ZetaTalk: GLP Live [12-19-09]  
Russian separatists, Pedophiles, US prison population, Early Zeta, Hands of 
man, Copenhagen, Stereo Ahead, 2010 predictions, Alien technology, Privacy, 
Google Earth UFOs, Eclipses, Cancer, Miserable incarnations, Obama 
disappointment, Pole Shift timeline, Sun white, Christmas hammer, Tail debris, 
Assisted precision, WISE plan, Zeta contact, Chemtrails, Sudden STO, Earth 
orbit perturbations, STS identification, Spiral synchronicity, Mind reading
[Questioner]  I have read that USA has the highest prison population rate in 
the world and this amount is even raising. Why?
[Zeta Response]   Availability of funding for prison's, private prisons making 
a profit, laws that are such that even small non-violent crimes result in 
prison, fear of minorities such as blacks or Hispanics such that judges and 
juries put them away on a slight, and many other factors. 
[Questioner]  Could the Zetas tell us to what extent Planet X was discussed 
behind closed doors at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen this past 
week? Was there agreement regarding what to say, if anything, about the 
presence of Planet X?
[Zeta Response]   Planet X is always discussed when heads of state can meet 
face-to-face. As before, when we were asked similar questions, there is no 
change in plans. All major players are terrified of alerting the public, and 
their terror gets more extreme the more Planet X and its wafting tail make 
their presence known. The Norway swirl, the continual presence on SOHO images, 
all this is making the matter a white-knuckle affair for heads of state, NASA, 
the military, and the very wealthy. They don't want the truth revealed, and 
fear retaliation against themselves if it is revealed. In the near future, any 
revelations will not come from this strata of society, but may come from the 
Puppet Master, as Nancy has recently learned.
[Questioner]  Why was not Planet X seen during different kinds of eclipses 
since 2003 ?
[Zeta Response]   Due to the necessity of maintaining the Element of Doubt 
about both the alien presence and Planet X, for those who would go insane if 
they could not cling to denial, times such as eclipses are arranged such that 
the Moon is in the right place and any dramatic appearance of Planet X 
[Questioner]  This week we were treated to a spectacle that showed Obama and 
his administration, together with the Democratic leadership in Congress, roll 
over to the STS special interests, basically agreeing to coerce all citizens 
into buying their over-priced product by mandating it without the so-called 
"public option". Polls taken in the wake of this sell-out show mega-majorities 
(nearly 9 out of 10 Democrats, nearly 3 out of 4 independents, and even a 
slight majority of Republicans) disappointed, dismayed, disgusted, shocked, and 
angry at this new mandate to purchase from the insurance "industry". I know the 
Zetas have touted Obama as a "star child", but he acts more like a caveman - 
caving in to any special interest that raises the slightest objection, except 
of course the aspirations of the people who actually put him into office. 
Without asking what Obama's thinking on this is, since the Zetas will never do 
that, is this what we are to expect of
 STO "leadership"? Or do the zetas know something we don't that would explain 
this travesty? Surely these vast majorities of the people aren't all stupid 
humans or are simply naive, with too-high expectations? Maybe the rationale 
should be "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the crap we're forced to make 
you swallow".
[Zeta Response]   We keep repeating, when asked this type of question weekly, 
that Obama cannot make things happen from the Oval Office unless Congress 
passes laws first! He is taking what he can get, and will use that as a base to 
lobby for changes in the law as it is shown that the profit makers cannot 
restrain themselves or comply with the law as written. Do you understand the 
Constitution, what the separation of powers means? He could of course refuse 
any bill that the Congress presents to him, and then there would be no 
opportunity for change. Is that better, in your opinion?
[Questioner]  Have heard Clif High talking about the change in color of the sun 
recently and I have to agree with him. In my long ago youth it was yellow and 
now it seems white and turning blue at times. Would like to ask the Zeta's why 
the sun is changing colors? Also, would sun spots at the north and south poles 
of the sun be another sign of pole shift on earth?
[Zeta Response]   When light is shown through fog, it diffuses, and when 
sunlight comes through the tail of Planet X is likewise diffuses, thus the Sun 
appears more white. Many chemicals are in the atmosphere of Earth from the tail 
of Planet X, and this puts halos around the Moon and Sun and causes neon 
clouds, among other effects. The pole shift timeline cannot be inferred by the 
appearance of the surface of the Sun, no. 
[Questioner]  Do zetas talk to any other humans? If so, how may we contact them?
[Zeta Response]   We, the Zetas, have contactees within the N American 
continent, which is our region. There are over 1,000 life forms, sorted into 
over 40 working groups, attending Earth at this time. If you are a contactee, 
you are put in contact with others who are likewise contactees. Many meetings 
are being arranged. 
[Questioner]  Can Zeta really read the minds of all people or only when the 
call is put out? If Zeta knows all about who did what to whom.why can't they 
make a list of all major missing persons and out the murderers and let us know 
which of the missing are indeed alive? Not all in one burst, but 10 a week 
would be brilliant help for us humans that do care and need relief from their 
[Zeta Response]   Yes, we read minds readily, and this is why protecting those 
individuals the Council of Worlds allows us to protect is so readily done. We 
know what is planed, and who is behind it. As we stated earlier in this chat, 
we are not allowed to interfer with the will of man or with his environment, 
without the express approval of the Council of Worlds. This is your 
schoolhouse, where you are to learn how to help your fellow man and to take 
action. We are not here as your parents. 

The ZetaTalk Newsletter  
Issue164, Sunday Dec 20, 2009 Spiral Warnings; Moscow Tetrahedron; SOHO 
Downtime; (3) New Video Clips
[According to the STO ZetaTalk space angels, planet earth can expect an 
increase in many more UFO/ET sightings ]  

The wicked ENDTIME - NOT the RIGHTEOUS. 

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