[cia-drugs] Fw: 6 Things you must know

2006-05-19 Thread Arlene Johnson

Seems legitimate to me. Comments?


Arlene Johnson

- Original Message - 
>>Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 4:39 PM
>>Subject: 6 Things you must know
>>According to what they sent my e-mail name is NOT a very good one
>>is it... [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>Check this out
>>Bingo! (I think). It looks like you found the final dot to connect in
>>the matrix of masonic patterns for 6/6/6.
>>   The only thing I disagree with is the claim about no Christ existed.
>>Research the ancient letter to Rome by Publius Lentius about Christ to
>>verify he livedl; then research the death of Pontius Pilate, beheaded by
>>the Roman senate, when he was summoned to answer why he crucified a
>>"god" whom Rome was summoning when crucified, because of the letter of
>>Pubius Lentius.
>>  At the mention of his name Yeshuah, all the statues shattered & the
>>Roman standards drooped & bowed. That's why the senate beheaded Pilate, 
>>& an angel appeared & took the head away.
>>  That's why the pope staff is drooped, bowed...symbolic. "Lost Books
>>of the Bible"-Ancient Letters section is where you can find this ancient
>>   The Romans kept good records. Both Peter & Paul were killed by Rome
>>in Rome, so there's no doubt that they lived either. Masonic propaganda
>>would like all Christians to abandon faith before the time they know 
>>he'll end them-Isaiah 24:21-22, Rev 19:11-19, etc.
>>    I think you found the connecting dot there about 6/6/6, though. Jim
>>Amy Sasser provided THIS:
>>June 6, 2006: 6 Things You Must Know 
>>You might disagree, but hear me out on this... 
>>There are at least a dozen credible sources reporting on the strong occult 'signatures' stamped all over major world events recently, implying that events of global import are planned using certain patterns. Oft quoted examples are: 
>>* The '777' patterns found in the London bombings on July 7th, 2005; 
>>* The '11' patterns found all over the 9/11 attack; and, 
>>* The Madrid Train Bombings 911 days after 9/11 on March 11, 2004. 
>>Article Summary: 
>>If we combine the two important dates of June 5th and June 6th, together with recent world events, we obtain the following extremely significant occult triplications: 
>>* 222 days from the Muslim riots in Paris; 
>>* 333 days from the London Train Bombings; 
>>* 444 days from the second anniversary of the Iraq Invasion; 
>>* 555 days from November 28, 2004 (the 333rd day of the year, with 33 remaining); 
>>* 666 in the date pattern and in the pattern until the end of the Mayan calendar; 
>>* 777 days from the foiled Sears Tower Attack. 
>>An important question to ask is "Why do perpetrators choose to stamp their occult signatures all over major world events, in a similar manner to that of serial killers?" 
>>For 2 reasons: 
>>1. They want to hide the truth from the masses, while communicating their success (in orchestrating a planned crisis) to the elite. Public radio broadcasts were used to transmit secret messages to resistance members in World War 2. Exactly the same method works now, albeit slightly more hi-tech. 
>>2. Our Global Leadership believes that a planned crisis may fail unless it is carried out 'by the numbers'. The most venerated occult numbers are: 6, 11, 13, and multiples thereof, especially 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77 and 26, 39, etc. A triplication of numbers is considered even more sacred to the occultist: 111, 222, 333, etc. The most familiar triplication is 666, said to be 'the number of The Beast, mentioned in the Bible. This number is often disguised as an 18, which is a 6+6+6 or 3x6. (See 666 and 888 for an explanation of the significance of these numbers in the Bible). 
>>The evidence FOR such signatures on major world events is overwhelming, and far too lengthy to cover in this short article (see "explanatory report" link above for more proof than you could ever need). Nevertheless, there is a natural reluctance to accepting what is blatantly obvious. 
>>The reason for the reluctance is Public Education. From an early age we are taught the Accidental View of History ? in other words, events happen just because they do. On the other side of the coin is the Conspiratorial View of History , which argues, incredibly convincingly, that major world events are planned according to a specific timeline, and for very specific reasons. 
>>[Although not the scope of this article, do a web search for 'Hegelian Dialectics', which explains how an existing force (the thesis) generates a counterforce (the antithesis). Conflict between the two forces results in the forming of a synthesis, or desired outcome. ] 
>>With an understanding of how our Global Leadership use these sign

Re: [cia-drugs] "Mentally Ill" Man Says Ashcroft Was Involved In 9/11 Plot...

2006-05-19 Thread Arlene Johnson

Regarding the Washington sniper issue, see the first entry at http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-12/48.html Then, feel free to read the other bits of information after it too.


Arlene Johnson

-Original Message-
>Sent: May 17, 2006 1:29 AM
>To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [cia-drugs] "Mentally Ill" Man Says Ashcroft Was Involved In 9/11 Plot...
>A psychiatrist who examined Muhammad concluding he was mentally ill said he refused to divulge details of his "secret defense strategy." Another psychiatrist, David Williamson of Annapolis, said Muhammad "is confident that he has a legal strategy that will prove him innocent but cannot articulate it."
>The Associated Press State & Local Wire
>May 14, 2006 Sunday 4:36 PM GMT
>LENGTH: 1036 words
>HEADLINE: Washington sniper's "secret plan" for defense emerges
>BYLINE: By STEPHEN MANNING, Associated Press Writer
>He hid his "secret defense strategy" from his former attorneys, holding it so close that he fired them rather than reveal how he planned to prove his self-professed innocence for six Washington sniper killings.
>Two weeks into his second trial for the October 2002 murders, John Allen Muhammad, who is representing himself, has yet to put on his defense. But some of his plan has trickled out through statements in court and cross-examination of witnesses.
>He claims he and accomplice Lee Boyd Malvo were driving around looking for the young children Muhammad lost in a custody battle. The pair was shocked when they were arrested Oct. 24, 2002, and labeled the Washington snipers, he said. 
>Muhammad, 45, has asked many witnesses if they saw the shooter or have "direct knowledge" about the culprit. All said no. To counter reports of he and his Chevrolet Caprice near shooting sites, he questions whether witness memories were swayed by media coverage after his arrest.
>He challenges medical examiners, trying to get them to concede that a handgun, not the high-powered Bushmaster rifle police found in the Caprice, could be the murder weapon. And Muhammad brings up white vans, playing on authorities' initial belief that the killers were using a van or box truck.
>Muhammad is trying to poke holes of doubt for jurors in the established narrative that he and Malvo roamed the region for three weeks in the Caprice, killing 10 people and wounding three with shots fired from the Bushmaster. Since no one saw him, he implies, there is no hard evidence he was the sniper.
>"Does our law condemn a person first, before we have heard and known what he's been doing?" Muhammad asked during his opening statement, quoting Nicodemus from the Bible. "The word 'knowing' implies having direct knowledge of the subject at hand, direct seeing of what was going on."
>Yet he faces some seemingly insurmountable legal challenges. Prosecutors have forensic evidence that most of the .223-caliber bullets used in the homicides came from the Bushmaster. Muhammad's DNA was found on the gun. Jurors are expected to see the car, which was rigged with a hole in the trunk where a shooter could fire undetected.
>"You've got a guy in possession of the weapon, which is pretty damning evidence," said Prince William County Commonwealth's Attorney Paul Ebert, who prosecuted Muhammad in Virginia. "The fact nobody saw him do it, that's pretty typical of murders."
>And Muhammad will likely have to find some way to minimize Malvo's testimony. Muhammad wants Malvo, whom he still calls his "son," to testify for him. But Malvo is expected to plead guilty to the same six killings and testify against Muhammad.
>A psychiatrist who examined Muhammad concluding he was mentally ill said he refused to divulge details of his "secret defense strategy." Another psychiatrist, David Williamson of Annapolis, said Muhammad "is confident that he has a legal strategy that will prove him innocent but cannot articulate it."
>Williamson wrote that Muhammad may be bipolar, and believes that he was framed because he knew former Attorney General John Aschroft was part of a conspiracy that led the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Muhammad said he thought that is why the FBI was involved in the case.
>He has not hinted at the conspiracy theory in court.
>Muhammad is charged with six deaths in Montgomery County, just outside Washington. He is already on death row in Virginia for another sniper killing. This second trial, which carries a maximum penalty of life in prison, is billed as insurance in case his Virginia conviction is ever thrown out.
>Montgomery Circuit Judge James Ryan allowed Muhammad in March to remove his two court-appointed attorneys, who had filed the psychiatrists' reports in an attempt to prove he was not competent to stand trial.
>He's defended himself before, in his first trial in Virginia Beach. He gave an opening statem

Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] CIA 'carried out up to 50 renditions'

2006-05-19 Thread Arlene Johnson

Yes, indeed. When I was in London, there was an expose of Tony Blair allowing planes to land on British soil en route with captives who were being transported for the purpose of being tortured. It was published in either The Independent or The Guardian. I can't recall which as I checked out both newspapers occassionally while there (mainly to see what lies they were publishing). This was during the period of September 29, 2005 and March 29, 2006.


Arlene Johnson

-Original Message-
>From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: May 18, 2006 2:31 PM
>To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs 
>Subject: [cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] CIA 'carried out up to 50 renditions'
>Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: May 18, 2006 4:29:29 AM PDT
>> Subject: [SPY NEWS] CIA 'carried out up to 50 renditions'
>> http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,19175329-38200,00.html
>> CIA 'carried out up to 50 renditions'
>> From: Agence France-Presse
>> From correspondents in Strasbourg
>> May 18, 2006
>> THE US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has sent up to 50 suspects  
>> since 2001 to countries where they could face torture, a European  
>> Union investigator probing the CIA's actions in Europe said today.
>> Claudio Fava, an Italian member of the European Parliament, said  
>> members of his team were given the information by US intelligence  
>> officials during a visit to the United States last week.
>> The sources also had said the agency ran secret prisons in Europe,  
>> Asia and Africa.
>> The United States has come under intense fire over the last year  
>> following press reports that the CIA has flown suspects in the US  
>> "war on terror" across European airspace since the September 11,  
>> 2001, attacks.
>> The prisoners were reported mainly to have been taken through  
>> Europe to third countries in a process known as "rendition", in  
>> which the transfers take place outside the legal framework of an  
>> extradition agreement.
>> "More than one source in the CIA, senior officials, explained to us  
>> that there were 30 to 50 renditions, not including people arrested  
>> and taken to Guantanamo Bay," the US naval base prison in Cuba, Mr  
>> Fava said.
>> Advertisement:
>> He could not say whether the suspects had been picked up in Europe,  
>> were flown through the continent's airspace or transported through  
>> its territory, or if any were of European origin.
>> He said the intelligence officials told investigators that the  
>> renditions were acceptable in that they were part of the "war on  
>> terror".
>> Indeed senior US officials have acknowledged that a few renditions  
>> have taken place.
>> The Italian deputy said the officials were asked about the secret  
>> prisons in Europe - in particular facilities, now thought closed,  
>> in Poland and Romania - and that "they told us there were prisons  
>> in Europe, Asia and Africa".
>> Mr Fava also accused the White House of putting pressure on the US  
>> media - an editor of the Washington Post and television stations -  
>> not to make public the names of countries suspected of allowing  
>> secret CIA prisons on their territory.
>> The head of the inquiry, Portuguese MP Carlos Coelho, said  
>> information gathered in the United States showed that the "transfer  
>> program would not have been possible without the help of European  
>> governments".
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Re: Fwd: [cia-drugs] Post-Soviet states, China set to hold joint military exercises

2006-05-19 Thread Arlene Johnson

We know that The Illuminati bet on both sides. That's a given. Therefore, it could be that the SCO was established to work in conjunction with NATO; they just don't want us to know that it was. I developed this theory because of the word "terror" as we know who the terrorists are. If you don't know who the terrorists are, then read my documented e-zine which has articles  from around the world. It's free on my Web site for those who want to know what's REALLY going on AND be able to do something about it.


Arlene Johnson
Click on the icon that says Magazine.
Password for 2006: message
No password is needed to access the first five years of quarterly editions.

-Original Message-
>From: Zaffarullah Rajpoot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: May 18, 2006 2:15 PM
>To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject: Fwd: [cia-drugs] Post-Soviet states, China set to hold joint military exercises
>> * *
> http://en.rian.ru/russia/20060518/48299856.html
>   Post-Soviet states, China set to hold joint military exercises
> 15:03 | *18*/ *05*/ 2006 [image: Print
>MOSCOW, May 18 (RIA Novosti) - Two regional security organizations
>comprising post-Soviet nations and China are planning joint military
>exercises, the chief of Russia's general staff said Thursday.
>"We are currently discussing a joint exercise under the aegis of the SCO
>[Shanghai Cooperation Organization]," Yury Baluyevsky said, adding that the
>date of the exercise, which would also involve troops from Collective
>Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) nations, had yet to be decided.
>Baluyevsky said the exercises would practice joint counteraction against
>terrorist threats.
>The chiefs of the CSTO nations' general staffs held a meeting in Moscow
>Thursday to discuss ways to make the collective security system more
>effective, including by improving control of the Collective Rapid Reaction
>Force, which currently numbers 1,500 military personnel deployed in
>Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan.
>[image: ???   ?- ?? ???
>?? (???)]The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which comprises
>the former Soviet republics in Central Asia - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
>Tajikistan, Uzbekistan - as well as Russia and China, was created in 2001 to
>deal with security issues, including border conflicts, terrorism, and
>militant Islam.
>These countries, without China, also form the CSTO, which also includes
>Belarus and Armenia. The CSTO is seen by some experts as a counterbalance to
>NATO's eastward expansion.
>Unlike the CSTO, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization does not have in its
>charter a provision on collective defense of its member by others in the
>event of an outside attack. It was created to counter attacks by illegal
>armed groups if they cross the border of a member-country, and its military
>activities are rather limited, although two of its members, Russia and
>China, held major war games last fall.
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Re: [cia-drugs] Intelligence Brief: Brazil's Nuclear Ambitions

2006-05-19 Thread Arlene Johnson

OIL is NOT a FOSSIL fuel. Vig posted that information on this listserv, and I picked up on it because The Illuminati is even lying about oil to us too simply because it wants us to think that we are running out so the price will be able to be raised through the roof! See my 19th edition, which is small and free on my Web site to learn about this, and DO something to end the lies these evils perpetuate to innocent people in Brazil and elsewhere around the world.

