Re: Recursion/Algorithm Question

2011-09-23 Thread ax2groin

That (along with returning the completed path via (list)) nailed it. I
thought I'd tried concat at some point, but that might have been with
another problem I've been tackling.

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Re: Recursion/Algorithm Question

2011-09-22 Thread ax2groin
Thanks, Nathan, that did help.

I'm still stuck, however, figuring out how to return the values as a
flat sequence of vectors. Maybe I'm just missing the right function
from the API.

Here's where I'm at right now:

(defn get-paths
 ([n] (get-paths n [0 0] '()))
 ([n point path]
  (cond (points-equal? (vector n n) point) (reverse (conj path point))
(out-of-bounds? n point) nil
(blocked? point) nil
:else (list (get-paths n (inc-y point) (conj path point))
(get-paths n (inc-x point) (conj path point))

So, right now when I call the function with nothing blocked
  (get-paths 1)
it returns
  ((nil ([0 0] [0 1] [1 1])) (([0 0] [1 0] [1 1]) nil))
but what I want is
  (([0 0] [0 1] [1 1]) ([0 0] [1 0] [1 1]))
so that a call to (count) would return the total number of paths.

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Recursion/Algorithm Question

2011-09-21 Thread ax2groin
I've been working through algorithm problems to learn the language a
little better. I'm currently struggling with the question about a
robot traversing a grid. If the grid is completely open, then the
answer to how many possible ways to traverse the grid? is simply the
math for combinations using factorials (see Project Euler #15). But if
you suppose that some places in the grid are blocked or that you have
to actually traverse the paths?

I know that the code below doesn't work yet (recur is not at the
tail). Think of it as pseudo-code to show my intent. I've left out the
other methods to get at the heart of what I'm asking about.
Essentially, each path leads to two more recursion points (at least
the way I've formulated it in my else), until they finally run out
of bounds or meet the goal. The input n represents the width of the
square grid. I'm using a two-element vector to represent a point in
the grid.

(defn get-paths
 (let [paths (agent '()) goal (vector n n)]
  (loop [point [0 0] path '()]
   (cond (points-equal? goal point) (send paths conj (conj path
 (out-of-bounds? n point) nil
 (blocked? point) nil
 :else (recur (inc-x point) (conj path point))
   (recur (inc-y point) (conj path point
  (deref paths)))

Perhaps ultimately, the approach I've tried here is a dead-end? I'm
not sure that this loop formulation would ever exit, or perhaps it
would exit too quickly.

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Re: not= counterintuitive?

2011-09-06 Thread ax2groin
The clojure.contrib.combinatorics/combinations does do exactly what I
was trying to do, although I was doing the problem as an exercise in
how to do it, and not in really needing combinations for something
else. The combinatorics library certainly does it in a more generic

Since I knew that I was dealing with numbers as input, I actually
ended up using ( m n o) as my test condition, which has the same
effect of guaranteeing all the numbers are distinct. I was looking for
unique sets where order didn't matter.

Thanks for the input, all!

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not= counterintuitive?

2011-09-02 Thread ax2groin
This code doesn't return the value I intuitively expect:

  user= (not= 1 2 1)

When I write that, I was expecting the equivalent of (and (= 1 2) (= 1
1)), but the macro expansion is essentially (not (= 1 2 1)).

Note: This came out of the :while condition of a (for) expression not
returning what I expected on three separate values, where (= x z).

I can work around it to get what I want, but I was curious if perhaps
the (not=) was not in the spirit it was intended.

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Re: not= counterintuitive?

2011-09-02 Thread ax2groin
That's what I get for posting a question while feeding a 1-year-old
child and getting ready to leave for lunch.

I was trying to put together a (for) construct to output the
combinations of a set, and my logic was flawed.

Here's what I really wanted [for sets of 3]:

(for [m x n x o x :while (and (not= m n) (not= m o) (not= n o))] [m n

Maybe not the most efficient, but the smallest construct I've come up
with, but it isn't generic enough for me yet.

I'll keep working on it.

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Re: Stanford AI Class

2011-08-16 Thread ax2groin
The NYTimes article on the class also mentions two other classes being
offered for free:
 * Machine Learning, by Andrew Ng
 * Introductory course on database software, by Jennifer Widom

I'm not sure of the official website for either of these, but the
Machine Learning class sounds promising and didn't have a required
textbook the way the AI class does.

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Re: Good book on migrating from (Java) OO to FP

2011-07-29 Thread ax2groin
Can you provide a more detailed review? How did it help you? What
area(s) that it focused on did you find most useful?

I've been playing with Clojure for nearly a year now, but it has just
been on my own. At work, however, it is just Java and C#. Of course,
I've also got several computer books waiting to be read, so
essentially I'm asking you to convince me to let this book jump the
queue. :^)

On Jul 29, 5:03 am, Colin Yates wrote:
 Hi all,

 Not sure whether this is good etiquette or not, but I wanted to 
 praise  I found it pretty useful in
 bridging the gap between OO and FP.  It isn't Clojure specific, but as a
 (well established) Java/OO guy, this helped me get FP.

 (not connected in anyway with the book or author other than through
 appreciation :))

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Re: Creating prime? function

2011-02-16 Thread ax2groin
This is just my copy of something I pulled together from other sources
while working of Project Euler problems and perhaps refined a little:

(defn prime?
  (or (= n 2) (= n 3)) true
  (even? n) false
  :else (let [sqrt-n (Math/sqrt n)]
 (loop [i 3]
   (divisible? n i) false
   ( sqrt-n i) true
   :else(recur (+ i 2)))

I settled on this one because it seems to be the fastest.

