Dear colleagues,

Registration is open for the third edition of the Transmitting Science course INTERACTIVE DATA ANALYSIS AND VISUALIZATION WITH R SHINY. This course will be offered online live.

Dates: October 26th-30th, 2020

Instructor: Dr. Ashton Drew (KDV Decision Analysis LLC, USA)

Course Overview:

R Shiny ( turns static data (R code) into interactive web apps. With interactive and reactive data visualizations, others will directly engage with your data for stronger communication and better understanding. The Shiny apps can easily be launched directly to the web via or Shiny Server to be run by anyone (they don’t need to download your data or have R!). This course is for individuals considering developing Shiny apps to deliver their research. Thus, the goal will be to teach the skills necessary to translate static products (your current analysis in R) to dynamic products delivered via a simple web-based graphic-user interface. By the end of the course, students will have built a portfolio of example code and will have designed, constructed, and published at least one example Shiny app.
Why Shiny?
Some Shiny examples: K-means ( and TreeViewer (

Registration and more information:

Please feel free to distribute this information between your colleagues if you consider it appropriate.

Best wishes,


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