Let me tell you about ethanol. Made from corn, ethanol destroyed my car's engine when I lived in Washington state. We bought cheaper gas to save dollars, but then had to pay nearly $1,000 to fix the engine. The mechanic explained that it was the ETHANOL which did this. Cars were not built to run with one drop of ethanol. We stopped filling the tank at Mobil and Union 76 and started buying gasoline (petrol) at Chevron because that gasoline does not have ethanol in it.


Arlene Johnson
Click on the icon that says Magazine to access my editions.

-Original Message-
>From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: May 18, 2006 1:35 PM
>Subject: [cia-drugs] Intelligence Brief: Brazil's Nuclear Ambitions
>Intelligence Brief: Brazil's Nuclear Ambitions 
>Drafted By: 
>Brazil's Science and Technology Minister Sergio Rezende told the press on May 6 that Brasilia has launched a uranium enrichment center for fueling its power plants. Brazil's first nuclear enrichment facility, located in Resende (about 140 kilometers (87 miles) outside Rio de Janeiro), will "save Brazil millions of dollars it now spends to enrich fuel at Urenco, the European enrichment consortium," the minister said. Brazil's move has great industrial, geopolitical, and financial significance. 
>With regard to industrial aspects, it is important to recall that the South American giant is already one of the world's leaders in alternative energy. For three decades, it has consistently promoted the use of ethanol in place of gasoline for use in automotives; therefore, ethanol now accounts for as much as 20 percent of the Brazilian transport fuel market.
>Although the use of carbohydrates instead of fossil fuels is not a recent discovery, Brazil's determinacy to industrially implement ethanol as a commercially-viable alternative may pave the way to decisive changes in the automobile market because the South American state is one of the most promising emerging markets globally.
>Brasilia is wagering on a combination between alternative fuels like ethanol and nuclear power. Such a mix is similar to recent French plans to launch a new generation of nuclear plants while boosting renewable energies and bio-fuels.
>The geopolitical consequences of Brasilia's moves, however, are even more important. Early this year, Brazilian authorities claimed their country is already well ahead on the path to energy independence. Therefore, Brazil's entry into the nuclear club is a crucial step in its struggle to end dependence on fossil energies. At a time of increasing regional and global conflict over energy security, Brasilia's decision will greatly enhance its political independence from both fossil energy producers and the great powers that deeply influence energy geopolitics.
>Brazil is South America's potential hegemon because of its size, resources, demography, and geographic location. Its future independence from Venezuelan and Bolivian oil and gas will make the country less vulnerable from potential blackmail by such medium regional powers, thus reinforcing its position as a continental leader. [See: "Bolivia's Energy Nationalization Causes Concern in Brazil and Argentina"]
>Moreover, should Venezuela succeed in improving its economic fundamentals decisively as a result of its present oil-based energy policy, it can be expected that Caracas will use fresh financial strength to rapidly follow Brazil's path and try to access the nuclear club in its turn. This development would have serious implications for the region.
>Since the energy crisis -- due to growing oil and gas demand, fears of peak oil capabilities, and geopolitical instability in oil-rich regions-- is nowadays structural, Brazil's nuclear projects consolidate a global trend: atomic power is once again gaining momentum. Although costs to finance nuclear plants and their security are often considered exorbitant, atomic energy enjoys growing popularity 20 years after the Chernobyl disaster, as it appears more viable than hydrogen-based solutions. [See: "Intelligence Brief: French Energy Policy"]
>The Brazilian civilian nuclear program will also constitute a thorny political-diplomatic issue for the U.N. and the global political c

[cia-drugs] ''Venezuela Moves to Nationalize its Oil Industry''

2006-05-19 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


19 May 2006''Venezuela Moves to 
Nationalize its Oil Industry''
America's shift from the Western sphere of influence and toward an independent 
path is a major current of the recent years. Venezuela, the world's fifth 
largest oil producer, has spearheaded this change by exploiting soaring global 
oil prices in order to pursue a "Bolivarian" economic model detached from the 
Washington Consensus. [See: "Venezuela's 
Hugo Chavez Makes His Bid for a Bolivarian Revolution"]Venezuelan 
President Hugo Chavez's power and vision for a united South America depends on 
oil, which accounts for half of state revenues and about one-third of G.D.P. 
Caracas, however, has attempted to balance any potential liability by shrewdly 
positioning itself as a pivotal player in the global energy market. Increasing 
revenues have translated into political influence that allows Chavez to 
undermine decades of Western-mandated neoliberal reforms and begin to 
effectively nationalize the Venezuelan oil industry.The State Assumes 
ControlLast month, Chavez ordered a state takeover of several major 
oil operations that had been controlled by foreign-owned corporations. France's 
Total SA and Italy's Eni SpA refused to cooperate with contractual changes 
mandated by Chavez. Sixteen firms, however, including Royal Dutch Shell, Chevron 
Corp., and Spain's Repsol YPF, all agreed to the terms of a reworked contract 
with Venezuela that grants the state greatly increased revenue shares and 
operational control.Under the new contracts, income tax rates on 
windfall profits for oil companies will increase from 34 percent to 50 percent. 
Venezuelan Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez, who is also president of state-owned 
Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA), expects an additional US$1.2 billion in 
revenue from the tax. Chavez has also indicated that PDVSA, which currently 
holds between 30 and 49 percent of heavy oil ventures, would assume "at least 60 
percent" of the reworked operations that will be chartered for 20 years. 
"Venezuela has control of its natural resources," Chavez stated prior to a 
summit in Vienna with leaders from the E.U., Latin America and the 
Caribbean.In keeping with Chavez's use of strong nationalist language, 
Venezuelan Deputy Rodrigo Cabezas -- who heads a special National Assembly 
commission on oil contracts -- said that the increased tax revenue is "money 
that we are demanding…for all Venezuelans."In the 1990s, Venezuela 
opened its oil industry to private investment, which resulted in the creation of 
32 operating service agreements with 22 foreign oil companies. Under these 
contracts, foreign companies managed the oil fields and PDVSA purchased the 
produced oil at a price fixed to the going market rate. PDVSA also had the 
option to purchase minority stakes in projects under risk/profit sharing 
agreements, and held shares in four "strategic associations" that produce heavy 
crude. Oil production in Venezuela dropped significantly during the 2002 
national strike and has yet to return to the 1997 peak of 3.5 million barrels 
per day since Chavez came to power in 1999. In 2004, Chavez increased taxes on 
the four heavy oil ventures from one to 16 percent. It is these 
"strategic associations" that are the intended targets of the new tax structure; 
joint ventures with Total, ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, BP and Statoil 
account for about 23 percent of Venezuela's oil production. According to 
Cabezas, "We don't want to expel foreign companies nor exclude them, but it is 
absurd that the Venezuelan state doesn't have a majority stake." The 
Orinoco Tar BeltVenezuela's Orinoco River basin, located southeast 
of Caracas, is rich in heavy crude oil. The region currently yields about 
600,000 barrels per day, but contains approximately 235 billion barrels of heavy 
oil, which if included in official tallies would increase Venezuelan reserves to 
300 billion barrels, thereby making it the largest oil country. However, an 
important caveat must accompany this figure: heavy oil is extremely difficult to 
extract and costly to refine. In order for heavy oil to be made profitable to 
process, oil prices must be at least $40 per barrel, by some accounts. An 
estimated $200 billion is required to maximize production in the Orinoco belt, 
and Chavez has called on the "junior" partners, or foreign-owned firms, to 
devote $70 billion to such development. In a recent report, Venezuela's 
congress recommended state majority control of heavy oil operations, stating, 
"The National Assembly does not accept that the [Orinoco oil] belt does not 
include majority state control over operations in the belt." Heavy oil fields 
such as the Orinoco belt and those near Alberta, Canada are expected to provide 
an increasing share of future global oil supplies as fields containing the light 
sweet crude that accounts for much of the oil currently in 

