Re: I don't understand this exception

2011-01-17 Thread Stefan Rohlfing
Dear Meikel and Ken,

Thank you very much for your corrections and suggestions! I admit it
took a while for me to understand the more sophisticated parts of your
code, but on the way I learned quite a lot about the correct usage of
conj, assoc, update-in, and fnil!

Best regards,


On Jan 17, 3:21 pm, Ken Wesson wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 1:47 AM, Stefan Rohlfing
  Hi all,

  I am trying to implement the function 'group-by' from Clojure.Core
  using my current knowledge of Clojure but cannot get pass a

  This is the code so far:

  (defn key? [key coll]
   (some #{key} (keys coll)))

  (defn my-group-by [f coll]
   (let [test (fn [m x]
                (let [res (f x)]
                  (if (key? res m)
                    (conj (m res) x)
                    (assoc m res (vec x)]
     (reduce test {} coll)))

 First of all, your key? is only ever (supposed to be) called on maps,
 so you can dispense with it:

 (defn my-group-by [f coll]
  (let [test (fn [m x]
               (let [res (f x)]
                 (if (contains? res m)
                   (conj (m res) x)
                   (assoc m res (vec x)]
    (reduce test {} coll)))

 Second, your already-in-the-map case returns a vector. It doesn't
 modify the vector in place; it makes a new one with one more item and
 returns that. Not the map it should return.

 The next iteration of your reduce, the vector gets passed to key? with
 some value. Your key? function calls keys on it, which results in an
 exception. I get:

 user= (keys ['x 'y 'z])
 java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.Symbol cannot be cast to

 You got:

  ;; java.lang.Exception: Unable to convert: class java.lang.Integer to
  Object[] (repl-1:2)

 I'm not sure why the difference -- different Clojure versions? -- but
 no matter, the fix is the same:

 (defn my-group-by [f coll]
  (let [test (fn [m x]
               (let [res (f x)]
                 (if (contains? res m)
                   (assoc m res (conj (m res) x))
                   (assoc m res (vec x)]
    (reduce test {} coll)))

 This actually returns an updated map and not just an updated vector.
 But it can be made nicer in a couple of ways. One uses the optional
 not-found option to get to dispense with the contains?:

 (defn my-group-by [f coll]
  (let [test (fn [m x]
               (let [res (f x)]
                 (assoc m res (conj (m res []) x]
    (reduce test {} coll)))

 And the other uses update-in. Update-in means the key only needs to be
 specified once, which lets you dispense with the inner let:

 (defn my-group-by [f coll]
  (let [test (fn [m x]
                 (update-in m [(f x)] #(if % (conj % x) [x])))]
    (reduce test {} coll)))

 This can be formatted a bit more nicely:

 (defn my-group-by [f coll]
     (fn [m x]
       (update-in m [(f x)]
         #(if % (conj % x) [x])))
     {} coll))

 This gets rid of the outer let as well.

 The latter two versions can't distinguish the map having a key with an
 associated value of nil and the map lacking that key; however, the map
 never associates a key with anything other than a vector, so this ends
 up not mattering.

 For reference (and I only peeked at this *after* writing all of the
 above), the implementation of group-by in clojure.core is:

 (defn group-by
   Returns a map of the elements of coll keyed by the result of
   f on each element. The value at each key will be a vector of the
   corresponding elements, in the order they appeared in coll.
   {:added 1.2
    :static true}
   [f coll]
     (fn [ret x]
       (let [k (f x)]
         (assoc! ret k (conj (get ret k []) x
     (transient {}) coll)))

 This is basically the same as the version I got adding the optional
 not-found argument to get instead of using update-in, except that it
 uses transients for the performance benefits (and has docstrings and
 metadata) and gets rid of the outer let in the same manner as the
 final update-in using version I wrote.

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Re: list* does not make a list?

2011-01-17 Thread LordGeoffrey
The docs don't say that it is lazy. How (as a newbie) can i tell that it 
is lazy?

Creates a new list containing the items prepended to the rest, the
  last of which will be treated as a sequence.

On 17/01/11 06:27, Sean Allen wrote:

the documentation on that could be improved. the doc string for that
is basically the same as for list. but they return different types.

rather surprising when you first see it.

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Re: list* does not make a list?

2011-01-17 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer

On 17 Jan., 11:28, LordGeoffrey wrote:

 The docs don't say that it is lazy. How (as a newbie) can i tell that it
 is lazy?

By the words the last of which will be treated as a sequence. A
sequence is (in general) lazy. Hence, what list* returns is actually a
sequence and not a list. As mentioned elsewhere the docs could be
improved and the name list* was likely a suboptimal choice.


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support Syntax

2011-01-17 Thread
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 3:10 AM, chris wrote:
 Is it insane to suggest that perhaps clojure should work with scala
 such that we can write both languages in the same file?

