Superb. I have begun to place all of this on two of my Blogs for the uniniated 
in the US who still think that we have two distinct political parties. You'd be 
amazed at how many people think that falsehood.


Arlene Johnson
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-----Original Message-----
>From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sep 10, 2006 4:55 PM
>Subject: [cia-drugs] The One World Order The Ministry of Truth
>PART 10
>Deanna Spingola 
>September 10, 2006 
>Most of us are happy to have sufficient for our needs but with the elite, 
>enough is never enough. It isn't simply resource accumulation but an 
>insatiable, obsessive demonic lust for power over others. Controlling others 
>necessitates an absolute infiltration into every area of our lives including 
>the source of our acquired knowledge and our perceptions about current events. 
>To facilitate this goal, a suspension of the First Amendment, specifically our 
>freedom of speech, is absolutely essential. 
>"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or 
>prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or 
>of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to 
>petition the Government for a redress of grievances." 
>The First Amendment protects our freedom of speech and of the press. Absent 
>the First Amendment, protestors could be silenced, the press could be 
>censored, citizens could not criticize their government nor could they 
>organize for social change. No rational individual would readily relinquish 
>the vital freedoms of the First Amendment. But like the proverbial frog who 
>remains in incrementally heated water, the masses will slowly surrender all of 
>their freedoms without so much of a whimper. Some will even be relieved and 
>anxious to surrender the freedoms patriots died to gain. With hardly a 
>struggle or even majority acknowledgement, the allied elite have progressively 
>seized ownership or control of the media. 
>The "free" press has been seized by mega media owners who are "free" to 
>deliver mounds of distracting drivel camouflaged as news and information. 
>Objectivity has been replaced by restraint. Instead of receiving unbiased 
>information we are indoctrinated by the cultural, moral, economic and 
>globalist philosophies and falsehoods supported by the elite corporate owners. 
>"In March 1915, the J. P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding and powder 
>interests, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in 
>the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential 
>newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control 
>generally the policy of the daily press of the United States."[1] 
>"These 12 men worked the problem out by selecting 179 newspapers and then 
>began, by an elimination process, to retain only those necessary for the 
>purpose of controlling the general policy of the daily press throughout the 
>country. They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the 
>greatest papers. The 25 papers were agreed upon; emissaries were sent to 
>purchase the policy, national and international, of these papers; an agreement 
>was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; 
>an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit 
>information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial 
>policies, and other things of national and international nature considered 
>vital to the interests of the purchasers?"[2] 
>"This policy also included the suppression of everything in opposition to the 
>wishes of the interests served."[3] 
>Bernard Baruch, American financier, stock market speculator, statesman, and 
>presidential adviser, financially backed both newspapers and columnists. 
>Arthur Krock, a columnist for the Louisville Courier-Journal was under 
>Baruch's influence and attended the Paris Peace Conference with Baruch and 
>Herbert Hoover in 1919. Baruch convinced Adolph Ochs, publisher of the New 
>York Times that he should hire Krock who reorganized the New York Times 
>Washington bureau in 1932. 
>In 1926 Baruch invested $50,000 to assist David Lawrence to found the United 
>States Daily, which became United States News and after World War II USA News 
>and World Report. Baruch also financed Maxwell Lincoln Schuster and Dick Simon 
>to form Simon and Schuster. Baruch also made investments in Vogue, Vanity 
>Fair, Raleigh News and Observer, Our World Magazine and others.[4] 
>Simon & Schuster grew to include seven divisions - the Simon & Schuster Adult 
>Publishing Group, Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing, Simon & Schuster 
>Audio, Simon & Schuster Online, Simon & Schuster UK, Simon & Schuster Canada 
>and Simon & Schuster Australia. Their imprints and brand names include: Simon 
>& Schuster, Scribner, Pocket Books, Downtown Press, The Free Press, Atria, 
>Fireside, Touchstone, Washington Square Press, Atheneum, Margaret K. 
>McElderry, Aladdin Paperbacks, Little Simon, Simon Spotlight, Simon Spotlight 
>Entertainment, Star Trek, MTV Books and Wall Street Journal Books.[5] 
>Simon & Schuster published more than 2,000 titles annually. They have won 54 
>Pulitzer Prizes and have received numerous National Book Awards and National 
>Book Critics Circle Awards. They have published both Rush Limbaugh's and 
>Howard Stern's books. 
