[CMake] [ANNOUNCE] CMake 3.16.0-rc4 is ready for testing

2019-11-18 Thread Robert Maynard via CMake
I am proud to announce the fourth CMake 3.16 release candidate.

Documentation is available at:

Release notes appear below and are also published at

Some of the more significant changes in CMake 3.16 are:

* CMake learned to support the Objective C ("OBJC") and Objective
  C++ ("OBJCXX") languages.  They may be enabled via the "project()"
  and "enable_language()" commands.  When "OBJC" or "OBJCXX" is
  enabled, source files with the ".m" or ".mm", respectively, will be
  compiled as Objective C or C++.  Otherwise they will be treated as
  plain C++ sources as they were before.

* The "target_precompile_headers()" command was added to specify a
  list of headers to precompile for faster compilation times.

* The "UNITY_BUILD" target property was added to tell generators to
  batch include source files for faster compilation times.

* The "find_file()", "find_library()", "find_path()",
  "find_package()", and "find_program()" commands have learned to
  check the following variables to control searching

  * "CMAKE_FIND_USE_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH" - Controls the searching
the cmake-specific environment variables.

  * "CMAKE_FIND_USE_CMAKE_PATH" - Controls the searching the cmake-
specific cache variables.

  * "CMAKE_FIND_USE_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH" - Controls the searching
cmake platform specific variables.

  * "CMAKE_FIND_USE_PACKAGE_ROOT_PATH" - Controls the searching of
"_ROOT" variables.

searching the standard system environment variables.

* The "file()" command learned a new sub-command,
  "GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES", which allows you to recursively get the
  list of libraries linked by an executable or library. This sub-
  command is intended as a replacement for "GetPrerequisites".

* "ctest(1)" now has the ability to serialize tests based on
  resource requirements for each test. See Resource Allocation for

* On AIX, executables using the "ENABLE_EXPORTS" target property now
  produce a linker import file with a ".imp" extension in addition to
  the executable file.  Plugins (created via "add_library()" with the
  "MODULE" option) that use "target_link_libraries()" to link to the
  executable for its symbols are now linked using the import file. The
  "install(TARGETS)" command now installs the import file as an
  "ARCHIVE" artifact.

* On AIX, runtime linking is no longer enabled by default.  CMake
  provides the linker enough information to resolve all symbols up
  front. One may manually enable runtime linking for shared libraries
  and/or loadable modules by adding "-Wl,-G" to their link flags (e.g.
  variable). One may manually enable runtime linking for executables
  by adding "-Wl,-brtl" to their link flags (e.g. in the

* "cmake(1)" "-E" now supports "true" and "false" commands, which do
  nothing while returning exit codes of 0 and 1, respectively.

* "cmake(1)" gained a "--trace-redirect=" command line option
  that can be used to redirect "--trace" output to a file instead of

* The "cmake(1)" "--loglevel" command line option has been renamed
  to "--log-level" to make it consistent with the naming of other
  command line options.  The "--loglevel" option is still supported to
  preserve backward compatibility.

  deprecated.  Use the "CMAKE_FIND_USE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY" variable

* The "GetPrerequisites" module has been deprecated, as it has been
  superceded by "file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES)".

CMake 3.16 Release Notes

Changes made since CMake 3.15 include the following.

New Features


* CMake learned to support the Objective C ("OBJC") and Objective
  C++ ("OBJCXX") languages.  They may be enabled via the "project()"
  and "enable_language()" commands.  When "OBJC" or "OBJCXX" is
  enabled, source files with the ".m" or ".mm", respectively, will be
  compiled as Objective C or C++.  Otherwise they will be treated as
  plain C++ sources as they were before.


* The "Clang" compiler is now supported on "Solaris".


* On AIX, executables using the "ENABLE_EXPORTS" target property now
  produce a linker import file with a ".imp" extension in addition to
  the executable file.  Plugins (created via "add_library()" with the
  "MODULE" option) that use "target_link_libraries()" to link to the
  executable for its symbols are now linked using the import file. The
  "install(TARGETS)" command now installs the import file as an
  "ARCHIVE" artifact.

* On AIX, runtime linking is no longer enabled by default.  CMake
  provides the linker enough information to resolve all symbols up
  front. One 

[CMake] Custom dependencies (gcc -M)

2019-11-18 Thread Niklas Claesson

How do I add dependencies of a C header file to a custom target?


- Niklas

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