Of course, there is a library implementation somewhere.

What I am curious about is figuring out a way to retain primes in a
useful way. In this example, we start with 3 and just keep adding 2,
but if you are doing something like (filter prime? (range 2 1)),
wouldn't there be some ideal way to memoize the prime values you've
discovered so far and use them as the values to check against? Perhaps
this just leads to more overhead than it is worth, but I haven't
explored it yet, I've been too busy with other stuff lately.

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Re: Loading JNI

2011-01-06 Thread ax2groin
Sorry for the late response, but I haven't had time to play with
things in a couple days.

First discovery is that I probably cannot use the library path
variable, because some of the DLLs have to be loaded in a specific
order. Specifically, there is a clientswig.dll that has to be loaded
last. Going back to the old style of loading them manually inside the
Clojure code, I still have a problem, though.

The problem now seems to be with the JAR file that I need to be using.
I get a NoClassDefFoundError on a class within the JAR: Could not
initialize class ...ClientModuleJNI.

I have included the JAR in the build path as I traditionally would in
Eclipse (Properties - Java Build Path - Libraries - Add JARs). I've
also tried launching from the command line and get the same error.

I've mangled the code below to hide company-specific information, but
this is what I'm doing right now.

--- In Clojure ---

(ns app)

(def path C:\\SVN\\lib3rdParty\\)
(try (System/load (str path client.dll)) (catch UnsatisfiedLinkError
e (println Failed library load.)))
(try (System/load (str path utils.dll)) (catch UnsatisfiedLinkError
e (println Failed library load.)))
(try (System/load (str path clientswig.dll)) (catch
UnsatisfiedLinkError e (println Failed library load.)))

(import '( Client ClientSession))

(def my-client (Client.))

--- In Java ---

public final class AlertClient extends Client {

// Load the JNI
static {
try {
path = C:\\SVN\\lib3rdParty\\;
String[] libraries = { client.dll, utils.dll,
csclientswig.dll };
for (int i = 0; i  libraries.length; ++i) {
String libPath = path + libraries[i];
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
System.err.println(Native code library failed to load.\n
+ e);

public AlertClient() throws Exception {

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Re: Loading JNI

2011-01-04 Thread ax2groin
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll look at the JNA soon to see if that
fits. But I already have working examples of Java code which uses the
JNI wrapper classes (generated by swig - by someone else). I'm not
making direct JNI calls myself, but trying to instantiate the Java
classes that are a part of this generated library. That's my confusion
and frustration, because seemingly identical code works in Java, but
doesn't work for me in Clojure ... either in Eclipse or from a command-
line, actually.

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Re: Loading JNI

2011-01-03 Thread ax2groin
Hmm, I see that the final draft of my question missed an essential
element, I am using Eclipse.

In any case, I've tried something really basic, and it fails:

(try (System/load C:\\app/bin/coms.dll) (println Native code
library failed to load.))

The file is there (I checked with an exists() call). Maybe this is an
eclipse problem, but I can do the same call in Java (in Eclipse) and
have no issues.

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Re: Loading JNI

2011-01-03 Thread ax2groin
Of course not. I mentioned I'm new at this, right?

It seems I was doing that part right before. I'm getting
InvocationTargetException and NoClassDefFoundError, so I tried to work
my way from the start to see if I was missing something (which I
thought was a valid assumption, if exceptions were being swallowed).
My first instinct was that it wasn't loading the libraries correctly.

Or course, I'm still stuck. It clearly sees the classes, because my
import statements aren't throwing ClassNotFoundExceptions. The
exceptions I'm getting are bubbling up out of the JNI, apparently, but
I don't have any idea why. At this point I have ugly looking Clojure
code that looks as Java-like as possible, so that I'm doing the exact
same thing in the exact same order as I do in a Java example, but I
get exceptions when I do it in Clojure.

So, when I get to
(def my-client (Client.))
it throws. BTW, Java equivalent ... Client myClient = new Client();

It feels like something is fundamentally different in a way I cannot
conceive, like Java automatically handles something behind the scenes
and I don't realize it.


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Re: Tailing a file in Clojure

2010-12-04 Thread ax2groin
Does any familiar with this NIO Watch service know if it handles NFS
issues? We have an in-house log monitoring tool at work (doesn't
everyone) which is written in Java, but the two big issues are message
framing (knowing when a multi-line message has ended) and getting null
bytes when tailing an NFS file. We have some fairly heavy code to
handle these problems. I've thought about trying to write something
similar in Clojure as a project, but haven't started to tackle it yet
precisely because I didn't see any way to make it more efficient.

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Re: Little LISPer and Ten Commandments

2010-10-01 Thread ax2groin
Yeah, it has been a good educational resource for working through.

I'm not finished, but I've put the Clojure version of all the code up

Looking forward to those last couple chapters.


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Little LISPer and Ten Commandments

2010-09-22 Thread ax2groin
Newbie here, to both LISP and Clojure. A friend has lent me a copy of
The Little LISPer and I've started working through it, using some
web resources to translate it into clojure.

My questions: How relevant are the ten commandments? What modification
need to be made ... either to the commandments or to your code in

I ask because the first commandment (always ask null?) hasn't
translated directly into any single statement for me. I can achieve
the same with (or) to navigate the difference between nil and () in
clojure, but sure that difference is in there for a reason.

Any other input on the other commandments or using the book in


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