Re: [Clamav-users] Easiest way to set up a whitelist?

2006-02-08 Thread Gareth Blades
On Tue, 2006-02-07 at 20:28, IT Purchases wrote:
 I'm constructing a SPAM / AV mechanism to reduce the incoming debris.
 I'm using Postfix with amavisd-new, Clam-AV and SpamAssassin.
 What is the easiest way to setup a whitelist for Clam-AV?

Why would you ever want to whitelist viruses?


RE: [Clamav-users] Report infected mail to the user

2006-01-05 Thread Gareth Blades
On Thu, 2006-01-05 at 16:08, Shayne Lebrun wrote:
  You have no idea where the report is going. You certainly have no reason
  to believe it is going to the sender. You should disable this feature.
 Sounds like he wants to inform the recipient, not the sender.
 Hi, you got a mail from so and so, but it had a virus, so I deleted it.  If
 you're actually expecting mail from so-and-so, please give them a call and
 let them know that they might have a virus.   Otherwise, go about your day.
 Still probably bad form, as you'd be spamming the living daylights out of
 the poor recipient.

I use amavisd-new/clamav as the virus scanner and it is configured to send a 
message back to the sender only if the virus is known to be a type that does 
not forge the sender information.


Re: [Clamav-users] Virus Tests from

2004-11-29 Thread Gareth Blades
On Thu, 2004-11-25 at 13:00, Gareth Blades wrote:
 I am running Suse Openexchange - Amavis (clamd) - Postfix.
 Mine lets through 24, 25, 27.
 Number 8 was blocked by file type but not detected by a virus.
 For 24  25 as they are not a virus I need to look at the amavis
 configuration I guess.
 But why is 27 getting through?

I got the following announcement from Suse. After installing the upgrade
test 27 is now blocked.

   Release: 20041109
   Obsoletes: none


   Everyone using amavis for virus scanning should update.

  Problem description

   Mail virus scanners like amavis use perl-Archive-Zip to scan
   ZIP archives. A bug in the handling of files with
   manipulated size entires has been fixed that could leave
   malicious code in such files undetected.


Re: [Clamav-users] Virus Tests from

2004-11-25 Thread Gareth Blades
On Thu, 2004-11-25 at 12:35, Meni Shapiro wrote:
 Philip Ershler wrote:
  I am running the .80 release. Tonight I ran the current set of tests 
  Tests 4,5,7,8,17, and 19 got through. Any idea what's going on. The last 
 I'm running v 0.80 and made the test which let through:
 did i miss any thing?
 my server is:

I am running Suse Openexchange - Amavis (clamd) - Postfix.

Mine lets through 24, 25, 27.
Number 8 was blocked by file type but not detected by a virus.
For 24  25 as they are not a virus I need to look at the amavis
configuration I guess.

But why is 27 getting through?


[Clamav-users] configuring clamav with amavisd

2004-06-29 Thread Gareth Blades
I am running Suse Openexchange 4.1. I have installed
amavisd-postfix-20020531-31 and by default it is configured to use
'H+BEDV AntiVir' for virus checking.

I have installed clamav-0.73 from source and compiled and installed it
and it is working. I have started clamd and edited /etc/amavisd.conf and
made the following changes :-

# H+BEDV AntiVir
#$antivir = /usr/bin/antivir;commented out

# ClamAV   added these 3
$clamscan = /usr/local/bin/clamscan;
$clamd = /usr/local/sbin/clamd;

I started amavisd and went into the openexchange web interface and
enabled virus scanning. However the virus scan is failing with the
following errors:-

Jun 29 12:01:39 oetest postfix/qmgr[22406]: 3381D16127:
from=[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=580, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jun 29 12:01:39 oetest amavis[26808]: All virus scanners failed - mail
(message-id=[EMAIL PROTECTED])
Jun 29 12:01:39 oetest amavis[26808]: do_exit: - ending execution
with 75
Jun 29 12:01:39 oetest postfix/pipe[26806]: 3381D16127:
to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], relay=vscan, delay=1494,
status=deferred (temporary failure)

Any ideas?

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[Clamav-users] Re: configuring clamav with amavisd

2004-06-29 Thread Gareth Blades
On Tue, 2004-06-29 at 13:54, Graham Dodd wrote:
 Hello Gareth,
 Tuesday, June 29, 2004, 1:52:57 PM, you wrote:
 GB I am running Suse Openexchange 4.1. I have installed
 GB amavisd-postfix-20020531-31 and by default it is configured to use
 GB 'H+BEDV AntiVir' for virus checking.
 Just a question (or 2) on OpenExchange as I looked at this before going to Exim
 Is it easy to maintain and how well does it interface with Outlook

It is very good and combines postfix, spamassasin and cyrus. You can do
virtually everything from the web interface but it does have a few
quirks. You can't simply redirect an email for one address to an outside
address unless you edit the system aliases file. You can create shared
folders but can only edit permissions on the top filder and not sub
folders from the web interface. You have to run cyradm manually to do
this. There is a plugin so Outlook 2002/2003 can use it like exchange
and store contacts and tasks on the server etc... but I haven't tested
this yet.

