my supervision. I was the only US 
intelligence person who had been inside them before. 

My espionage skills were quite good. I had even played the part of a Russian 
Admiral once in Russia and lived to tell about it. 

But the Pentagon in August 2001 still had me listed as a Major from a mole hunt 
assignment that I had done in about 1998 there. For the mole hunt, if was 
better for me to be able to walk the halls of the Pentagon largely unnoticed. 

That was not the rank that I needed to pull off the task that Tenet had sent me 
to do. So, I reminded him that the Office of Naval Intelligence had me on their 
books as a Rear Admiral under an alias. I asked him to get me a rank of a 
one-star general at the Pentagon.

He called over and that issue was discussed with a 3-star general on the JCS. 
The general said that to be effective in accomplishing what Tenet wanted I 
needed to be a 2-star. In some sense that was not unreasonable; I had set up 
the Pentagon's Remote Viewing Defense Protocols. No one of the JCS had a clue 
about Remote Viewing Defense unless I was at those meetings. 

However, I did not start attending once a month until Oct. 2004 for a wide 
variety of reasons. Largely that was because I hate meetings and because I was 
in Canada starting in June 2002 for over a year. My Pentagon assignments were 
always done under an alias, as were my CIA assignments. But since I went back 
to JSC month after month, the alias was the same over Oct. 2003 to Aug. 2004.

My father had been in military intelligence. General Billy Mitchell was given a 
posthumous medal for accurately forecasting WWII in the Pacific in the 1950's. 
The CIA wanted remote viewers and figured that they had to start with children 
to be able to make them. 

People considered me a kind of child prodigy. MKULTRA had thrown me into the 
CIA at a very early age. 

My military training was not standard; most of it was at the Miramar Naval 
Airbase under an alias, since I was already in the hands of the CIA. The 
military had trained me in battlefield tactics to see what a remote viewer 
could do playing war games. I was, unfortunately, good at it. 

I had beat General Westmoreland in a series of war games when I was quite 
young. Those war games had started out theoretical and then moved into the war 
room at the Pentagon. We ended up playing with real troops on the ground in 
Vietnam. The game was to capture territory. He lost the competition. 

He liked military style campaigns with men dead at the end of them. As a remote 
viewer, I was like a Zen master merged into the reality of both sides. I felt 
the pain, if anyone got hurt. I could gain territory without anyone being hurt, 
though I though it was a pointless and unethical thing to do. 

The generals didn't really like my methods even back then. They didn't make 
enough kickbacks for anyone.

I was thrown into the Vietnam War on CIA assignments where I had to "walk 
point" on recon team to find specific things using my remote viewing skills. I 
was 19 at the time and the recon grunts liked to follow female buns. It was one 
way to get them to go into highly dangerous situations. 

I was used to going into Russia and into very dangerous situations. In Vietnam, 
I was asked to find shoulder launch missiles, VC headquarters. Those were both 
underground in tunnels and using a remote viewer to find th

[cia-drugs] CIA death squads killing with ��impunity�� in Afghanistan

2008-05-24 Thread mary whalen
Yes and I took note of the timing when the first notices of 
  "Death Squads" started to emerge from Iraq..it was not long after John 
Negrophite arrived to 'get the situation under control'. John Negrophite if you 
don't recall was like the top death squad...er...counter terror..junta army 
trainer ..for murderous rabid right wing dictators we installed for the Latin 
American little decades o horror. He told concerned Human Rights People , 
before leaving to new post something like 'he didn't pay close enough attention 
to day to day ops' unfortunately people died'
   You think...didn't miss hundreds of thousands disappeared? Somebody should 
let him know it is happening again all around him...Mary.

muckblit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Historically, we must suspect the usual suspects of killing whom they
usually kill. That would be labor organizers, environmentalists, women's
rights activists, herloom seed hoarders, vaccine refuseniks,
non-embedded journalists, Christian missionaries not working for Pat
Robertson, and Tajiks who trade opium to the French and Russians for
arms. They were calling the Tajiks "Taliban" last week, but it was
Tajiks who took the capital city, Kabul, away from Taliban in 2001 after
successfully resisting Taliban all along.

