Classpath and org.omg.*

2003-10-22 Thread Stephen Crawley


If >>all<< we have to do to keep GNU / FSF happy for now is to remove
the link to the OMG from the website, lets just do it.  I hardly think
this is a major issue.

In the long term though, there is a bigger problem looming.  At some
point, Classpath needs to support the org.omg.* classes.  Without them,
you cannot run CORBA ORBs and CORBA-based applications over Classpath.  
This includes free Java ORBs and free J2EE platforms.

Before proceeding, we need some background on the OMG and their way of
thinking.  [My employer (DSTC) is a current member of the OMG.  In the
past, I've done a lot of work for DSTC on OMG standard submissions and
revisions.  (MOF & XMI if anyone is interested.)  As a consequence, I've
learned a fair bit about the processes and politics of the OMG.  I've
also done a lot of CORBA-based product development in Java.]

The critical org.omg.* classes are the Java interfaces for the OMG's
CORBA-to-Java and Java-to-CORBA mappings. These interfaces are an
integral part of the respective standards. They NOT implementations of
the standard.  There are other org.omg.* classes as well, but they are
not published by the OMG.  Instead, the OMG publishes the IDL from which
they can be generated using an IDL->Java compiler.

The reason the critical Java interfaces are part of the standard mappings
is to enable binary compatibility between different CORBA for Java
platforms.  This allows someone to write CORBA based applications for
one Java ORB platform and have them run on other platforms without
recompilation.  To achieve this aim, it is necessary for the interfaces
be the same on all ORB platforms.

The main reason for the OMG's copyright notice forbidding changes is to
prevent ORB vendors from slipping in extensions and the like that would
destroy cross-vendor binary compatibility.  This kind of thing has
happened in the past, and it causes major problems for people who write
multi-platform software.  (Like when the 'org.omg.*' interfaces in a Sun
JDK didn't comply with the OMG standard, and the "Visibroker for Java"
ORB had its own clean copy of the 'org.omg.*' classes that you had to
put on the bootclasspath ...)

IMO, it is a GOOD THING that the OMG defends the integrity of these
interfaces as best they can.  It so happens that they have decided that
a restrictive copyright notice is their most effective tool for doing 
this.  They are probably right.  [You may disagree, but then you need
to understand the nature of the organisation and its relationship with
the ORB vendors.]

While OMG staffers are generally supportive of Open Source (AFAIK), they
are >>not<< going to be persuaded to do things that openly undermine the
integrity of the CORBA standards.  It would be against the interest of
the OMG's 700+ member organisations, and the OMG Board would stomp on
them with big boots.

So where does this leave the Classpath project in the long term?

*  In the long run, we cannot leave out the org.omg.* interfaces.  
   They are an important part of the J2SE & J2EE platform APIs.

*  We should not try provide a clean-room version of the OMG's org.omg.*
   interfaces.  AFAIK, there is insufficient public information (apart 
   from the OMG's copyrighted interfaces) to allow this.   Besides
   we'd risk being incompatible with other Java implementations 
   and/or Java ORBs and Java/CORBA applications.  In other words we'd be 
   potentially subverting the CORBA standard.  This would be a BAD THING.

*  We could try to persuade the FSF to allow a specific exception for
   non-FREE code provided by standards organisations like the OMG.  I 
   cannot see that FSF intends to undermine open standards by removing
   their ability to protect integrity via copyrights.

   If this and other possible alternatives fail, we may eventually need 
   to take steps to disassociate Classpath from GNU.  That would be a 

-- Steve

Classpath mailing list

Re: classpath initialization

2003-10-22 Thread Patrik Reali
In Jaos, the ClassLoader is loaded but not really used (I'm still stuck with
classpath 0.5) because I have my own native implementation which overrides
the calls to Java's classloader in Class.fromName(). I'm currently upgrading
my implementation to work with 0.6 by moving all the native stuff into the
VM classes, but haven't got that far yet (it's a lot of work!)


