[ClojureScript] Re: [ANN][book] Clojure Reactive Programming

2015-04-15 Thread Makoto H.
I purchased the kindle version of this book yesterday.

- Makoto

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Re: [ClojureScript] Re: ANN: Om 0.8.2

2015-01-27 Thread Makoto H.
I put an output of 'lein deps :tree'.


 David Nolen:
 This isn't very useful without seeing the contents your project.clj or the 
 output of `lein deps :tree`.
 This goes for everyone having trouble on this thread.
 On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 7:17 AM, Antonin Hildebrand antonin.h...@gmail.com 
 I have just double-checked my local maven repo:
 cljsjs.react is not present
 On Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 1:12:19 PM UTC+1, Antonin Hildebrand wrote:
   ExceptionInfo No such namespace: cljsjs.react
  I have the same issue with 0.8.6 and I can confirm removing piggieback does 
  not solve the problem.
  I'm new to Clojure/ClojureScript. But my guess is that this problem arises 
  when om is required by some code running in clj context. My app compiles 
  and runs fine. But not when I try to enter 'lein repl'. REPL starts in 
  clj mode, I enter some piggieback commands and it tries to bootstrap cljs 
  contex and establish a browser connection. I think the problem is in that 
  boostrap phase, when om gets somehow included in clj context and tries to 
  require cljsjs.react which is not on classpath. There is no jar for that.
  Unfortunately I was unable to dig deeper. Still don't know how get more 
  verbose information about the situation.
  On Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 5:16:52 AM UTC+1, Makoto H. wrote:
   I tried the 0.8.6 but I faced another error.
   ExceptionInfo No such namespace: cljsjs.react at line 1 
     clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4403)
   I am trying to find the cause but I was not able to do it.
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Re: [ClojureScript] Re: ANN: Om 0.8.2

2015-01-26 Thread Makoto H.

I tried the 0.8.6 but I faced another error. 

ExceptionInfo No such namespace: cljsjs.react at line 1 
  clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4403)

I am trying to find the cause but I was not able to do it.

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Re: [ClojureScript] Re: ANN: Om 0.8.2

2015-01-26 Thread Makoto H.
He Antoni,
The situation was the same after remove cemerick.piggieback/wrap-cljs-repl.
I did another test.

I checked differences between om 0.8.1 and 0.8.2.

In the 0.8.2 ns for om.core and om.dom as follows:

(ns om.core
  (:require com.facebook.React
[om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
[goog.dom :as gdom])
  (:import [goog.ui IdGenerator]))

(ns om.dom
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [map meta time])
  (:require-macros [om.dom :as dom])
  (:require com.facebook.React
[goog.object :as gobject]))

In the 0.8.1 they are as follows:

(ns om.core
  (:require [om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
[goog.dom :as gdom])
  (:import [goog.ui IdGenerator]))

(ns om.dom
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [map meta time])
  (:require-macros [om.dom :as dom])
  (:require [goog.object :as gobject]))

I commented out com.facebook.React and run, there was no exception and it 
seemed working. I'm not sure this is a right solution. Otherwise, my 
environment may have a problem...


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[ClojureScript] Re: ANN: Om 0.8.2

2015-01-24 Thread Makoto H.
I am update om to 0.8.2, then:require causes an error.

(ns om-app.hello
  (:require [om.core :as om :include-macros true]
[om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]

clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: No such namespace: com.facebook.React at line 1 
file:/maven/.m2/repository/org/omcljs/om/0.8.2/om-0.8.2.jar!/om/dom.cljs {:tag 
:cljs/analysis-error, :file 
:line 1, :column 1}

I declared cljs and om libs in project.clj as follows:

[org.clojure/clojurescript 0.0-2727 :scope provided]
[org.omcljs/om 0.8.2]
;;[org.om/om 0.8.1]

The om 0.8.1 works fine.
Is there any suggestion ?


