[cia-drugs] Re: Fwd: "Iraq's OIL Has Nothing to Do With It"

2007-09-05 Thread mark urban

Oh! my God!


   Researcher Jim Vallette, who stumbled across the order in the Federal
Register, says it "unilaterally declares Iraqi oil to be the
unassailable province of U.S. corporations ... In other words, if
ExxonMobil or ChevronTexaco touch Iraqi oil, it will be immune from
legal proceedings in the United States." …

Somebody call Sean's proctologist, 'cause this is gonna hurt!

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Begin forwarded message:
> > Date: September 4, 2007 10:19:37 PM PDT
> > Subject: "Iraq's OIL Has Nothing to Do With It"
> >
> > "The major oil companies met at the Iraq Oil, Gas, Petrochemical &
> > Electricity Summit held in Dubai from September 2-4, 2007, to
> > discuss "the future of Iraq's abundant energy
> >
> >
> > "President Bush left Washington in secrecy... Avoiding Baghdad
> > itself, Air Force One arrived in Iraq about 3:45 p.m. local time on
> > September 3rd." http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?
> > pid=20601087&sid=aIi7x9fE4Ri0&refer=home
> >
> >
> >
> > Iraq Oil: The Vultures are Waiting
> >
> >
> > by Sarah Meyer
> >
> > 03 September 2007
> > http://www.brusselstribunal.org/Meyer/Oil.htm
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > CIA March 2003 oil map of Iraq
> >
> > The oil majors met at the Iraq Oil, Gas, Petrochemical &
> > Electricity Summit from 2 – 4 September 2007 in Dubai to discuss
> > "the future of Iraq's abundant energy resources."
> >
> > Attending were US puppets, described as "some of the most
> > figures from Iraq's energy sector." Also attending were the
> > vultures, BP, Exxon, ConocoPhillips, Chevron, Lukoil, Statoil,
> > Marathon Oil, Total, Shell, Kuwait National Petroleum, Annadarko,
> > Schlumberger, ABB, ONGC, General Electric, Cummins Power, Mitsui,
> > Aegis, ArmorGroup, Janussian, Control Risks Group, Unity, Hart,
> > Olive Security, GardaWorld and Triple Canopy.
> >
> > The history of the Iraq Oil law is sordid. An outstanding article
> > by A.K. Gupta, The Great Iraq Heist, outlines the US imperial
> > ownership of Iraq via Bush Executive orders, through his Arch-
> > Deacon-of Hades, Paul Bremer.
> >
> >
> >
> > Paul Bremer (right) with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in
> > Baghdad. PHOTO: Jason Reed / AP-Pool / AP
> >
> > Since March 2003, a series of executive orders by Bush, UN
> > documents, and regulations and orders issued by Iraqi Proconsol
> > Paul Bremer have put the U.S. in absolute control of the state of
> > Iraq, its oil industry and monies, all while lifting barriers to
> > repatriating profits . …
> >
> > On the same day UN resolution 1483 passed, May 22, Bush signed
> > Executive Order 13303 granting blanket immunity to any U.S.
> > corporation dealing with Iraqi oil through 2007 . Researcher Jim
> > Vallette, who stumbled across the order in the Federal Register,
> > says it "unilaterally declares Iraqi oil to be the unassailable
> > province of U.S. corporations ... In other words, if ExxonMobil or
> > ChevronTexaco touch Iraqi oil, it will be immune from legal
> > proceedings in the United States." …
> >
> > So in a little more than two months the Bush administration staked
> > claim to and received UN approval to every significant asset and
> > resource Iraq has in the world, established sole power over how to
> > spend Iraq's oil money, and indemnifies its corporate cronies
> > liability.
> >
> > One can thus see the urgency emanating from the White House
> > concerning "Benchmarks" – resulting in `troop
surge,' an Allawi (?)
> > coup, and various "reports" on the `situation in Iraq,
> > differing but the main thrust being failure.
> >
> > Index Research started documenting these developments, first in
> > March 2006, in PNAC: Rebuilding America's Defenses - A Biopsy on
> > Imperialism; Part II: "Special Interests" - The Persian Gulf
> > (07.03.06) . This included the vitally important Platform document
> > by Greg Muttitt, Crude Designs.
> >
> >
> > From this period on, mainstream media had no excuse to represent
> > the "sharing" Iraq oil agreement without also demonstrating
> > Iraq actually had NO `share' in her own oil. However, this
> > is exactly what happened - and frequently continues to happen.
> >
> > Index Research continued to document the daily Iraq oil crisis as
> > the situation became more acute in The Iraq Oil Crunch: Index
> > Timeline , which tracks the drama through 12 May 2007.
> >
> > The Iraqi parliament is said to be meeting again, after a
> > recess, on Tuesday.
> >
> > Appendix ONE follows the development of the oil crisis from 12 May
> > until the present moment, with oil companies and the US government
> > waiting for the kill. This desperate country, destroyed by the US
> > government

[cia-drugs] Re: Fwd: "Iraq's OIL Has Nothing to Do With It"

2007-09-05 Thread mark urban

Oh! my God!


