Re: GCJ ------ file type not supported by system

2014-09-03 Thread Per Bothner

On 09/03/2014 09:35 AM, Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia wrote:

What would you like me to do? How can I help ?

More useful than updating Classoath per se would be creating
a version of GCJ that uses OpenJDK's javac for compiling to bytecodes,
and OpenJDK classes (or at least mostly so).  This is a big project,
but has a chance of being useful and maintained.

There may be licensing issues that should be considered before
charging full steam ahead.

I'm out of the loop, so I don't know if anything like that is happening.
I'd start with switching to using javac.  When I'd add/replace whatever
non-core classes that don't wouldn't conflict with GCJ/Classpath core classes.
Maybe this wold be a fork or branch of Classpath, or maybe the mainline - 
on the changes.

In general, the sanest way to update classpath is to merge in OpenJDK code.
(Again, assuming licensing and other policy issues have been evaluated.)
However, the OpenJDK classes may depend on recent Java language features.
Which is why projects using Classpath should switch to using OpenJDK's javac.
(I don't believe Eclipse's compiler is as solid or complete, though that may be
my bias from having worked with javac engineers.  It's probably good enough for
at least the initial stages of merging in OpenJDK classes.)
--Per Bothner

Re: ASM and gnu.bytecode

2006-12-01 Thread Per Bothner

RMS wrote:

  That license is GPL-compatible, so it is ok to use the code
  and ok to import it as a package that is not part of GCC
  but distributed with it.
--Per Bothner

Re: ASM and gnu.bytecode

2006-11-26 Thread Per Bothner

Andrew Haley wrote:

Per, if you're listening: may we incorporate gnu.bytecode within

Absolutely.  Might as well get the most recent version from svn:

However, Tom does have a point that sticking with ASM is probably
easier. Kawa probably does make it easier to generate quality code for
a compiler (and can do it very fast), but I doubt you'd get much gain
using it for rmic, especially since the ASM version more-or-less works.

Here is an article I wrote on using gnu.bytecode:

It surely makes more sense there than as part of Kawa.

Huh?  Kawa needs gnu.bytecode amd can't assume Classpath
- at least not yet!
--Per Bothner

Re: ASM and gnu.bytecode

2006-11-26 Thread Per Bothner

Andrew Haley wrote:

Having gcj depend not only on ASM but also on a *specific version* of
ASM is intolerable.  If gnu.bytecode will do the job, we should use

While gnu.bytecode (along with gnu.math) has been fairly stable
for quite a while, and it probably has been the most stable part of
Kawa,  I have not guaranteed backward compatibility in the past.
Of course if other projects start depending on gnu.bytecode, I'll
try to not break things!

One bonus of using gnu.bytecode: the class gnu.bytecode.dump is a
direct clone on jcf-dump.  (However, it doesn't have all the features
of jcf-dump, and jcf-dump is fast and compact.)
--Per Bothner


2006-07-07 Thread Per Bothner talks about inetlib.

However, I don't see any links to download the code,
nor any detailed (api or tutorial) documentation.

The left sidebar has a Download link, but that only has links for
downloading Classpath proper.
--Per Bothner

Re: ATTENTION: Prospect of merging HEAD with the generics branch

2006-06-02 Thread Per Bothner

Andrew John Hughes wrote:

 Forwarded Message 

From: Per Bothner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: GCC SC request about ecj
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 10:59:58 -0700

Richard stallman write last night:

  I agree to the use of the Eclipse front end to generate
  Java byte codes.

Note this does not mean importing Eclispe code into the gcc source or
release tree.  We need to decide on a practical way to have people
grab a compatible version of ecj.

From the above e-mail, it looks as if gcj will shortly be linking in ecj
as its front end.  With this, gcj will be able to handle 1.5 constructs.

Depends what you mean by linking.  The plan is for the gcj driver
to invoke ecj as a separate program, instead of currently invoking
jc1. When compiling source to native, it would invoke ecj followed
by jc1.

I.e. ecj is not going to be linked into the same executable as other
applications, though of course it will normally be linked in with libgcj
or some other Free Classpath-base Java run-time.  (For bootstrapping,
people can use any working java.)
--Per Bothner

Re: New OpenSource AWT/Swing Implementation by Intel

2006-05-20 Thread Per Bothner

Michael Koch wrote:

I would recommend not doing this. GPLv3 is not out. Our current license
is not compatible with the ASLv2. We cannot combine the code currently.
BTW tracking what lines in the code are licensed under ASL and what are
licensed under GPL is not that easy.

We don't want to merge in Intel's code *via* Harmony.
But what we could do is talk *directly* to Intel, and ask if they're
well to donate it to ClassPath *as well*.  Or if not then dual-license
it both Apache licenxse and GPL+exception. The latter would mean merging
in a non-FSF-copyrighted code which should be cleared with the FSF.
--Per Bothner

Re: Moving tools (Was: [cp-patches] FYI: Comitting the RMI daemod (RMID))

2006-04-02 Thread Per Bothner

Dalibor Topic wrote:

As for bytecode libraries, I'd prefer ASM, again since it seems to be
already packaged by Debian, while oddly enough neither Kawa not gnu
bytecode seem to be, so I'd go with the more ubiquitous option.

Well, Kawa is packaged by Fedora 5 now ...

There is no inherent reason why duplication is a problem - after
all the standard Java libraries are chock-full of duplication: vs nio; Java2 format vs Java 5 format; StringBuffer vs
StringBuilder; collections framework vs lots of other things;
sax vs dom vs stax; etc etc.

I don't know ASM very well, but does seem to provide an elegant
streaming model suitable for various transformation.  It might also
be a good for printing the content of class files - I don't know.
(As a developer, I want something that allows me to print *all*
the information in a class file, including constant pool, all
the attributes, etc.)

The strength of gnu.bytecode is code generation.  I don't think any
other framework comes close in terms of its combination of speed,
low memory overhead. ease-of-use, ability to generate excellent code
including debugging information, and other convenient features for
compiler-writers. (As it should, since I depend on it for Kawa.)
Now whether that justifies its inclusion in classpath-tools somebody
else will have to judge.

Mark Wirlaard wrote:
 And it seems we need very specific/altered versions of both (!).

If there are classpath-specific patches in gnu.bytecode I would be
happy to either merge them in or propose alternative solutions.
--Per Bothner

Re: Where's the love?

2006-03-10 Thread Per Bothner

Dalibor Topic wrote:

The only way GNU Classpath would be acceptable for Apache Harmony, afaict from
our dicussions in the past year, would be if the FSF contributed it to the ASF,
and had the ASF manage the project, under the Apache license. Anything else is
non-option for ASF, for a variety of reasons.

Harmony appears to be basically an attempt at a hostile takeover of the
Free Java movement.  They're all in favor of cooperation - as long as
it is 100% on their terms.  Complete surrender is all they will accept.

I hope I'm wrong, but nothing I've heard suggests otherwise.
--Per Bothner

Re: Where's the love?

2006-03-10 Thread Per Bothner

Dalibor Topic wrote:

On Fri, Mar 10, 2006 at 12:20:02AM -0800, Per Bothner wrote:

Harmony appears to be basically an attempt at a hostile takeover of the
Free Java movement.  They're all in favor of cooperation - as long as
it is 100% on their terms.  Complete surrender is all they will accept.

I am sorry if I gave that impression, since that's not the way I
experienced it. My impression was that the ASF simply has certain ways
to do things, and does not want to change those, since their way
basically works fine for them, and they don't think GNU Classpath is
worth changing their ways of doing things, as apparently, that's all
very tedious and so on.

I wouldn't want to imply malice, where buerocratic inertia is a
sufficient explanation.

I used hostile takeover in the sense of a corporate takeover.
Malice is usually not involved - just an unwillingness to negotiate
with the old management and board.  That seems to be descriptive.

I think it goes beyond bureaucratic inertia.  You agree that they seem to
have no interest in co-operating with the rest of the Free Software
movement, unless it is done on their terms.  Rather like the attitude
of the current US government to the rest of the world ...

And of course there is the Orwellian name Harmony - reminds you
of Ministry of Peace, doesn't it?
--Per Bothner

Re: Where's the love?

2006-03-09 Thread Per Bothner

Brian Jones wrote:
I don't really see the FSF backing down from the point of view that the 
users of free software should have the right to modify and release the 
software and Apache is unlikely to change either, as they have benefited 
enormously (in terms of brand at least) from letting anyone embed their 
software without having to divulge the source code to users.

Huh?  This is not the issue.  Both licenses are compatible with the
software being embedded/linked with non-Free code.

So, given these things and my love for this project, I would really like 
the FSF to allow the developers to provide Classpath under an Apache 
compatible license in addition to the current licensing scheme,

The FSF's hope is that GPL3 will be such a license.
--Per Bothner

Re: idl to java compiler:There is the IDL language description file under BSD. Can we use it?

2006-03-06 Thread Per Bothner

Audrius Meskauskas wrote:
There is the IDL language desciption for the JavaCC parser generator at, inside JavaCC 
project The license is not stated explicitly (also not stated in the 
file header), but the license of the whole javacc project is BSD.

However, a lot of the javacc source files contain copyright notices
that contradict it being Free Software.  Arguably, the top-level license
overrides, but the situation is a mess long ignored by javacc developers:

It seems javacc is very lackadaisical when it comes to licensing
issues, so ClassPath (as a GNU project) needs to be very cautious
about including javacc code.
--Per Bothner

Re: idl to java compiler:There is the IDL language description file under BSD. Can we use it?

2006-03-06 Thread Per Bothner

Audrius Meskauskas wrote:
It is a kind of not a very honest behavior, to put the BSD on the top 
and something incompatible in the file headers.

I don't think it is dishonest - just sloppy.  However, I complained about
the problem a year ago, and they still released 4.0 without fixing it
(or at least said they would), though said they'd work on fixing the
problem for 4.1.