 The dependency information has changed:
 [org.omcljs/om 0.8.2]
 The release depends on ClojureScript 0.0-2719 as it leverages the new foreign 
 dependency functionality to simplify development and production builds.
 Feedback welcome!

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Re: [ClojureScript] Re: help ! modal control from clojurescript does not work

2014-08-15 Thread Makoto H.
Thank you for testing my code.
I have checked my code, however it looks no paren problem.
I begin to suspect my environment. I am using react 1.11.1 and 
om 0.7.1. I also run to check my code using js stepping debugger but
it takes time.


 I just tried out your gist and it worked fine for me. The error you're 
 getting is when a render or render-state returns more than one component. The 
 code looked ok, so maybe when you were editing, you accidentally added or 
 removed a critical closing paren.
 But what you had in your gist was ok, at least for me.
 On Thursday, August 14, 2014 6:07:42 PM UTC-7, Makoto H. wrote:
  I'm trying to run Jason's code but I cannot run it work.
  I received the following error when I run (modal-ui). 
  #function modal_ui(){return 
  cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(null, 1, [new 
  Error evaluating: (modal-ui) :as test.modal.modal_ui.call(null);\n
  #Error: Invariant Violation: ReactCompositeComponent.render(): A valid 
  ReactComponent must be returned. You may have returned null, undefined, an 
  array, or some other invalid object.
  Error: Invariant Violation: ReactCompositeComponent.render(): A valid 
  ReactComponent must be returned. You may have returned null, undefined, an 
  array, or some other invalid object.
      at invariant (http://localhost:8080/js-lib/react.js:15915:19)
      at null.anonymous (http://localhost:8080/js-lib/react.js:6034:41)
      at null._renderValidatedComponent 
      at null.anonymous (http://localhost:8080/js-lib/react.js:5582:14)
      at null.mountComponent (http://localhost:8080/js-lib/react.js:11403:21)
      at ReactMultiChild.Mixin.mountChildren 
      at ReactDOMComponent.Mixin._createContentMarkup 
      at null.anonymous (http://localhost:8080/js-lib/react.js:6734:14)
      at null.mountComponent (http://localhost:8080/js-lib/react.js:11403:21)
      at null.anonymous (http://localhost:8080/js-lib/react.js:5587:44)
  What is a problem in my code do you think ?
  2014-08-14 21:11 GMT+09:00 Daniel Kersten dker...@gmail.com:
  I tried the bootstrap-cljs modal yesterday and it works pretty well for me. 
  I'd say its definitely worth a look.
  On 14 August 2014 07:44, Makoto H. tokoma...@gmail.com wrote:
  It looks cool ! I will try to run your code.
   Don't know if this'll help you, but I had a similar issue and took a stab 
   at translating the bootstrap modal into an om component. It's a bit 
   hacky, but here it is:
   (ns om-pages.components.modal
     (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
     (:require [goog.dom :as gdom]
               [om.core :as om :include-macros true]
               [om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
               [cljs.core.async :refer [chan timeout put! !]]))
   (def modal-opts-chan (chan))
   (def modal-close-chan (chan))
   (def fade-time 160)
   (defn set-modal [modal-opts]
     (put! modal-opts-chan modal-opts))
   (defn close-modal []
     (put! modal-close-chan true))
   (defn option-button [{:keys [text style action]}]
     (let [className (str btn btn- (or style default))]
       (dom/button #js {:type button :className className :onClick action} 
   (defn modal [cursor owner]
       (init-state [_]
         {:modal-opts nil})
       (will-mount [_]
         (go (loop []
           (om/set-state! owner :modal {:opts (! modal-opts-chan) :state 
           (! (timeout 50))
           (om/set-state! owner [:modal :state] :in)
           (! modal-close-chan)
           (om/set-state! owner [:modal :state]  :out)
           (! (timeout fade-time))
           (om/set-state! owner :modal {:opts nil :state :clear

Re: [ClojureScript] Re: help ! modal control from clojurescript does not work

2014-08-14 Thread Makoto H.
It looks cool ! I will try to run your code.

