clojure.compiler.disable-locals-clearing memory leak?

2016-01-24 Thread Mars0i
In my  application, I seem to get a memory leak when I use 
-Dclojure.compiler.disable-locals-clearing=true in Clojure 1.7.0 and 1.8.0, 
but not in 1.6.0.  (i.e. I get "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead 
limit exceeded" with the more recent versions).

Any guesses about why this might happen?  Just curious.  

(I think I can live without disabling locals-clearing.  I don't fully 
understand it.  Not sure why I started using it.  I don't use a debugger.)

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Re: Clojure based office suite?

2016-01-24 Thread Patrick Durusau


On Friday, January 22, 2016 at 11:36:24 PM UTC-5, Mars0i wrote:
> There is a text editor written in Clojure:
> That's pretty far from an office suite ...

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emacs Expectations Mode - can't make it work

2016-01-24 Thread Yuri Steinschreiber
Hi -

Is anybody using Expectations Mode When I try to use it with 
the latest CIDER and cider-nrepl I get "Symbol's definition is void: 
nrepl-send-string" when trying to run expectations test.

I suspect version mismatch between Expectations Mode and CIDER or 
cider-nrepl, but before digging deeper I'd like to make sure I'm not on a 
wild goose chase.

My environment: emacs 24.4.1 Ubuntu (the same happens on 24.5.1 on 
Windows,) CIDER 0.11.0-snapshot from melpa, cider-nrepl 0.10.1, I'm using 
emacs Prelude with only slight additional customizations. By the way, I get 
a bunch of warnings on REPL startup about version mismatch between CIDER 
and  cider-nrepl - not sure if it's related, but can anybody can either 
tell me it's ok, or point at the way of fixing it.

p.s. Not an emacs expert by a long shot, so might be missing something 
totally obvious.

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Re: lein: managing versions of common deps / soliciting assistance on PR review

2016-01-24 Thread Sean Corfield
We have slowly been running into this more and more and as part of our solution 
to the problem, we switched from Leiningen to Boot. There were many reasons for 
the switch but easier management of dependencies was one aspect.

We created a centralized properties file with the dependencies we wanted pinned 
across all our projects (this is just a small part of it):





Then our various `build.boot` files read this file and use it to patch up the 
dependencies in each project:

(defn load-versions

  "Read in pinned dependency versions."


  (into {} (doto (java.util.Properties.)

 (.load (io/input-stream (str (ws-root) 

(def ^:private versions (delay (load-versions)))

We have switched to keeping dependencies (for each project) in an EDN file so 
it’s separate from our actual build files and we read that in like this:

(defn update-deps

  "Given a set of dependencies, automatically update ones that

  we pin using external version properties file."


  (into [] (map (fn [[artifact version :as dep]]

  (if-let [pinned (@versions (str artifact))]

[artifact pinned]

dep)) deps)))

(defn datamapper-deps

  "Read dependencies from datamapper project."


  (-> (edn/read-string (slurp (str (ws-root) "/clojure/datamapper/deps.edn")))


And then we have tasks to set up the "context" for each project, for example:

(deftask datamapper

  "Provide data mapper context."


  (merge-env! :source-paths #{"clojure/datamapper/src"}

  :dependencies   (datamapper-deps))


Where datamapper depends on the environment project. So the dependencies are 
read from the EDN file and updated to the pinned version in the properties 
file. Then we just compose the context tasks as needed into other tasks that 
invoke code based on them (including building JARs etc).

Inside each EDN file, we indicate the fake versions like this:

[[org.clojure/clojure "x.y.z"]

 [org.clojure/core.cache "x.y.z"]

 [org.clojure/core.memoize "x.y.z"]

 [org.clojure/data.codec "x.y.z"]

 [org.clojure/java.jdbc "x.y.z"]

 [org.clojure/tools.nrepl "x.y.z"]


Sean Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

From:  Clojure Mailing List  on behalf of Chris Price 

Reply-To:  Clojure Mailing List 
Date:  Sunday, January 24, 2016 at 1:39 PM
To:  Clojure Mailing List 
Subject:  lein: managing versions of common deps / soliciting assistance on PR 


As the number of Clojure projects at our company has increased, we've ended up 
running into more and more frequent issues where lein's "pedantic" is alerting 
us to conflicting versions of transitive dependencies.  Up until now we've been 
managing this by surgically updating the lists of dependencies / exclusions in 
each project until everything matches up, but that's kind of like a giant game 
of whack-a-mole and has left us vulnerable to situations where we're 
unwittingly running a bunch of our CI jobs against a different version of some 
of our dependencies than the versions that we end up including in our final 