Re: Fwd: [cia-drugs] Post-Soviet states, China set to hold joint military exercises

2006-05-19 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

yeah, brazil and india and now, according to www.waynemadsenreport.com south
africa are all ostensible BRICS partners who periodically take sides with
the US.  now we see pakistan joining the SCO?

- Original Message - 
From: "Arlene Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 7:17 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: [cia-drugs] Post-Soviet states, China set to hold joint
military exercises

We know that The Illuminati bet on both sides. That's a given. Therefore, it
could be that the SCO was established to work in conjunction with NATO; they
just don't want us to know that it was. I developed this theory because of
the word "terror" as we know who the terrorists are. If you don't know who
the terrorists are, then read my documented e-zine which has articles  from
around the world. It's free on my Web site for those who want to know what's
REALLY going on AND be able to do something about it.


Arlene Johnson
Click on the icon that says Magazine.
Password for 2006: message
No password is needed to access the first five years of quarterly editions.

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[cia-drugs] Fw: [TheIlluminati] US spells out plan to bomb Iran

2006-05-19 Thread Arlene Johnson

FYI. U.S. leaders (neo-cons) don't want diplomacy.


Arlene Johnson

-Forwarded Message-
>From: Bryan Patrick Fridley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: May 17, 2006 7:34 PM
>Subject: [TheIlluminati] US spells out plan to bomb Iran
>-- Forwarded Message
>US spells out plan to bomb Iran
>Defence Correspondent
>05/16/06 "The Herald" -- -- THE US is updating contingency plans for a
>non-nuclear strike to cripple Iran's atomic weapon programme if
>international diplomacy fails, Pentagon sources have confirmed.
>Strategists are understood to have presented two options for pinpoint
>strikes using B2 bombers flying directly from bases in Missouri, Guam in
>Pacific and Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.
>RAF Fairford in Gloucester also has facilities for B2s but this has been
>ruled out because of the UK's opposition to military action against
>The main plan calls for a rolling, five-day bombing campaign against 400
>targets in Iran, including 24 nuclear-related sites, 14 military
>and radar installations, and Revolutionary Guard headquarters.
>At least 75 targets in underground complexes would be attacked with
>waves of
>bunker-buster bombs.
>Iranian radar networks and air defence bases would be struck by
>submarine-launched Tomahawk cruise missiles and then kept out of action
>carrier aircraft flying from warships in the Indian Ocean and Persian
>The alternative to an all-out campaign is a demonstration strike against
>or two high-profile targets such as the Natanz uranium enrichment
>or the hexafluoride gas plant at Isfahan.
>UK sources say contingency plans have also been drawn up to cope with
>inevitable backlash against the Basra garrison in neighbouring Iraq.
>-- End of Forwarded Message

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Re: Fwd: [cia-drugs] Post-Soviet states, China set to hold joint military exercises

2006-05-19 Thread Arlene Johnson

Vig-What's BRICS?

Also, in that "unauthored" article that I posted here last week, the author, who I feel strongly is Rothschild,
stated about Nelson Mandela, so The Illuminati control South Africa, not that they don't control every other country on earth too, because they do, we have a situation in which leaders fear the U.S. so this is, or could be, the reason why they side with the U.S.

Did Pakistan join the SCO? I thought that someone posted that the SCO wasn't going to enlarge next month. 



-Original Message-
>From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: May 19, 2006 2:01 PM
>To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: Re: Fwd: [cia-drugs] Post-Soviet states, China set to hold joint military exercises
>yeah, brazil and india and now, according to www.waynemadsenreport.com south
>africa are all ostensible BRICS partners who periodically take sides with
>the US.� now we see pakistan joining the SCO?
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Arlene Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 7:17 AM
>Subject: Re: Fwd: [cia-drugs] Post-Soviet states, China set to hold joint
>military exercises
>We know that The Illuminati bet on both sides. That's a given. Therefore, it
>could be that the SCO was established to work in conjunction with NATO; they
>just don't want us to know that it was. I developed this theory because of
>the word "terror" as we know who the terrorists are. If you don't know who
>the terrorists are, then read my documented e-zine which has articles� from
>around the world. It's free on my Web site for those who want to know what's
>REALLY going on AND be able to do something about it.
>Arlene Johnson
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Re: [cia-drugs] Iran: Russia, China drift toward US

2006-05-19 Thread Zaffarullah Rajpoot

Dear all,
How you analyze and see the below mentioned development;
Iran refuses to withdraw from its right to have peaceful Nuclear Capability. 
Iran Already tested his wide range of Missiles which can carry a Nuclear War head upto Israel.
China – Russia are preparing for Joint Military Exercises. 
SCO will officially invite Iran (who has world largest Gas reserves after Russia) – Pakistan & Mongolia to become permanent members of the Organization.

NATO wants permanent base in Pakistan to supply goods to its troops in Afghanistan. 
Hamid Karzai – who was the street monger in Quetta, Pakistan becomes the president of Afghanistan and lacks the capability to hold the position. A drug smuggler, human trafficker accuses Pakistan for interrupting in his internal affairs?? 
China – Pakistan free trade agreement draft is ready.

China – Pakistan & Kargistan agreed for free transit of goods between three countries under SCO banner. 
India postponed its 4000 KM AGNI III missile test.
North Koreas suspected to test its intercontinental 16000 KM range missile. Now many US cities can be targeted from North Korea.
Commensts are Awaited anxiously.