A lot of reasons for which it is not possible:
- it would mean coordinating two implementations/implementers.
- it would prevent to go to platform for which there is no support in
the other language.
- A type checker would not be really happy to deal with a lot of
Object - Object functions...
- it would be ugly

Having a bit of (optional) type inference for performance and
compile-time safety in Clojure could be interesting though.

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Re: Typos in (doc add-watch)

2011-01-17 Thread Jacek Laskowski
On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 5:37 PM, Stuart Halloway wrote:
 The 'if' is terse, but correct: call is on agent's thread only when reference 
 is an agent, and before pending sends only when reference is an agent or ref.

Ah, it makes sense now. Thanks. I believe it'd be more comprehensible
with your changes.


Jacek Laskowski
Java EE, functional languages and IBM WebSphere -

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Re: Clojure Quizzes?

2011-01-17 Thread Robert McIntyre
Taking a page out of the python book , I like to include a statement
at the end that checks to see if the program is being run as a
command-line program and then respond accordingly.

As an example,

(if (command-line?)
(your-awesome-function (read-integer (first *command-line-args*

Might appear at the end of my file.

command-line? and read-integer are listed below
(ns coderloop.utils
  (:use [clojure.contrib [duck-streams :only [file-str read-lines]]])
  (:use [clojure [string :only [trim blank? split]]]))

(defn read-integer [file]
   (trim (slurp (file-str file)

(defn command-line? []
  (.isAbsolute ( *file*)))

This has the advantage of also working when the namespace is being run
on the command-line with no arguments,
but not when the namespace is being used or required by another
namespace. read-integer is just a simple example for how to read a
single integer from a file.

You can then actually run your program by making a shell script with
something like
java -Xmn500M -Xms2000M -Xmx2000M -server -cp ./lib/*:./src
clojure.main your-namespace-file.clj  $@

A little known fact is that the above can actually be embedded into a
clojure source file with the following trick:

Make this the first line of your clojure namespace to make it executable:

:;exec java -verbose:gc -Xmn500M -Xms2000M -Xmx2000M -server -cp
your-classpath clojure.main $0 $*;

The trick is putting the :; at the beginning and then calling exec.
To clojure this looks like a literal string followed by a comment.  To
bash it looks like a no-op followed by an invocation of java on the
file itself, and no lines after the first ever get executed. You can
make whatever class structure you cant and then just symlink the
clojure file to be an executable file at the base of the directory.
You can still always go the shell script route if you don't like the
embedding trick. This technique is common with emacs-lisp to make
things executable.

Hope that helps.

--Robert McIntyre

On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 9:56 PM, Stuart Campbell wrote:
 On 17 January 2011 13:48, John Svazic wrote:

 Benny already answered, but here's the common block that I'm using for
 my Clojure submissions:

 (import '( BufferedReader FileReader))
 (defn process-file [file-name]
  (let [rdr (BufferedReader. (FileReader. file-name))]
    (line-seq rdr)))

 (defn my-func [col]
  ; Do something interesting

 (println (my-func (process-file (first *command-line-args*

 Basically I read the lines of the file into a sequence, then process
 that sequence in my function.  Since I'm only dealing with the first
 parameter passed to my script, a (first *command-line-args*) call is
 equivalent to args[0] in other languages like Java.

 If you include, you could use read-lines:

 (defn read-lines
   Like clojure.core/line-seq but opens f with reader.  Automatically
   (let [read-line (fn this [^BufferedReader rdr]
  (if-let [line (.readLine rdr)]
    (cons line (this rdr))
    (.close rdr]
     (read-line (reader f


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Re: check if something can be coerced to a seq

2011-01-17 Thread Stuart Sierra
The problem with a seq-able? predicate is that the definition of what is 
seq-able is often context-dependent. `seq` works on Strings, but you 
probably don't want `flatten` to turn a String into a sequence of 


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HPC in scala ..

2011-01-17 Thread Sunil S Nandihalli
Hello Everybody,

not directly related to clojure .. but it is interesting to know that scala
people got a huge funding to further the state of the art in HPC...


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Re: check if something can be coerced to a seq

2011-01-17 Thread Jürgen Hötzel
2011/1/17 Stuart Sierra

 The problem with a seq-able? predicate is that the definition of what is
 seq-able is often context-dependent. `seq` works on Strings, but you
 probably don't want `flatten` to turn a String into a sequence of

Good point. There is no static atom/listp distinction in Clojure. Still a
predicate function for can yield a seq is missing, to provide a flexible
flatten implementation like:

(defn my-flatten
  ([pred coll]
 (mapcat (fn [p] (if (pred (first p)) (mapcat my-flatten p) p))
 (partition-by pred coll)))
 (my-flatten sequential? coll)))


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Euler 14

2011-01-17 Thread Andreas Liljeqvist

I am using max-key to get the longest sequence from a couple of sequences.