Or maybe US covert ops are merely helping to kill off the central
government, which competes with feudal warlords preferred by feudal US
warlords. Maybe it's Blackwater feudal warlords killing off Afghan
central government which competes with Blackwater.

Have you seen the John Cusack satire? Warco.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Kris Millegan wrote:
> Begin forwarded message:
> > From: "S.T.Ill Freeman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Date: May 19, 2008 8:40:21 PM PDT
> > >
> > Subject: [ctrl] CIA death squads killing with ¡°impunity¡± in
> > Afghanistan
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > CIA death squads killing with ¡°impunity¡± in Afghanistan
> >
> > Joe Kay
> >
> > WSWS
> > May 19, 2008
> > http://www.infowars.com/?p=2223
> >
> >
> >
> > A United Nations investigator released a preliminary report last
> > week citing widespread civilian deaths in Afghanistan, often at the
> > hands of unaccountable units led by the CIA or other foreign
> > intelligence agencies.
> >
> > The investigator is Philip Alston, a New York University professor
> > serving as the Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Human Rights
> > Council on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary execution. His report
> > provides a partial glimpse into the illegal actions of intelligence
> > agencies, occupying forces, and Afghan police, as they seek to
> > repress opposition to the US-led occupation and US-backed
> >
> >
> > A more detailed final report will be released later this year.
> >
> > Alston focused on civilian killings by US and other international
> > military forces, citing 200 reported deaths in the first four months
> > of 2008. This figure, however, was based on tabulations by the
> > United Nations and other international organizations, and is
> > undoubtedly a serious underestimation.
> >
> >
> > In addition to civilians killed in air raids¡ªoften targeted
> > indiscriminately at civilian dwellings¡ªAlston reported on ¡°a
> > number of raids for which no state or military command appears ready
> > to acknowledge responsibility.¡±
> >
> >
> > In a press conference on Thursday, Alston elaborated, saying, ¡°I
> > have spoken with a large number of people in relation to the
> > operation of foreign intelligence units. I don¡¯t want to name
> > but they are the most senior level of the relevant places. These
> > forces operate with what appears to be impunity.¡± The location
> > the incidents cited in the report indicate that the intelligence
> > agencies in question include the CIA or US Special Operations
> >
> >
> > The report cited a few incidents as examples of extra-judicial
> > killings. In January 2008, two brothers were killed in Kandahar
> > province in a raid led by ¡°international personnel.¡± Alston
> > that the victims ¡°are widely acknowledged, even by well-informed
> > Government officials, to have had no connection to the Taliban, and
> > the circumstances of their deaths are suspicious. However, not only
> > was I unable to get any international military commander to provide
> > their version of what took place, but I was unable to get any
> > international military commander to even admit that their soldiers
> > were involved.¡±
> >
> >
> > Other incidents involved raids by Afghans led by unnamed ¡
> > °international intelligence services¡± out of bases in both
> > and Nangarhar provinces.
> >
> >

[cia-drugs] Feds to Collect Millions of DNA Profiles Yearly, Stay Out if You Can

2008-05-13 Thread mary whalen


The feds will soon be collecting about one million DNA samples a year 
under a new program that lets federal agents collect cheek swabs from citizens 
merely arrested for any federal crime or from any non-citizen detained by 
federal agents -- including visitors to the country who have visas.

The intent is build a massive database of DNA samples (.pdf) that police can 
use to catch rapists and murderers, but even the innocent should fear being in 
the database, due to the vagaries of how cold case DNA searches can easily 
pinpoint an innocent person.

Thanks to an amendment in the Violence Against Women Act of 2005 that was 
sponsored by Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Arizona), the feds now have the authority to 
immediately take DNA from any arrestee or 'detained' non-citizen and 
immediately upload it to the FBI's CODIS database.  That database is currently 
fed by federal law enforcement agencies and all 50 states, a few of which 
collect and upload DNA samples from people arrested, but not convicted of a 

DNA profiles are composed of 13 genetic markers that are meant not to reveal 
genetic makeup or disease. Like fingerprints, DNA are very powerful and 
scientifically sound evidence, when used to connect a known suspect to evidence 
found at the scene of the crime. Jurors are easily persuaded to accept the DNA 
link for someone who had already been suspected of a crime scene when told the 
odds against a false identification are 1 in millions or billions.