>Beginning in 1984, the company acquired more than 60 companies, including 
>Prentice Hall and Silver, Burdett, and culminated 1994 with the acquisition of 
>Macmillan Publishing Company. In 2002, Simon & Schuster was integrated with 
>the Paramount motion picture and television studios as part of the Viacom 
>Entertainment Group.[6] "Effective December 31, 2005, this corporate entity 
>changed its name to CBS Corporation. The present firm known as Viacom 
>beginning December 31, 2005 is a new spin-off company created during the 
>CBS-Viacom split."[7] 
>A very comprehensive current list of media ownership is in the book Censored 
>2006, Chapter 6. You can download this must-read chapter as a PDF file. In 
>1985, there were 50 substantial media conglomerates in the United States. Now 
>there are ten top major media entities with connections to government, higher 
>education, major institutions, banking and corporate America: AOL Time Warner, 
>Walt Disney, Gannett, Viacom (now CBS Corporation), New York Times, Washington 
>Post, Knight-Ridder, The Tribune Company, General Electric and News 
>Corporation. "Media corporations share members of the board of directors with 
>a variety of other large corporations, including banks, investment companies, 
>oil companies, health care and pharmaceutical companies and technology 
>The information contained in this file established a startling fact: media 
>owners and their editor minions act as the unelected, unaccountable 
>disseminators of all truth and information. They are free to distort, 
>misinform, and skew all information to their financial benefit without 
>repercussions because of their privileged government industry appointments and 
>swinging-door connections. 
>"Such as it is, the press has become the greatest power within the Western 
>World, more powerful than the legislature, the executive and judiciary. One 
>would like to ask: by whom has it been elected, and to whom is it 
>responsible?" Alexander Solzhenitsyn[9] 
>We can thank the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which was supposed to 
>facilitate competition. Instead it provided the big media companies to gobble 
>up and digest the smaller companies, increasing their monopolizing powers. 
>What a coincidence - a law that does the exact opposite of what was intended. 
>Most of us believe that journalists have a particular responsibility to 
>investigate and then divulge the information that they discover. To do 
>otherwise is to perpetuate a facade of "reality" which is unconscionable and 
>irresponsible. Withholding vital information, particularly when considering 
>the election of our representatives, is grossly negligent and unfair to the 
>voters, perpetuates corruption, and squanders the lives of our own citizens as 
>well as foreigners. In addition the very destruction of our country may be an 
>imminent reality. The media has an obligation! The deliberate omission of 
>truth or the calculated commission of a lie defines the measure of an 
>individual's integrity. It also denotes group integrity. "During times of 
>universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George 
>"There is no such thing in America as an independent press. You know it and I 
>know it. There is not one of you who dares write his honest opinions, and if 
>you did you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid... 
>for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper ... others of you are paid 
>similar salaries for similar things... any of you who would be so foolish as 
>to write his honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another 
>job... We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the 
>jumping jacks; they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, possibilities, 
>and lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes." 
>John Swinton[10] 
>It is incompatible to be dishonest in one area of one's life and honest in 
>another. "Integrity comprises the personal inner sense of 'wholeness' deriving 
>from honesty and consistent uprightness of character."[11] Values should 
>remain static, not situational or flexible. 
>However, standards and integrity no longer apply - the rules are flexible, 
>adjustable and situational to ensure that politicians, ethically-challenged 
>corporate executives and others can escape the consequences of those annoying 
>investigations by conscientious journalists. 
>Currently we witness news executives "groveling for public forgiveness because 
>something their reporters wrote offended powerful interests, or raised 
>uncomfortable questions about the past. Stories that meet every traditional 
>standard of objective journalism are retracted or renounced, not because they 
>are false - but because they are true."[12] Retractions, distortions and 
>omissions are rampant. 
>CNN/Time Warner retracted a report on the CIA operation known as Tailwind at 
>the request of a New York attorney, Floyd Abrams.[13] Abrams represented John 
>Singlaub, a retired Army general who was the source of the June 7, 1998 report 
>that accused military of using nerve gas on Vietnam War-era defectors in 
>Southeast Asia in the 1970s. The lead reporter, Peter Arnett, ultimately left 
>the network. April Oliver, the gutsy CNN producer, was fired and ended up 
>suing the network who defamed her "Charging that CNN retracted the 1998 story 
>'to mollify the military establishment,' Oliver accused senior network 
>executives of approving the substance and sourcing of the explosive script, 
>then surrendering to unfounded criticism after the reports aired." Oliver said 
>she would have gone to prison to protect Singlaub who she claims "smeared her 
>to distance himself from the report."[14] The Department of Defense (?) 