Iran: Russia, China drift toward USBy Kaveh L Afrasiabi Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has warned that the current US-led push for United Nations sanctions against Iran could turn out to be a "pretext for war", and yet both Russia and China, long thought to be opponents of any sanctions, are now inching toward the US strategy with regard to Iran. 
It is China that has taken the lead, by putting its weight behind the yet-to-be-submitted set of European "conditional incentives" for Iran to give up its uranium-enrichment program, which has had the effect of forcing Moscow to follow suit. 
There is, after all, a diplomatic minuet involved here, with Beijing and Moscow carefully crafting every step according to the ebbs and flows of a fluid crisis that features multiple players with distinct, shared, parallel and opposing interests. 
The news of China's slow accommodation with the US-EU plan was broken by US Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick in his May 10 congressional testimony. He assured members that China "has agreed in principle" to play along. This was followed by a similar report by the Los Angeles Times that Tang Jiaxuan, a leading member of the Chinese Communist Party's Central Committee, has called for an Iranian moratorium on all enrichment-related activities. 
As expected, this has had the desired effect, from the US point of view, of mollifying Russia, which has been seething at the recent US criticisms of its human-rights and energy policies. Thus at a press conference with his Chinese counterpart, Li Zhaoxing, Lavrov echoed China's backing of the European Union proposal by stating, "We will suggest this approach and will expect Iran to respond to it in a constructive way. We are firmly convinced that this is the only way to settle the situation." 
The pertinent question, of course, is what will Moscow and Beijing do once the EU proposal is formally submitted and rejected by Iran, in light of President Mahmud Ahmadinejad's preemptive "don't give a damn" reaction? Are they willing to set aside their opposition to UN sanctions? Another question is: How far are China and Russia willing to go to sacrifice their relations with Iran in order to maintain healthy relations with the United States? 
The latter question touches on, among other things, the future of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Unfortunately, contrary to the earlier official announcements, particularly by China's officials, the SCO is now on the verge of changing its mind about expanding its membership and accepting Iran, as well as Pakistan and India, as new members. 
"There are no plans to fundamentally enlarge the SCO. I don't think the number of SCO members will greatly increase in the foreseeable future," Lavrov said at a press conference on Tuesday, exactly one month prior to the SCO summit in Shanghai, in reaction to the news that the US government has asked Russia for "explanation" about the news that Ahmadinejad plans to attend the June summit. 
In turn, the Iranian press has reacted negatively to Russia's turnabout on Iran's membership in the SCO and has questioned the wisdom of Ahmadinejad's participation in the absence of full membership. Iran has only been given observer status so far. Without doubt, should Moscow keep firm on its present line against Iran's inclusion in SCO, this will be interpreted as a major diplomatic setback for Iran and will negatively influence the course of Iran-Russian relations. 
Interestingly, precisely at a time when the Russian and Chinese foreign ministers were holding a joint press conference and implicitly, if not explicitly, criticizing Iran's defiant stance, their respective ambassadors in Tehran were meeting with the Iranian foreign minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, praising Iran's diplomacy and willingnes

[cia-drugs] fear-in a nutshell

2006-05-19 Thread Milo


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Re: [cia-drugs] Iran: Russia, China drift toward US

2006-05-19 Thread Arlene Johnson

Dear Zaffarullah,
At the risk of condemnation by members of this list who have ulterior motives to prevent decent people 
such as you from understanding the political ramifications of people such as myself who understands the 
situation in Iran, allow me to share with you (and others who want to learn the truth) that the Iranian 
President Ahmadinejad is controlled by the CIA just as Khomeini, Rafsanjani, and Khatami were. To that 
extent, this is why President Ahmadinejad is condeming Israel now. President Ahmadinejad knows that 
this will cause WW 3 with millions of Iranians dying as a result. 

For proof, look at the Iraqi people. At least 100,000 of them have been murdered since the war in Iraq 
began 3+ years ago. It won't be any different for the Iranian people even though there are more of them 
to fight against the Great Satan.

Your statement that Iran has missiles which can carry a Nuclear War head into Israel is not known by people; 
this is deliberate. If people knew this information, they would know that Iran isn't interested in going to war 
against Israel, so the west wouldn't be able to get away with having everyone believe that Iran would attack 
Israel, which is more proof that Ahmadnejad is simply carrying out the scheme of his handlers-the CIA, which 
is, after all, keeping him in power as it did with Khomeini, Rafsanjani, and Khatami because hardly any of the 
American people know what the CIA really does. They accept that the CIA is an intelligence gathering agency. 
They do not realize that the CIA carries out the agenda of its controllers.

China and Russia carrying out military manuvers: Sure, why not? The U.S. is so hopelessly in debt due to years 
of military activity, that it can't be expected to survive, so the powers-that-be now turn to Russia and China, 
two countries which either are, or have been Communist powers, the very ideology that the powers-that-be 
created in the first place; so there would be an adversary to fight in WW 2. (Hitler hated Communism, but was 
no better since he was a Rothschild, due to the rape of his grandmother by Rothschild in Austria, which produced 
his father Alois as exposed by David Icke in his article I published in my 6th edition).

Pakistan in the SCO? You have in your article down below the fact that there is no plan to enlarge the SCO in 
June. Have they suddenly changed their minds? I doubt it as the plan is to kill off the Muslims by the west, so if 
Pakistan, which is 100% Muslim (for those who don't know) joins the SCO, then they wouldn't be able to be killed.

NATO is the European branch of the U.S. military. That's a fact. Someone may have posted that news here on 
CIA-drugs listserv. So, of course, they want a permanent base in Pakistan, and the dictator who rules Pakistan 
with an iron fist will allow it too since he's been given complete power by the CIA.

Thank you for the new information on Karzai. He also was affiliated with UNOCAL, the oil giant. Any wonder why 
the CIA placed him in power in Afghanistan. He's their man. Then, troops remain in that beleagured country to keep 
him in power, all the while killing innocent Afghani citizens, all of whom are Muslims. Is a pattern beginning to form here?

Free trade is a NWO concept. It's especially brutal on First World nations because it causes jobs to be lost by the 
wealthier nations' citizens. Between China and Pakistan, it's just another stepping stone in the Illuminati's goal of 
achieving their One World Government, which means that no country will have sovereignty.

China, Pakistan, and Kargistan free trade: This is just more of the Illuminati's slowly obtaining the One World 
government scheme as I just mentioned in the previous paragraph.

India postponed its action: Bush was in India recently. No question that he persuaded that government to not carry 
out this action.

North Korea and weapons: The brainwashed American people, which is most of them, will be made to believe that N. 
Korea needs to be attacked because of its program, but every human being who has any degree of knowledge, knows 
that N. Korea could never defeat the U.S., so this nonsense that North Korea is part of the Axis of Evil, is designed to 
enrage the American people so that the U.S. can go to war against that small country so those who make money on 
war will get even richer.

For proof of much of this, log onto my Web site, and click on the icon that says Magazine. You'll learn the documented 
truth, truth which has been published in mainstream presses in such countries as Canada, western Europe, and Argentina, 
if not Australia too.


