Begin forwarded message:

From: anita sands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 29, 2008 8:25:56 AM PDT
Subject: the BRADLEY EFFECT will win OBAMA the election

This takes your helping out. Creating the BRADLEY EFFECT!
Let's DO A BRADLEY!! I have a great and high-larious political story to tell you! It's about Tom Bradley who was our black, L.A. Calif POLICE CHIEF. Six foot five, Lincolnesque, a Tall Texan straight as a pine tree. It was said of him " 20 yrs a cop and never pulled his gun. He was a fair justice, equality, conservatively frugal fellow, never taxed anybody, a conservative DEMOCRAT. In 1969, TOM was iconic enough as a cop to face ole pol Sam Yorty to run for Mayor and he beat the white guy and served 5 terms as MAYOR thru the SLA crisis, Olympics, the Riots. So naturally, and I'm getting to the point of this story is, in 1982, he ran for GOVERNOR. The Thick Plottens. He was a shoo-in according to the POLLS. Trouble was, when they were polled, polite bigots wouldn't admit they were anti-Black, so they told polls, oh yeah, I'm voting for Bradley. So BRADLEY was so far ahead in the polls, guess what? He didn't scramble. DEUKMEJIAN did scramble cuz he was behind and THE DUKE WON! Most forgettable Gov in our history! So here's the point: POLLS can cause the LOSS of an election for even a favored candidate. I heard this story on KPFK-FM RADICAL RADIO this morning (You can get it on your PC all day archives etc) and hearing it, my tricky Hungarian brain (How to make a goulash? First you steal a chicken,) goes, 'WOW wouldn't it be fabulous if all us TRICKEY SERF TAXPAYERS were to HIT THE ONLINE ABC, CBS CNN voting polls heavily, really load up there CLICKING THE BOX that says "we LOVE SARAH PALIN" and clicking the one that says "We are VOTING FOR MCCAIN! Skew things a little. Cause OBAMA to scramble cause GOP to slide. I know it's tricky but better a white lie that hurts no one than a truth that hurts ANY!" And McCain winning and continuing BUSH policy would KILL MANY.

READ ABOUT THIS Bradley phenomena online, ever since memorialized as "THE BRADLEY EFFECT."

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