Re: [cia-drugs] The Rockefeller Plan, Part 1

2008-12-10 Thread Mary Hartman
In August of the same year (1911), McCLURE’S magazine published an article 
titled “Masters of America: The Seven Men,” which warned that “all fundamental 
resources, all industries capable of forming a unit, are being drawn together 
toward monopoly control…. And if corporate centralization of power continues 
unchecked, what is the next great popular agitation to be in this country? For 
state socialism?”
Our natural resources, long under the auspices and protection of the United 
States Department of the Interior are being quietly handed to the oil companies 
through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, a Congressional non-profit 
created to benefit corporate interests.  There was a time when people knew they 
could actually survive without oil, but water is another matter entirely.  
While this nation sleeps those things that support life, all life, are being 
siphoned away.  
Interestingly, Iraq is the only nation in that region that has both the Tigris 
and Euphrates Rivers running through the land.   Control the oil and control 
the oil, control the water and control the people.  This particular cat needs 
to get out of the bag.

--- On Sat, 12/6/08, norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [cia-drugs] The Rockefeller Plan, Part 1
Date: Saturday, December 6, 2008, 4:49 PM

And concerning the Obama administration’ s continuing the Power Elite’s planned 
alternation of power by including many Clintonistas, two examples are Rhodes 
scholar Dennis Blair (named director of National Intelligence) and Susan Rice 
(named U.S. ambassador to the U.N.
By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
December 1, 2008

[Note: Gerald Celente of Trends Research Institute has been heralded by THE 
WALL STREET JOURNAL, CNBC, CBS, etc. and he has recently said by 2012 the U.S. 
will become “an undeveloped nation” with tax revolts and a lot of homeless 
people and crime. Also recently, accidental fires created a state of emergency 
in California, which is just a reminder of the havoc that could be created by a 
few Iranian agents here if war should break out between the U.S. and Iran. 
Regarding the terrorist attack in India last week, it was by a Pakistani group 
with links to Pakistan’s ISI intelligence service about whom I’ve written. The 
group is called Lashkar-e-Taiba which opposes India’s involvement in Kashmir, 
about which I wrote in my July 23, 2007 NewsWithViews. com column “Javier 
Solana and the Larger Plan.” Also, remember that in my Sept. 22, 2008 
NEWSWITHVIEWS column, “Threats Used for Coercive Compliance,” I wrote (over two 
months before last week’s attack) that “globally, threats can be non-Communist 
as well, as India feels threatened by Pakistan and vice versa (watch Kashmir in 
the future).”
And concerning the Obama administration’ s continuing the Power Elite’s planned 
alternation of power by including many Clintonistas, two examples are Rhodes 
scholars Dennis Blair (named director of National Intelligence) and Susan Rice 
(named U.S. ambassador to the U.N.).]
In a previous NewsWithViews column, I mentioned that globalization has returned 
us to the late 1800s where workers underbid each other for jobs whose 
conditions weren’t safeguarded by health regulations. “Robber barrons” ruled, 
and these were people like John D. Rockefeller (his nephew Percy became a 
member of Skull  Bones in 1900).
With the beginning of the 20th century, Theodore Roosevelt was president and 
came to be known as a “trust buster” against Rockefeller’s Standard Oil and 
others, but major corporations that were split up still had interlocking 
directorates. Thus, Rockefeller’s power was maintained, and he is portrayed in 
Robert Minor’s 1911 cartoon in THE ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH as welcoming Karl 
Marx to Wall Street, with Marx carrying a book titled SOCIALISM. Rockefeller 
was able to use his great wealth to “buy” politicians who would see to it that 
through laws, rules and regulations, their “owners” were not adversely 
affected—a type of corporate Socialism. 
In August of the same year (1911), McCLURE’S magazine published an article 
titled “Masters of America: The Seven Men,” which warned that “all fundamental 
resources, all industries capable of forming a unit, are being drawn together 
toward monopoly control…. And if corporate centralization of power continues 
unchecked, what is the next great popular agitation to be in this country? For 
state socialism?”
Education was an important component of the Rockefeller plan, and he hired a 
reassuring Baptist minister, Frederick Gates, to set up his General Education 
Board in 1902 to oversee this effort. From this position, Gates wrote 
Occasional Letter No. 1 (published 1912), stating that “in our dream, we have 
limitless resources, and the people (rural folk) yield themselves with perfect 
docility to our molding hand… unhampered by tradition

[cia-drugs] The Rockefeller Plan, Part 1

2008-12-06 Thread norgesen
And concerning the Obama administration’s continuing the Power Elite’s planned 
alternation of power by including many Clintonistas, two examples are Rhodes 
scholar Dennis Blair (named director of National Intelligence) and Susan Rice 
(named U.S. ambassador to the U.N.


