What else happened today? Rockefeller/Soros might be able to line up
Moscow subway
bombings, FBI raid on Michigan rapturite cult, Minutemen withdraw from
border, a bomb in a trashcan in Athens, Greece, and maybe even ten
shootings in a day
in DC, if we really should not be noticing...Obama opening the Right
Coast to oil drilling,
which is really very leftish and socialist if you Beck-Limbaugh what I
mean about the
price of tea in China.

March 30, 2010  Obama to Open US East Coast to Drilling
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is proposing to open vast
expanses  of water along the Atlantic coastline, the eastern Gulf of
Mexico and  the north coast of Alaska to oil
<http://www.nytimes.com/info/oil/?inline=nyt-classifier>  and natural 
gas <http://www.nytimes.com/info/natural-gas/?inline=nyt-classifier> 
drilling, much of it for the first time, officials said  Tuesday.

The proposal — a compromise that will please oil companies and
domestic  drilling advocates but anger some residents of affected states
and many  environmental organizations — would end a longstanding
moratorium on oil  exploration along the East Coast from the northern
tip of Delaware to  the central coast of Florida, covering 167 million
acres of ocean.

Under the plan, the coastline from New Jersey northward would remain 
closed to all oil and gas activity. So would the Pacific Coast, from 
Mexico to the Canadian border.

The environmentally sensitive Bristol Bay in southwestern Alaska would 
be protected and no drilling would be allowed under the plan, officials 
said. But large tracts in the Chukchi Sea and Beaufort Sea in the Arctic
Ocean north of Alaska — nearly 130 million acres — would be
eligible  for exploration and drilling after extensive studies.

