Re: remote nrepl/gorilla + port forwarding

2015-01-15 Thread Sam Raker
Oh genius. Thanks! (Also thanks for pointing out the MASSIVE security hole 
I was trying to create for myself.)

On Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 6:19:04 AM UTC-5, Jony Hudson wrote:

 Hi Sam,

  I think `lein gorilla :ip :port 5` should work (it works on 
 my machine). And if your router is forwarding 5 to that machine 
 correctly then it should be accessible from outside. `lein gorilla :ip 
 ROUTER_IP :port 5` shouldn't work because ROUTER_IP isn't an IP address 
 bound to the machine, so it will not be able to run a server on it.

 More importantly, though, DO NOT DO THIS!!! The reason is that this will 
 give full access (with the privileges of the user running Gorilla) to 
 anyone on the internet. Stuff like reading, deleting all of your files etc 
 :-( Gorilla doesn't have any form of authentication mechanism built in, and 
 the server mode is really meant for trusted access only. If you want to run 
 Gorilla over a non-trusted network then you should set it up to use some 
 form of authentication.

 The solution I usually use for this sort of thing is to tunnel through 
 SSH. So, first of all make sure you can access SSH on THAT_COMPUTER ... if 
 your router allows you to forward 5 external to 22 on THAT_COMPUTER 
 then that would work. If you can't control the target port then you might 
 need to run the SSH server on a different port (5).

 Once you've got SSH running then you can run the Gorilla server on the 
 internal (loopback) IP i.e. the default setting. This is not accessible 
 from outside the machine, but it is accessible by the SSH server which is 
 running on the machine. So you can then use ssh tunnelling to access this 
 port from the outside machine.


 - set up router to forward ssh
 - run `lein gorilla :port 6` on THAT_COMPUTER
 - on the remote machine `ssh -L 8090: -p 5 
 me@ROUTER_IP`. This connects to the SSH server on 5, and tells it to 
 route traffic from the local machine's port 8080 to the remote machine's 
 port 6, which is the port that Gorilla is running on. This will be done 
 by the ssh server, internal to the remote machine, so does not need Gorilla 
 to be externally accessible.
 - then you should be able to securely access Gorilla on the remote machine 
 at `http://localhost:8090/...` http://localhost:8090/ SSH will 
 route this as described above.

 A diagram would really help here with all of the ports, but hopefully you 
 get the idea :-)


 On Thursday, 15 January 2015 01:01:56 UTC, Sam Raker wrote:

 I've got a computer with a bunch of clojure code on it, sitting at home 
 on my home network. I've configured my router to forward port 5 on that 
 computer to port 5 on the router itself, so that, at least in theory, 
 ROUTER_IP:5 should be forwarded to THAT_COMPUTER:5, if that makes 
 sense. I've done this same thing for a number of other things, including 
 SSH, MySQL, etc.

 When I'm at home, I can fire up `lein gorilla :ip THAT_COMPUTER :port 
 5` and then go to http://THAT_COMPUTER:5/worksheet.html, or, 
 more directly, `lein repl :headless THAT_COMPUTER:5`/`lein repl 
 :connect THAT_COMPUTER:5`, and it works. I'm trying to do the same from 
 not-at-home, no dice. (For the curious: I can SSH into THAT_COMPUTER, but 
 the connection is REALLY slow.)

 I've tried `lein gorilla :ip ROUTER_IP :port 5` (from THAT_COMPUTER), 
 but get a about not being able to assign the 
 requested address--which makes sense--but `lein gorilla :ip :port 
 5` doesn't seem to work either. Same with `lein repl :headless :host :port 5`. 

 Any suggestions? Is this just not a thing I can do with these tools at 
 this point in their development? Is this a thing that should just work and 
 possibly my dumb router or some other thing is screwing it up?


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Re: [ANN] dformat 0.1.0

2015-01-15 Thread Luc Préfontaine
Euuh ? I was expecting to find %5 and above and a bunch of embedded forms

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Re: [ANN] Clojure/West 2015 Call for Presentations

2015-01-15 Thread Alex Miller
Just to be clear, Clojure should be read in a big tent way here to include 
ClojureScript and anything Clojure-related of course. ClojureScript talks 


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Re: [ANN] dformat 0.1.0

2015-01-15 Thread Steve Miner
Clever.  The doc-strings for dformatter and dformat could use a little work.  
Remember, people will use (doc whatever) in the REPL so “same as above” isn’t 
very useful.  Also, the dformatter doc implies more arguments than it actually 
takes.  The order of arguments to dformat seems backwards to me -- usually the 
format arg comes before the value to be formatted.

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Re: Clojurescript to target JVM?

