Re: Can't start Rhino repl for ClojureScript

2012-09-16 Thread Stuart Sierra
Leiningen works under Windows (as lein.bat). I'm not sure if it works under 

I've encountered problems in the past with Cygwin because the Java 
executable is the Windows version, using Windows path-separator characters, 
but scripts expect Unix-style path separators.

Try downloading Leiningen for Windows and running from the Windows shell.


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Can't start Rhino repl for ClojureScript

2012-09-08 Thread Alan Shaw
Any help wd be appreciated; this is what happened (environment is Cygwin on

$ lein2 trampoline cljsbuild repl-rhino
Running Rhino-based ClojureScript REPL.
(do (require (quote cljsbuild.repl.rhino)) (do (clojure.core/ns
leiningen.core.injected) (defn- compose-hooks [f1 f2] (fn [ args] (apply
f2 f1 args))) (defn- join-hooks [original hooks] (reduce compose-hooks
original hooks)) (defn- run-hooks [hook original args] (apply (join-hooks
original (clojure.core/deref hook)) args)) (defn- prepare-for-hooks [v]
(when-not (:robert.hooke/hook (meta (clojure.core/deref v))) (let [hook
(atom ())] (alter-var-root v (fn [original] (with-meta (fn [ args]
(run-hooks hook original args)) (assoc (meta original) :robert.hooke/hook
hook :robert.hooke/original original))) (defn- add-unless-present [coll
f] (if-not (some #{f} coll) (conj coll f) coll)) (defn add-hook \Add a
hook function f to target-var. Hook functions are passed the\\n  target
function and all their arguments and must apply the target to\\n  the args
if they wish to continue execution.\ [target-var f] (prepare-for-hooks
target-var) (swap! (:robert.hooke/hook (meta (clojure.core/deref
target-var))) add-unless-present f)) (clojure.core/ns user)) (set!
*warn-on-reflection* nil) (do (cljsbuild.repl.rhino/run-repl-rhino)



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