Re: [CMake] VMWare on SCons' future

2008-03-04 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 2:30 AM, Jesper Eskilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Brandon Van Every wrote:
   On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 6:06 PM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

   you can learn tons about SCons from that thread.
   And there's one *really* spectacular public flame, if you need a
   motive to stay awake reading through it.

  Care to elaborate for those of use too lazy to read through the whole thing?

No, not really.  I want you to feel a sense of anticipation and reward
for working all the way through it.  :-)  Trust me though, you don't
get fireworks like that from a core contributor every day.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Lua in a nutshell

2008-03-04 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 7:52 AM, Fernando Cacciola
   Nutshell: is it strategically a good idea to implement Lua support for
   - CMake script must be maintained indefinitely for a small percentage
   of users no matter what the migration strategy

BTW, this point is intended to mean that CMake script must always be
supported, even under the most wildly optimistic migration strategy.
One can debate how many CMake script users will have to be supported
indefinitely in practice, but there will always be some.  We can add
languages, but we can't really take them away, not without a fork of
the CMake code and community.

  OK, time to see what Lua is...

Or maybe see what Python is.  Just because SCons uses Python 1.5 and
Waf uses Python 2.3, doesn't mean CMake couldn't use it.  The Python
license is fine, it's just slower and not as easy to embed as Lua.
What if Python finally speeds up and Jython goes somewhere?  An
article that appeared today:
Sun hires Python pros in dynamic languages push

   - too much programmability may cause people to treat CMake as more of
   a library or build component, rather than a standard end user tool
  People always find the way to shoot themselves in the foot. I say don't
  worry about that and trust the programmer.

If I had a reason to be confident that multiple languages could be
used seamlessly with equal engineering quality, maybe it wouldn't be
so insane.  Last night I thought about what the OO version of CMake
would look like, for marketing not technical reasons.  Why not
target.add_dep(dep1 dep2 dep3 ...) ?  The swizzle of transforming
command(object ...) to object.command(...) is straightforward.
Mainstream programmers probably would be more comfortable with
object.keyword(...) to set some state.  A lot of the CMake command set
is well defined, field proven, and stable.  I don't think anyone would
have a problem mentally translating back and forth, the commands of
the CMake interface that are actually crystal clear.  It's things like
separate_arguments() that need to be put to death, with type safety
and so forth.  I suppose that's a liability of language choice: not
all languages are equally type safe.  Still, all of this suggests a
Virtual Machine approach to CMake.  The open source universe certainly
clamors for it, so if it could be done to a high level of engineering
quality, maybe it is not so stupid.

On the other hand, maybe typed, named arguments are sexy.  Sexier than KEYWORD.

Another thing to consider is, getting more people under your tent is
not necessarily a bad thing.  It doesn't work for SCons because there
doesn't seem to be that much of a business model over there.  I don't
know how much money is locked up in SCons, they do have some
noteworthy commercial users like VMWare, but SCons seems to be a
well-meaning volunteer outfit.  Hard to move aggressively on $0.
Meanwhile, Kitware is much more mature as a business.  What if at the
logical extreme you had someone as large as Sun dumping money into
CMake development?  At the macroeconomic scale, CMake script is too
parochial and not what the marketplace wants as The One True Build
Language.  In fact the marketplace may not want The One True Build
Language at all; they might be amenable to the one true build engine.
Someone like Sun could dump money into making a lot of options work
well together.  That's what these big companies love to do: go to war
with competing Virtual Machines.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] cmake community site

2008-03-04 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 10:08 AM, Gonzalo Garramuño
 Mike Jackson wrote:
   Also, what happens when you stop being a student with lots of time to
   keep the site going?

  That's easy.  If he did a good job, he gets hired by Kitware :)

Does he?  If it's Kitware's priority to spend money on such things,
then why does the site look like it does now?  I think it is because
they do not see the wiki as a key part of their business model, i.e.
no revenue stream.  Or perhaps they only spend the money they
currently think is warranted.  What wiki improvement would cause
Kitware to see it as a profit center?

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Re: Raven, Antwrap, Buildr

2008-03-03 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 9:13 AM, Gonzalo Garramuño

  It is not the ruby syntax that is horrendous but the rake one.  I'm a
  true fan of ruby but not of rake.   Raven is just a wrapper built on top
  of rake to add java functionality

Ok, good to know.  I'm tempted to say that if it's easy to redefine
the syntax of a general purpose scripting language, that's
disadvantageous for a build system.  Although perhaps it's the same
level of concern as operator overloading in C++.  Yes you can do goofy
operator overloads, but they're actually useful if you're just trying
to do vector math instead of scalar math, or some kind of IO.  I
suppose operator overloads have to be weighed against the verbosity of
some_function_call(blah blah).  Perhaps a syntax can be well designed,
but the Rake author didn't happen to design it so well.  I do wonder
at programming cultures of redefining syntax though.  It might be
valid to say it's too easy in Ruby, or Lua.  There are certainly a lot
of language tweakers in the Lua community.

I imagine someone else will argue that redefining syntax is the killer
app that we're all needing for our large scale builds.  If only we
could customize to the way we personally think about a build.
Customization vs. standards, yep.  Maybe there's a whitepaper in that
somewhere, about why standards are better.

  The advantage is for OO.  Consider this:

  task :myexe { |t|
t.link_libs = asdasd
t.so_version = 1.0

  With that, you'd basically have an OO approach to setting cmake
  properties (and not just properties, you can also run a function defined
  in whatever class t is).

Ok, an OO syntax that looks queer to a C++ programmer.  Not sure
that's a great marketing pitch, but maybe they'd come to love it
because it's OO.  It's worth noting that Lua isn't OO.  My jury is
still out on the technical merit of OO for builds.  I don't think the
Raven, Buildr universe proves anything, they don't seem to have any
projects big enough to warrant OO.  Onward to SCons.

   - how, in any universe, could this possibly be preferable to
   add_dependencies(target dep1 dep2 dep3...) ?

  An api (say swig wrapped) that would be identical to cmake would look like;

  add_dependency :target, :dep1, :dep2, :dep3

BTW I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who can't ever remember
whether it's singular or plural.  :-)

   Only Ruby people are going to see this syntax as an advantage.  It's
   worth remembering that Ruby got popular not because of the language,

  No, ruby got popular with the language and is highly respected for it.
  Rails made it popular for the web.

Perhaps we differ on notions of cause and effect.  IMO Python, Ruby,
and PHP all got popular because of the web.  Scripting languages get
tried when the code is throwaway and any scripting language would do.
A lot of web jobs were / are of that nature.  Haven't thought much
about why scripting languages are retained.  In Ruby's case, it
clearly has some advantages over Perl and is often described as an
OO-ified Perl.  In contrast, languages like Lisp and Scheme are never
retained, even though plenty of scripted versions exist.  Scheme could
be dismissed as too non-standard; even now the Scheme world is split
between RSR5, RSR6, and everyone's personal variant.  Common Lisp,
they claim it's all about historical prejudice due to the AI Winter,
but how long can that chestnut remain true when a new generation of
programmers doesn't even know what the AI winter was?  Maybe it's
their inability to define a standard C FFI.  Well, TIOBE would seem to
say that Common Lisp is more popular than Lua, so indeed maybe old
prejudices are fading.

  P.S.  BTW, rake is something like a 200 line script only, so it is
  extremely bare-bones.

Hm.  A reputation disproportionate to its size.  How does a language
or tool manage that?  Early niches filled?

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] repeating conditional clauses

2008-03-03 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 4:55 AM, Sylvain Benner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I don't buy the do it with comments approach.
   Something changes, then the comments are wrong.

  It's a fact that the code must be self explanatory as much as possible
  but it will never be as powerful as good and up to date comments.

Comments don't get updated.  They're correct for awhile, then they rot.

  I don't buy the duplication of code approach.

It makes lots of sense when you have to scroll an entire screen to see
the next clause of the conditional.  Part of what trips people up
though, is that else really means else_not.  And what does endif
refer to, the if or the else_not ?

endif(blah_is_huh???) # should be blah_was_used

I think it's easy to get used to this, if you write a lot of CMake
script.  But clearly, it is paradigmatic of CMake, and weird to anyone
else.  It's not great marketing material.  It leaves the newbie or
casual user cold, i.e. someone who only does periodic maintenance and
doesn't try to be a CMake expert.

Maybe we could just ask our program text editor to magically insert an
appropriate comment, based on the if(clause).  It would be a form of
pretty printing.  It would comment any conditionals that are more than
20 lines apart or whatever.

else #(NOT blah)
endif # see blah

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Add lots of commands

2008-03-03 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 11:24 AM, Robert Bielik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  COMMAND cmd1 args1
  [COMMAND cmd2 args2]

  I'd need to be able to add as many commands as are in a list, sort of like:

  COMMAND ${entry}

  Is it possible to achieve this is some way?

Not in any nice way.  You've hit the dis-unity of add_custom_command
with other things.  You could write all your commands out to a file,
and then execute that file as a CMake script.  But you can only use
FOREACH at configuration time, so if for some odd reason you're trying
to construct commands at build time after CMake is gone, that won't
work.  Assuming you are getting all your commands at configuration
time and that their configuration is static, you could do:

# make a chain of dependent targets, each executing 1 command
add_custom_command(TARGET mytargetname)
set(chain_num 0)
set(prevchain_name mytargetname)
foreach(entry ${some_command_list})
  set(thischain_name chain${chain_num})
  add_custom_command(TARGET ${thischain_name}
COMMAND ${entry})
  add_dependencies(${prevchain_name} ${thischain_name})
  math(EXPR chain_num ${chain_num} + 1)
  set(prevchain_name ${thischain_name})

I have used this kind of dependency chaining approach to automagically
disambiguate conditionals in Autoconf's.  Autoconf allows
conditionals inside of makefile targets and CMake does not.  If you
happen to be worrying about that kind of problem, and you have lots of's to worry about, I'd strongly suggest you look at the
code I did for Mozilla.  There's a chance it might just parse your
conditionals into sanity, breaking them into appropriate dependent
chains.  Of course I wrote that code for Mozilla, not the rest of the
world, so no guarantees.  I'm willing to advise on what must be done
for anyone's specific purposes though.  The code is available under
Mozilla's usual tri-license.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] VMWare on SCons' future

2008-03-03 Thread Brandon Van Every
VMWare is a large commercial project.  They
have been using SCons for about a year now, and they say they're
relatively happy with it.  They've made a recent post to the SCons
mailing list that has engendered a lot of discussion (131 replies).
 I'm going to pick through the post and see if SCons demonstrates
anything conclusive about scripting languages.  I think I've now
surveyed all the other open source tools out there, and they just
don't have a history of projects large enough to say anything.  I
don't think there are any competing proprietary tools?  If I've
overlooked something please let me know.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] Re: VMWare on SCons' future

2008-03-03 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 VMWare is a large commercial project.

My impression so far is that SCons appeals to a company that wants to
program a customized build system, rather than have one off-the-shelf
that already works.  A customized build system requires dedicated
manpower and exotic needs.  VMWare has those needs; it has been
pointed out that many other companies do not have such needs, nor
dedicated full-time in-house build guru expertise.  Also, when the
build system is programmable, people seem to start treating it as a
library rather than an end user tool.  There's talk of refining SCons
into different engines and layers and so forth.  These could all be
strategic reasons to avoid offering general programmability.  Perhaps
most of the customers really don't want it.

What Would Microsoft Do?  They'd wait for someone else to do the RD,
then clone it.  Perhaps it's better to let companies customize to
their hearts' content in SCons, figure out the build feature they
really need (like a programmable dependency graph in the case of
VMWare), then provide some feature in CMake that answers that specific

I am starting to wonder if the whole Lua thing is indeed a red
herring, and what CMake really needs is the best possible website to
document, tutorialize, and market CMake.  In other words, what we've
got is fine; go sell it.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] cmake community site

2008-03-03 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 3:34 PM, Matt Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  So, what do you guys think? Is this sort of site wanted/needed?

Yes it is.

 Is this list and wiki enough

No they aren't.

 and should our efforts be focused on them?

The inevitable problem is labor.  The mailing list works fine, there's
plenty of labor available for answering people's questions.  I can't
say the same about the wiki.  The documentation issues I've cared
about, and that I think a lot of developers care about, are improving
at a glacial pace.  I won't point fingers as I've been just as lazy as
anyone else.  I make contributions from time to time but it's very
boring and I find other things to do.  Other aspects of a website,
like marketing and general slickness, aren't being addressed much at
all.  Bill came up with a page of Really Cool CMake Features, and
that's a really cool thing to have on the wiki.  But it is also merely
a prototype / stand-in for something that, by corporate standards,
should be a lot slicker bulleted list of columns and tables comparo
type of thing.  I'm talking website production values.  The frontal
presence of CMake is ok if not exemplary.  But the farther one pushes
back into the wiki, the more it reeks of amateurism.

People who have a long memory for the various open source communities
I have offended, will remember that I went around the block with this
in Python days.  I'll never forget Guido chewing out his best web
designer, the one who had done all the free professional quality work
for him.  Back in the day, the Python Software Foundation wasn't
willing to buy into anyone's website vision or logo proposal.  Rather,
they reserved the right to dismiss and decline anything the open
source community might bring to them, and wouldn't bless or work with
anyone in particular.  This situation was never solved.  Despite the
abundant talent of webmasters, amateur logo artists, and CEOs of major
companies working to drive the project forwards, slick logos and
Python website redesign never happened.  The CEOs just folded up their
tents and went back to working on their own corporate websites, not
Python's.  Eventually Guido went to work for Google and adult things
were made to happen.  The Python website you see today, could have
easily happened 2 years earlier.

