
Somebody should get this to Mike Ruppert straight away so he can 
evaluate it and pre-chew it for us soft skulls who need spoon 
feeding - Right, Duncan?

In any event, if you ever get a chance to view the videos on Len 
Osanic's Fletcher Prouty CD, you will see a 9 minute video of Prouty 
discussing how Oil is the second most abundant liquid on earth; that 
it is not the result of decaying organic matter, and that back in the 
late 19th century, the Rockefellers had a Swiss based meeting of 
scientists convened in which oil was declared a fossil fuel.

One of the most interesting facts Prouty points out is that fossils 
have never been found at depths beyond 16,000 feet yet oil is found 
as deep as 28,000 feet.

Maybe mister black underwear prancing with a sledgehammer (Ruppert 
the purveyor of Peak Oil) will finally admit that his carefully 
constructed world view is wrapped in a tissue of lies.

Duncan, I hope this qualifies as small minded enough to warrant a 
reply. Please climb down from your lofty perch in the heavens and 
deign to answer.


--- In, "Vigilius Haufniensis" 
>       Peak Oil Theory - "World Running Out of Oil Soon" - Is 
Faulty; Could Distort Policy & Energy Debate 
>       November 14, 2006 
> Correct Model for Post-2030 Oil Supply is Undulating Plateau
> In contrast to a widely discussed theory that world oil production 
will soon reach a peak and go into sharp decline, a new analysis of 
the subject by Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) finds that 
the remaining global oil resource base is actually 3.74 trillion 
barrels -- three times as large as the 1.2 trillion barrels estimated 
by the theory's proponents -- and that the "peak oil" argument is 
based on faulty analysis which could, if accepted, distort critical 
policy and investment decisions and cloud the debate over the energy 
>       Complete Press Release 
>       CAMBRIDGE, Mass., November 14, 2006 - In contrast to a widely 
discussed theory that world oil production will soon reach a peak and 
go into sharp decline, a new analysis of the subject by Cambridge 
Energy Research Associates (CERA) finds that the remaining global oil 
resource base is actually 3.74 trillion barrels -- three times as 
large as the 1.2 trillion barrels estimated by the theory's 
proponents -- and that the "peak oil" argument is based on faulty 
analysis which could, if accepted, distort critical policy and 
investment decisions and cloud the debate over the energy future.
>                   "The global resource base of conventional and 
unconventional oils, including historical production of 1.08 trillion 
barrels and yet-to-be-produced resources, is 4.82 trillion barrels 
and likely to grow," CERA Director of Oil Industry Activity Peter M. 
Jackson writes in Why the Peak Oil Theory Falls Down: Myths, Legends, 
and the Future of Oil Resources.  The CERA projection is based on the 
firm's analysis of fields currently in production and those yet-to-be 
produced or discovered.
>       "The 'peak oil' theory causes confusion and can lead to 
inappropriate actions and turn attention away from the real issues," 
Jackson observes.  "Oil is too critical to the global economy to 
allow fear to replace careful analysis about the very real challenges 
with delivering liquid fuels to meet the needs of growing economies.  
This is a very important debate, and as such it deserves a rational 
and measured discourse."
>                    "This is the fifth time that the world is said 
to be running out of oil," says CERA Chairman Daniel Yergin.  "Each 
time -- whether it was the 'gasoline famine' at the end of WWI or 
the 'permanent shortage' of the 1970s -- technology and the opening 
of new frontier areas has banished the specter of decline.  There's 
no reason to think that technology is finished this time."
>       The report emphasizes the importance of focusing on the 
critical issues.  "It is not helpful to couch the debate in terms of 
a superficial analysis of reservoir constraints.  It will be 
aboveground factors such as geopolitics, conflict, economics and 
technology that will dictate the outcome."  The report also points to 
such aboveground questions as timing and openness to investment, 
infrastructure development, and the impact of technological change on 
demand for oil.
>                   Undulating Plateau
>                   The new report describes CERA's liquids supply 
outlook as "not a view of endless abundance."  However, based on a 
range of potential scenarios and field-by-field analysis, CERA finds 
that not only will world oil production not peak before 2030, but 
that the idea of a peak is itself "a dramatic but highly questionable 
>                   Global production will eventually follow 
an "undulating plateau" for one or more decades before declining 
slowly.  The global production profile will not be a simple logistic 
or bell curve postulated by geologist M. King Hubbert, but it will be 
asymmetrical - with the slope of decline more gradual and not 
mirroring the rapid rate of increase -- and strongly skewed past the 
geometric peak. It will be an undulating plateau that may well last 
for decades. 
>                   During the plateau period in later decades, 
according to the CERA analysis, demand growth will likely no longer 
be largely met by growth in available, commercially exploitable 
natural oil supplies.  Non-traditional or unconventional liquid fuels 
such as production from heavy oil sands, gas-related liquids 
(condensate and natural gas liquids), gas-to-liquids (GTL), and coal-
to-liquids (CTL) will need to fill the gap.
>                   Critical Issue
>                   CERA argues that understanding the difference 
between a plateau and a peak followed by a precipitous decline, as 
well as the timing of events, is critical to the global energy 
future.  "Corporations, governments, and other groups, including 
nongovernmental organizations, need to have a coherent description of 
how and when the undulating plateau will evolve so that rational 
policy and investment choices can be made," according to the 
>                   "It is likely that the situation will unfold in 
slow motion and that there are a number of decades to prepare for the 
start of the undulating plateau.  This means that there is time to 
consider the best way to develop viable energy alternatives that 