2015-01-15 Thread Adam Clements
I've been looking at getting my startup time down on my Clojure on android
app (it needs to be at least an order of magnitude smaller before I can
ship), and revisited this as a potential candidate. The biggest friction
point was that I would have to change which libraries I use and revisit all
the java interop to make it work nicely as clojurescript.

This got me wondering, would a hybrid approach work? If Rhino can use java
classes, could we rework the clojurescript emitter to emit javascript
corresponding to jvm clojure with rhino's java interop? Presumably if only
the javascript primitives were used and the java objects and interop
retained, the resulting rhino compiled bytecode would be fairly reasonable?
What's more, all the var indirection could be removed and macro
transformations baked in, making it less dynamic and workable for proguard
optimisation even if google's closure compiler didn't work very well with

It's a fairly roundabout approach, and it might be that it would be quicker
to just implement a static production-mode compiler for clojure and skip
the clojurescript hack, but let me know if you think there would be some
mileage in using this to get something working in the short term.


On Sat Nov 22 2014 at 04:29:47 Sam Beran wrote:

 The code is still half-baked, but in leu of a blog post or code, I can
 summarize my reasoning and approach:

 *ClojureScript is Designed With UI Responsiveness In Mind*

 At present, JVM Clojure is not currently suitable for Android development.
  Since Android applications are structured around ephemeral Activities,
 any startup penalty over 250 ms is simply unacceptable. Current benchmarks
 [1] are showing 2-5 seconds of startup time, and I have seen no
 straightforward advice on how to achieve an order-of-magnitude increase in
 startup performance. ClojureScript (and JavaScript) is designed from the
 ground up with startup speed in mind. ClojureScript can be used to create
 responsive user interfaces on Android.

 *Selecting a Host Runtime*

 In order to run ClojureScript on Android, I considered the following
 options for host runtimes:

- *Android WebView * - we can achieve reasonable startup times with a
WebView, however any data must be serialized and deserialized in order to
communicate between a WebView and Java. Even worse, any long-running object
lifecycles must be manually managed, since we cannot rely on garbage
collection to maintain object references between the host VM and those of
the WebView.
- *V8 (JNI) - *I briefly considered compiling a V8 runtime to host
ClojureScript. Startup speed would probably outperform the WebView. This
would be a lot of work to develop a nice bridging mechanism. Object
lifecycle management is better than WebView, but still not ideal. With no
C++ or JNI background, I could tell very quickly that this would not be a
weekend project.
- *Rhino* - Rhino is a lightweight JavaScript runtime for the JVM.
Execution speed is not fast, and since Rhino is not actively maintained, it
will probably never support ES6 - not huge concerns for ClojureScript.
Since Rhino is a pure-Java runtime, there is very little overhead when
communicating between JS- Java, and Java GC can be used to maintain
object lifecycles.
- *Nashorn *- the successor to rhino. Not an option until Android
supports InvokeDynamic.[2]

 *Achieving Fast Startup on Rhino*

 When I initially ran ClojureScript on Rhino, Startup speed was around 8-10
 seconds - even worse than JVM Clojure! Some quick measurements indicated
 that the bulk of the time was spent with Rhino parsing the JS sources for
 cljs/core.js. I was pleased to discover that Rhino supports bytecode
 precompilation via the jsc utility [3]. I was able to precompile the
 ClojureScript output to bytecode, and achieve *much faster startup -
 around 150ms on device*. This is well within the target performance
 range, and is fast enough to eliminate any noticeable UI lag.

 One hurdle I ran into is the 64k method size limit for Java classes. Since
 jsc compiles all .js files to a single method in a Java class, compiling
 cljs/core.js caused errors when compiling to bytecode. I was able to get
 around this by splitting the JS files in half during the build process
 until they were small enough to compile. *I have since implemented some
 optimizations which bring the startup overhead of ClojureScript down to 
 100 ms.*

 *Pure ClojureScript Android Applications*

 Since I am precompiling the ClojureScript sources, I can also generate
 Java classes using ClojureScript macros. Here is an example of an Android
 Activity written in ClojureScript. This activity is compiled to Java in a
 similar manner to Clojure's gen-class mechanism:

 (ns cljs-hello.core
 (:require-macros [lambdroid.compile :refer [java-class]]))

 {:name io.lambdroid.MyActivity

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.7.0-alpha5 now available

2015-01-15 Thread Steve Miner
Alpha5 works for me.

I noticed that the doc-string for *unchecked-math* doesn't mention the 
:warn-on-boxed behavior.  

Suggestion:  While bound to true, compilations of +, -, *, inc, dec and the 
coercions will be done without overflow checks. While bound to :warn-on-boxed, 
a warning will be emitted when compilation uses boxed math. Default: false.

