Re: Parameter ordering on map/reduce

2009-03-31 Thread Paul Stadig

Hi Nathan,
There is actually a simple answer to your question. map can take a
fuction of multiple parameters along with multiple collections. i.e.

(defn f [x y] (+ x y))

(map f [1 2] [3 4])
= (4 6)

(Warning I did this computation in the Clojure instance in my head, so
some details may be slightly off.)


On 3/31/09, Nathan Sorenson wrote:

 First of all, I would like to thank Rich and this community for
 producing such a pleasurable language, and for putting up with with
 all the unpleasant nit-picking of new users. That being said...

 I am curious as to why the function parameter is specified before the
 collection parameter in map/reduce. I have never used a lisp before,
 and may not be aware of idiomatic style, but it seems to be the
 convention elsewhere in Clojure (assoc, conj, .method calls, etc...)
 to have the altered data structure be the first parameter.

 Would this not allow mixing map into a threaded expression:

 (- [1 2 3]
  (map inc)
  (assoc 0 4)
  (reduce +)
  (conj :anotherthing))

 Perhaps this style is rare in practice? Certainly it is easy enough to
 write a custom map/reduce which acts this way, so I suppose my
 question is mostly philosophical.


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Parameter ordering on map/reduce

2009-03-31 Thread Nathan Sorenson

First of all, I would like to thank Rich and this community for
producing such a pleasurable language, and for putting up with with
all the unpleasant nit-picking of new users. That being said...

I am curious as to why the function parameter is specified before the
collection parameter in map/reduce. I have never used a lisp before,
and may not be aware of idiomatic style, but it seems to be the
convention elsewhere in Clojure (assoc, conj, .method calls, etc...)
to have the altered data structure be the first parameter.

Would this not allow mixing map into a threaded expression:

(- [1 2 3]
 (map inc)
 (assoc 0 4)
 (reduce +)
 (conj :anotherthing))

Perhaps this style is rare in practice? Certainly it is easy enough to
write a custom map/reduce which acts this way, so I suppose my
question is mostly philosophical.

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Re: Parameter ordering on map/reduce

2009-03-31 Thread Laurent PETIT
If I remember correctly (I wasn't able to find the thread where this same
subject was explained), one must make a difference between functions
intended to work on data structures, and functions intended to work on

Data structures are not volatile as sequences are, and those functions that
manipulate them generally take the data structure (vector, map, set, etc.)
as their first argument. It makes sense to create a partial function with
the data structure captured by the partial call.

Sequences are volatile, and thus less subject to be captured by a partial
call. And to enforce the difference between the 2, sequences are generally
the 2d or last argument to such functions.



2009/3/31 Nathan Sorenson

 First of all, I would like to thank Rich and this community for
 producing such a pleasurable language, and for putting up with with
 all the unpleasant nit-picking of new users. That being said...

 I am curious as to why the function parameter is specified before the
 collection parameter in map/reduce. I have never used a lisp before,
 and may not be aware of idiomatic style, but it seems to be the
 convention elsewhere in Clojure (assoc, conj, .method calls, etc...)
 to have the altered data structure be the first parameter.

 Would this not allow mixing map into a threaded expression:

 (- [1 2 3]
  (map inc)
  (assoc 0 4)
  (reduce +)
  (conj :anotherthing))

 Perhaps this style is rare in practice? Certainly it is easy enough to
 write a custom map/reduce which acts this way, so I suppose my
 question is mostly philosophical.


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Re: Parameter ordering on map/reduce

2009-03-31 Thread hoeck

Hi Nathan,

On 31 Mrz., 09:40, Nathan Sorenson wrote:
 First of all, I would like to thank Rich and this community for
 producing such a pleasurable language, and for putting up with with
 all the unpleasant nit-picking of new users. That being said...

 I am curious as to why the function parameter is specified before the
 collection parameter in map/reduce. I have never used a lisp before,
 and may not be aware of idiomatic style, but it seems to be the
 convention elsewhere in Clojure (assoc, conj, .method calls, etc...)
 to have the altered data structure be the first parameter.

I believe this is to allow more than one sequence in map expressions:
(map - '(1 2 3) '(3 2 1)) = (-2 0 2)
and for reduce, it takes another optional arg to start the reduce
(reduce conj [1 2] '(a b)) = [1 2 a b]

 Would this not allow mixing map into a threaded expression:

 (- [1 2 3]
  (map inc)
  (assoc 0 4)
  (reduce +)
  (conj :anotherthing))

 Perhaps this style is rare in practice? Certainly it is easy enough to
 write a custom map/reduce which acts this way, so I suppose my
 question is mostly philosophical.

there was a thread devoted to a macro to express this kind of piping,

(defmacro pipe
  Threads the expr through the forms. Inserts x as the
  last item in the first form, making a list of it if it is not a
  list already. If there are more forms, inserts the first form as the
  last item in second form, etc.
  ([x form] (if (seq? form)
  `(~(first form) ~@(rest form) ~x)
  (list form x)))
  ([x form  more] `(pipe (pipe ~x ~form) ~...@more)))

which is the same as the - except it threads its first arg to the
last position of each form instead of the second
(pipe x (f a b)) = (f a b x)

Using this macro is IMO good for expressing long chains of filtering,
mapping and reducing, its more readable, less nested and easier to
edit than the equivalent nested expression. I have some code which is
using this macro, but most of the time I just don't need such long
pipes or I'm using a let to create named intermediate results for
debugging and sanity.

In the above mentioned thread, there is also a more general let-
macro which would make your example work without any modifications to
the core functions:

(let- x [1 2 3]
  (map inc x)
  (into [] x)
  (assoc x 0 4)
  (reduce + x)
  (list x)
  (conj x :anotherthing))
= (:anotherthing 11)


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Re: Parameter ordering on map/reduce

2009-03-31 Thread Timothy Pratley

 Would this not allow mixing map into a threaded expression:

You might also be interested in this thread:
Where various people created a let- (or pipe) macro for such a

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Re: Parameter ordering on map/reduce

2009-03-31 Thread gammelgedden

I think clojure is a little torn between functional thinking and oo
thinking - java vs haskell (i must admit that I am not originally a
lisper, more of a java and functional guy)

Functional / haskell style is what you see in map. that collection is
at the end. The preceding arguments are like parameters for the
function, suited for partial invocations

map f coll
take 10 coll

java (or maybe oo) style is to think abvout the object as the first

conj coll e
nth coll 10

I think it is not so intuitive If the function exist in the
functional world (reduce filter map cons..) then the collection is at
the end, otherwise it tends to be the first parameter.

But, of course, if the function has a variable length argument list,
that must be at the end

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Re: Parameter ordering on map/reduce

2009-03-31 Thread Nathan Sorenson

The let- macro looks very useful. Thank-you!
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