5.0 out of 5 stars A new dimension to the 9/11 mystery, November 10,  
By  Peter D. Scott - See all my reviews
By focusing on the E-4B Doomsday seen over the White House on 9/11,at  
about the time of the attack on the Pentagon, Mark Gaffney discusses  
important new evidence, not previously revealed, of government  
foreknowledge of events on that day . How was the plane in the air  
after a National Ground Stop? Why did the E-4B not save lives by  
warning people at the Pentagon of the visible incoming plane? Why was  
it, in a prohibited area, not shot down by White House defenses? Here  
are many new issues for Cheney and the plane's passengers to explain.  
Everyone trying to get to the bottom of 9/11 should read this book,  
and add their voices to the demand that the new Administration launch  
a new and genuine investigation.

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