(defn cseq [n]
  (if (= 1 n)
(cons n (cseq (if (even? n)
(/ n 2)
(+ (* 3 n) 1 ))

(apply max-key count (map cseq (range 1 100)))

This gives me a heap error.

To my understanding max-key should keep at most two sequences in memory.
I could certainly solve this by working around the problem, but I want to
understand where my logic fails.
Thankful for any help.

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Create a map from two seqs

2011-01-17 Thread Stuart Popejoy

Apologies if this seems like a pointless question but a) searches were
fruitless and b) hopefully this is interesting to consider ...

I'm wanting to create a map from two seqs (:keys and values), and it
seems surprisingly tricky.

I would rather not use hash-map, but if I did the following would

= (apply hash-map (apply concat (map vector [:a :b :c] [[1 2] [2 3]
[3 4]])))
{:a [1 2], :c [3 4], :b [2 3]}

The quick answer would be a function equivalent to {} in the place of
hash-map above, but I can't find such a thing.

My two answers are:
a) compose assoc functions:
= ((apply comp (map #(fn [m] (assoc m % %2)) [:a :b :c] [[1 2] [2 3]
[3 4]])) nil)
{:a [1 2], :b [2 3], :c [3 4]}

b) recursion:
= (loop [[k  ks] [:a :b :c] [v  vs] [[1 2] [2 3] [3 4]] m {}] (if
(not k) m (recur ks vs (assoc m k v
{:c [3 4], :b [2 3], :a [1 2]}

Both seem wizzy/overly complex. I should probably just use hash-
map ... but am I missing some elegant way to perform this with vanilla


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Re: Create a map from two seqs

2011-01-17 Thread Sam Aaron
Hi Stuart,

I believe you might looking for zipmap:

([keys vals])
  Returns a map with the keys mapped to the corresponding vals.

This is used as follows:

user= (zipmap [:a :b :c] [[1 2] [3 4] [5 6]])
{:c [5 6], :b [3 4], :a [1 2]}

There are a lot of handy functions like this in core but you really need to 
know they exist before you can use them. Discovering new ones is always 



On 17 Jan 2011, at 16:56, Stuart Popejoy wrote:

 Apologies if this seems like a pointless question but a) searches were
 fruitless and b) hopefully this is interesting to consider ...
 I'm wanting to create a map from two seqs (:keys and values), and it
 seems surprisingly tricky.
 I would rather not use hash-map, but if I did the following would
 = (apply hash-map (apply concat (map vector [:a :b :c] [[1 2] [2 3]
 [3 4]])))
 {:a [1 2], :c [3 4], :b [2 3]}
 The quick answer would be a function equivalent to {} in the place of
 hash-map above, but I can't find such a thing.
 My two answers are:
 a) compose assoc functions:
 = ((apply comp (map #(fn [m] (assoc m % %2)) [:a :b :c] [[1 2] [2 3]
 [3 4]])) nil)
 {:a [1 2], :b [2 3], :c [3 4]}
 b) recursion:
 = (loop [[k  ks] [:a :b :c] [v  vs] [[1 2] [2 3] [3 4]] m {}] (if
 (not k) m (recur ks vs (assoc m k v
 {:c [3 4], :b [2 3], :a [1 2]}
 Both seem wizzy/overly complex. I should probably just use hash-
 map ... but am I missing some elegant way to perform this with vanilla
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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support Syntax

2011-01-17 Thread chris
Yeah yeah!


On Jan 17, 5:55 am,
 On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 3:10 AM, chris wrote:
  Is it insane to suggest that perhaps clojure should work with scala
  such that we can write both languages in the same file?

 A lot of reasons for which it is not possible:
 - it would mean coordinating two implementations/implementers.
 - it would prevent to go to platform for which there is no support in
 the other language.
 - A type checker would not be really happy to deal with a lot of
 Object - Object functions...
 - it would be ugly

 Having a bit of (optional) type inference for performance and
 compile-time safety in Clojure could be interesting though.

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Re: Create a map from two seqs

2011-01-17 Thread Michael Ossareh
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 10:14, Sam Aaron wrote:

 There are a lot of handy functions like this in core but you really need to
 know they exist before you can use them. Discovering new ones is always

I've found lurking in #clojure on irc to be a great way to find out about
the functions in core.

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Re: Euler 14

2011-01-17 Thread Mark Engelberg
Your cseq is not lazy, and some of the sequences can be quite long, so
it wouldn't surprise me if that's the source of your problem.

You can test if this is the problem by doing something like:
(dorun (map cseq (range 1 100))) which removes the max-key from
the computation entirely.

