Re: [CinCV] Color handling

2012-11-08 Thread Herman Robak
På Mon, 05 Nov 2012 14:27:02 +0100, skrev Monty Montgomery  

... and presenting 0.0 as black and 1.0 as white internally is
totally out of the question?

No. :-)

There is more.  I can't see we have adressed "what kind of black"
and "what kind of white".

* Aquisition medium black and white ?
(e.g. from max density in the film emulsion to a clear base)

* Display black and white ?
(e.g. the monitor's brightness range)

* Scene referred ?
(From black hole to supernova, if you have bits to burn.)

HDR computer graphics can be scene referred, and film scans
will likely be media referred.  They can be easily represented
in full range inside the program, but at display time they
have to be remapped to a range that the screen can manage.

This remapping is typically lossy, often very much so.
You don't want to do it at import time.  Well, for some
workflows you DO want that.  But not as the default, right?

This is getting hairy.  Should Cinelerra have two modes or
workflows; one for "conformed" video editing, and one for
high tonal fidelity grading and compositing?

Herman Robak

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Color handling

2012-11-08 Thread Herman Robak
På Mon, 05 Nov 2012 14:27:02 +0100, skrev Monty Montgomery  

... and presenting 0.0 as black and 1.0 as white internally is
totally out of the question?

No. :-)

However, if black is 0.0, then "super black" would be negative,
and hilarity ensues.  So we have to make up our minds about what
headroom and toeroom are for, how to use them, and how to represent

 With your proposed studio swing
mapping most compositing and filtering operations have to scale
and bias to work right.  E.g. black + black + black will be a
shade of gray, unless a bias is subtracted.

Yup.  I was suggesting it as something of a path of least resistance.
For the record, we already have this problem with studio swing.

After some reconsideration, I realised that the kind of black we are
talking about here is "black level" black.  Not the matemathical
"black hole" kind of black.  The black level isn't "zero luma".
It is "below perceptible luma".  And if you add three just below
perceptible lights, you DO get something brighter than pitch black.

This may or may not be what you want.  My point is that the
accumulation of noise or fog when you add several black level
signals is the most faithful representation.  Because unless
they are synthetical, they will not be crushed/clipped blacks,
but a noise floor.

Herman Robak

Cinelerra mailing list

RE: [CinCV] Cinelerra vs Cinelerra-CV

2012-11-08 Thread raffaella . traniello


I finally migrated cinelerra's builds to use the new name

Thank you so much! :-)

Raffaella, would you please add a line in the webpage stating how to
install cinelerra, once the the PPA has been enabled?

Sure. Sorry for the delay. Somehow I messed up my "git push" ability to 
update the Cin site. I have to fix that first.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Color handling

2012-11-08 Thread Monty Montgomery
>> Just an idea.
> Sure :-)  And I think you're right in the tactical sense... but
> overall I think float is a more practical idea.  It will be slower in
> the ideal case, but I don't think we'll ever be within spitting
> distance of ideal speed.

BTW, if I sounded ungrateful for the comment, I didn't mean to be.  I
was hoping for this kind of challenge to my specific proposal points
on the theory that if I can't defend then, I shouldn't be implementing
them.  Hermanr already scored a direct hit :-)


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Color handling

2012-11-08 Thread Monty Montgomery
> Any reason for not using 8/16/32 bit as a fraction (0-1)?  So 8 bit would
> have a resolution of 1/255, 16 bit of 1/65535 etc. All operations can
> be done with 4 byte integer math.

16 bits linear will be barely enough to capture an 8 bit nonlinear
space, and that's leaving out head- and toe-room.  So we're at 32 bit
On top of that, we'll need much deeper resolution to avoid substantial
quantization errors moving to/from the PCM space.  This will possibly
be pushing the limits of 32 bits, especially for high dynamic range
spaces.  Then we have to worry about overflow/underflow/saturation and
64-bit multiplies (32 bit builds will need custom intrinsics).

Part of my impetus for suggesting float was avoiding any unnecessary cleverness.

> Multiplying cannot cause overflows this way. Easy resolution change, too.

I don't see how that's different from float.

> Lookup-tables can be used if necessary - a near impossibility with floats.

This is a point... but I _am_ using lookup tables in my float code.
There may be a better choice than modff, but it works, and I don't
think it's even close to a bottleneck (I'd expect it to be memory

> Possibly great speadups as integer ops can be executed in parallel,
> either in the CPU or the GPU.

I'm used to the CPU's FPU being more powerful in general than the ALU
these days.  I'm also concerned that premature optimization where
everything has to be SIMD out of the box just means the code never
gets written, or never fully debugged (the existing Cinelerra
colorspace code isn't even SIMD, but it is horrbily buggy).

I curse many many things about Cinelerra... the pipeline speed isn't
actually one of them.

> Just an idea.

Sure :-)  And I think you're right in the tactical sense... but
overall I think float is a more practical idea.  It will be slower in
the ideal case, but I don't think we'll ever be within spitting
distance of ideal speed.


Cinelerra mailing list