The proposal is to be announced by President  Obama
ma/index.html?inline=nyt-per>  and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar
r/index.html?inline=nyt-per>   at Andrews Air  Force
air_force/index.html?inline=nyt-org>  Base in Maryland on Wednesday, but
administration officials  agreed to preview the details on the condition
that they not be  identified.
--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Bob D <muckb...@...> wrote:
> 10 Shot 3 Dead in DC Tonight
> Tuesday March 30, 2010
> One shooting on Galveston St was probably not related. Is there
> a full moon or something? Two Moscow subway female suicide
> bombers, an FBI raid on a rapturite cult militia in Michigan, and
> Minutemen withdraw from the US-Mexico border citing escalating
> rightwing rhetoric combined with at least one inflammatory murder
> of a border rancher by an illegal immigrant. The Minutemen said
> they are withdrawing because they do not want to identify with
> the rightwing talk or exacerbate vlence or frighten people. Putin
> vows to ferret out the planners of the Moscow subway bombings.
> InAthens, Greece, a bomb in a trashcan killed a boy. Same week
> as healthcare reforms(no new "socialism"), Obama also got a
> lot of college loan and grant reforms through, pretty mild again
> but radical rightwingers are whining about loss of looting jobs
> as loan reforms may roll back private looter jobs that resulted
> from moving from grants and scholarships to loans, and now
> back to grants to some extent, shooting a few looters in the legs.
> Three killed in one night in Trinidad neighborhood prompted an
> unconstitutional police checkpointing for months. Although SE
> DC or Anacostia has more dangerous areas than any other part
> of DC, this area where the nine shootings and three deaths(so
> far) occured is a main thoroughfare two to four blocks from any
> drug corner.
> Mapquest.com does not even show any South Capitol St SE
> address number above 1400, and both mapquest and google
> try to divert us to East Capitol St NE.
> Browsing cnn, cbs, ap, it seems that police chased a van in
> some versions and a green car in others. In all accounts
> three suspects were apprehended in a combined helicopter
> and police car chase in which four police officers were
> injured.
> A few days ago there was quite a bit of shooting on Howard
> Road, where another good samaritan like me received a shot
> over the bow and I was called out by name and several men
> came down and I casually looked them in the eye and went
> about my business, slowly. I was getting attention because
> I gave a ride to somebody they regarded as a rat for calling
> cops on them because they were using the interior stairs
> for seating for a social club, no problem, but were verbally
> intimidating and scared a resident into having police ban
> them from the stairs. They shoot in the air after cop cars
> pass with their lights flashing, many times. I waited on
> another corner for a person to show up, and an undercover
> (I did not know so) asked if I wanted him to unlock the
> building front door but I declined the offer. A rented van
> asked a woman on the corner who I was, which did not
> make sense right away, but then after a no-show I decided
> to leave and then pretty soon the police jumped out all
> over with guns drawn and stayed into the next day when
> a horse-mounted cop joined in. Not sure what that was
> really about, and police so far do not say they know of a
> motive for tonight's driveby.
> At least six have been injured and three killed after a mass
> Washington D.C. shooting this evening, BNO News is reporting.
> BNO News cites the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department as saying a
> call came in at 7:27 p.m. local time and "details were still coming
in." The incident reportedly took place at the 4000 block of South
> Street SE.
> AP reports that the incident was a "drive-by shooting" and three
> arrests were made as a result. Six men and three women were shot, and
> five of the victims had life-threatening injuries, according to
> authorities. Potential motives for the shooting are not yet known.
> At 8:20 p.m. local time, CNN's Nick Valencia tweeted, "JUST IN- CNN
confirms 7 shot, 1 dead in
> DC on 4000 block of South Capitol Street. Sounds like a drive-by type
> shooting."
> UPDATE (8:30 p.m. EST): The Washington Post posted about the
> incident on its breaking news blog, noting gunfire broke
> out on the southern tip of D.C., and that the incident "appear[s] to
> one of the most violent in the Washington area this year."
> UPDATE (8:40 p.m. EST): CNBC's Ryan Ruggiero reports that police found
nine shot upon arrival at the scene.
> UPDATE (8:45 p.m. EST): The NBC affiliate in Washington, D.C. reports
that an AK47-type weapon was used through a green sedan that police
chased through parts of D.C. and across the
> Prince George's County line. NBC Washington is also reporting that
> police officers were injured pursuing the suspect.
> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36107950/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/
> 3 killed, 6 hurt in Washington, D.C. shooting
> 4 police officers injured in pursuit of suspect's
> vehicle; 3 arrested
> The Associated Press
> updated 12:34
> a.m. ET March 31, 2010
> WASHINGTON - Three people were killed in a
> drive-by shooting that wounded six others in the nation's capital,
> officials said late Tuesday.
> One shooting
> victim died at the scene in southeastern Washington, D.C., one was
> on arrival at the hospital, and the third died in the operating room,
> said Carolyn Hammond, spokeswoman for Washington Hospital Center. She
> said a fourth person was in critical condition late Tuesday.
> The shootings of six men and three women happened
> about 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in the area around the 4000 block of South
> Capitol Street, said D.C. Police Department spokesman Officer Hugh
> Carew. Fire Department spokesman Pete Piringer says all were in their
> 20s and 30s, except for one teenager.
> Police say three people have been arrested and a weapon was recovered.
> said they had no motive for the shootings is known.
> Four D.C. officers were slightly injured while
> pursuing a suspect's vehicle into neighboring Prince George's County,
> authorities said.
> The neighborhood is near a water treatment plant and sections of
southeastern D.C. have problems
> with crime.
> http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/03/31/national/main6349061.shtml
> WASHINGTON, March 31, 2010
> Washington D.C. Shooting Leaves 3 Dead
> Police Arrest 3, Find 1 Gun But No Motive after Gunmen Allegedly Spray
Bullets "Into a Crowd"(AP)   A drive-by shooting killed three
> people and wounded six others in the U.S. capital Tuesday night, and
> three people were in custody, officials said.
> A gunman sprayed bullets "into a crowd," said Police Chief Cathy
> Lanier. The shootings of six men and three women happened about 7:30
> p.m. Tuesday in southeastern Washington, D.C., said D.C. Police
> Department spokesman Officer Hugh Carew. Fire Department spokesman
> Piringer says all the victims were in their 20s and 30s, except for
> teenager.
> One shooting victim died at the scene, one was dead on arrival at
> the hospital, and the third died in the operating room, said Carolyn
> Hammond, spokeswoman for Washington Hospital Center. She said a fourth
> person was in critical condition late Tuesday.
> Three people were arrested and a weapon was recovered, according to
> police who said they had no motive. The Washington Post reported that
> police pursued a van from the scene, aided by a helicopter.
> Four D.C. officers were slightly injured while chasing a suspect's
> vehicle into neighboring Prince George's County, authorities said.
> The neighborhood is near a water treatment plant and Bolling Air
> Force Base. Sections of southeastern D.C. have problems with crime,
> though surprised neighbors told local media that the area was not a
> place to live and wasn't dangerous.
> Washington reported 143 homicides last year, the fewest in nearly 50
> Carolyn Hammond from Washington Hospital Center says one victim died
> the scene, one was dead on arrival at the hospital, and the third died
> in the operating room. She said a fourth person is in critical
> condition.

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