Re: eclipse/counterclockwise/maven question

2010-04-03 Thread Christopher Taylor

On 01.04.2010, at 20:00, Stuart Halloway wrote:

 (2) When I import the project, the package explorer shows JRE System Library 
 J2SE 1.4. The Clojure REPL then bombs needing Java 1.5 features. I can edit 
 the project properties after the import, but shouldn't there be some way to 
 say this in pom.xml so that Eclipse choose 1.5 during the import?

AFAIR, 1.4 is the default for Maven's javac-plugin. If you add the snippet 
described in to the pom.xml, the 
specified version will be used; Eclipse (via m2eclipse or mvn 
eclipse:eclipse) picks this up correctly.


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Re: Why can't :let be first in a for

2009-10-26 Thread Christopher Taylor

Dear all,

I've got a re-implementation of the for-macro sitting around here that
removes this limitation (and others, the vector can't be empty either,
if I remember correctly). The implementation also adds the sorting and
grouping functionality described in Wadler and Jones' paper
comprehensive comprehensions (

I'd be happy to post the code if anyone's interested, however:
- it's based on an old version of Clojure (Dec '08, pre lazier
seqs), so it might need some work.
- I implemented a complete parser (Hutton's monadic parser
combinators, to
parse the binding vector and I'm not sure if that would make sense in
clojure.core (Although I think so, since `for` isn't the only macro in
core with a custom mini-parser).


On 23 Okt., 21:18, Chouser wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 3:16 PM, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:

  I like to try and keep my level of nesting under control, and this
  often involves hiding or re-structuring the let macro. The for macro
  can implicitly assemble a let macro for you, but with a limitation
  that the :let clause can't be first:

  1:5 user= (for [:let [z [:foo :bar]] x z] (name x))
  java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't pop empty vector (repl-1:5)
  1:6 user= (for [x [:foo :bar] :let [z (name x)]] z)
  (foo bar)
  1:7 user=

  Is this limitation intentional?  Could the error message be improved?

 It's not an intentional limitation.  One hint of this is that
 :let, :while, and :when all work perfectly fine at the beginning
 of a doseq.

 Improving the error message would be easy.  On the other hand,
 a patch to support them at the beginning of a 'for' should be
 possible.  I think it might be worthwhile, particulary for macros
 that generate 'for' forms.  The machinery inside a 'for'
 expansion is hard to do yourself.

 Rich, would you consider a patch to support this?

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Re: ANN: Full, continuously updated documentation for clojure.contrib

2009-05-04 Thread Christopher Taylor


thanks, that's great! I think it would be really useful if the  
overview appeared as a link on the contrib landing page.

all the best,

On 04.05.2009, at 08:41, Tom Faulhaber wrote:

 Hello everybody,

 As many of you know, I have been working on a contrib autodoc robot
 for the last little while.

 It is now up and running and you can use the results here:

 It includes:
 * An overview of each namespace in contrib (including the author and
 shortcut links to documentation for each of the functions).
 * An API page for each name space that includes the doc string for
 each function or variable in the namespace and a direct link to the
 source for that function or variable.
 * An index of all the documented functions and variables so that you
 can find them by name.
 * A JSON file that allows other tools to build off this information
 (at -
 still very much under development).

 Each page has a sidebar to allow for quick access from place to place.

 All the pages are stored in the wiki on the google code home for
 clojure-contrib. This is both a blessing and a curse, since the google
 code wiki is a little brain-dead. As a result, the formatting is not
 as awesome as I would like.

 The goal of this project is to make contrib a more open and accessible
 resource for the community. Please take advantage of this to see and
 understand the great stuff that folks have added to contrib for your
 programming pleasure. I will be making sure it is kept up-to-date
 (eventually that will be automated, but for now I have to type ant
 once in a while).

 To contrib authors: I have added metadata to your namespaces. Please
 update and correct it as you would like. The updates will be
 propagated to the site. Also, please review the doc for your
 contributions to make sure it is complete and correct in general. Let
 me know if anything doesn't seem to be going through the wringer

 Happy perusing!