would eventually provide the bulk of our transport energy needs and 
ensure that there is a useable production stream of conventional 
crude for some time to come," CERA concludes.
>                   Peak Theory Shortcomings
>                   The CERA review also finds that current "peak 
oil" advocacy suffers from several problems:
>         a.. The peak argument is not presented in the context of a 
credible systematic evaluation of available data; its proponents have 
not made available a transparent and detailed analysis that would 
allow an objective and rational discussion.  At base "their 
methodology is to impute decline curves against currently proven 
reserves and declare that the game - and the argument - is over." 
>         b.. The underlying analytical model formulated by the late 
M. King Hubbert both fails to recognize that recoverable reserve 
estimates evolve with time and are subject to significant change, and 
it also underplays the substantial impact of technological advances.  
Consequently, total annual production at the high point in 1970 was 
600 million barrels higher - 20 percent -- than Hubbert's projection 
of peak production for the US Lower 48, although he correctly 
anticipated its timing within two years.   
>         c.. Hubbert's method requires accurate knowledge of the 
ultimate recoverable reserves of an area, but his 1956 analysis could 
never have incorporated the impact of giant discoveries in Alaska and 
the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, and therefore couldn't have predicted 
the production profile for the U.S.  As a result, total cumulative 
U.S. production between the high point in 1970 and 2005 exceeded 
Hubbert's predictions by the equivalent of more than 10 years of US 
production at present rates. 
>         d.. Hubbert-posited post-peak reservoir decline curve 
assumptions are rebutted by observation that the geometry of typical 
oilfield production profiles is often distinctly asymmetrical and 
does not generally show a precipitous mirror-image decline in 
production after an apparent peak, even without the application of 
new technology or enhanced oil recovery techniques.  As a result, in 
the US Lower 48 where Hubbert came closest to accurately forecasting 
a peak, oil production in 2005 was some 66 percent higher than 
projected by Hubbert, and cumulative production between 1970 and 2005 
was some 15 billion barrels higher, a variance equal to more than 
eight years of US production at present rates. 
>         a.. Those who believe a peak is imminent tend to consider 
only proven remaining reserves of conventional oil, which they 
currently estimate at about 1.2 trillion barrels.  In the view of 
many petroleum geologists, this is a pessimistic estimate because it 
excludes the enormous contribution likely from probable and possible 
resources, those yet to be found, and plays down the importance of 
unconventional reserves in the Canadian oil sands, the Orinoco tar 
belt, oil shale and GTL projects.  CERA believes the global inventory 
is some 4.8 trillion barrels, of which about 1.08 trillion barrels 
have been produced, leaving 3.72 trillion conventional and 
unconventional barrels, an order of magnitude that will allow 
productive capacity to continue to expand well into this century. 
>         b.. The "peak oil" argument is frequently supported with 
data indicating that new exploration finds are not sufficient to 
replace annual production.  Their data sets have serious 
deficiencies.  The peak argument is an incomplete and therefore 
misleading analysis because it ignores the role of development (vs 
exploration) projects in expanding reserves, fails to understand 
economic factors that can point company and national strategies to 
emphasize development vs exploration work. By focusing on "discovery" 
and ignoring the increased knowledge and confidence about field 
volumes, it disregards the fact that revisions, additions and 
exploration together have generated resource growth of 320 billion 
barrels - 80 billion barrels more, or one-third more, than total 
production - during the period from 1995 to 2003.  CERA draws both on 
its own data bases and those of its parent company IHS, which has the 
world's most complete proprietary data bases on oil production and 
>         c.. Hubbert's method does not incorporate economic or 
technical factors that influence productive capacity; most 
importantly, it ignores the impact of both price and demand, both 
major drivers of production. 
>         d.. Peakists' projections of the date a peak would be 
reached continue to come and go, the most recent targeted around 
Thanksgiving Day 2005, give or take a few weeks. 
>       Signposts
>                   "It is no longer sensible to allow the issues 
about future supplies to be clouded in a debate grounded in a flawed 
technical argument," the CERA report concludes.  "There is general 
agreement that a peak or plateau of sorts will develop in the next 50 
years, and it is not helpful to couch the debate in terms of a 
superficial analysis of reservoir constraints."  The report 
emphasizes the importance of the aboveground factors cited 
>       "There is a need to identify the signposts that will herald 
the onset of the inevitable slowdown of production growth and ensure 
that policymakers outside the energy community have a clear 
understanding of possible outcomes and risks."
>       Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA), an IHS company, 
is a leading advisor to energy companies, consumers, financial 
institutions, technology providers, and governments.  CERA 
( delivers strategic knowledge and independent analysis 
on energy markets, geopolitics, industry trends, and strategy.  CERA 
is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and has offices in Bangkok; 
Beijing; Calgary; Dubai; Johannesburg; Mexico City; Moscow; Mumbai; 
Oslo; Paris; Rio de Janeiro; San Francisco; Tokyo; and Washington, 
>       For more information on CERA's Global Oil Advisory Service or 
our other service please visit our service offerings page or contact 
Michael Maddox at +1 617 866 5131. Obtain the report .
>       © 2006, Cambridge Energy Research Associates, Inc.  All 
rights reserved. CERA and the CERA logo are registered trademarks of 
Cambridge Energy Research Associates, Inc.

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