Oops, sorry. Something made me believe it was a Github issue notification.


> On 11/9/2015, at 6:25, j...@signafire.com wrote:
> I'm confused—I thought this was the mailing list…
> That said, if there's a more appropriate place to ask this question, I'm 
> happy to move there.
>> On Thursday, September 10, 2015 at 11:20:27 PM UTC-4, Michael Klishin wrote:
>> Questions belong to the mailing list.
>>> On 11/9/2015, at 6:17, jo...@signafire.com wrote:
>>> Essentially, it's not clear to me how an application is supposed to recover 
>>> when handling a nack or when langohr.confirm/wait-for-confirms returns 
>>> false. It seems to me that the delivery tag that the nack handler receives 
>>> is only useful if I've been maintaining a map from delivery tags to 
>>> messages (so that I know which message needs to be retried). Is that a 
>>> responsibility expected of the application developer? I.e., should I be 
>>> doing something like (swap! delivery-tag->message assoc 
>>> (.getNextPublishSeqNo channel) message) before each invocation of 
>>> langohr.basic/publish? (If so, I'd probably also (swap! 
>>> delivery-tag->message dissoc delivery-tag) inside of the ack-handler.)
>>> And in the case of langohr.confirm/wait-for-confirms returning false: all I 
>>> know in that circumstance is that some message failed to send since the 
>>> last time I called wait-for-confirms. So in order to use wait-for-confirms, 
>>> should I be maintaining a set of pending messages? Something along the 
>>> lines of:
>>> (if (wait-for-confirms channel)
>>>   (reset! sent-yet-unconfirmed-messages #{})  ; flush our memory of the 
>>> recently-sent messages
>>>   (try-resending-the-messages))
>>> I'd really appreciate any guidance you can provide.
>>> -Josh Tilles
>>> P.S. I'm new to AMQP, RabbitMQ, and Langohr, so if I'm going about this the 
>>> wrong way, feel free to point it out.
>>> -- 
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