Dear Group,
Those who relish or heavily rely upon war and greed and usury are (during these 
times of the wicked last days) not about to do all of a sudden an about-face to 
show a caring countenance backed up by charitable or loving actions which is 
beneficial to all humanity rather than to their over blown-up selves!
Mr. Armagreeddoom Bush (the Last of the three Mr. Antichrists) and most 
self-centered republicans are patently of the above persuasion, and so are most 
so-call for-profit corporations – including the mighty BP! The bottom line is, 
when the almighty dollar is involved, you can bet your soul and life that the 
common man interest and the public at large is always in jeopardy or peril! 
BP reportedly made 58 billion dollars in pure profit last year, but who would 
think that after they messed up so many lives by their negligent Gulf oil spill 
due to wanton greed, that they would now so soon start reneging on their 
promise to make everything right? 

BP Cuts Payments to 40,000 workers, La. Official Says
State Cabinet Member Tells Federal Gov't of "Devastating" Cuts for Thousands 
with Incomplete Claim Files NEW ORLEANS,     July 10, 2010 
(AP)  BP has decided to reduce payments to tens of thousands of people whose 
claim files are incomplete, the secretary of Louisiana's Department of Children 
and Family Services said. 

Special Section: Disaster in the Gulf 

"This action is irresponsible and in complete contrast to BP's repeated promise 
that they will 'make things right,'" the secretary, Kristy Nichols, wrote in a 
letter sent Friday to federal oil spill claims administrator Kenneth Feinberg. 

It was not immediately clear how severe the payment cuts would be. BP did not 
immediately respond to a request for comment. 
ZetaTalk: Capitalism
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Regarding capitalism, with its arguments that the whole benefits from the 
avarice and greed of the few. Proponents point to the United States or other 
western civilizations as proof of the theory. Where in truth there are the 
wealthy, as there always are in every civilization, nevertheless poverty still 
reigns for the masses. Is your United States any different, in truth? How many 
citizens are starving on the streets, in increasing numbers? How many tiny 
school children sit with hollow eyes because their bellies are cramping in an 
insistent demand for the breakfast they never seem to get? How many families 
try to make moldy, bug ridden quarters cheerful, with not much more than a 
plucked dandelion or two. Children playing in the mud because this is their 
only toy. This is Capitalism's outcome. In point of fact, these statistics 
would be a thousand times worse if Capitalism were allowed to run full course. 
It is held in check by your laws.

The wicked ENDTIME - NOT the RIGHTEOUS!  

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