Re: [Clamav-users] Fwd: clamav 0.65 remote DOS exploit

2004-02-10 Thread Michael Dankov
On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, russ wrote:

r>This just came to the qmail-scanner list. Is this an issue for all users
r>of the stable 0.65?

This is unfortunately true. It was fixed in CVS five days after 0.65 came


 * Revision 1.11  2003/11/17 07:57:12  nigelhorne
 * Prevent buffer overflow in broken uuencoded files


Wed Nov 12 02:34:56 CET 2003 (tk)
  * docs: included clamav-mirror-howto.pdf by Luca Gibelli
  * docs: included clamd+daemontools HOWTO by Jesse D. Guardiani
  * docs: included signatures.pdf
  V 0.65


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Re: [Clamav-users] Can't seem to get clamav-milter to scan mail

2004-02-06 Thread Michael Dankov

On Fri, 6 Feb 2004, Nigel Horne wrote:

NH>On Friday 06 Feb 2004 12:08 am, Michael St. Laurent wrote:
NH>> > If you do a ps is clamav-milter running?
NH>> Yes.  ps -elf | grep clamav-milter returns:
NH>Nothing springs to mind, I'm sorry to say.
NH>So try this, enable debug and foreground in
NH>clamav.conf and restart the milter *by hand* i.e. not through /sbin/service,
NH>at the command line type: clamav-milter --max-children=10 -lo -q 
NH>Then with any luck we'll be able to see what is or isn't happening.

Probably had not been rebuilt from .mc file.


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Re: [Clamav-users] TcpSocket and --quarantine-dir option

2004-02-04 Thread Michael Dankov
On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, [UTF-8] Kriе║tof Petr wrote:

KP>I decided to switch from LocalSocket to TcpSocket on clamd server
KP>for windows users can start testing windows client from their Win
KP>But this option is exclusive with --quarantine-dir on clamav-milter.
KP>Is there some technical reason or clamav simply reach his design limit
KP>and new features are patched 'head over heel' style?

I've implemented this option to solve two things:
a) To have quarantine
b) To have mail files processed only after they completely came from
the network. Without qurantine-dir I had to have very big timeout value in
clamd and it did not save me from timeouts.

My first implementation was able to scan over TCP socket but this could be
done only with local files because I've used SCAN clamd command instead of
STREAM. Nigel Horne said and I agreed that disabling TCP mode would make
local-only limitation more clear for end-users.

There are two ways to reimplement TCP mode with quarantine-dir:
a) As this was done in my first version. Easy but not so good.
b) Save file in quarantine, then use STREAM to send it to clamd. A little
harder to implement and less efficient (clamd need to save this file before
scanning to process nested elements). But this would allow to have milter
and clamd on different servers.

Also you can have two separate clamd running on the same server - one for
milter and one for Windoze.


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Re: [Clamav-users] Milter timeouts.

2004-02-01 Thread Michael Dankov

On Thu, 29 Jan 2004, Spike Ilacqua wrote:

SI>Tomasz Kojm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
SI>> Setup a big ThreadTimeout as a temporary work-around.
SI>How big is big?  I tried 7200 and still saw lots of:
SI>Milter read(clamav): timeout before data read
SI>Milter (clamav): init failed to open
SI>Milter (clamav): to error state

This seems to be sendmail timeout, not clamav-milter's one. So you should
change something in milter definition in to increase it, not in
clamav config. But if you have these lines on _every_ mail being processed
until you restart clamav-milter then you probaly found some bug in
clamav-milter. Upgrade to latest CVS version and bugreport to Nigel Horne if
it still present after upgrade.


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Re: [Clamav-users] Segfault without trace?

2003-12-18 Thread Michael Dankov
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, Odhiambo Washington wrote:

OW>I am running clamav-devel-20031211.
OW>Is there anything else I need to provide to help with this situation?
OW>Where do I look?

At the latest CVS you do :) I believe this was fixed Dec 14 2003.


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Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-milter - runaway process problem

2003-12-16 Thread Michael Dankov

On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, Mike Brodbelt wrote:

MB>> Do you need to restart both clamav-milter and clamdscan, or only one of
MB>> them?
MB>I restart both clamd and clamav-milter.

  Is restarting clamav-milter only makes no sense?