Until this is fixed, I don't think jpackage or Fedora or Debian (for example)
should be distributing javacc, unless they put it under non-free.
--Per Bothner

Re: Next release

2006-03-01 Thread Per Bothner

theUser BL wrote:
I think the best wold be, if GNU Classpath 1.0 is 100% compatible to 
Java 1.4 and GNU Classpath 2.0 would be 100% compatible to Java 1.5.

Why not take a lesson from Sun:

Classpath 1.0 implements JDK 1.1
Classpath 2.0 implements Java 2 aka JDK 1.2
Classpath 3.0 implements JDK 1.3 (does anyone remember what was new in 1.3?)
Classpath 4.0 imlements JDK 1.4
Classpath 5.0 implements Java 5 aka JDK 1.5
Classpath 6.0 implements Java 6 aka JDK 1.6

So we can release Classpath 1.0 now (after a little more testing) and
Classpath 2.0 in half a year, maybe.
--Per Bothner

Re: GNU classpath contribution question

2006-02-02 Thread Per Bothner

Ken Larson wrote:
Let's say for example standard Java defines some constant like 
FileFormat.BINARY.  The Javadoc does not specify the value of this 

Actually, it probably does:
--Per Bothner

Re: New native layer

2006-01-31 Thread Per Bothner

Casey Marshall wrote:
We have the responsibility, as contributors to a GNU project, to  
maintain the project for the GNU system. GNU is sorta-POSIX, as are a  
lot of other interesting platforms, and targeting them earns us, as  
free software contributors -- not necessarily other groups or  companies 
that want to use Classpath -- a lot. I see these native  portability 
layers as being counter to that goal, and they  especially don't make 
sense given that there's no other free  implementations for platforms 
other than what we are targeting.

An alternative take with similar conclusion:  There is a standard
native portability layer.  It is called Posix.  There are multiple
implementations of this layer available for MS-Windows.  Other platforms
we are likely to support (such as OS-X) already support Posix.  I.e.
there is no need for an extra portability layer.

That is not to say we cannot add hooks and conditional compilation in
modest doses to support Windows and other non-Posix platforms.  But any
extra indirection that hurts performance on Posix (even trivially),
or anything that makes the code harder to maintain and understand
is generally inappropriate.
--Per Bothner

Re: Win CE port

2006-01-21 Thread Per Bothner

Roman Kennke wrote:

Hi there,

Am Freitag, den 20.01.2006, 13:05 -0800 schrieb Per Bothner:

Mark Wielaard wrote:

Hi Phillipe,

On Fri, 2006-01-20 at 15:03 +0100, Philippe Laporte wrote:

   It is our understanding that a GPL VM can't be freely redistributed 
in a commercial product.

There should be no trouble at all freely redistributing such a thing in
a commercial product. Just make sure you distribute the source code for
it to your users.

Just to clarify:

Depends what you mean by it.  If you mean the VM, that may not be
enough, since in an embedded environment it is likely the VM is linked
in with the commercial product.  In that case you may also have to
freely redistributing source for the commercial product.

AFAICS this is true for the GPL, but not so with the GPL+linking
exception under which GNU Classpath is distibuted. Maybe someone with
more insight in the license (Mark? Dalibor?) could clarify this?

Correct, but the comment was GPL VM.  I assumed he was talking about
a VM that was GPL'd - not the Classpath libraries - which do not
include a VM.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: Win CE port

2006-01-20 Thread Per Bothner

Mark Wielaard wrote:

Hi Phillipe,

On Fri, 2006-01-20 at 15:03 +0100, Philippe Laporte wrote:

It is our understanding that a GPL VM can't be freely redistributed 
in a commercial product.

There should be no trouble at all freely redistributing such a thing in
a commercial product. Just make sure you distribute the source code for
it to your users.

Just to clarify:

Depends what you mean by it.  If you mean the VM, that may not be
enough, since in an embedded environment it is likely the VM is linked
in with the commercial product.  In that case you may also have to
freely redistributing source for the commercial product.  (Of course
we know that Free (open-source) Software is not incompatible with
it being commercial (i.e. for-profit) - but it is incompatible with
it being proprietary (closed-source).)
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: hashCode question (was Re: Silly Java question)

2005-12-27 Thread Per Bothner

Michael Barker wrote:

Given that the toString() must be the same in order to be equal

Huh?  I don't believe there is any such requirement.  One would
normally expect toString to match for equal objects, but it is
not required.  Atter all, the default toString will not satisfy
this requirement if equals has been redefined.  And I often put
in a sequence number in the toString result, for debugging.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: hashCode question (was Re: Silly Java question)

2005-12-27 Thread Per Bothner

Michael Barker wrote:
 From the equals() code, its applicable in this case:

// The toString output must match.
if (! toString().equals(((KerberosPrincipal)that).toString()))
  return false;

In your message you did phrase things in terms of general contracts.

More to the point: Using toString in the implementation of equals
seems like a bad idea.  The only rationale I can think of is as a
hack to try to catch that the actual classes match.  But it seems
an unreliable and inefficient method to do so.

I'd go further: Implementing equals in terms of toString is a bug.
One should be able to change toString before better output or
debuggability without breaking equals.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: XML parsing problems

2005-12-25 Thread Per Bothner

Chris Burdess wrote:

As I understand it, the problem can occur when the position in the buffer is
near the end. If the mark is set at position 2047 in the buffer, then we read
2 bytes and reset, then refill() will have been called and the position is
actually reset to position 2047 in the new buffer, 2K further along in the
original stream.
If anyone has a robust solution to this problem please apply it; I will try
to address it but may not have much free time before the new year/release.

Three choices, assuming the mark is active and at position M
in a buffer of size S:
(1) Move S-M bytes to the start of the buffer and read upto M bytes.
Advantage: doesn't need to grow the buffer.
Disadvantage: we lose buffer alignment, which probably doesn't matter
except with a highly tuned (an nio-based?) implementation.
Also, can fail if the readAheadLimit  S.
(2) Grow the buffer to S+(S-M).
Disadvantage: Same alignment issue as (1).
(3) Use two buffers, one old and a new buffer.  The old buffer doesn't
need to be full-size, as long as it can handle the readAheadLimit
(in the general case) or at least S-M in this case.
Advantage: Preserves alignment.
Disadvantage: More complex.  After a reset, then a read(byte[],int, int)
will only get S-M bytes.

Assuming buffer alignment isn't an issue, then I'd say use a combination
of (1) if possible and (2) if needed.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: and (CVS) updates

2005-12-12 Thread Per Bothner

Nic Ferrier wrote:

Subversion seems to be another of those gnu vs apache things.

gnu people *tend* to prefer CVS (and to a lesser extent arch) because
they offer more centralized control. CVS is most popular because it is
very stable and well understood.

I think you're got things mixed up.

Subversion is basically a better cvs, centralized in the same way,

arch is oriented towards a more distributed setup.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: Proposal: Graphics2D rewrite branch

2005-12-07 Thread Per Bothner

David Gilbert wrote:
Regarding 3) and BufferedImages, I think I recall Sven saying he was 
mistaken about the DataBuffer classes.  As far as I could tell (from 
writing some Mauve tests for them) they use real Java arrays.

It should be possible to have a hybrid implementation that can use
native buffers or Java arrays.  If constructed using (say)
  DataBufferInt(int size, int numBanks)
then it can allocated a native buffer.
The complicatation is getData and getBankData.  If using native buffers,
these would have to allocate new buffers, copy the data of of the
native buffers, release the native buffers, and switch to using the
Java arrays for future references.

This isn't too bad if you're using CNI and a non-copying gc, since
you can use a native pointer in all cases, and just have the
natve pointer point into the Java arrray in the Java case.
If using a copying GC, you can use a delta.  For simplicity, I
assume a single bank:

DataBufferInt {
  int[] array;
  native size_t offset;

  int getElem(int i) { return *(int*)((char*) array + offset + 4 * i); }

  DataBufferInt(int size) {
void* buf = allocate_native_buffer(size);
array = null;
offset = buf;

  DataBufferInt(int[] arr) {
 array = arr;

  int[] getData () {
int[] ar = new int[size];
array = ar;

This works even if the array is moved by the gc.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: Patches to by Christian Schlichtherle

2005-08-31 Thread Per Bothner

Christian Schlichtherle wrote:

More specifically, the size and compressed size field in the ZipEntry class
are causing the problems as some comparisons are happening on these. The
issue is that once a big integer equal or greater than 2*1024^3 and smaller
than 4*1024^3 is stored into a Java int, it is hard to use this int as if it
were unsigned. You would have to do something like this on an int


This is way too much computational overhead

To compare two unsigned ints just invert their sign bits:

I.e. (using C syntax):
unsigned int32 i, j;
signed int32 is = (signed int32) i;
signed int32 js = (signed int32) j;

Then (i COMP j) if and only if
((signed int32) (is ^ 0x80) COMP (signed int32) (js  0x8000)).

Which is probably faster than:
((long) (is  0x) COMP (long) (js  0x))
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: String.equals optimisation

2005-07-12 Thread Per Bothner

Stephen Crawley wrote:


I'd be interested to hear of other reasons for Java's requirement to
intern all literal strings and constants. 

Backwards compatibility.

At this point we can only conjecture as to why Java was originally defined 
this way.  My guess is that this decision was made in the early days when

the language was being targeted at embedded computing and machines with
not a lot of memory.  Having the JVM do interning of literals could save
enough memory to matter.

Er, no.

String literals in JDK 1.0 were *not* interned.
That was changed in JDK 1.1.

The world has moved on, and nobody thinks much about conserving string 
space these days.

I don't believe saving space was the motivation, but consistency.

static String x = a;
static String y = a;

Then you had (x==y) if x and y were defined in the same class, but
(x!=y) in they were defined in different classes.

People expect that (a==a).
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

[cp-patches] Re: Absolute URL parsing bug

2005-07-05 Thread Per Bothner

Andrew Haley wrote:

The case that we get wrong is this one:

$ java TestURLs 'jar:file:/ejbjars/ws.jar!/META-INF/wsdl/ssbEndpoint.wsdl' 

None of these are valid URLs as documented in the javadoc.  It matches 
the URI specification if you view everything after the scheme (i.e. 
file:/ejbjars/ws.jar!/META-INF/wsdl/ssbEndpoint.wsdl) as an 
'opaque_part'.  There is no concept of a nested URL and jar:file: is 
not a valid scheme.

