Re: Large lazy seq = StackOverflow?

2009-10-24 Thread Dmitry Kakurin

On Oct 21, 9:14 pm, John Harrop wrote:
 You probably therefore want this instead:

 (defn multi-filter [filters coll]
   (let [c (count filters)
         ignore (Object.)]
       (fn [i]
         (remove #(= % ignore)
           (take-nth c
             (drop i
               (mapcat #(map (fn [p e] (if (p e) e ignore)) filters (repeat c
 %)) coll)
       (range c

Good idea, thanks!
I had to modify it because it was generating a separate merged-seq
per filter:

(defn multi-filter [filters coll]
  (let [c (count filters)
ignore (Object.)
(fn [k]
(fn [p e]
  (if (p e) e ignore))
filters (repeat c k)))
  (fn [i]
(remove #(= % ignore)
  (take-nth c
(drop i
  (range c

Very cool (and lazy)!

- Dmitry

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Re: Converting symbols to strings

2009-10-24 Thread Tzach

Thanks for the help!
I created a small function, which convert the nodes of a nested
collection to strings:

(defn rec-to-strs [f]
  recursively change parameters to strings
  (vec (for [c f]
(if (coll? c)
(vec (rec-to-strs c))
(str c)

I use this function from a macro as suggested.

On Oct 22, 4:53 pm, Sean Devlin wrote:
 Or, you could just write foo as

 ;;Adjusting for 2d
 (defmacro foo
   (let [vec-vec-of-str (vec (map (comp vec (partial map str)) vec-vec-
   `(foo* ~vec-vec-of-str)))

 This let you write foo* to handle strings.  Anyway, the key thing to
 note in both examples is that the heavy lifting is delegated to
 another function.  This is an element of good macro design.

 Just my $.02

 On Oct 22, 10:29 am, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:


  On Oct 22, 4:22 pm, Tzach wrote:

   I’m writing a small facility which get vector of vectors of names
   (strings) and print them in a special format.
   Something like (foo [[“aname” “a-different-name”] [ “oneMoreName”]])
   This works fine, but make it hard to write all the quotations when
   many parameters are used.

   What is the simplest way to define foo as
   (foo [[aname a-different-name ] [oneMoreName]]) ?

   Is  macro required? (I guess it is)

  It is, but a simple one. Rename your foo function to foo* and create a
  simple macro called foo like that:

  (defmacro foo
    `(foo* (quote ~vec-of-symbols)))

  There you go. (Of course you must now handle Symbols in your foo* star
  function instead of Strings...)

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Re: Scientific computing

2009-10-24 Thread Konrad Hinsen

On 23 Oct 2009, at 22:00, Konrad Hinsen wrote:

 For matrix computations and linear algebra, your best choice is  
  the Colt library developed at CERN, or the somewhat parallelized
 version called Parallel Colt. Colt has arrays up to three dimensions  
 a couple of data types, enough for matrix stuff but not much more.

 If you need higher-dimensional arrays, e.g. to store complex data  
 your best bet would be the netCDF implementation for Java, which
 contains a very complete array library that handles any number of
 dimensions. However, it provides no linear algebra at all.

I should have added that it is possible to convert between netCDF and  
Colt arrays without a costly element-by-element copying procedure. For  
example, the following code inverts a matrix read from a netCDF file  
using Colt:

(ns netcdf-read
  (:import (ucar.nc2 NetcdfFile)
   (cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.impl DenseDoubleMatrix2D)
   (cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.algo DenseDoubleAlgebra)))

(defn unidata-to-colt
  [#^ucar.ma2.ArrayDouble$D2 array]
  (let [java-array-1d (.get1DJavaArray array Double)
[rows, cols]  (.getShape array)]
(new DenseDoubleMatrix2D rows cols java-array-1d 0 0 cols 1 false)))

(let [matrix  (with-open [ncfile (NetcdfFile/open /Users/hinsen/ 
(.read (.findVariable ncfile matrix)))
  colt-matrix (unidata-to-colt matrix)
  la  (new DenseDoubleAlgebra)
  inverse (.inverse la colt-matrix)]
  (prn inverse))


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Re: Clojure in a big Java solution