Kitware, thankfully, is a much more functional partner to be working
with on such matters than the PSF.  The lesson of history, however, is
that the controlling company's perspective and buy-in is critical.  If
they're not contributing a chunk of direction and labor to such an
enterprise, then it probably won't get any better than it is now.

Another lesson may have been that there simply wasn't enough money in
website slickness for Python to compete at the pro level?
Macroeconomically, perhaps Python inevitably had to be championed by a
company as large as Google to really get things done.  I don't know if
any Pythonistas are in the house to comment on this; perhaps they can
shed light on how Google has helped steward the Python community in
recent years.  I would like to think that once upon a time, before
Google, there were a lot of well-meaning amateurs capable of great
things who simply got blocked from doing them.  If that is true, then
all we have to do is be willing to do it.

Python also had a major strategic advantage for getting this sort of
thing done: lotsa web developers.  Who's good at that sort of thing
'round here?  I'm not.  I think I'll learn how to make my own slick
website before worrying about how to do it for CMake.  I've always
disliked web technology, as it's so godawful slow compared to 3D
graphics and assembly code, but the web is definitely the key to
modern techie marketing.  So grudgingly, I'll see if I can stand to
learn some NVU.  I had a website a long time ago
that I used FrontPage 2000 for.  That was no fun, and it never
amounted to anything resembling professional production values.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] Lua in a nutshell

2008-03-03 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 5:11 PM, Fernando Cacciola
 Brandon wrote:
   I am starting to wonder if the whole Lua thing is indeed a red
   herring, and what CMake really needs is the best possible website to
   document, tutorialize, and market CMake.  In other words, what we've
   got is fine; go sell it.
  I have the feelling that I'd like to get into *this* discussion (not that
  SCon's related one), but I'm a newcomer much too late to the party, so:
  what's the whole Lua thing in a nutshell?

Nutshell: is it strategically a good idea to implement Lua support for
CMake?  In my opinion:

- higher quality 3rd party documentation that the CMake community
needn't maintain.
- CMake gets a popularity boost from Lua, as it's a mainstream
accepted language.
- Lua's corner cases are more ironed out than CMake script.  3rd party
continues to iron them out.
- proof of concept has already been demonstrated and was relatively
easy to implement

- although doable, it's extra work to support 2 languages
- without a comprehensive migration strategy, it would split the CMake community
- CMake script must be maintained indefinitely for a small percentage
of users no matter what the migration strategy
- too much programmability may cause people to treat CMake as more of
a library or build component, rather than a standard end user tool

- Do advanced programming constructs really matter?  OO?  A fool's
game / fad / waste of time?  Or is it a killer feature that will make
or break products in the future?

  If it has something to do with the CMake scripting language, well, I for one
  would love to drop it and use something else, like (don't get me started
  on the wrong tail)

The archives contain abundant ink on this subject.  Well, bytes, whatever.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] VMWare on SCons' future

2008-03-03 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 3:07 PM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   VMWare is a large commercial project.

  My impression so far is that SCons appeals to a company that wants to
  program a customized build system, rather than have one off-the-shelf
  that already works.

Here's an exemplar:

I don't think we'll ever be able to define a model for how tools should look,
or how command lines should be generically specified, that will satisfy
everyone. It's just not possible. After I wrote my original email, I got a
lot of feedback (some through the list, some outside the list) from people
who use the tools exactly in the way that we at VMware do. That is, we don't
use them.

We wrote our own generic command lines, and our own module loading mechanism.
The part of scons we reuse is the machinery to convert the environment
variables into actual command lines, but we don't use any of the built in
variable schema at all. We write our own scanners, and our own builders.

CMake should not seek to emulate this business model.  Let the SCons
guys have it, and let them flounder in it.  For pete's sake they're
arguing in committee bazaar fashion about how to deploy a stable
release cycle.  They're way behind CMake in some areas.  I'm open to
Python, Ruby, or Lua demonstrating something important about scripting
languages and build systems, but the SCons crowd seems so dominated by
other problems that it doesn't seem all that relevant.  They're not
proving anything about Python; in fact, they're proving that Python
1.5 is a serious liability over the long haul.  It's slow and hard to
modify the SCons core.  That's another tidbit somewhere in that
thread, you can learn tons about SCons from that thread.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-03-03 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 6:13 PM, James Mansion
 Brandon Van Every wrote:
Then probably that is because those projects use Ruby AND Python AND Tcl
- so I have to have them anyway.  Hey, lets all use C89.  Everyone has
that, right?
   What if it is just C/C++ code?  And the open source author likes
   Python better than Lua?  So he does his build in Python, and now I
   have to have a Python interpreter just to build his C/C++ code.
  Fine.  Don't use his code.  I try to avoid automake.

Don't you see the problem as far as fragmenting open source builds in
general?  In the current day, avoiding automake is not a realistic
answer as far as the vast majority of open source developers are
concerned.  If you are personally converting every single open source
package out there from automake to CMake, that's commendable, but it's
not a labor we should expect the open source world to habitually
undertake.  If you are not converting anything at all, and simply
avoiding vast tracts of the open source landscape, then you are not
taking into account the concerns of a very large audience.  CMake
cares about that audience and it's part of why the Tower Of Babel
approach is deemed unacceptable.  Other projects, like SCons, do deem
it acceptable; you are certainly free to use those instead.  I've
reported on a number of alternate tools as of late, and given the
state of the competition, I do think that CMake's desire to be 1
standard rather than many standards is reasonable.

   Either CMake bloats with an interpreter for every scripting language
   out there, or the user has to install Python for not much of a good
   purpose.  I think the ease of the end user is more important than the
   ease of the developer in this case.
  The two are not separable.  The end user is a customer for *all* of the
  developer's product.
  If its a real issue, the developer will change.

So first I implement my CMake build in TCL.  Then people scream at me.
 I re-implement my build in Ruby.  People scream at me again,
especially the Python crowd.  So I add a Python build and chug with
both Python and Ruby for awhile, but I'm noticing it's a headache to
bother supporting both.  I'm getting really sophisticated with SWIG
and every single scripting language out there, so I dump everything
and build with Lua, for my own sanity of maintenance.  People scream
again because it isn't their personal favorite language.  By this
point, I've spent so much time futzing with the build system, that I
haven't really developed a product that people care about.  I give up
and swear off of the never-ending open source money pit for good.  I
get a real job shoveling Ant.  I hate it but I get paid well.

That's how I see it going down in the real world.  Most open source
projects don't have the luxury of change, change, change.

You're also making the unwarranted assumption that the developer is
1 person.  Open source projects are often polyglot.  People war over
these issues.  It causes enormous friction that keeps anything from
getting done.

  The biggest problem with verbosity is that its not really possible to do

Actually it is, even in CMake 2.4.8.  The price is you have to write
these horribly long global variable names, so that your macro
subroutines won't collide with higher level macros.  I've written
half of a general purpose Autoconf + GMake -- CMake translator using
nothing more than macro subroutines and regular expressions.  Some
people call that an extreme abuse of CMake script.  I say it worked,
and the macros were only 3 layers deep.  But that was deep enough to
clamor for scope and functions, and we're getting it in CMake 2.6.0.
As far as I'm concerned, this kind of verbosity has been addressed.
I'm probably on the high end of the absurdity scale for what I've
pushed CMake script to do, and I did get through it even with what's
available now.  I pushed CMake script that hard (1) to get paid to
push the limits of CMake script, to find out what really needed to be
improved about it in the worst case, and (2) the hope that by
providing a large example of CMake script doing something non-trivial,
I might help spawn more CMake script gurus.  (1) worked, jury's out on

  and the keywords-as-functions just look wrong to me.

But if you have a reason to write enough of it, you quickly get over
it.  People often must have forced reasons to deal with something new
and different.  If your boss says, I want a pilot build written in
CMake 1 week from today.  We have to know if it's capable of solving
our problems, then you just go do it.  If your boss says, Well what
do you think about this-or-that build tool? you have the wiggle room
to complain and carp about whatever you like, and thereby defeat the
use of the tool.  If you don't have any boss, if you're just trying
things out, you have no deadlines at all and you can reject stuff on
any basis you like.  It all depends on what you

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-03-02 Thread Brandon Van Every
, Lua would seem to be the best fit in terms of
  its own dependencies and the cleanliness of the language itself.

Careful, you may get what you wish for!  I've advocated Lua primarily
for marketing and documentation reasons.  I know, as you do, that lots
of people look at CMake script and say, this sucks.  One research
item I haven't undertaken, is how many people say Lua sucks?  Are
there things about Lua that drive some users batty enough to jump ship
for something else?  Is Lua wart-free?  Do programmers just like to
complain endlessly no matter what the language?  Are technical
solutions the answer to that problem, or is marketing and
documentation a better answer?  I think these are questions of degree.
 I think any of the mainstream scripting languages will be more
accepted than CMake script.  I caution, however, that if we build it
and expect people to come, these sorts of issues may not go away.
They may have to be handled by marketing and political means.  That's
an avenue that the CMake community has put very little effort into.
I'm not going to point fingers, as I precipitated the cmake-promote
mailing list once upon a time and have done very little since then.
Too busy coding like most programmers are.  I'm just trying to make a
pitch for humanistic rather than technical solutions to some of these
problems.  Techies tend to overlook anything that isn't tech.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] CMake and Lua = DSL!?

2008-03-02 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 2:30 PM, Reinhold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello everyone,
   Sorry for the quick interruption, but somehow I have the feeling this
   discussion will start again and again and again, if it has ever appeared
   to end. Here are my two cents...
   IMHO there might be a misunderstanding concerning Kitware's CMake
   strategy: It is a domain specific language (DSL) for -- as this might
   indicate -- one specific purpose and therefore, by intention, not a
   general purpose (scripting) language; thus it concentrates correctly on
   its (single  powerful) core task/challenge. An estimated set of 7% of
   CMake's language commands covers about 97% of the usual cases. (Note
   that I have not even thought about thinking about this numbers.)
   Please accept this as an almost completely serious feed to a never
   ending (?) discussion,

 When I say the technical merit of Python, Ruby, or Lua over CMake
 script has not been demonstrated, it is speaking to this very point.
 Perhaps general purpose scripting *is* provably better for a large
 scale build, but I would like to see a large scale project that proves
 that, rather than assuming it.

 From a marketing and documentation standpoint, standard scripting
 languages are provably better than DSLs.

 Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] Raven, Antwrap, Buildr

2008-03-02 Thread Brandon Van Every

O'Reilly has a recent article introducing Raven, a JRuby
based build tool for Java.
The article is very intro.  It doesn't demonstrate any payoffs for
using Ruby as opposed to other scripting languages like CMake script.
Raven is gaining notoriety in the Java world, however, because it is
offering scriptability for the build system where Ant and Maven do

The end of the article briefly mentions 2 other Ruby-based build tools
that are trying to solve Java build problems, with different
approaches than Raven.

I intend to find out if any of these tools have been used for large
projects, and if they exist, whether Ruby has demonstrated any
remarkable advantages.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] Re: Raven, Antwrap, Buildr

2008-03-02 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 7:29 PM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The comments following this article are interesting.  For instance, on syntax:

This is just stupid. The Ruby syntax is horrendous. I'd rather use
Groovy than Ruby if I was ever going to use a scripting language. I've
never been stuck using Ant either, it does everything I need.

I've just having a look to Raven and Buildr, Raven seems to be a
little bit hard to read for a Raven /Ruby noob (too many think like 
[{' not very undestable when who want to quicly know : what this
project produced, on what it depends on ...).

Sound familiar?  Earlier I mused that moving CMake to Ruby would be
more strategic than Lua, if it were only about language sales.
Probably premature!  I do recall that Python vs. Ruby is a big split
as far as language taste and philosophy.

What do I have to install to run Ant or Maven vs what do I have to
install to use Raven?  - Same old same old about people being too
lazy to download stuff.

Maven tries to manage the build strategy and lifecycle for you.  This
leads to the problem of the tool trying to be too clever:

About Maven major drawback, you have often to rethink your process
(deploy,deliver)... because these are not suited to Maven Plugins.
You can create our own but you have to maintain it and I think, this
is bug-prone as Ant...

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] Re: Raven, Antwrap, Buildr

2008-03-02 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 7:46 PM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 7:29 PM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The comments following this article are interesting.  For instance, on 

  This is just stupid. The Ruby syntax is horrendous. I'd rather use
  Groovy than Ruby if I was ever going to use a scripting language. I've
  never been stuck using Ant either, it does everything I need.

Another review and tutorial of basic Raven:
I have to admit, this code snippet pinged my objectionable-syntax-o-meter:

dependency :compile_dep do |task|
  task.deps  [{'Log4J' = '1.0'}, {'jdom' = '0.9'}]
  task.libs  Dir.glob('../lib/**/*.jar')

I'm a good hacker.  I routinely swim through things by monkey-see,
monkey-doo methods if necessary.  I don't have to necessarily know
what's going on to use something.  But I find myself asking:

- is a :colon in front of something a great idea?  From other context
I read, it seems to be a decorator for a symbol.  So I guess if you
forgot the decorator, you'd be in trouble.  I hope that always throws
an intelligible error.
- why do I have to type |bars| around something?
- why put both [square brackets] and {curly braces} around something?
Is that so we can be terse about minimum versions?
- how, in any universe, could this possibly be preferable to
add_dependencies(target dep1 dep2 dep3...) ?