 $ gij TestURLs 'jar:file:/ejbjars/ws.jar!/META-INF/wsdl/ssbEndpoint.wsdl' 

So, in that case the context should be ignored.
In fact, it seems like the context is ignored for all jar:file and file: 

We should ignore the context for *all* absolute URLs - i.e. any URL that 
has a scheme - accordingto the URI spec.  But the Javadoc doc URL(URL, 
String) says If the scheme component is defined in the given spec and 
does not match the scheme of the context, then the new URL is created as 
an absolute URL based on the spec alone.I assume the and does not 
match clause is documenting a hack (bug) in the implementation - which 
doesn't match the URI spec.  (Hacks like this may be one reason why they 
decided to start from scratch with a new URI class.)

I.e. java TestURLs http:/a/b/c http:d/e
but according to the RFC spec it should be:
The URI.resolve method gets this right.

A suggested (untested) fix might be something like:

   int colon = spec.indexOf(':');
   int slash = spec.indexOf('/');
   if (colon  0
(colon  slash || slash  0)
(protocol == null
   || protocol.length() = colon
   || ! protocol.equalsIgnoreCase(spec.substring(0, colon
 context = null;

But in the case of a URL that is not qualified with any protocol at
all we need the context:

Er, no.  See the 'TestURLs  http:/a/b/c http:d/e' example.

 $ java TestURLs 'jar:file:/ejbjars/ws.jar!/META-INF/wsdl/ssbEndpoint.wsdl' foo

Classpath gets that right too.  So, the only thing we seem to get
wrong is the parsing of a 'jar:file:' URL when a 'jar:' context is

Do you have any reason to believe that jar: or file: URLs get any 
special treatment?  I see none.

--Per Bothner

Classpath-patches mailing list

[cp-patches] Re: Absolute URL parsing bug

2005-07-02 Thread Per Bothner

Andrew Haley wrote:

Per Bothner writes:
  Andrew Haley wrote:
   [ An absolute file URL can look like:
  absoluteURI = file : abs_path

  abs_path = / path_segments
   That is, there is no need for //.
  I don't see that in any of the specs.

I got it from RFC 2396.  Which I might have read wrongly, of course.

I read more carefully.  In practice, it looks like // is optional. 
I.e. file:///foo/bar is the same as file:/foo/bar.  There is a
subtle difference is the the former has an empty authority, while the 
latter has a missing (undefined) authority.  Thus resolving the relative 
URIs /tmp/help vs // against the base URI 
file:// will yield file:// vs 
file:// respectively.  In practice, people seldom 
use non-empty authority components with file: URIs and I'm not sure it's 
well-defined.  Perhaps when using NFS?

  Technically, file:/tmp/foo.html is not a valid URI, as far as I
  can tell.  I notice that firefox rewrites it (in the navigation
  bar) to file:///tmp/foo.html.
  Now in practice we may want to allow file:/tmp/foo.html, but it should 
  be viewed as an unofficial short-hand for file:///tmp/foo.html.
   And indeed, the URL spec in the

   SDK docs says 'If the spec's path component begins with a slash
   character / then the path is treated as absolute...' ]
  The *path* is absolute, but the URI isn't.
  This matters when resolving a relative URL against a base URI, such as 
  he URL of the containing document.
  If we have a base URI; and a reference 
  /tmp/foo.html then the resolved URI is;.
   But we parse the spec looking for // to determine if a URL is

  A URL is absolute *only* if it has a scheme.

I don't really understand what you're suggesting.

My comments are mostly applicative to the URI class rather than the URL 
class.  (I'm not sure why they're separate.  I believe all URLs are 
URIs, accdoring to the IEFT, but not the Java class hierarchy.)  The URI 
class has a bunch of methods like resolve and isAbsolute, which require 
more care about these fine points.

 Would it be OK to
special-case file URIs so that file:/ is rewritten to file:/// ?

Maybe for the URL class, but I don't think so for the URI class.
The difference is the getAuthority method.  My reading is that it should 
return null for file:/ and  for file:///.  But I haven't tested 
what JDK does - and it wouldn't surprise me if the URI and URL classes 
are different in this respect.

--Per Bothner

Classpath-patches mailing list

[cp-patches] Re: Absolute URL parsing bug

2005-07-01 Thread Per Bothner

Andrew Haley wrote:

This URL is an absolute URL because its path begins with a /:


[ An absolute file URL can look like:

   absoluteURI = file : abs_path
   abs_path = / path_segments

That is, there is no need for //.

I don't see that in any of the specs.  Technically, file:/tmp/foo.html 
is not a valid URI, as far as I can tell.  I notice that firefox 
rewrites it (in the navigation bar) to file:///tmp/foo.html.

Now in practice we may want to allow file:/tmp/foo.html, but it should 
be viewed as an unofficial short-hand for file:///tmp/foo.html.

And indeed, the URL spec in the
SDK docs says 'If the spec's path component begins with a slash
character / then the path is treated as absolute...' ]

The *path* is absolute, but the URI isn't.

This matters when resolving a relative URL against a base URI, such as 
he URL of the containing document.

If we have a base URI; and a reference 
/tmp/foo.html then the resolved URI is;.

But we parse the spec looking for // to determine if a URL is

A URL is absolute *only* if it has a scheme.

Classpath-patches mailing list

An Eclispe style for GNU

2005-05-30 Thread Per Bothner

Here is my attempt at expressing the GNU Java formatting style
in Eclipse.  This is tested in Eclipse 3.1M7.  Perhaps we can
develop this into a standard GNU/Classpath format - and perhaps
have it shipped with Eclipse.

I'm not endorsing this as my *preferred* formatting style,
but as a modest encoding and fine-tuning of existing styles.
(I still mostly use Emacs.)
--Per Bothner
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
profiles version=8
profile name=GNU version=8
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setting id=org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.comment.insert_new_line_before_root_tags value=do not insert/
setting id

Re: XML strictness

2005-05-30 Thread Per Bothner

Robert Schuster wrote:

You get the same message with all proprietary JDKs prior to 1.5 . The
latest incarnation however accepts creating the new node and generates
the following XML upon calling 'echo a/ |
/opt/sun-jdk-1.5.0/bin/java xmlfilter.XMLFilter':

?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?

AFAIK there should/must be only one top-level node which is named xml.

I am confused ...
Is Sun breaking the rules here?

Depends on which set of rules.  The XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data
Model is a bit more general:
Of course an *XML document* is somewhat more restricted,
but if you want to use DOM to support XQuery/XPath/XSLT objects
it makes sense to allow more generality.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Free jsr reference implementations?

2005-03-22 Thread Per Bothner
I just got off the phone with the spec lead (Mike Grogan) for JSR 223, which
I've been a litle bit involved with.  We'd like to find a way to license
the Reference Implementation under an acceptable classpath-compatible license.
Some Prior Art may be helpful in convincing the Sun powers-that-be.
* Which existing JSR have classpath-compatible RIs?  Maybe JAXP?
* Which of these, if any, are shipped as part of J2SE or J2EE?
* Which of these, if any, have Sun as the Spec Lead?
My understanding is Doug Lea worked hard on getting the new concurrency
framework Free, but didn't quite manage it.  It might be useful to get
his story too.
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: benchmarks (was Re: Progress on a Classpath mauve suite?)

2005-03-08 Thread Per Bothner
David P Grove wrote:
I think you need to understand the point of the benchmark suite.  The 
whole goal is reproducible science, so if someone doesn't cite the exact 
version of the benchmarks, then it isn't useful (in an academic sense).
That can be achieved without the DaCapo restrictions.  For example TeX
has fairly strict requirements on naming and versioning.
But DaCapo license is extremely restrictive.  It's not clear that a
company could use DaCapo to benchmark their products - even open-source
products, since that might be defined as for-profit.
Forbidding one to alter, modify, improve, decompile, disassemble or otherwise
reverse-engineer has nothing to do with reproducible science, and in
fact is contrary to acadmic openness and reproducible sciece.
 The license forces that plus proper academic credit (ie a citation) for 
the benchmark suite, which personally I think is quite fair given how 
much work was put into putting it together (much more than the typical 
academic paper).
A requirement for credit isn't inherently incompatible with Free Software:
The old BSD license with the notorious advertising clause may have
been awkward and GPL-incompatible, but it was accepted as Free.
I know some of the people who put together the benchmark suite fairly 
well and it was a massive effort (think person-years, not person-weeks; 
good, usable, portable, benchmark suites are a lot of work).  It would 
be a shame if your politics prevented you from using it, but that's life 
I suppose.
You're rather missing the point, methinks.  I know some of the people
at Redmond who've spent person-decades to put together quite a nice operating
system.  I also know some people in Santa Clara who've spent person-decades
putting together a very nice Java implementation.  It's a shame that
politics are preventing us from using either.
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: javax.swing.text.rtf.RTFEditorKit

2005-03-03 Thread Per Bothner
Dalibor Topic wrote:
Their licensing on JavaCC seems to be all over the place, really.
I reported this as an issue:
No response of any kind.
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: OT: Eclipse Additions

2005-02-21 Thread Per Bothner
Tom Tromey wrote:
* Make sure code formatting can complete handle Classpath's style.
  In 3.0 this wasn't true.  3.1M4 looked better here, but perhaps not
  perfect (I didn't try exhaustively).
Not only that, but add a pre-defined GNU formatting style.
So you just select that in your preferences, and you don't have
to manually tweak dozens of options.  Until that is done, we can
have a standard GNU Java style template that that people can
import, but it's better to have it be builtin.  The biggest reason
(besids convenience) is that it is easier to update the the style;
contra-wise, it's probably easier to update the Eclipse formatting
engine and not have it break the GNU style, since you can add new
style options to a builtin style without breaking things.
We might consider deprecating using of tabs, since they cause
portability problems: people using Windows IDEs are used to
one indentation level = one tab stop and then setting the
display width of a tab as a personal display preference.
The way we indent using a mix of tabs and spaces isn't
compatible with this model.
Perhaps there should be two stanadrd GNU styles: GNU, with tabs
and GNU, without tabs.
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: OT: Eclipse Additions