   Researcher Jim Vallette, who stumbled across the order in the Federal
Register, says it "unilaterally declares Iraqi oil to be the
unassailable province of U.S. corporations ... In other words, if
ExxonMobil or ChevronTexaco touch Iraqi oil, it will be immune from
legal proceedings in the United States." …

Somebody call Sean's proctologist, 'cause this is gonna hurt!

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Begin forwarded message:
> > Date: September 4, 2007 10:19:37 PM PDT
> > Subject: "Iraq's OIL Has Nothing to Do With It"
> >
> > "The major oil companies met at the Iraq Oil, Gas, Petrochemical &
> > Electricity Summit held in Dubai from September 2-4, 2007, to
> > discuss "the future of Iraq's abundant energy
> >
> >
> > "President Bush left Washington in secrecy... Avoiding Baghdad
> > itself, Air Force One arrived in Iraq about 3:45 p.m. local time on
> > September 3rd." http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?
> > pid=20601087&sid=aIi7x9fE4Ri0&refer=home
> >
> >
> >
> > Iraq Oil: The Vultures are Waiting
> >
> >
> > by Sarah Meyer
> >
> > 03 September 2007
> > http://www.brusselstribunal.org/Meyer/Oil.htm
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > CIA March 2003 oil map of Iraq
> >
> > The oil majors met at the Iraq Oil, Gas, Petrochemical &
> > Electricity Summit from 2 – 4 September 2007 in Dubai to discuss
> > "the future of Iraq's abundant energy resources."
> >
> > Attending were US puppets, described as "some of the most
> > figures from Iraq's energy sector." Also attending were the
> > vultures, BP, Exxon, ConocoPhillips, Chevron, Lukoil, Statoil,
> > Marathon Oil, Total, Shell, Kuwait National Petroleum, Annadarko,
> > Schlumberger, ABB, ONGC, General Electric, Cummins Power, Mitsui,
> > Aegis, ArmorGroup, Janussian, Control Risks Group, Unity, Hart,
> > Olive Security, GardaWorld and Triple Canopy.
> >
> > The history of the Iraq Oil law is sordid. An outstanding article
> > by A.K. Gupta, The Great Iraq Heist, outlines the US imperial
> > ownership of Iraq via Bush Executive orders, through his Arch-
> > Deacon-of Hades, Paul Bremer.
> >
> >
> >
> > Paul Bremer (right) with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in
> > Baghdad. PHOTO: Jason Reed / AP-Pool / AP
> >
> > Since March 2003, a series of executive orders by Bush, UN
> > documents, and regulations and orders issued by Iraqi Proconsol
> > Paul Bremer have put the U.S. in absolute control of the state of
> > Iraq, its oil industry and monies, all while lifting barriers to
> > repatriating profits . …
> >
> > On the same day UN resolution 1483 passed, May 22, Bush signed
> > Executive Order 13303 granting blanket immunity to any U.S.
> > corporation dealing with Iraqi oil through 2007 . Researcher Jim
> > Vallette, who stumbled across the order in the Federal Register,
> > says it "unilaterally declares Iraqi oil to be the unassailable
> > province of U.S. corporations ... In other words, if ExxonMobil or
> > ChevronTexaco touch Iraqi oil, it will be immune from legal
> > proceedings in the United States." …
> >
> > So in a little more than two months the Bush administration staked
> > claim to and received UN approval to every significant asset and
> > resource Iraq has in the world, established sole power over how to
> > spend Iraq's oil money, and indemnifies its corporate cronies
> > liability.
> >
> > One can thus see the urgency emanating from the White House
> > concerning "Benchmarks" – resulting in `troop
surge,' an Allawi (?)
> > coup, and various "reports" on the `situation in Iraq,
> > differing but the main thrust being failure.
> >
> > Index Research started documenting these developments, first in
> > March 2006, in PNAC: Rebuilding America's Defenses - A Biopsy on
> > Imperialism; Part II: "Special Interests" - The Persian Gulf
> > (07.03.06) . This included the vitally important Platform document
> > by Greg Muttitt, Crude Designs.
> >
> >
> > From this period on, mainstream media had no excuse to represent
> > the "sharing" Iraq oil agreement without also demonstrating
> > Iraq actually had NO `share' in her own oil. However, this
> > is exactly what happened - and frequently continues to happen.
> >
> > Index Research continued to document the daily Iraq oil crisis as
> > the situation became more acute in The Iraq Oil Crunch: Index
> > Timeline , which tracks the drama through 12 May 2007.
> >
> > The Iraqi parliament is said to be meeting again, after a
> > recess, on Tuesday.
> >
> > Appendix ONE follows the development of the oil crisis from 12 May
> > until the present moment, with oil companies and the US government
> > waiting for the kill. This desperate country, destroyed by the US
> > government