Only Ruby people are going to see this syntax as an advantage.  It's
worth remembering that Ruby got popular not because of the language,
but because of the killer app Rails.  This kind of objection, head
scratching, and explanation is noted in the Java universe.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] Re: Raven, Antwrap, Buildr

2008-03-02 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 9:22 PM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 7:29 PM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  A review of Buildr
  Says that Buildr is implementing a DSL for builds, it's not straight

Buildr is an Apache Incubator project.  It is intended to be
a drop-in replacement for Maven.  It is best to see it as a possible
future of the Maven build culture, emphasizing full lifecycle
management.  It probably rises or falls with Maven, not with its
choice of language.  At this time, penetration of Ruby within Apache
is limited.  Buildr is being used to build Apache ODE.  The sources come in a 4MB .zip file; in short,
it's a medium sized project.  I don't think Buildr will prove anything
about advanced general purpose scripting languages.  It could prove
something about the wisdom of full lifecycle management in the Maven
style, if augmented with a scripting language.

The Raven author is listed as a contributor to Buildr.  Given the
quietness of the Raven community, I wonder if he's bowing to the way
the wind is blowing?

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Re: CMake and Lua

2008-03-01 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 1:44 PM, Enrico Scholz

   I find that the CMake script language seems designed to make COBOL
   coders feel they don't actually have the worst job in the world.
   So what exactly about the CMake language gives you this feel?

  * the mix of case-sensitive and case-insensitve language elements

   Afair, HTML in 1992 was the last (non-educational) language with
   case-insensitive keywords ;)

I'm happy that commands don't need to be ALL_CAPS anymore.  It saves
typing and looks better.  I don't mind too much that KEYWORDS and
caps is pretty common in other languages, and that's how the
RESERVED_VARIABLES are being used for the most part.  I guess that
just leaves KEYWORDS.  I see below that you take issue with those,
caps or not.

  * no well defined syntax:

   - missing datatypes; all seems to be a string.  Mastering ';' and
 spaces is trial-and-error game :(

Totally agree on this point.  It needs documentation.  My suggestion
on the matter is Document core
syntax in a chapter format.  Feel free to add your comments there.
Perhaps if enough people comment on it, it'll happen.  I'd like to
think that comprehensive documentation would alleviate the problem.  I
think people could still regard it as warty and type unsafe, no matter
how much it is documented.  I would indeed like to have a type safe
list operator.  It's easy to use lists in CMake if you know what
you're doing and you're not pushing things too hard; I think that's
likeable despite the liabilities.

 are not delimited e.g. by ',' but start with a keyword understood by
 actual macro only.

Is that necessarily bad?  If you delimit with commas instead of
keyword tags, then you can mess up the order of the arguments because
you don't remember what order the comma arguments are supposed to be
in.  Some languages have named arguments, is that the right
technical term?  Anyways I don't think that keywords are particularly
difficult to use in practice.  I've probably typed string(REGEX
REPLACE ..) more than any human should though.

   - function/macro calls are ambiguous; everything is a string,

 E.g. why will



 | running foo foo  21
 | running cd HERE  bar bar  21
 | running baz HERE baz  21


Hm.  I haven't run into this kind of corner case in my own work, but
that does indeed look troublesome.  Perhaps you should file a bug
report on it.  I've filed reports for things like, why not have TRUE
and FALSE be actual constants.

  * inconsistent behavior across the subsystems (build, install, test);

   | ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(test COMMAND echo A=\${A})

   | $ make A=a test
   | A=a
   | $ make A=a install
   | A=

There are definitely string argument evaluation level bugs.  I
resorted to passing variables rather than strings, so that the strings
can't be mangled.  It's definitely uncool, and one learns it from the
school of hard knocks.  Again though I think filing bugs about these
things can be helpful.  If enough people file the bugs, then the
pattern will become clear, and I imagine things will be addressed.
Either by fixing them or migrating to Lua.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-03-01 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 12:59 AM, Sebastien BARRE

 Brandon wrote:
   I'm willing to give Bill some time to think about the undoability
   of CMake -- Lua translation
   Great. And by some time you mean someday, therefore 2 years,

 Your style of communication is counter-productive.  Here is where a
 notion of 2 years fits into a sequence of events:

 1) Kitware contemplates the wisdom of adding Lua support.
 2) Kitware commits to Lua support.
 3) Kitware officially releases Lua support, proving their commitment is real.
 4) Brandon and/or others attempt to build CMake -- Lua translators.
 5) Brandon succeeds in writing a perfect CMake -- Lua translator and
 contributes the source.
 6) Kitware officially releases and supports the translator
 7) 2 years later, Kitware adopts you must translate to Lua as
official policy.

 We're still at (1).  I'm willing to drop discussion of CMake -- Lua
 translators for 3 months, to give Bill time to think.  *If* I don't
 hear defeatism on the subject.  For instance, the mood a few months
 ago was Kitware can't support 2 languages.  At that time, I proposed
 automatic language translation because that way, you don't have to
 support 2 languages indefinitely.  I'm pleased that nowadays, Bill
 thinks that Kitware can in fact support 2 languages indefinitely.  I
 just see it as unnecessary.  Especially in open source, I think it is
 reasonable to make developers do trivial amounts of work to move on,
 at some point, if the migration tools have been thoroughly tested and
 proven in the field.

 Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-03-01 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 7:08 PM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Especially in open source, I think it is
   reasonable to make developers do trivial amounts of work to move on,
   at some point, if the migration tools have been thoroughly tested and
   proven in the field.

I did just realize one gotcha however that I hadn't previously
considered.  *Which* version of CMake would be translated?  Writing a
translator for 1 or even a few recent versions of CMake is one thing.
Trying to be bug-for-bug compatible over the entire history of CMake's
development is quite another.  There would have to be some cutoff
point, where if you want compatibility with a really ancient version
of CMake, you have to just use an old version of CMake, and not expect
new features or ongoing development.

Then again, if translation was proven for CMake 2.4.x forwards, for a
goodly number of years, and officially supported, then it could pave
the way for translation efforts even farther back into CMake's
history.  Say, for instance, 80% of the builds out there are
translatable because they're sufficiently modern.  20% aren't, and it
takes a much longer time to make them translatable.  So, it may still
be possible, but 2 years wouldn't be long enough to force migrations.
More like 5..10 years.  On that timescale, it's not that different
from supporting 2 languages indefinitely.  Even if the support can
indeed be terminated in 10 years, it's a lot of time to be splitting
the community with 2 languages.

It really all depends on how far back the CMake compatibility has to go.

A far more likely scenario is, CMake -- Lua translators are used to
get 99% of the CMake community onto Lua.  The remaining 1% contract
with Kitware for their special needs.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Re: CMake and Lua

2008-02-29 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 9:55 AM, Philip Lowman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 8:57 AM, Rodolfo Schulz de Lima
  Bill Hoffman escreveu:
   So what exactly about the CMake language gives you this feel?
  Hi, let me just add my opinion on this one. I really think that in a if
  clause, having to repeat the condition in the else, elseif and endif is
  a little too much verbose for my taste. The following snippet
  illustrates this issue
  set(outofbuild true)
  set(outofbuild false)
  I know that we can disable this *feature*, but it isn't default. I know
  you did this to help programmers know which 'if' an 'endif' is related,
  but this kind of thing is normally done with comments. And in my example
  above since each branch has one line, the verbosity is unnecessary.

 I wholeheartedly agree.  I don't think people realize how unreadable,
 unmaintainable, and confusing this feature really is.

 It's unreadable because you have to read the same crap over and over again
 (occupying at least 3 lines, sometimes 6 depending on how complex the
 conditional is).

The problem is, there's an impedance mismatch between short and long
contexts.  The repetition is *very* readable and helpful when the
branch is long enough that you have to scan through 20 lines of code
to see what's going on.  Would it be a sin to require that if..else
statements more than 20 lines apart have matching clauses?  I suppose
that could end up being a PITA for macros expanding within macros, as
the line lengths could easily change.  But it's tempting to have one's
cake and eat it too.  I don't buy the do it with comments approach.
Something changes, then the comments are wrong.  That's why CMake
throws an error when you change a clause and they don't match.

I grudgingly admit that in terms of marketing prejudice, most
newcomers will hate the repetition.  I think that's blind prejudice on
their part and that the repetition has technical merit.  But I agree
it doesn't have marketing merit.

 It's unmaintainable because every time you make the slightest modification
 to your original IF() statement you have to modify both ELSE() and ENDIF().

That's not unmaintainable, that's forced maintenance.  Compilers give
warnings and throw errors, it's no different.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list


2008-02-29 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Ken Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Will Kitware consider making CMAKE_ALLOW_LOOSE_LOOP_CONSTRUCTS
default to on starting with 2.6.0 and doing away with this
annoying construct?

  Bill is looking into making this implicit. .e.g. if you do not specify the
  matching arguments then you are using LOOSE_LOOP_CONSTRUCTS by default. So
  folks who want it will get it, folks who do not will not get it, effectively
  automatically on a construct by construct basis.

I agree that from a marketing standpoint, this makes sense.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-02-28 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 4:08 PM, Bill Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I think it is an enormous effort to write a translator.  I think
  translators don't work.  It is one thing to convert a word document from
  one version to another.  It is a totally different thing to translate a
  human written computer language from one to another and have it work.

CMake script, by design, is a trivial language.   If you actually do
implement Lua at some point, then I'll look at CMake -- Lua
translation, if it makes business sense for me to do so.  I believe
other people in the Lua community will also.  There are a lot of
language translator and metaprogrammer guys over there.  They abound
in the Lua community because Lua was intended to be an embeddable
basis for Domain Specific Languages.  Their perspective, and mine, is
that CMake -- Lua translation is a pretty easy problem.  I mean, the
entire syntax of CMake is command(arg arg KEYWORD arg arg ...), what's
the big deal?

  You are missing my point.  I think we should respect the people that
  have picked CMake to build there project, and part of that respect
  includes not obsoleting there hard work.  We are disagreeing on this
  point because of the first point.  You believe that a good enough
  translator is possible.  I do not.

I believe an *almost perfect* translator is possible.  As perfect as
open source software ever is.  In fact, given CMake's trivial syntax,
I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't be.  Can you give me one
concrete example of something that would actually be hard?  I gave you
the only one I could think of: metaprogramming.  Almost nobody
metaprograms CMake.  It's not a corner case worth worrying about.
Give me an example of something that people do in the real world with
CMake script that would be hard to translate to Lua.

  Just suppose I am correct and it is
  not possible to write a good enough translator.  Would you then still
  advocate dropping the cmake language?

Of course not.  That's why I said the translator would have to prove
itself for 2 years.

  I am not coming up with excuses
  here, I really really do believe that the translator idea is nonsense.
  How many times do I need to type it for you to understand that is what I

Ok, at this point, I intellectually understand what you believe.  You
haven't provided much evidence for your belief so far.  You've
commented that general purpose language translation, such as Fortran
to C, is exceedingly difficult.  That is true, but we're talking about
converting CMake script, a trivial language.  You haven't provided an
example of something that would be difficult to translate.  You agreed
that nobody metaprograms CMake script, that that's crazy talk.

  You are not willing to accept that I have a different point of view.  A
  good enough translator is not possible.

You have provided no firm evidence for your point of view, so I will
continue to challenge it.

 That is my position.  I am not
  talking about corner cases here.  I am thinking of real world projects
  like KDE/ParaView/SecondLife/VTK.  The thought of translating these
  large projects with a translator is not one I would appreciate being
  driven into by the CMake developers.

Estimating conservatively, I got 1/2 of the way there with Mozilla.
Autoconf + GMake -- CMake is a much more difficult translation
problem than CMake -- Lua.  I know what is possible.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-02-28 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 5:54 PM, Bill Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Brandon Van Every wrote:

Just suppose I am correct and it is
not possible to write a good enough translator.  Would you then still
advocate dropping the cmake language?
   Of course not.  That's why I said the translator would have to prove
   itself for 2 years.

  So, I guess I will wait until then, and you can prove me wrong...  Until
  then, can you give it a break?

Sure.  Long as you realize that not everybody shares your pessimism
about translators, and that if you do implement Lua support, people
will attempt it.

  Actually I pointed out that you did metaprogram in CMake (in a sarcastic

Actually, if metaprogramming means generating CMake script dynamically
and then executing it, I didn't do that.  I just used CMake script as
the implementation language for my translator.  It could be translated
to Lua no problemo.  It would still only be an Autoconf + GMake --
CMake translator.

 I just don't have the time to think about it.

I've had 6 months of active work to think about it.

  Here is one case you have not considered.  There exist some IDE projects
  that generate CMake code like KDevelop.  The translator would not help
  them at all as the CMake code is embedded in C++ or java.   There exist
  cmake code generators.  I guess you would say generate, then translate?
   Sounds like a mess.

If CMake went to Lua, presumably these IDEs would want to do the same
things in Lua.  If not, if the IDE developers don't have energy to
bother, then that's an example of 2 languages splitting the community.
 That's why I think it's important to establish Lua as the primary
language, if it is to be done at all.  Automatic translation is
essential to making Lua primary, otherwise people simply won't do it.

   You are not willing to accept that I have a different point of view.  A
good enough translator is not possible.
   You have provided no firm evidence for your point of view, so I will
   continue to challenge it.

  You have provided no evidence that such a thing is possible.   Other
  than you claim that it will be simple.