 Don't know if this'll help you, but I had a similar issue and took a stab at 
 translating the bootstrap modal into an om component. It's a bit hacky, but 
 here it is:
 (ns om-pages.components.modal
   (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
   (:require [goog.dom :as gdom]
 [om.core :as om :include-macros true]
 [om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
 [cljs.core.async :refer [chan timeout put! !]]))
 (def modal-opts-chan (chan))
 (def modal-close-chan (chan))
 (def fade-time 160)
 (defn set-modal [modal-opts]
   (put! modal-opts-chan modal-opts))
 (defn close-modal []
   (put! modal-close-chan true))
 (defn option-button [{:keys [text style action]}]
   (let [className (str btn btn- (or style default))]
 (dom/button #js {:type button :className className :onClick action} 
 (defn modal [cursor owner]
 (init-state [_]
   {:modal-opts nil})
 (will-mount [_]
   (go (loop []
 (om/set-state! owner :modal {:opts (! modal-opts-chan) :state :init})
 (! (timeout 50))
 (om/set-state! owner [:modal :state] :in)
 (! modal-close-chan)
 (om/set-state! owner [:modal :state]  :out)
 (! (timeout fade-time))
 (om/set-state! owner :modal {:opts nil :state :clear})
 (render-state [_ {{:keys [opts state]} :modal}]
   (when opts
 (let [{:keys [title content options]} opts
   in (= state :in)
   click-on-bg? #(= (.-target %) (.-currentTarget %))]
   (dom/div nil
 (dom/div #js {:className (str modal fade (when in  in))
   :onClick #(when (click-on-bg? %) (close-modal))}
   (dom/div #js {:className modal-dialog}
 (dom/div #js {:className modal-content}
   (dom/div #js {:className modal-header}
 (dom/button #js {:type button :className close
  :onClick close-modal}
   (dom/i #js {:className fa fa-times}))
 (dom/h4 #js {:className modal-title} title))
   (dom/div #js {:className modal-body} content)
   (apply dom/div #js {:className modal-footer}
 (map option-button options)
 (dom/div #js {:className (str modal-backdrop fade (when in  
 I mount this to one of the last top-level divs in my html file using om/root. 
 Then, other components can show and hide the modal by using the set-modal and 
 close-modal functions. Something like this:
   {:title Unsaved Changes
:content You have made changes to this page that have not
 yet been saved. How do you wish to proceed?
:options [{:text Discard Changes
   :style danger
   :action #(do (set! (.-hash js/location) view-url)
  {:text Cancel
   :action close-modal}]})
 The way the component works is to allow the bootstrap css transition settings 
 to do all the fading in and out work. The trick is to set the classes to the 
 proper starting state, then add or remove the in class to allow the 
 transition to take effect and allow enough time to pass.
 I used core.async channels to help with the timing and also to guard against 
 situations where two or more events might trigger modals. This way, when that 
 happens, the modal will show for the event that fired first, and once that's 
 dealt with, the modal for the next will show, and on and on.
 One more note—you need to add something like the following to your 
 css/sass/less to make sure the modal displays. (You could alternatively add 
 it to the css style attribute on the component itself, but I don't like doing 
 #modal {
   .modal.fade {
 display: block !important;
 On Wednesday, August 6, 2014 8:53:54 PM UTC-7, Makoto H. wrote:
  It worked with jayq. My code is as follows: 
  (ns menu.test
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
(:require [om.core :as om :include-macros true]
  [om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
  [jayq.core :refer [$]]
  (.modal ($ :#div-modal) hide)
  (.modal ($ :#div-modal) show)
  I also think writing Thomas's suggestion using modal Om component is better 
  I will try this. The bootstrap-cljs approach is also interesting.
   You call .modal

[ClojureScript] Browser-REPL(from austin) using the latest clojurescript (0.0-2307) didn't work

2014-08-09 Thread Makoto H.
I am using om and clojurescript using cemerick's austin.
When I updated clojurescript to the latest version from 0.0-2280 to 0.0-2307,
Browser-REPL did not work. The following is when I was starting bRepl.