Arlene Johnson

-Original Message-
>From: Zaffarullah Rajpoot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: May 19, 2006 12:10 PM
>To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Iran: Russia, China drift toward US
>Dear all,
>How you analyze and see the below mentioned development;
>Iran refuses to withd

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [narconews] Ross: The "Dirty War" Returns to Mexico

2006-05-19 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: "Daniel A. Feder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: May 19, 2006 9:24:06 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [narconews] Ross: The "Dirty War" Returns to MexicoReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Get to your groups with one click. Know instantly when new email arriveshttp://us.click.yahoo.com/.7bhrC/MGxNAA/yQLSAA/KlSolB/TM">Click Here!~-> May 19, 2006Please Distribute WidelyDear Colleague,The great chronicler of Mexico John Ross reports in The Narco News  Bulletin that the violence earlier this month in Texcoco and San  Salvador Atenco bears a striking resemblance to the "dirty war"  tactics of the 1970s. Details on this period of terror, particularly  bloody in the state of Guerrero where hundreds of peasant farmers  were killed in anti-insurgency campaigns but also felt in Mexico City  and elsewhere, are just now beginning to come out as new government  documents are revealed.In a report that first appeared in his "Blindman's Bluff" newsletter,  Ross writes, citing leading scholar of that period Carlos Montemayor:"According to Montemayor's description, first an overwhelming force  is assembled with the primary mission of totally subjugating a  recalcitrant population. Then informers are introduced into the  village to identify and eliminate rebel community leaders and those  associated with them. If the leaders evade capture, their families  are held hostage. Young men are rounded up and selectively tortured  to extract information and to turn them into 'soplones' (informers)."Meanwhile, shock troops terrorize the civilian population into  submission. Indiscriminate beatings, home invasions, the theft of  personal items of value, and the systematic destruction of property  are encouraged by police commanders. Women are raped and sexually  abused to underscore the occupation force's total domination over the  rebellious villagers."Virtually all of these dirty war characteristics were on display in  San Salvador Atenco May 4th when 3000 armed state police and elements  of the Federal Preventative Police (PFP), a force largely extracted  from the Mexican military, slammed into that dirt-poor town of 30,000  out on the dried lake beds east of the capital, killing one 14-year- old, leaving a 20-year-old student hovering between life and death,  and arresting 209, all of whom required hospitalization from the  beatings they received under security force batons - although only  some prisoners actually received it (and they were chained to their  hospital beds.) Of 47 women arrested, 23 reported that they had been  raped or were otherwise sexually abused. One 53 year-old mother who  had gone to a local store to buy a birthday present for her son was  forced to perform oral sex on three police 'officers' to avoid arrest."Read the full story in The Narco News Bulletin's continuing coverage  of the Zapatista Other Campaign:http://www.narconews.com/otroperiodismo/en.html From somewhere in a country called América,Dan FederManaging EditorThe Narco News Bulletinhttp://www.narconews.com[EMAIL PROTECTED]Narco News is supported by:The Fund for Authentic JournalismP.O. Box 241Natick, MA 01760http://www.authenticjournalism.orgThe Fund receives online donations at this web page:http://www.authenticjournalism.orgApply for your co-publisher's account, here:http://www.narconews.com/copublisher/application.phpSubscribe for free alerts of new reports:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/narconewsSuscríbete gratis para alertas de nuevos reportajes en español:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/narconewsandesInscreva-se para alertas gratuitos de reportagens do último minuto emportuguês brasileiro:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/narconewsbrasilYahoo! Groups Links<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/narconews/<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:    http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ 

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: D.E.A. and Colombian Drug Traffickers, Business Partners]

2006-05-19 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: May 19, 2006 8:28:09 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Fwd: D.E.A. and Colombian Drug Traffickers, Business Partners]   -Original Message-From: Jim S. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: undisclosed-recipients:;Sent: Thu, 18 May 2006 21:05:57 -0700Subject: [Fw: D.E.A. and Colombian Drug Traffickers, Business Partners]From: "Daniel A. Feder" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Tue May 16, 2006 2:40pm(PDT) Subject: Conroy: Leaked Report Says Drug Traffickers Obtained Classified D.E.A.      May 16, 2006  Please Distribute Widely Dear Colleague, A major piece of the puzzle of U.S. law enforcement in Colombia corruption has fallen into place. An anonymous source has leaked to Narco News correspondent Bill Conroy a report from the Drug Enforcement Administration that further strengthens allegations of D.E.A. and other agents collaborating with Colombian drug traffickers and paramilitaries. It also makes some surprising claims about the U.S.-sponsored drug crop fumigation program.   http://www.narconews.com  The report summarizes the results of a lie detector test performed on a narco-trafficker who worked as an informant for the D.E.A. The narco told the D.E.A. that he received dozens of confidential documents from the U.S. Embassy in Bogotá. Among the most startling revelations in the document, which is available for download from Narco News, is this:  "One of the charges leveled in this recently uncovered document is that 'narco-traffickers knew a day in advance, with coordinates, when D.E.A./C.N.P. [Colombian National Police] were going to fumigate the marijuana/coca fields. Thus, they were always prepared to protect the fields'."  While poor peasants in the Colombian countryside watch their livelihoods destroyed as U.S. and Colombian government planes fumigate entire rural communities, U.S. government agents were apparently helping the rich, powerful mafia leaders to protect their own interests.  Conroy had already reported in a previous story that such a report existed, but sources had told him that D.E.A. superiors hid the results and told the staffer who performed the test not to speak of his findings. Indeed, in the report itself, man who performed the test writes that he believes more questioning of the drug trafficker is in order, but that the DEA "decided not to conduct any further polygraph testing."  In the wake of Narco News' publishing of the orignal "Kent Memo" -- which blew the lid off the D.E.A.'s cover-up of corruption allegations -- an agency spokesman called the accusations "unfounded." Well, Conroy continues to lay that foundation brick by brick, and the Washington spin doctors are having a harder and harder time trying to pretend that such overwhelming evidence does not exist.  Read the full report online, here:   http://www.narconews.com  From somewhere in a country called América, Dan Feder Managing Editor The Narco News Bulletin  "When you have ruled out the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, is the truth." -- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle  -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.392 / Virus Database: 268.6.0/342 - Release Date: 5/17/06  

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Re: Fwd: [cia-drugs] Post-Soviet states, China set to hold joint military exercises

2006-05-19 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Vig-What's BRICS?
Also, in that "unauthored" article that I posted here last week, the author,
who I feel strongly is Rothschild,stated about Nelson Mandela, so The
Illuminati control South Africa, not that they don't control every other
country on earth too, because they do, we have a situation in which leaders
fear the U.S. so this is, or could be, the reason why they side with the
Did Pakistan join the SCO? I thought that someone posted that the SCO wasn't
going to enlarge next month. eace,Arlene

ressurect the old USSR.  so he did something that is perhaps even better.
inda and brazil have wavered back and forth in their support, but this is
the first ive heard of s africa doing so.  pakistan hasnt joined the SCO,
but just the fact that they were mentioned as a prospective member surprised
vigilius haufniensis