You'll probably need to reformulate cseq with lazy lists.  Even then,
you will likely find that this program will be too slow without
further optimizations (e.g., memoization or dynamic programming).

That's the nature of project Euler problems; the obvious way to
solve the problem is often too slow and further cleverness is

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 7:53 AM, Andreas Liljeqvist wrote:

 I am using max-key to get the longest sequence from a couple of sequences.

 (defn cseq [n]
   (if (= 1 n)
     (cons n (cseq (if (even? n)
             (/ n 2)
             (+ (* 3 n) 1 ))

 (apply max-key count (map cseq (range 1 100)))

 This gives me a heap error.

 To my understanding max-key should keep at most two sequences in memory.
 I could certainly solve this by working around the problem, but I want to
 understand where my logic fails.
 Thankful for any help.

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Re: Euler 14

2011-01-17 Thread Andreas Liljeqvist
I don't see why the cseq's have to be lazy, they are at the most 525
elements long.
shouldn't each sequence only be produced when it is reduced in max-key and
then discarded?

But it makes a difference:

(defn cseq [n]
  (if (= 1 n)
(lazy-seq (cons n (cseq (if (even? n)
  (/ n 2)
  (+ (* 3 n) 1 )))

(apply max-key count (map cseq (range 1 100)))

gives me results.

(def a (apply max-key count (map cseq (range 1 100
gives a heap error.

Thanks for your answer.

2011/1/17 Mark Engelberg

 Your cseq is not lazy, and some of the sequences can be quite long, so
 it wouldn't surprise me if that's the source of your problem.

 You can test if this is the problem by doing something like:
 (dorun (map cseq (range 1 100))) which removes the max-key from
 the computation entirely.

 You'll probably need to reformulate cseq with lazy lists.  Even then,
 you will likely find that this program will be too slow without
 further optimizations (e.g., memoization or dynamic programming).

 That's the nature of project Euler problems; the obvious way to
 solve the problem is often too slow and further cleverness is

 On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 7:53 AM, Andreas Liljeqvist
  I am using max-key to get the longest sequence from a couple of
  (defn cseq [n]
(if (= 1 n)
  (cons n (cseq (if (even? n)
  (/ n 2)
  (+ (* 3 n) 1 ))
  (apply max-key count (map cseq (range 1 100)))
  This gives me a heap error.
  To my understanding max-key should keep at most two sequences in memory.
  I could certainly solve this by working around the problem, but I want to
  understand where my logic fails.
  Thankful for any help.
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Re: HPC in scala ..

2011-01-17 Thread Tim Daly

Hello Everybody,

not directly related to clojure .. but it is interesting to know that 
scala people got a huge funding to further the state of the art in HPC...


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Very interesting. I wonder if Clojure can be one of the polymorphic targets.
Certainly the Clojure macro facility can lift raw Clojure toward the DSL.

Sigh. Yet more papers to read. :-)

Tim Daly

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support Syntax

2011-01-17 Thread Bob Hutchison
Hi Stuart,

On 2011-01-15, at 4:06 PM, Stuart Halloway wrote:

 In my experience, errors are the problem and we should be avoiding them, 
 almost at all costs. 
 This debate always starts by conflating three things into two, and then goes 
 downhill from there. :-( It isn't 
 (a) safe/slow vs. 
 (b) unsafe/fast. 

That's how us outsiders are left to look at it.

 It is 
 (a) unsafe/incorrect value on overflow/fastest/unifiable* vs. 
 (b) safe/error on overflow/fast/unifiable vs. 
 (c) safe/promoting on overflow/slow/not-unifiable
 *unifiable: able to deliver same semantics for primitives and objects

This doesn't really help me understand your argument.

It looks to me as though Clojure is trying to steer itself through the middle 
of something. The trouble is that I don't know where the edges of the middle 

Maybe it is just a documentation problem. But I'd also suggest that there's a 
bit of a sales job necessary here.

 We have thought about this quite a bit,

Nobody doubts that, certainly I don't. And I'm not trying to minimise or 
dismiss what you've done. And I'm not claiming that I've thought about it 
better or more or deeper. But I do have concerns and I don't see them being 
addressed, and I'd like it if they weren't minimised either. Maybe my concerns 
are completely addressed. Maybe not. I don't know, and I'd like to be convinced.

 and an argument from one axis only (e.g safe/unsafe) that doesn't even 
 mention some of  the other axes is not likely to be persuasive. Would be more 
 interesting to see a new axis we haven't thought of...

Numerical correctness, for some of us, is an overwhelming issue. This is purely 
from experience... bad experience... 30+ years of bad experience in my case :-) 
From my point of view, the approach Clojure is taking isn't persuasive, not to 
say it couldn't be made persuasive.