 GB I have installed clamav-0.73 from source and compiled and installed it
 GB and it is working. I have started clamd and edited /etc/amavisd.conf and
 GB made the following changes :-
 GB # H+BEDV AntiVir
 GB #$antivir = /usr/bin/antivir;commented out
 GB # ClamAV   added these 3
 GB lines
 GB $clamscan = /usr/local/bin/clamscan;
 GB $clamd = /usr/local/sbin/clamd;
 You don't need clamd (the ClamAv daemon) as clamscan is the commandline
 scanner just like antivir
 I would guess that OpenExchange is trying to use clamd

It would help if I knew what amavisd-postfix actually was. There seems
to be amavisd, amavisd-new and amavis-ng but I don't know what
amavisd-postfix is basically the same as with respect to configuration

The config file looked to be similar to amavisd-new so I tried adding
the following to the conf by it did not help:-

@av_scanners = (
 ['Clam Antivirus-clamd',
   \ask_daemon, [CONTSCAN {}\n, '/tmp/clamd'],
   qr/\bOK$/, qr/\bFOUND$/,
   qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/ ],

@av_scanners_backup = (
['Clam Antivirus - clamscan', 'clamscan',
'--stdout --disable-summary -r {}', [0], [1],
qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/ ],

I turned up the logging in amavis and get the following still :-

Jun 29 14:07:54 oetest postfix/qmgr[9707]: 3381D16127:
from=[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=580, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jun 29 14:07:54 oetest amavis[7156]: enter accept loop
Jun 29 14:07:54 oetest amavis[9740]: forked off -- child running...
Jun 29 14:07:54 oetest amavis[9740]:
/var/spool/vscan/amavis/amavis-XXrikBpT: from=[EMAIL PROTECTED],
Jun 29 14:07:54 oetest amavis[9740]: Extracting mime components
Jun 29 14:07:54 oetest amavis[9740]: Level: 1, parts: 1
Jun 29 14:07:54 oetest amavis[9740]: Archive nesting depth: 0
Jun 29 14:07:54 oetest amavis[9740]: File-type of msg-9740-1.txt: ASCII
Jun 29 14:07:54 oetest amavis[9740]: msg-9740-1.txt is atomic
Jun 29 14:07:54 oetest amavis[9740]: All virus scanners failed - mail
requeued (message-id=[EMAIL PROTECTED])
Jun 29 14:07:54 oetest amavis[9740]: do_exit: - ending execution
with 75
Jun 29 14:07:54 oetest amavis[9740]: socket shut down
Jun 29 14:07:54 oetest postfix/pipe[9712]: 3381D16127:
to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], relay=vscan, delay=9069, status=deferred
(temporary failure)

This SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.
Attend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
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Clamav-users mailing list

Re: [Clamav-users] configuring clamav with amavisd

2004-06-29 Thread Gareth Blades
On Tue, 2004-06-29 at 14:32, Gareth Blades wrote:
 On Tue, 2004-06-29 at 13:47, Lionel Bouton wrote:
  Gareth Blades wrote the following on 06/29/2004 01:52 PM :
  I am running Suse Openexchange 4.1. I have installed
  amavisd-postfix-20020531-31 and by default it is configured to use
  'H+BEDV AntiVir' for virus checking.
  I have installed clamav-0.73 from source and compiled and installed it
  and it is working. I have started clamd and edited /etc/amavisd.conf and
  made the following changes :-
  # H+BEDV AntiVir
  #$antivir = /usr/bin/antivir;commented out
  # ClamAV   added these 3
  $clamscan = /usr/local/bin/clamscan;
  $clamd = /usr/local/sbin/clamd;

  I don't know amavisd but how is it supposed to use the $clamscan and 
  $clamd vars ?
  If you added the 2 vars yourself I don't think it will ever use them. In 
  this case, you should search for an Amavisd+clamav howto.
 I thought of that and tried adding some extra lines from a amavisd-new
 configuration I found. I posted these in the other reply I sent a few
 minutes ago.

amavisd-postfix is written in perl and contains :-

# Av scanners and related vars
use vars qw ( $antivir $avp $avpdc $AVPDIR $csav $drweb $fprot $fprotd
  $inocucmd $mks $nod32 $nod32cli $norman $oav $panda $rav $sophos
  $sophos_ide_path $cscmdline $scs_host $scs_port $uvscan $vbengcl
  $vfind $vscan $sophie_sockname $trophie_sockname
$requeue_on_scanner_errors );

It looks to me as though it only supports these specific virus scanners.

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Attend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
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