Palin claims she knows how to stop the leak!

Thomas Frank discusses Missy Drill Baby Drill Sarah Palin response to President 
Barack Obama Oval Office address on Tuesday, in which she claimed he was using 
the oil disaster to raise energy prices as well as her solution to the problem. 
According to the Zetas space people/angels, Missy Sarah Palin thinks she or she 
would have you believe that she walk with god, the god of the wicked in reality 
rather than the true GOD of the righteous or truth! 


>From Zeta space angels: 
[Questioner]  Does Sarah Palin know she is deliberately lying or does she 
really believe the things she is told to say? One more question about Palin. 
Given the many examples of her 'knowledge' how in the world did she get to be 
mayor and governor? Has she really done some good somewhere? [and from another] 
A couple of Q's for the Z's. Sarah Palin appeared to be well composed for the 
recent VP debate. Some on the internet believe she was wearing an earpiece as 
video evidence seems to indicate some straight line running from arm of her 
glases into her right ear. Was she wearing an earpiece or how was she answering 
relatively coherently (not like previous interviews). 
[Zeta response]  Palin is a consummate politician, dealing only with facts that 
will promote her career or that are at issue during an election. Her education 
thus has not been broad, as an examination of her college education shows. She 
switched schools yearly, and wanted to be in broadcasting where one merely 
reports, from written reports, and does not need to think. She is playing this 
same game today as VP nominee. No one trusts her judgment. 
When comparing her to other governors, one should bear in mind that Alaska is a 
sparsely populated state, equivalent at most to a small sized city of half a 
million. Line her up against those who have attained a mayoral position of such 
a city for a proper comparison. Palin was following her notes closely when 
grappling on what to say or how to respond, but was not so crippled that she 
needed an earpiece. She preferred to refuse to answer question, launching into 
memorized rants instead. 

The wicked ENDTIME - NOT the RIGHTEOUS!  

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