But DNA is far less certain when you compare one sample against all of the 
profiles in the database typically known as one-to-many. In that case the 
chances that a match between a DNA sample -- especially an incomplete one -- 
and a person in a DNA database could nab an innocent person has different math. 
Very different math.

So if you have a probability of 1 in 1.1 million chance of people having a 
certain sequence of DNA markers and you have a database of 550,000 people, you 
have a 50% chance of making a match. That's great, if you know that the 
perpetrator is in that database. But what it also means is that as you start 
testing DNA profiles against more and more people, the chances that you will 
match an innocent person to a DNA profile from a crime scene gets higher.

A recent L.A. Times story about a cold case prosecution of a 1972 rape and 
murder in California, where 30 years later, police matched a DNA sample from 
the scene to that of a convicted rapist in its 338,000 profile strong DNA 
database. Given the number of markers that were used there was a one in three 
chance that some profile in the database would match. In this case, it matched 
John Puckett, who lived in the same city.

The jury however, wasn't told about the probability that someone in the 
database would match against the profile (The L.A. Times story erroneously says 
that there was a 1/3 chance that someone innocent would be fingered in such a 
search. If one knew for a fact that every person in the database were innocent, 
then there was a 1 in 3 chance that an innocent person would get fingered, but 
in Puckett's case, one simply knows that there was a one in three chance 
someone in the California criminal database would be fingered.)

And that's a problem when the government starts collecting millions of DNA 
samples, sticking them in a massive database and finding 'cold hits.'

Imagine the innocent man facing down a jury of his peers, hoping that they 
understand something about statistics.

The Justice Department is taking comments on the proposed DNA rules until 
Monday, May 19.



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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ImpeachGeorgeWBush] WATCH THIS! JUDGE: 1st Amendment/Patriot Act 101!!!!! PLAIN TRUTH!!!

2008-02-15 Thread mary whalen
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 21:30:26 -0700
Subject: [ImpeachGeorgeWBush] WATCH THIS! JUDGE: 1st Amendment/Patriot Act 

  Judge Napaletano SPELLS IT OUT IN ACES!!!




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it wants, you get WACO!Mary.
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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Why cashing out of $$billions just before 9/11 was never investigated?

2008-02-15 Thread mary whalen
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 01:04:17 +0300
Subject: ] Why cashing out of $$billions just before 9/11 was never 

  More evidence of Pre-9/11 Inside Trading: Follow the Money? God 
forbid! Why was the cashing out of billions of dollars just before 9/11 
never investigated? 
  Global Research Articles by Jim Hogue  
  Jim Hogue, a former teacher, is now an actor who tours his 
performance of Ethan Allen. He also operates a small farm in Calais, 
VT. His seminal articles about Sibel Edmonds and CIA 
Whistleblower "Miss Moneypenny" may be found in this newspaper's 
archives. Bill Bergman currently works in Chicago as an equity 
analyst for a private sector firm. From 1998 to 2004 he was a senior 
financial market analyst for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 
where his areas of expertise included Insolvency Issues in 
Derivatives Markets, Money Laundering, and Ethics and Payment System 
Policy. He holds an M.B.A. in Finance and an M.A. in Public Policy 
from the University of Chicago.

by Jim Hogue

Global Research, February 10, 2008 
Baltimore Chronicle 

Had an investigation been done into the crime of failing to file 
the "currency transaction reports" in August 2001, then we would 
know who made the cash withdrawals in $100 bills amounting to the $5 
billion surge.

When reviewing the record of July and August of 2001, Bill Bergman 
noticed a $5 billion surge in the currency component of the M1 money 
supply—the third largest such increase since 1947. Bergman asked 
about this anomaly—and was removed from his investigative duties. 