> For comparison, Wonka's explicit class initialisation looks something like
> this:
>   **  1) load class java/lang/Object.
>   **  2) load java/lang/Cloneable, java/lang/Serializable,
> java/lang/Throwable.
>   **  3) create clazz_Array. clazz_Array acts like clazzObject but has
>   ** a modified method table and a modified interfaces table.
>   ** It overrides the clone method of java/lang/Object and adds two
>   ** new interfaces: Cloneable and Serializable.
>   ** (We need to do this before any subclasses of Throwable are
>   ** in order to ensure that they are marked CLAZZ_IS_THROWABLE).
>   **  4) load java/lang/Class, java/lang/ClassLoader, java/lang/Thread,
>   ** java/lang/ThreadGroup, and java/lang/ref/Reference.
>   **  5) load all the classes mentioned in
>   **  6) For each primitive class xxx, create:
>   **   -An instance Class_xxx of class java/lang/Class, linked to
>   **a w_Clazz structure (clazz_xxx).
>   **The name associated with the Class instance is "xxx.class".
>   **   -Entries in the array atype2clazz[], which is indexed by P_xxx.
> Step 5) is needed because we need to create explicit relationships between
> and Java constructs for quite a large number of classes, which Patrik
> need to do because he's using Oberon. I guess that's also why he doesn't
> to explicitly load ClassLoader; we need to do that because of all the
> behind-the-scenes stuff needed to implement class loading according to the
> JVM spec.

Classpath mailing list

Re: Implementing java.text

2003-10-22 Thread Tom Tromey
> "Dalibor" == Dalibor Topic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dalibor> It makes my back-merging work harder, as kaffe already uses the
Dalibor> patches submitted by Guilhem to the Classpath bug tracker. See
Dalibor> for an overview. I'd
Dalibor> like to suggest reviewing those patches, and then deciding on merging
Dalibor> them in or whether another implementation of those aspects of
Dalibor> java.text is necessary.

That sounds sensible to me.

Whenever I review patches, it really helps if they follow certain
rules.  It's easiest if each logical change is a separate patch, if
the patches are uni- or context-diff (not a problem in this case, but
sometimes people post plain diffs, which are unreadable), if there is
a ChangeLog entry.  In the best case there's also a Mauve test.  If
any of these things are missing, I tend to put off review, as it means
more work for me... (e.g., sometimes I've rewritten tests into Mauve
format.  This gets old).

(I know this is nothing you don't already know, since we've discussed
it several times on irc, so I'm writing for the non-irc-using
audience... :)

Dalibor> If there is anything I can personally do to make sure the
Dalibor> contributions from kaffe developers make their way back into
Dalibor> Classpath, I'd appreciate hearing about it.

I think the best case scenario is that the kaffe developers end up
with write access to Classpath, just like developers who work on other

I do think that at some point we should tighten Classpath commit rules
a bit.  I'm afraid this will be an unpopular move, but it does seem
important.  For instance, we could require an approval for every patch
(but still leave committing up to the author).  Or we could require a
test case for every patch (with the ability to ask for an exception,
since sometimes this isn't possible).


Classpath mailing list

Re: Bug Report: unexpected IllegalArgumentException from java.text.DecimalFormat

2003-10-22 Thread Tom Tromey
> "Ito" == Ito Kazumitsu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ito> Which is not the case with Sun's JDK.
Ito> In the kaffe world, I applied the following patch:

Could you make your test case suitable for Mauve?  How about we give
you mauve write access and then you can just check it in?  And then
you can check in future tests too :-).  If this sounds good, fill out
this form and give my email address in the appropriate field:

I'm ok with the patch, though it needs a ChangeLog entry.  I've
noticed more patches coming from the kaffe world, which is really
great.  I'd like to get you (and the other kaffe developers) direct
cvs write access, so that we can lower the barriers to getting these
fixes checked in.  Assuming this is ok with Mark and everybody else,
of course.  Otherwise, send me a ChangeLog entry and I'll check this


Classpath mailing list

Bug Report: unexpected IllegalArgumentException from java.text.DecimalFormat

2003-10-22 Thread Ito Kazumitsu
The attached program gives the following result:

bash-2.05b$ java TestDecimalFormat  
0.00% java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unexpected special character - index: 4

Which is not the case with Sun's JDK.