I've written 1/2 of a translator for a much harder problem.  There's
no conceptual barrier to completing the work, it's only a matter of
people's will.  Mozilla was just too big a guinea pig for me to finish
within the bounds of the contract.  No I haven't provided strict
evidence of CMake -- Lua translatability, but I've proven the
viability of large scale translation in general, even using extremely
crude methods.  The primary barriers I see to actually realizing a
translator are (1) what technical basis should it have?  regexes are
not ideal.  Some in the Lua crowd talk about Lua PEGs.  (2) Show me
the money.  It's a lot of work to provide a 100% translator.

  I have never seen a perfect
  translation from one language to another.  Can you give me an example of
  one that exists?

I will put it on the backburner as something to inquire about.

  BTW, You have no idea if you were 1/2 there or not,
  because you quit.

I did not quit.  Rather, the contract terminated.  I have a pretty
solid idea of how much more work needed to be done.

 You might only be 10% of the way there.  The last 10%
  often takes 90% of the time with software projects.  Unless you finish
  the mozilla translator and build mozilla we will never know.

CMake script -- Lua is merely a mapping of syntax.  Nothing more.
When the contract ended, I had a 95% translation of Mozilla's huge
monolithic to CMakeLists.txt syntax.  Semantics are
another matter.  In the case of Mozilla, a lot more semantic work
remained to be done.  Autoconf + GMake do not have exactly the same
semantic model as CMake.  So yes, I cannot be certain how much longer
the Mozilla translation really would have taken, but conservatively I
estimated I was 1/2 there.  I actually believe I was 2/3 there, but as
you say, unless someone else picks up the work or decides to pay me to
continue, we'll never know.  This is irrelevant to the simple problem
of translating CMake script syntax to Lua syntax.

I don't think you can show me any irreconcilable semantic difference
between CMake script and Lua.  Given that, in principle, perfect
translation is possible.  In practice, someone has to do it and it's a
lot of work.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-02-28 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 11:41 PM, Sebastien BARRE
 At 2/28/2008 09:06 PM, Brandon Van Every wrote:

 So, I guess I will wait until then, and you can prove me wrong...  Until
 then, can you give it a break?
  Sure.  Long as you realize that not everybody shares your pessimism
  about translators, and that if you do implement Lua support, people
  will attempt it.

  You've got a deal. I'll make sure to swing by Bill's office tomorrow
  and remind him about his realization. Let me write that down. On a
  post-it or something.

  2 years break, that's a bargain Bill.

On that note, be sure to include actually implementing Lua.

  If CMake went to Lua, presumably these IDEs would want to do the same
  things in Lua.

  That's indeed obvious, these IDEs would absolutely switch to LUA too.
  Do they have a mailing list? My gut feeling is that they would want
  to hear about it. Like now.

If you are pro-Lua then you can certainly make them aware.

  I've written 1/2 of a translator for a much harder problem.
  [...] but I've proven the

 viability of large scale translation in general, even using extremely
  crude methods.

  And by proving it you mean it was never adopted or even finished, and
  it is actually not translating anything that can build Mozilla.
  Because if that's the case, I prove it too. It's made of air. I stock
  it in a jar, but it's at the bottom of a river at the moment.

It's one thing to throw stones.  It's another thing to actually
attempt it, and get pretty far to making it work.  Finish schminish.
I finished Chicken Scheme's build, to a professional level, and it got
thrown out anyways.  People either want to make something happen or
they don't.  There is no technical barrier to this, only a labor

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-02-28 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 12:11 AM, Sebastien BARRE
 At 2/29/2008 12:03 AM, Brandon Van Every wrote:

 You've got a deal. I'll make sure to swing by Bill's office tomorrow
 and remind him about his realization. Let me write that down. On a
 post-it or something.
 2 years break, that's a bargain Bill.
  On that note, be sure to include actually implementing Lua.

  Again: *deal*.
  February 29th, 2010 *precisely*.
  Special CMake/Lua day, the 29th.

Or No Deal.  2 years is a number you've inappropriately reused from an
unrelated context.  I'm willing to give Bill some time to think about
the undoability of CMake -- Lua translation.  Over time, his
position has moderated on Lua itself, so perhaps the same will happen
with regards to translation.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Removing cmake as a dependancy

2008-02-28 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 11:54 PM, Kevin Tucker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there an option in cmake for it to leave itself out of the
 projects/makefiles that it generates?

There is, but I don't know how much tire kicking it gets, nor have I
ever used it.  Someone who knows better can answer this one.  CMake is
definitely not designed around this case use, it's designed around
being part of the build.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-02-27 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 4:34 PM, Bill Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Also, backwards compatibility is something we take very seriously.  If
  someone picks CMake as a build tool, we have to respect that choice and
  try our best not to break that project. There are very large projects
  that have many lines of CMake code in them.  People have put a great
  deal of effort into creating those files.  If they don't have the time
  to re-write in a new language, I don't blame them.

This is why I think an automated translation tool, say from CMake
script -- Lua, is essential to a migration strategy.

 I also won't try to
  force them to do it, by obsoleting the current language.

I think if the automated translation tool had proven itself for a
couple of years, it would be perfectly reasonable to force people to
move on.  So there is still that 2 year window of supporting 2

 So, we might have two official languages someday, but no more than that.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Python installation files on linux

2008-02-27 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 1:32 PM, Cedric Pinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  i am new to cmake and i would like to use it to make a python module,
  but i don't know how to get the version of python installed on the

Such questions are specific to whatever tool you're trying to
determine the version of.  Sometimes you can get the version of a tool
by running a command on the command line.  In that case you
execute_process with whatever the tool requires and deal with the
output however you like.  You might, for instance, do a string(REGEX
REPLACE ...) on the output.  Sometimes the version of a tool is
contained in a .h file.  In that case you'd use try_compile and write
some C preprocessor commands to capture the output.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-02-27 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 5:37 PM, Bill Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Brandon Van Every wrote:
   I think if the automated translation tool had proven itself for a
   couple of years, it would be perfectly reasonable to force people to
   move on.  So there is still that 2 year window of supporting 2

  I have yet to see a auto-translate tool that works 100%.  I do not
  believe that they exist.  I guess there is f2c, but I am sure there are
  corner cases that fails on.

That's 2 cantankerous languages and a rather general problem domain.
CMake script is a rather limited language.  Not that hard to map it to

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-02-27 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 8:58 PM, Bill Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Brandon Van Every wrote:

   That's 2 cantankerous languages and a rather general problem domain.
   CMake script is a rather limited language.  Not that hard to map it to

  I don't know, I have heard about people using CMake for a general
  purpose language  :)

  I don't think I have any idea what every single project using CMake is
  doing with the language.

Only thing problematic I could see, is if someone's getting clever and
using CMake script to generate CMake script.  I think it would be
reasonable to make such people untangle their metaprogramming.

  It would be much safer and easier to continue
  to support it in the core of CMake.

It's 2x work to support CMake script and Lua indefinitely.

  I just don't believe that
  translation can work, and the fun part is that it can't even be proved
  that the translator works 100% of the time...

That's not a realistic concern though.  You will either decide to move
on to Lua or you won't.  Any amount of excuses can be invented if you
aren't willing.

That's how I lost the Chicken Scheme project BTW.  Lotsa excuses about
how the CMake build wasn't ready or was buggy for some reason,
even though it proved itself in the field for 6 months without any
real problems.  Certainly no more problems than anyone has with a
near-perfect build maintained in any language over the same time
period.  The Chicken Scheme author simply didn't want to get his hands
dirty with CMake.  He also tended to call every other piece of open
source software buggy, except for Chicken Scheme of course.

If I learned nothing else from that project, I learned about political
will.  There are technology problems and there are political problems.
 I can't solve those here.  I can only agitate in a certain direction,
point out what is possible, and knock down perceived barriers.  I hope
that in coming years you will consider the various technical merits
and demerits of Lua.  Perhaps someday, it will become your idea.  Then
you'll be more interested in automatic translation.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Re: Re: IF( ${VAR} ) behaviour

2008-02-25 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 10:16 AM, Mehdi Rabah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Me and a work friend ran into the same problem a few days ago. May I suggest
 to the admins to add a little note in the IF doc about this common mistake ?

Generally best to file such suggestions in the bug tracker as
{document, text} bugs, along with the exact words you think should be

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-02-25 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 2:06 PM, Alexander Neundorf

  After having seen some presentations at FOSDEM, I'm even more convinced that
  having only limited programming functionality available in build files is a
  good thing.

What in particular confirmed this opinion of yours?  I did not attend,
but I read the schedule and noticed there were presentations for both
CMake and SCons.  Was it something the lecturers said?  Audience

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-02-25 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 2:22 PM, Peter Kümmel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Then it is only possible to provide a C++ interface so that all the
  module stuff works behind the scene (behind the interface), using one
  scripting language only. And if a new module should go upstream it
  must use this language.

  But all official-shipped modules could be made accessible through the
  C++ interface, so that one still could call the generator functions
  from a other language.

So, anyone who doesn't like the official CMake language, would have no
incentive to contribute features to standard CMake.  This is a form of
community fragmentation.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Re: CMake and Lua

2008-02-25 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 2:50 PM, Rodolfo Schulz de Lima
 Alexander Neundorf escreveu:

  The build system should provide what you need without requiring that you
   actually need to program something.

  I think this statement is true regarding the most common building use
  cases. But the build system should not limit what you can do in more
  elaborate building situations, or turning it into a difficult and
  verbose task. Using a more powerful script language doesn't imply that
  the build script will be more complex. It can be quite the opposite, IMHO.

I'd like to see practical examples of such complexity requirements,
that get solved by more powerful scripting languages.  It seems this
kind of proposition is usually made in a vacuum, out of a theoretical
fear.  I've made some effort to get out there and try to understand
other build systems, but I'm too lazy to really really keep searching
for this.  I do know that every time I've asked so far, nobody's
offered it.  I hope I can goad someone into delivering the goods.  I'd
like to see a tangible demonstration of why the scripting technology

I've also concluded that for small to medium sized projects, of 100K
lines of code or less, the build system technology is irrelevant.
There's not enough of a build to worry about far-flung complexity
requirements.  Case in point: Chicken Scheme was a 70K LOC project.
It had complexity disproportionate to its size because it was a
bootstrapping compiler, with lotsa Scheme stuff driven by
add_custom_command.  Once the Chicken author got tired of having to
learn anything about CMake, and once I got tired of his attitude, what
did he do?  Dumped MSVC support, dumped CMake, dumped Autoconf, and
went back to handwritten Makefiles.  Pretty reasonable approach if you
don't care about MSVC.

From a complexity standpoint, I don't take the opinions of
small-to-medium sized projects seriously anymore.  They have a
perceived need to do anything imaginable, because they don't actually
know enough about build systems to know what's really required.
Small-to-medium sized projects are a documentation and marketing
problem, not a technical problem.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-02-25 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 3:14 PM, Peter Kümmel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Pau Garcia i Quiles wrote:
   One Language to rule them all, One Language to find them, One Language
   to bring them all and in the compiler bind them.

  Nice, but wasn't the One destroyed? ;)

Actually, all of the rings lost their power at that time.
Analogously, we'd forget about build systems and go into the West.

We could speculate about who's the Dark Lord.  By my demeanor I am
surely an Uruk-hai captain.  -)

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-02-25 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 5:14 PM, Alexander Neundorf
 On Monday 25 February 2008, Ken Martin wrote:

  OMG flame war Bring it!  :)

  How about: everybody should use Ruby, because all other languages suck ! ;-)

Ruby's license sucks.  The price of Ruby's nice language features is
that it's slow.  Anyways, if someone could explain to me why Rake
matters, I'd listen.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-02-25 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 5:15 PM, klaas.holwerda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ken Martin wrote:
   Which is why CMake has
   include, macro, foreach etc. which are all staples of a programming
  Right, much better to spend time on something else, and use Lua for all
  these things.

Historically, that would have been true, at CMake's beginning.  I
don't see why it is true now.  The Kitware team is experienced with
the CMake codebase and hasn't shown much evidence of employee
turnover.  I don't get the impression that they've spent tons of
energy adding the recent scoping and function support.  Seems like
their approach is cost-effective as compared to ripping everything up
to stick Lua in there.

  Add wxLua , and  the graphical interface becomes easy too.

I thought CMake had a wx frontend at some point.  If it didn't go
anywhere, it's from somebody's lack of follow-through, not a language
barrier.  Lotsa people do wx from C++.

 CMakeSetup is nice, but i can't organize options the way i want.

Customizing the GUI for your purposes doesn't benefit the
off-the-shelf CMake community.  If we try to teach everyone how to use
the standard GUI and you've done something completely different, then
depending on how different you made it, it might not be worth calling
it CMakeSetup.  On the other hand, if you are wishing for modest
customizations, put your specific ideas on the mailing list, see if
others agree, make a feature request, etc.  Such features do tend to
get done, if there's a clear case for how they benefit people and
they're doable.

  So would it be possible to make some hybrid kind of Cmake, which makes
  it possible to slowly migrate.

Sure.  You personally could make it right now.  Getting Kitware to
agree to some kind of future path and halfway house is a whole 'nother

I don't think such a migration can be slow.  The slower it is, the
longer everyone is overburdened with supporting 2 scripting languages.
 I think a migration needs a language translator, so that builds can
be migrated quickly to the new, preferred, standard language.  CMake
script -- Lua translation is certainly doable, but someone would have
to do it, and it would be real work.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-02-25 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 2:12 AM, James Mansion
 Ken Martin wrote:
   other's variables out of the box. But with the Modules directory we either
   have to have a copy of each module for every possible scripting language, 
   the fly converters between any two scripting languages, or something like
   that to make it work. Trying to figure out how to manage the mixed
  Surely the idea is that modules should be self contained: they expose
  data by registering
  it into the CMake core (possibly with callbacks) and interface to other
  modules through
  the core.  Modules can be in different languages without the issue you
  indicate (or,
  the modularity is poor and the binding too tight).