; nrepl.el 0.2.0 (Clojure 1.6.0, nREPL 0.2.3)
user (in-ns 'om-tut.server)
#Namespace om-tut.server
om-tut.server (run)
#Server org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server@7be66d61
om-tut.server   (def repl-env (reset! cemerick.austin.repls/browser-repl-env 
WARNING: Symbol event/EventType is not a protocol at line 44 
Browser-REPL ready @ http://localhost:43306/8697/repl/start
om-tut.server   (cemerick.austin.repls/cljs-repl repl-env)
WARNING: Extending an existing JavaScript type - use a different symbol name 
instead of js/String e.g string at line 125 
Type `:cljs/quit` to stop the ClojureScript REPL
cljs.user 1
(no response)

The message 'WARNING: Symbol event/EventType is not a protocol at line 44' 
seems to be suspicious.

My test code is here.


Using 0.0-2280 worked fine. What is problem in my configuration or is there any
problem in the latest version of clojurescript ?


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Re: [ClojureScript] help ! modal control from clojurescript does not work

2014-08-06 Thread Makoto H.
The following is my simplified om code and html.



 Can you post the full (minimal) clojurescript code that's breaking?
 On 6 August 2014 11:39, Makoto H. tokoma...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am trying to show and hide modal window using clojurescript and om.
 My modal component is as follows:
 (defn menu-modal
   [app owner]
     (render [this]
     (dom/div #js {:id div-modal :className modal fade col-sm-10}
 When I tried to show modal window, an error occurred.
 cljs.menu (def modal (. js/document (getElementById div-modal)))
 #[object HTMLDivElement]
 cljs.menu (.modal modal show)
 Error evaluating: (.modal modal show) :as 
 #TypeError: undefined is not a function
 TypeError: undefined is not a function
     at eval (repl-1407321121597.js:1:85)
     at eval (repl-1407321121597.js:5:3)
     at http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js:35425:289
     at evaluate_javascript (http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js:35430:4)
     at Object.callback (http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js:35506:181)
     at goog.messaging.AbstractChannel.deliver 
     at goog.net.xpc.CrossPageChannel.xpcDeliver 
     at Function.goog.net.xpc.NativeMessagingTransport.messageReceived_ 
     at Object.goog.events.fireListener 
     at goog.events.handleBrowserEvent_ 
 Does anybody know how to show modal from clojure script and what is wrong in 
 my code ?
 I have written a simple modal demo using html and javascript and it is 
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[ClojureScript] Re: help ! modal control from clojurescript does not work

2014-08-06 Thread Makoto H.
I have defined bootstrap.js like 
:externs [/bootstrap.js] in my project.clj. 

But I'm not sure that is correct or not.


I found an article in the web which provides a solution how to use 
bootstrap components from react.js.


I will try to rewrite it into om.

 Looking at the code it seems like you are calling jquery style code without 
 actual jquery.
 (.modal modal show)
 .modal is a method provided via bootstrap.js/jquery and usually called as
 I'm not sure on how you'd interface bootstrap with Om but I doubt that there 
 is a sane way. You are probably better off writing a modal component in Om.

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Re: [ClojureScript] Re: help ! modal control from clojurescript does not work

2014-08-06 Thread Makoto H.
It worked with jayq. My code is as follows: 

(ns menu.test
  (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
  (:require [om.core :as om :include-macros true]
[om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
[jayq.core :refer [$]]

(.modal ($ :#div-modal) hide)
(.modal ($ :#div-modal) show)
I also think writing Thomas's suggestion using modal Om component is better and
I will try this. The bootstrap-cljs approach is also interesting.