2005-02-21 Thread Per Bothner
Andrew Overholt wrote:
Now comes the fun part:  making Eclipse better for your needs.
One problem I have is using Eclipse in a project with complex
dependencies, which needs Ant (or make).  E.g. generated
source files or where one tool must be built before other
parts are built.
I'm thinking specifically of Kawa (
development.  This build a compiler, which is then used to compile
files in Scheme to .class files, and they're all part of the resulting
run-time environment and distributed as a single jar.
Of course I know Eclipse as a lot of Ant support, but it seems to
be  separate sub-system, not integrated into the default build
The problem may be with my lack of understanding, or how I've set
things up, but what I seem to need is a Java Ant project: when
I edit a file, and it wants to rebuild, it should use the Ant
dependencies; not just try to willy-nilly do the equivalent of
javac `find . -name '*.java'`
Compiler messages compiling via Ant should be handled smoothly,
the same way they are done when building without Ant.  Etc.
When Eclipse creates a Java project, and it sees a top-level
build.xml, it should (after asking) Do The Right Thing to set
up a Java Ant-based project rather than a plain Java project.
If I'm doing things wrong, I'd very much appreciate a cookbook
for how this is supposed to be done.
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: OT: Eclipse Additions

2005-02-21 Thread Per Bothner
Archie Cobbs wrote:
3. No newline at end of file. The XML editor seems to forget to put
newlines at the end of files. This causes unnecessary repository
differences with the ugly No newline at end of file message.
(vi always adds a newline).
This may have gotten fixed, at least for Java.
I haven't tested M5a yet.
(Though this bug was about the formatter, not the editor.)
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: Modules names and other details for new classpath bug product

2005-02-14 Thread Per Bothner
David Daney wrote:
How would a bug be marked that is fixed in libgcj and not fixed in 

It sounds a bit questionable to merge the bug tracking system before we 
have a single merged code base.
Maybe we shuld treat libgcj and classpath as branches of a common
virtual repository.  This does not necessaily mean using the same
cvs (or snv) repository, though that is an option.  It does mean
marking bugs in bugzilla in as *if* they were branches.  It would
require thinking about naming convention for target milestones etc.
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: Eclipse command line formatter

2005-01-11 Thread Per Bothner
Tom Tromey wrote:

What we really need to do is make sure we can really handle Classpath
style.  With Eclipse 3.0 I think we fail to re-indent inside a block,
so we end up with:
  if (foo)
code here;
Instead of:
  if (foo)
  code here;
I think this is fixed.
However, note that Eclipse up to 3.1M4 does not handle the GNU/Unix
conventions for tabs: Using 8-column tabs, but indenting by a different
amount.  3.1M4 is actually a regression in this respect.
I reported a bug/enhancement request, and in the last few days Tom 
Eicher posted some patches:
Hopefully we'll have something usable soon.

I also suggest we submit a standard GNU coding style, and ask them
to include it as a standard formatting style.
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: Eclipse

2004-10-25 Thread Per Bothner
Tom Tromey wrote:
In fact, I think a release that is compatible with just JDK 1.0
 is kind of laughable at this date.
I agree.  If complete-TCK-passing compatibility with something
is desirable, at least go for 1.1.x, since that matches what
MS used to ship (except for evil extensions, of course), and
since we already implement most (all?) of what 1.1 added.
I suspect the main thing missing at this point is a dependable
security implementation, including the verifier and the
SecurityManager, most of which realy isn't Classpath per se.
(On the other hand, if Tom's new verifier can share code between
the gcj compiler and runtime, maybe it can be parameterized
further so it can be plugged into other VMs?)
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: clickthrough license

2004-10-10 Thread Per Bothner
David Holmes wrote:
The JCP also doesn't require the (final) specifications to be provided
under a click-wrap.
Being involved in this at present with another JSR I can assure you that the
JCP does require a click-through license for downloading specs.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but I think it would be useful if you could
point to a specific document that states such a requriement.
Notice also that the JCP and related agreement/processes ahve changed
over the years.
I don't believe that not saying the Java word when describing what GNU
Classpath is lets you off the hook here. If nothing else the classes and
API's in the java* namespaces would fall under Sun's copyright.
You mean Sun's trademark, not copyright, of course.
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: clickthrough license

2004-10-10 Thread Per Bothner
David Holmes wrote:
I should said PMO rather than JCP. The JCP document itself doesn't cover
this, however the PMO seems to require it. If you look at the Spec lead
Guide on you'll see that for Proposed Final Draft The PMO will
provide the spec license ... and then for Final Approval Ballot The PMO
hosts the Final Approval Ballot for you, and uses Sun's general FCS license
unless you provide your own FCS license..
On other words, the specification licenses are provided by the PMO not the
JCP itself. (Note that the specification license is distinct from the RI and
TCK licenses.) You'd need to contact the PMO directly to clarify this and to
see what possible licenses exist.
You're quoting from a section on the Proposed Final Draft.  It is not
unreasonable that the draft would have a more restrictive license than
the actual final spec.  However, the final release does say the spec 
must be set up with a click-through license.

However, I'm sure Spec Leads can pick their license terms, at least
within certain limits.  And some JSRs are open-source, at least the
But JCP is all very complicated, with a huge amount of process, and I
can't pretend to what extent Classpath might have problems.
I don't believe that not saying the Java word when describing what GNU
Classpath is lets you off the hook here. If nothing else the classes and
API's in the java* namespaces would fall under Sun's copyright.
You mean Sun's trademark, not copyright, of course.

I do? The API's are not as far as I am aware trademarked. It seems to me
that defining a set of API's that match Sun's Java API's would be copying
them - hence infringing on copyright.
Implementing a specification is *not* copying the specification.
However, I assume (as a non-lawyer) that copyright law does allow
Sun to place restrictions on downloading/reading (i.e. copying) the
specification, and hence there is a specification license.  Interpreting
the license is I understand more an issue of contract law than of
copyright law.
If you don't read the official specification and haven't agreed to
the license, then you can implement whatever you want without concern
about Sun's copyright, assuming you use public documents, such as books
and magazine articles.
However, avoiding the official Sun-licensed specification doesn't
protect you from patent or trademark issues.  And Sun has trademarked
Java, so if you implement a class called java.lang.String then you
could conceivably be infringing on Sun's trademark.
That's why I believe Sun's trademarks and patents are a more
fundamental concern that the copyright.
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: bug 10491 was Re: More astonishing progress in japi scores

2004-10-07 Thread Per Bothner
Sven de Marothy wrote:
Actually.. That's where the bug was! :-)
strtod (by ANSI C99) should handle Infinity and NaN.
The problem is the #ifdef on lines 268-273:
  val = strtod (p, endptr);
  val = _strtod_r (reent, p, endptr);
The former calls the standard library strtod function, the latter
calls the included fdlibm function. 

This appears to be an redundant construct. 
I don't quite see the reason here for using the fdlibm strtod.
So the fix for this would be to just replace this with:

  val = strtod (p, endptr);
This works. Of course, this might not work on every C compiler. 
But it does work with gcc. 
The general reason for the _r forms of various functions is that
the non-_r forms aren't reentrant - i.e. threadsafe.  I don'tknow
why/if that is an issue for strtod.
That other issue is that system strtod may not be accurate.
Note that parseDouble is required to return the *closest*
double.  This is a difficult requirement to meet, and cannot be done
by simple (i.e. traditional) implementations.
If the strtod in glibc is threadsafe *and* accurate, then we should
probably use it, at least as a default.
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: bug 10491 was Re: More astonishing progress in japi scores

2004-10-07 Thread Per Bothner
Archie Cobbs wrote:
Sven de Marothy wrote:
If the strtod in glibc is threadsafe *and* accurate, then we should
probably use it, at least as a default.
Dalibor Topic said on IRC that it has some problems on Irix. So it might
not be a good idea. So perhaps adding a special case would be best, or
you could solve it upstream by adding support for NaN and infinity to
Not everybody uses Linux, so what glibc does is not entirely relevant..
glibc is the *GNU* C library, so it's obviously not Linux-specific.
Classpath is the *GNU* Java library, so it isn't unreasonable to
optimize for the glibc case.  If on non-glibc platforms floating-point
conversion isn't quite as exact as the spec requires, fixing that is
not a priority.  Of course if somebody wants to work on a more portable
solution, that is great, as lang as it doesn't penalize the glibc case.
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: clickthrough license

2004-10-04 Thread Per Bothner
Mark Wielaard wrote:
Programmers will use published books
or publicly published articles to write their programs, so we better
make sure we are at least compatible with what they use/expect.
Programmers will use Sun's JavaDoc-generated API documents.  If anyone
reports a bug, that is what they will refer to.
It is pretty clear. Use public documentation, which doesn't need you to
consent to any additional click-through terms, as primary source when
working on GNU Classpath, preferably books.
There is often no such documentation.  Most book are tutorial, not
reference works that are anywhere close to comprehensive, or are out
of date.  There is one Swing book I know (O'Reilly's) that attempts
to cover the APIs systematicaly, for example, but even it is surely
insufficient for a useful independent implementation.
Sun's documentation license for 1.5 is quite unclear in what it
covers.  For example a literal reading seems to prohibit writing
books or articles about the JDK.  (It is neither developing
application or an independent implementation.)  In that case,
is it safe to depend on books and articles that may be the result of 
unpermitted actions?

