-----Original Message-----
From: Sardar <sar...@spiritone.com>
To: Sardar <recon1968br...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tue, Dec 15, 2009 6:42 pm
Subject: Skull and Bones Broken Into! 'Dauphin' Releases Video of "The Tomb"

Skull and Bones Broken Into! 'Dauphin' Releases Video of "The Tomb" 
Tuesday, Dec 15th, 2009 
A Yale freshman who called himself the Dauphin is believed to have terrorized 
his peers with death threats, ritualistic vandalism, and a hit and run 
accident. Among his rumored loot: Secret society video footage, which has since 
surfaced on YouTube. 
The video, uploaded by new YouTube user Dauphinish and caught first by IvyGate, 
looks like it could belong the vaunted secret society that counts three 
generations of Bushes as its members. Unfortunately, vaunted secret societies 
don't really have publicists, so it's hard to confirm. (Yalies, take a stab in 
comments?) There are gothic arches, dust, skull imagery, and a stray coffin 
lying around. Dauphinish has tracked his video with what can only be described 
as conspiracy theory electronica: 
>From the Complete News Archive Released by Core of Corruption, see other news 
>reports on Bohemian Grove, 9/11, Iran Contra, BCCI, CIA Drug Running and more 
Complete News Archive from Core of Corruption 
If you are unfamiliar with the older break in, this is video from 2001 released 
in April of 2001 by ABC: 
But here's the rub: Though Dauphinish claims he is a 58-year-old Syrian, he 
sounds an awful lot like a certain Yale frosh who used to call himself the 
Dauphin. A Yale Daily News article from November 2007 says a mysterious 
Branford frosh-thought to be responsible for vandalism, death threats, and 
vehicular assault-"withdrew from the University for medical reasons." This 
paragraph, however, becomes the money shot, in retrospect: 
 Those who considered the student a friend said he told them he had broken into 
the tomb of Skull and Bones and shown them video footage to prove it. He also 
showed them books he had stolen from Scroll and Key and had chalked the word 
"Dauphin" on walls throughout Yale's campus. 
The Dauphin's identity was never confirmed or made public. His YouTube upload 
was on December 4, 2009. Points of query: 
 a.. 1. Is the Dauphin back? 
 b.. 2. Who was the Dauphin, anyway? Did his paranoid Yale fantasies exist 
before he got there? And, does admissions screen for that? 
 c.. 3. Unless, of course, Dauphinish is actually a 58-year-old Syrian, which 
could actually be a good thing: If the Skull & Bones mythos has reached the 
Muslim world, perhaps we can convince them that the failed international 
policies of the Presidents Bush were not symptomatic of an actual strain of 
political thought in America, but some peculiar Skull & Bones mating ritual. 
(Little known hazing task: Destroy the economy of a third-world nation of your 
choosing.) Then all we have to do is nuke the tomb, and radical Islam will go 
away. Hooray, Dauphin solved terrorism! 
 d.. 4. Or, what if Dauphin was actually innocent, and it was all a frame, 
because he knew too much? Check out this commenter at the Yale Herald: 
 Conspiracy theorists, start your engines. 
 e.. 5. Should someone alert the Dauphin's parents that their kid might be in 
the midst of a second manic episode or something? 
Here are older reports on Skull and Bones.  A 60 Minutes piece on Skull and 
Bones is no longer available from CBS for some reason, but you can still find a 
transcript of the episode. 
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