It's been over six years since 9/11, but U.S. regulatory entities 
have been slow to follow through with reports about the complex 
financial transactions that occurred just prior to and following the 
attacks. Such research could shed light on such questions as who was 
behind them—and who benefited—and could help lay to rest the rumors 
that have been festering.

Warning bells about anomalies in the fiscal sector were sounded in 
the summer of 2001, but not heeded. 

Among those who has since raised questions was Bill Bergman. As a 
financial market analyst for the Federal Reserve, he was assigned in 
2003 to review the record of July and August of 2001. He noticed an 
unusual surge in the currency component of the M1 money supply (cash 
circulating outside of banks) during that period. The surge totaled 
over $5 billion above the norm for a two-month increase. 

The increase in August alone was the third largest single monthly 
increase since 1947, even after a significantly above-average month 
in July.

Surges in the currency component of M1 are often the result of 
people withdrawing their cash to protect themselves lest some 
anticipated disaster (such as Y2K) befall the economy. In January of 
1991 a surge was recorded (the then second-largest since '47), which 
could be attributed to "war-time hoarding" before the Iraq I 
invasion, but could also be attributed to financial maneuverings and 
liquefying of assets relating to the BCCI enforcement proceedings.

Bergman points out that the August 2001 withdrawals may have been, 
to a large extent, caused by the Argentinian banking crisis that was 
occurring at the time. However, he raises the point that no 
explanation has yet fully answered the important question: Why was 
the cashing out of billions of dollars just before the 9/11 attacks 
never investigated? 

It's possible that the answer to this question is also the answer to 
the other follow-the-money questions surrounding 9/11; and despite 
an embarrassing heap of evidence, neither the press, nor Congress, 
nor any agency with investigative responsibility has done its job on 
our behalf. On the contrary, their inaction might reasonably be 
construed as a cover-up.

Bergman "followed the money," including developing a framework for 
working with money-laundering data and "suspicious activity" reports 
for monitoring and investigating terrorism. The questions he asked 
about what happened during the summer of 2001 should have led to 
investigations, which should have resulted in the prosecution of 
those with foreknowledge of the attacks.

Those who follow the history of the 9/11 fact-finding movement know 
that there is a laundry-list of unanswered questions that are just 
as compelling as those put forth by Bergman. 

And there is also a laundry-list of whistle-blowers who have been 
fired and subsequently ignored. So it is not at all surprising that 
Bergman was removed from his investigative duties, and that his 
concerns were not publicly addressed.

Bergman's supervisor instructed him to follow up on an unanswered 
question he had raised pertaining to an August 2, 2001 letter from 
the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve to the 12 Reserve 
Banks. This letter urged scrutiny of suspicious activity reports. 
Bergman learned of the pervasiveness of the warnings of the 9/11 
attacks, and wondered how thoroughly these warnings ha

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Agent of suffering

2008-02-13 Thread mary whalen
Tragically Agent Orange will go down in history as benign compared to the 
catastrophic effects Depleted Uranium is having as it is being unleashed 
insanely in the Middle East. Depleted Uranium has a half life of 1 or 4 (I 
forget, like it would make any difference) BILLION YEARS. With cancers and 
major birth defects passing down generation to generation.Mary.

Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 08:11:43 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Agent of suffering

  Agent of suffering A third generation of Vietnamese are suffering 
deformities caused by US chemical warfare and still Washington refuses to 
accept responsibility   
Posted Feb 11, 2008 08:49 AM PST

  Warning: extremely graphic and disturbing picture at the top of this article. 
  However, this was the legacy of America's "tax dollars at work" in Viet Nam 
in the 60s and 70's. In the nineties and into the year 2008, the legacy of our 
"tax dollars at work" will be that of depleted uranium poisoning, not only 
hitting people in the Middle East, but our vets and their families as well. 
And of course, Washington refuses to acknowledge the terrible damage that this 
has caused as well.
  Agent of suffering 
A third generation of Vietnamese are suffering deformities caused by US 
chemical warfare and still Washington refuses to accept responsibility
  Tom Fawthrop, Guardian
  Three-year-old Xuan Minh, believed to be suffering from the effects of Agent 
Orange, looks out from his hospital bed in Ho Chi Min. Photographer: Richard 