It seems to me the license restricts how you use and distribute the
specification itself.  However, it cannot as a matter of copyright
law restrict the ideas or concepts of the specification, or prevent
us from learning from it.  It could make such restrictions under
trade secret law, but it would be nonsense to claim as a trade
secret something freely available on the web.
So the real concerns are any patents Sun may have, plus the trademarks
Sun may have.  But none of those are affected by whether or not we
read Sun's specifications.
Of course I would like a lawyer (and specifically Eben Moglen) to
evaluate this analysis.  Perhaps I'm wrong in dismising the
specification as a trade secret, for example.
FSF Legal will always advise not to take any unnessecary risks that
might endanger the (perceived) free software status of a GNU project.
Right, but even if reading the specification is a risk, I suspect it
falls into the necessary category.
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: redundant field initializers

2004-09-20 Thread Per Bothner
Mark Wielaard wrote:
Why would a compiler emit extra initialization code for default values
for fields? Not that I object to removing them, but it looks like the
compiler emits unnecessary code in this case.
One can construct torture cases where the semantics are different, for 
both static and instance fields, if some code change the field value 
before the initialization is assigned.

For exmple:
class Z {
static int peek() { return j++; }
static int i = peek();
static int j = 0;
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: Working On Classpath

2004-05-27 Thread Per Bothner
Thomas Fitzsimmons wrote:
Modified versions of ant and tomcat that work with GCJ are available
from the RHUG project:
They are now also Fedora ( - if you install
everything in Fedora Core, you get a bunch of Java packages, with
.jar files, documentation, and gcj-compiled .so files.
I'd like to make a compatible kawa-NNN.rpm ...
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: [Jikesrvm-core] Re:

2004-05-12 Thread Per Bothner
Anthony Green wrote:

I did an exotic port, and this was my solution (which I still think is a
good idea!):
which says:

 My basic plan is to move all of these package private methods to a new
 abstract class called (for lack of
 a better name). will have one new package
 private method for returning the PlatformFileDescriptor associated
 with that FileDescriptor.
One of the advantages of the new FileChannel-based implementation
is that we no longer need a separate PlatformFileDescriptor.  The
FileChannelImpl serves that need, without the need for an extra
object and extra indirection.  Right now FileChannelImpl is not
sub-classed, but it would be perfectly reasonable and a minor
change to use implementation-specific FileChannel[Impl] classes.
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: [Jikesrvm-core] Re:

2004-05-11 Thread Per Bothner
Steven Augart wrote:

Michael Koch wrote:

What if someone wants to port GNU classpath to an Operating System 
with totally different semantics like Windows ?
If someone does that kind of port, he'll have more problems than just
than the size of a file descriptor.
I think Michael was being ironic.  I haven't checked the current
Classpath, libcj (which shares most of its code with Classpath)
certainly supports Windows.
I think the cleanest solution is to allows FileChannelImpl to be
subclassed, or to uses different classes that implement FileChannel.
But the current code works fine for now.
For JNI performance I don't see any reason not to not to have the
Java code pass the native fd field to the native method - just
realize that if/when Classpath gets ported to a system that
uses 64 pointers we may have to redo things.  One solution
may be to use the Posix API.
The Posix IO functions (open/read/write etc) are available on
Windows.  I don't know why they're not used - performance?
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: Classpath build process and VM-specific issues

2004-04-09 Thread Per Bothner
Etienne Gagnon wrote:

I am starting to have difficulty understanding Classpath's goals and 

When I proposed to add to Classpath some mechanism to allow it to be 
customized to each VM, I was told that it would be a heresy to encode 
any VM-specific thing into Classpath, as the vision was: a single 
Classpath installation would be shared by many VMs on a single system, 
e.g. common class libraries, common JNI libraries, etc.

Now, what you are proposing is that JNI libraries would be compiled 
specifically for each VM.  What have I missed?
That I do not speak for Classpath, and that different people have
different goals and opinions.
Personally, I don't see much point in common class libraries, common
JNI libraries.  It might be neat, but:
(a) it complicates getting good performance, and
(b) coordinating Classpath and VM releses would be too difficult.
Yes, it's more elegant to install a single copy of Classpath, but
GCJ is not going to use the system installation of Classpath, and
I wouldn't expect others to do so either.
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: Classpath build process and VM-specific issues

2004-04-07 Thread Per Bothner
Jeroen Frijters wrote:

That's why I'm very much in favor of using RawData.  ...

public abstract class RawData {}

public final class RawData32 extends RawData
  private int pointer;
public final class RawData64 extends RawData
  private long pointer;
All the Java code would ever see are RawData references, but the JNI
layer knows that all RawData references are actually 32 or 64 bit (or
whatever that platform requires).
But this is a completely different model than the CNI RawData,
since you're adding an extra layer of indirection.
In CNI, a RawData is not an object that *contains* a pointer;
the pointer is the RawData reference itself.
inline void* RawData_to_pointer (RawData *rd)
  return (void*) (rd);

inline void* RawData_to_pointer (RawData *rd)
  return (void*) (rd-pointer);
Adding the extra indirection seems like a bad idea to me.
I'd rather use jlong.  But I don't see any real reason not to
use RawData.  I can see on a few JVMs it may cause problems,
but they can easily sed the source to convert RawData to long.
Just think of RawData has a macro.
--Per Bothner
Classpath mailing list

Re: [Article] Sun Fires Back over Open Source Java Accusations

2004-02-18 Thread Per Bothner
Tom Tromey wrote:

IMO, while it would be helpful if Sun opened their source, we don't
really need it.
On the other hand, I'm sure Red Hat would rather spend their
development resources on *not* having to re-implement Swing,
or all the new features of JDK 1.5 ...
It seems a waste to duplicate Sun's work, but of course
Sun is under no obligation to us.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: JIT pluggability (ABI Issues)

2004-01-12 Thread Per Bothner
Patrik Reali wrote:

Calling Convention
* left-to-right (as in java) or right-to-left (as in C)
Huh?  Argument evaluation order is not really part of the ABI.
C has *unspecified* evaluation order, so many implementations
have evaluated them right-to-left because that's the way the
stack grows (on most C implementations).  But this is less
relevant with optimizing compilers and register-based calling
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

PATCH for Date.parse

2004-01-03 Thread Per Bothner
One of the Kawa tests was failing because our implementation of
Date.parse was buggy.  A sensible person might have changed the
testcase (since it was just to test calling static Java methods from 
Alas, I'm not a sensible person, so I fixed instead.  There were
a number of problems with it.  There are almost certainly still bugs in it,
but now it shouldn't fail quite so easily.

I checked the attached patch into libjava.
It should also go into Classpath.
I also have a Mauve test case.
   --Per Bothner

2004-01-03  Per Bothner  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* java/util/ (parse):  Fix a number of problems.
(skipParens):  Remove no-longer-needed method.

RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/libjava/java/util/,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.11
---   24 Mar 2003 13:56:57 -  1.11
+++   4 Jan 2004 00:27:05 -
@@ -304,34 +304,6 @@
 return format.format(this);
-  private static int skipParens(String string, int offset)
-  {
-int len = string.length();
-int p = 0;
-int i;
-for (i = offset; i  len; ++i)
-  {
-   if (string.charAt(i) == '(')
- ++p;
-   else if (string.charAt(i) == ')')
- {
-   --p;
-   if (p == 0)
- return i + 1;
-   // If we've encounted unbalanced parens, just return the
-   // leftover one as an ordinary character.  It will be
-   // caught later in parsing and cause an
-   // IllegalArgumentException.
-   if (p  0)
- return i;
- }
-  }
-// Not sure what to do if `p != 0' here.
-return i;
-  }
   private static int parseTz(String tok, char sign)
 throws IllegalArgumentException
@@ -408,20 +380,25 @@
 // Trim out any nested stuff in parentheses now to make parsing easier.
 StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-int off = 0;
-int openParenOffset, tmpMonth;
-while ((openParenOffset = string.indexOf('(', off)) = 0)
+int parenNesting = 0;
+int len = string.length();
+for (int i = 0;  i  len;  i++)
-   // Copy part of string leading up to open paren.
-   buf.append(string.substring(off, openParenOffset));
-   off = skipParens(string, openParenOffset);
+   char ch = string.charAt(i);
+   if (ch = 'a'  ch = 'z')
+ ch -= 'a' - 'A';
+   if (ch == '(')
+ parenNesting++;
+   else if (parenNesting == 0)
+ buf.append(ch);
+   else if (ch == ')')
+ parenNesting--;
+int tmpMonth;
 // Make all chars upper case to simplify comparisons later.
 // Also ignore commas; treat them as delimiters.
-StringTokenizer strtok =
-  new StringTokenizer(buf.toString().toUpperCase(),  \t\n\r,);
+StringTokenizer strtok = new StringTokenizer(buf.toString(),  \t\n\r,);
 while (strtok.hasMoreTokens())
@@ -436,56 +413,59 @@
while (tok != null  tok.length()  0)
-   // A colon or slash may be valid in the number.
-   // Find the first of these before calling parseInt.
-   int colon = tok.indexOf(':');
-   int slash = tok.indexOf('/');
-   int hyphen = tok.indexOf('-');
-   // We choose tok.length initially because it makes
-   // processing simpler.
-   int punctOffset = tok.length();
-   if (colon = 0)
- punctOffset = Math.min(punctOffset, colon);
-   if (slash = 0)
- punctOffset = Math.min(punctOffset, slash);
-   if (hyphen = 0)
- punctOffset = Math.min(punctOffset, hyphen);
-   // Following code relies on -1 being the exceptional
-   // case.
-   if (punctOffset == tok.length())
- punctOffset = -1;
-   int num;
-   try
- {
-   num = Integer.parseInt(punctOffset  0 ? tok :
-  tok.substring(0, punctOffset));
- }
-   catch (NumberFormatException ex)
- {
-   throw new IllegalArgumentException(tok);
- }
-   // TBD: Spec says year can be followed by a slash.  That might
-   // make sense if using YY/MM/DD formats, but it would fail in
-   // that format for years = 70.  Also, what about 1900?  That
-   // is interpreted as the year 3800; seems that the comparison
-   // should be num = 1900 rather than just  1900.
-   // What about a year of 62 - 70?  (61 or less could be a (leap)
-   // second).  70/MM/DD cause an exception but 71/MM/DD is ok

Re: [Little Off Topic] Revolution is on ;)

2003-11-29 Thread Per Bothner
Arnaud Vandyck wrote:

Tom Tromey 
GCJ is a free Java front end for EGCS.
 This new front end is integrated into the EGCS project.