In the kaffe world, I applied the following patch:

--- java/text/   Thu Aug 28 00:44:12 2003
+++ java/text/DecimalFormat.javaWed Oct 22 17:57:28 2003
@@ -205,6 +205,8 @@
else if (c != syms.getExponential()
 && c != syms.getPatternSeparator()
+&& c != syms.getPercent()
+&& c != syms.getPerMill()
 && patChars.indexOf(c) != -1)
  throw new IllegalArgumentException ("unexpected special " +
  "character - index: " + index);

And the program for this case follows:

import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class TestDecimalFormat {

public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] formats = new String[]  {
"##0.0E0" };
for(int i=0; i < formats.length; i++) {
try {
DecimalFormat d = new DecimalFormat(formats[i]);
catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println(formats[i] + " " + e);

Classpath mailing list

Re: org.omg link on Classpath homepage

2003-10-22 Thread Stuart Ballard
Brian Jones wrote:
This sort of religious zealotry is not helpful.  People wishing to
implement free versions should know where to go for the standard, the
RFC, etc.  If it is not possible to link in this context then the FSF
web server is useless and I'll have to consider moving elsewhere.
First off, I have nothing to do with the GNU project so these opinions 
are only my own attempt to understand the GNU project's position and 
apply common sense to the result.

Having said that, I don't think there's any objection to linking to the 
RFC per se or pointing to the OMG as the place where the standard is 
developed. The objection is to linking to either those places or any 
others and saying "you can get an implementation from here", if the 
implementation in question is not free.

The distinction is based on context - does the link seem to someone 
reading the website to be a link to get software, or a link to find out 
more about something? In the case of the OMG and jgss links on, the links appeared to me to be clearly "get software" 
links, hence the (double) problem with the omg and jgss links: neither 
of them actually were any help in figuring out where to obtain software, 
and even if they had been, the software in question is not free.

It would be fine (if my interpretation is correct) to simply alter the 
website so that it's clear that these links go to information related to 
standardization of these packages, and not an implementation. But it 
seems to me that information about standardization of packages we 
haven't yet implemented isn't something that belongs on the Classpath 
homepage anyway, so it makes more sense to simply remove the links or 
replace them with links to implementations that really are free.

(Incidentally, my understanding is that this restriction is not limited 
to projects using the GNU webserver - it's limited to any project which 
is "part of the GNU project", which in practical terms includes at least 
any program with "GNU " at the start of its name. On the other hand, 
non-gnu projects are allowed to use the FSF webserver (see and those projects ARE allowed to link to 
non-free software, although they aren't allowed to depend on it).


Stuart Ballard, Senior Web Developer
FASTNET - Web Solutions
(215) 283-2300, ext. 126

Classpath mailing list

Re: org.omg link on Classpath homepage

2003-10-22 Thread Brian Jones
Stuart Ballard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Mark Wielaard wrote:
> > I think you are right. It is not a good idea to provide links to software
> > of which we cannot (currently) guarantee that it is Free Software.
> > Could you provide a patch (source is in CVS module classpath under
> > docs/
> Sure, I'll try to do this in the next couple of days.
> Incidentally, the link for the jgss package is also misleading, as the
> RFC doesn't appear to contain any implementation of the package in
> question (I scanned all the way to the end, the only source code was
> examples of usage) and even if it did, the license on the RFC is not
> free (it does not allow modification of the RFC itself, although
> certain kinds of derived works are permitted).
> (Note that I'm not suggesting that that would prohibit linking to the
> RFC in general, as the RFC is not software - just that if software
> source code *were* included in the RFC, that software would not be
> free).
> Should my patch remove that link as well?

This sort of religious zealotry is not helpful.  People wishing to
implement free versions should know where to go for the standard, the
RFC, etc.  If it is not possible to link in this context then the FSF
web server is useless and I'll have to consider moving elsewhere.


Classpath mailing list

Re: [really patch] Re: HashMap putAll/putAllInternal bug

2003-10-22 Thread Stuart Ballard
Eric Blake wrote:
Sun seems to be blessing the use of hasNext() here, by not documenting 
that this should optimize to calling size().
Good point.

Since this patch still hasn't been applied, this message is another 
attempt to try to figure out if there's any consensus about it.

There have been lots of suggestions as to ways I could or should improve 
my code to not rely on this behavior (and in fact I have taken this 
approach: my code now works around the problem by not calling putAll() 
but manually looping over the elements and calling put() instead), but 
I'm not sure whether there have been any objections to applying the 
patch regardless, in order to match Sun's behavior and provide 
acceptable performance when size() is slow.

I'm aware that several people are of the "I'm not too keen on it and it 
shouldn't be necessary for properly written code" point of view, but I'm 
not aware of any that go so far as "This patch should not be applied". 
If you are such a person, please speak up.

If nobody speaks up, may I suggest that the consensus is "reluctantly 
apply it" - and in that case, could someone do so?

