Re: [CMake] error executing script with cmake -P

2019-10-17 Thread Tom Finegan via CMake
On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 2:14 AM Edoardo Pasca  wrote:

> Hi Tom,
> I thought ${testdata} was going to be filled in by the actual
> patch_script.cmake at this line.

Sorry, some nasty formatting in my email client had me misreading your
script. My advice is mainly based on this error:

  CMake Error at build/patch_script.cmake:3 (string):
string sub-command REPLACE requires at least four arguments

Looking at this line:
string(REPLACE \"sys.prefix\" \"os.environ[\\\'SIRF_INSTALL_PATH\\\']\"
patched \${testdata})

The most likely possible reason for that error being reported by CMake is
that ${testdata} is not defined when that line of script is executed. What
does line 3 of patch_script.cmake look like immediately after the error
message is output? My guess is that it looks something like this:

  string(REPLACE "sys.prefix" "os.environ[\'SIRF_INSTALL_PATH\']" patched )

As you'll notice REPLACE is only receiving 3 args in the above version.

Also note: I don't think you need to escape the single quotes in the
os.environ argument (unless they must be escaped in the final output).
Basic toy scripts here show it as unnecessary unless they must be escaped
in the patched file.

>  So it appears that this command doesn't quite work.
> I'll try also Alan's suggestion.
> Thanks
> Edo
> On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 7:00 PM Tom Finegan  wrote:
>> It looks like you aren't passing the $testdata variable down to the
>> script. From your message it looks like you need to add the following to
>> -Dtestdata=${testdata}
>> You must explicitly pass $testdata (and any other variables defined in
>> the calling script) to patch_script.cmake via -D parameters on the command
>> line. Also note that the -Dvar=value args must precede the -P 

Re: [CMake] error executing script with cmake -P

2019-10-15 Thread Tom Finegan via CMake
It looks like you aren't passing the $testdata variable down to the script.
>From your message it looks like you need to add the following to your


You must explicitly pass $testdata (and any other variables defined in the
calling script) to patch_script.cmake via -D parameters on the command
line. Also note that the -Dvar=value args must precede the -P 

Re: [CMake] Trouble with CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS not honored

2019-06-05 Thread Tom Finegan via CMake
On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 9:29 AM Bryan Christ  wrote:

> Tom,
> I'll give that a try.  Can that variable be changed after project() is
> called?

Yes, you should be able to change it at any point in your CMake script(s).

Remember that CMAKE__LINKER_FLAGS will effect all targets.
Restricting your settings changes to the targets for which they are
intended is usually better than touching variables like
CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS.  You may have better results using
target_link_libraries() to set your flags.

> On Tue, Jun 4, 2019 at 5:24 PM Tom Finegan  wrote:
>> I think you want CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS:
>> You can also use target_link_libraries to pass linker flags:
>> On Tue, Jun 4, 2019 at 1:12 PM Bryan Christ 
>> wrote:
>>> For building my project on Linux with gcc I set the following.
>>> -Wl,--no-as-needed")
>>> Later, if, the system appears to be OSX, I change it:
>>> if ("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" STREQUAL "Darwin")
>>> set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-Wl,-undefined -Wl,dynamic_lookup")
>>> set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH /usr/local/opt/ncurses)
>>> endif()
>>> However, when creating the shared object, linking fails.  The flags are
>>> not being passed to clang as expected.  When I dive into
>>> CMakeFile/vterm-shared.dir/link.txt I confirm that the wrong flags are
>>> there.
>>> What am I doing wrong?
>>> --
>>> Bryan
>>> <><
>>> --
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> --
> Bryan
> <><

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Re: [CMake] Trouble with CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS not honored

2019-06-04 Thread Tom Finegan via CMake

You can also use target_link_libraries to pass linker flags:

On Tue, Jun 4, 2019 at 1:12 PM Bryan Christ  wrote:

> For building my project on Linux with gcc I set the following.
> Later, if, the system appears to be OSX, I change it:
> set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-Wl,-undefined -Wl,dynamic_lookup")
> set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH /usr/local/opt/ncurses)
> endif()
> However, when creating the shared object, linking fails.  The flags are
> not being passed to clang as expected.  When I dive into
> CMakeFile/vterm-shared.dir/link.txt I confirm that the wrong flags are
> there.
> What am I doing wrong?
> --
> Bryan
> <><
> --
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Re: [CMake] The Xcode generator and ASM_NASM support

2018-10-03 Thread Tom Finegan via CMake
On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 10:29 AM Gregor Jasny  wrote:

> Hello,
> On 10/3/18 6:08 PM, Tom Finegan via CMake wrote:
> > I'm trying to get rid of some local CMake scripting for building assembly
> > with nasm and yasm, but I'm running into a problem with the Xcode
> generator.
> >
> > For the make and ninja generators, everything is fine-- nasm and yasm are
> > both working as expected.
> >

This works fine with Visual Studio as well.

> > The same is not true for Xcode. When building a target that includes
> > assembly files Xcode outputs the warnings like the following during its
> > "Check dependencies" step:
> >
> > warning: no rule to process file  of type sourcecode for
> > architecture x86_64
> If the Xcode included nasm and the default Xcode flags are good enough
> for you you might get away with:
> set_source_files_properties(${yasm_file} PROPERTIES
>XCODE_EXPLICIT_FILE_TYPE "sourcecode.nasm")
This has no impact on Xcode's behavior at build time; I see the same
warning each time Xcode encounters a .asm file. I can see that the property
is actually set on the .asm files, so it is at least doing something. Just
not quite enough. :)

> Otherwise I had to create a add_custom_command for every file and
> pointed to a shell script that based on all architectures found in ARCHS
> ran yasm and in the end called lipo to create the final fat .o file.

Indeed. I use add_custom_command() and then add the objects into a
dependent target. I was hoping to drop the script that was doing the work.
Oh well.

Just in case, here's the util macro I'm using to do the work-- maybe
someone can spot something silly I've missed:

macro(add_asm_object_library target dependent_target sources)
  if("${${sources}}" STREQUAL "")
message(FATAL_ERROR "--- add_asm_object_library: empty source list.")

  add_library(${target} OBJECT ${${sources}})
  target_sources(${dependent_target} PRIVATE $)


# Include path handling in nasm is broken. If the trailing slash is
# nasm cannot find includes. Explicitly add the necessary include paths
# trailing slashes.
target_compile_options(${target} PRIVATE "-I${AOM_ROOT}/"

set_source_files_properties(${${sources}} PROPERTIES
XCODE_EXPLICIT_FILE_TYPE "sourcecode.nasm")

  list(APPEND AOM_LIB_TARGETS ${target})

> Hope that helps,
> -Gregor

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[CMake] The Xcode generator and ASM_NASM support

2018-10-03 Thread Tom Finegan via CMake
I'm trying to get rid of some local CMake scripting for building assembly
with nasm and yasm, but I'm running into a problem with the Xcode generator.

For the make and ninja generators, everything is fine-- nasm and yasm are
both working as expected.

The same is not true for Xcode. When building a target that includes
assembly files Xcode outputs the warnings like the following during its
"Check dependencies" step:

warning: no rule to process file  of type sourcecode for
architecture x86_64

This is with CMake v3.12.1, but I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with
CMake version. Is there an extra step necessary to get this working with
the Xcode generator? I would like to get rid of the extra cmake scripting
that handles assembly in the project I'm working on. I have tried the

1) Building an object library with the assembly sources.
2) Building a  static library with the assembly sources.
3) Adding the assembly sources to an existing library target.

All attempts produce an Xcode project that outputs the warning noted above,
and then fails to build because of link errors or missing object files
(depending on the method used).

Thanks for any advice,

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