MB>P.S. This is a dual processor box - any remote possibility of that
MB>leading to a  race condition somewhere? I'd have thought not, but
MB>figured mentioning it can't do any harm.

 I believe there is noting on clamav what could depend on number of CPUs.
But looking for some news in kernel mailing lists or simply upgrading kernel
to latest stable release can help. The same, by the way, can be said of
thread library. I understand clamav is not so bug free as kernel and libc
are, but who knows...  Today I had to ask one of our customers to
disable his Norton Antivirus on Windoze because it prevented my program from
creating a new file on a floppy. Creating, not writing to it I mean. Yes, a
file with lengthy filename, but why it cares?  Mysterious things
sometimes happen in this world.


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Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-milter - runaway process problem

2003-12-13 Thread Michael Dankov

On Fri, 12 Dec 2003, Mike Brodbelt wrote:

MB>Dec 12 07:16:35 castor clamav-milter[8758]: clean message from
MB>Dec 12 07:18:08 castor clamav-milter[8880]: clamfi_connect: connection
MB>from []
MB>Dec 12 07:20:23 castor clamd[12601]: SelfCheck: Database status OK.
MB>Dec 12 07:20:48 castor clamav-milter[9396]: clamfi_connect: connection
MB>from []
MB>Dec 12 07:20:49 castor clamav-milter[9396]: clean message from
MB>All is fine at this point. At 7:20am, clamd runs a self-check. I am now
MB>almost *certain* that the error condition is triggered by this
MB>self-check, as I've never consciously seen a failure without an attached
MB>self-check. Shortly after the self-check, it becomes apparent that
MB>things are going wrong:-

Look, two minutes before SelfCheck there is milter thread 8880 started, and
I do not see when it finishes. Is something wrong with it?

At the moment I have no ideas what is going wrong in your case, following is
my clamav.conf, try to change your to be as close to it as possible, and
recheck if you had installed libclamav after last rebuild.

=== clamav.conf ===
LogFile /tmp/clamd.log
LogFileMaxSize 2M
PidFile /var/run/
LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd
ThreadTimeout 7200
MaxDirectoryRecursion 15
User clamav
=== clamav.conf ===

I start clamd without any arguments and clamav-milter with following ones:
--max-children=0 -l --quarantine-dir /var/quarantine --postmaster-only
-o unix:/var/run/clamav/clam-milter

MB>Normally, each "connection from" message is followed by the scan result
MB>- either "clean" or "virus found". The first odd thing in the logs is a
MB>long list of connects with no scan results (positive or negative) after
MB>them, then the max-children messages start.

  When I had similar behaviour, it was caused by clamd deaths. Normally,
there are three clamd threads running + one per message being scanned.
Sometimes, as of version 0.60, two threads of clamd died and only one left,
doing periodical selfchecks. Then any process connecting to clamd would
successfully connect but time out waiting for any response. I had not seen
something like this since 0.65 released.

  It may be helpful if you try to run clamdscan on a file when milter
begin to block and look if clamdscan hangs too. Don't forget that clamdscan
can check only files accessible by user running clamd, not clamdscan.

MB>At this point, AFAICT, every mail is slowed down by sendmail waiting for
MB>the milter to time-out, and the system starts passing mail unscanned by
MB>ClamAV. Soon after, the "private data not NULL" errors start.

MB>It then accumulated processes until I notice, and kill and restart it.

Do you need to restart both clamav-milter and clamdscan, or only one of

MB>Something appears to have improved recently, beacuse with the 09122003
MB>CVS, although I still get the huge max-children numbers in the logs, I
MB>don't actually seem to have hundreds of processes any more.

I had switched that limit off for clamav-milter because at some point with
0.60 it seemed it was not working properly.

MB>So, I think that the self-check is actually where it starts to go wrong,
MB>and that clamd falls over somehow, which causes the milter to block and
MB>time-out, and also means that it doesn't always exit cleanly (leading to
MB>the not NULL errors).

  At the moment I do not see any way for self-check to break things...

  May be, switching to process based scanning would help? Try UseProcesses
option in clamav.conf.