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Re: [cia-drugs] Iran: Russia, China drift toward US

2006-05-19 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

i find it difficult to believe that pakistan would 
genuinely 'join' the SCO.  if they do, i would suspect that there is a 
hegelian dialectic at work or that they are joining to sabotage it.  iran 
is and will be aligned with BRICS.
- Original Message - 

  Zaffarullah Rajpoot 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 6:10 AM
  Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Iran: Russia, 
  China drift toward US
  Dear all,
  How you 
  analyze and see the below mentioned development;
  refuses to withdraw from its right to have peaceful Nuclear Capability. 
  Already tested his wide range of Missiles which can carry a Nuclear War head 
  upto Israel.
  China – 
  Russia are preparing for Joint Military Exercises. 
  SCO will 
  officially invite Iran (who has world largest Gas reserves after 
  Russia) – Pakistan & Mongolia to become permanent members of the 
  wants permanent base in Pakistan to supply goods to its troops in Afghanistan. 
  Hamid Karzai – who was the street monger in Quetta, 
  Pakistan becomes the president of Afghanistan and lacks the capability to hold 
  the position. A drug smuggler, human trafficker accuses Pakistan for 
  interrupting in his internal affairs??  
  China – Pakistan free trade agreement draft is 
  China – 
  Pakistan & Kargistan agreed for free transit of goods between three 
  countries under SCO banner. 
  postponed its 4000 KM AGNI III missile test.
  Koreas suspected to test its intercontinental 16000 KM range missile. Now many 
  US cities can be targeted from North Korea.
  Commensts are Awaited 

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[cia-drugs] Venezuela intends to import the bulk of weapons from Russi a - ambassador

2006-05-19 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Venezuela intends to import the bulk of weapons from 
Russia – ambassador

19 May. Venezuelan Ambassador to Russia Alexis 
Navarro Rojas in an interview with 
Interfax expressed the intentions of his country to negotiate 
Russian arms deliveries to Venezuela.
"Venezuela needs to renew its arms systems. Several years ago we decided that 
we won't buy weapons from the United States and that the bulk of new orders will 
be placed with Russia. Our military experts have studied the parameters of the 
arms that Russia is offering and concluded that they are the best in the world," 
the ambassador said.
Rojas said there are several reasons why Venezuela is switching from 
importing U.S.-made weapons to Russian-made products, including the "aggressive 
foreign policy of Washington" and "irresponsibility in the fulfillment of 
"The weapons we are getting from Russia come with guarantees of further 
maintenance services and personnel training," he said.
The Venezuelan government is preparing for talks on the delivery of Su-35 
fighters from Russia, Rojas said.
"Our pilots have flown on Su-27 and Su-30 fighters already. They have simply 
fallen in love with the aircraft. They have also tried piloting Su-35. Now we 
are waiting for talks to begin," he said.
Russia has already delivered Mi-17 helicopters, which Venezuela is using for 
transportation and also for border patrols to prevent drug trafficking. The 
delivery of Mi-26 and Mi-35 helicopters is also expected, Rojas said.
In the near future Venezuela will also receive 100,000 Kalashnikov assault 
rifles. "Some people are trying to underestimate the importance of the weapons, 
but they are very important for us as we will use them to replace outdated guns 
that had been used for over 55 years," the ambassador said.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is planning to visit Russia at the end of 
August - beginning of September, Rojas said.
"President Chavez has approached the Russian leadership asking to visit 
Moscow at the end of August - the beginning of September. We are awaiting a 
reply from the Russian side. President Chavez likes visiting Russia," he 
The foreign minister will accompany Chavez. Rojas said that the Venezuelan 
defense minister may also visit Russia in June to discuss Russian arms 
deliveries, as well as space cooperation.
Speaking of relations between Venezuela and the United States the ambassador 
said: "We don't want a war, but even less do we want to give in to the 
imperialist policy of the United States."
"In the past few years Washington has been pursuing an aggressive policy and 
is in a state of war with other countries, as part of its search for cheap 
sources of energy," he said.
"In these conditions it would be irresponsible of the Venezuelan government 
to sit doing nothing in the face of aggression. Presently the threat is quite 
real," he said. Venezuela will resort to an asymmetric response should 
it be subject to foreign aggression, the ambassador said.
Speaking of international affairs he mentioned the Iranian nuclear program. 
"Iran should be given the right to a nuclear program as has been the case with 
other countries, namely Pakistan, India and Israel," he said.
He said the Venezuelan authorities have no plans to stop oil deliveries to 
the United States.
"We have never spoken about stopping shipments of oil to the United States 
under previously signed commercial contracts," he said.
Rojas said oil cooperation can be severed only at Washington's initiative. 
 The Venezuelan authorities could blow up all of the country's oil 
wells in the event of a U.S. military operation in Venezuela, he said.
"We will have to defend our energy reserves in the event of aggression. No 
country has the right to aim to control our natural resources. We will defend 
them," he said.

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[cia-drugs] When America Died

2006-05-19 Thread Milo

You need to save 
this video in a safe place.  This is how rhe Bankers took 
The beginning of the 
New World Order.

here: Masters of the Universe - The Secret Birth of the Federal Reserve - Google 

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[cia-drugs] Propaganda Iran: Nuclear Ambitions or Euro-Based Oil?

2006-05-19 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Propaganda Iran: Nuclear Ambitions or Euro-Based 