By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
December 1, 2008

[Note: Gerald Celente of Trends Research Institute has been heralded by THE 
WALL STREET JOURNAL, CNBC, CBS, etc. and he has recently said by 2012 the U.S. 
will become “an undeveloped nation” with tax revolts and a lot of homeless 
people and crime. Also recently, accidental fires created a state of emergency 
in California, which is just a reminder of the havoc that could be created by a 
few Iranian agents here if war should break out between the U.S. and Iran. 

Regarding the terrorist attack in India last week, it was by a Pakistani group 
with links to Pakistan’s ISI intelligence service about whom I’ve written. The 
group is called Lashkar-e-Taiba which opposes India’s involvement in Kashmir, 
about which I wrote in my July 23, 2007 column “Javier Solana 
and the Larger Plan.” Also, remember that in my Sept. 22, 2008 NEWSWITHVIEWS 
column, “Threats Used for Coercive Compliance,” I wrote (over two months before 
last week’s attack) that “globally, threats can be non-Communist as well, as 
India feels threatened by Pakistan and vice versa (watch Kashmir in the 

And concerning the Obama administration’s continuing the Power Elite’s planned 
alternation of power by including many Clintonistas, two examples are Rhodes 
scholars Dennis Blair (named director of National Intelligence) and Susan Rice 
(named U.S. ambassador to the U.N.).]

In a previous NewsWithViews column, I mentioned that globalization has returned 
us to the late 1800s where workers underbid each other for jobs whose 
conditions weren’t safeguarded by health regulations. “Robber barrons” ruled, 
and these were people like John D. Rockefeller (his nephew Percy became a 
member of Skull  Bones in 1900).

With the beginning of the 20th century, Theodore Roosevelt was president and 
came to be known as a “trust buster” against Rockefeller’s Standard Oil and 
others, but major corporations that were split up still had interlocking 
directorates. Thus, Rockefeller’s power was maintained, and he is portrayed in 
Robert Minor’s 1911 cartoon in THE ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH as welcoming Karl 
Marx to Wall Street, with Marx carrying a book titled SOCIALISM. Rockefeller 
was able to use his great wealth to “buy” politicians who would see to it that 
through laws, rules and regulations, their “owners” were not adversely 
affected—a type of corporate Socialism. 

In August of the same year (1911), McCLURE’S magazine published an article 
titled “Masters of America: The Seven Men,” which warned that “all fundamental 
resources, all industries capable of forming a unit, are being drawn together 
toward monopoly control…. And if corporate centralization of power continues 
unchecked, what is the next great popular agitation to be in this country? For 
state socialism?”

Education was an important component of the Rockefeller plan, and he hired a 
reassuring Baptist minister, Frederick Gates, to set up his General Education 
Board in 1902 to oversee this effort. From this position, Gates wrote 
Occasional Letter No. 1 (published 1912), stating that “in our dream, we have 
limitless resources, and the people (rural folk) yield themselves with perfect 
docility to our molding hand… unhampered by tradition.” Rockefeller education 
initiatives applied to city schools, too, as Mayor John Hylan of New York City 
said in THE NEW YORK TIMES (March 27, 1922): “One of my first acts as mayor was 
to pitch out… from the educational system of our city the Rockefeller agents” 
and others who planned “to fit the children for the mill and factory.” 

The Rockefeller Foundation throughout the 20th century would try to influence 
many aspects of American education, for example supporting the School-Health 
Coordinating Service begun in 1939. But the Rockefeller plan’s educational 
component ultimately has been to facilitate globalism. In Edith Roosevelt’s 
1962 article “The Universal Theocratic State,” she revealed: “Curriculum are 
being drafted to indoctrinate our children in what John D. Rockefeller, Jr. 
called ‘the church of all people.’… plans are being made to set up regional 
world Universities whose objectives would include… ‘to build a world 
outlook’….” At the end of the next decade, the Rockefeller Foundation supported 
a 3-volume set, including James Becker’s SCHOOLING FOR A GLOBAL AGE, attempting 
to convince parents and the general public of the necessity of a global 
perspective, “otherwise children and youth enrolled in globally oriented 
programs may find themselves in conflict with values assumed in the home.”

In the mid-1980s, Seattle schools “Rockefeller Project” promoted