Former black messiah Lawrence Taylor, new babe in arms of
holy confessor Semiramis, pedo rape FBI Franklin Boystown
APEC Johnny Gosch Paul Bonacci Presidio Bush priest Pope
Hope. Has Gorbachev used the Presidio yet? LT, quite a godsend
for Ratz this week. Tiger cools LT heats up like a Gulf of Mexico
oil rig spill for the Ratz and FBI Lindbergh baby pedo vid perps.

LT jersey 666 "rape" charge for hiring hoe, pope jersey 66 books
of the bible, prosecutors the world over must be Ratz fans? A
tougher standard applies to trusted icons like Barrabas and LT
and Jesus? There must be a reason why but don't ask why we
have been drafted not to reason why. Don't white golfers ever
have girlfriends? Were reporters really keeping JFK secrets as
a favor to the pope?

Why the double standard? Don't they know the mailman never
comes twice? A man as old as Lawrence Taylor needs a second
hoe sixteen years old for that, but an old priest may need a boy
under twelve! Charging Taylor with rape would be inconsistent
with FBI APEC pedo videographers not being charged and the
low or no charges for serial-pedorapist priests, but quite consistent
with Jena Six charges for crimes white high school boys in Jena
are applauded for by KKK prosecutors and cops.

Will the Lawrence Taylor pedo rape story divert the media spotlight
from serial OJ pedo priest life-murderers who have had the spotlight
for weeks if not months? Will oligarchy empire oil spill in the Gulf
of Mexico? How about protestors beating cops and setting cops on
fire in Greece over Venetian oligarchy austerity for you better than
for them? Can the media take a hint? Will the people ease off on the
real perps i.e. "good guys(FBI APEC prostitute story by Paul Rodriguez
of Insight mag)"?

Lawrence Taylor the pope's hairdresser for a day? Ask don't tell.


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