EGCS?  New front end?
Tom, you're living in the past ...
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: new jalopy available

2003-11-20 Thread Per Bothner
David P Grove wrote:

 It also creates a minor annoyance when you get patches from users that 
created them in an ide where spaces per tab is often set equal to indent 
This seems to be common in the Windows world.  It has the advantage
that you can adjust indentation width according to personal preference
by changing a display parameter (the tab width) without changing any
source files.
Unfortunately, it's incompatible with the Unix tab-is-8-column
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: org.omg link on Classpath homepage

2003-10-20 Thread Per Bothner
Stuart Ballard wrote:
  b) If they are free but aren't GPL-compatible, shouldn't there be a 
prominent warning because (if I understand the issues correctly) that 
would make anything that's simultaneously a derived work of Classpath 
and the org.omg packages completely unredistributable?
I don't think so.  Classpath uses GPL+exception and can be linked
with proprietary applications.  So someone could almost certainly
distribute Classpath + org.omg.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: NYIException

2003-09-29 Thread Per Bothner
Jeroen Frijters wrote:

I'm certainly not throwing in the towel ;-) I think it should be an
error, but I can live with NYIException being an Exception, what I
cannot accept is (ab)using UnsupportedOperationException.
I still don't see any real problem with UnsupportedOperationException,
but I don't care that much.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: NYIException

2003-09-28 Thread Per Bothner
David Holmes wrote:

Seems to me that this is a RuntimeException then. Only an application
that is being written for Classpath will be able to take alternative
action if core functionality is missing. Any other application will
just have to throw up its hands.
On the other hand, if the exception is UnsupportedOperationException
then it is possible for a portable application to try an alternative
approach - which may work.
If the exception is a new class, then that is not possible.

If it doesn't catch it, then nothing is lost.

It should *NOT* be a subclass of an existing exception type that has
well defined semantics and is likely to be caught in general
applications - like UnsupportedOperationException. I agree with Jeroen
that not being implemented when it should be, is quite distinct from
not supporting an optional operation.
The latter is true, but the former does not follow.  I think creating
a new non-portable sub-class is solving a non-existent problem.
But more important is throwing *some* exception.  We *must* fix the
current situation where unimplemented methods silently do nothing
or return null.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: NYIException

2003-09-28 Thread Per Bothner
David Holmes wrote:

- UnsupportedOperationException

  + semantically close in meaning
  + allows simple use of try/catch in portable programs
  - not uniquely defining ie grepping for it will give false results
The proposal from March takes care of this:
   throw new UnsupportedOperationException(not implemented[ - optional 
This makes grep easy.

  + No new classes needed.
  + No dependency on non-standard classes.  I.e. somebody can contribute
an incomplete implementation of a class that without having to depend
on ClassPath.
- NYIException

  + semantically exact in meaning
True.  However to what extent is this useful?
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: NYIException

2003-09-26 Thread Per Bothner
We discussed this in March, and there was agreement that we
should use use UnsupportedOperationException.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: NYIException

2003-09-26 Thread Per Bothner
Michael Koch wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Am Freitag, 26. September 2003 19:29 schrieb Per Bothner:

We discussed this in March, and there was agreement that we
should use use UnsupportedOperationException.

Its never too late to rethink something.
But unless one is aware of previous discussion (and even if one is),
much time may be wasted.  So far I haven't seen any reason why we
need to re-consider the previous consensus.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: GNU Classpath 0.06 created

2003-08-24 Thread Per Bothner
Mark Wielaard wrote:

Although I don't have access yet to to publish the release
I have already created the 0.06 release tarball. I also tagged the CVS
tree as 'classpath-0_06-release'.
You don't put releases on - you put them on
You can put pre-releases on, but if you already have
a release there seems little point.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: GNU Classpath 0.06 created

2003-08-23 Thread Per Bothner
Mark Wielaard wrote:

My thinking was that the 0.0x releases are actually the pre-releases
while we work towards the first real GNU Classpath 1.0 release. People
can combine these pre-releases with their own VMs like gcj, kissme,
jikesRVM, Jaos, etc already do. But as long as we don't have at least a
minimum of functionality to offer (we are hoping that 1.0 will have the
equivalent functionality as core libraries that come with some
proprietary 1.1 JDKs) and a stable/maintainable VM interface we cannot
call it a real release.
If you've created a cvs tag, and given it a real version number,
I'd call it a release, even if it's not a 1.0 relase.
has outlived its usefulness (evidenced by the fact that it is little
used) now that alpha code is available in CVS for most projects.
Note that is not mirrored the way is.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: GNU Classpath Linuxtag meeting minutes

2003-07-14 Thread Per Bothner
Mark Wielaard wrote:

- We should have a standard NotYetImplementedException. Just returning
  something random (like null) from stubs is really not
  acceptable. Kaffe for example has one.
In the gcj list I suggested UnsupportedOperationException, with a 

throw new UnsupportedOperationException (REASON);
where REASON is a string literal that includes not implemented
and all on a single line (to make it easy to grep for).
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: javax.swing.plaf; next steps

2003-06-27 Thread Per Bothner
Sascha Brawer wrote:

For all text-editing, including a simple JTextField, we need a working
implementation of javax.swing.text. This is a hairy beast, but it would
be quite interesting to do, and very useful for other applications.
I have a gnu.lists.CharBuffer and a gnu.jemacs.swing.BufferContent
class.  The latter implements javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.Content. 
 These are used in the JEmacs implementation that comes with Kawa.
	--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: Want to help in integrating swing. Really last question.

2003-03-08 Thread Per Bothner
Brian Jones wrote:
Clemens Eisserer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ey Clemens, do you have some shared webspace somewhere? Want to work
together on this? Otherwise we'd be working in parallel on the same
areas: waste of time.
Hmmm, what do you think about soureforge?

Btw, you can have access to Classpath's CVS after we've taken care of
assignment paperwork.  How does that sound?
We want to avoid sourceforge, especially for GNU projects.
Better to use (not just for GNU projects).
 Btw, you can have access to Classpath's CVS after we've taken care of
 assignment paperwork.  How does that sound?
Which sounds like the best solution.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: More finalize woes

2003-03-06 Thread Per Bothner
Stephen Crawley wrote:
I'd say yes.  A compiler cannot know what the target VM's implementation of
java.lang.Object.finalize() does, and hence whether calling it is necessary.
It can know that any *correct* implementation of Object.finalize is
a no-op, so there is no reason it call it.  It is hard to imagine any
use for a non-empty Object.finalize; any VM-specific actions on
object cleanup should be part of the run-time system instead.
An unnecessary call to java.lang.Object.finalize() won't hurt anyone.
Well, there is always performance ...

Besides, this would only be a compiler warning, and the user would be
free to ignore it.
Many projects, including gcc itself, prohibit warnings.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: More finalize woes

2003-03-06 Thread Per Bothner
Stephen Crawley wrote:
[*  Calling super.finalize in a finalizer  for a direct subclass of Object 
insulates the programmer from problems if he/she changes the inheritance 
That's a reasonable point.  However ...

Insignificant, IMO.  The number of objects that have finalizers is very
IIRC all objects technicaly have finalizer.  The question is which
objects have non-trivial finalizers.  If (to allow changing class
hierarchies as above) you require all classes to contain:
  public void finalize () { super.finalize(); }

(which is a logical extension of what you said), then it becomes
more difficult to detect non-trivial finalizers.  Not very
difficulat, mind you, just a little less trivial, if I may say so.
Besides, even if the application programmer went mad and put
finalizer methods in lots of classes, the cost of calling
Object.finalize would be swamped by the cost of setting up the stacks
etcetera to call the most-derived finalizer.
I'm not sure what setting up the stacks etcetera refers to.
However, objects with (non-trivial) finalizers are quite expensive
in many Java implementations.
The JLS also goes on to say the following:
   We encourage implementations to treat such objects as having a finalizer 
   that is not overridden, and to finalize them more efficiently, as 
   described in ยง12.6.1.

I think it is arguable that a JVM could optimize away all calls to
super.finalize() that bind to Object.finalize().  This would make the
performance question moot ... for such JVMs.

If project policy strictly prohibits warnings, it must wear the cost of
code to circumvent the warnings.  In this case, the cost will be
vanishingly small, at least in realistic examples.
Yes, but only if the JVM does the recommended optimization.
I don't know if GCJ does.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

unimplemented methods

2003-03-01 Thread Per Bothner
I just looked at a couple of classes (
and java.awt.GridBagLayout) and noticed lots of
unimplemented methods just do nothing or return null.
This has to stop.  If an method does not do what it
is supposed to do, then it must throw an exception.
I'll make an exception for a method where you might
get semi-useful results if it isn't implemented
correctly, but if a class isn't anywhere close to
useful, it shouldn't pretend to be.
That raises the question:  What exception to throw?
We could add a special gnu exception, but I suggest
UnsupportedOperationException.  E.g:
  public URI (String scheme, String ssp, String fragment)
throws URISyntaxException
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: Classpath / GCJ Merge

2003-02-27 Thread Per Bothner
Brian Jones wrote:
I have noticed that for a good deal of CNI code it is quite straight
forward to turn it into C or C++ based JNI instead.  There was a Perl
script that someone purported to do some of this a while ago.  I'm
tempted to play with it a bit.
That would be great, but surprising.  I would think you'd need
a fair bit of analysis to convert CNI to JNI.
If we could maintain native methods in readable CNI, possibly
with some annotations/conventions to ease the script's job,
and generate JNI automatically from that, it might solve
much of the CNI vs JNI problems.  For the hard bits, we could
use #ifdef CNI sections.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: Classpath / GCJ Merge

2003-02-27 Thread Per Bothner
Brian Jones wrote:
I'd like to see our I/O implementation handle 64-bit filesystems and
all the native libs be 64-bit compatible (i.e. no assuming pointers
are ints, file handles are ints, etc.).
GCJ uses the magic class type gnu.gcj.RawData as essentially
a non-GC'd 'void *' pointer.  This may not be portable to other
VMs directly, but you could have a script convert gnu.gcj.RawData
to int or long, depending on the target word size.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: implementation

2003-02-10 Thread Per Bothner
Giannis Georgalis wrote:

I agree with you. I found JFlex, that is *much*
faster than a hand-written scanner, as the benchmarks below

I think space is *much* more important than speed when it comes
to parsing URIs.  How big is the generated scanner?