I think I did add what might be considered an additional axis. Syntax. 
Specifically what annotations are needed and for what purpose. I don't think 
this should be dismissed out of hand.


 Stuart Halloway
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Bob Hutchison
Recursive Design Inc.

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best way to define alias for all publics in ns?

2011-01-17 Thread Seth
I have this function which takes all of the publics from one ns and
exports them in the current ns. My question is, is this the best way
to do it? Is there another method which doesnt use eval? I know eval
is supposed to be  'evil ' :)

(defn ns-export [from-ns]
  (map (fn [[sym var]]
 (let [v (if (.hasRoot var)
   (var-get var))
   var-obj (if v (intern *ns* sym v))]
   (when var-obj
 (alter-meta! var-obj
  (fn [old] (merge (meta var) old)))
   (ns-publics from-ns))

(defmacro eval-when [ args]
  (eval `(do ~@args)) nil)

 (require 'clojure.contrib.error-kit)
 (ns-export (find-ns 'clojure.contrib.error-kit)))

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support Syntax

2011-01-17 Thread Jason Wolfe

On Jan 16, 6:18 pm, Sean Corfield wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 3:50 PM, Jason Wolfe wrote:
  Moreover, we do not need to redefine the class at run-time.  A simple
  way to do this: when you compile a function with arithmetic
  operations, concatenate bytecode for two versions: essentially, one
  with the unprimed (exception-throwing) ops and one with the primed
  (overflowing) ones.  Now, replace the exceptions in the first path
  with local jumps into the second path.  There are probably ways to get
  around generating two copies of the bytecode in advance, and making
  such a unilateral shift to inefficient semantics, but I don't know
  enough about JVM internals to say for sure.

 The problem is that if you have an arbitrary form that can operate
 entirely in primitives (some loop/recur perhaps) and you allow
 primitives to magically convert to Objects in that code, then the
 entire piece of code has to handle both primitives AND Objects and
 every single sub-form must be capable of handling primitives as input
 AND Objects as input and returning primitives if possible...

 You can't have automatic promotion to Object from primitive and expect
 any reasonable code to be generated that can maintain primitive
 performance across arbitrary expressions. Either everything can work
 with Objects - and you lose performance - or everything must be able
 to work within primitives (and at most throw exceptions) and remain

I think you can.  Let me elaborate on my simplistic example.  Compile
the code for a function twice -- once where everything works within
primitives, and once where everything works with Objects -- and
concatenate the bytecode together.  Start by running the primitive
version.  On overflow, jump into the corresponding spot in the object
version (after some patching up / boxing) -- rather than throwing an
exception.  If no overflow happens, you run *exactly* the same
bytecode as the current unprimed ops.  (I'm not sure how this would
interact with JIT compared to exceptions, though).  As soon as
overflow happens, you run code as if all of the operations were
primed, until function call exit.

I believe this is related to the approach used by TraceMonkey,
Firefox's Javascript compiler:

Anyway, I'll leave this be now; I just wanted to mention the idea
since I hadn't seen it discussed.

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support Syntax

2011-01-17 Thread Mark Engelberg
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 1:05 PM, Bob Hutchison wrote:
 Numerical correctness, for some of us, is an overwhelming issue. This is 
 purely from experience... bad experience... 30+ years of bad experience in my 
 case :-) From my point of view, the approach Clojure is taking isn't 
 persuasive, not to say it couldn't be made persuasive.

Under the current proposal, you should never get an incorrect answer.
You might get an error, though.  It's a subtle difference, but this is
the main reason why the developers don't see it as a correctness
issue.  If your program runs, and gives you back an answer, it will
be correct.  If it crashes, you convert to the overflow version of
arithmetic, or typecast some of your numbers to bigints, and you'll
get the right answer.  I think a lot of the argument from both sides
boils down to how much you fear runtime crashes.

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Re: Euler 14

2011-01-17 Thread Mark Engelberg
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Andreas Liljeqvist wrote:
 I don't see why the cseq's have to be lazy, they are at the most 525
 elements long.
 shouldn't each sequence only be produced when it is reduced in max-key and
 then discarded?

You're right, the chains aren't as long as I thought.  I can't think
of any good explanation as to why max-key blows the heap when cseq is
non-lazy and doesn't when cseq is lazy.  (I confirmed that on my
system, I get the same behavior as you, even set to a 1600MB heap

Interestingly, this:
(apply max (map count (map cseq (range 1 100
works just fine with non-lazy seq.

The only real difference between this and the max-key version is that
reducing the max-key requires keeping around the longest list so far,
whereas this one just keeps around the count.  But keeping around a
525 element list shouldn't be enough to overflow the heap.

I've tried to figure out:
Could max-key be holding on to the heads of these lists?
Could this be an effect of chunked sequences?