Stuart Ballard, Senior Web Developer
FASTNET - Web Solutions
(215) 283-2300, ext. 126

Classpath mailing list

Re: org.omg link on Classpath homepage

2003-10-22 Thread Stuart Ballard
Mark Wielaard wrote:
I think you are right. It is not a good idea to provide links to software
of which we cannot (currently) guarantee that it is Free Software.
Could you provide a patch (source is in CVS module classpath under
Sure, I'll try to do this in the next couple of days.

Incidentally, the link for the jgss package is also misleading, as the 
RFC doesn't appear to contain any implementation of the package in 
question (I scanned all the way to the end, the only source code was 
examples of usage) and even if it did, the license on the RFC is not 
free (it does not allow modification of the RFC itself, although certain 
kinds of derived works are permitted).

(Note that I'm not suggesting that that would prohibit linking to the 
RFC in general, as the RFC is not software - just that if software 
source code *were* included in the RFC, that software would not be free).

Should my patch remove that link as well?


Stuart Ballard, Senior Web Developer
FASTNET - Web Solutions
(215) 283-2300, ext. 126

Classpath mailing list

Re: org.omg link on Classpath homepage

2003-10-22 Thread Stuart Ballard
Andrew Haley wrote:
Where is this software?
I haven't found it yet, but see postings from Brian Jones on this list 
where he indicates it's in OMG's FTP area (which I still can't find 
linked from their site). I guess that you could argue that since the 
problematic software is almost impossible to find from the link, it 
isn't a link to non-free software, but it *claims* to be such a link, 
and it's certainly a *reference* to non-free software - after reading 
that part of Classpath's homepage, it's quite possible that someone 
would independently search for OMG's implementation of these packages 
under the impression that they were Free.

Where is this link? - search for "OMG". Then look at the heading 
of the section, which refers to "providers for free core packages". The 
org.omg packages provided by the OMG are non-free - again, see other 
postings in this thread, Brian's in particular.

If there is a pointer to unfree software it must, per GNU rules, be removed.
That's what I thought.


Stuart Ballard, Senior Web Developer
FASTNET - Web Solutions
(215) 283-2300, ext. 126

Classpath mailing list

Re: org.omg link on Classpath homepage

2003-10-22 Thread Mark Wielaard

> To fix 3, the link must be removed entirely. If for some reason 3
> doesn't need to be fixed (eg I'm misinterpreting GNU project policy), at
> least 1 and 2 should be.

I think you are right. It is not a good idea to provide links to software
of which we cannot (currently) guarantee that it is Free Software.
Could you provide a patch (source is in CVS module classpath under

Brian, are you still in contact with the OMG people about this?
Or do you have contact information which I could use to discuss this issue
with them.



Classpath mailing list

Re: org.omg link on Classpath homepage

2003-10-22 Thread Andrew Haley
Stuart Ballard writes:
 > Andrew Haley wrote:
 > > FSF pages don't link to unfree software projects.  It seems that OMG
 > > is not be an unfree software project, because "Implementations of the
 > > OMG specifications - such as Object Request Brokers, IDL compilers,
 > > and UML-based modeling tools - are not produced by OMG. They are,
 > > instead, produced by software vendors or suppliers..."
 > But the link is provided specifically to get some software that *is* 
 > produced by the OMG, and is non-free.

Where is this software?

 > I see three distinct issues here:
 > 1) The link doesn't actually take you to a place where you can get the 
 > software in question, so it's pretty useless as a link anyway.
 > 2) The link is in a section labelled "providers for free core packages", 
 > but the software in question is not free. You could argue that "free" in 
 > this context means zero-cost, but on a GNU project such usage is at best 
 > VERY ambiguous and at worst outright misleading.

Where is this link?

 > 3) GNU projects aren't supposed to link to non-free software, so the 
 > link shouldn't exist in the first place. A link to OMG *could* be 
 > legitimate, if it was in the context of "the people who define the CORBA 
 > specification, including the org.omg packages". But even though the OMG 
 > is not in itself a non-free software project, I can't see how "go to the 
 > OMG to get this software", when the software in question is non-free, is 
 > not a link to non-free software.
 > To fix 3, the link must be removed entirely. If for some reason 3 
 > doesn't need to be fixed (eg I'm misinterpreting GNU project policy), at 
 > least 1 and 2 should be.