 You call .modal on the div, but AFAIK when using jquery, $(..) does more than 
 just retrieve the DOM node - it adds all the jquery methods too. 
 You could try calling (.modal (js/$ modal) show) or you could look into 
 using https://github.com/ibdknox/jayq
 In any case, mixing jquery (and similar) with React/Om doesn't seem to be a 
 great idea if you can at all help it. My suggestion would be as Thomas says 
 and write a modal Om component instead. Another alternative (probably what I 
 will do soon) is to look into using the modals from 
 On 6 August 2014 14:54, Makoto H. tokoma...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have defined bootstrap.js like
 :externs [/bootstrap.js] in my project.clj.
 But I'm not sure that is correct or not.
 I found an article in the web which provides a solution how to use
 bootstrap components from react.js.
 I will try to rewrite it into om.
  Looking at the code it seems like you are calling jquery style code without 
  actual jquery.
  (.modal modal show)
  .modal is a method provided via bootstrap.js/jquery and usually called as
  I'm not sure on how you'd interface bootstrap with Om but I doubt that 
  there is a sane way. You are probably better off writing a modal 
  component in Om.
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Re: [ClojureScript] Re: Warning: Only React Components are valid for mounting.

2014-07-26 Thread Makoto H.
I have tested 3 version of reactjs.

script src=http://fb.me/react-0.9.0.js;/script
script src=http://fb.me/react-0.11.1.js;/script
script src=http://fb.me/react-0.10.0.js;/script

Only 0.10.0 caused this warning and using 0.9.0 or 0.11.1 worked fine 
without any warning.

 There was a brief discussion about this in the Kioo issue tracker (I thought 
 it was kioo causing the warnings as I first saw them after using kioo) and I 
 believe it happens when you use the latest version of React with Om. Om 
 itself is packaged with a slightly older version of React, so if you start a 
 new project as you did, it makes sense that you wouldn't see the warnings.
 On 26 July 2014 04:15, Makoto H. tokoma...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've tested the following project.clj and it worked fine without any warning.
 (defproject makoto 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT
   :description FIXME: write this!
   :url http://example.com/FIXME;
   :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure 1.6.0]
                  [org.clojure/clojurescript 0.0-2277]
                  [org.clojure/core.async 0.1.303.0-886421-alpha]
                  [om 0.6.5]]
   :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT]]
   :source-paths [src]
   :cljsbuild {
     :builds [{:id makoto
               :source-paths [src]
               :compiler {
                 :output-to makoto.js
                 :output-dir out
                 :optimizations :whitespace
                 ;;:source-map true
  I am using om and I often encounter warning of Only React Components are 
  valid for mounting. . For example, when I evaluate the following 
  expression, the warning occurs.
  (om/root animation-view app-state
    {:target (.getElementById js/document app)})
   What is it and is there any way to avoid this warning.
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[ClojureScript] Warning: Only React Components are valid for mounting.

2014-07-25 Thread Makoto H.

I am using om and I often encounter warning of Only React Components are valid 
for mounting. . For example, when I evaluate the following expression, the 
warning occurs.

(om/root animation-view app-state
  {:target (.getElementById js/document app)})

 What is it and is there any way to avoid this warning.


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Re: [ClojureScript] Warning: Only React Components are valid for mounting.

2014-07-25 Thread Makoto H.
Hi Sean,

I tested your steps using lein new mies-om makoto and it worked fine
without any warning.

My environment is complicated but I will check check what causes the warning.
(I am using austin and the project has other om test code).



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[ClojureScript] add and remove div

2014-07-14 Thread Makoto H.

This may be a simple question.

I'd like to know how to add and remove div section using om.
My html is as follows:

html lang=ja
meta charset=utf-8 /
meta content=width=device-width, initial-scale=1 name=viewport /
link rel=stylesheet href=/css/bootstrap.min.css /
script type=text/javascript src=/js-lib/jquery-1.11.1.min.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=/js-lib/bootstrap.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=/js-lib/react.js/script

div id=app/div
div id=app0/div
div id=app1/div


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Re: [ClojureScript] display multiple components using OM

2014-07-10 Thread Makoto H.
Hi Ahmad,

I have also tested the sample code.