The chunked sequences explanation seems almost plausible.  You could
in theory have 32 lists realized at once, plus the biggest one you've
seen so far.  But even in the worst-case scenario, you're talking
about 15000 elements, and I don't see how that could overflow the
heap.  Just out of curiosity, I tried this with an unchunked range,
and still got the heap overflow, so I don't see how it could be a
chunking issue.

Furthermore if either of these were the problem, you'd expect to see
the same problem with lazy cseq, because ultimately count has to
realize the lazy cseq, so if too many heads were being retained at
once, the lazy version would exhibit the same heap space problem.

This leads to the more disturbing possibility that maybe there's a
garbage collection flaw relating to non-lazy lists.

I'd love to see some more people investigate this and see if we can
come up with a good explanation as to why the original poster's code
overflows the heap space.

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Re: best way to define alias for all publics in ns?

2011-01-17 Thread Seth
woops, mistake

(defn ns-export [from-ns]
  (count (doall (map (fn [[sym var]]
   (let [v (if (.hasRoot var)
 (var-get var))
 var-obj (if v (intern *ns* sym v))]
 (when var-obj
   (alter-meta! var-obj
(fn [old] (merge (meta var) old)))
 (ns-publics from-ns)

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Re: best way to define alias for all publics in ns?

2011-01-17 Thread Laurent PETIT
Taking the risk to be ridiculous in the front of all my peers : how is your
function different from the clojure.core/use function, exactly ?

2011/1/17 Seth

 woops, mistake

 (defn ns-export [from-ns]
   (count (doall (map (fn [[sym var]]
(let [v (if (.hasRoot var)
 (var-get var))
 var-obj (if v (intern *ns* sym v))]
 (when var-obj
   (alter-meta! var-obj
(fn [old] (merge (meta var) old)))
  (ns-publics from-ns)

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Re: best way to define alias for all publics in ns?

2011-01-17 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer
Hi Laurent,

Am 17.01.2011 um 22:32 schrieb Laurent PETIT:

 Taking the risk to be ridiculous in the front of all my peers : how is your 
 function different from the clojure.core/use function, exactly ?

It's more like immigrate from earlier compojure versions. When you use this 
namespace it will also provide the functions from from-ns. This is not the case 
 with use. This has of course subtle implications when used eg. with binding. 
immigrate was deprecated from compojure, IIRC.


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support Syntax

2011-01-17 Thread Brian Goslinga
On Jan 17, 3:17 pm, Jason Wolfe wrote:
 I think you can.  Let me elaborate on my simplistic example.  Compile
 the code for a function twice -- once where everything works within
 primitives, and once where everything works with Objects -- and
 concatenate the bytecode together.  Start by running the primitive
 version.  On overflow, jump into the corresponding spot in the object
 version (after some patching up / boxing) -- rather than throwing an
 exception.  If no overflow happens, you run *exactly* the same
 bytecode as the current unprimed ops.  (I'm not sure how this would
 interact with JIT compared to exceptions, though).  As soon as
 overflow happens, you run code as if all of the operations were
 primed, until function call exit.
I'm not sure the JVM allows methods to do that; it might be possible

This doesn't address the issue that a method has to decide up front
whether it is going to return a primitive or an object. I suppose you
could compile two versions of each function, but brings up two issues:
First, there would be massive code bloat, which might hurt the ability
of the code to be JITed well. Second, if a function is hinted to
return a primitive, it would almost certainly be an error to return
something that isn't a primitive.

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Clojure/JVM languages internal presentation

2011-01-17 Thread Robert Campbell
Hey guys,

This past summer I gave a presentation on JVM langauges at our
company's worldwide developer summit. I tried to get approval for
Clojure but had to settle for Scala because its syntax didn't frighten
management. I figured I'd share it in case any of the slides can be of
use elsewhere.

open in browser (no notes):


The talk (w/notes in github .key file) was very important and the
slides don't make much sense without it, but it generally went like:

-Topic is JVM languages, what they are, why we should care about them
-We (as a mostly Java house) have two big problems: bloat and concurrency
-Show bloat with examples, try to illustrate a trend
-Why are these other languages so concise?
-Go back over the examples pulling out a single language feature from
each (in bold), explain how it leads to more concise code
-Talk a bit about concurrency, No free lunch (R), Ghz wall, cores increasing
-Java's answer to concurrency is difficult to work with
-Make a token effort to select a JVM language based on books,
perceived momentum/maturity/community, etc
-Select Clojure and Scala, end with Scala example since that's the one
that was approved (replace slide here :-)


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support Syntax

2011-01-17 Thread Jason Wolfe

On Jan 17, 3:24 pm, Brian Goslinga wrote:
 On Jan 17, 3:17 pm, Jason Wolfe wrote: I think you can.  
 Let me elaborate on my simplistic example.  Compile
  the code for a function twice -- once where everything works within
  primitives, and once where everything works with Objects -- and
  concatenate the bytecode together.  Start by running the primitive
  version.  On overflow, jump into the corresponding spot in the object
  version (after some patching up / boxing) -- rather than throwing an
  exception.  If no overflow happens, you run *exactly* the same
  bytecode as the current unprimed ops.  (I'm not sure how this would
  interact with JIT compared to exceptions, though).  As soon as
  overflow happens, you run code as if all of the operations were
  primed, until function call exit.