Nancy Levant
May 18, 2006

The Iran issue is reaching critical mass in the U.S. We are told that Iran is 
planning on building nuclear weapons. Via the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, 
the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, and the People’s Republic 
of China have nuclear weapons.
India and Pakistan have conducted nuclear testing, and Israel is believed to 
have an arsenal of nuclear weapons. South Africa used to have nuclear weapons, 
and North Korea claims that it does, in fact, have nuclear weapons. Iran is now 
accused of developing uranium enrichment technology for the purpose of nuclear 
Now, if American people knew their geography, which they don’t, they would 
know that Iran is directly between Iraq and Afghanistan, both being occupied, or 
if you prefer, assisted by the U.S. military. Now, the Mid-East has one thing 
going for it, and one thing alone – oil. The largest markets in the world are 
global oil and gas trades. Keep that in mind.
Iran has devised a way to compete with the New York and London markets by 
using a euro-based oil trading market. And what that means to the United States 
is this: Without intervention, the euro will become supreme over the U.S. dollar 
in the international oil market – the largest market in the world. And that, my 
American countrymen, is going to be catastrophic to our nation due to our INSANE 
debt AND our global government intentions. Therefore, we must consider carefully 
the following: Why did we really go into Iraq, and why are we really making 
plans to go into Iran? Could it be due to Iraq and Iran’s hydrocarbon reserves 
and our desire to maintain the U.S dollar as top dog in the international oil 
market – the largest market in the world? Are America’s leaders and financial 
backers not oil men?
Will we “intervene” in Iran to try to prevent euro-denominated crude oil 
pricing? Or is this simply a terrorism issue – hmmm. Watch carefully as events 
unfold in the next several months. Watch very, very closely. We are absolutely 
on the verge of a nightmare – one way or another – thanks to our amazing voter 
turnouts and the result of our votes. How much more do you seriously think the 
Mid-East is willing to take from Western intervention? I suggest that you will 
find out in the very near future.
And is terrorism a clear and present danger in the United States? Certainly, 
it is. After all, we have politically dismantled borders. We, the American 
people, didn’t want politically dismantled borders, but that was not our doing 
or our agreement(s). And is the Islamic world a bit angry at the United States? 
Gee…do ya think? 
If you lived in countries where the only means to any kind of an economic 
base, jobs, livelihoods, and futures for your children came from the only 
natural resources of real value - oil and natural gas; and if another nation was 
dedicated to domination of that natural resource to the point of bombs and a 
foreign military, how would you feel as your families, cities, and culture were 
being cremated by that foreign intervention? 
So, where are we? Since America has steadfastly REFUSED to develop 
alternative fuels and energy sources, America is INSANELY VULNERABLE to oil – 
even amidst the threat of terrorism, - and our corporations and government STILL 
REFUSE to take America off the oil grid. Instead, they devised a game plan to 
occupy, build military bases to protect oil wells, and invade a region whose 
sole income, economy, and future is based upon their ability to sell their oil. 
And if you still believe that the war on terror isn’t about oil, I’ve got some 
land and watershed systems to sell you in one of the 47 U.N. Biosphere Reserves 
in the United States of America…
Should we come to find that Iran or Saudi Arabia or Iraq or others want to go 
off the bankrupt petrodollar, and choose, say, to use the petroeuro or dinar 
instead, do you have any idea what will happen to the NYSE? Do you have any idea 
what The Great Depression would look like multiplied by 10,000? Are you getting 
the picture of our INSANE vulnerability, which is the fault of our leadership 
and their Federal Reserve Corporation, which set America up to fall on its ass, 
while never lifting a finger to protect her future?
I’ll tell you what I’m worried about. I’m really worried that this nation is 
cornered no matter what we do – thanks to the mismanagement of this government 
by GREED, illegalities, and corporate-Imperialist ideologies. Who gave this 
government the LEGAL AUTHORITY, much less the moral authority, to try to force 
the world under “democratic” principles – ESPECIALLY WHEN AMERICA IS NOT A 
DEMOCRACY! We are a REPUBLIC. We were set up, as a nation, SPECIFICALLY NOT to 
be a democracy! 
I suggest to you that every time you hear the word “Democracy,” you better 
think “One-World G

[cia-drugs] POT MARCH PHOTO MONTAGE [MMM Global Million Marijuana March]

2006-05-19 Thread Eco Man

Thanks to Aron (the Pieman) for this MMM search shortcut for images!:http://www.flickr.com/search/?s=rec&q=marijuana+march&m=text      Can people with some time please break the Flickr image search results down into URLs for each city? And then send the city URLs to   [EMAIL PROTECTED] and to   tents444 at yahoo.com     So we can add the image links to the MMM city lists here:http://gallery.marihemp.com/2006 and here:  http://www.globalmarijuanamarch.org/2006.php      Here are some photo and video page links that have been found so far for 2006 GMM-MMM
 cities. The city links are clickable here too:http://gallery.marihemp.com/2006       Arcata, California, USA. Budapest, Hungary. 2v. 3. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 2. Copenhagen, Denmark. Dallas, Texas, USA. Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Kiev, Ukraine. Madrid, Spain. 2. Mexico City. Manley Hot Springs, Alaska, USA. Moscow, Russia. New York City. 2. Nimbin, New South Wales, Australia. 2. Oslo, Norway. Portland, Oregon, USA. Prague, Czech Republic. 2. 3. 4. Rome, Italy. 2. 3. Sofia, Bulgaria. Stockholm, Sweden. 2. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2v. 3v. 4v. 5. 6. 7. Tucson, Arizona, USA. 2. Washington, DC, USA.     high regards,  eco man     --  ARON KAY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  To: "last train to cloggsville" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>From: "ARON KAY"
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 15:21:15 -0400Subject: [mayday] POT MARCH PHOTO MONTAGEhttp://www.flickr.com/search/?s=rec&q=marijuana+march&m=text     --MMM (Global Million Marijuana March):http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cannabisactionNewsweek, Nov. 14, 2005, page 36:"The most recent evidence comes from autopsies of 44 prisoners who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan in U.S. custody. Most died under circumstances that suggest torture. The reports use words like
 'strangulation,' 'asphyxiation' and 'blunt force injuries.' ...  A few months before the [Abu Ghraib] scandal broke [spring 2004], Coalition Provisional Authority polls showed Iraqi support at 63 percent. A month after Abu Ghraib, the number was 9 percent. Polls showed that 71 percent of Iraqis were surprised by the revelations." 
		Sneak preview the  all-new Yahoo.com. It's not radically different. Just radically better. 

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[cia-drugs] The dragon enters the Great Game

2006-05-19 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


The dragon enters the Great Game 
By our staff writer Due to its strategic position, Central 
Asia has always faced security challenges. 
Although the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was 
established in 1996 with China and Russia at its center in order to settle 
border disputes between China and four former Soviet republics, it soon 
transformed into a regional bloc with security and military objectives. 
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan are the other 
members of the SCO. 
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, many problems arose in 
the newly independent Central Asian states that harmed the interests of both 
Russia and China. 
It was hoped that the establishment of the SCO could help remedy 
the situation. 
The SCO states also sought to use the organization to reduce the 
United States’ influence in Central Asia and pressure Washington to close all 
its military bases in the region. 
The SCO is determined to establish stability in the region, 
particularly in Afghanistan, to eliminate the only excuse for a U.S. military 
presence in Central Asia. 
China and Russia are also trying to strengthen the SCO in order 
to make it a major global bloc. 
The fact that Iran, Pakistan, India, and Mongolia have been 
given observer status in the organization proves that SCO states are attempting 
to increase the group’s regional and global influence. 
The tenth SCO summit was held in the Kazakh capital Astana in 
July 2005, with the main focus being on ways to counter terrorism. At this 
summit, the SCO formally approved the decision to grant Iran, Pakistan, India, 
and Mongolia observer status. 
The eastward expansion policy of NATO has caused some concern 
among SCO states, but it is still unclear whether this will encourage them to 
gel into a cohesive bloc since the four smaller Central Asian countries are 
still wary of the intentions of their two giant neighbors. 
Regardless of how that is resolved, Central Asia weighs heavily 
in China’s strategic calculations. 
Chinese analysts believe security cooperation between Central 
Asian countries, the competition between the great powers, especially for access 
to oil and natural gas, and regional instability caused by terrorism will all 
increase in the next few years. 
They also believe Central Asia will undoubtedly help provide the 
energy needs of China in the future and that the situation in the region will 
have a direct impact on stability in northwestern China. 
Thus, China will surely try to be a major player in the 21st 
century version of the Great Game.

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