Seems like an invitation to polyglot development.  I regularly have to
read the contents of modules to find out what they do.  I suppose for
me personally, it wouldn't be a dealbreaker to have to read the raw
code of FindXXX in 7 different languages.  However, it would make it a
PITA to install and build CMake, with all the different languages that
would have to be present to facilitate it.  Not all systems are Linux,
it isn't a given that all the languages are packaged and nicely
pre-deployed.  I also suspect that the majority of developers would be
less forgiving about the scattered, haphazard quality of the
documentation that would inevitably result.

Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid said something like, better to know
1 kick well.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-02-24 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 8:03 AM, E. Wing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Apple introduced
  a second completely independent framework called Carbon, but they told
  people they should use Cocoa to get first-class looking applications.

Kitware + the CMake community do not have the resources of Apple.

  Cocoa is by far the superior framework, but many developers unfamiliar
  with NeXTSTEP or new to OS X refused to touch Cocoa because they
  didn't want to learn Objective-C.

Lua is significantly more popular than Objective-C even today.
Find me evidence of people who refuse to touch Lua.

Trying to please everyone by technical means will result in marginal
gains in popularity.  A marketing campaign would get a lot more bang
for the buck.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-02-24 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 12:36 PM, E. Wing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Again, you missed the point entirely. This isn't about Obj-C vs Lua or
  any other languge. The point was that by providing a language bridge,
  the whole language wars argument gets thrown out the window.

So are you going to write this framework for us, that makes all the
work of supporting multiple languages magically go away?

  People who want
  to use CMake (the project generator) should be able to decide for
  themselves what language they want to write in.

No they shouldn't.  They can pay for that kind of support.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-02-24 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 12:56 PM, E. Wing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2/24/08, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   So are you going to write this framework for us, that makes all the
   work of supporting multiple languages magically go away?

  If you bothered actually reading my comments, you might have noticed
  the paragraph where I said it's not immediately obvious how to
  refactor these things. But by finishing the Lua integration, I believe
  there is a chance this will become more clear, and one of two things
  will happen. 1) It becomes obvious how to refactor things so people
  can write their own language bridges. 2) It becomes obvious
  refactoring is not so easy, and the way to bridge is directly through
  the Lua runtime, similar to how Obj-C/Cocoa is bridged.

It's lotsa extra work to support lotsa extra languages.  We've all got
things to do, we're not made of time and money.  Selling people on a
Lua migration is difficult enough as it is.  Why don't you concentrate
on *that* agenda, before bothering with even loftier stuff?

People who want
to use CMake (the project generator) should be able to decide for
themselves what language they want to write in.
   No they shouldn't. They can pay for that kind of support.

  That's a nonsensical statement to me.

The point is, they can either implement the multi-language support
themselves, or pay people to implement it for them.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake and Lua

2008-02-23 Thread Brandon Van Every
Hopefully other people will spend time debating the merits / demerits
of this, as people have gotten sick of hearing me talk about CMake and
Lua as of late.  I'm happy that my irritance has caused people to
continue to discuss the possibilities, however.  I will make one

On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 6:20 AM, Peter Kümmel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If only this is done, nothing is won. But with this layout,
  it would be much easer to use other scripting languages.
  With this architecture you don't have to definitely exclude all
  other scripting languages when choosing Lua as additional new

I am not seeing the merit of trying to support multiple scripting
languages.  This fragments CMake into many sub-language communities.
Who would handle all the inevitable bugs?  It's many times the work of
maintaining a quality implementation with 1 scripting language.  It
wouldn't get handled, so CMake's reputation would suffer because the
Python implementation isn't so good or whatever.  How do I advise
someone who's using a different language?  I can't just show them
working code, I can't just tell them to file a bug report with a
trivial reproducer.  I have to understand their language, or tell them
how to abstractly solve the problem, or just punt.  Not all
scripting languages have nice licenses.  For instance, Ruby has a
somewhat onerous Artistic License, compared to CMake's BSD license.
Most of the languages other than Lua are somewhat bloated, both in
terms of execution size and speed.

In short, I do not see value in trying to be all things to all people.
 That's an expensive way to do business.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Get the drive from a path

2008-02-21 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 6:51 PM, Neal Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On windows I need a way to get a drive letter from a path.  Does
  anybody have any tricks for doing this?

Not a trick: string(REGEX MATCH ...)

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] FindXXX, XXXConfig and UseXXX

2008-02-18 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Feb 18, 2008 3:34 PM, Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 XXXConfig.cmake should ...

 FindXXX.cmake shoud ...

 UseXXX.cmake should set include directories, libraries, compiler and linker
 flags, etc, based on the settings defined in a XXXConfig.cmake that must has
 been processed already.

I've yet to use any of the current UseXXX modules.  I looked at the
source for one of them.  All they're doing aside from the usual
FindXXX stuff is defining some macros, which you can choose to call or
not call.  I don't see a point in breaking all this functionality up
into 3 different include files.  1 is fine; you choose to call
whatever macros you want to call.

 XXX users would load XXX in their own programs via:


 if ( XXX_FOUND )

   include( ${XXX_USE_FILE} )


What's wrong with:


Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Re: function and raise_scope commands (+ unset bug)

2008-02-17 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Feb 16, 2008 3:48 PM, Alexander Neundorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Any opinion whether RAISE_SCOPE/PARENT_SCOPE should propagate to the parent
 directory if it's used outside a function ?

What if I do want a variable to propagate up through nested
functions functions, but I don't want any such functions to be passing
info up to a parent directory?  Function scopes and directory scopes
strike me as being orthogonal concepts.  I think it's a very bad idea
to be overloading orthogonal concepts.  It creates corner cases that
frustrate users, and it's not very much like what C/C++ programmers
are used to.  I want scope in CMake, but I don't want it introduced in
such a way that it causes people to hate and curse the language.

PARENT_DIR would be an appropriate keyword if you want to assign
values that the parent directory picks up.  It's much more
self-documenting.  It could be a keyword in addition to PARENT_SCOPE.

I have to admit, PARENT_SCOPE nomenclature bugs me.  I don't know of
any mainstream programming language that explicitly asks me to think
about scope when setting a variable.  It has an extremely clunky
feeling to it.  Even if it turns out to be practical, CMake script
does have an image problem.  Keywords that don't exacerbate it would
be better.  I can't quite think of what PARENT_SCOPE really means to
do, if parent directories are taken out of the equation.  Maybe
because it's almost 5 am.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] Re: function and raise_scope commands (+ unset bug)

2008-02-17 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Feb 17, 2008 6:01 AM, Pau Garcia i Quiles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As a reminder, here comes the nomenclature in Ruby:

 Scope   Prefix   Example
 -   --   ---
 global variable $$global
 instance variable   @@instance
 local variable  lowercase or _   local
 class variable  @@   @@class_var

Could be viable.  Notice that none of your descriptions use the word
'scope', nor do they talk about parents.  Well when I'm more awake
I'll think about the wordsmithing.  I keep wanting to work the word
'call' or 'caller' in somehow.  If you're altering the caller's variables,
why not talk about the caller?

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] [PATCH] add docbook support for cmake documentation

2008-02-17 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Feb 17, 2008 2:13 PM, Alexander Neundorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 attached you can find a patch against current cmake cvs which adds support for
 generating the documentation as docbook file.

Interesting.  I started going up a learning curve recently about
technical documentation formats, thinking about what would allow for
incremental documentation of CMake in the real world.  I found a nice
chart of different formats available.
The main competition to docbook seems to be Darwin Information Typing
Architecture (DITA).  They're the new kid on the block, which probably
has advantages and disadvantages.  They're interested in modular reuse
of documenation, but I'm not sure yet if that translates to easier
incremental development for open source communities.  There seems to
be a whole industry of massaging industrial documents, i.e. people
make money at this.  Indeed there's some moaning from the docbook side
about DITA consultants selling new bells and whistles and whatnot.
:-)  Anyways, the consultant talk does make me realize that there are
cultural problems with getting people to write docs, even when people
are paid to write docs (unlike here).  Here's a semi-illuminating
article on docbook vs. DITA.  If nothing else you
should read it just to understand what docbook thinks it's on about.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] can't build CMake CVS

2008-02-15 Thread Brandon Van Every
Windows Vista, with the free VC8 compiler, using CMake 2.4.8 as the
build tool, trying to build CMake CVS I get:

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol wchar_t * __stdcall
_com_util::ConvertStringToBSTR(char const *)
([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) referenced in function
public: __thiscall _bstr_t::Data_t::Data_t(char const *)

Windows Vista, with the free VC8 compiler, using CMake 2.4.8 as the
build tool, building CMake 2.4.8 works fine.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake Feature list

2008-02-15 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 10:36 AM, Sylvain Benner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I am sure I have left stuff out.  Please edit the wiki or send me an
   email with any cool features that you think are missing from the list.
  The script ability of CMake may be worth to be added to the list of
  cool features.
  Something like complete scripting language.

  It's a feature I'm using a lot to do some additional stuffs based on the
  bunch of information provided by the CMakeLists.txt.

Guys, guys, read the list and add it yourselves!  It's a wiki.  We
don't need discussion here.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] can't build CMake CVS

2008-02-15 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 11:04 AM, David Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you comment out (or remove) the line:

 #define HAVE_COMDEF_H

 ...from the top of CMake/Source/cmCallVisualStudioMacro.cxx, does the
 problem go away?

Yes, that cured it.  Is this a Vista-specific issue?

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] can't build CMake CVS

2008-02-15 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 12:02 PM, David Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No. It could be a free VC8 without the Windows SDK issue, though.

I have a Windows SDK... hm, wait!  On Vista I have *two* SDKs, the
current one and an older one for Windows Server 2003 R2.  I was using
the latter to build Mozilla, it doesn't build with the current SDK.
Well, that project is over, so I suppose I should realign my system to

 Have you built anything else that would require linking in the Windows SDK

CMake 2.4.8 builds CMake 2.4.8 just fine.  Is comutil.h new to CMake
CVS?  If so, I bet it won't build with a Windows Server 2003 R2 SDK
and free VC8.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake Feature list

2008-02-15 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 12:32 PM, Bill Hoffman
 Brandon Van Every wrote:
   On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 9:59 AM, Bill Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I think the feature list is already adequate as a
   pitch.  It can be improved, but by putting it front and center in
   people's minds, it is likely to improve faster.
  Actually, I made it a bit obscure because I was hoping to flesh it out
  before putting it at the top of the wiki.   I guess the list is OK as

It is, considering the quality of the rest of the wiki.

 The problem is there are so many little things that cmake does
  automatically that actually have lots of work behind them that people
  don't realize.

I do agree that getting people to focus on what the *build tool* does,
rather than all the bitching and moaning about syntax corner cases, is
a good strategy.  The syntax corner cases are a real problem, and they
do need good documentation to resolve the problem.  But people
shopping for build tools focus on them way too much.  They know
languages and they don't know build systems.  They don't have that
much of an idea what they're gonna need out of a build tool, or how
far ahead CMake is compared to other tools.

 Eventually, I will move the list or parts of it from the
  wiki to the main web page.

Better to just keep the list where it is, and copy the best points to
the main web page.  On a main web page, you have limited time to make
your pitch.  The pitch shouldn't be everything and the kitchen sink.
 Or if you are going to do a kitchen sink feature comparo, it should
be in a professional looking table of columns with bullets and
checkboxes and nice managerial looking stuff.

Another presentation format is author's top 10 cool features, such
as in this VS .NET article:
But that would imply an ecology of people writing articles about CMake
on a regular basis.

  Another reason we might not want it at the
  top yet is that I am listing CVS  features as well as 2.4 stuff.

Be a good marketer.  List them anyways.  You're pretty close to CMake
2.6, you're not exactly fleecing people to be doing so.  How are they
gonna know?  Let 'em download it and do an eval.  If they come up
short and squawk on the mailing list, that's perfect, you can jump to
their rescue.  If they come up short and never touch the mailing list,
that's a different problem.  One that I don't think is solved by any
number of feature lists.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake Feature list

2008-02-15 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 9:59 AM, Bill Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is really important (good idea Bill) so I linked it as the 1st
item under Primary Resources.  In other words, almost the very 1st
thing you'd look at on the wiki.  I figure, rather than expecting
people to just download CMake and start playing with it, it would be a
good idea to give them a feature list, so that they become interested
and actually download.  I also redrafted the introductory statement to
sound more confident and professional.  It would be good to sort the
list as time goes on.  An unsorted list will do for now, but we don't
need to be calling attention to the fact that it's unsorted, that
sounds amateurish.  I think the feature list is already adequate as a
pitch.  It can be improved, but by putting it front and center in
people's minds, it is likely to improve faster.

The intro now explicitly directs people to extend the list.  I hope
you all can live up to the standard of enumerating features that make
CMake a joy to program with.  :-)  That word joy is certainly a
two-edged sword, but I suggest we keep it for now and see it as the
mission statement.  Can we craft a feature list that actually
justifies and validates the use of the word joy?  That appears
professional and not a pile of self-inflated malarky?  Even if some
cantankerous yet well-informed soul takes issue with the word in the
sense of, Oh JOY (not), the feedback can only stimulate the CMake
community and increase CMake's notoriety.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] @MY_VAR@ are replaced by empty string !

