
You can try to animate the anchor-x and anchor-y properties for scrolling.
These properties affect only the paint phase, their animation should not
retrigger allocation. This will avoid some python virtual method calls.



2010/4/30 Martin Wilz <martin.w...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> While not getting any further with my previous post, I tried to draw
> something with clutter/COGL, which comes pretty near to the
> use case I have in mind. The stage consists mostly of rounded
> rectangles as implemented on http://www.themacaque.com/?p=565
> and labels, both of them put together in groups. Lots of them.
> Then I tried to animate it (scrolling ) and my CPU hit the limit and it
> was nowhere near being smooth. I first thought, that maybe the hardware
> acceleration is not working (I'm still not sure). I did some debugging and
> came to conclusion, that there is first an issue with the do_paint method
> in the rounded rectangle. It gets unnecessarily called, when each actor
> is moved, as verified by print-debugging.
> I'm using group.animate(clutter.EASE_IN_OUT_SINE, 10000, "y", 500)
> to animate, which I'm not sure is the right way to animate optimally. Are
> there other ways of moving actors, which are less well documented (e.g
> anchor points),  but don't trigger an redraw of the actors, but work more
> in the spirit of a transformation of actors rather than redrawing them ?
> As I did not find such a transformation, I tried to use
> texture_new_from_actor with
> my group, as these groups will change slowly and one at a time in the use
> case.
> Unfortunately texture_new_from_actor returns None on my system, even for
> simple
> objects such as Rectangles. I read something about the system needing the
> feature
> to render textures offscreen and checked the feature flags.
> import clutter f = clutter.FeatureFlags.__flags_values__
> for (i,v) in f.iteritems():
> ... print "%s:%s" % (str(v), clutter.feature_available(i))
> ...
> <flags CLUTTER_FEATURE_STAGE_USER_RESIZE of type ClutterFeatureFlags>:True
> <flags CLUTTER_FEATURE_STAGE_STATIC of type ClutterFeatureFlags>:False
> <flags CLUTTER_FEATURE_SWAP_EVENTS of type ClutterFeatureFlags>:False
> <flags CLUTTER_FEATURE_TEXTURE_NPOT of type ClutterFeatureFlags>:True
> <flags CLUTTER_FEATURE_OFFSCREEN of type ClutterFeatureFlags>:True
> ClutterFeatureFlags>:True
> <flags CLUTTER_FEATURE_SYNC_TO_VBLANK of type ClutterFeatureFlags>:True
> <flags CLUTTER_FEATURE_STAGE_CURSOR of type ClutterFeatureFlags>:True
> <flags CLUTTER_FEATURE_TEXTURE_YUV of type ClutterFeatureFlags>:False
> <flags CLUTTER_FEATURE_SHADERS_GLSL of type ClutterFeatureFlags>:True
> <flags CLUTTER_FEATURE_STAGE_MULTIPLE of type ClutterFeatureFlags>:True
> As I interpret it, my (ATI 4550 with fglrx driver) system should be capable
> to
> use texture_new_from_actor. I already made sure the actor is not attached
> to another
> actor/stage and to show the actor before. Am I missing something else ?
> Oh yes, I saw that you are able to draw to textures directly with Cairo,
> which seems to
> be the currently recommended way to generate textures. Are there any
> caveats when
> using this approach other than having to look at just another drawing API ?
> Martin

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