I'm also skeptical as to how JFlex is faster.  The only thing I
can think of is that a generated parser might use fewer method
calls that most hard-written parsers.  But unless you show
a hand-written parser next to the JFlex parser, I can't tell
whether the hand-written parser is just poorly written.

Of course a complicated Perl-style regular expression with
backtracking will be very difficult to implement by hand,
but parsing URIs shouldn't need that.
	--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: implementation

2003-02-10 Thread Per Bothner
Giannis Georgalis wrote:

The generated scanner is not big (about 300 loc).

A more interesting measure is .class file size.

As you note, generated scanners are faster because they save a lot of
function calls, have lookup tables,

Lookup tables are difficult when using Unicode - a simple
one-element-per-character table is too wasteful, at least
for a non-critical helper class like URI.

and as far as I remember they
work like FSMs (finite state machines).

That does not say anything about the implementation.
A hand-written scanner is also a FSM.

Additionally don't forget
that the URI objects are immutable. That means that as soon as the
parsing is complete, the parser object is *dead*.

But you still have to allocate the parser object(s), which a
hand-written parser doesn't have to.  And object allocation
is relatively expensive, in the context of parsing a URI.
	--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: Wonka Classpath

2002-11-10 Thread Per Bothner
Chris Gray wrote:

However it still seems to me that GPL+exception excludes the 
possibility of
binary-only distributions, something which we do not wish to exclude.

My reading is that it excludes binary-only distribution of modified
libraries, which we *do* want to exclude.

Admittedly there seems to be little reason why a systems integrator would
need to make proprietary modifications to a core package such as 
java.awt (as
opposed to wonka.rudolph.peers), but still I can imagine cases where 
the GPL
would impose on the system integrator the obligation to provide source 
to anyone who asked.

I think that is a feature, not a bug in the license.  We want to
encourage people to submit improvements.
	--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: japize

2002-10-01 Thread Per Bothner

Brian Jones wrote:
 Btw, there are entirely too many bytecode libraries out there... Jode,
 gnu.bytecode, Apache's version of the same, and on and on... anyone
 know what the best GPL and BSD compatible ones are?

It depends what you're trying to do.  gnu.bytecode is optimized for
low-overhead code generation, plus basic slurping of the contents of
.class files, and it is less suited (at least in its
current incarnation) for heavy-duty instruction analysis,
peephole optimization, etc.  Most similar libraries seem to use one
object for each instruction, which is flexible, but expensive.
gnu.bytecode just appends instructions into a byte array, using
a large set of convenience methods that pick the correct instructions.
(Simplified of course.  For example, you can reference undefined
labels, so you have to be able to back-patch the array.  And
there is limited support for re-ordering code.)  (I would like
change it to use basic blocks as the fundamental unit,  using the 
algorithms I wrote for gcc/java/jcf-write.c, but I haven't had time.)

gnu.bytecode is compatible with the GPL.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: OT: GPL and jar file

2002-08-17 Thread Per Bothner

Andreas Rueckert wrote:
 That would mean it depends on the JVM? If you have a JVM, that loads all the
 classes at once, B becomes GPLed, if the JVM loads the classes on demand, B
 keeps it's license?

I don't see how that makes a difference.

 Let be elaborate a bit further on my question. My problem is a Installer called
 izPack ( ), that is under GPL. It creates a
 single Jar with the installer classes (under GPL) and the app to be installed.
 Julien Ponge (izPack author) says, you can install even closed source apps with
 the tool, while I'm uncertain.

Well, if he owns the copyright, he gets to decide, a he is the one
who has standing to sue.  And maybe his interpretation is right,
fo his code.  But he should make it clear, in the license, if he
hasn't already.

 Sorry for the OT discussion, but the same problem would occur, if anyone would
 include classpath code in a non-GPLed project, so I thought you might have an

But Classpath is not GPL - it is GPL with an extra exception allowing
you to link it with proprietary code.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: OT: GPL and jar file

2002-08-16 Thread Per Bothner

Andreas Rueckert wrote:
 I have a licensing question, that you might be able to answer: are 2 classes in
 a jar file 'linked' in a GPL way? I mean, if class A is under GPL and I put it
 in a jar file with class B, does it restrict the license of B to GPL? Or could
 B still be closed source?

This is a legal question, and I don't think anyone here can really
answer it.

My guess is that just placing the  classes in a jar doesn't link them,
but loading both classes into the same JVM does.  However, this is
like the old user-does-the-link ploy which (I believe) NeXT tried
(for the Objective-C compiler).  The FSF sicced their lawyers on them
and NeXT ended up Free'ing their Objective-C compiler.

A determining factor is likely to be to what extent B depends on A.
If they are completely independent, it is probably ok (mere
aggregation); but if B depends on A, I wouldn't try it.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: java.lang.StrictMath

2002-02-14 Thread Per Bothner

Eric Blake wrote:
 StrictMath is required to be implemented in pure Java, not
 in native code;

Where is this peculiar requirement stated?  No proper
specification would make any such requirement (not to
suggest that Java has a proper specification) - most
standards have an as-if rule:  The implementation must
behave *as if* it used the specified algorithm or code,
but as long as no valid program can tell the difference,
the implementation is free to use some other algorithm.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: java.lang.StrictMath

2002-02-14 Thread Per Bothner

Eric Blake wrote:
 But maybe it
 is worth it after all for StrictMath to have native implementations,

Note I am not saying that StrictMath should have native implementations,
only that it *may*, *if* the results are the same.

 Is the overhead of calling a native method offset by the
 speed of doing this number crunching without going through bytecode?

It depends.  For GCJ, there is no overhead for calling a native method,
beyond the normal method calling overhead, which is the same as in C++.
(For virtual calls.  Interface calls are a different matter.)  For JDK,
or other system with a good JIT, it is probably faster to use Java code.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: java.awt status LGPL - GPL?

2001-10-30 Thread Per Bothner

I would not be too hasty about changing any files quite yet.
I (in my capacity as a member of the Gcc steering comittee)
am pushing for a better resolution of this issue.

Classpath mailing list

Re: java.math.*

2001-10-28 Thread Per Bothner

Brian Jones wrote:

I'd like to adopt the gcj java.math.BigInteger/BigDecimal classes and
the related gnu.gcj.math.MPN.  This latter class is from Kawa so I'd
like to make sure we can use this.  Are there any problems or

You have my blessing (as author of Kawa and the MPN class).

It would be nice if someone cleaned up the serialization. Right now
BigInteger has a bunch of extra fields which are only used
temporarily during serialization, to match Sun's format.  It would be
great if someone who knows the serialization format (or wants to
learn) could write the code to generate the correct serilaization
direcectly without using temporary fields.  (Even better would be to
avoid generating temporary objects when serializing, but I'll settle
for getting rid of the extra fields.)
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: Fw: java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport

2001-09-17 Thread Per Bothner

Anthony Green wrote:

Hey Per --

Perhaps you're not on the classpath list...


BeanContextSupport is used by Jetty.  I believe Per had Jetty working with

No, I don't recall working on Jetty.  I've played with Jigsaw and 
I believe i got the former basically working.

Classpath mailing list

Re: Java tools

2001-07-10 Thread Per Bothner

Nic Ferrier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Tom Tromey [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10-Jul-01 4:29:31 PM 
I don't have a real objection.  But I think that adding 
a new project every time does make things more difficult.
 In what way?

It is convenient if related/dependent projects can share a
cvs repository.  They could still be separate projects,
but each project does add its own overhead.

I'd prefer to see us simply expand the mandate of, say, 
Classpath and then just put more things in it.
 I'd be happy with that too, perhaps Classpath would need a seperate
 CVS module for each tool but I don't see a major organizational
 problem either way.
 The only trouble with Classpath is that it requires (c) assignment
 and the 'exception' licence. 
 A large part of this problem could be obviated if the Classpath
 administrators choose to accept tools under non-exception licences,
 eg: plain GPL or LGPL.

GCC and related projects has traditionally distinguished host tools
vs target libraries.  The latter may run on embedded systems, and
may be linked in with user (customer) applications, and so need the
exception.  The host tools are not linked with application code, and
they don't run on embedded systems, so traditionally have been GPL.
Sometimes code falls into both categories.  The libiberty library
is an example.  A regex library or getopt are other possible examples.
The GCC project emcompasses both kinds of code; classpath focuses on
target libraries.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: Java pages: project on savannah

2001-04-11 Thread Per Bothner

"Nic Ferrier" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm ccing this to:
 - per bothner because he runs another major GNU java project (Kawa)

I'm also on the Gcc steering committee with special interest in
Java and Gcj (which by the way can now compile Kawa, and Kawa-compiled
Scheme code, to native code).

 My question is: would anyone getting this have an objection to me
 setting up a savannah project to manage the GNU java web pages?

I recently started up a discussion on Java "packaging" in a different
sense - i.e. how Java packages should be installed, with the hope that
this would be an update to GNU and Linux standards, but with no
resolution yet.  This savannah project should also include or link
to a document specifying GNU installation recommendations.
    --Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: [Savannah-hackers] Re: Java pages: project on savannah

2001-04-11 Thread Per Bothner

"Nic Ferrier" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'd like you to consider what I'm talking about though. The current
 system is accepting java programs and listing them on our website as a
 service to the java community... it's not making them part of the GNU

The other parts of this is acting as a clearing-house for the gnu.*
hierarchy of Java package names.  We obviously need some kind of
clearing-house to avoid clashes, and we also need a registry of
packages under gnu.*.  (Of course packages *not* under gnu.* can still
be GNU software.)  At one point I thought that was to be that
registry of gnu.* packages.  But is it being used that way?  Is it
being updated?