  February 10, 2008
  Long after the last bullet has been fired in a war, unexploded bombs, 
landmines and toxic chemicals continue to maim and kill civilians. This is 
particularly true of the Vietnam war. Three decades after US soldiers and 
diplomats scrambled aboard the last planes out of Saigon in April 1975, the 
toxins they left behind still poison Vietnam. Relations with the United States 
have been normalised since the 1990s, but the denial of justice to the victims 
of Agent Orange remains a major bone of contention.
  Not only are Vietnamese still maimed from treading on unexploded bombs, they 
are also victims of this insidious scourge that poisons water and food 
supplies, causing various cancers and crippling deformities. Eighty million 
litres of Agent Orange were sprayed on the jungles of Vietnam, destroying 
swathes of irreplaceable rainforest through massive defoliation and leaving a 
toxic trail of dioxin contamination in the soil for decades. The legacy of this 
chemical warfare can even be inflicted on the unborn, with Agent Orange birth 
deformities now being passed on to a third generation.
  In the 3,160 villages in the southern part of Vietnam within the Agent Orange 
spraying zone, 800,000 people continue to suffer serious health problems and 
are in need of constant medical attention. Last month, members of a US 
Vietnamese working group reported that it will cost at least $14m to remove 
dioxin residues from just one site around the former US airbase in Danang. The 
cost of a comprehensive clean-up around three dioxin hotspots and former US 
bases is estimated at around $60m. The $3m pledged by US Congress last year is 
a pathetically inadequate amount set against the billions spent in waging war 
and deploying weapons of mass destruction.
  The recent study of one Agent Orange hotspot, the former US airbase in 
Danang, found dioxin levels 300 to 400 times higher than internationally 
accepted limits. The study confirmed that rainwater had carried dioxin into 
city drains and into a neighbouring community that is home to more than 100,000 
  Dr Arnold Schecter, a leading expert in dioxin contamination in the US, 
sampled the soil around former US airbase in Bien Hoa in 2003 and found dioxin 
levels that were 180 times above the safe level set by the US environmental 
protection agency. The US government was aware of these findings (pdf) back in 
  The US government's Veterans Administration officially recognises 13 medical 
conditions linked to Agent Orange and provides free medical treatment to US 
soldiers who can prove their exposure to the herbicide. But Washington has 
adamantly denied all responsibility and evaded any kind of accountability for 
the estimated four million Vietnamese soldiers and civilians who suffered far 
greater exposure to the dioxin than the US war veterans.
  In February 2004, the Vietnamese Association of Victims of Agent Orange 
(VAVA) filed a class action law suit in a New York court, against Monsanto, Dow 
Chemicals and 35 other manufacturers of the herbicides deployed in Vietnam. The 
plaintiffs and their lawyers deliberately chose the very same court that had 
presided over the only previous lawsuit brought against Agent Orange 
manufacturers, by US war veterans. 
  The original lawsuit was settled i

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [] Fwd: Rummy Resurfaces, Calls for U.S. Propaganda Agency

2008-01-26 Thread mary whalen
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 18:26:43 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [ Fwd: Rummy Resurfaces, Calls for U.S. Propaganda Agency

Sent to you by a Google Reader:
  Rummy Resurfaces, Calls for U.S. Propaganda Agency
  via Wired: Top Stories by Danger Room on 1/23/08

In a rare public appearance, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld defends 
the military's practice of planting stories in the press -- and called for a 
new U.S. agency for propaganda. "The internet is there, pods are there, talk 
radio is there, e-mails are there. There are all kinds of opportunities," he 



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Let the people do what they want, you get Woodstock. Let the government do what 
it wants, you get WACO!Mary.
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Re: [catapult] Re: [cia-drugs] Using Religion to Promote Flu Vaccine