I'm curious how often this has been coming up for others, and whether or not 
anyone has found a solution or workaround for it that they are really happy 

I've seen a couple of cool things that people have put out there, e.g.:

Both of these seem to be taking an approach somewhat similar to Maven's own 
solution, which is the "parent pom" / project inheritance[1] approach (along 
with the "managedDependencies" section of a pom file).  Given that, and given 
that lein's dependency management is already built on top of Maven, I've been 
wondering if it would make sense to try to bring in support for parent projects 
and managed dependencies as first-class constructs in leiningen.


(defproject my-parent-project "1.0.0"
  :description "Parent project"
  :managed-dependencies [[clj-time "0.10.0"]
 [core.async "1.0"]])

Then you could have child projects foo and bar:

(defproject foo "1.0.0"
   :parent-project [my-parent-project "1.0.0"]
   :dependencies [[clj-time]
[some-other-dep "2.0.0"]])
(defproject bar "1.0.0"
   :parent-project [my-parent-project "1.0.0"]
   :dependencies [[core.async]
[yet-another-dep "3.0.0"]])

In this example, foo would automatically get the correct version of clj-time 
from the parent, but would not drag in core.async at all. Likewise, bar would 
get the correct version of core.async but would not drag in clj-time. When you 
wanted to bump to a newer version of clj-time or core.a

lein: managing versions of common deps / soliciting assistance on PR review

2016-01-24 Thread Chris Price

As the number of Clojure projects at our company has increased, we've ended
up running into more and more frequent issues where lein's "pedantic" is
alerting us to conflicting versions of transitive dependencies.  Up until
now we've been managing this by surgically updating the lists of
dependencies / exclusions in each project until everything matches up, but
that's kind of like a giant game of whack-a-mole and has left us vulnerable
to situations where we're unwittingly running a bunch of our CI jobs
against a different version of some of our dependencies than the versions
that we end up including in our final builds.

I'm curious how often this has been coming up for others, and whether or
not anyone has found a solution or workaround for it that they are really
happy with.

I've seen a couple of cool things that people have put out there, e.g.:

Both of these seem to be taking an approach somewhat similar to Maven's own
solution, which is the "parent pom" / project inheritance[1] approach
(along with the "managedDependencies" section of a pom file).  Given that,
and given that lein's dependency management is already built on top of
Maven, I've been wondering if it would make sense to try to bring in
support for parent projects and managed dependencies as first-class
constructs in leiningen.


(defproject my-parent-project "1.0.0"
  :description "Parent project"
  :managed-dependencies [[clj-time "0.10.0"]
 [core.async "1.0"]])

Then you could have child projects foo and bar:

(defproject foo "1.0.0"
   :parent-project [my-parent-project "1.0.0"]
   :dependencies [[clj-time]
[some-other-dep "2.0.0"]])
(defproject bar "1.0.0"
   :parent-project [my-parent-project "1.0.0"]
   :dependencies [[core.async]
[yet-another-dep "3.0.0"]])

In this example, foo would automatically get the correct version of
clj-time from the parent, but would not drag in core.async at all.
Likewise, bar would get the correct version of core.async but would not
drag in clj-time. When you wanted to bump to a newer version of clj-time or
core.async across all of your projects, you'd just update the parent

I'd be really curious to hear whether there are other people out there who
would find this useful, or if we're just doing something wrong :)

If there is some level of interest in this I'd be happy to work on PRs for
it; I've already done a fair amount of exploration.  In fact, I've already
put together one PR against cemerick/pomegranate to add support there for
Maven's "managedDependencies", which I think would be a pre-req for getting
any of the rest of this into leiningen:

If there are other folks out there who think this might be useful, I'd be
grateful for any feedback or review on the above PR.

Definitely still very interested to hear what other solutions people may
have come up with for this, though.


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Re: Destructuring seems to work with PersistentList and not with PersistentVector

2016-01-24 Thread Matching Socks
In case it's not clear from the above, {:keys [...]} is a 
technique for *map* destructuring of associative data structures.

(let [{:keys [a b]} {:a 1 :b 2}] [a b])
[1 2]

As documented at, :keys
takes a vector of the symbols to bind.

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