2009-10-24 Thread eyeris

It's difficult to provide advice without more information about your
current code. You say that you want a part of your system, which
manipulates a lot of objects, to run in parallel. Do you mean that you
want this part of the system to run parallel to the other parts -or-
do you mean that this part will remain in sequence with the other
parts of the system, but it will run its own tasks in parallel?
Furthermore, what do you expect to gain from the parallelism? If it's
simple divide-and-conquer parallelism to process a chunk of data
faster, then that is pretty easy to implement in Java, so long as the
data is dividable. On the other hand, if you want this part of your
system to run in parallel with the other parts, then there's a wide
spectrum of Clojure/Java mixes that could make sense. Like I said
above, we'll need much more information before we can provide any
valuable advice.

On Oct 23, 7:41 am, vanallan wrote:
 I am currently investigating if it is possible to convert a part of a
 big Java system to Clojure. The reason for this is to make this part
 run in parallel and hence ease the implementation by porting it to
 Clojure. The problem is that these parts of the system is today
 setting and changing a lot mutable data in a lot of different objects.

 Which approach do you think i should have when i try to port these
 Java methods? Should i try to retain the Java structure and change
 these objects or is it better to create my own data structure and
 somehow manage them? Does anyone have any experience in integrating
 Clojure in a big Java solution? Also i should mention that i'm quite
 new to Clojure, and functional programming overall. :)

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STM talk

2009-10-24 Thread Mark Volkmann

I gave a talk on STM at a conference in St. Louis called Strange
Loop last Thursday.
1 up and 2 up PDF versions of the slides are available at
The talk was videotaped. I'll send another email when that is available.
Feedback is welcomed! I'll update the slides if needed.

R. Mark Volkmann
Object Computing, Inc.

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Re: Macro newbie: Trying to create a map template

2009-10-24 Thread samppi

Thanks a lot! I didn't know about the existence of gensym. This will
help a lot.

On Oct 23, 9:54 pm, John Harrop wrote:
 On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 12:19 AM, samppi wrote:
  user= (defmacro b [form]
   (let [processed-form (a form rec#)]
     `(fn [rec#] processed-form)))
  java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: rec# in this context


 (defmacro b [form]
   (let [r (gensym)
         processed-form (a form r)]
    `(fn [~r] ~processed-form)))

 You need to replace rec# with a *reference* to a symbol. If you use a
 literal symbol (including a literal gensym) it will try to take its value
 even though you haven't assigned it yet. When you called a manually you
 passed it a quoted symbol, so a symbol rather than the result of
 dereferencing one. To get a symbol as the second argument to a in the macro
 you need a pointer TO a gensym, which the first binding in my version of the
 let gets you, in r.

 You also need to unquote the expressions that should be filled in from the
 let bindings. Otherwise you'd get (fn [r] processed-form) instead of (fn
 [G_1746] (:a G_1746)) or whatever you actually want.
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Re: Macro newbie: Trying to create a map template

2009-10-24 Thread John Harrop
On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 2:43 PM, samppi wrote:

 Thanks a lot! I didn't know about the existence of gensym. This will
 help a lot.

You're welcome.

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Re: Why can't :let be first in a for

2009-10-24 Thread Howard Lewis Ship

From my perspective, having the forms be flatter (less nested) and
having the call to the extend-dom function be at the outermost level
is the most readable.

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:

 Am 23.10.2009 um 21:16 schrieb Howard Lewis Ship:

 Here's what I wanted to write:

 (defn add-script-links-for-imported-javascript-libraries
       [env dom-nodes]
       (extend-dom dom-nodes [:html :head] :top
               (template-for [:let [aggregation (- env :cascade :resource-
                                         libraries (@aggregation :libraries)]
                                   asset-map libraries
                                   :let [path (to-asset-path env asset-map)]]
                       :script { :type text/javascript :src path } [ 
 linebreak ])))

 Why don't you just go one step further?