2007-01-10 Thread mary whalen
Hi all,
   Lets not forget that that Donal Rumsfeld was the owner or 1/2 owner 
of company making Tamiflu. He is today still a very major stockholder, to date 
the last I've heard he has so far personally profited to the tune of 
$5,000,000.  Despite  the fact that experts in the field (outside the clutches 
of FDA and others infuinced by big pharma ) claim Tamiflu is useless. Rumseld 
through crony capitalism, well connected collaberators and the mainstream press 
so intimidated or indoctrinated he has been able to use fearmongering and 
armtwisting at least to  get not just doctors, but nations to start stockpiling 
this useless vaccine.
   Now that he is unemployed (we all neocons with official power are 
dangerous. When they lose legit they can be vicios!
   I certianly would not rule out porpusly (perhaps believing they can 
contain) staring an epandemic to cause panic buying.
I was  just looking at a poster  a couple of days ago, put out by the 
government "Last Chance" offering gay men to come and get  free "Heb B shot" 
these were distributed in 1979 in New York City and San Fransisco mainly, maybe 
elseware, though not  ones I know of.
 However it was soon after these shots were administered that this strange 
new deadly disease started cropping up predominitly among gay males.. 
.AIDS...Studies later seemed to suggest  all roads lead back to those gay men 
who recieved vaccines from very concerned homophobic government all of sudden 
extemely concerned for the health of gay males, above and beyond concern for 
traumatized Vietnam Vets, single parents, ect.Mary.
Gritzle70 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Absent from this discussion is how these vaccines are intended to 
kill us in the long run -- all part of the culling of the herd so they can make 
billions of dollars as well as kill us over time (two birds with one stone)  It 
would offer us "short term" protection, but in a few years we would be 
afflicted with all those genetically engineered diseases like Alzheimer's, MS, 
ALS, various types of cancer -- all of which, conveniently, require yet more 
expensive treatments (more profits for them); only when it becomes necessary 
for them to execute the "great die off" will they deliver their super plague.  
They will either retire to their underground cities or depart for the moon or 
mars bases.

norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
   "Although it is too early to say what the effect would be in humans, an 
initial course of two or three shots [of universal type A influenza vaccine] 
could provide long-lasting immunity, topped up with booster shots given every 
five to ten years. Dr Ashley Birkett, of Acambis, said: "It wouldn't be that 
one shot protects for life but you would need fewer doses over your lifetime." 
In addition, the jabs could be produced in vast quantities and stockpiled ahead 
of a flu pandemic - or even given to people in advanceit may also be 
possible to create a similar jab against influenza B, which causes a milder 
form of winter fluProfessor John Oxford, Britain's leading flu expert, said 
the development of a universal vaccine was the "holy grail" of flu research. He 
added: "If you get a M2 vaccine which protects against the whole caboodle in 
the same vaccine, the possibilities are huge." - Fiona MacRae, The Daily Mail, 
UK   Barbara Loe Fisher Commentary:
  Medical scientists masquerading as saints are once again invoking a familiar 
religious symbol to describe a new vaccine they are creating. The term "the 
Holy Grail," which refers to the chalice Christ drank from at the Last Supper, 
has been used frequently in the past by vaccinologists creating vaccines they 
want the people to purchase and use on a mass basis. This time scientists 
working for drug companies in Great Britain and Switzerland are referring to a 
"universal" vaccine they say will banish type A influenza infection from the 
earth - and prepare the way for a similar universal type B influenza vaccine.

The assumption that preventing humans from ever experiencing type A (or type B) 
influenza will result in superior long term health is not based on scientific 
evidence. Like a religious belief, that assumption is based on faith. It is no 
wonder the vaccinologists are using religious symbols to describe their new 
vaccines. They have forgotten who they are. Or perhaps they just want people to 
believe they - and their creations - are holy.

Experiencing infectious disease, including influenza, has been part of the 
human condition since man has walked the earth. Why do vaccinologists insist on 
assuming that the human immune system is incapable of dealing with that 
experience? Or benefiting from it? Where is the evidence that it is good to 
never, ever get the flu? Or that "universal" vaccines will not put pressure on 
microorganisms to mutate into vaccine-resistant strains?

Those who use religious terms to describe the vaccines they want p