 DD's solution should do the trick. You should also look at Om's example of 
 using multiple roots incase you need to go down that approach: 

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Re: [ClojureScript] anchor in om

2014-07-09 Thread Makoto H.
Hi Dave,

With your suggestion, I could generate lia href=#menu1/a/li
block using the following clojurescript:

(dom/li nil 
   (dom/a #js {:className #} menu1))


Above is also helpful for me.


 Should just be 'a'.  You should be able to find the names of any DOM
 function here:
 And this doc describes what React supports (and therefore what may or
 may not be supported by Om):
 (2014/07/09 14:26), webber wrote:
  I am writing web app using om and I would like to generate
  lia href=#menu1/a/li using om or cljs function.
  I know the dom/ul function generates li.../li block, but I don't know
  how to generate a href=#menu1/a using om or cljs function.
  Does anybody know it ?

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Re: [ClojureScript] anchor in om

2014-07-09 Thread Makoto H.
Hi Jamie,

I'll try to use Om tools an Sabalono.


 You might consider using a lib such as Om Tools or Sablono for the dom. 
 On Jul 9, 2014, at 7:14 AM, Makoto H. tokomakoma...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi Dave,
  With your suggestion, I could generate lia href=#menu1/a/li
  block using the following clojurescript:
  (dom/li nil 
(dom/a #js {:className #} menu1))
  Above is also helpful for me.
  Should just be 'a'.  You should be able to find the names of any DOM
  function here:
  And this doc describes what React supports (and therefore what may or
  may not be supported by Om):
  (2014/07/09 14:26), webber wrote:
  I am writing web app using om and I would like to generate
  lia href=#menu1/a/li using om or cljs function.
  I know the dom/ul function generates li.../li block, but I don't 
  how to generate a href=#menu1/a using om or cljs function.
  Does anybody know it ?
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Re: [ClojureScript] anchor in om

2014-07-09 Thread Makoto H.
Hi Moritz,

Yes, you are correct.

  (dom/li nil
 (dom/a #js {:className #} menu1))
 You want :href, not :className.

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[ClojureScript] display multiple components using OM

2014-07-09 Thread Makoto H.

I have written some components using OM. I would like to these components 
on the same web page as follows:

1. menu-table-header
2. menu-table
3. menu-table-button

The following is my prototype code. In my om/root can display only one 
component and I am looking for how can I show multple om components.

(def app-state
  {:name menu1 :kind category1}
  {:name menu2 :kind category2}
  {:name menu3 :kind category3}
  {:name menu4 :kind category2}

(defn menu-table-header
  [app owner]
(render [this]
   (dom/ul #js {:className nav-tabs nav}
   (dom/li #js {:className active} 
   (dom/a #js {:href #} menu1)
  (dom/li nil 
   (dom/a #js {:href #} menu2)
   (dom/li nil
   (dom/a #js {:href #} menu3)
   (dom/h2 #js {:className text-center} mwnu4

(defn menu-row
  [app owner]
(render [this]
(dom/tr nil
  (dom/td nil (:name app))
  (dom/td nil (:kind app))


(defn menu-table
  [app owner]
(render [this]
#js {:className table table-striped}
(dom/thead nil
   (dom/tr nil 
   (dom/th nil menu)
   (dom/th nil category)
(apply dom/tbody 
   (om/build-all menu-row (:menus app))

(defn menu-table-button
  [app owner]
(render [this]
   #js {:className input-append}
   (dom/button {:className btn btn-lg :typw button} register)
   (dom/button {:className btn btn-lg :typw button} change)
   (dom/button {:className btn btn-lg :typw button} delete)
   (dom/button {:className btn btn-lg :typw button} copy)

  {:target (. js/document (getElementById app))})


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