The compiler probably already converts recursive lets/wheres to non-recursive lets/wheres internally if this is possible.

But I don't think that this will solve you problem. Recursive function definitions are just as powerful as recursive lets. Also, data structures and functions are interchangeable. Therefore, as long as you permit any kind of recursion, you will always have this issue.

Any Turing-complete (or equivalent to lambda calculus) language will have nontermination issues. If you do want guaranteed termination, you will have to use a less powerful (or strongly normalizing) system, which cannot express all computable functions. That is why recursion (and recursive lets or similar and semantically equivalent language constructs) are important.

I hope this gives you a general idea about why removing recursive lets/wheres won't be enough to prevent nontermination.

Can you explain more about the specific issue you are trying to resolve?

kind regards,

Vag wrote:
Why CLEAN is "based" on GRS instead of LTRS? Recursive let seems to be
not so useful, but cyclic links in data makes automatic reasoning very
hard and gives another evil source of nontermination.

Maybe it is worth to add a compiler option to deny recursive lets (and
wheres) per module and convert them internally to let-befores?
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