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Re: constructing maps

2009-05-04 Thread Christopher Taylor

Hi Nathan,

On 04.05.2009, at 15:47, Nathan Hawkins wrote:

 On Mon, 4 May 2009 06:16:14 -0700 (PDT)
 Drew Raines wrote:

 Whoops, that (seq) is a debugging artifact.  You can remove that:

 (let [test-str foo=1;bar=2;baz=3]
  (reduce conj {}
  (map #(apply hash-map (.split % =))
   (.split test-str ;

 Ok, my example seems to have misled. You're missing the point a little

 1. I was trying to avoid the (reduce conj {} ...), by having the map
 function do it. Why even build a list that's only going to get thrown
 away when I want a hash-map at the end?

you're not actually building a list. The function map returns a (lazy)  
*sequence*, which is an instance of ISeq. This just means you're  
getting something that supports the operations first and rest. So,  
since map returns a sequence and you want a Map (i.e. key/value data  
structure), you'll have to turn it into one by using (conj {} ...) or  
(into {} ...).


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Re: shortcut for for comprehension

2009-04-21 Thread Christopher Taylor

On 21.04.2009, at 00:19, Michael Hunger wrote:

 Is it possible to use :while to shortcut a for macro when a certain  
 number of yiels have happened?

 e.g. (for [x (range 1000) :when (= (rem x) 1) :while (number of  
 yields = 10)]

 so i want only the first 10 results.

you could:
(def zip (partial map vector))

and then use:

user (for [[i x] (zip (iterate inc 0) (range 10 -10 -1))
 :while ( i 5)]
(10 9 8 7 6)

 Or should I just use (take 10 ) on the for ?

that's probably more readable and works just as well ;).


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Re: how to emulate lisp's labels functionality?

2009-02-21 Thread Christopher Taylor

On 15.02.2009, at 06:26, Chouser wrote:

 On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 11:32 PM, GS wrote:

 On Feb 14, 12:21 pm, Chouser wrote:

 (defn count-instances [obj lsts]
  (let [instances-in (fn thisfn [lst]
   (if (seq lst)
 (+ (if (= (first lst) obj) 1 0)
(thisfn (rest lst)))
(map instances-in lsts)))

 Notwithstanding your more idiomatic implementation (snipped),  
 recur be better than thisfn?

 (defn count-instances [obj lsts]
  (let [instances-in (fn [lst]
   (if (seq lst)
 (+ (if (= (first lst) obj) 1 0)
(recur (rest lst)))
(map instances-in lsts)))

 Yes, you're absolutely right.

however, the recur isn't in tail position, so it doesn't work:

user= (defn count-instances [obj lsts]
  (let [instances-in (fn [lst]
   (if (seq lst)
 (+ (if (= (first lst) obj) 1 0)
(recur (rest lst)))
(map instances-in lsts)))
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Can only recur from tail  
position (NO_SOURCE_FILE:12)

all the best,

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Re: thanks, errata, and one gaffe

2008-11-18 Thread Christopher Taylor


I'd be very interested to see something on Ties 
), which while not being in clojure-contrib, shows lots of promise.

all the best,
On 17.11.2008, at 15:13, Stuart Halloway wrote:

 Hi Brian,

 The libraries chapter will cover a bunch of different libraries in
 Clojure-Contrib and elsewhere. Obviously, being only one chapter, it
 won't go terribly deep. I'd love to hear what folks want to see. I am
 planning on at least:

 * db
 * web apps
 * testing/BDD
 * zipper


 I read through the table of contents. Are you planning on addressing
 interacting with a database (preferably postgres or mysql) in

 Maybe the Working with Java chapter will be sufficient, but one of
 the benefits of Clojure is batteries included, so helping folks get
 up to speed with a db example would be great.



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Re: Can't get rlwrap to work

2008-11-15 Thread Christopher Taylor


On 12.11.2008, at 22:38, Giacecco wrote:

 Hi all,
 I am trying setting up clojure to use rlwrap as described at
 on a MacOS 10.5.5.

 I have prepared the clj-completions.clj the instructions describe, but
 it fails on the second of the three commands. If I run it from the
 console, I see the following:

 gianfranco-cecconis-macbook-pro:clojure giacecco$ clj
 user= (defmacro with-out-file [pathname  body]
  `(with-open stream# (new ~pathname)
(binding [*out* stream#]
 user= (def completions (keys (ns-publics (find-ns 'clojure
 java.lang.NullPointerException (NO_SOURCE_FILE:5)
on the most recent clojure SVN, I get this error, too. This is because  
the funcions that used to be in the NS clojure have been moved to  

(def completions (keys (ns-publics (find-ns 'clojure.core

works for me.

all the best,

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Re: offtopic - where are you come from? (poll)

2008-10-17 Thread Christopher Taylor

another German here, but from Berlin :)

On 17.10.2008, at 14:07, mb wrote:

 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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