[ClojureScript] [ANN] Planck 1.8

2015-11-06 Thread Mike Fikes

New Features

Tab completion for core macros
Support for :static-fns (via -s or --static-fns)
Analysis / compilation cache (-k  option)

Use ClojureScript 1.7.170
Can now (require 'cljs.analyzer)

0 is truthy
doc fix when using namespace alias
source fix when using namespace alias

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[ClojureScript] Re: ANN: ClojureScript 1.7.170, Enhanced Build Pipeline

2015-11-06 Thread Nathan B
Just some early results on our builds show a roughly 30% decrease in compile 
time when using cljsbuild auto. That helps a lot during development.

Awesome work as usual, thanks!

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[ClojureScript] CSS Modules with Clojurescript

2015-11-06 Thread Dhruv Bhatia
Hi All,

Curious to know whether anyone has successfully built a CLJS workflow for using 
CSS Modules within Clojurescript:


It looks like a really solid way to write maintainable CSS, but I haven't been 
able to find any references to Clojure based workflows.

I'm specifically interested in understanding how one can include CSS modules 
within CLJS where we don't have a bundle tool like Browserify to also process 
the CLJS file itself.

I'm thinking about using something like Gulp to build and watch my css files, 
outputting a bundle which I can then reference within my CLJS file - but not 
sure whether that will work as the JS examples seem to "import" the CSS modules 
directly in order to get the references to the style names.

Will give it a go and see where I get, but any thoughts would be appreciated.

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[ClojureScript] ANN: ClojureScript 1.7.170, Enhanced Build Pipeline

2015-11-06 Thread David Nolen
ClojureScript, the Clojure compiler that emits JavaScript source code.

README and source code: https://github.com/clojure/clojurescript

Leiningen dependency information:

[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.7.170"]

This release includes a major refactor of the build pipeline thanks to
Juho Teperi. This change along with some greatly simplified
recompilation logic will mean much faster cold build times for larger
projects (some users have already reported >10X).

This is a breaking change for existing tooling. You will need to
upgrade lein-cljsbuild, lein-figwheel, and boot-cljs if you intend to
adopt this version of ClojureScript. All the mentioned tools have
already accounted for this change. Refer to the appropriate
documentation for your tooling to determine which version number you
should adopt.

Other interesting changes and fixes include newer Google Closure
Compiler and Library dependencies, self hosting tweaks, a Google
Closure modules (:modules compiler option) regression,
improved warnings, and minor REPL enhancements.

As always feedback welcome!

### Enhancements
* Refactor build pipeline
* CLJS-1478: Self-host: Allow static-fns opt

### Changes
* Generate larger range of random UUIDs
* make browser REPL file reloads less chatty
* CLJS-1475: indicate that cljs.reader/read is safe
* CLJS-1470: Bump GCL Dependency
* bump Google Closure dep

### Fixes
* in system-time check that js/process.hrtime is actually a thing
* CLJS-1228: cljs.util/topo-sort is polynomial on larger dependency graphs
* check that performance.now method actually exists
* CLJS-1476: Self-host: Protocol prefixing broken for three- (or more)
segment namespaces
* CLJS-1472 Patch for CLJS-1467 causes regression for nodejscli
* CLJS-1469 :modules regression
* CLJS-1445: Syntax error for var args in protocol methods
* Warn if protocol impl methods do not match its protocol
* CLJS-1451 Protocol impl do not support qualified method names
* CLJS-1422: cljs.js/eval-str fails for ns form on node.js with simple
* CLJS-1423: self-host: Requiring analyzer/compiler breaks unchecked Boolean
* CLJS-1466: Improperly munged output path for GClosure JavaScript
* CLJS-1467: Foreign Libraries not included when using :main with :simple
or :advanced

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[ClojureScript] Re: autocomplete/typeahead in Reagent/re-frame

2015-11-06 Thread henry w
Hi Mike,

I've come across this thread just now as a re-com user, wanting to have an 
autocomplete that is fetching data from a server.

I have made only a couple of line changes to re-com dropdown.cljs to enable 
this and it seems to be working fine: 

How it works is that when the filter text changes, it and the 'choices' ratom 
are posted off in a re-frame event, so that in a handler fn the choices ratom 
value can be changed to contain results relevant for the search.

the gist is just a hack so far, may be of interest to others on this thread. I 
could have a go at making it pull-request quality if you were interested?


On Saturday, April 18, 2015 at 8:04:40 AM UTC+1, Mike Thompson wrote:
> On Saturday, April 18, 2015 at 1:26:13 AM UTC+10, Jamie Orchard-Hays wrote:
> > Bumping this. Anyone have a favorite solution?
> > 
> > Jamie
> > 
> > On Apr 16, 2015, at 8:37 PM, Jamie Orchard-Hays  wrote:
> > 
> > > What are folks out there using for autocomplete/typeahead in 
> > > Reagent/re-frame apps?
> Hi Jamie, 
> It is not clear if you need to round-trip to a server, or not, to 
> progressively acquire the options, but assuming you don't ... 
> Re-com has something in this space:
> http://re-demo.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/#/dropdown
> On the right, under Demo, choose the "Dropdown with filtering" demo, then 
> click on the dropdown at the bottom right. Type in stuff.
> --
> Mike

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[ClojureScript] Re: autocomplete/typeahead in Reagent/re-frame

2015-11-06 Thread henry w
Hi Mike, 

I've come across this thread just now as a re-com user, wanting to have an 
autocomplete that is fetching data from a server. 

I have made only a couple of line changes to re-com dropdown.cljs to enable 
this and it seems to be working fine: 

How it works is that when the filter text changes, it and the 'choices' ratom 
are posted off in a re-frame event, so that in a handler fn the choices ratom 
value can be changed to contain results relevant for the search.

the gist is just a hack so far, may be of interest to others on this thread. I 
could have a go at making it pull-request quality if you were interested?


On Saturday, April 18, 2015 at 8:04:40 AM UTC+1, Mike Thompson wrote:
> On Saturday, April 18, 2015 at 1:26:13 AM UTC+10, Jamie Orchard-Hays wrote:
> > Bumping this. Anyone have a favorite solution?
> > 
> > Jamie
> > 
> > On Apr 16, 2015, at 8:37 PM, Jamie Orchard-Hays  wrote:
> > 
> > > What are folks out there using for autocomplete/typeahead in 
> > > Reagent/re-frame apps?
> Hi Jamie, 
> It is not clear if you need to round-trip to a server, or not, to 
> progressively acquire the options, but assuming you don't ... 
> Re-com has something in this space:
> http://re-demo.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/#/dropdown
> On the right, under Demo, choose the "Dropdown with filtering" demo, then 
> click on the dropdown at the bottom right. Type in stuff.
> --
> Mike

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