 I'm not sure the JVM allows methods to do that; it might be possible

I believe it's possible, as long as the bytecodes are combined into a
single method body (due to the local jump restriction).

 This doesn't address the issue that a method has to decide up front
 whether it is going to return a primitive or an object. I suppose you
 could compile two versions of each function, but brings up two issues:
 First, there would be massive code bloat, which might hurt the ability
 of the code to be JITed well.

This is an issue.  I believe it might be avoidable with some tricks,
but I don't know enough about JVM internals to say for sure.  (I can
elaborate on ideas if requested).

 Second, if a function is hinted to
 return a primitive, it would almost certainly be an error to return
 something that isn't a primitive.

Correct.  As I mentioned earlier, if you hint the return as long, we
would always return a long (truncating/throwing if necessary).  This
is only talking about behavior *within* a function; the external
interface of the function is not up for interpretation.  And, taking a
step back, what people seem to be concerned with is long semantics
being inferred when that's not what they want.  If the user explicitly
declares the return value to be a long, this concern would no longer

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support Syntax

2011-01-17 Thread Brian Goslinga
I'll also add that type inference wouldn't solve the problem, it would
just move the pain the the design of the type system and details
relating to it. The type system would probably be at least as complex
as Java generics to be something worthwhile if you do the type
inferencing for perf primarily and type checking incidentally; if you
want type checking primarily it would most likely be even more

The changes in 1.3 don't really make the language more complicated; in
contrast, type inferencing would.

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Book on Ring - reviewers needed

2011-01-17 Thread Brian Marick
I'm working on a short book on Ring for the Pragmatic Bookshelf. The first two 
chapters are here:

If you'd like to be a reviewer, send me mail.

Brian Marick, Artisanal Labrador
Contract programming in Ruby and Clojure
Author of /Ring/ (forthcoming; sample:,,

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Re: best way to define alias for all publics in ns?

2011-01-17 Thread Seth
if you 'use' ns A in ns B, ns C which uses B will not see the
functions of A. Im trying to create a ns which collects functions from
various other ns and exports them so that all you have to do is use
that one uber ns.

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Re: best way to define alias for all publics in ns?

2011-01-17 Thread Ken Wesson
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 10:47 PM, Seth wrote:
 if you 'use' ns A in ns B, ns C which uses B will not see the
 functions of A. Im trying to create a ns which collects functions from
 various other ns and exports them so that all you have to do is use
 that one uber ns.

And, Clojure being a language with good meta facilities, you figured
it ought to be as easy as

(ns uber-ns
  :use (other-ns yet-another-ns))

(foo other-ns)
(foo yet-another-ns)

for some choice of foo.

I'd figure something like this might work:

(defn make-def [name value]
  `(def name value))

(defmacro foo [target-ns]
 #(make-def % (symbol (str target-ns / %)))
 (get-all-public-symbols target-ns

given an implementation of get-all-public-symbols that, given a
namespace *symbol* and *at macroexpansion time*, produces a seq of the
symbols of public vars in that namespace; so if called on the symbol
'clojure.core it would produce something like ('condp 'for 'map 'doall
'println 'seq ...) and foo would produce something like (do (def condp
clojure.core/condp) (def for clojure.core/for) ...).

Making foo copy the metadata of the var as well as the value is left
as an exercise for the reader. As is implementing

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Re: Clojure Quizzes?

2011-01-17 Thread Alan
On Jan 17, 7:42 am, Robert McIntyre wrote:
 You can then actually run your program by making a shell script with
 something like
 java -Xmn500M -Xms2000M -Xmx2000M -server -cp ./lib/*:./src
 clojure.main your-namespace-file.clj  $@

 A little known fact is that the above can actually be embedded into a
 clojure source file with the following trick:

 Make this the first line of your clojure namespace to make it executable:

 :;exec java -verbose:gc -Xmn500M -Xms2000M -Xmx2000M -server -cp
 your-classpath clojure.main $0 $*;

 The trick is putting the :; at the beginning and then calling exec.
 To clojure this looks like a literal string followed by a comment.  To
 bash it looks like a no-op followed by an invocation of java on the
 file itself, and no lines after the first ever get executed. You can
 make whatever class structure you cant and then just symlink the
 clojure file to be an executable file at the base of the directory.
 You can still always go the shell script route if you don't like the
 embedding trick. This technique is common with emacs-lisp to make
 things executable.

