
I just upgraded from 0.88.2 to 0.90rc2 to test out the latest release. (OS
is Solaris 8). Everything seems to be working well except I am getting
errors logged by freshclam like this:

Nov  9 12:28:05 shadowfax freshclam[21654]: [ID 702911 local6.error]
getpatch: Can't get path of current working directory
Nov  9 12:28:05 shadowfax freshclam[21654]: [ID 702911 local6.warning]
Removing incremental directory daily.inc
Nov  9 12:28:05 shadowfax freshclam[21654]: [ID 702911 local6.warning]
Incremental update failed, downloading complete database

I'm running freshclam with just the -d switch, and it is starting up from an
rc script (which runs as root of course). The user I am using for all the
clamav processes is smmsp as this fits in well with sendmail. My databases
are in /usr/local/share/clamav which is owned by smmsp:

shadowfax:root:89:clamav:# ls -al /usr/local/share/clamav
total 14054
drwxrwxr-x   2 smmsp    smmsp       2048 Nov  9 12:28 ./
drwxr-x--x  13 root     other        512 May 11  2006 ../
-rw-r--r--   1 smmsp    smmsp     244200 Nov  9 12:28 daily.cvd
-rw-rw-r--   1 smmsp    smmsp    6924820 Nov  3 20:06 main.cvd

I tried changing to that dir in my rc script like this:

[ -x /usr/local/bin/freshclam ] && (cd /usr/local/share/clamav ;
/usr/local/bin/freshclam -d)

but it made no difference.

I never had this error with any of the 0.8x series, it only started when I
upgraded to the test 0.90rc2 release.

Anyone any ideas on this?


Gavin Aiken
Technical Director - UK

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