Sean wrote:

Mark Urban and his fellow cia-druggies have still been unable to 
explain how American oil companies are going to profitably extract 
from a region of the world in which the natives, thanks to Israel and 
the neoconservatives, view them as their most dangerous and hated 
enemies.  Russia, China, India and Europe are ready to pounce on the 
enormous opportunity that that the neocons have provided them.

Ok, Mr. Sean. let me try to break this down for you:

If Iraq is a giant shit storm like Lebanon, then little or nothing is 
going to happen. The killing and infighting will just wear away the 
infrastructure. Iraq will be left with a puppet government and those 
many firebases and that huge embassy (almost the size of the 
vatican) in Baghdad.

As long as nobody can do much with Iraq's oil because of the 
war and turmoil, then the oil will not get to market and there will 
less supply. By every kind of primitive economics I know that means 
supply line shifts in such a way as to intersect the price line at a 
higher intersecting point. Therefore, prices are higher and will stay 

What other benefits are there?  

Well with all that military hardware in the region, do you think the 
oil producing neighbors are going to piss on uncle sam's leg? Do you 
think they'll do nasty little things like stop using petrodollars?Do 
think they'll want some of what Iraq got?

Remember the Plot from GOLDFINGER? The plan was not to steal the gold 
in Fort Knox, just make it radioactive and unavailable. Then Aurich 
Goldfinger's supply of gold would become much more valuable. 

You see, my dear lil' buddy Sean, sometimes your itty bitty brain 
has to work a little bit harder to understand the big picture.

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