
As scheduled, we will be having a Virtual Fedora Activity Day focused on
the Atomic Host documentation this Friday, July 28th.

The day starts at 13:30 UTC (9:30 EDT, 19:00 IST), with a video
conference before we split up for work.  The rest of the program may be
found on this etherpad:

Before you come to the VFAD, please read that document.  If you have a
chance beforehand -- or if you cannot make it to the VFAD at all --
please comment on the proposed documentation content in the etherpad.
Make sure and put your name in for your color so we know whose comments
belong to whom.

(note to folks on the cloud@ mailing list: we will soon stop using this
mailing list for Atomic stuff. please sign up for atomic-devel)

Josh Berkus
Project Atomic
Red Hat OSAS
cloud mailing list --
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