 (defn add-script-links-for-imported-javascript-libraries
   [env dom-nodes]
   (extend-dom dom-nodes [:html :head] :top
     (template-for [asset-map (- env
                    :let [path (to-asset-path env asset-map)]]
       :script { :type text/javascript :src path } [ linebreak ])))

 But I had to juggle it to this:

 (defn add-script-links-for-imported-javascript-libraries
       [env dom-nodes]
       (let [aggregation (- env :cascade :resource-aggregation)
              libraries (@aggregation :libraries)]
               (extend-dom dom-nodes [:html :head] :top
                       (template-for [asset-map libraries
                                           :let [path (to-asset-path env 
                               :script { :type text/javascript :src path } 
 [ linebreak ]

 Of course there are any number of ways to write this, but I prefer the
 first option, as it does less of a job of obscuring what the main
 point of the function is: a call to extend-dom.

 I don't see any obfuscation. Especially if you add a docstring Extend
 DOM with ... to the function.


Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator of Apache Tapestry

The source for Tapestry training, mentoring and support. Contact me to
learn how I can get you up and productive in Tapestry fast!

(971) 678-5210

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Re: is there a cannonical way to create executable jar files?

2009-10-24 Thread Folcon

for anyone who has this same problem. The only solution that I've
gotten so far that works is to use a java file that launches my
clojure files. I'm still looking for a better way to do this.

Here is the code for the launcher.


import clojure.lang.RT;
import clojure.lang.Compiler;
import clojure.lang.Var;

public class Launcher {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Load the Clojure script -- as a side effect this
initializes the runtime.

// Get a reference to the -main function, which is in the
namespace ironlily.
Var main = RT.var(ironlily, -main);

// Call it!
Object result = main.invoke();

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Re: Writing binary data using http.agent and duck-streams

2009-10-24 Thread Rob Wolfe

Baishampayan Ghose writes:


 I was trying to download a zip file using clojure.contrib.http.agent and
  writing it to a file using

 Apparently the zip file is getting corrupt because I was trying to treat
 the stream as a string.

 Is there any way to use duck-streams to write data as binary?

 I looked at the code but I am not sure about the exact way to do it. I
 can probably use straight Java interop, but I would rather use the
 contrib lib.

reader and writer from duck streams are intended only
for character streams and AFAIK there are no binary counterparts available
so far. So the only way is to use Java streams directly.
This is what I came up with:

(ns test-http
  (:require [ :as ds]
[clojure.contrib.http.agent :as http])
  (:import [ FileOutputStream]))

  :handler (fn [agnt]
 (with-open [w (FileOutputStream.]
   (ds/copy (http/stream agnt) w)


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Code improvement: searching a tree

2009-10-24 Thread samppi

I suspect the code below can be improved. The function returns the set
of all symbols inside a list-tree that are not at the beginning of a
list. Is there a way to make the code more compact or faster?

  (defn- find-dependencies
  (list? rel-rep)
(let [[_  tail] rel-rep]
  (into #{} (mapcat find-dependencies tail)))
  (symbol? rel-rep)
  (is (= '#{a b c}
   '(+ b (- c 3 a))

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Re: Code improvement: searching a tree

2009-10-24 Thread James Reeves

This is a slightly faster and somewhat shorter version:

(defn find-dependencies2
  (set (filter symbol? (tree-seq seq? rest rel-rep

- James

On Oct 24, 9:55 pm, samppi wrote:
 I suspect the code below can be improved. The function returns the set
 of all symbols inside a list-tree that are not at the beginning of a
 list. Is there a way to make the code more compact or faster?

   (defn- find-dependencies
       (list? rel-rep)
         (let [[_  tail] rel-rep]
           (into #{} (mapcat find-dependencies tail)))
       (symbol? rel-rep)
   (is (= '#{a b c}
            '(+ b (- c 3 a))
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Re: Code improvement: searching a tree

2009-10-24 Thread samppi

Jeez, that's amazing. Thanks a lot; I had no idea that trees-seq
existed. I keep getting surprised by Clojure.

On Oct 24, 2:05 pm, James Reeves wrote:
 This is a slightly faster and somewhat shorter version:

 (defn find-dependencies2
   (set (filter symbol? (tree-seq seq? rest rel-rep

 - James

 On Oct 24, 9:55 pm, samppi wrote:

  I suspect the code below can be improved. The function returns the set
  of all symbols inside a list-tree that are not at the beginning of a
  list. Is there a way to make the code more compact or faster?