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Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-milter - runaway process problem

2003-12-12 Thread Michael Dankov

On Fri, 12 Dec 2003, Mike Brodbelt wrote:

MB>>>Dec 11 14:08:33 castor clamav-milter[12303]: ClamAv: private data not NULL
MB>>>Dec 11 14:08:33 castor clamav-milter[12301]: ClamAv: private data not NULL
MB>CVS snapshot from 9th December.
MB>$ grep "private data" ./sendmail-8.12.10/libmilter/handler.c
MB>"%s: private data not NULL",

  Do you still have timeouts reported by clamd? Be sure you enable clamd
logging either by LogFile or LogSyslog in clamav.conf.

  Do those log entries appear some time (up to 20min or even more) after
clamd session times out, exactly one entry per timeout?

  Is this all happens with --quarantine-dir enabled? I mean
--quarantine-dir, not --quarantine because these two optons do nearly the
same for end user but in completely different ways.


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Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-milter - runaway process problem

2003-12-09 Thread Michael Dankov
On Tue, 9 Dec 2003, Mike Brodbelt wrote:

MB>Just a quick note to point out that the problem with clamd blocking and
MB>then clamav-milter spawning a ridiculous number of chils processes is
MB>still not fixed in the CVS snapshot from today. I see this in the logs:-
MB>Dec  9 16:08:49 castor clamd[22701]: Self checking every 3600 seconds.
MB>Dec  9 16:08:49 castor clamd[22701]: Timeout set to 180 seconds.
MB>Dec  9 16:08:49 castor clamd[22701]: SelfCheck: Database status OK.
MB>Dec  9 17:09:25 castor clamd[22701]: SelfCheck: Database status OK.
MB>Dec  9 17:19:29 castor clamd[22701]: Session 3 stopped due to timeout.
MB>Dec  9 17:19:31 castor clamd[22701]: Session 0 stopped due to timeout.
MB>Dec  9 17:19:33 castor clamd[22701]: Session 2 stopped due to timeout.
MB>Dec  9 17:19:40 castor clamd[22701]: Session 4 stopped due to timeout.
MB>Dec  9 17:20:42 castor clamd[22701]: Session 1 stopped due to timeout.
MB>Dec  9 17:22:30 castor clamd[22701]: Session 3 stopped due to timeout.

MB>This behaviour has been going on ever since I first installed clamav -
MB>just over 2 1/2 months ago. Does anyone know what causes it, and is
MB>there any hope of a fix?

Clamd+clamav-milter are quite unstable when clamd sessions are timed out.
More timeouts, more unstability. Current default behavior of clamav-milter
is to connect to clamd as soon as sendmail receives "mail from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
from mail client. Some mail clients (dial-upers, spammers, overloaded mail
hosts) may send a message for 2 hours and more... Having timeout of 180 sec
is definitely too low for clamav-milter default mail scanning.

   You have two options: (1) increase this timeout to a big value. 7200 was
not enough for me: I still had 1-2 timouts per 24 hours. (2) use option
--quarantine-dir=/var/quarantine when starting clamav-milter. Then milter
will pre-save message into a temporary file in that directory, and pass it
to clamd only after it is really ready for scan. As a side effect :)
infected messages will be left in that dir for your review.


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Re: [Clamav-users] New version 0.65 with old problems

2003-12-02 Thread Michael Dankov

On Tue, 2 Dec 2003, [UTF-8] Kriе║tof Petr wrote:

KP>The number of open files counted via 'lsof | grep clam | wc -l'
KP>show astronomical values.
KP>I guess it goes wrong when some with slow connectivity try to send
KP>really big email. The timeouts are reach, and everything goes to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please upgrade to latest development version and try to run milter with
--quarantine-dir=/var/quarantine option. You should create that dir
writeable by clamav user at first of course.

Then clamav-milter will store files in temporary folder and pass them to
clamd only after sendmail got an end-of-message marker.

I had that session timeouts even with 2 hour timeout in clamd until
began to use this mode of scanning.


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Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-milter: is it possble to mark infected e-mail, but still deliver it to addressee ?

2003-11-28 Thread Michael Dankov

On Fri, 28 Nov 2003, Tommi Rintala wrote:

TR>I hope that I didn't understand the original question wrong, but how about
TR>installing amavis to work with clamav. It could inform the user that an
TR>infected mail message was tried to be delivered, but was stopped (so no
TR>actual delivery is done).
TR>Therefore the actual delivery is confirmed, but the contents (virus) is

Current clamav-milter can do this for you.


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