If there is a pointer to unfree software it must, per GNU rules, be removed.

But I've failed to find it, and I did try.


Classpath mailing list

Re: org.omg link on Classpath homepage

2003-10-22 Thread Stuart Ballard
Andrew Haley wrote:
FSF pages don't link to unfree software projects.  It seems that OMG
is not be an unfree software project, because "Implementations of the
OMG specifications - such as Object Request Brokers, IDL compilers,
and UML-based modeling tools - are not produced by OMG. They are,
instead, produced by software vendors or suppliers..."
But the link is provided specifically to get some software that *is* 
produced by the OMG, and is non-free.

I see three distinct issues here:

1) The link doesn't actually take you to a place where you can get the 
software in question, so it's pretty useless as a link anyway.

2) The link is in a section labelled "providers for free core packages", 
but the software in question is not free. You could argue that "free" in 
this context means zero-cost, but on a GNU project such usage is at best 
VERY ambiguous and at worst outright misleading.

3) GNU projects aren't supposed to link to non-free software, so the 
link shouldn't exist in the first place. A link to OMG *could* be 
legitimate, if it was in the context of "the people who define the CORBA 
specification, including the org.omg packages". But even though the OMG 
is not in itself a non-free software project, I can't see how "go to the 
OMG to get this software", when the software in question is non-free, is 
not a link to non-free software.

To fix 3, the link must be removed entirely. If for some reason 3 
doesn't need to be fixed (eg I'm misinterpreting GNU project policy), at 
least 1 and 2 should be.


Stuart Ballard, Senior Web Developer
FASTNET - Web Solutions
(215) 283-2300, ext. 126

Classpath mailing list

Re: org.omg link on Classpath homepage

2003-10-22 Thread Andrew Haley
Ricky Clarkson writes:

 > If software that is non-free is software that is not part of the GNU
 > project,

False premise.

 > then Linux is non-free, and someone has somewhere defined free
 > as being GNU.

Incorrect conclusion.  Please see "The Free Software Definition",

 > If you disallow links to software that itself provides links to
 > non-free software, you are effectively trying to create your own
 > separate internet where is illegal (as well it
 > should be, you may say :).

FSF pages don't link to unfree software projects.  It seems that OMG
is not be an unfree software project, because "Implementations of the
OMG specifications - such as Object Request Brokers, IDL compilers,
and UML-based modeling tools - are not produced by OMG. They are,
instead, produced by software vendors or suppliers..."


Classpath mailing list

Re: org.omg link on Classpath homepage

2003-10-22 Thread Ricky Clarkson

If software that is non-free is software that is not part of the GNU
project, then Linux is non-free, and someone has somewhere defined free
as being GNU.

If you disallow links to software that itself provides links to
non-free software, you are effectively trying to create your own
separate internet where is illegal (as well it
should be, you may say :).


> And there was a somewhat-public dispute between the GNU Ghostscript team 
> and the GNU Project leadership (specifically RMS) over the fact that GNU 
> Ghostscript pointed people to Aladdin Ghostscript which is non-free - 
> last I heard, GNU Ghostscript was no longer part of the GNU project 
> (although the split was amicable) because they were unwilling to remove 
> all references to the non-free project. So I'm fairly sure that the rule 
> against pointing people to non-free code is enforced strictly on 
> software that is part of the GNU project.

Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all.

Classpath mailing list

Re: org.omg link on Classpath homepage

2003-10-22 Thread Stuart Ballard
Brian Jones wrote:
I don't know if the FSF has characterized the OMG license as non-free
yet.  We can't include it but we're certainly free to point people at
it.  It's called 'javartf' and I still have a copy of it if someone
wants it.  I couldn't get into the ftp site just now myself.
Surely if it doesn't allow modification there's not much doubt that it's 

And there was a somewhat-public dispute between the GNU Ghostscript team 
and the GNU Project leadership (specifically RMS) over the fact that GNU 
Ghostscript pointed people to Aladdin Ghostscript which is non-free - 
last I heard, GNU Ghostscript was no longer part of the GNU project 
(although the split was amicable) because they were unwilling to remove 
all references to the non-free project. So I'm fairly sure that the rule 
against pointing people to non-free code is enforced strictly on 
software that is part of the GNU project.


Stuart Ballard, Senior Web Developer
FASTNET - Web Solutions
(215) 283-2300, ext. 126

Classpath mailing list