2008-02-13 Thread Brandon Van Every
2008/2/13 Martin Lütken [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  It's seems impossible to contruct a string containing something like this:
  @MY_VAR@. The whole thing gets replaced by an empty string regardless
 whether the MY_VAR variable is set or not.

Well, I'm not sure I've resolved your bug, but I found a bug.  If a
cmake -P myscript contains a configure_file and attempts to execute
it, it dies with a bizarre error about CMake not being built
correctly.  The cmake -P docs do say that a script executed in this
manner does not have any configuration step or cache.  However, it's
not reasonable for it to die with the error it's giving.  I've filed
bug cmake -P crashes on

Are you using cmake -P or a CMakeLists.txt?

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list


2008-02-13 Thread Brandon Van Every
2008/2/13 Malhotra, Anupam [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Please notice that $(IntDir) is automatically changed to $(IntDir) in the
 actual post build setup. Can anyone please tell me if this is a bug in

Looks like a bug to me.  File it.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Quoting, spaces in include paths, CMake input files generation, life, the universe and everything.

2008-02-12 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Feb 12, 2008 11:25 AM, Nicolas Tisserand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 According to:

Yeah, my lousy stub of a FAQ entry.  Well, I've filed bug Document core syntax in a
chapter format.  I suggested the idea of reusing info from the
current edition of Mastering CMake, but that suggestion has not been
favorably received.

 I first tried to be creative and played around various levels of
 quoting, before or after the Use*.cmake file configurations, without
 I also tried the ESCAPE_QUOTES option of the CONFIGURE_FILE function.
 No luck either.

 I now need some world class CMake guru wisdom...
 Any thoughts?

I hypothesize that when configure_file is performed, the single
backslashes that escape the whitespace are lost.  \  turns into  .
 If you were to string(REPLACE \\  out ${in}) for all your
paths before performing the configure_file, I think you would solve
the problem.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] Mozilla and automatic Autoconf + GMake translation

2008-02-12 Thread Brandon Van Every
Mozilla has made public the code I worked on for them.  It is an
incomplete Autoconf + GMake -- CMake translator.  It was designed to
translate the stuff that appears in Mozilla's 400MB source code tree.
It hasn't been tested against their entire tree, only the against the
largest, worst files in their tree.  It is possible that the
translator may work on non-Mozilla code.  I'm willing to advise anyone
who wants to try to get the code working for their own purposes.  Bear
in mind, Mozilla holds copyright on this work, not me, as it was a
Work For Hire.  Mozilla has not put a license on the code, they just
made it publicly available.  So if you do choose to use it, be advised
that Mozilla may exert a license other than public domain for it.

I do not know if Mozilla is still interested in migrating to a CMake
build system.  I was unable to complete it for them.  Volunteer open
source developers could probably complete it, however.  The translator
is a big step in the right direction for tackling such a large build

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Problem in ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND

2008-02-11 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Feb 8, 2008 6:35 AM, Sylvain Benner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  SET(CMAKE_COMMAND copy \${vpcl_path}\ \${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}\)
 I think you have forgot the ARGS argument

ARGS is old school.  Not necessary anymore.

I think someone forgot to convert the paths to native Windows paths.
Use file(TO_NATIVE_PATH path result)

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Wee question about CMake developer etiquette

2008-02-10 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Feb 10, 2008 3:05 AM, Sebastien BARRE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If, as I suspect, somebody is
 posing as a CMake developer and acting in an unprofessional manner,
 then you should point out the problem (and culprit) to us.

It was me.  Can't say I've ever ticked people off on a mailing list,
been called to account by 1 person in private, resolved that with a
degree of politeness, let the thread die, and then had that person
follow me around the internet to other venues.  Kien-Hong Man, I don't
speak for CMake, I speak for myself.  If I ever used the word we, I
meant the CMake community.  In context it was probably appropriate.
You are showing an unwillingness to agree to disagree, and you are
forgetting your own statement that I mean well.  Do you mean well?

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Wee question about CMake developer etiquette

2008-02-10 Thread Brandon Van Every
I apologized on the Lua list.
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Wee question about CMake developer etiquette

2008-02-10 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Feb 10, 2008 10:54 PM, KHMan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Brandon's postings certainly gave me the impression
 that he was partly in charge in some manner.

As I said previously, I do not speak for CMake.  I understand why you
had the impression: I speak forcefully, I currently value CMake over
Lua, I spend too much time arguing the merits and demerits of build
systems rather than discussing Lua, I'm capable of zealously, and I
used the word we at least once to indicate that I am a part of the
CMake community.  I apologized for my zealousy, particularly with
respect to hobbyists, whose contributions to Open Source I have
undervalued.  None of this, however, makes me a Kitware developer, and
I have never claimed to be such.  You are very protective of your Lua
community.  You are also aware that I am not the only source of flames
in that community.  I think you need to accept that in an open source
culture, people will debate issues and they will disagree with each
other.  Sometimes in flaming fashion.

 Thus, someone who is
 under the impression that a CMake lead developer did jump into a
 public mailing list of another project and said the things he did,
 would be extremely concerned about whether the CMake project is
 led by good leaders or not.

For the record, Bill Hoffman is a political saint.  You could never
have a man with more diplomatic aplomb.

 Moreover, CMake is led by a company and is a project of
 which I have heard a lot of good things about so far, so this
 episode is even more unusual and shocking in that sense.

I do not know what the right strategy is for promoting CMake.  I am
not skilled at making people feel good about things, and I find
discussion of CMake vs. Premake vs. Bou very, very frustrating.
Premake and Bou are both Lua-based.  They eschew CMake, and they
eschew each other!  One of the ongoing conundrums of Open Source is
the duplication of work.  The most famous split is probably GNU Emacs
vs. XEmacs, it was very bitter.  It is probably premature to condemn
Premake and Bou as hopeless cases of Not Invented Here.  It is
probably better to look at them as experiments.  Lately I've been
trying to learn about such experiments, to see if they're smarter than
we (the CMake community) are.  I am encouraged that at least in some
Open Source communities, authors of similar tools sometimes do combine
efforts to make a better, single tool.  This has happened with JRake
and Raven, 2 build tools inspired by Ruby's Rake build tool.

 So Brandon explaining his behaviour with the phrase I mean well
 is immaterial.

It was your explanation, not mine.  I agreed with your explanation.  I
think your choice of words is material.  You have also sought to
explain me as Machiavellian.  I acquiesced to that explanation in
order to bring peace.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] converting VS projects to CMake

2008-02-09 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Feb 9, 2008 6:43 AM, Sylvain Benner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 First of all I want to clarify some points:
 I talk only about large scaled development projects

I think large scale projects are the only ones worth going after.
Medium-to-small projects, like 100K LOC or less, don't need enough of
a build system to be especially committed to CMake.  They'll drop
stuff on a whim, due to laziness or a change of project members.
Large projects need ongoing stability, it's not easy to replace the

  What do you mean by framework?
 A framework is all the stuff which is not just a conversion of a project
 file (vcproj, makefile, or whatever) to a working CMakeLists.txt. This
 stuff drives all the CMakeLists files which cannot live otherwise.
 Converting this kind of stuff hiding in a vcproj file is impossible to do.

I'm not sure what you mean.  Are you talking about stuff that's
destined to become an add_custom_command?

 For big projects with dozens and dozens of project files, the issue is:
 it will not work 100% for me and I don't want to search for the xx%
 that does not work.

You may not want to, but for any build system conversion, you have to.
 To me, the goal of a preliminary translation + cost estimation
framework, would be to clearly demarcate what does and doesn't work.
Probably best to give some stats on that too.  X% translated.  Also
the translation framework has to allow for incremental progress.
Like, I've got an 80% translation, and to bring it up to 83%, I add
several functions that fire off in a pipeline.

 My advice for somebody who needs to convert a big scaled project running
 on MSVC:
 Focus on CMake, don't cut the learning steps and start with the
 beginning is a lot more valuable. Eventually use/write/script some basic
 export tools to help you in your process.

Training and mastery is often perceived as taking too long though.  I
think CMake would be a lot better off if it could say, Hey presto
here are some results!  Enough to make people realize that their
conversion isn't hopeless and imponderable, that all they really have
to do is dive in and clean up the translation output.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] converting VS projects to CMake

2008-02-09 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Feb 9, 2008 7:32 AM, Sylvain Benner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Training and mastery is often perceived as taking too long though.  I
  think CMake would be a lot better off if it could say, Hey presto
  here are some results!  Enough to make people realize that their
  conversion isn't hopeless and imponderable, that all they really have
  to do is dive in and clean up the translation output.
 That's a good point, it can be a tool for training and learning CMake
 but if the converted projects files does not work it can also be

And if you do everything by manual labor and you run out of time and
budget, that's unmotivated.  Enough with the unmotivated.  Let's get
motivated!  CMake's Killer App would be a build conversion evaluator
that gives hope to the project, and incrementally leads to a full
translation.  That is the vision.  Do you want to help with that or do
you want to leave me to figure it out?

 Maybe it is better to talk about an export tool instead of a conversion
 tool. Conversion implies it should work after conversion, if it does not
 work I probably delete this tool from my system.

Expert tool, conversion tool, slick nonsense marketing campaign,
brilliant whitepaper, I don't care.  Whatever works.  I take all
preferred technical terms under advisement.  Do you understand what
I'm getting at?  You've been around the block with a ponderous build,
surely you've got an inventory of ideas about how these behemoths go,
how you could better present the job to the client, and how you could
better manage the risk of it succeeding or failing.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] converting VS projects to CMake

2008-02-08 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Feb 8, 2008 11:30 AM, Jesper Eskilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Brandon Van Every wrote:
  Someone asked me the other day why CMake doesn't do this.  I thought I
  gave him a reasonable answer, that it would be painful to do, and that
  CMake -- native is a much easier problem than native -- CMake.  But
  I said I would ask here for other people's opinions on it.  I have
  experience converting a large Autoconf + GMake project to CMake.  At
  the time I used piles upon piles of regular expressions.  I can think
  of more sophisticated ways to do the parsing and translation.  But no
  matter what technology is chosen, it's a lot of work.  I'm sure the
  same would be true for MSVC, plus MSVC changes its format every few
  years.  Does MSVC pose any other special difficulties, other than
  sheer mind-numbingness of translation?

 Having written a naive ruby-script which does little more than just
 extract the source files for you, there a number of difficulties. For

 - Handling post/pre-build commands.
 - Handling file-specific options/settings.

 Getting to 95% is probably doable with a lot of (mind-numbing) work,
 getting to 100% is probably impossible. There is always another
 pathological case one wouldn't be able to handle.

Recently I tried to tame an Autoconf + GMake build that had a 400MB
monster of a source tree.  I got close.  I was able to conquer nearly
all syntactic problems for that particular source pool, but I ran out
of time to deal with the semantics.  For instance, there was a lot of
tweaky stuff done on the CC and CXX variables.  This is contrary to
the CMake model, where the compiler is frozen when you select a
generator.  There were some other semantic issues; Autoconf, GMake,
and CMake have a lot of semantic similarities, but there are some
differences that require extra work to redo.  I'm sure it's similar
with MSVC; in fact I wonder if it's a lot worse with MSVC.

I believe that for large projects, the conversion strategy needs to
assume that it'll be unable to automagically translate everything.  It
would be better to present a report of what's converted and what still
needs to be converted.  This would help greatly in estimating the
manual labor of projects.  I don't think I'd try to estimate a large
conversion project again without such a tool.

I have some interest in developing an open source framework for such a
tool, maybe call it the BaseParse project or some such.  I'm
ambivalent about trying to develop fullblown translation tools for
free.  It's exceedingly labor intensive, which means it's exceedingly
expensive, which means I gotta eat and I don't like working for months
and months for free.  But perhaps a common framework that deals with
some really basic capabilities, that all consultants and would-be
CMake initiates could start from, would be of value for spreading
CMake.  It would be very helpful if we could tell the world how easy
or difficult their build conversions are likely to be.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] converting VS projects to CMake

2008-02-08 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Feb 8, 2008 1:14 PM, Sylvain Benner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A convertion tool to CMake is not doable for large projects, because
 large projects need a framework to be viable. So migrating to CMake
 implies making or migrating to a new framework. A conversion tool
 could provide you with working CMakeLists.txt but you will lack a
 framework around them.

What do you mean by framework?  To me this is just a word.  I don't
understand what you're saying a big project has to have.  The project
I worked on was monolithic.  Not how I would have done it, but the
project evolved historically and that's what it was.

 Moreover, using a conversion tool means learn to use it which can be a
 big overhead for big projects since you have to fully understand:
 -how to use it correctly
 -what the conversion tool does
 -why it does it like this
 -why it does not do what you expect
 -what you need to do differently to suit your internal restriction

Big projects are work no matter what.  What's your alternative, write
everything from scratch so you don't have to learn anything?  Makes
no sense.  I wrote a tool that was potentially capable of translating
all the thousands of's in the source tree to
CMakeList.txt.  Some of them had non-trivial amounts of build targets
in them that required elaborate re-chaining of dependencies.  So what
if they aren't perfect for your needs or you had to learn something
about how Autoconf + GMake differs from CMake?  You have to learn some
CMake no matter what and the tools are doing 95% of the work for you.

 All this to say that conversion tools for source files or other easy
 tasks are enough.

