Former NO Cop Admits Coverup In Katrina Danziger Bridge Murders of innocent 
NEW ORLEANS — A former New Orleans police officer told federal authorities he 
saw a fellow officer shoot and kick unarmed, wounded civilians in a deadly 
incident on a bridge in Hurricane Katrina's aftermath, marking the first time 
an officer has provided federal authorities with an eyewitness account of the 
The former officer, Michael Hunter, pleaded guilty Wednesday to helping cover 
up the shootings on the Danziger Bridge less than a week after the August 2005 
A court filing Wednesday that describes Hunter's account of the shootings 
contradicts a police report that said civilians shot at officers before the 
police opened fire, killing two people and wounding four others.
Seeing no danger to officers, Hunter says he shouted "Cease fire!" after an 
unidentified sergeant with an assault rifle and other officers opened fire on a 
group of unarmed civilians who took cover behind a concrete barrier on the 
After they stopped firing, Hunter says he saw several civilians who appeared to 
be unarmed, injured and subdued.
"(The sergeant) suddenly leaned over the concrete barrier, held out his assault 
rifle, and, in a sweeping motion, fired repeatedly at the civilians lying 
wounded on the ground," the filing says. "The civilians were not trying to 
escape and were not doing anything that could be perceived as a threat."
Moments later, Hunter saw two men later identified as Lance Madison and his 
40-year-old mentally disabled brother, Ronald, running away near the bottom of 
the bridge.
Hunter's statement said an unidentified officer shot Ronald Madison in the back 
with a shotgun.
"As Ronald Madison lay dying on the pavement, (the sergeant) ran down the 
bridge toward Ronald and asked an officer if Ronald was 'one of them.' When the 
officer replied in the affirmative, (the sergeant) began kicking or stomping 
Ronald Madison repeatedly with his foot," the filing states.
  What Happened on New Orleans' Danziger Bridge? Listen NPR

The wicked ENDTIME - NOT the RIGHTEOUS!  

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