Instead of a trick, why not use the fact that clojure treats #! as a
single-line comment? Then you can write your shebang line just like
every other scripting language.

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Testing if a sequence is lazy

2011-01-17 Thread Nick Brown
Hi, I'm wondering if there is a good way to test if a given sequence
is lazy, and if so, how much of it has been evaluated.  I know the
fact that it is lazy should be transparent, but I'm thinking in the
context of unit testing knowing that could be valuable.  For instance
if you know a particular sequence could be particularly large or
expensive in certain situations, you may want your tests to assert
that it is not getting evaluated prematurely.

I suppose I could hack the generator function to cause a side effect
that I could test for, but is there an easier way?

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Re: Clojure Quizzes?

2011-01-17 Thread Robert McIntyre
Because there is a limit on the length of the shebang line to as short
as 80 characters in some distributions (notably ubuntu), and the posix
standard for the shebang line does not allow you to pass any arguments
to the interperter to modify its behaviour --- so no classpath or
anything else for you!  Try it --- you'll see that the standard
shebang line just doesn't work for most project setups.  Embedding
shell gets around all these problems.

--Robert McIntyre

On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 12:03 AM, Alan wrote:
 On Jan 17, 7:42 am, Robert McIntyre wrote:
 You can then actually run your program by making a shell script with
 something like
 java -Xmn500M -Xms2000M -Xmx2000M -server -cp ./lib/*:./src
 clojure.main your-namespace-file.clj  $@

 A little known fact is that the above can actually be embedded into a
 clojure source file with the following trick:

 Make this the first line of your clojure namespace to make it executable:

 :;exec java -verbose:gc -Xmn500M -Xms2000M -Xmx2000M -server -cp
 your-classpath clojure.main $0 $*;

 The trick is putting the :; at the beginning and then calling exec.
 To clojure this looks like a literal string followed by a comment.  To
 bash it looks like a no-op followed by an invocation of java on the
 file itself, and no lines after the first ever get executed. You can
 make whatever class structure you cant and then just symlink the
 clojure file to be an executable file at the base of the directory.
 You can still always go the shell script route if you don't like the
 embedding trick. This technique is common with emacs-lisp to make
 things executable.

 Instead of a trick, why not use the fact that clojure treats #! as a
 single-line comment? Then you can write your shebang line just like
 every other scripting language.

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Re: HPC in scala ..

2011-01-17 Thread Tim Daly

Hello Everybody,

not directly related to clojure .. but it is interesting to know that 
scala people got a huge funding to further the state of the art in HPC...


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I have just finished
Language Virtualization for Heterogeneous Parallel Computing

The fundamental idea is defining a DSL (domain specific language)
to express some ideas. The DSL lives in a layer above the implementation
language but is embedded into the implementation language. That is,
the DSL does not have a separate compiler. DSLs define languages
that can support this as virtualization languages (VL). The VL needs
to provide four properties:
1) expressiveness -- everything should be expressible in the VL
2) performance -- the DSL should perform at VL speeds
3) safety -- the DSL should not reach into the underlying VL
4) effort -- the DSL should be easy to implement.

DSLs should be easy to combine because they both rest on the
same VL. Thus, a developer can provide capabilities of multiple
DSLs in the same image.

Clojure clearly fulfills all of the goals of a virtualization language
because it is a Lisp. Lisp systems are clearly capable of building
a DSL that is fully expressive of all of the power of Lisp. By using
the macro facility the DSL syntax can be matched to the problem

Macros allow the Clojure code to dynamically generate high performance
code that takes advantage of domain specific optimizations.

The macro language can be defined independent of the underlying
lisp so that there is no need to reach below the VL into Clojure.
This gives the DSL portability.

Macros are minimal effort. It is easy to develop macros and easy to
incrementally develop and enhance them to support any DSL features.

So I think that Clojure is an excellent virtualization language for DSLs.

While I do not know of any large Clojure applications yet, I know that
Axiom can be viewed as a mathematical domain specific language
in Common Lisp with facilities similar to Mathematica. ACL2 is a
logical domain specific language in Common Lisp with the ability
to prove lisp programs. Because they have a common VL they can
be combined into the same lisp image and ACL2 can be used to
prove Axiom mathematical statements. Lisp systems like Clojure
make this combination simple to implement.

I believe that, given enough time for Clojure to mature, we will see
large domain specific languages developed. These will be easy to
combine in a single Clojure image.

This paper provides a potential way to write parallel code for specific
domains. It attracted multi-million euro funding and could represent a
specific way forward for parallel Clojure programs.

Tim Daly

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