Ok, so you're on record as having your doubts and thinking this
wouldn't work for you.  I suppose that's a data point and dealing with
skepticism is an issue.  Anyone else feel more bullish about this?
Otherwise I guess it's not an open source problem.  More a case of if
I want it done right, I'll have to do it myself.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] converting VS projects to CMake

2008-02-08 Thread Brandon Van Every
Someone asked me the other day why CMake doesn't do this.  I thought I
gave him a reasonable answer, that it would be painful to do, and that
CMake -- native is a much easier problem than native -- CMake.  But
I said I would ask here for other people's opinions on it.  I have
experience converting a large Autoconf + GMake project to CMake.  At
the time I used piles upon piles of regular expressions.  I can think
of more sophisticated ways to do the parsing and translation.  But no
matter what technology is chosen, it's a lot of work.  I'm sure the
same would be true for MSVC, plus MSVC changes its format every few
years.  Does MSVC pose any other special difficulties, other than
sheer mind-numbingness of translation?

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Multiple toolchains in one CMakeList?

2008-02-05 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Feb 5, 2008 2:15 PM, Hendrik Sattler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Am Dienstag 05 Februar 2008 schrieb Brandon Van Every:

  On Feb 5, 2008 11:08 AM, Hendrik Sattler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Quoting Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
On Feb 5, 2008 10:05 AM, John Spray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If I were invoking a second CMake, would I be able to make the host
CMake aware of the second as a dependency?
Sure.  add_custom_command, add_custom_target.  The subsidiary CMake
would have to actually output something.  You'd have to know what that
output is going to be, and how to invoke the build.
   Or a new command
   which does automate that by forgetting about most cmake settings but
   targets. Example: compiling a firmware code with a cross-compiler, then
   converting that binary into a .c file and including that into a
   binary: two compiler chains and one add_custom_command.
   It would restrict to using a separate subdirectory for the different
   toolchain (else it is probably not complex enough).
  What's wrong with doing things the usual way?  I'm not seeing a reason
  to hide the standard mechanisms for calling external tools.  CMake can
  be an external tool, there's nothing wrong with that.

 You don't get the target in the calling cmake environment. You actually loose
 every feature of cmake regarding the connection between the two instances :-(
 Or at least it gets freaky complicated to achieve the same features.

Aren't you over-dramatizing?  You aren't going to get that many CMake
features anyways because you're doing non-standard linking.  You'll be
creating your own configure.h anyways.  make mytarget is a trivial
custom command.  The real source of complication is how to call Visual
Studio on the command line.  For build tools other than make and VS,
who cares?  Those 2 tools cover 90% of what people will want to use in
the real world.  If you want to add Watcom or Borland support or
whatever, fine, add if(WATCOM) or whatever when you need to.  This is
a small amount of work compared to implementing a luxurious fully
integrated version in CMake itself.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] 4th Edition CMake book now in stock

2008-02-05 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Feb 5, 2008 4:28 PM, Alan W. Irwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I looked at that site, and there was no mention of an electronic (PDF)
 version.  I far prefer that format since it is friendlier to trees, takes up
 no space in my office, is much easier to search, and I can adjust the size
 of the text when my eyes get tired.

Here's to dead trees!  They rest my eyes, they carry to any physical
location I wish.  Truth be told, I'm not interested in the book as a
reference, but rather to see what to recommend to CMake newbies.

 If you are concerned with short-term money rather than long-term promotion
 of CMake and the potential money that might come from that, then you will
 probably want to distribute an electronic version of your book with reduced
 user freedom. I think such a restricted version would be acceptable so long
 as at minimum the user was free to make backup copies for their own use.

My opinion is that Kitware doesn't need to provide the entire book in
an easily pirated medium.  I do think they need to freely give away
enough documentation to serve as a basic language syntax and command
reference.  I have filed on this
issue.  A CMake newbie needs enough free documentation to become an
intermediate user.  After that, they can choose to RTFM, grep sources,
read mailing list archives, or buy books.  I don't think they need to
get everything that anyone would ever write about CMake for free.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] 4th Edition CMake book now in stock

2008-02-05 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Feb 5, 2008 6:49 PM, Alan W. Irwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2008-02-05 17:08-0500 Brandon Van Every wrote:

  On Feb 5, 2008 4:28 PM, Alan W. Irwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I looked at that site, and there was no mention of an electronic (PDF)
  version.  I far prefer that format since it is friendlier to trees, takes 
  no space in my office, is much easier to search, and I can adjust the size
  of the text when my eyes get tired.
  Here's to dead trees!  They rest my eyes, they carry to any physical
  location I wish.

 Brandon, I can visualize you strongly arguing for the quill pen when the
 first printing presses came out.  :-)

Absolutely, just as I would today.  I usually design things using pen,
paper, and an engineering notebook.  This is the original laptop, it
goes anywhere and allows me to visualize anything with instant
feedback.  Letter setting would have been *extremely* tedious back in
the day by comparison.  The advantage of letter setting is economy of
scale for reproduction, not ease of initial drafting.  It is only
fairly recently that I used the computer as any kind of a prototyping
tool, mostly for CMake code snippets.  I have contemplated using
computer diagramming tools for all the mathematical things I devise,
but that's only useful if I actually need to evaluate them.  Usually
when I get bogged down into thinking I need to evaluate some equation,
I end up saying, ok, I'm overthinking this, I should either write some
code or *assume* there's an answer rather than wearing myself out
trying to pin down the exact answer.  Then the problem tends to go
away because I have some more pressing priority.  If I get into the
business of making money on math, then I'll reconsider.

I also paint and have felt no affinity for digital tools.  I think
that's because nobody has commodified a tablet computer.

  My opinion is that Kitware doesn't need to provide the entire book in
  an easily pirated medium.

 Please think of what real piracy implies (rape, murder, looting, slavery)
 before using the term so casually.

Piracy is a technical term that everyone in the software industry is
familiar with, and that most consumers are now familiar with as well,
thanks to their something-for-nothing habits with MP3s, DVDs, and

 Of course, Hollywood and the RIAA likes
 to use such overblown terms for use of any of their products in any way they
 don't like (whether legal or not),

Hardly.  Those are new kids on the block.  People talked about
software piracy back in the days of my Atari 800, in 1981.  That's why
all those Infocom text adventure games had sliding puzzle wheels and
look at page 3 of the manual and collectible wizard cards and
whatnot.  It is far too late for you to reinterpret the commonly
accepted term piracy according to some kind of cockamany PC

And while you're reinterpreting stuff, you might take a historical
look at piracy vs. privateering.  Where do you think pirates came
from?  From the Brits deciding they didn't need the privateers
anymore, that's where.

 but that doesn't mean you have to ape their misuse of the language.

Throw out the entire computer lexicon while you're at it then.  Or
rather: don't teach your Grandma how to suck eggs.  That said, I think
you're older than me, so maybe: [...] your Grandson [...] ?

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Running shell scripts...

2008-02-03 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Feb 3, 2008 7:16 PM, Benjamen R. Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wrote a bash shell script to get the SVN global revision information
 (e-mail me privately if you want a copy) to put into a header file under
 POSIX systems. The script is located at ${CMAKE_ROOT}; however, I am
 having difficulty getting it to appear in the Makefile. Below is the
 syntax from top-most CMakeLists.txt:

 IF (WIN32)
 # Execute Win32 Specific commands - none yet.
 # Execute commands for other platforms
 COMMENT Creates/updates header SVN Revision Header

Otherwise an out of source build fails.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Win32 Executable.

2008-02-01 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Feb 1, 2008 8:14 AM, Surya Kiran Gullapalli
 Hi all,
 I'm building a win32 application, and for that I wanted to build the
 application as console application in debug mode and win32 application
 in release mode.

 ADD_EXECUTABLE takes care of /subsystem:windows or /subsystem:console
 flag, depends on whether or not you provide WIN32 flag to

 I switch between debug and release builds quite often. It is very
 inconvenient to modify the add_executable call every now and then. Is
 there any way i can specify the appropriate flags at once (like we do
 TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES with debug and optimized flags).?

With a little swizzling from the CMake Useful Variables you could do:

# set this early on
set(wingui WIN32)

# use this style for all add_executable calls
add_executable(foo ${wingui} blah.c etc.c)

Brandon Van Every

 CMake mailing list

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Unexpected behavior testing boolean expressions

2008-01-31 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 30, 2008 9:53 PM, Alan W. Irwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My guess is YES, etc., are being interpreted
 as (undefined) variable names

Yep, that's exactly what's happening.  The macro expands to things
like if(YES) and the variable YES has not been defined.  A month or so
ago I made a feature request to define TRUE and FALSE as constants.  I've now made a note that
perhaps YES, NO, ON, and OFF should be defined as constants as well.
I don't believe Y and N should be defined as constants.  Frankly I
think they should be removed as true/false values.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Unneeded escaping: how to stop it?

2008-01-30 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 30, 2008 10:38 AM, Steven Van Ingelgem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just thought that the COMMAND would be executed as is, and that
 VERBATIM meant there is no escaping... Hence my confusion

The docs say, If VERBATIM is given then all the arguments to the
commands will be passed exactly as specified no matter the build tool
used. Note that one level of escapes is still used by the CMake
language processor before ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET even sees the arguments.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list


2008-01-29 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 29, 2008 12:26 AM, Yogesh Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 All I want is the ability to change default values for CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE and
 CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, i.e. if the user configures with only cmake ..

 If the user want it, these options should be changeable by supplying

 Can you help me now, please. ;)

The archives have tons on this.  Maybe too much.

I do recall that on MSVC the default CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is Debug and
we're stuck with it.  Has to do with MSVC innards, many minds threw
energy at the problem, there was no known solution.  Unless the latest
greatest MSVC is doing something different.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] $ENV usage and documentation

2008-01-29 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 28, 2008 9:31 PM, Bill Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 a small focused patch for documentation will be addressed much quicker
 than a large complicated patch.

I will also say, documents have been getting fixed lately without
patches, if the new text is trivial.  Generally I just give the 1..2
sentences necessary, and someone else goes through the bother of
getting it into the docs.  I think that's as it should be, since for
such small changes, constructing and applying patches is useless
overhead for all parties.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Including existing make files into cmake

2008-01-29 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 29, 2008 8:18 AM, Ali - [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 (1) Somewhere in this file the include line for the existing make file is

 (2) Somewhere in the compile command all the flags from the existing make
 file, stored in one single variable $(EXISTING_MAKE_FLAGS), is added.

 The above works fine, the only pain is that I have to edit the build.make
 file every time I re-run the cmake command. The question is, how can this be
 automated by cmake commands?

string(REGEX REPLACE ...)

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Unneeded escaping: how to stop it?

2008-01-28 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 28, 2008 1:44 AM, Steven Van Ingelgem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It didn't help very much though :S

 Now I get:
 COMMAND if [ ! -e TEST ]; then echo ok  echo 2  echo test; fi
 if [ ! -e TEST ]; then echo ok  echo \test\; /dev/null fi

 So clearly the first case was better :)

Could you please provide a trivial reproducer script using VERBATIM?
I can't follow the e-mail threads of what you're actually having a
problem with, you've skipped around from command to command to
command.  By trivial I mean 1 line of mis-translating text, not a
dump of whatever project you're working on.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] $ENV usage and documentation

2008-01-28 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 28, 2008 12:16 AM, Alan W. Irwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2008-01-27 22:28-0500 Brandon Van Every wrote:

  On Jan 27, 2008 8:34 PM, Alan W. Irwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would like to be able to read arbitrary environment variables from within
  cmake.  The 2.4.8 documentation only refers to $ENV once as $ENV{PATH} in
  an extremely narrow context (the TO_CMAKE_PATH signature of the FILE 
  However, when I tried, e.g.,
  it seemed to work.  Is this usage supported in general?
  As far as I know.  You can test all these things out with trivial
  scripts to prove that they work or don't work.

 Yes, that is exactly what I have done, but the question remains is this some
 side effect that might be removed later or is the code meant to work that
 way, i.e., is it a supported use?

As far as I know or can remember.  You could check the mailing list
archives and the CMake sources for verification.  Quick grep of ENV in
.cmake files should reveal exactly what's used in practice.

  It would be best if you file a (documentation, text) bug report for
  this.  Preferably with the wordsmithing you think should be used, and
  where it should be used, based on what you have determined works
  properly.  I've been doing this for various documentation
  embellishments in recent months, and they are getting acted upon and

 Well, it does sound like you have been successful with that approach so I
 may adopt it, but generally I am quite hesitant to go through formal bug
 reporting for stuff that can be fixed much faster than the time spent on bug
 triage. IOW, I hope CMake developers read this list and when they see small
 issues reported they fix it immediately rather than fooling around with bug
 reports, assigning somebody to deal with it, etc.

But the more you ask them to do, like ask them to perform the
wordsmithing themselves, the less easy it is to drop what they're
doing and immediately fix the problem.  Hence the stickiness of the
bug tracker.  Also, isn't it unreasonable to expect them to drop what
they're doing to handle your priorities immediately?  The bug tracker
has severity and priority settings; this is at best a severity=minor,
priority=normal issue.  I'm sure you can appreciate that people have
lots of other things to do.  Like I said, these documentation issues
are actually getting fixed lately when I file them (thanks especially
to Alex), so please respect Kitware's process and work with them.

 Finally, there is no
 point in me suggesting new documentation wording when questions like the
 above are still outstanding.