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Re: [ANN] dformat 0.1.0

2015-01-15 Thread David Sargeant
Looks really useful.  I would recommend using (fn [] ...) instead of #(...) 
Makes the code more readable.

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Re: Properly parse clojure source code?

2015-01-15 Thread Reid McKenzie
If what you want is a parser not a reader, I reworked this [1] recently 
and to the limits of my testing it's correct in that it parses every 
reader construct I thought of to throw at it. You could improve it, I 
believe that #() nesting is supported by this grammar, but I was trying 
not to complicate evaluation semantics with the parser grammar too much. 
Debugging ANTLR grammars is not what I'd call friendly.

A useful subset of this grammar with nicer evaluation semantics is 
used, a reader implemented and tested here [2]



On 01/15/15 17:21, Thomas Heller wrote: is probably your best bet.

On Friday, January 16, 2015 at 12:13:22 AM UTC+1, zirkonit wrote:

I'm thoroughly confused. If I want to parse clojure code from string
without evaluating or caring a lot about its context, I'm out of luck.

EDN tools choke on reader macros ( #(blah % blah) is not valid EDN
), yet more context-aware tools like read-string with *read-eval*
set to false choke on namespace-specific tokens like ::om/pass.

What would be a best choice to parse Clojure code into analyzable
data structure while both parsing all of it (so, not just
clojure.edn/read), _and_ not going the entire
namespaces/shadowing/etc dance?

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Re: [ANN] dformat 0.1.0

2015-01-15 Thread Mike Haney
I completely agree that the order of arguments is backwards - precludes the use 
of 'partial'.

Other than that, good job.  Very clever idea.

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Properly parse clojure source code?

2015-01-15 Thread zirkonit
I'm thoroughly confused. If I want to parse clojure code from string 
without evaluating or caring a lot about its context, I'm out of luck.

EDN tools choke on reader macros ( #(blah % blah) is not valid EDN ), yet 
more context-aware tools like read-string with *read-eval* set to false 
choke on namespace-specific tokens like ::om/pass.

What would be a best choice to parse Clojure code into analyzable data 
structure while both parsing all of it (so, not just clojure.edn/read), 
_and_ not going the entire namespaces/shadowing/etc dance?

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Re: Properly parse clojure source code?

2015-01-15 Thread Andy Fingerhut
I agree that tools.reader is probably the best way to go.

The following note is off the top of my head without double-checking the
details, so please take it with a bit of needs verification of details

Even with tools.reader, I believe you either need to eval ns forms, or do
your own parsing of ns forms to be able to read things like ::om/pass, with
namespace aliases in the keywords.  e.g. see documentation for *alias-map**alias-map*


On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 3:21 PM, Thomas Heller wrote: is probably your best bet.

 On Friday, January 16, 2015 at 12:13:22 AM UTC+1, zirkonit wrote:

 I'm thoroughly confused. If I want to parse clojure code from string
 without evaluating or caring a lot about its context, I'm out of luck.

 EDN tools choke on reader macros ( #(blah % blah) is not valid EDN ), yet
 more context-aware tools like read-string with *read-eval* set to false
 choke on namespace-specific tokens like ::om/pass.

 What would be a best choice to parse Clojure code into analyzable data
 structure while both parsing all of it (so, not just clojure.edn/read),
 _and_ not going the entire namespaces/shadowing/etc dance?

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Re: Properly parse clojure source code?

2015-01-15 Thread Thomas Heller is probably your best bet.

On Friday, January 16, 2015 at 12:13:22 AM UTC+1, zirkonit wrote:

 I'm thoroughly confused. If I want to parse clojure code from string 
 without evaluating or caring a lot about its context, I'm out of luck.

 EDN tools choke on reader macros ( #(blah % blah) is not valid EDN ), yet 
 more context-aware tools like read-string with *read-eval* set to false 
 choke on namespace-specific tokens like ::om/pass.

 What would be a best choice to parse Clojure code into analyzable data 
 structure while both parsing all of it (so, not just clojure.edn/read), 
 _and_ not going the entire namespaces/shadowing/etc dance?

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Re: [ANN] Leiningen 2.5.1 released

2015-01-15 Thread Mike Thompson

Reported here:

The workaround is to remove any wget or curl in your PATH, which will 
force lein.bat to use powershell (when downloading from github).

On Monday, January 12, 2015 at 9:25:26 PM UTC+11, Jean Niklas L'orange 

 Hi there,

 On Monday, January 12, 2015 at 3:22:46 AM UTC+1, hba wrote:

 The message comes from wget [1] and to fix it i uninstalled it to let 
 leiningen-win-installer [2] use curl instead. 

