Might be a good protest. See the racist euro elitist implications,
when Geronimo's bones are known to be there at Yale in the
Russell Opium Trust treason conspiracy meetinghouse? If
taken in the larger view of failed state, failed policy, empire
versus democracy, racist disenfranchisement as prelude to
further violence, then the judge's decision rests not on law
but a promise of further violence against people who live
here and Over There. "Naked Empire! Naked Empire!" Let
freedom ring the doorbell and tell the JFK assassination
facts according to the paradigm of Prescott Bush's bone
stealing conspiracy. They steal, they kill, according to a
racist nazi elitist murdering conspiracy against all but
the conspirators. It isn't safe to ride in the cockpit with
a Russell Opium Trust pilot or coup president.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Kris Millegan <roads...@...> wrote:
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Andreas" <catalau...@...
JmMgrI-F_DQeaqigHA6xql2zgBhAVYuYR> >
Date: August 11, 2010  1:56:49 AM PDT
To: c...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [ctrl] Judge  dismisses Geronimo lawsuit
Reply-To: c...@yahoogroups.com


Judge  dismisses Geronimo lawsuit
A lawsuit filed by descendants of the  Native American chieftain
Geronimo, who claimed some of his remains were  stolen in 1918 by the
secretive Skull and Bones society of Yale  University, has been
dismissed by a federal judge.

Published:  5:17PM BST 10 Aug 2010

Geronimo died of pneumonia in 1909 as a  prisoner of war at Fort Sill
after decades spent fighting against US  and Mexican expansion into
Apache lands Photo: AFP/GETTY The lawsuit was  filed last year in
Washington by 20 descendants who want to rebury the  Apache warrior near
his New Mexico birthplace.

It claimed that  during the First World War, Skull and Bones members,
including Prescott  Bush, the grandfather of former US President George
W Bush, took the  remains from a burial plot at Fort Sill, Oklahoma,
where Geronimo died  in 1909.

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Raise your glasses to the great grapes of  BritainJudge Richard Roberts
last month granted a Justice Department  motion to dismiss, saying the
plaintiffs did not establish the  government had waived its right not to
be sued without its consent.

He  also dismissed the lawsuit against Yale and the society, which is
not  officially affiliated with the university, saying the plaintiffs
cited a  law that applies only to Native American cultural items
excavated or  discovered after 1990.

Geronimo died aged 79 as a prisoner of  war at Fort Sill after decades
spent fighting against US and Mexican  expansion into Apache lands.

The Skull and Bones illustrious  membership includes three former US
presidents, including Mr Bush and  his father.


ctrl is a discussion &  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
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soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid matters  and 'conspiracy
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frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and  minor
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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