In February I sent mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] asking whether I could
"have" the gnu.lists package name.  I've gotten no answer, so I don't
really know if it ok or not to call my package gnu.lists.  I finally
decided to go ahead.  I now have another new package containing XML
utilities (for now a parser, printer, namespace-resolver, and xpath
evaluator).  This builds on gnu.lists and is in many ways different
from traditional xml implementations.  I'd like to call this gnu.xml.
Nic's proposal came about because of a discussion we had about whether
I could/should call my package gnu.xml, and how to "register" the
gnu.xml package.  I still think java-software.html or a similar
catalog is a good mechanism, but we need some kind of policy for
how new packages can be approved and added.  The [EMAIL PROTECTED]
list may be a good place to discuss proposed packages, but perhaps
it needs to be expanded to more people.
--Per Bothner

Classpath mailing list

Re: gnu.* namespace discussion

2000-04-14 Thread Per Bothner

Warren Levy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 My feeling at this point is that a gnu.classpath hierarchy would be more
 appropriate than a one.  I realize that would mean a change to
 the existing structure and that is not fun.  Is there a better approach?
 I'm sure that there are other aspects to this that I'm not bringing out
 here.  Please bring out any issues you see associated with this for

It depends on how we view the relationship between libgcj and
Classpath.  If we want to emphasize that these classes are specific to
the classpath implementation then we can use gnu.classpath.  But
personally I see nothing wrong with for
library-implementation-specific classes that are not specific to gcj.
Classes that are not dependent on the specific vm or gcj compiler
technology should be in (or whatever name we choose).
Classes that are specific to libgcj should remain gnu.gcj.

My opnion is quite tentative.  My suggestion is to keep things is and gnu.gcj for now.  We can move things around later when
we've got some more feeling for what makes sense.
--Per Bothner

Re: gnu.* namespace discussion

2000-04-14 Thread Per Bothner

Brian Jones wrote:

 In what way is anyone else using* which conflicts with GNU
 Classpath?  Maybe that's the real problem.  No central name space
 controller has been forthcoming from the FSF.

I didn't see this message (it doesn't seem to have made it to
java-discuss), so I don't know what the "real problem" referred to is.

The central name space controller is supposed to be

Stuart Ballard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Not to beat a dead horse, but I think that's why Sun chose to use the
 reverse-domain-name scheme - the central namespace controller is already
 established and Sun didn't need to do any work on controlling the

No, but each organization still does.  You may notice that Sun does
not appears to be folliwing their reverse-domain-name scheme *within*
the com.sun package.  That seems to be generally true: People follow
the reverse-domain-name scheme for the first two parts, but beyond
that they tend to pick more common-sense names.  In other works: They
just pay lip-service to the reverse-domain-name scheme, and I don't
blame them: It's a bad solution, and there is no reason why Gnu should
follow it.  See:

 In that case, we could be using org.classpath and do whatever we wanted
 to within that space.

Sure, but what problem would that solve?

 I once heard someone say that if a convincing case could be made to the
 FSF in favor of moving to the reverse-domain scheme from the gnu.*
 scheme, they would maybe consider it. Perhaps the
 central-namespace-controller issue is the basis for a convincing case?

Adding a "org." in front does not make the problem any easier or harder.
    --Per Bothner

Re: Proposal for CNI/JNI problems

2000-01-15 Thread Per Bothner

Bernd Kreimeier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


ANRLR is not a compiler;  it is parser-generator.  It does not handle
C++ name resolution, for example, as far as I know.

 What do you mean by annotated-CNI?

CNI with macros that are no-ops when using CNI, but that help whatever
tools is used to convert to JNI.

 Is a modification of gcjh a good way to simplify the task for
 the parser/converter? I.e. marking Java-turned-C++ classes, 
 enforcing naming schemes/prefixes etc.? 

I don't see how it helps.  The problem is analyzing the user's C++
native code.

 Having parts of the toolchain being pure Java (along with the
 ability to compile them to native code for bootstrap) is the
 foundation for much more portability.

But why is this an inportant goal for GNU Classpath?
--Per Bothner

Re: Proposal for CNI/JNI problems

2000-01-12 Thread Per Bothner

Paul Fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This sounds like a good solution, and it's certainly better than the
 pure-C++ solution that I was working on.
 Do you, or anyone else in the gcc/gcj camp, have time to work on such
 a feature?

I don't think I have time to actually do the work.  I can help out, in
pointing to where I think things need to be done.  Though the specific
case of changing the method header might be best to ask the gcc
mailing list, because I've heard rumours about plans to clean up the
code that does name mangling.  They might also be the best to suggest
the cleanest place to fix this.  (Adding support to re-writing
field references and method invocation is probably easier, because
it is more obvious what needs to be changed:  It basically needs to
be done when the tree nodes are generated.)
--Per Bothner

Re: Proposal for CNI/JNI problems

2000-01-11 Thread Per Bothner

Paul Fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 While it's important that Classpath continue to support JNI,

The first question is why?  What is the goal?  (Obviously JVMs
should support JNI; that is not my question.)  Presumably, the
goal is that Classpath can be used as the standard Java library
for non-Gcj JVMs.  The question then is how portable do we
need to/want to be?

(1) Is it OK to write Classpath in C++ rather than C?  Doing so rules
out architectures that don't have a C++ compiler.  If a platform does
not support C++, then it doesn't support Gcc.  From a GNU point of
view, I don't think it is important to support such platforms.  So C++
is it, as it makes it easier to use CNI or a JNI/CNI hybrid.

(2) Is it OK for Classpath to depend on G++ extensions?  For example,
G++ has some special knowledge of Java, to support CNI.  Whether
these extensions are going to help with JNI is another matter.

Tom Tromey suggested that the ideal way to let people write code
that is both JNI and CNI-compliant is to have a compiler that can
read CNI and emit JNI.  See:
My first reaction was that this was too difficult.  But it becomes
simpler if we remember that JNI is an Application *Binary* Interface.
All we need do is have G++ have an option to generate JNI calls.

For example, let is call this option -femit-jni.  First, note that
G++ already has the concept that certain classes have the "Java
property".  (In practice, thes are the classes that inherit from
java::lang::Object.)  If the compiler sees a field reference
*and* -femit-jni has been specified *and* the type of VAL is a
pointer to a class that has the Java property, *then* the compiler
instead generates (code *as if* it had seen):
static jfieldID f1 =
  (*__jnienv)-GetFieldID(__jnienv, CLS, "FIELDNAME", ...);
(*__jnienv)-GetObjectField(__jnienv, VAL, f1);

Method invocation can be handled similarly.

What about the __jnienv mentioned before?  That is the JNIEnv pointer
needed by JNI.  It is provided by the JNI call.  The compiler
has to translate the CNI method declaration to a JNI method.
For example:
jclass java::lang::Object::getClass()
  return ...
would get translated by the compiler to:
jclass Java_java_lang_Object_getClass(JNIEnv* __jnienv, jobject this)
  return ...;

That is not a big deal.  Basically, it's a special name mangling,
plus an extra hidden argument.

Finally, consider the body of Object::getClass().  We want to be able to
return Jv_GetObjectClass(this);
We want to have the compiler generate:
return (*__jnienv)-GetObjectClass(__jnienv, this);
We don't want to teach the compiler about all these CNJ/JNI methods.
Instead, we put it in the cni.h header file:
#ifdef __JNI
#define Jv_GetObjectClass(OBJ) \
  (*__jnienv)-GetObjectClass(__jnienv, OBJ) 
#define Jv_GetObjectClass(OBJ) _Jv_GetObjectClass(OBJ)
Now all we have to do if make sure -femit-jni causes __JNI to be defined.
    --Per Bothner

Re: Algorithm used by BigInteger prime generator?

1999-04-23 Thread Per Bothner

"D'Arcy Smith" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 [crypto] is what [BigInteger] is was written for in the first place

I had the (unsubstantiated) impression was that it was written for
JDBC (i.e. a needed SQL data type).  Certainly, I can't imagine
BigDecimal being useful for crypto, but big decimal integers
(at least 18 digits) are needed for database applications.

    --Per Bothner
Cygnus Solutions [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Algorithm used by BigInteger prime generator?

1999-04-23 Thread Per Bothner

 No my assumption was based on a conversation I had with
 the original author a couple of years ago...

Well, JDBC does use BigDecimal, and was presumably a motivator
for including it in JDK1.1.  I agree that geneating random primes
suggests crypto, and may have been a motivator for the
"original author" of BigInteger.  What you did not explain
was whether by "orginal author" you mean the person
who wrote a BigInteger class that java.math.BigInteger was
based on, if this pre-dates JDK1.1, or you mean the person at
JavaSoft who "owned" java.math in JDK1.1, or if they are the same person.

In any case, big numbers are useful for various applications,
inlcuding crypto.

It is important that the generated "random" values be the same
on all platforms, and that is difficult with Sun's missing
specifications.  (Even the specifications of in the
JLS is incomplete; classes not specified on the JLS often
are way under-specified.  And the Class Libraries books,
in additions to *not* being specifications, have lots of

--Per Bothner
Cygnus Solutions [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Free Java @ JavaOne 1999

1998-10-21 Thread Per Bothner

Sounds reasonable.  One format is 5-10 presentation from each group,
followed by 5-10 minutes questions to a specific group, followed
by open floor.

However, 60 minutes in length may not be enough for all the groups.
Two back-to-back sessions would be better, if we could get it.

Alternatively, just having separate sessions may make more sense.
I suspect we could fill a 60-minute session on our own!

--Per Bothner
Cygnus Solutions [EMAIL PROTECTED]