Hello Emmanuele and everyone,

2010/7/28 Emmanuele Bassi <eba...@linux.intel.com>:
> I'm currently out of office to a conference, so I'm going to answer very
> quickly...

Thanks for replying so quickly! You are much dedicated, as we can see
on the IRC and the mailing list. :)

> On Tue, 2010-07-27 at 10:21 -0400, Alexandre Quessy wrote:
>> 2) My second requirement, is that we can set the actor (the plane on
>> which we draw the texture) can be automatically resized when the
>> window is resized. (the units are in pixels in Clutter, which is not
>> what I am used with) I know this is possible in Clutter.
> it's possible. you can set the stage to be resizable and then use
> notification on allocation changes. in Clutter 1.4 there will be a
> ClutterBindConstraint and a ClutterAlignConstraint which allows to match
> position/size and align actors depending on normalized (0.0 → 1.0)
> values.

These will only be in version 1.4: I see. I'll find a way, meanwhile,
peeking in the code of those new tools.

>> 4) Fourth requirement: be able to use shaders with two textures fed to
>> it. The idea is to blend two images together using the overlay mode.
>> (the live input + the animation playback) That's what I am not sure at
>> all about.
> ClutterShader allows that - just create a ClutterTexture, get the
> CoglMaterial out of it and set two CoglTextures as two separate material
> layers. the layer number is also the texture sampler id.

It's nice that the library provides tools to do that. There are many
project which need that.

> the interactive test suite has a lot of code that deals with the API;
> some high level GL concepts are mapped in an object oriented way, but
> they are relatively the same.

Yes, there will be plenty of stuff to dig into. Of course, it's always
possible to dig and play in the guts of low-level OpenGL stuff.

Thanks again!

Alexandre Quessy
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