I would simply assume that all the permutations of $ENV{x} ENV{x} ENV
x that you've seen are supported in their various contexts.  Do the
wordsmithing to say, This is what's going on, in the appropriate
contexts.  You're talking about ~3 permutations; if 1 of 'em turns out
to be unsupported, so what?  It's not that much work on your part or
much text lost.  The person who works on the doc changes will take
that into account, and possibly open a new bug to change actual code.
I don't see why you're so against bug triage except for response time.
 I've said that response time is acceptable lately, and otherwise,
having a conversation in the bug tracker is like having a conversation
on the mailing list.  Only it's sticky, more usable, and isn't
forgotten as easily.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list


2008-01-28 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 28, 2008 12:31 PM, Yogesh Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 set (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release)

Please see for info
on this variable.


I agree with the other poster that you should not set this unless you
have an exceptionally good reason to.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] $ENV usage and documentation

2008-01-27 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 27, 2008 8:34 PM, Alan W. Irwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to be able to read arbitrary environment variables from within
 cmake.  The 2.4.8 documentation only refers to $ENV once as $ENV{PATH} in
 an extremely narrow context (the TO_CMAKE_PATH signature of the FILE command).
 However, when I tried, e.g.,


 it seemed to work.  Is this usage supported in general?

As far as I know.  You can test all these things out with trivial
scripts to prove that they work or don't work.

 The current documentation has a number of different references to ENV.
 It refers to


 one place (in a narrow context as noted above),

 ENV var

 several places, but in extremely specific contexts (which I presume could be
 replaced by $ENV{var})



 in one place (an example showing how to use SET to write
 the PATH environment variable).

 Please document $ENV for reading and ENV for writing arbitrary environment
 variables in at least the CVS version.  A logical place for this general
 documentation might be the SET command since as noted above that already
 gives an example for writing the PATH environment variable.

It would be best if you file a (documentation, text) bug report for
this.  Preferably with the wordsmithing you think should be used, and
where it should be used, based on what you have determined works
properly.  I've been doing this for various documentation
embellishments in recent months, and they are getting acted upon and

One gotcha about set(ENV{var} blah) is that it only sets the CMake
configuration environment.  It doesn't exist in the build environment,
as CMake is gone and we're not running under CMake's choice of shell
anymore.  This gotcha should also be noted in the set() docs.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Unneeded escaping: how to stop it?

2008-01-27 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 27, 2008 9:20 PM, Steven Van Ingelgem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm working on a SLES10.

 I have an add_custom_command with in it's command:

 LDFLAGS=-L${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib -ldl ./configure ...etc...

 Now if I go and check the configure log, I see that the LDFLAGS are
 interpreted as -L${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib\ -ldl (watch the escaping
 of the   (space)).

Did you try VERBATIM?

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMake 2.4.5 errors on code which works fine in 2.4.7

2008-01-24 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 24, 2008 2:50 PM, Andreas Pakulat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Any ideas how to solve this (besides upgrading cmake)?


Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Why SET() not support regular expression ?

2008-01-23 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 23, 2008 3:51 PM, pepone. onrez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Maybe a macro can call cmake for only this part that need to be regenerated,
 in this way if the macro detects thats a glob has changed it can recreate
 rules that´s depends upon this GLOB, Only and idea what you think about

file(GLOB var pattern) simply outputs a variable var.  So you are
talking about determining arbitrary program execution based on the
value of the var.  In practice I don't see how you'd cleanly separate

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] VS makefiles

2008-01-23 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 23, 2008 4:58 PM, Steven Van Ingelgem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was wondering why there are no VS makefiles? (run like nmake -f 

If you're looking for nmake support, that is there.
If you're looking for VS support of Makefiles, VS 6.0 was the last
version to support them.  Since none of the more recent VS versions
understand Makefiles, it makes sense that the capability is not
supported for the rather old VS 6.0 generator.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Re: Custom build step

2008-01-21 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 21, 2008 6:16 AM, pepone. onrez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 SET ( COPY_FILE cp -v )

Better: ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy
Type cmake -E for details of OS portable commands.

Your example build fails on Cygwin with the same problem.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Re: Custom build step

2008-01-21 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 21, 2008 7:40 AM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 21, 2008 6:16 AM, pepone. onrez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  SET ( COPY_FILE cp -v )

 Better: ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy
 Type cmake -E for details of OS portable commands.

 Your example build fails on Cygwin with the same problem.

Ok, here's the essence of what your code does.  In the future when
providing a trivial reproducer for a problem, it would be best to
strip it down to this level.  One very simple CMakeLists.txt, no
subdirectories, no long variable names, no extraneous stuff.  To the
degree that you can, of course.

SET(f0 sample.g)
STRING( REGEX REPLACE \\.g .cpp f1 ${f0} )

COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different
COMMENT step 1)

OUTPUT ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/generated/${f1}
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different
${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${f1} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/generated/${f1}
COMMENT step 2)

add_library (mylib SHARED ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/generated/${f1} )

This fails because add_library only understands target level
dependencies.  add_custom_command only generates file level
dependencies.  To make a target level dependency, you'd have to wrap
the last add_custom_command with an add_custom_target(blah DEPENDS
${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/generated/${f1}), then ADD_DEPENDENCIES(mylib
DEPENDS blah).

add_library would have understood the dependency just fine, if it were
not generated.  Question: why couldn't add_library look for generated
files as well as non-generated files?

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Re: Custom build step

2008-01-21 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 21, 2008 8:39 AM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  then ADD_DEPENDENCIES(mylib DEPENDS blah).

Er, add_dependencies(mylib blah).

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Re: Custom build step

2008-01-19 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 19, 2008 11:50 AM, pepone. onrez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Case 2 - i don`t see that Cmake generated any rule for the second commands.

Did you grep all the files in the generated CMake tree?  Perhaps they
were output to a different file.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Re: Custom build step

2008-01-19 Thread Brandon Van Every
I'm going to take a wild guess that one of your variables is emitting
extra quotes or open parentheses or something, such that the 2nd
ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND gratuitously disappears.  Suggest you message() all
your variables to see what they are, and also write a small test case
that simulates the behavior you're trying to implement, without all
the fancy extra logic.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Re: add_custom_command dependencies in an auxiliary variable

2008-01-18 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 18, 2008 4:59 AM, Rodolfo Lima [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Brandon Van Every escreveu:

  The dependencies of an add_custom_command are completely under your
  control anyways.  You specify them.  Why don't you just re-specify
  them in your command?

 It's a bit burdensome when the dependencies exceed the count of 10 or
 20. Ok, I could create them in a variable and use it,

That's the usual way to do it.

 but I'd like to mimic the gnu-make behavior.

Why?  Just because you know it?  That's not a good reason to put it
into CMake, if CMake can already accomplish the same thing.  Commands
like $^ are cryptic.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] adding static library when building static library

2008-01-18 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 18, 2008 1:50 PM, Brandon Van Every [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Check the FAQ and the mailing list archives for more info on this issue.

Sorry, the FAQ doesn't have any clear statement on the static lib
inside a static lib issue.  It does talk about so-called
convenience libraries a bit.  Your best resource is the mailing list

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] add_custom_command as target

2008-01-17 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 17, 2008 5:10 AM, Gonzalo Garramuño [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a way to create an add_custom_target that tracks dependencies?
   Or an add_custom_command that will act as a target (without needlessly
 being added to add_executable, etc).

To get the effect of that, you wrap your add_custom_command with an

add_custom_command(OUTPUT blah ...)
add_custom_target(mytarget DEPENDS blah ...)

Admittedly this is inelegant, but it works.  I have no idea how much
work it would be to remove the distinction between file level and
target level dependencies.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] add_custom_command as target

2008-01-17 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 17, 2008 7:46 AM, Gonzalo Garramuño [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That feature is, however, undocumented.  Neither of the add_custom_* nor
 the wiki has any mention of this or the possibility of add_custom_target
 being able to take a custom command.

Not true.  add_custom_target says, Dependencies listed with the
DEPENDS argument may reference files and outputs of custom commands
created with ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] add_custom_command dependencies in an auxiliary variable

2008-01-17 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 17, 2008 9:15 PM, Rodolfo Lima [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I wonder if it's possible to add_custom_command create a temporary
 variable which contents are all dependencies of the custom command. This
 could be used if one command shall contain all dependencies in its
 command line. gnu make does that with $^ (i think). Something similar
 with the output file name would be good (like $@ in gnu-make).

The dependencies of an add_custom_command are completely under your
control anyways.  You specify them.  Why don't you just re-specify
them in your command?

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] My dammed problem with OSX and Qt

2008-01-16 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 16, 2008 12:16 PM, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 without any problem. Howeber, when I try to compile the project in OSX, I can
 compile the libs, one exec but it fails with the first plugin. I have
 isolated the problem in this:

 Linking CXX shared library libpluginregistrodeiva.dylib
 Undefined symbols:

 I don't have any special consideration with the OSX platform (CMake is
 wonderfull, isn't it?) but it fails in this. It seems that the compiler, when
 link the plugin try to find anything that doesn't find (in linux it finds...)

I wonder if this is the Apple linker always prefers dynamic libs
problem.  Search the mailing list archives for that.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] My dammed problem with OSX and Qt

2008-01-16 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 16, 2008 12:45 PM, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A Dimecres 16 Gener 2008, Brandon Van Every va escriure:
  I wonder if this is the Apple linker always prefers dynamic libs
  problem.  Search the mailing list archives for that.

 I have this:

 add_library(${plugin} SHARED ${plugin_SRC} ${plugin_MOC_SRCS}
 ${plugin_UIS_H} ${plugin_SRCS} ${plugin_MOCS})

Well, if you're only using shared libs and no static libs, then I have
guessed wrongly about your problem.

 I don't know what are your reffering to search in the mailing list because I
 have done some search without any interesting result.

If you do have any static libs in your build, then try the keywords
Apple shared static depreciated.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Patch to apply! Changing the default nameCMakeLists.txt! Introduction to Common Build System

2008-01-15 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 15, 2008 7:03 AM, Martin Lutken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Simple example from my actual codebase. CBS (Common Build System) makefiles
 for zlib and libpng, which depends on zlib (install stuff not included):

 --- ---
 ADD_SOURCE_FILE ( adler32.c )
 ADD_SOURCE_FILE ( compress.c)
 ADD_SOURCE_FILE ( inffast.c )

Why do I want ADD_SOURCE_FILE?  In CMake I just do:
SET(mysources adler32.c compress.c inffast.c)
ADD_LIBRARY(mysharedlib SHARED ${mysources})
ADD_LIBRARY(mystaticlib STATIC ${mysources})

 --- ---

Why do I want ADD_DEPENDS_ON?  In CMake I just do:

 Note the ADD_DEPENDS_ON ( z ) for png. This single line takes care of all
 needed includes, linkdirs/libraries etc. thats neeeded to compile and link

From your description, I don't understand what this is doing extra.

 In the (in time hopefully rare) cases where you depend on external libraries

CMake's TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES doesn't care if you hand it external
link libraries or internal library target names.  It just deals with
them.  Why do you need a 2nd command?

 In case you need to add defines you can do


 --- Main configuration file ---
 Lastly I should mention some of the cool stuff you can do in the main
 configuration file, by this example from (again from my actual codebase):

 SET ( z_USE SYSTEM   ) # Use system version (currently not Windows)

So you are implementing cross-compiling support?  CMake CVS has that.

 SET ( png_USE   BUILD) # Build from sources in this project

CMake can do this, but it has to be handled by the consumers of the
png library, not the png library itself.
  TARGET_LINK_LIBRARY(mylib myzlib)

 SET ( bz2_USE   PREBUILT ) # Prebuilt (with CBS) from othter source tree.

I don't have a lot of experience with using CMake builds that wrap
other CMake builds.  CMake does have mechanisms for 3rd party builds.

 SET ( z_LINK_TYPE STATIC  ) # Build/use zlib static event though current
 default for project as a whole is to make shared libs/DLLs.

CMake already has that.  ADD_LIBRARY(mylibname [SHARED | STATIC |
MODULE] blah blah blah) where the stuff in [ ] is optional.

 Well hope that gave you an impression of what it is.

I'm unclear.  What is the strategic purpose of CBS?

Are you trying to do CMake projects, but at what you consider to be a
higher level of abstraction than CMake provides?  If so, then it's
probably worth going over each of those features above individually.
Some of them, I think CMake does just fine already.  Others, perhaps
you have a more elegant approach.  But community buy-in is important
here.  Nobody's looking for new things to learn, unless there are
clear benefits.  One of the biggest detriments I see in adding new,
supposedly better ways of doing the same thing, is that CMake is
already woefully under-documented as is.  So it really should do a
different or clearly better thing, not just a variation on the thing.
It's way easier for CMake developers to function as a community when
they're all speaking the same language.

Are you trying to make it possible to generate CMake projects, or
other build tool projects (SCons?  Ant?) using a common build tool?
If so, that's already what CMake is trying to do.  We don't want a
common build tool, we think we are the common build tool.  We would
want a generator for SCons or Ant or whatever.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Patch to apply! Changing the default nameCMakeLists.txt! Introduction to Common Build System

2008-01-15 Thread Brandon Van Every
On Jan 15, 2008 11:46 AM, Andreas Pakulat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 15.01.08 11:37:12, Brandon Van Every wrote:
  I'm unclear.  What is the strategic purpose of CBS?

 If I understood correctly, the purpose is to (at some point) build
 foobar, including all deps completely with cbs.

But is it a higher level CMake variant, or is it a completely new
build tool that sees CMake as merely 1 of many possible output

 To me this totally
 sounds like Gentoo with cmake files as emerge replacement.

I'm reading and I don't understand
how CMake could serve as an Emerge replacement.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

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