>whitewashed the whole incident with a timely news briefing on Tuesday, July 
>21, 1998. 
>This is from a Rumsfeld Department of Defense news briefing in February 2002: 
>"Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, 
>because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. 
>We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some 
>things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns -- the ones we 
>don't know we don't know."[15] Do I detect stalling double talk? Isn't it 
>frightening to realize we have such questionably qualified people in 
>leadership positions? 
>Investigative reporters are routinely fired or arrested for reporting on 
>government or corporate corruption perpetrated in other countries - against 
>foreign strangers who are desperately vulnerable. Reporters have been forced 
>to apologize and renounce their work. Afterwards, these conscientious 
>reporters are reviled and ruined. One reporter, Mike Gallagher,[16] was ruined 
>as a result of his expos� of Chiquita Brands International, a company known 
>for their numerous CIA protected exploitations in Central and South 
>America.[17] When money or politics are affected, truth appears to be 
>irrelevant. I suppose one could say that you can buy anything in the world for 
>money, including anonymity viewed as permission - yet others like journalists, 
>pay the very high cost, often their lives, for the corruption and crimes of 
>Because of what amounts to imposed censorship, intimidation can induce 
>journalists to restrict their writing to the approved party line. Privileged 
>government status often tempts the wholly unprincipled to use that protected 
>position for personal financial enhancement or for illegalities that are 
>rarely revealed. And if exposed - just destroy the message by obliterating the 
>credibility of the messenger. Governments can and do commit crimes against 
>large segments of the population, foreign or domestic, without exposure and 
>Unaccustomed to independent thinking, distracted and lazy minds are 
>susceptible to the improvised, official version of any propagandized 
>orchestrated crisis. Those same complacent mental captives who feel well 
>informed by snippets of "news" from the "Ministry of Truth" are immediately 
>willing to support premeditated government schemes or legislation presented as 
>excellent solutions. Rule by crisis increases Big Brother government power, 
>the bureaucracy, civil chaos and our gullibility and fear - of government and 
>whatever enemy they have currently devised while rapidly decreasing our 
>personal liberties, our savings accounts, our pensions, our health [18] and 
>our jobs through constitutionally illegal trade agreements. 
>"It is not enough to reconcile people more or less to our regime, to move them 
>towards a position of neutrality towards us, we want rather to work on people 
>until they are addicted to us." 
>"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the 
>people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. 
>It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to 
>repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by 
>extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State." Dr. Joseph M. 
>Goebbels, Propaganda Minister of Nazi Germany. These statements could easily 
>be said by someone on the Faux Network today. 
>"In February 2003, A Florida Court Of Appeals unanimously agreed with an 
>assertion by FOX News that there is no rule against distorting or falsifying 
>the news in the United States."[19] 
>I will close with quotes from two very wise and honest men: "We are apt to 
>shut our eyes against a painful truth...for my part, I am willing to know the 
>whole truth; to know the worst; and to provide for it." - Patrick Henry and 
>"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to 
>remain silent." -- Thomas Jefferson
>Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 
>1, The Shadows of Power, The council on Foreign Relations and the American 
>Decline by James Perloff, p. 178-79 
>2, Ibid
>3, Ibid
>4, The Greatest Story Never Told by Pat Riott, pg. 163-66
>5,, Simon & Schuster, Inc.
>6, Ibid
>7, Viacom (1971-2005)
>8, Interlocking Directorates
>9, Quotes We Just Happen to Like
>10, Editorial Freedom in Capital's World
>11, Integrity, Wikipedia
>12, Censored 2006, Gary Webb, p. 10
>13, Ibid
>14, The Washington Post, May 8, 1999
>15, DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers, Tuesday, Feb. 12, 
>16, American Journalism Review, September 1, 1998
>17, Censored 2006, Gary Webb, p. 11
>18, EPA: 9/11: the air is safe.