    (defn- find-dependencies
        (list? rel-rep)
          (let [[_  tail] rel-rep]
            (into #{} (mapcat find-dependencies tail)))
        (symbol? rel-rep)
    (is (= '#{a b c}
             '(+ b (- c 3 a))
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Re: STM talk

2009-10-24 Thread ngocdaothanh

After reading your PDF, I now understand what Clojure means by the
term coordinate. Thanks a lot!

coordinating activities of multiple actors (i.e. transactions)
• may want to send messages to multiple actors within a txn
and guarantee that either all messages are processed successfully
or all the actors involved rollback changes to their retained state

On Oct 25, 2:35 am, Mark Volkmann wrote:
 I gave a talk on STM at a conference in St. Louis called Strange
 Loop last Thursday.
 1 up and 2 up PDF versions of the slides are available 
 The talk was videotaped. I'll send another email when that is available.
 Feedback is welcomed! I'll update the slides if needed.

 R. Mark Volkmann
 Object Computing, Inc.
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Re: Scientific computing

2009-10-24 Thread Rock

Thanks for your replies. You've been very helpful.

On Oct 24, 1:36 pm, Konrad Hinsen wrote:
 On 23 Oct 2009, at 22:00, Konrad Hinsen wrote:

  For matrix computations and linear algebra, your best choice is  
   the Colt library developed at CERN, or the somewhat parallelized
  version called Parallel Colt. Colt has arrays up to three dimensions  
  a couple of data types, enough for matrix stuff but not much more.

  If you need higher-dimensional arrays, e.g. to store complex data  
  your best bet would be the netCDF implementation for Java, which
  contains a very complete array library that handles any number of
  dimensions. However, it provides no linear algebra at all.

 I should have added that it is possible to convert between netCDF and  
 Colt arrays without a costly element-by-element copying procedure. For  
 example, the following code inverts a matrix read from a netCDF file  
 using Colt:

 (ns netcdf-read
   (:import (ucar.nc2 NetcdfFile)
            (cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.impl DenseDoubleMatrix2D)
            (cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.algo DenseDoubleAlgebra)))

 (defn unidata-to-colt
   [#^ucar.ma2.ArrayDouble$D2 array]
   (let [java-array-1d (.get1DJavaArray array Double)
         [rows, cols]  (.getShape array)]
     (new DenseDoubleMatrix2D rows cols java-array-1d 0 0 cols 1 false)))

 (let [matrix      (with-open [ncfile (NetcdfFile/open /Users/hinsen/
                     (.read (.findVariable ncfile matrix)))
       colt-matrix (unidata-to-colt matrix)
       la          (new DenseDoubleAlgebra)
       inverse     (.inverse la colt-matrix)]
   (prn inverse))

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Re: is there a cannonical way to create executable jar files?

2009-10-24 Thread Nurullah Akkaya

On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 10:50 PM, Richard Newman wrote:

 for anyone who has this same problem. The only solution that I've
 gotten so far that works is to use a java file that launches my
 clojure files. I'm still looking for a better way to do this.

 I've had success on several projects with:

   (:gen-class))     ; I haven't even tried adding :main true.

 (defn -main [ args]

 with the appropriate Ant chunk to build the manifest:

   !-- Build the classpath to point to any dependencies. --
   manifestclasspath property=lib.list jarfile=${base.jarfile}
     classpath refid=manifest.path/

   !-- Make the output jar with Main-Class. --
   target name=solitary_jar description=Create jar with pointers
 to dependencies. depends=compile_clojure
     jar index=false jarfile=${solitary.jarfile}
       fileset dir=${} includes=**/*.class,**/
         attribute name=Main-Class
         attribute name=Class-Path value=${lib.list}/

 This allows you to do

   java -jar my-jar

 which, on my Mac at least, means it'll run when you double-click it.

 The difference here is that I'm AOT-compiling everything, but you're
 not. Is that correct?

 If you're trying to bundle your .clj files into the JAR, you might
 have trouble — you'll need somehow to get Clojure's classloader to
 look for your main class, because the Java classloader won't look
 for .clj files, and wouldn't know what to do with them anyway. gen-
 class only works if you AOT-compile.

 I can't see any reason why you wouldn't AOT-compile when you're
 building a jar.

I have a clojure project stub at,

That will let you build a executable jar.

running ant deps will download the clojure.jar and clojure-contrib.jar

running ant setup will create the required sources to create a hello
world application.

running ant compile will create single executable jar that you can distribute.