 If it's more sensible to use curl over wget on Windows by default, then 
 I'd like to have one of you creating a new issue in the lein issue 

 It's probably also possible to use the %HTTP_CLIENT% environment variable 
 to solve this. If the Windows shell works anything like bash, then this 
 should be something like
 SET HTTP_CLIENT=call curl -f -L -o


 -- Jean Niklas

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Re: remote nrepl/gorilla + port forwarding

2015-01-15 Thread Jony Hudson
Hi Sam,

 I think `lein gorilla :ip :port 5` should work (it works on my 
machine). And if your router is forwarding 5 to that machine correctly 
then it should be accessible from outside. `lein gorilla :ip ROUTER_IP 
:port 5` shouldn't work because ROUTER_IP isn't an IP address bound to 
the machine, so it will not be able to run a server on it.

More importantly, though, DO NOT DO THIS!!! The reason is that this will 
give full access (with the privileges of the user running Gorilla) to 
anyone on the internet. Stuff like reading, deleting all of your files etc 
:-( Gorilla doesn't have any form of authentication mechanism built in, and 
the server mode is really meant for trusted access only. If you want to run 
Gorilla over a non-trusted network then you should set it up to use some 
form of authentication.

The solution I usually use for this sort of thing is to tunnel through SSH. 
So, first of all make sure you can access SSH on THAT_COMPUTER ... if your 
router allows you to forward 5 external to 22 on THAT_COMPUTER then 
that would work. If you can't control the target port then you might need 
to run the SSH server on a different port (5).

Once you've got SSH running then you can run the Gorilla server on the 
internal (loopback) IP i.e. the default setting. This is not accessible 
from outside the machine, but it is accessible by the SSH server which is 
running on the machine. So you can then use ssh tunnelling to access this 
port from the outside machine.


- set up router to forward ssh
- run `lein gorilla :port 6` on THAT_COMPUTER
- on the remote machine `ssh -L 8090: -p 5 
me@ROUTER_IP`. This connects to the SSH server on 5, and tells it to 
route traffic from the local machine's port 8080 to the remote machine's 
port 6, which is the port that Gorilla is running on. This will be done 
by the ssh server, internal to the remote machine, so does not need Gorilla 
to be externally accessible.
- then you should be able to securely access Gorilla on the remote machine 
at `http://localhost:8090/...`. SSH will route this as described above.

A diagram would really help here with all of the ports, but hopefully you 
get the idea :-)


On Thursday, 15 January 2015 01:01:56 UTC, Sam Raker wrote:

 I've got a computer with a bunch of clojure code on it, sitting at home on 
 my home network. I've configured my router to forward port 5 on that 
 computer to port 5 on the router itself, so that, at least in theory, 
 ROUTER_IP:5 should be forwarded to THAT_COMPUTER:5, if that makes 
 sense. I've done this same thing for a number of other things, including 
 SSH, MySQL, etc.

 When I'm at home, I can fire up `lein gorilla :ip THAT_COMPUTER :port 
 5` and then go to http://THAT_COMPUTER:5/worksheet.html, or, more 
 directly, `lein repl :headless THAT_COMPUTER:5`/`lein repl :connect 
 THAT_COMPUTER:5`, and it works. I'm trying to do the same from 
 not-at-home, no dice. (For the curious: I can SSH into THAT_COMPUTER, but 
 the connection is REALLY slow.)

 I've tried `lein gorilla :ip ROUTER_IP :port 5` (from THAT_COMPUTER), 
 but get a about not being able to assign the 
 requested address--which makes sense--but `lein gorilla :ip :port 
 5` doesn't seem to work either. Same with `lein repl :headless :host :port 5`. 

 Any suggestions? Is this just not a thing I can do with these tools at 
 this point in their development? Is this a thing that should just work and 
 possibly my dumb router or some other thing is screwing it up?


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Re: [ANN] dformat 0.1.0

2015-01-15 Thread Carl Cotner
Exactly my first reaction! :-)

Great idea, zirkonit!


On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 4:52 PM, wrote:

 It seems so obvious in retrospect... :) Good job.

 On Monday, January 12, 2015 at 4:43:08 PM UTC-5, zirkonit wrote:

 A tiny library, my first open-source Clojure release. Removes some
 head-scratching when formatting dates (is it  or ? or YYY?) by
 building date format strings automatically based on a sample. For example:

 (dformat date March 1, 1999)   ;; June 9, 2011
 (dformat date Jan 1, 1999) ;; Jun 9, 2011
 (dformat date Jan 01)  ;; Jun 09
 (dformat date Sunday, May 1, 2000) ;; Thursday, June 9, 2011
 (dformat date Sun Aug 5)   ;; Thu Jun 9
 (dformat date 12/31/99);; 06/09/11
 (dformat date DOB: 12/31/2000) ;; DOB: 06/09/2011
 (dformat date March 15, 1999)  ;; June 09, 2011

 All comments are welcome!

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