>19, The Media Can Legally Lie, Project Censored
>� 2006 Deanna Spingola - All Rights Reserved
>Deanna Spingola has been a quilt designer and is the author of two books. She 
>has traveled extensively teaching and lecturing on her unique methods. She has 
>always been an avid reader of non-fiction works designed to educate rather 
>than entertain. She is active in family history research and lectures on that 
>topic. Currently she is the director of the local Family History Center. She 
>has a great interest in politics and the direction of current government 
>policies, particularly as they relate to the Constitution.
>web site: 
>a.. The One World Order: The Ministry of Truth - Part 10, 9-10-06 
>a.. The One World Order: Weapons of Mass Inhumanity - Part 9, 8-31-06 
>a.. The One World Order: Weapons of Mass Inhumanity - Part 8, 8-27-06 
>a.. The One World Order: The Military Minions - Part 7, 8-17-06 
>a.. The One World Order: Programming the Masses - Part 6, 7-30-06 
>a.. Federal Marriage Amendment, a Trojan Horse 7-15-06 
>a.. The One World Order: Programming the Masses - Part 5, 7-8-06 
>a.. The One World Order: Bush, The Best of The Worst - Part 4, 7-5-06 
>a.. The One World Order: It's Their Party - Part 3, 6-25-06 
>a.. The One World Order: Secrets of Their Success - Part 2, 6-17-06 
>a.. The One World Order: Conquest or Consent? - Part 1, 6-1-06 
>a.. Business as Usual 4-30-06 
>a.. Killing Several Birds With One Stone 4-16-06 
>a.. Stolen Innocence, the Sin of Incest 4-10-06 
>a.. Are You a Good American? 3-26-06 
>a.. The Infestation in Washington 3-18-06 
>a.. A Free Press, A Free Pass 3-4-06 
>a.. The American Empire and Big Business - Part 3, 2-26-06 
>a.. Warfare, the Road to Globalization, Part 5 - 2-5-06 
>a.. Warfare, the Road to Globalization, Part 4 - 2-5-06 
>a.. Warfare, the Road to Globalization, Part 3 - 2-5-06 
>a.. Warfare, the Road to Globalization, Part 2 - 2-5-06 
>a.. Warfare, the Road to Globalization, Part 1 - 1-22-06 
>a.. Politics, The Art of Bickering 1-9-06 
>a.. Bush's War of Terror, WMD's - Part 11, 12-28-05 
>a.. The American Empire and Big Business - Part 2, 11-29-05 
>a.. The American Empire and Big Business - Part 1, 11-29-05 
>a.. Bush's War of Terror, WTC Buildings - Part 10, 11-19-05 
>a.. Bush's War of Terror, Cover Up - Part 9, 11-13-05 
>a.. Bush's War of Terror, Mass Murder - Part 8, 10-25-05 
>a.. Politicians, Put YOUR Money Where YOUR Mouth Is! 10-16-05 
>a.. Weapons of Mass Destruction: Power & Money 9-29-05 
>a.. Bush's War of Terror, 9/11 - Part 7, 9-21-05 
>a.. Wake Up Christians, It's the Eleventh Hour! 9-7-05 
>a.. William Rodriguez, a 9-11 Survivor 9-2-05 
>a.. Bush's War of Terror, The Neo-Cons - Part 6, 8-22-05 
>a.. Bush's War of Terror, Sanctions - Part 5, 8-22-05 
>a.. Bush's War of Terror, Genocide - Part 4, 8-22-05 
>a.. Bush's War of Terror, 1990-1991 - Part 3, 8-22-05 
>a.. Bush's War of Terror, Proxy War - Part 2, 8-22-05 
>a.. Bush's War of Terror, Prelude - Part 1, 8-22-05 
>a.. Another Revolution, the Feminist Movement 8-13-05 
>a.. The "Selling Out" of America 8-5-05 
>a.. The G8 Summit Double-Cross of 2005 7-27-05 
>a.. The Case Against Legal Abortion 7-15-05 
>a.. Move Over Moses, You're Being Outsourced 7-9-05 
>a.. The Battle Rages, The Voters Lose Again! 7-3-05 
>a.. The Partisan War Deception, The Voters Lose 6-26-05 
>a.. Welcome to America, All Trespassers Will be Rewarded 6-16-05 
>a.. What Do We Do? Where Do We Go? 6-3-05 
>a.. Illegal Immigration & the Law 5-28-05 
>a.. Warfare, American Style 5-20-05 
>a.. Personal Responsibility & Conscience 2-6-05 

Complete archives at

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