You can use it as a starting point for your application.

Nurullah Akkaya

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Re: STM talk

2009-10-24 Thread MarkSwanson

I'm confused about the slide on barging:

txnB has a status of RUNNING and can be changed to KILLED.

Are you implying that simply having a status of RUNNING is all that is
required for the txn to be killed?
Or, are there other requirements to can be changed?

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea of the STM
just killing a fn.
Unless... the fn will be retried later. I couldn't find a good
description of what 'killing a fn' means.

Thanks for sharing the slides.

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SICP in Clojure

2009-10-24 Thread Robert Stehwien
Hadn't seen it posted here yet:

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reading a range from a large file

2009-10-24 Thread tommy c

I have a huge file(900MB) that I would like to read/process in

In clojure, i can grab the first n lines nicely:
(with-open [r (reader FILE)]  (str-join ,  (take n (line-seq r

How can i grab the first n lines starting from an line offset? ex,
grab lines 5 to 10 rather than just the first 5.

I can do this in java using traditional java way by using
LineNumberReader's setLineNumber(int lineNumber)  but i'm not sure how
to interweave this in with clojure's file sequence operations.

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Re: reading a range from a large file

2009-10-24 Thread Richard Newman

 In clojure, i can grab the first n lines nicely:
 (with-open [r (reader FILE)]  (str-join ,  (take n (line-seq r

 How can i grab the first n lines starting from an line offset? ex,
 grab lines 5 to 10 rather than just the first 5.

(with-open [r (reader FILE)]
   (str-join , 
 (take 5 (drop 5 (line-seq r)

This still does the work of finding all the \ns that you skip, of  
course. Linewise navigation of a file is not as fast as seeking to  
byte offsets.

 I can do this in java using traditional java way by using
 LineNumberReader's setLineNumber(int lineNumber)  but i'm not sure how
 to interweave this in with clojure's file sequence operations.

(with-open [#^Reader r (reader FILE)]
   (with-open [lr ( r)]
 (.setLineNumber lr 5)
 ;; Your code here.

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Re: SICP in Clojure

2009-10-24 Thread John Harrop
On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 10:19 PM, Robert Stehwien rstehw...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hadn't seen it posted here yet:

Are they looking for help writing Clojure versions of the Scheme code

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News on Mini Kanren / Javascript generator; when is an implementation sufficiently original?

2009-10-24 Thread Michel Salim

Jim was working on logic programming in Clojure up to a few months
ago, and it seems as if the concern was that the code was too

I have recently made available a Scala-based Kanren implementation;
the differences between Scala and Scheme means that the code is
sufficiently original. Most of the code was written based on the
descriptions of how Mini Kanren works, and not the Scheme
implementation. And I have signed the Clojure contributor CA.

Would a clean-room implementation based on the Scala code be
considered sufficiently owned for inclusion in contrib? Am I
considered tainted enough because I have, for comparison purposes,
seen the Scheme Kanren code -- in which case a third-party can
reimplement the Clojure port -- or can I do it myself?


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Re: Scientific computing

2009-10-24 Thread Ahmed Fasih

 If all you need is a statistical or array-processing language like MATLAB,
 my frank view is you're best off staying in R, or Mathematica, or MATLAB, or
 Octave, or whatever... they're mature and great at what they do (Mathematica
 most of all ;-) ). The reason you might want to use Clojuratica or Incanter
 is if you're building applications that need Clojure's awesome features in,
 say, concurrency, *plus* array processing.

Lisp/Clojure offers such a compelling advantage for software design of
complex applied math algorithms over some of the systems you have
named that I think it bowls over some long-suffering Matlab/R/Python
users, who are inspired work in Clojure in spite of incomplete (but
still surprisingly good) support for their specialized needs.
Hopefully Clojure's flexibility will soon allow it to become a matrix-
oriented language as well, if only to express linear-algebra-type
ideas (which are stored under the hood in whatever format or system
needed---Colt, CDF, Mathematica arrays even!).

I wanted to let you know that probably for every person who asks about
Clojure scientific computing, there's a number of others who are just
trying to make it work for them!

(By the way, Garth, great work on Clojuratica!)

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