[clamav-users] Freshclam error when trying to write to log file

2013-11-07 Thread Wietse Jorissen
Freshclam can't write to its logfile, (it used to work). After chowning the
offending files, I got another message simply stating that it could not
connect. I assume it can't find the correct clamd.sock to connect to, but I
yet have to find in which configuration file this is defined.

At the moment I fear that I've got 2 clamd (one through Amavis and one that
seemed to be there all of the sudden) daemons and that freshclam gets

How should I proceed?

Thanks for any insights you might provide me with.

Attached below is all relevant information I could find (at the bottom are
the smaller config files)


I'm having an issue with my ClamAV, I was using it in combination with
Amavis, but I'm afraid after updating I now have 2 services running which
both identify as ClamAV daemons, breaking the freshclam update process and
causing other errors.

This is a live server, and I don't really have an idea of where to start
looking. Attached as much information as I could collect.

Error message:


ERROR: Problem with internal logger (UpdateLogFile =
ERROR: Can't open /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log in append mode (check

Checking out said folder: (the owner is indeed wrong)

cd /var/log/clamav/

-rw-r--r--. 1 clam   clam   0 jun  2 03:50 clamd.log
-rw-r--r--. 1 clamav clamav 59314 mei 12 03:13 clamd.log-20130512
-rw-r--r--. 1 clamav clamav 59926 mei 19 04:41 clamd.log-20130519
-rw-r--r--. 1 clamav clamav 40383 mei 24 16:43 clamd.log-20130526
-rw-r--r--. 1 clamav clamav  3295 mei 29 11:17 clamd.log-20130602
-rw-r--r--. 1 clam   clam   0 jun  2 03:50 freshclam.log
-rw-r--r--. 1 clamav clamav  6006 mei 12 03:13 freshclam.log-20130512
-rw-r--r--. 1 clamav clamav  5940 mei 19 04:41 freshclam.log-20130519
-rw-r--r--. 1 clamav clamav  3733 mei 26 03:50 freshclam.log-20130526
-rw-r--r--. 1 clamav clamav  6274 jun  2 03:50 freshclam.log-20130602

Troubleshooting attempt as per the FAQ

[bob@pluto ~]$ whereis freshclam
freshclam: /usr/bin/freshclam /etc/freshclam.conf
[bob@pluto ~]$ whereis clamav
clamav: /usr/include/clamav.h /usr/share/clamav
[bob@pluto ~]$ whereis clamd
clamd: /usr/sbin/clamd /usr/sbin/clamd.amavisd /etc/clamd.d /etc/clamd.conf


After chown'ing the clamd.log and freshclam.log to clamav:clamav, it would
throw another error the next day.
But this doesn't treat the problem, just one of its symptoms. (as in time a
new 'bad' owned log will pop up)

New error message after chown'ing: (I assume it's trying to connect to the
clamd.sock, which isn't where it expects it to be)


connect(): No such file or directory


Contents of /etc/cron.daily/freshclam:


### A simple update script for the clamav virus database.
### This could as well be replaced by a SysV script.

### fix log file if needed
if [ ! -f $LOG_FILE ]; then
touch $LOG_FILE
chmod 644 $LOG_FILE
chown clamav.amavis $LOG_FILE

/usr/bin/freshclam \
--quiet \
--datadir=/var/lib/clamav \

Contents of related files that might provide insight:

/etc/clamd.conf (there's also a clamd.conf.rpmsave, clamd.conf.rpmnew)

## Example config file for the Clam AV daemon
## Please read the clamd.conf(5) manual before editing this file.

# Comment or remove the line below.

# Uncomment this option to enable logging.
# LogFile must be writable for the user running daemon.
# A full path is required.
# Default: disabled
LogFile /var/log/clamav/clamd.log

# By default the log file is locked for writing - the lock protects
# running clamd multiple times (if want to run another clamd, please
# copy the configuration file, change the LogFile variable, and run
# the daemon with --config-file option).
# This option disables log file locking.
# Default: no
#LogFileUnlock yes

# Maximum size of the log file.
# Value of 0 disables the limit.
# You may use 'M' or 'm' for megabytes (1M = 1m = 1048576 bytes)
# and 'K' or 'k' for kilobytes (1K = 1k = 1024 bytes). To specify the
# in bytes just don't use modifiers.
# Default: 1M
LogFileMaxSize 0

# Log time with each message.
# Default: no
LogTime yes

# Also log clean files. Useful in debugging but drastically increases
# log size.
# Default: no

Re: [clamav-users] Freshclam error when trying to write to log file

2013-11-07 Thread Peter Bonivart
On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 1:57 PM, Wietse Jorissen
wietse.joris...@gmail.com wrote:
 -rw-r--r--. 1 clam   clam   0 jun  2 03:50 clamd.log
 -rw-r--r--. 1 clamav clamav 59314 mei 12 03:13 clamd.log-20130512
 -rw-r--r--. 1 clamav clamav 59926 mei 19 04:41 clamd.log-20130519
 -rw-r--r--. 1 clamav clamav 40383 mei 24 16:43 clamd.log-20130526
 -rw-r--r--. 1 clamav clamav  3295 mei 29 11:17 clamd.log-20130602
 -rw-r--r--. 1 clam   clam   0 jun  2 03:50 freshclam.log
 -rw-r--r--. 1 clamav clamav  6006 mei 12 03:13 freshclam.log-20130512
 -rw-r--r--. 1 clamav clamav  5940 mei 19 04:41 freshclam.log-20130519
 -rw-r--r--. 1 clamav clamav  3733 mei 26 03:50 freshclam.log-20130526
 -rw-r--r--. 1 clamav clamav  6274 jun  2 03:50 freshclam.log-20130602

You have the classic mess of ClamAV from two sources, one using clam
as the user and the other clamav. You need to sort out which packages
you want to use, remove the others and stick with it.
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